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Parking Lot Showdown

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Offline Attaguy

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Parking Lot Showdown
« on: October 22, 2024, 12:39:52 AM »
Karen's high heeled sandals clicked as she hurried across the dark mall parking lot. She had been stuck at work and barely made it to the mall before they closed. But she had made it just in time and now had Billy's birthday present, an expensive blue golf shirt in hand. Karen was a very attractive 25 year old with should length brown hair. She stood 5 foot 8 and had a firm sexy body which she kept in shape from hours at the gym or on the track. The guys, her boyfriend Billy in particular, loved her toned legs and d cup breasts. She was a friendly easy going woman and wore a sweater vest that showed of her taught abs and a short denim skirt that showed off her muscular legs.

The parking lot was dark and nearly empty and as she approached her car, which was near a panel van and another car, she came to a stop. Leaning against her car was a tall blonde in torn jeans and a white tank top. Karen recognized her, it was that bitch Daralyn from the health club, Billy's ex girlfriend. Karen started walking again, cautiously, thinking 'this is going to be trouble.'

"Well, well, well," purred Daralyn in her sexy Texas drawl, a smug smile on her face, "I didn't think you were ever going to come out of that mall."

"What do want Daralyn? And where do you get off leaning on my car?" said Karen disdainfully.

Daralyn kept her place and crossed her arms across her tank top which was filled out nicely by her c cup boobs. "I think its time that we had a little girl talk about Billy," she said, her long blonde hair cascading around her shoulders. The woman was 3 years older than Karen and even Karen had to admit she was gorgeous, something Daralyn was also aware of and used to her advantage every chance she got.

"There nothing to talk about, Billy was done with you and your two-timing before we even started dating. He's done with you,” said Karen and now it was her turn to smile smugly, she put down her bag and purse, and put her hands on her hips.

Daralyn scowled and came off the car and took a couple of steps toward Karen. She moved with the languid grace of a dancer. Karen had heard that the blonde had been a stripper back in Dallas when she was younger, this was hardly surprising to Karen who felt that Daralyn had all the morals of an alley cat. Nevertheless, Karen eyed her cautiously, she'd heard several stories of Daralyn laying down savage beatings of women who had crossed her. Even Billy said she'd given him a black eye during their final argument that preceded their breakup.

The smile returned to Daralyn's face. "I've been thinking," she began, "maybe I was too harsh on Billy. After all, we were quite a couple, and we had some really really great sex." She purred the last few words in a way that made Karen's blood boil.

Karen's eyes narrow. "Listen you," she said, "Billy's through with you. You ran around on him and spent his money. You treated him like crap and he doesn't want anything to do with you. Got it?"

Daralyn held her smile which only made Karen angrier. "Oh I'm sure I might have made a mistake or two but thats all behind us now. I know I can make Billy understand once we're alone,' she said and bit her lower lip provocatively letting Karen know how she planned on persuading Billy.

Karen took a step toward her. Now they were practically nose-to-nose. "You stay the hell away from him. We both know that the only reason you want him back is because you can't have him. Even if you were able to get him back you'd just go back to treating him like shit. So stay the hell away from him," Karen demanded.

Daralyns smile faded only slightly and her eyes opened innocently. "Or what?"

"Or I will make you very very sorry," snarled Karen.

Daralyn took a step back and looked Karen up and down. "And how exactly do you intend to do that?" she laughed.

There was no denying that Daralyn was very very fit. Karen had seen her in the health club and on the beach. Her 5-9 frame was very fit and the tank top she wore tied in a knot beneath her breasts, showed off her firm abs and toned shoulders. Karen, who was quite proud of her own physique couldn't deny that she’d been impressed with what she’d seen. But she was not about to be intimidated.

"Listen you slut. You stay the hell away from him of I will kick your trailer park ass all the way back to Texas," Karen seethed.

Daralyn's smile faded into a scowl as her eyes narrowed. "What did you call me?" Daralyn hissed.

