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A Sim's Tale #8

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A Sim's Tale #8
« on: December 31, 2024, 05:57:15 PM »
Sims 8


The entrance to the Saul abode was shoved open by a giggling, red faced Betty Simovich who then quickly turned to jump into the arms of an equally red faced Brian Saul. Kissing feverishly he tugged at her crop top, that was basically just a strip of cloth across her breasts, kicking the door shut even while her fingers worked his belt. Very drunk and horny Betty wrapped soft fingers around his hot length, tugging insistently. Groaning in lust, Brian picked up the young woman and dumped her across the dining room table. Shedding the shirt and dropping his boxers, both moaned in bliss as he slipped easily inside of her.

And while their night was just beginning, at the Shallow mansion a trio was long engaged in their own activities.

The room's lights were dimmed, in spite of the darkness outside, and despite the chill of the air conditioner the voluptuous, bosomy pair shone with sweat. Black haired June grunted as her boobs pounded hard against red headed Ruby's, who in turn yelped when the orbs rebounded from one another.

The pale skinned, naked, beauties stood flat footed on the carpeted floor, hurling their aching and swollen teats together with the same ferocity as when they'd started. Guttural squeals filled the room and shapely legs shook at each meaty impact.

Panting, June flung her breasts confidently at her hot, young rival while a gasping Ruby met each blow from the gorgeous milf determinedly, as ever unwilling to concede an inch. Feet shuffled across back and forth, whining cries of pain becoming more profuse and urgent with each wet SLAP of their breasts meeting, completely ignoring  their slack jawed audience.

On the bed Max McDermott sat on the edge, hands curled tightly into fists. His jaw clenched, biting back a moan as the two women came together in a tight grapple that had bodies jiggling in a manner that had him wonder if it was possible to come just from visual stimulation. He and Ruby had been engaged in their second round of aggressive sex, after the red headed bitch had him cum like a geyser, when June had flung open the door and strutted in. Looking up from the squirming Ruby he'd had pinned, his formerly rapid thrusts had slowed as he took in the cougar's magnificent naked form.

Licking lips and swaying her hips June had crawled over and pulled him into a kiss and guided a hand to fondle her hanging tits, but that was neither here nor there. What HAD concerned him was the load he fired into Ruby during this was even more powerful that the first and had him collapse, dazed, on top of the redhead.

Ruby went crazy, thrashing wildly, before a clenched fist to Max's chest had the young man roll off in surprise. Then she slapped June, which immediately had him freeze. "Back off cxnt!" She'd snarled. "Mine!!"

"Now, now, darling." June retorted in a bored voice, though her eyes were hard. In that same manner, she returned Ruby's slap which didn't seem to faze the younger woman. "You've tasted Bobby plenty of times. Turnabout's fair play."

Ruby, turning to look at him, glaring at the obvious lust there before swinging back around and tackling June off the bed. Loud squeals reached the young man who discovered a sudden energy as he crawled to the bed's edge in time to see the two shoot upright. Max sat up on the edge eagerly. With the tension he expected the pair to grab for hair, but was instead surprised when they instead shoved their chests together. After the initial jiggling had them...and him...moan the naked women threw their arms over one another's shoulders, grinding their boobs together furiously.

Now, fifteen minutes later, neither woman showed signs of slowing. If anything, from their increasingly breathy moans they were getting more and more turned on. Unable to take any more he rose off the bed and came up behind the hot redhead, throbbing prick having no trouble slipping into her sopping wet cxnt. She growled at the sensation, thrusting her shoulders with as much energy at June as her rear pounded against Max's pubes.

June snarled back, focusing on the handsome face over Ruby's shoulder, extending a tongue. Max's own slid out, the tips barely meeting, lapping eagerly together. With a growl of his own, Max's arms slid out from around Ruby's waist to attempt to hold June. They couldn't make it quite around, but they grasped her meaty thighs firmly, pulling the women closer together, and June close enough to snap at his pink organ.

"Oh fuck," June panted, her breasts grinding against Ruby's, their pussies tangled up and, with a POP, Max's dick was between their legs. "How about a continuation? Settle this after we deal with your new toy?"

Ruby's eyes narrowed and, for a moment, June thought she'd refuse. Then Max bit her ear and the girl gave a muted squeak, eyes rolling back into her head. June smirked inwardly, taking notes, even as Ruby nodded shakily. "First him," she hissed. "Then you!"


June woke, eyes blinking blearily in the sunlight. A soft mumbling noise shot her to full wakefulness and she glanced across at a slumbering Ruby. A loud snore later and a muscular arm was thrown over the redhead's waist.

Just what she'd needed. For a brief period the temptation had been there to try and steal Max from Ruby, if only to remind the rebellious girl just who was in charge. But then reality had reared it's ugly head. She needed Ruby, moving forward with her plans. Swinging her legs off the bed she walked nakedly back to her room and the list she'd begun on her computer.

Her list of guests.

Mags was a no brainer. She hated June as much as the rival milf hated her. And after their last encounter the promise of another go around would ensure the woman's participation. Which reminded the raven haired cougar. Best to ensure the women that came had bad feelings to start out with. Getting strangers to fight would be difficult. But seeing a couple of other women go at it should break the ice.

