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First Time

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Offline de Vire

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First Time
« on: January 27, 2025, 06:06:50 AM »
Grace lay in bed with her eyes closed as she furiously worked herself to a final climax. "Bronwyn! Oh Bronwyn!" she gasped as her ripe 18 year old body began to shudder. She screamed as release took her. A good thing she was alone in the house. She lay there smiling as she recovered her breathing and thought about Bronwyn, visualising her beautiful face, with her wide set, deep brown eyes; her long brown hair and toned, deeply tanned 5'5" 120 pound 18 year old  body clad in her tight fitting school summer dress. Of course, the dress wasn't meant to be so tight, or so short for that matter, but Bronwyn's 34C 22 34 figure allowed her to fill it out perfectly. Grace savoured in her mind all the snippets of rumour and gossip she had heard about Bronwyn, a girl she had hardly ever talked to despite going through school with her. They were in different groups: Grace was in the rich privileged group and Bronwyn was literally from the wrong side of the tracks. Most significantly, though, Bronwyn was in the group of girls who "met" after school. She had been suspended twice for fighting and was on a final warning for expulsion. Not that she was silly enough to fight AT school but some of the girls she met after school were sore losers. Particularly from the neighbouring school, from which the two girls came who complained about Bronwyn "jumping them". Bronwyn was also known for openly making out with other girls at parties.

Grace caught sight of herself in the full length mirror as she moved towards the bathroom: a beautiful blue eyed, pale skinned, blonde of 5'7" and 133 pounds. Her nose wrinkled as she detected a slight roundness to her tummy. She worried that Bronwyn might think she was fat but really, her 36C 26 36 figure was beyond reproach. Although her she appeared soft and feminine on the surface, there was muscle underneath from her horse riding, dancing and, more recently, wrestling with her boyfriend every time they made love. Normally she would have swum a mile or so in the pool before school but with her parents away she had decided to stay in bed and enjoy herself and then drive her mother's car to school rather than walking. Aside from the serene smile on her face as she showered, she didn't want to tire herself out in case this turned out to be The Day. She had a feeling that it would be - because it was Friday and Bronwyn had been giving her The Eye all week.

Grace had never been in a catfight and never had sex with another girl but they were both things she desperately wanted to cross off her list before she finished school. She had seen catfights at parties, after school, at the shopping mall and at the late night burger place where girls from several schools seemed to gather to "get it on" in the car park. She would always run and watch but nobody had ever challenged her and she just didn't know how to go about joining the 'meet you after school group' as they were not 'her tribe'. She and the other posh girls kept to themselves and so did the hard girls.

Grace saw Bronwyn approach her at her locker during the morning recess. 'Hi Grace' said Bronwyn 'Just wondering if you'd like to hang out after school sometime?'

This wasn't quite the approach Grace had been expecting "Sure" she stammered "How about this afternoon?"

"Great!" said Bronwyn "Why don't we meet at the park behind the grandstand?"

Grace knew this was where girls met to fight and swallowed hard "I'd love too." she gasped.

Bronwyn's eyes glittered and bored into Grace's as said quietly "Maybe we could have a little tussle?"

Grace felt her face flushing and her chest tightening "I'd love to get it on with you Bronwyn." she breathed.

Bronwyn's face split into a huge grin as she said very quietly "Do you want any spectators?"

Grace shook her head and said "No. Just us if that's ok?"

"Of course it is darling. I prefer it that way too. Just think about the rules and stakes you want and we'll talk about it before we start." Bronwyn said softly as she turned and sauntered off.

'Ok' said Grace hollowly, unable to believe what had just happened as she admired Bronwyn's perfect derriere and legs as she walked away.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on endlessly for Grace as she waited for the final bell. When it finally came she drove her mother's little Italian sports car to the sportsground and parked it behind the grandstand. She sat on a bench in the shade at the back of the stand. She didn't have to wait long, 5 minutes later Bronwyn appeared walking briskly. She sat on the bench next to Grace and smiled at her. "Wow!" she said "I've wanted this with you for so long and here you are!"

"Here I am!" smiled Grace.

"Ever been in a catfight before?" asked Bronwyn tentatively, as if afraid there was some misunderstanding that was about to be clarified.

"No" said Grace "but it's something I've wanted for ages. Especially with you."