Karen thought that she may have pushed a little too far but this bitch was asking for it. "I just called you what you are. A slu…"


The blow seemed to come from nowhere as Daralyn slapped Karen hard across the face snapping her head to the side. When Karen turned to face her she was met with a backhanded slap to the face that sent her crashing hard into the side of the panel van. Daralyn was on her in a flash, burying her hands in Karens brown hair and driving a knee to her firm abs. Karen grunted and Daralyn threw her to the side by the hair.

Karen staggered back maintaining her footing and looked up to see the smiling blonde approaching her. "I was really hoping you'd react like this" said Daralyn, "I've been wanting to kick your prissy ass ever since you took up with Billy." Daralyn's left leg lashed out and her foot slammed into Karens side. Karen winced and then Daralyn’s right foot drove into her other side. Karen clutched her side and took a half a step back as Daralyn drove a karate kick into her taught abs driving the air from her and doubling her over. Daralyn was right on her grabbing two fists full of hair and driving her knee up to slam into Karen's forehead.


Karen saw stars as the blow straightened her up and sent her crashing to her back hard. Head spinning she rolled to her hands and knees only to be sent back to her back with a vicious kick to the ribs. Karens winced from the pain but her eyes fluttered open just in time to see Daralyn's raised foot ready to slam down on her belly. Karen caught the foot just in time, twisted it and pushed with all her might sending the off balance blonde slamming back first into the side of Karens car.

Karen rolled to her feet just in time to face a charging Daralyn who threw a right handed punch at Karen's head. Karen got her arm up to block the punch. Then Daralyn threw a left at Karen's head which the brunette also blocked. Karen countered with a right left combo of her own which connected snapping the blonde's head side to side and sent her staggering back. Karen moved after her and grabbed a knot of long blonde hair in her left hand and pulled Daralyn toward her.

"I bet you thought I’d never been in a fight, didn't you?" Karen snarled, "well you thought wrong bitch!"

With that Karen began to slam right after right into Daralyn's belly and tits driving the air from her and driving her to her toes. Karen used her hair hold to keep Daralyns head down leaving her to swipe at Karens head with punches that Karen deftly evaded. Daralyn suddenly found herself getting rag-dolled and Karen's relentless punches finally drove the groaning Texan to her knees.

With her hand still tangled in the blonde mane Karen screamed, "Have you had enough bitch?? Have you…"

Karen's voice was cut off as Daralyn slammed a right handed uppercut up between her legs. Then a left slammed into her mound that sent Karen to her toes. The blonde reared her right fist back and drove it into Karens belly just below the navel, driving the remaining air from her and doubling her over. Daralyn came surging up, her shoulder burying in Karens belly, her long legs pumping lifting Karen up and sending them both crashing onto the hood of Karen's car.

Daralyn straddled the gasping Karen, grabbed two fistfuls of hair and bounced her head off the hood of the car. BAM BAM BAM. Karens eyes rolled up in a daze and Daralyn ripped open her vest, the buttons flying, and baring her big tits.

"Forget about Billy bitch," Daralyn hissed, when I'm through with ya no guy will even want to look at you." She then sank her sharp nails deep into Karen's tits, her powerful hands twisting them back and forth. Karens shrieks echoed across the empty parking lot as she writhed and kicked beneath the grinning blonde who gleefully twisted and clawed Karens beautiful breasts.

But the pain revived Karen bringing her out of her stupor. She knew she had to do something fast or the crazy bitch would ruin her. Her first instinct was to maul Daralyns tits right back but, despite her head spinning from the beating she was taking, she quickly realized that the flimsily protection Daralyns tee shirt offered and the blondes superior position were enough to guarantee she wasn't about to win a tit fight with her. Instead, her left hand found the bottom of Daralyn's tank top. Karen jerked up hard pulling the shirt up over Daralyn's head. This had the effect of blinding Daralyn and removing her claws from Karen's tits as the shirt pulled her arms up over the blonde's head. Karen didn't waste a moment to enjoy the relief she felt from getting those sharp claw off of her tits, instead she balled up her right hand and fired right after right into the blonde's head and face through the shirt; each blow connecting with a satisfying smack. Daralyn was getting her clock cleaned and was desperate to escape but Karen used the shirt to hold her in place and kept blasting her with head shots until the shirt finally ripped allowing Daralyn to crash to the asphalt.