Heather and Hannah...possible. The two seemed to have made peace after their fight but after watching them in action June saw no negative in at least sending an invitation their way. She was sure that under the friendly facade, Hannah would be aching for a chance to get her own back.

The Lin sisters? Sisters always got into fights. Plus she could also invite Constance. She'd heard of the threats Roxie had made of what she'd do to the redhead for the last editorial she'd written about the theatre.

Then came the main three. Fatima, Betty and Pauline. The first in particular was a necessity to really kick things off. The other two would put a fire under the others. After all, what woman in her thirties and over could tolerate some uppity twenty something acting out?

June chuckled quietly into her hands, before turning serious, remembering Nancy's warning.


<A month ago>

"Half a year."

"That's not a lot of time," June noted, raising her voice over Ruby's strident, screaming demands and Bob's savage grunts. The cougars cuddled together on her sofa while the two youngsters fucked desperately on the love seat. The raven haired woman ran a hand between her legs while nuzzling her blonde friend. "What's the hurry?"

"Lola Belle," Nancy sighed, tilting June's head to brush their lips together. "From what I've learned that's when her current tour will end. Then she'll be making a beeline for Fatima."

"Still as single minded as ever I'll bet." June smiled at Ruby's screech as she tumbled to the floor, Bob following her down, his dick still firmly grapsed inside her. "Reminds of me of my current partner."

"She is the competitive little spitfire." Nancy throwing an arm around June's shoulder, filling her hand with a gloriously rounded boob. "Probably a good thing Jamie didn't wait. She wouldn't have been as gentle as...speak of the devil."

June rose, not bothering to dress as she opened the door for the young blonde. It said something that Jamie didn't even react to her nudity, or the furiously coupling pair on the carpet. "So did you find her?" Nancy asked.

"More than that." Jamie replied plopping down on the couch. "Turns out she's more than just friendly with Betty and Brian. Those three are quite involved. In more ways than one."

"Really now." June's ears perked up. "Do...wait? Brian! You know him?"

"We went to medical school together, friends with benefits." Jamie shrugged, then grinned. "He had quite the bedside manner. Betty and Paulie were in the process of starting a match, but Pauline let me test her out since they hadn't moved beyond just nipples. She's good."

"How good?"

In response Jamie took Nancy's free hand and shoved it down her top. The older blonde's eyes widened as she fondled what she found underneath. "Yeah," Jamie nodded, her voice deepening. "I was about ready to quit when she called it. And I'm not even sure it's because I beat her, or she was just that horny after Brian blew his load when she landed in his lap."

"Like mother, like daughter." Nancy remarked, removing her hand and licking the fingers. Eyes widened and she shot Jamie a look that actually made the younger blonde look embarassed. She glanced at June. "Get those two Juney. Fatima is a known and anyone that can impress Jamie will definitely be worth bringing on."

June's response was interrupted by a sharp cry from Ruby who collapsed face first into the carpet, sweaty body heaving. Behind her Bob thrust weakly, still groaning, before pulling out and sitting down. Nancy got up and crawled over to the young man who watched her wide eyed. Bob then cried out tiredly when the blonde cougar's mouth descended onto his manhood. Trembling with nervous energy he pushed her away before mounting her, Nancy's arms going around his back while legs circled his waist. His thrusts gradually picked back up speed.

"You might want to keep your eyes on that one." Jamie adjusted her glasses, glancing across at June. "You might have a nymphomaniac on your hands."

"You don't say." June smiled, rising herself and kneeling beside Ruby. Rolling the gasping redhead over June lay down on top her, breast to breast, hooking her legs around the girl's ankles. "Better and better."


<Current day>

June frowned lightly, wrapping the towel around her hair. A shower always made her feel better. She fully meant what she'd said, but she was determined to live her life to the fullest now that she was free. And getting attached to just one man, no matter how good he was in bed, wasn't on the table. She thought back to the night with Ruby and Max, drying off the water from her body. Even with a wildcat like her current partner, and the reaming she got from Max, she still found herself thinking of the young Newbie. She could easily say that both of her partners last night were better in the sack in terms of technique...but neither had his intensity or stamina.

Plus his absolute adoration and open worship of her didn't hurt, June chuckled to herself.

Granted some of it was just keep poking at Mags, but here was probably some truth to what Jamie said about him. Glancing down at her phone she was surprised to see several messages already.

"Anytime, bitch!!!!!!"

June smiled grimly at Mags' response. Yup, as expected. Both Heather and Hannah sent back that they'd think about it, no doubt they'd discuss it between themselves before committing. Nothing yet from the Lins or Constance, though she'd left out the reason for the invitation. They were probably confused about it and wondering if she had an angle.

Onto other matters. Sitting back at the computer she glanced through her list, considering  a couple of extra possibilities. Nadine was another good choice. She'd gotten into a brief scuffle with another woman at the pool. Something about their sons.

June tapped the desktop. It was probably best to start small to avoid unnecessary attention. She focused on the final three. Betty shouldn't be a problem. She was young and, from what Jamie had said, more than into it. Girls like her always had something to prove. Her friendship with Wan was an added benefit as the Japanese woman had a reputation to maintain. Fatima on the other hand...