Bronwyn smiled "Could I suggest we use the standard rules, which mean nothing above the shoulder except slapping, hairpulling and wrestling holds but otherwise no holds barred, including scratching and biting with tits and pussies in play? That way we can have it as rough and dirty as we like but with no visible marks."

"Sure" said Grace breathing heavily, suppressing her excitement with difficulty. "So should we fight naked then?" she said, surprised at her own audacity.

"I certainly prefer it that way." said Bronwyn smiling quickly "Now, what about stakes? Obviously the loser's going home without her underwear."

"Oh, obviously!" laughed Grace "Maybe the loser should go home without her dignity as well, as the slave of the winner. Maybe the winner should be free to use the the loser any way she likes as her sex toy?"

"Ugh" groaned Bronwyn "Sounds great to me. How long for? An hour?"

"How about" smiled Grace "until such time as the loser wins a re-match?" and she was pleased to see Bronwyn's eyes widen and jaw sag open as she quietly said "Done!"

« Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 01:05:14 PM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2025, 04:12:36 AM »
They walked to a secluded corner of the park where there was a patch of grass screened by trees and watched each other as they stripped. Grace noticed Bronwyn's easy balance as she lifted her feet one after the other to remove her shoes and socks while standing and her elegant slender feet, which she fully expected to be worshipping after the fight. When Bronwyn lifted her dress over her head it revealed her lacy black underwear and her magnificent toned, deeply tanned torso - Grace swallowed as she realised she could see her abs clearly defined. When Bronwyn discarded her bra and panties she looked like a wild, savage tribeswoman about to do battle and Grace shivered with expectation. She had always considered Bronwyn to be the hottest of the tough girls at school, in fact the hottest girl in school if she was honest about it but she'd always just assumed Bronwyn would be out of her league - yet here she was about to throw down with her in her first catfight. She didn't expect to win against such an experienced opponent but it didn't worry her in the slightest - her orgasms were far stronger, in fact the most powerful she'd ever had, when she fantasised about losing to Bronwyn than when she fantasised about winning. Grace wanted to put up a good fight though - she wanted the fight to last as long as possible and she wanted Bronwyn to respect her. She felt a rapport with Bronwyn on an intellectual level that she hadn't anticipated and...she felt she could trust her. Appraising her naked body now Grace thought she was probably stronger than Bronwyn so she should try and take the fight to the ground as soon as possible. She'd avidly read a huge number of catfighting stories online, many of which seemed to offer some authentic insights. She expected plans to go out the window and for them to be fighting mostly on instinct. She looked forward to the rush of adrenaline and heightened senses that many had described.

Bronwyn too noticed Grace's elegant slender feet, in fact she noticed everything about her perfect feminine body, including the muscle that lurked under the  seemingly soft curves of her porcelain skin. She had always admired Grace from afar and thought she was the most beautiful girl in school. She was different to the other rich bitches too, though she didn't seem to realise it, she was natural and unaffected and Bronwyn had never heard a bad word said against her. Most of all though there was a quality about Grace that she couldn't quite define: it was as if there was this pent up passion within her that was barely under control beneath that calm exterior. Bronwyn had longed to get Grace into a catfight so that she could be the one to feel that passion when it was unleashed. Looking at Grace standing there naked smiling at her Bronwyn knew she was right.

They drew together and placed their hands on each other's slim waists. Their full, firm breasts gently came into sensual contact and both their mouths parted. Bronwyn said 'Loser taps out or gives a verbal submission. I like the word "Surrender" '. Grace smiled, it was in many of the stories she'd read 'I do too, Sweetie.' she replied softly. They kissed deeply and slowly drew apart. "I want it dirty and slutty." said Grace grinning savagely. "OK" said Bronwyn grinning in reply. They stood staring into each other's eyes, breathing deeply, nipples rock hard, then raised their fists and began to circle slowly. 

The speed and ferocity of Bronwyn's attack stunned Grace as she darted forward, feinted a slap at her face then sent a piledriver of a straight right into Grace's left breast, flattening it and causing Grace to cry out in shock and stumble back, clutching her wounded breast. Bronwyn followed up, again feinting a slap with her left and then, with Grace keeping her hands low, landing a stinging slap with her right that turned Grace's head and upper body as she reeled away. Bronwyn got both hands into Grace's long blonde hair and pulled her head down as she drove her knee up into her already wounded left breast. Grace gagged and tried to clear her head as two more knee lifts slammed into her breasts - one to the right and another to the left. Grace surged forward, trying to wrap her arms around Bronwyn to take her to the ground but like a matador Bronwyn pivoted and using her hold on Grace's hair, threw her face down on to the grass. Bronwyn followed her down and straddled Grace from behind, sitting on her lower back and leaning forward with hands extended to...she said later... grab Grace's hair...

