They walked to a secluded corner of the park where there was a patch of grass screened by trees and watched each other as they stripped. Grace noticed Bronwyn's easy balance as she lifted her feet one after the other to remove her shoes and socks while standing and her elegant slender feet, which she fully expected to be worshipping after the fight. When Bronwyn lifted her dress over her head it revealed her lacy black underwear and her magnificent toned, deeply tanned torso - Grace swallowed as she realised she could see her abs clearly defined. When Bronwyn discarded her bra and panties she looked like a wild, savage tribeswoman about to do battle and Grace shivered with expectation. She had always considered Bronwyn to be the hottest of the tough girls at school, in fact the hottest girl in school if she was honest about it but she'd always just assumed Bronwyn would be out of her league - yet here she was about to throw down with her in her first catfight. She didn't expect to win against such an experienced opponent but it didn't worry her in the slightest - her orgasms were far stronger, in fact the most powerful she'd ever had, when she fantasised about losing to Bronwyn than when she fantasised about winning. Grace wanted to put up a good fight though - she wanted the fight to last as long as possible and she wanted Bronwyn to respect her. She felt a rapport with Bronwyn on an intellectual level that she hadn't anticipated and...she felt she could trust her. Appraising her naked body now Grace thought she was probably stronger than Bronwyn so she should try and take the fight to the ground as soon as possible. She'd avidly read a huge number of catfighting stories online, many of which seemed to offer some authentic insights. She expected plans to go out the window and for them to be fighting mostly on instinct. She looked forward to the rush of adrenaline and heightened senses that many had described.
Bronwyn too noticed Grace's elegant slender feet, in fact she noticed everything about her perfect feminine body, including the muscle that lurked under the seemingly soft curves of her porcelain skin. She had always admired Grace from afar and thought she was the most beautiful girl in school. She was different to the other rich bitches too, though she didn't seem to realise it, she was natural and unaffected and Bronwyn had never heard a bad word said against her. Most of all though there was a quality about Grace that she couldn't quite define: it was as if there was this pent up passion within her that was barely under control beneath that calm exterior. Bronwyn had longed to get Grace into a catfight so that she could be the one to feel that passion when it was unleashed. Looking at Grace standing there naked smiling at her Bronwyn knew she was right.
They drew together and placed their hands on each other's slim waists. Their full, firm breasts gently came into sensual contact and both their mouths parted. Bronwyn said 'Loser taps out or gives a verbal submission. I like the word "Surrender" '. Grace smiled, it was in many of the stories she'd read 'I do too, Sweetie.' she replied softly. They kissed deeply and slowly drew apart. "I want it dirty and slutty." said Grace grinning savagely. "OK" said Bronwyn grinning in reply. They stood staring into each other's eyes, breathing deeply, nipples rock hard, then raised their fists and began to circle slowly.
The speed and ferocity of Bronwyn's attack stunned Grace as she darted forward, feinted a slap at her face then sent a piledriver of a straight right into Grace's left breast, flattening it and causing Grace to cry out in shock and stumble back, clutching her wounded breast. Bronwyn followed up, again feinting a slap with her left and then, with Grace keeping her hands low, landing a stinging slap with her right that turned Grace's head and upper body as she reeled away. Bronwyn got both hands into Grace's long blonde hair and pulled her head down as she drove her knee up into her already wounded left breast. Grace gagged and tried to clear her head as two more knee lifts slammed into her breasts - one to the right and another to the left. Grace surged forward, trying to wrap her arms around Bronwyn to take her to the ground but like a matador Bronwyn pivoted and using her hold on Grace's hair, threw her face down on to the grass. Bronwyn followed her down and straddled Grace from behind, sitting on her lower back and leaning forward with hands extended to...she said later... grab Grace's hair...
But Grace's right elbow swung with savage force in an arc from below. Grace threw it blind as something of a forlorn hope but it made hard contact with Bronwyn's right breast and rib cage, causing Bronwyn to cry out for the first time in the fight and knocking her sideways onto the grass on her back. Grace scrambled over and straddled Bronwyn, punching down with a massive right hand that smashed into Bronwyn's left breast and following up with left aimed at her right breast. However Bronwyn bucked her hips and deflected the punch with her right then reached up and raked her nails down Grace's full breasts now hanging down and vulnerable. "Bitch" sobbed Grace as she gripped Bronwyn's breasts and returned the favour. With Grace's hands out of the way, Bronwyn hit her with two swinging slaps to the sides of her face, right left, jerking her head back and forth. Then, gripping Grace's hair with both hands and bucking her hips she threw Grace off to the side. Unfortunately for Bronwyn, Grace had, at the same time, sunk her nails into her breasts and started crushing them. When Bronwyn threw her off Grace didn't let go with the result that Bronwyn's breasts were literally wrenched free from Grace's claws. "Fuuuuck" sobbed Bronwyn as she lay on her back. Both girls now had tears streaming from their eyes as they struggled to regain their breath and get to their knees. They got there at the same time and eyed each other warily without moving closer as their chests heaved and they both sucked in much needed air. "Take a break?" gasped Bronwyn. "OK" responded Grace in a strangled whisper, nodding her head weakly.
As if drawn together by their shared ordeal, they shuffled together and wrapped their arms around each other, resting their heads on each other's shoulders.
"Fuck, what a woman!" murmered Bronwyn "What an incredible first fight."
Grace squeezed her gently "Thank you Sweetie, I think you must bring out the best in me." she giggled "But honestly, this has been the most incredible experience of my life, I've never been so turned on."
Bronwyn lifted her head and Grace did the same so they were looking into each other's eyes "Me neither" said Bronwyn "I've never been so turned on in any of my other catfights."
"Oh, Sweetie!" said Grace.
They slowly drew together and kissed. They were soon writhing together and taking each other desperately in a 69 through multiple shuddering orgasms.
They lay together talking quietly and sipping from their waterbottles.
"What the fuck was THAT?" asked Grace giggling.
"Ah" sighed Bronwyn smiling "I'm really starting to love the way you laugh. THAT was a sex break."
"Is there such a thing?" asked Grace smiling whimsically.
"There is if we say there is, there's nobody else here to make the rules." smiled Bronwyn.
"I guess not." laughed Grace "So does that mean" she said slowly "that we can finish the fight?"
"Yes, if you want to but given that it's your first time out, maybe that's enough for today?" suggested Bronwyn.
"Well, my folks are away so maybe you could come for a sleepover tonight and we could finish it in the backyard tomorrow?" said Grace.
Bronwyn snorted with laughter "I'd love to spend the night with you Darling but I can tell you from experience we won't be finishing anything tomorrow: we'll both be so stiff and sore we'll barely be able to move. But we can finish it now if that's what you want or just call it a draw."
Grace wrinkled her pretty nose "Well I must say I find the notion of a draw pretty unsatisfying. A fight should have a winner and a loser. That's the whole point. You don't have to worry about protecting my fragile ego Sweetie, the thought of submitting to you and being your sex slave turns me on like nothing else."
Bronwyn stared at her open mouthed "Grace Darling, I do believe I'm falling in love with you!"