June grimaced. According to Nancy, Lola had remained very active after her...June's...departure. And while she'd never gone up against the black woman herself she HAD been witness to several of her matches. Lola was the kind of woman to lose herself when the blood ran hot, which was why the rivalry with Fatima overshadowed all others. While also someone to be wary of...unless she was damn good at hiding it Fatima hadn't gotten into any fights since getting dropping out shortly before getting pregnant. Which meant Lola would probably mangle her in a very anticlimactic re-match. And also might kill a lot interest from the local ladies.

So...June took out a pad.

1)Somehow get Fatima to show up on fight night.
2)Get her on the mats against someone.
3)Get her in shape before Lola comes to Riverview.

Simple in theory, harder to actually to put into effect. She and Fatima hadn't interacted after she dropped out, so just showing up on her doorstep would raise some eyebrows and set tongues wagging. June then smiled. And when exactly had that ever bothered her?


Betty grumbled at the buzzing in her ear. And the hard bed. Eyelids peeled back and she gave a whimper at the light shining through the windows. There shouldn't be...then the night came back to her and she groaned again.

"Be...Bets?" Brian moaned. Lying beside his girlfriend the young doctor clutched his head, then back as he sat up on the table. "Jesus...panadol. Need...panadol."

While her boyfriend staggered off in search of pills Betty groped for her phone, the light tone sounding like nails on a chalkboard. "Hell..urp...Hello?"


"Oh fuck...Paulie." Betty yanked the device away from her ear, the rapid motion making her already queasy stomach worse. "Not...not so loud."

"You sound like shit." The Japanese woman's voice was cheery and smug. "Guessing you forgot we were going to the mall today?"

"Shit. can do. Oh head!!"

"Relax. I'll swing by. Not like we were gonna discuss anything Bri doesn't already know about."


When Pauline arrived she had to fight to hold in her laughter. "You look like shit." she said to no one in particular. Betty turned her head on the table to pin her in a glare while Brian was in the process of guzzling down a litre bottle of water. "Never took you two for lightweights."

"Fuck you," Betty moaned. "How the hell're you so chipper. You drank like a fish last night."

"Experience, I guess." She shrugged, then her face turned cunning. " And I went to bed without wearing myself out first. You two take it easy for a bit."

In barely ten minutes, Pauline had a table set with dry toast, juice and a special tea she prepared from a pouch she pulled from her bag. It tasted slightly bitter, yet savory, and even as she drank it Betty could feel her nausea begin to fade. Brian as well began to sit up straighter in the chair as the headache pounding behind his eyes dissipated. "Jesus..."

"Wouldn't recommend anything rich for a couple of hours," Pauline warned while Brian munched on his toast without much satisfaction. "Unless you don't mind stomach problems."

"You're a lifesaver hon," Betty sighed, leaning back in her chair. Brian shot her a nod, grinning as she waggled a tongue at him and winked.

"'s been a month?" Pauline settling down in a free chair. "You still going through with it?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Betty cocked her head. "Me and Jamie have unfinished business. And I want to see this cougar you two were singing praises about."

"You mean the one after you three fucked me silly?" Brian raised an eyebrow.

"You said it, I didn't." Betty giggled at his chuckle. "Wouldn't mind seeing if what they said was true."


"Seriously?" Pauline demanded. "Here!"

The four of them lay in sweaty, sated heap with Pauline and Betty on either side of Brian, the former lying across his chest, while Jamie rested across his feet. Pauline's hand continuously stroked the young man's tool that twitched weakly even as he groaned around Betty's boob in his mouth.

"Hey, I'm as surprised as you." Jamie shrugged, lounging at the foot of the bed. The sweat that dripped from her only made the blonde look more desirable. "I thought Nancy was just checking out an old friend. Turns out she's got bigger plans."

"June Shallow? Really!" Betty had a hard time wrapping her head around it. June had always been the kind of rich cxnt to look down her nose at you. The idea of her getting into an actual brawl, much less flinging tits was laughable. Her being actually famous in those circles... "I can't see it."

"Well I did." Jamie replied. Her eyes sudden shifted and a smile blossomed on her face. "She and Nancy boob wrestled in that pool of hers for probably almost half an hour. And let me tell you, there are woman half her age that Nancy'd finish in half that time."

"She's not lying Bets." Pauline nodded, a cheshire grin forming on her pretty face, the fingers in her stroking hand spreading to accommodate the increasing girth. "I've seen Nancy go up against college girls and leave them crying on the carpets in less time it takes the Little Corsican to get you breakfast."

"You don't say." Betty's expression was calculating, reaching out a hand to gently the the tip, Brian's breathing deepening and hips starting to thrust intermittently. "You guys staying long?"


"When it comes to this I don't even exaggerate," Pauline stated firmly. "I'll match my tits against anyone, but her... She's one of two I'd not fancy my odds against."

"Really? Who's the other?" Betty looked over curiously.

"Uh...sorry. I can't say." The Asian musician said nervously. She quickly raised a hand. "Trust me, I want to. But I can't say till you've actually been to one of Nancy's gatherings personally."