Karen staggered up rubbing her fist which was sore from all the abuse she'd heaped on Daralyn who now lay on the ground before her moaning and clutching her head, her long legs spread open. Then Karen looked down at her own chest. Her eyes opened wide in horror as she saw the deep red welts rising on her beautiful breasts.

"You fucking bitch!!” shrieked Karen, "look what you did to my tits!!"

Karen reared her right leg back and slammed it with everything she had between Daralyn's legs. The blow landed solidly and Daralyn squealed as her body convulsed as if being hit with an electric charge. The blonde clutched her stricken pussy with both hands as she teetered on the edge of consciousness. Karen, consumed with rage, dropped down hard on Daralyn, straddling her and trapping her arms beneath Karen's firm ass.

"Now lets how you like it you dirty bitch!' screamed Karen as she sank her claws into Daralyn's firm bare breasts and mauled away in a fury. Daralyn howled and her body bucked frantically as Karen paid Daralyn back with interest, clawing and twisting her tits. Just when the blonde thought it couldn't get any worse, Karen went to work on her nipples with her sharp nails. Daralyn's shrieks went up a couple of octaves and her bucking became more violent trying to throw the brunette off, but Karen used her grip on the blondes tits to hold her position and bore down even harder. With her arms trapped, Daralyn was helpless, her struggles slowly weakened and she finally sobbed her surrender.

"No more! no more!” she wailed, "you win, you win, pleeeeease, you're killing me!!!"

Karen loosened her grip on Daralyn's tits. "Do you promise to stay away from Billy and me?" Karen snarled. When Daralyn hesitated, Karen sank her nails deep into her tits and gave them a twist.

Daralyn's response was immediate. "Yes! Yes! I promise! I'll never come near you or Billy again! I swear! Now please stop hurting me."

Karen let go of Daralyn's tits and looked down considering the sobbing blonde beneath her. "Alright, I ought to keep beating your ass for what you did to me but as along as you stay away from me and Billy, that'll do."

Karen staggered up as Daralyn curled into a sobbing ball cradling her mangled tits. 'That arrogant bitch pushed me to the edge and now look at her' thought Karen knowing full well that it would have gone much worse for her if she hadn't come back and thoroughly destroyed Daralyn.

"There's just one more thing," said Karen as she reached down to grab Daralyn by the hair to pull her up on rubbery legs.

"What….???" muttered Daralyn.

"I just want to give something so you don't forget your little promise."

"I won't forget." whined the blonde in protest as Karen jerked her around by the hair to face the van.

"Well let's make sure of that," said Karen and with that ran the mewling blonde head first into the side of the van with a sickening thud. Daralyn's body went limp and Karen let if fall in a heap on the asphalt.

Karen took a moment to admire her handiwork and then went over to the shopping bag and took Billy’s birthday shirt out of it. She put the shirt on pulling it gingerly over her ravaged breasts. Then she reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. She went back over to the wreckage that was Daralyn and took a picture of her. 'This picture and the story behind it is going to be a way better birthday present than any old shirt' thought Karen.

Karen got in her car, smiling with satisfaction, and drove off into the night.


Offline maturepair

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Re: Parking Lot Showdown
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2024, 01:30:30 AM »
Mature people trying to keep the fun alive.


Offline IRISH

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Re: Parking Lot Showdown
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2024, 04:52:51 AM »
A blast from the past!



Offline Attaguy

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Re: Parking Lot Showdown
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2024, 03:16:15 PM »
A blast from the past!


Yes, indeed. Glad you remembered it. You might also remember that your girl McDougal was the inspiration for the Karen character


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Parking Lot Showdown
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2024, 10:08:22 PM »
A blast from the past!


Yes, indeed. Glad you remembered it. You might also remember that your girl McDougal was the inspiration for the Karen character
Nice touch! Grrrreat story!