But Grace's right elbow swung with savage force in an arc from below. Grace threw it blind as something of a forlorn hope but it made hard contact with Bronwyn's right breast and rib cage, causing Bronwyn to cry out for the first time in the fight and knocking her sideways onto the grass on her back. Grace scrambled over and straddled Bronwyn, punching down with a massive right hand that smashed into Bronwyn's left breast and following up with left aimed at her right breast. However Bronwyn bucked her hips and deflected the punch with her right then reached up and raked her nails down Grace's full breasts now hanging down and vulnerable. "Bitch" sobbed Grace as she gripped Bronwyn's breasts and returned the favour. With Grace's hands out of the way, Bronwyn hit her with two swinging slaps to the sides of her face, right left, jerking her head back and forth. Then, gripping Grace's hair with both hands and bucking her hips she threw Grace off to the side. Unfortunately for Bronwyn, Grace had, at the same time, sunk her nails into her breasts and started crushing them. When Bronwyn threw her off Grace didn't let go with the result that Bronwyn's breasts were literally wrenched free from Grace's claws. "Fuuuuck" sobbed Bronwyn as she lay on her back. Both girls now had tears  streaming from their eyes as they struggled to regain their breath and get to their knees. They got there at the same time and eyed each other warily without moving closer as their chests heaved and they both sucked in much needed air. "Take a break?" gasped Bronwyn. "OK" responded Grace in a strangled whisper, nodding her head weakly.

As if drawn together by their shared ordeal, they shuffled together and wrapped their arms around each other, resting their heads on each other's shoulders.
"Fuck, what a woman!" murmered Bronwyn "What an incredible first fight."
Grace squeezed her gently "Thank you Sweetie, I think you must bring out the best in me." she giggled "But honestly, this has been the most incredible experience of my life, I've never been so turned on."
Bronwyn lifted her head and Grace did the same so they were looking into each other's eyes "Me neither" said Bronwyn "I've never been so turned on in any of my other catfights."
"Oh, Sweetie!" said Grace.
They slowly drew together and kissed. They were soon writhing together and taking each other desperately in a 69 through multiple shuddering orgasms.
They lay together talking quietly and sipping from their waterbottles.
"What the fuck was THAT?" asked Grace giggling.
"Ah" sighed Bronwyn smiling "I'm really starting to love the way you laugh. THAT was a sex break."
"Is there such a thing?" asked Grace smiling whimsically.
"There is if we say there is, there's nobody else here to make the rules." smiled Bronwyn.
"I guess not." laughed Grace "So does that mean" she said slowly "that we can finish the fight?"
"Yes, if you want to but given that it's your first time out, maybe that's enough for today?" suggested Bronwyn.
"Well, my folks are away so maybe you could come for a sleepover tonight and we could finish it in the backyard tomorrow?" said Grace.
Bronwyn snorted with laughter "I'd love to spend the night with you Darling but I can tell you from experience we won't be finishing anything tomorrow: we'll both be so stiff and sore we'll barely be able to move. But we can finish it now if that's what you want or just call it a draw."
Grace wrinkled her pretty nose "Well I must say I find the notion of a draw pretty unsatisfying. A fight should have a winner and a loser. That's the whole point. You don't have to worry about protecting my fragile ego Sweetie, the thought of submitting to you and being your sex slave turns me on like nothing else."
Bronwyn stared at her open mouthed "Grace Darling, I do believe I'm falling in love with you!"
« Last Edit: January 28, 2025, 07:11:34 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2025, 01:54:22 PM »
WOW!! Can't wait until the next installment!


Offline de Vire

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Re: First Time
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2025, 08:18:56 AM »
"Please try to keep up Sweetie, I'm already there." smiled Grace.
Bronwyn laughed "Do you want to restart on our knees where we were when we stopped or standing up?"
"Up to you Sweetie, you're the protocol expert." said Grace.
Bronwyn laughed harder "On our knees then." she said finally. "It's the way many a sexy bedroom catfight has started."
Grace groaned "Oh sign me up for that Sweetie!"
They shuffled round and faced each other smiling, open hands raised and extended. Their eyes were naturally drawn to each others wild hair and scratched and blotchy breasts. "You look even hotter than when we started Darling." said Bronwyn.
"Oh, so do you Sweetie!" groaned Grace "Test of strength?" she offered.
They moved forward and interlinked their fingers, taking the strain and pushing against each other "I didn't realise posh girls wrestled." mocked Bronwyn.
"Well this one does" said Grace "but I don't wrestle other posh girls I much prefer a bit of rough trade."