Betty started to reply when her phone rang. "Hello...what...why would....yeah, she's here. Is...yes Brian's here to. What? That's none of your...huh...sure...yeah."

"That sounded like quite the conversation." Brian remarked, studying her curiously. "Who was it?"

"Pauline, if the door rings, you mind answering it?" Betty got up and tugged on her boyfriend's arm. He rose carefully, an obvious tent in his boxers. "We need to get dressed. Seems mom's coming over. Normally I wouldn't care, but she says she has a guest.


Ruby's mood wasn't good. Not getting her hands on June after they'd started had the redhead miffed, but the feeling was quickly forgotten after she'd mounted Max and proceeded to savagely ride the man. They'd fucked with the same fury of the night in the car and would have, she was sure, ended with a similar result. She could feel his dick succumbing to her pussy's ministrations after a pair of shared orgasms when his phone rang. The relief on his face had been immense as he let himself go before looking to answer the accursed device. She'd echoed Max's roar with a scream of her own, though in frustration, despite in the intense orgasm.

Ruby sat sulking in the bed as Max took a quick shower and darted off to fill in at the store. The edge had been taken off, but now Ruby found herself alone in the mansion. It lead to a moment of introspection as she realized she'd been spoiled...perhaps corrupted was the better her relationship with June. That dominating feeling she had after completely outfucking Max was like food to a starving man. She craved it again, especially considering her losing streak against June.

She glanced at the clock and a small smile started to form. If he was called in, that meant he'd be there alone. And Saturday was their slowest day of the week. Ruby smirked, bouncing her way off the bed.


Pausing for a moment she glanced at the "Be Back in Thirty Minutes" sign. Grumbling to herself she punched in the code to disengage the magnetic locks and pushed open the door. Closing it behind her, Ruby gave a glance upwards and snorted at the fact the bell used to announce customers still hadn't been fixed. Then she stiffened.

A titter.

A feminine giggle she was very familiar with. After all she used it often enough. Stalking down the aisles Ruby swung around to the vegetable section to locate her target. Max's eyes bugged out in surprise at the sight of her, though the tanned blonde bimbo currently latched onto him hadn't seen her yet.

"Ruby?" Max finally managed. It irked said redhead that he still hadn't pushed away the other woman. "What're you doing here?"

"Figured we could finish what we started." Ruby said, moving slowly towards them. The blonde seemed to finally register her presence and turned to face her. A natural blonde if her eyebrows were anything to go by. Bright green eyes and full pink lips set in a pretty face, young enough to not require makeup. Nearly a head shorter than herself, but with a more toned build, except around the chest which jutted out dramatically. Ruby disliked her on sight.

"This?" Blondie snorted. Hands on hips, the girl looked her up and down. Ruby came to stop, the women a foot apart boldly comparing each other's bodies. Ruby had simply thrown on a t-shirt that hugged her upper body and a green knee length skirt. The blonde newcomer wore a pink blouse that hung over her bust, just above the belly, while a pink mini skirt fluttered in the A/C, teasing a look at what lay below. She sniffed again for emphasis. "You've lowered your standards Maxie."

"Maxie??" Ruby's eye twitched, gaze rising to pin Max in a stare. He seemed about to say something when the blonde touched a finger to his lips. That familiar manner further infuriated the redhead who shoved forward, bumping her chest into the smaller girl who grunted and stumbled back a step. "No one ever warn you what to expect fucking around with someone else's man, slut!?"

"Oh they did," she responded, shoving her chest back at Ruby. Though she didn't budge, having seen the move coming, Ruby nonetheless felt the power behind those tits. Pink lips pulled back in a toothy smile as she couldn't prevent a flicker of concern across her face. "You want to know what I did to them? Perhaps give you a demonstration?"

"Goddamit Ashley, not here!" Max blurted out in a panic. Both women now turned their gazes to him and he coughed under the hostile stares. "There's more room in the loading dock. And less chance of you two getting seen."

"Fair enough. Wouldn't want to embarrass a local girl." Ashley remarked. Max gave a sigh of relief, shoving past the pair, fumbling with the keys to the back rooms. He was in the process of pushing open the door when she shot Ruby another smirk. "And afterwards we can pick up where we left off. Not often you'd get a chance of a talented young snatch like mine!"

"Wha...? That's not..." Max sputtered.

Ruby instantly saw red. Being called old was one thing, but having her sexual prowess disparaged was not something she was prepared to take. She immediately spun on the other woman, who's face betrayed an eager readiness, hands grabbing for hair. Short yellow and long red was tugged, yanked and torn, Ashley shoving Ruby into a startled Max. All three tumbled wildly into the back, blonde and redhead slapping, punching, scratching and kicking wildly at one another.

Their feminine screams of outrage were joined by Max's shouts as he found himself the recipient of more than a few blows from the enraged femmes. But despite this a tent formed in his pants as the pair crawled over him to get at one another. Then there was a THUMP and he was clear as Ashley tumbled off of him after what sounded like a punch. She screeched out a curse that had even his ears turn red, leaping back at Ruby even while he scuttled clear.

