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New Wild West Chapter 3

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Offline Janine_G

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New Wild West Chapter 3
« on: December 23, 2024, 07:54:13 PM »
Kira had been furious when she found Macy down. She had helped her clean up, got her medical care and thankfully, the bitch Sephora had been smart enough to leave her wounded, but recoverable.  Kira deliberately decided not to escalate as she didn't need a war on multiple fronts and there were a lot of new miners in town causing some disruption.  Apparently, there had been a nasty brawl at the mine a few days after the fight between Christina Mason and Ria Lopez, which was the new girl's name.   It apparently involved some of the old guard and some of the new guard and Kira and her deputies were preparing for it to spill over into town for sure.

To make matters worse, the Mayor was acting out and demanding attention too, as Rayna was apparently meeting with the bank authorities to make a run for mayor next month, which would have been disastrous for everyone, especially Kira, as it would mean that she would technically be working for Rayna. 

It had been two weeks since Sephora's jail break and Macy was finally back at work.  She was little hesitant, but was feeling strong enough to do some light work, though she was not sure she was ready to take any active patrols for fear that she wasn't ready for combat.

Kira encouraged her to take it slow.  Around 2 pm, a call came in that there was a "brawl" going on at the boy-brothel, which was the New Wild West's term for the place that the women went to fuck men.  Kira sighed and grabbed her bang stick, called two other deputies and told Macy to hang at the station. 

When she got there, the brawl was in its end, the front porch was trashed and a window was broken.  Two women were still fighting but three others had clearly been beaten to shit.  Kira decided to let the two tire themselves out and had her deputies collect the others.  She knew and of the women, but did not know the other.  They were embroiled in a bitter battle and it wasn't clear who was going to win, but Kira was surprised, because Mel Tannick was a ruthless bitch and was probably one of the toughest women around the town.  For her to be matched up against someone evenly, that made Kira nervous.  The proprietor of the brothel came up to the Marshall.

"Yep, Marshall, you got a feisty one there in that new girl, name's Skye.  She fucked up all these other bitches and then is holding her own against Mel."

The Marshall looked around and let out a low whistle.  That was a lot of carnage for one woman to cause. 


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: New Wild West Chapter 3
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2024, 08:01:35 PM »
The Ottoman Empire called boy-bothrels 'Turkish Baths'.....