The talking stopped as their breathing quickly grew laboured as they strained against each other. By common consent or understanding their hands splayed wider and they drew forward and mashed their breasts together, grinding them against each other. Coupled with the pain in their breasts they both found this an unbearably erotic sensation. Grace came helplessly in a violent orgasm that wracked her body and drained it's strength. She was simply unable to resist as Bronwyn forced her to the ground and straddled her, pinning her hands above her head. The sensation of pinning Grace and feeling her wet pussy on her stomach  was too much for Bronwyn however as she in turn was wracked by an orgasm she couldn't control. She didn't resist as Grace easily freed her hands and raked her nails down her breasts and grabbed her hair with both hands. The intense pain in her breasts forced an agonised cry from Bronwyn and brought her eyes back into focus but just as her hands reached Grace's breasts, she was thrown violently sideways. As well as her grip on Bronwyn's hair Grace had both feet flat on the ground for leverage. But Bronwyn only travelled about 90 degrees, winding up on her side, as Grace stopped throwing her and just held on to her hair. Bronwyn actually screamed, then wailed plaintively from the pain in her scalp as she flopped on her back.

Grace went to straddle Bronwyn but the expression on her face changed from ecstasy to agony as Bronwyn's hand drove a knife punch into the nipple of her left breast. As Grace reared back Bronwyn's other hand found her pussy and her nails dug in. Grace was able to throw herself backwards and escape, rolling herself into a ball clutching her wounded pussy and sobbing heavily. Bronwyn was in no position to capitalise however as she was lying on her back sobbing heavily herself, muttering "Fuck" repeatedly.

They lay like this for several minutes. Grace rolling over so she could keep an eye on Bronwyn. After several minutes more Bronwyn said "Fuck Darling, that was intense. Are you ready to call it a draw?"

"Fuck that Sweetie. We have to finish this." said Grace rolling on to her hands and knees before standing up slowly. She waited however as Bronwyn slowly rolled over and stood up.

Bronwyn said "Thanks for waiting Darling."

"Oh, I just chose to get up first while we were still talking, it wouldn't have been fair to have attacked you. I wouldn't want anything to spoil our beautiful contest. Just so you know, I have loved every second of it." said Grace.

Bronwyn smiled "I have too Darling. You're the most incredible woman I've ever fought. I kind of knew you would be. I don't doubt your word but it's just incredible to think that this is your first catfight. You have such amazing instincts, you're just a natural catfighter!"

"I also like to read a lot. There's some very interesting stories online!" said Grace coming over to Bronwyn.

"Well, I think we should read them together!" laughed Bronwyn.

"That's a date for sure!" laughed Grace "I'd love to fuck you now but I don't think we'd make it to Round 3 if I do!" said Grace brushing her lips against Bronwyn's.

"That's for sure!" laughed Bronwyn "And I agree, this fight has to be finished. Then we'll fuck each other's brains out."

Grace retrieved their waterbottles and they sipped quietly together for moment. 

"Ready Darling?"

"Born ready Sweetie."

"Start standing or kneeling this time?" asked Bronwyn.

"Standing Sweetie!"

And they began to circle slowly.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2025, 09:17:46 AM »
A few months from retiring!!   Yay. Love all types of cyber.  I’m 66 and fading fast so no more irl.  And yes, I have done it.   Love trash talk during a match.   Respect your elders!!!


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Re: First Time
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2025, 03:09:12 AM »
The pain in her breasts and pussy was really turning her on as she watched Bronwyn's lithe body moving like a cat. Her nipples were rock hard and her pussy was wet and Grace wondered about the wisdom of not having taken another sex break. A phrase she had read popped into her head: "Never go into a catfight with a loaded pussy." and she smiled.

Bronwyn was having exactly the same thought as she lusted after the blonde goddess facing her and contended with her own barely suppressed lust. Grace was by far the sexiest girl she had ever faced in a catfight. She had tasted the fighting lust that lurked inside Grace and she wanted more. She saw the smile pass over Grace's face and her lips set in a thin, hard line as she smiled grimly in return.