Breathing heavily he twisted around, back resting against a box, even as Ashley yanked Ruby's shirt over her head.


"So what's this about?" Betty demanded warily.

They were all sitting in the living room, her between Pauline and Brian on the sofa, her mother across in a lounge chair while June Shallow sat alone on the love seat. June's presence in particular disturbed the young woman. She had never been friends with MaryKay, their clashing personalities making that impossible, nor had she ever heard of her mother interacting with the other woman.

"June has brought...a matter to my attention." Fatima started and Betty immediately picked up her mother's nervousness. Her curiousity immediately peaked. Her mother never got nervous. "Something I'm not sure I want Brian to hear. No offense dear."

"Oh don't worry darling," June spoke up before Betty could. She crossed her legs, skirt hiding nothing as she smiled across at the doctor. "I have it on good faith that he's not just in the know, but takes part in the after activities."

"BETTY!" Fatima immediately swung around to her daughter, eyes flashing.

"We're all consenting adults here mom," She retorted, her own expression tightening. She might've said more if Brian didn't lay on a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll step out if it's that big of a deal." He said seriously, he moving back and forth. "But I doubt much could surprise me after the last month or two."

Fatima rubbed her eyes, frustration evident in her posture. " If June is right you'll probably just end up learning about it second hand."

"Well then?" Betty urged her along impatiently.

"Remember what we discussed when you first got back?" Fatima began. "Well..."



"Goddam cxnt! That was my favorite top!"

"Then don't start something wearing anything you don't wanna lose, bitch!"

Ashley delivered a punch to Ruby's chest, setting the redhead's naked left tit wobbling. Giving a yelp the taller woman stumbled back, massaging the wounded orb while the blonde quickly discarded her torn top, now bare from the waist up as well. Just in time as Ruby lunged back at her, the pair spinning wildly across the room.

He should probably stop them, Max knew intellectually, watching as the bounced from pallet to pallet of unstocked goods. But he didn't move for fear of staining his pants. The bouncing, jiggling flesh had his rod on the edge of a massive eruption. Instead he simply enjoyed the view, comparing the two.

Ruby was taller and broader, curvier he would be more apt to say, having more than a few pounds on the other woman...ideally distributed mind you. While Ashley was slimmer, with more musculature around the arms and legs. Clearly evenly matched despite the size issue, dragging each other up from the concrete floor where they'd fallen and thrashed over and over across for several wild moments. Though watching their breasts, how could he not, Max couldn't spot much of a difference.

Ashley's brown tipped tits mashed perfectly against Ruby's pink tipped pair. There was a small overlap that he could see in Ruby's favor...or Ashley's boobs were beating back the redhead's. The thought of which made him groan again. Ruby's inconclusive fight had been tormenting his memory for his short shift and he had to MOVE!!

Max rolled away, biting down hard on his lip as the sudden movement had his dick blow. He lay on his belly, hiding the spreading stain as Ashley and Ruby shrieked as the tumbled over the box he'd been resting on. The carboard crumpled as the combined weight of the embattled pair fell over it and there were several loud POP, POP sounds as the olive oil contained within crumpled and several split open.



Ashely and Ruby screamed, rolling apart as the thick liquid sprayed briefly, covering them both, before pooling on the floor. Ruby tried to get to her feet, lashing out at Ashley, only to slip and fall. Ashley reached across for Ruby, arms unable to find purchase on the slippery floor.

A slow smile spread on Max's face as the determined pair refused to be stopped by this accident, slithering and slipping to fall into one another's arms then back into the expanding puddle of cooking oil. Even the knowledge that he'd have to clean this up later couldn't prevent the happy smile spreading across his face and pleasant feeling across his groin.


" KNOW Lola!?" Pauline demanded incredulously. "As in personally!"

"Oh she knows Lola VERY personally!" June laughed, ignoring the annoyed look Fatima shot at her. "Intimately you might even say."

"It's not what you think." Fatima grunted, annoyed at the eager look on her daughter's face.

"So what was it then?" Betty demanded, rocking back and forth on the couch. Pauline also sat forward, interest painted across her round face.

"It's not like it was anything special." Fatima waved her hand. "We were of the same class so we often competed whenever the sororities got together."

"Competed," June barked out a short laugh. "Those two went from being promising freshies to being the ladies to beat on game night."

"Game night?' Brian asked.

"Well, it wouldn't do to call it fight night, now would it." June smiled at the young man's jerk and red face. "Would defeat the purpose of it being a private affair."

"The two of them were the stars of the music club," She continued. "As far as anyone else knew, the two were cordial, if not friendly rivals."

"I hear a but coming."

"I hated that bitch!" Fatima snapped, the venom in her tone startling the three young people who immediately lost their animated expressions. "Anything I did, she had to do better. And if she couldn't she'd downplay my achievement."

"They were just one of the many rivalries across the campus." June explained, leaving out her own. They'd find out if they showed up. "But it was one of only two that continued even after graduation."

"Before Betty was born I'd visit Sunset on occasion, to swing by Nancy's. Lot of the old girls would swing by." Fatima continued. "We'd discuss old times, drink, have a couple of matches...friendly of course...then she showed back up."

