"Are you sure you can handle her?" I playfully snipe at Tom Jones. He had just asked me if I was ok with him fucking my wife. It would not be the first strange cock for Melissa and, I hope, not the last. She always comes back to me but we both love shagging different lovers. It's great.
Tom Jones smiles contentedly as he hears my blessing. I look down at Karen. She has the most educated mouth my cock has ever had the pleasure of entering. She is still dressed head to toe in that tight black leather dress. 'Gawd, would I love to relieve her of that garment' I think. I am dyeing to see what is under it.
Across the room, Kate is still pinned tightly to the wall by Megan but she is spluttering as Megan has crossed her own arm across her throat. Kate is fighting to breathe but seems to be losing the battle. She looks almost ready to pass out. ' That would be disaster' I think. My mind goes wild with visions of what Megan might do to an unconscious Kate. Megan looks determined she is in control.
My other girl, Nicole is pinned to the wall beside Kate by Tom Jones' other girl, blonde Gaby. These girls are fighting pussy to pussy. It looks like their clits are trying to attack each other. Very hot. They were kissing each other hard.
I see tough Kate's back starting to slide down the wall as her knees buckle under her. Megan has a pleased look on her face as she lets go and steps back. Kate sits down on her bare bum; her dress still around her waist; both top and bottom. Her legs splay out gently as she leans against the wall. Her head is laying on her left shoulder. She is coughing and choking and attempting to draw in deep breaths. Her breasts rise and fall sexily.
We watched in awe as Megan reached down and grabbed Kate by her ankles and dragged her across the floor on her back to us. Megan swung the brunette around so her head was pointed towards us; rolled her over onto her front and jumped astride her back facing her head. She cupped Kate under her chin with both hands and pulled back on her opponent's head; forcing to look right up at us.
"Well, Roadie, what do think of your big tough girl now that she has met somebody even tougher.?" she growled at me. I was speechless as my cock pulsed faster making Karen choke. Megan smiled at the blonde with my cock in her mouth.
Gaby watched what her friend Megan just did. She kneed Nicole right in the pussy again. As the brunette bent over; the blonde grabbed her by the hair; marched her over beside Megan and Kate. Nicole landed on her front facing us. I gasped with excitement as Gaby mirrored Megan beside her and put Nicole in the same hold.
I could see Kate and Nicole's bare bums shimmer and their legs kick as Megan and Gaby tortured them. 'Fuck, this is hot' I think. Tom Jones seemed to be enjoying it too.
"I take cash, check or credit card. " he chided