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Full Circle

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Offline presenterfan

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Full Circle
« on: November 25, 2024, 01:13:10 PM »
This is for the thoughts of the more senior members.   In the late 1950s when my age was still a single digit the ominous signs that I had an obsession with girls fighting emerged.   The sight of two girls glaring at each other and interlocking fingers and then arms flying while the girl tried the impossible task of releasing their own hands without letting go of their opponents.  Once released that may have been enough to satisfy the ruffled girls.   If it went further it was usually mutual hair pulling resulting in both ladies bent at the waist with heads together negotiating a simultaneous  release.  Again an honourable draw.  One girl getting astride her opponent and pinning her would signal an unquestioned victory.
All innocent stuff and I still hate to see a female hurt as a result of mutual combat. These spats excited my mind lang before they were able to excite me physically.   In those distant days it was very difficult to witness these clashes. Schools in England segregated boys and girls and they had seperate play grounds.  Any clashes in the 15 minute  break (morning and afternoon) or the extended lunch break would take place away from male eyes.  In desperation I even tried my hand as a promoter, encouraging girls in the neighbourhood to get to grips.  One told her mother who informed her that ‘’It isn’t ladylike to fight”.   So ended my promoting career.
Until I moved to London in my early 20s, I felt I was alone in being aroused by girls fighting or wrestling.  Claws and Fighting Girls Monthly mags said otherwise.  Enter the internet, and also the proliferation of companies producing women’s wrestling tapes.  An even greater invention was the mobile phone complete with camera.   This gem allows people to witness fights they could never have dreamed of watching in great quantities.  So many fights that you can actually choose the type of fights that thrills you.  This interest is a broad church. I like girls fighting like girls and no blood.   To each his own.
I think it’s true to say a fight between girls doesn’t carry the social stigma it once did.  Whether there are more fights now than there used to be, who knows?   However, many sites seemed to rid themselves of  the many wresting matches that were once available.  Now I’m informed that many more sites are banning fights.  How many have been posted on here and almost immediately taken down.
Perhaps this interest has come full circle and once again girl fights will be things of fantasy.  Any thoughts?

« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 11:11:51 PM by presenterfan »


Offline suhmann

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2024, 05:42:14 PM »
I think women's fights have always been and will always be. There is some kind of pattern in the world that ladies should not fight, but miracles, as soon as it comes to this, women in a fight do such things that men are very far from it. You can write an entire article here.If you answer the last question, there are more fights, plus, as already mentioned, there are cameras in phones. Then, with each generation, women become more independent, aggressive, they train massively where men used to be mostly. And even more - many clubs have ladies coaches.(I also have a female bjj coach). And they are more demanding and responsible. Then there were always women's fights at any big parties or discos, and massive ones, especially in the late 80s and 90s.There were also a lot of fights in summer camps, the ladies from the village always came to the dance at the end of each week, and many guys quietly met with them in their free time and vice versa, the girls from the camp met with the village guys. And there were many moments of jealousy and fights. The guys and even the camp staff also fought against the guys from the village. But the women's fights were the most epic. As a lover of this business, I always waited there for Saturday and Sunday evenings. Then, in the two thousandth, near-football topics began, girly ultras brigades appeared. My sister fought as part of one. And they constantly went to the forest or forest park to train. And when the team they were rooting for played in other cities, the guys and girls went to the game and fought after the match.


Offline suhmann

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2024, 05:52:18 PM »
And on the outskirts and in the disadvantaged neighborhoods, there was always a more brutal reality and life. And the ladies fought there very often. And brutally. But I too, like the author of the post, like adequate female fights without injuries and lethal outcomes. So that both ladies want to fight and understand what they are doing and how they are doing it. As for the catfight business, in some ways it has become easier, in some ways more difficult. Video piracy and the internet have taken a toll on the catfight industry. But on the other hand, it's easier to find women and competitors to fight. But never again will there be women like those pioneering ladies who first recorded their catfighting and submission wrestling fights.


Offline Horny-Jew

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2024, 04:44:39 AM »
I think it might depend on what countries your're in.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2024, 08:56:04 PM »
As someone who was alive in the 1970s and 1980s:  the novelty of seeing a real-life chick fight during that era can never be recaptured again.  That toothpaste isn't just out of the tube:  it's been brushed onto the teeth, rinsed out, and washed down the drain.

YouTube in 2010 was a blessing and a curse.

The blessing:  dozens of chickfights!

The curse:  no real life fight will ever again meet that bar.


Offline Rida Khan

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2024, 07:51:08 AM »
You are right in the sense that more mainstream places are a little more careful about what gets shown, which could be why things feel like they're disappearing again. Honestly though the interest itself, that's probably not going anywhere, even if it's a bit harder to find. At the end of the day, it’s not like people suddenly stop liking what they’ve always liked. There will always be those niche spots in the form of specialized platforms or smaller communities. While mainstream availability diminishes, dedicated producers and audiences for stylized combat content ensure continued existence. It’s not like the internet just up and loses stuff completely.