"Lola?' Betty guessed.

"Lola." Fatima growled. "She had just landed her first big gig and couldn't wait to rub it in my face. We'd both been drinking and next thing I know, we're on the carpet, strangling one another while everyone else is trying to pull us apart."

"Well shit..."

"Lola couldn't afford to get banged up before her concert so Nancy suggested we settle it like we used to in the old days. Her tits against mine." Fatima smirked. "I squashed that painted haired black bitch till she screamed for mercy."

"Bit of an exaggeration, but you mother did win...eventually." June pointed out. "She's used the fact that you never came back as proof you just got lucky and you're scared to face her again."

"Like I give a fuck what she thinks." Fatima snapped. "I found out I was pregnant only a couple weeks later. She got beat by a pregnant bitch. cxnt can suck it."

"So you say, but now she knows where you are, and has an anvil over your head." June nodded across at Betty and Pauline. "In her rush to help out a new best friend Pauline here pretty much painted a bullseye on your daughter's back."


"Thank you, sorry for the wait." Max smiled and nodded at the departing customer. As soon as the door clicked shut he hurriedly came around the counter, flipping the sign for another twenty minutes and darted to the back. It had been maybe ten minutes dealing with a trio of customers and he hoped he hadn't missed the end.

"Ha...ha...give up, you blonde bimbo and maybe I'll let you go with some dignity."

"Huh...huh...wha...why? When I'm winning. I've got you...hhnnghh...on the ropes, skank!"

Great! Max quickly closed the door, leaving a slit for him to keep an eye on the front. Both beauties were glowing in the led lights from cooking oil and sweat, hair either plastered to their scalps or pulled up at crazy angles.

Gasping out threats, cursing and panting Ruby and Ashley strained against one another, hands locked in a test of strength. With a grunt, Ruby thrust out her chest, causing Ashley to slip backwards. The younger woman bashed back with her boobs causing the redhead to wince visibly. Banging their tits together repeatedly for several minutes had their focus lapse and fingers slipped free causing them to fall together in a sexy tangle. Immediately they switched gears, slapping, pinching and kneeing as they fell to the floor again, rolling and sliding  slowly across the expanded oil puddle. Gasping heavily, Ruby rose off the floor, dragging Ashley up with her, hands moving mindmills as they slapped and punched wildly.

Max felt a twinge of concern at the bright red glow to the pair's skin as well as the bruises on shoulders and knees from fighting on the hard ground. Clearly tiring, having been fighting nonstop for nearly thirty minutes...assuming they hadn't taken a break while he'd been away...yet still taunted one another aggressively and fought fiercely. Ruby in particular had him worried. The way her hair stuck stuck to her face, all but hiding it, gave the woman an almost insane appearance.

A slap landed, and Ruby saw stars. Reflexively she backhanded the furious blonde causing her to slump to the side before a hard, small fist dug into her side. Swinging a wide punch, she felt it connect and heard Ashley groan. Ruby cringed, waiting for the expected counter that didn't come. Panting, she shoved her hair out of her face in time to catch the cold stare Ashley shot her as she pushed herself up.

"Girls, maybe you should call it a draw?" Max said tentatively. Neither gave a sign that they heard him, simply staring at one another. No...not each other he realized. Their gazes were focused slightly lower. Before it could fully register, Ashley's hand slashed out, setting Ruby's plentiful orbs jiggling.

"Ow...cxnt!" Ruby shouted, swinging her own hand, Ashley's left boob bouncing against her right.

"Give up if you can't take it." Ashley hissed, then yelled as Ruby left a legit handprint on her right boob. "Gonna deflate those saggy bags!"

Boobs bounced wildly, kept in motion by the steady and unending slaps hurled by both spiteful femmes. At the end of one bounce, Ruby now changed it up, grabbing hold of Ashley's young flesh and pulled. Yowling like an alley cat, Ashley filled her hands with Ruby's jugs and squeezed. The redhead gave a screech and lashed out a punch that stunned the blonde, her hands falling away to hang at her sides. Staring stupidly at each other Ruby moved first, shoving herself against Ashley and wrapping arms around her tightly

"Got you now." Ruby snarled, squeezing as hard as she could. Ashley groaned, pushing against Ruby's shoulders, the movement causing her knees to slip on the floor. There was little she could do due to their precarious balance other than grab hold of Ruby for balance. "Gonna bust up your tits!"

"Big mistake!" Ashley warned through gritted teeth, eyes flashing. Lithe, muscular arms wrapped around Ruby's waist and squeezed with all she had. Shifting her head so they were face to face, green eyes locked, searching for any sign of weakness. "These tits've never lost."

Max suddenly found himself front and center to his second titfight and the realization made the young man groan. If the women heard him, they gave no sign. Grunting loudly, they shoved glistening breasts powerfully together, pale white and golden tanned domes bulging outwards. There was little actual movement, other than a jerky, shifting motion with their shoulders. Shoving individual breasts together with extra force.