Bronwyn swooped in fast, throwing a slap at Grace's face with her left. But Grace was learning fast and expected another feint and responded by moving to the right and blocking hard with a backhand right, smashing her fist into where she expected Bronwyn's wrist to be. The contact was hard and jarring, mainly for Bronwyn because, also trying to outthink her opponent, it was a full blooded slap, not a feint, which she had intended to follow up with another grab for Grace's hair to pull her head down.

Bronwyn cried out and her wrist went numb. Instinctively she shook it trying to restore feeling, which she instantly regretted for perhaps giving away the extent to which she was hurt. Grace stopped, uncertain what to do next. Bronwyn said "Ow! That hurt bitch!" in a mock outraged tone while shaking her wrist theatrically then poked her tongue out. Grace giggled "Don't make me laugh bitch" as Bronwyn squared up and they began to circle again."

Bronwyn feinted a couple of times but pulled back. Grace began to get frustrated and was trying to figure out how to attack Bronwyn without leaving herself wide open to a devastating counter attack. Also, she was enjoying it so much she really didn't want this fight to end, let alone end quickly because of a stupid mistake. Wisely perhaps, she decided that attacking was too risky. Better to just mix it up with Bronwyn when she attacked - she thought she was starting to figure out Bronwyn's style and her successful counter attack just now had given her confidence. She didn't realise Bronwyn was playing for time until her wrist recovered.

Bronwyn flexed her wrist back and forth and, satisfied, sailed into the attack. Her flurry of blows almost overwhelmed Grace's desperate defence but although Grace managed to block the punches aimed at her breasts, Bronwyn got inside and delivered a devastating knee strike to Grace's pussy. Kneecap hit pubic bone. Sight and sound momentarily stopped for Grace, her mouth sagged open but only a gurgling sound came out and she sank straight down to her knees like a puppet with it's strings cut. On the way down she flopped against Bronwyn's body and her hands feebly grasped at her thighs for support as Bronwyn started to move back Grace fell further forward and her hands slid down Bronwyn's calves until they reached her ankles and probably out of pure instinct Grace held on and pulled with all her remaining strength. Bronwyn cried out and fell hard on her back. It was probably the sound Bronwyn made that helped a shocked Grace clear her senses and regain focus. Her feet propelled her upwards and she jumped forward, landing with both knees on Bronwyn's stomach. Straddling her comfortably, Grace reached back to claw her pussy. A strange fighting lust had taken over Grace and she wanted to even the score on the pussy mauling and force this girl underneath her, who had fought her, who had tormented and hurt her, to submit in the most painful and humiliating way possible. The girl underneath her was no longer Bronwyn but an opponent who must be totally defeated and dominated.

Grace was brought out of this reverie by becoming aware of the desperate slapping on her thigh. She looked down to see the distress on Bronwyn's face and her euphoria evaporated. She instantly released the pussy claw that she had only just applied but the desperate slapping continued. The awful realisation hit her that Bronwyn was struggling to breathe. Grace rolled off and Bronwyn tried to suck in air. Grace did what she had once seen her hockey coach do - she knelt and gently look Bronwyn's feet and held them against her breasts. Then she started rocking gently backwards and forwards to get a pumping motion going with Bronwyn's legs whilst she lovingly caressed her calves. At the same time Grace sobbed out apologies. "I'm so sorry Sweetie, I don't know what came over me, I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me Sweetie, you."

Bronwyn soon recovered "It's ok Darling, I was just winded. It's happened before, it'll happen again. It was a catfight for fucks sake, you did nothing wrong. It was a fucking brilliant move by the way. You really surprised me, that knee I hit you with would have dropped an elephant."

"Great, so I'm an elephant now." said Grace and they both laughed.

Grace was still holding Bronwyn's feet against her breasts, though she had stopped the pumping action. Bronwyn began caressing Grace's breasts with her feet, flicking her nipples with her toes. Grace groaned.

"Did I hear you say you loved me Darling? queried Bronwyn.

"Ugh" groaned Grace with a sudden intake of breath as the nipple flicking intensified "You sure did Sweetie, I've never felt like this before. Ugh! That's feels sooo good,"

"Nor have I Darling, I've never felt like this about anybody before. I feel like I've been looking for you my whole life."

"Ugh. Same." said Grace as she lifted one of Bronwyn's feet to her mouth and started to suck her toes.