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2024, 11:17:02 PM »
It’s not like the internet just up and loses stuff completely.

Ohhhh, but it DOES.  19-year old girls used to meet up outside movie theater parking lots on Friday nights and film themselves chick-fighting..... until they realized a future employer would find it when they were 27 and refuse to give them a job.  Or that their existing college would expel them.

Circa-2010 YouTube was a Golden Age which is never coming back.


Offline Rida Khan

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2024, 08:57:21 AM »
It’s not like the internet just up and loses stuff completely.

Ohhhh, but it DOES.  19-year old girls used to meet up outside movie theater parking lots on Friday nights and film themselves chick-fighting..... until they realized a future employer would find it when they were 27 and refuse to give them a job.  Or that their existing college would expel them.

Circa-2010 YouTube was a Golden Age which is never coming back.

Fair point but I think we're talking about different types of losing stuff. What you're describing is more about people voluntarily pulling back due to consequences like social stigma or professional concerns, which, yeah, definitely plays a part. The internet itself, though, is less about completely erasing that kind of content and more about redistributing it to places that aren't as public or searchable. Those same 19 year olds might not upload to YouTube anymore, but you can bet there's a niche Discord server or a private forum where similar stuff is thriving.


Offline wasteland1952

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2024, 04:27:32 AM »
Excellent topic and discussion.
Another thing I've noticed is that the type of fighting has evolved from the old fashioned "catball" catfight, with lots of hair pulling and rolling over each other on the ground, to more fist fights.  That's not to say girls no longer pull hair.  They most certainly do.  But whereas the older fights were more like hair pulling wrestling with a little hitting, now girls are discouraged from pulling hair.  It always cracks me up to hear someone in the crowd yell "stop pulling hair," or "pulling hair is pussy stuff."  They're girls!  Let them fight like girls.  But a recent comment I saw (can't remember where) explained that people who like seeing girls fight like pulling, body to body, rolling over on the ground, etc., get aroused by such fighting, whereas a lot of people today just want to see a good fight, regardless of whether it's two girls or two boys.  Personally, while I will watch two girls having a fist fight, I don't really get anything out of it.  As many of the comments have said, I don't want to see anyone get injured.  But I admit to getting turned on by seeing a catball catfight.  I have for over 60+ years, and I don't see that ever changing.


Offline Horny-Jew

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2024, 08:42:44 AM »
As a straight male, the more violent the fight is, the less I'm sexually aroused. I've gone back & forth in my feelings if I want the girl to get a black eye, but nothing worse. Anything more serious not only turns me off, but gets me upset.


Offline Radiance

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2024, 11:00:16 AM »
Excellent topic and discussion.
Another thing I've noticed is that the type of fighting has evolved from the old fashioned "catball" catfight, with lots of hair pulling and rolling over each other on the ground, to more fist fights.  That's not to say girls no longer pull hair.  They most certainly do.  But whereas the older fights were more like hair pulling wrestling with a little hitting, now girls are discouraged from pulling hair.  It always cracks me up to hear someone in the crowd yell "stop pulling hair," or "pulling hair is pussy stuff."  They're girls!  Let them fight like girls.  But a recent comment I saw (can't remember where) explained that people who like seeing girls fight like pulling, body to body, rolling over on the ground, etc., get aroused by such fighting, whereas a lot of people today just want to see a good fight, regardless of whether it's two girls or two boys.  Personally, while I will watch two girls having a fist fight, I don't really get anything out of it.  As many of the comments have said, I don't want to see anyone get injured.  But I admit to getting turned on by seeing a catball catfight.  I have for over 60+ years, and I don't see that ever changing.

These days, women in combat sports are a regular feature, and they’re often expected to compete on a similar standing as their male counterparts. Combat sports themselves have become very mainstream and professionalized compared to the older days, where they were obscure, chaotic, and largely considered a man’s sport. Back then a girl fight was often seen as a spectacle - something rare and unexpected that drew attention simply because it wasn’t something people were used to seeing. I think this perceptional shift is because of the growing prominence of women in sports like MMA, boxing, and even pro-wrestling, where they now headline events and are expected to perform on a similar standard as their male counterparts.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2024, 02:06:14 PM »
Excellent topic and discussion.
Another thing I've noticed is that the type of fighting has evolved from the old fashioned "catball" catfight, with lots of hair pulling and rolling over each other on the ground, to more fist fights.  That's not to say girls no longer pull hair.  They most certainly do.  But whereas the older fights were more like hair pulling wrestling with a little hitting, now girls are discouraged from pulling hair.  It always cracks me up to hear someone in the crowd yell "stop pulling hair," or "pulling hair is pussy stuff."  They're girls!  Let them fight like girls.  But a recent comment I saw (can't remember where) explained that people who like seeing girls fight like pulling, body to body, rolling over on the ground, etc., get aroused by such fighting, whereas a lot of people today just want to see a good fight, regardless of whether it's two girls or two boys.  Personally, while I will watch two girls having a fist fight, I don't really get anything out of it.  As many of the comments have said, I don't want to see anyone get injured.  But I admit to getting turned on by seeing a catball catfight.  I have for over 60+ years, and I don't see that ever changing.