Grunts grew ever fiercer as the two crushed the breath from one another. Bodies trembled with effort, boobs quivered, and deep within the flesh nipples stabbed mercilessly. Ashley smiled nastily at Ruby's wince and gasp as her nipples found a sensitive spot, causing the redhead a brief, sharp pain. Ruby's eyes sparkled in sadistic glee when Ashley squeezed her eyes shut and hissed when the redhead hit a sensitive spot in the blonde's breasts tissue.

Max noticed all this and fought to stop stroking himself at how personal they both treated this bout. Both were gasping heavily, straining mightily, breasts shoved together when Ashley's head snapped back and the girl gave a sharp, keening cry. It was so sudden, it broke Max out of his reverie. He stared hard at the boundary between their tits, but couldn't spot anything that would indicate a change.

"Never lost?" Ruby hissed, voice husky. She gave another squeeze and the blonde bitch moaned loudly. "Not with second rate nipples like those."

"You bitch!" Ashley moaned, trembling in what had to be pain and shame. "You bitch!"

"Maybe." "Ruby panted in excitement. "But you're my bitch now."

With that Ruby exerted herself and Ashley wailed again, still holding on, despite her boobs slowly giving way to Ruby's larger rack. Her head bowed, held up against the redhead's and she slowly lifted her gaze, mumbling.

"Louder, little girl." Ruby snarled. "Let him hear it."

"I...give..." Ashley whimpered audibly, if barely. "I give..."

"There. Now was that so difficult." Ruby remarked loudly, letting go of the blonde that slumped to her side. Gritting her teeth to avoid showing discomfort, Ruby crawled over to where Max sat. His dazed expression turned hungry, mirroring the aching lust Ruby herself felt. "Don't let me catch you around what's mine again. Or next time I'll go all the way."

"Wait...wait..." Max groaned as she crawled into his lap, fiddling with his zipper, pulling her hands away. "Not...not in front of my cousin."

Ruby's eyes got wide at that declaration, glancing over at the blonde from the corner of her eye. Well that changed things. She'd overreacted. Max rushed back to the front at a banging on the glass and Ashley raised her head as if sensing Ruby's attention. Immediately Ruby got the feeling she should follow through on her threat right then and there. The look on her face was one of defiance and her lips moved in a whisper intended on for her.

"Second cousin..."

Maybe not, Ruby decided, hearing Max's platitudes to some angry complaints. She quietly pushed the door closed, waiting for him to finish dealing with whoever it was. Part of her knew she'd better put the blonde fully in her place, but there wasn't time now. She'd have to deal with it when the time came, or hope the slut left before things came to a head.


"So you gonna take her up on her offer?" Betty asked.

"Of course I'm looking forward to seeing Lola again." Fatima leaned back on her couch, comfortable. They were back at her house and she laughed at her daughters surprised expression. "Despite what June alluded to I don't think she's so petty as to mess with you just because you're my daughter."

"But what you said..."

"Heh...June seems to have forgotten I was also in the drama club." Fatima leaned forward now, expression serious. "I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Me and Lola actually pretty close. We were rivals, yes, but that was as far as it went. She was one of those that helped me establish the pecking order."

"But your last fight..."

"We're both angry drunks. Why do you think you've never seen me drink?" Fatima waved her hand. "She showed up at my hotel the next day and we made up before she left. I'm not sure if Nancy knows and just never said anything, because hearing that Lola Belle got into a fight at your place would be one hell of a marketing pitch in those circles."

"So then why are you playing into their hands?" Betty cocked her head. "Unless..."

"Yeah. I blame you personally." Fatima gave a small smile. "Maybe if you'd beaten me I'd feel differently. But knowing I've still got it...why the hell not come out of retirement. But enough about me. I wanted to talk about you. Or rather your little friend."

"Oh?' Betty immediately went on guard. She'd been expecting this. "What about her."

"Just making sure you know what you're getting into." Fatima recognized the change in her daughter. "She has a maneater look that one. I'm not going to say she does it deliberately...but you know Brian had a reputation before you and he shacked up."

"He likes sex." Betty said simply. "So do I. And so does she. The difference between us is that Brian and I plan to make it official. Paulie's loudly declared she's not marriage material."

"I once knew a woman who said the very same thing." Fatima remarked.

"Let me guess. She got married and had five kids and stayed at home." Betty said sarcastically.

"Just one, a daughter." Fatima said slowly and with emphasis. "Once a perfect little lady, now as stubborn and bullheaded as her mother once was."


Sunset Valley

"You're late." Molly French turned to look at her friend, roommate and occasional lover, Fiona Mc. Irish.

"Sorry." The older auburn haired woman gave a bright smile, coming to stand next to her. "Game ran late so I had to try and rush the interviews."

"Interviews, huh." Molly's face turned calculating. "How many?"

Fiona's answer was drowned out by a grunting cry. Their attention shifted to the center carpet where a sweaty, half naked, slim blonde and curvy brunette wrestled fiercely. River, the brunette and Fiona's daughter, pulled sharply on Zelda Mae's longer blonde hair before lifting the lighter woman off her feet and tossing her to the ground. Too eager, she ran into Zelda's feet, getting pushed back and allowing the lithe blonde to get back upright.