"Shouldn't I be doing that for you Darling?" sighed Bronwyn.

"No." said Grace lifting her head "The stakes mean that you'll do whatever I want you to do and at the moment I want you to lie back and let me do all the work. I've been dreaming about doing this to you. When I'm finished with your feet, which might take some time, I'm going to work my way up. Very slowly."

They did indeed fuck each other's brains out until they fell asleep on the grass completely spent. When they woke up it was getting dark.   


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Re: First Time
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2025, 09:49:48 AM »
Grace woke up to find Bronwyn stroking her hair. They smiled at each other.

"I suppose we'd better go" said Grace "Would you still like to come back to my place?"

"With bells on!" said Bronwyn.

They dressed quickly and held hands as they made their way back to the carpark. They were walking slowly because the stiffness and soreness from their epic battle was starting to set in. Bronwyn was relieved to learn that the little red sports car, the only one left in the carpark, belonged to Grace. "What is it?" she asked curiously. "Oh I really don't know" said Grace "It's Italian and nearly 60 years old and it was in some famous movie that I can't remember the name of... oh, and it has a 'twin cam engine' whatever the fuck that is. My grandmother bought it new and passed it on to my mother and she's threatening to pass it on to me. Heap of old junk really. Still, it's a nice night so we might as well put the top down." Bronwyn watched as Grace folded down the canvas hood and grinned. "Cool!" she said as she settled into the passenger seat. She nearly jumped out of it when Grace started the engine: it was deafening! Bronwyn watched admiringly as Grace skilfully worked the stick shift through several changes and they seemed to rocket out of the carpark onto the roadway. The wail from engine was deafening as they picked up speed but then they caught a red light. This gave Bronwyn a chance to stroke Grace's bare thigh" before they were off again. After 10 minutes they pulled into a driveway and Grace used a remote to open some wrought iron gates. The sound of the tyres crunching on the gravel driveway was one that Bronwyn had never heard before. A large two storey house loomed up out of the darkness. Another remote opened a garage door and Grace smoothly and confidently guided the car into place and switched off the ignition. "Here" she said brightly as she vaulted from the car. Grace led Bronwyn a surprisingly short distance to her bedroom on the ground floor where they dropped their backpacks. "It was originally designed as the guest quarters" she explained "That's why it's down here." That was also why it had a bathroom and dressing room attached.

Grace took Bronwyn carefully in her arms and kissed her longingly "What say we hop in the spa and have some nice cold champagne Sweetie? I think we've earned it!"

Bronwyn sighed "Sounds good Darling. "

They were soon naked in the spa which was in a conservatory next to the swimming pool. The hot water was bufffeting their sore and tired bodies and the champagne was indeed very cold and very delicious. Bronwyn sighed and stroked Grace's leg and said "Now I know what they mean when they talk about how the other half lives."

"Oh I'm sorry Sweetie, I didn't think, it's not too much is it? If you're angry with me just beat me up, I won't even fight back." she finished smiling. "Actually I can't wait until our next tussle!"

Bronwyn laughed "Oh nor can I but it's all OK Darling, you can't help being born rich any more than I can help being born to a single mother. Don't worry, I'm enjoying all of this right now!" She finished her champagne and Grace refilled it for her as she continued "What I don't understand is why you didn't go to the posh private school instead of ours?"
Grace hooted with laughter "Oh you can't be serious, those girls are fucking awful. I actually had a big fight with my parents over it. On the other hand, if I had gone there I probably would have had more catfights than you by now!"

"Some rich bitches can fight, that's for sure!" Bronwyn said smiling and Grace smiled at the compliment "But are you saying those bitches were worse than the ones you hang out with at school?"

"Oh they're not so bad" said Grace "Anyway, I don't hang out with them any more, I want to hang out with you and all the tough girls who like to catfight. I want to get down in the mud and wrestle with girls who smoke and have tattoos and lime green hair and piercings.

Bronwyn grinned at her "Then I think there's a party we should go to tomorrow night. It's for what we call the Catfight Club at school - which you've just joined by the way - and I think you'll be surprised by some of the girls who'll be there. No guys of course. It's fancy dress, come dressed as a Mistress or a Slave."