Well said. I couldn't agree more.


Offline DottiD

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2024, 04:06:06 PM »
I don’t think female fights are fading away as it might look or seem, i personally think this “cancel culture BS )is part of the issue. People who are part of that “group” if able will go to any extreme to get something taken down or no longer let it be popular if they do not agree with it being seen. Sadly some t.v., movies, and internet platforms have these people in charge of production and as a result we are left with constant remakes, horrible actors and actresses and well poor to no quality story lines. I doubt we as an audience will ever see femme fights like the gypsys  from the bond film “from Russia with Love” ever again, but the good thing is as Hollywood and other areas of entertainment fire, or retire or simply replace these cancel culture people things will go back to cutting edge scenes and story lines.

As for any adult actresses its all a matter of $ , lets face it the old phrase “money talks” is beyond true, you pay the right money and both women and men will do pretty much anything, the film industry is not paying out like they use to cause of the intro of A.I.  it is much easier and safer to make a rendering of an actress having a fight then paying a choreographer and two actresses to learn the sequence then pay a tech geek to make two figures on a computer. Hollywoods last strike was mostly over the use of A.I. and their greed of not being paid for it.  This is just my opinion on the fate of what is being made and put out to then forced down our throats . I read an article , i think it was last year or maybe longer, that Daniel Craig the latest James Bond, and his production team, were not going to remake their version of “from Russia with Love” over the fight scene from the original, instead of caring for the audiences desires they listen to actors and activists. It will change again but for now we suffer as a group. For the porn or fetish side of videos its becoming similar , instead of fights with a build up or story line that gets our attention, the fight has kissing over the women wanting to win or. Vanquish her rival, while in some cases it is arousing to see , if we wanna see a rivalry till the end we are forced to see two rivals make out.


Offline suhmann

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2024, 04:00:24 PM »
It’s not like the internet just up and loses stuff completely.

Ohhhh, but it DOES.  19-year old girls used to meet up outside movie theater parking lots on Friday nights and film themselves chick-fighting..... until they realized a future employer would find it when they were 27 and refuse to give them a job.  Or that their existing college would expel them.

Circa-2010 YouTube was a Golden Age which is never coming back.
Meggie Jennings spent her entire youth fighting topless in private clubs, apartments and for the same Festelle wrestling, but this did not prevent her from teaching at the Academy and painting pictures :) . It all depends on the specific case and on the person and his value as an employee. And from the employers . Some people don't care what happened in another life or in their youth


Offline suhmann

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Re: Full Circle
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2024, 04:24:19 PM »
Excellent topic and discussion.
Another thing I've noticed is that the type of fighting has evolved from the old fashioned "catball" catfight, with lots of hair pulling and rolling over each other on the ground, to more fist fights.  That's not to say girls no longer pull hair.  They most certainly do.  But whereas the older fights were more like hair pulling wrestling with a little hitting, now girls are discouraged from pulling hair.  It always cracks me up to hear someone in the crowd yell "stop pulling hair," or "pulling hair is pussy stuff."  They're girls!  Let them fight like girls.  But a recent comment I saw (can't remember where) explained that people who like seeing girls fight like pulling, body to body, rolling over on the ground, etc., get aroused by such fighting, whereas a lot of people today just want to see a good fight, regardless of whether it's two girls or two boys.  Personally, while I will watch two girls having a fist fight, I don't really get anything out of it.  As many of the comments have said, I don't want to see anyone get injured.  But I admit to getting turned on by seeing a catball catfight.  I have for over 60+ years, and I don't see that ever changing.

These days, women in combat sports are a regular feature, and they’re often expected to compete on a similar standing as their male counterparts. Combat sports themselves have become very mainstream and professionalized compared to the older days, where they were obscure, chaotic, and largely considered a man’s sport. Back then a girl fight was often seen as a spectacle - something rare and unexpected that drew attention simply because it wasn’t something people were used to seeing. I think this perceptional shift is because of the growing prominence of women in sports like MMA, boxing, and even pro-wrestling, where they now headline events and are expected to perform on a similar standard as their male counterparts.
Many people argue about gender equality, but I will say that, as far as I remember, women for the most part always perform any wrestling techniques much cleaner and more correctly than men. Plus, they grow professionally faster in sports.The structure of the female body and flexibility, even with age they do not lose it as much as men, allows them to fight perfectly lying on the ground, I'm not talking about shock types. I have already said that
wrestling at the Olympic Games was abandoned only because of the entertainment of women's duels. And any female coach is generally a bomb. And if you want to get stripes from my female coach (I'm not talking about the belt :))), you need to work hard and participate in competitions and seminars. And fight in inter-club battles :)