"Three by the way. Oh, and make sure to keep your door closed tonight. It's going to be noisy." Fiona said loudly over the encouraging shouts as blonde and brunette crashed back together. Zelda's sister, Illiana, was particularly vocal while the two spun like a maddened top, pulling hair, kneeing, punching and kicking. River again utilized her bigger size to trip up the slim Zelda, tossing her over the hip in a toss. Following her down this time, River focused again on attempting to trap the blonde's grasping hands under her thighs and failed to notice Zelda's legs until they were around her neck. Pulled down across the smaller woman's body she immediately crossed her own legs, trapping Zelda's head between meaty thighs, the pair rocking together in a double head scissors. "Jesus, what the hell's she doing!?"

"She's a big girl, let her make her own mistakes." Jamie replied, coming up behind the two, making Fiona jump. She nodded at the older pair, pointing across the room where Nancy sat in a small group watching a titfight between the dark skinned, muscular Monika and the tanned Dorothy. Both were sweating and breasts reddened and all but glowing, but still the two thrust their boobs together with fierce determination. As if sensing their attention, the blonde cougar turned and gave them a wave. "Also, Nancy wants to talk to you. She says you might find it of great personal interest."

Fiona's response was cut off by a series of loud fleshy SMACKS and a pair of angry, desperate yells. Gasping, face bright red, Zelda slapped her hand across River's sweaty buns, spanking the fleshy brunette repeatedly to loud squeals, before dragging sharp nails across the girl's rear. That proved too much and River shouted, rolling off the breathless blonde. Taking only a few seconds to recover her breath Zelda lunged at River, hands slapping and grasping. Several minutes of on their knees grappling followed as the sweat that coated them allowed both to slip out of holds each attempted to inflict on one another.

At the climax, holding each other close, River pushed against Zelda trying to use her size advantage again. And it seemed to be working as Zelda slowly began to bend, but then slipped under and out of River's grasp, falling to the side. Tired, dazed and probably confused, River couldn't stop herself from falling onto her belly. Immediately Zelda quickly crawled on top of the brunette, ignoring her weak bucking to grab arms and pull them to either side, trapped between her legs and hips. Hands locked firmly under her chin, River groaned as Zelda pulled her head back in a camel clutch.

"Give up Rivi," She gasped loudly, loosening the pressure. "It was fun, but you know how this goes!"

River gave a muffled grunt, shaking her head. A sharp pull later and she cried out, struggled weakly, and finally slapped the blonde's thigh repeatedly. Smiling now, Zelda rose off the other girl, helping her up before raising her arms to applause, before embracing River in a hug. "I'd love to hate that little cxnt!" Fiona growled, wanting to rush forward and comfort her daughter. "Why does she have to be so damn nice!"

Jamie shrugged and pointed across at Nancy who'd risen to walk towards the kitchen area. Leaving Molly to tend to her daughter, Fiona moved to follow her fellow mature. She found Nancy closing the fridge, a half full bottle of wine in her hand. The pair regarded one another carefully.

Friends and rivals both, they knew what the other was capable of, having fought both publicly and privately. While Fiona getting one over on the blonde was rare, they also knew their matches left Nancy in no condition to take on challengers for a several days, even if she won.

Then Nancy smiled, pouring out a glass of wine that she offered her friend. "Do you remember Fatima Simovich?"


Took a chance, having written this down on paper, that my pc wouldn't just randomly shut off on me while writing. Got it done in one sitting.


Offline Frank

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Re: A Sim's Tale #8
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2024, 06:19:29 PM »
Well written and Interesting plot.


Offline Augur

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Re: A Sim's Tale #8
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2025, 06:09:59 PM »
Well written and Interesting plot.

Indeed, very interesting developments... there seems to be a lot to look forward to!

And of course all the 'action' was stellar as always! Even Ruby the red-haired bombshell finally got her much-deserved titfighting win, and over a big, solid pair of perky teen titties at that! If only she'd be able to enjoy similar success against MILF and cougar hooters...  ;) I'm not personally too keen on boxing, hair-pulling etc. so it was great to see their match conclude with a good ol' close-quarters boob grinding showdown. Ashley's taunt about her college-aged rack being undefeated certainly raises some interesting implications - just who has the athletic blondie fought before?

Anyway, big thanks for this amazing chapter - what a great way to kick off a new year!
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 06:12:01 PM by Augur »
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile


Offline Gradius

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Re: A Sim's Tale #8
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2025, 12:49:21 AM »
Well written and Interesting plot.

Indeed, very interesting developments... there seems to be a lot to look forward to!

And of course all the 'action' was stellar as always! Even Ruby the red-haired bombshell finally got her much-deserved titfighting win, and over a big, solid pair of perky teen titties at that! If only she'd be able to enjoy similar success against MILF and cougar hooters...  ;) I'm not personally too keen on boxing, hair-pulling etc. so it was great to see their match conclude with a good ol' close-quarters boob grinding showdown. Ashley's taunt about her college-aged rack being undefeated certainly raises some interesting implications - just who has the athletic blondie fought before?

Anyway, big thanks for this amazing chapter - what a great way to kick off a new year!

It was something I wanted to put in, but the comp was acting up so cut it short. The next chapter will be picking up shortly after so you'll find out there.