Grace leaned in to Bronwyn and breathed in her ear "Oh I already have a fuck off Dominatrix outfit! So all we need to do is put a dog collar and leash on you and we're good to go." Then she bent down and bit Bronwyn's nipple hard, causing her to cry out. Then she kissed her hard on the lips and pushed Bronwyn's head down to bite her own nipple. This continued while their legs fought against each other underwater for control. Their legs locked up and they squeezed hard while they pulled each other's hair as they kissed. They both came explosively. Bronwyn said "How the fuck could you make me come again after today?"

Grace said "Let's go and fight in bed." 

« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 02:50:59 PM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2025, 08:44:53 AM »
Bronwyn woke up late next morning, looked at Grace sleeping soundly across from her and smiled contentedly. She was always turned on by girls who beat her in a catfight but Grace towered over all of them. Not the strongest or toughest girl who had ever defeated her perhaps but definitely the sexiest... and by far the most interesting. Bronwyn slipped noiselessly out of the bed and went to the kitchen to make coffee for them both which she took back to bed. She scrolled through her phone and returned several texts about the party that night. Then she opened her laptop and input some new details into a document titled "Contact List".

Grace had been stirring so she nudged her with her foot. When she sat up yawning Bronwyn handed her the second mug of coffee which Grace gripped with both hands and raised gratefully to her full lips. "What's doing?" she asked drowsily.

"This" said Bronwyn setting the laptop down in front of her. Grace squinted at the three columns, the first being dates, then a list of names which she soon realised were girls at school and finally phone numbers. Instinctively she scanned to the bottom and her own name leapt out at her, together with yesterdays date and her phone number. She felt her chest tighten and said "So it was real, it wasn't a dream."

"Well I'd say it was both, like a dream come true." laughed Bronwyn "and now, if you want to, we can let the other girls know you've joined the club. It's basically saying you're up for a rumble. The way it works is anyone can call anyone else on the list and challenge them, if you accept and if you can both agree on rules, stakes, spectators and other details, you get it on. You can decline a challenge without giving a reason and, the fact that you were challenged and declined or couldn't agree on terms should be kept between the two of you."

"Sounds great Sweetie!" said Grace swallowing hard.

"Well Darling just check all the names on the list carefully to make sure there's nobody there that you wouldn't want to know about your new kink."

Grace's eyes went down the list line by line and Bronwyn smiled faintly waiting for the explosion.

"What the fuck! Cindy! What the actual fuck!" Grace looked wildly at Bronwyn.

"I told you you'd be surprised by some of the girls there tonight." said Bronwyn calmly "Read on Darling"

"Ingrid" said Grace hollowly then "Fiona" and finally "Sarah". What the fuck." She reached the end of the list and looked at Bronwyn.

 "I know the other's are your friends" said Bronwyn "but what's the connection to Cindy?"

"She went out with David before me. A real bitch." said Grace.

"Yes she is." said Bronwyn "You should watch out for her."

"Oh fuck her, who cares? But Sarah is my best friend. Why didn't she tell me?" said Grace feeling hurt.

"Did you tell her you were meeting up with me? Did you tell her about your innermost desires Darling?" queried Bronwyn.

"No but..." Grace trailed off.

"Not easy, is it?" prompted Bronwyn.   

"No" said Grace finally then smiled mischieviously "Anyway, she's so fucking dropped as best friend, I think I've found a new one."

"That's... kind of nice." smiled Bronwyn.

"It's... kind of true." returned Grace briskly "Anyway, fuck it, let's get the word out there that all that goes out, no details on my opponent, who won...?"

"Ah" said Bronwyn "Everyone will know it was me because I'm sending the email with the updated list. We don't include any details partly because we want the document to be totally innocuous so that if it falls into the wrong hands nobody gets expelled.  Partly we don't include details so the loser isn't humiliated, particularly if the document falls into the wrong hands like some wayward boyfriend.  Partly we do it to retain the delicious uncertainty about the outcome as you go into each bout, which would be largely lost if we published some sort of win/loss record. And partly we do it because each encounter should remain a personal matter between the two girls concerned if they want it that way. If they choose to have a crowd watch - be they called witnesses, spectators or seconds - obviously it won't stay private for very long. Also the loser can consent to the winner making the outcome known and I willingly give you permission to do so if you wish. The loser can disclose their defeat at any time . Phew!" concluded Bronwyn with a grin.

Grace was silent for a while as she absorbed all this then she grinned "I love it!" then said "But I can't think of you as a loser Sweetie. To be honest I think you were winning the fight until I just got lucky."

"Oh no, you won it alright Darling, don't doubt that for a moment. Your first fight and you fought me to a standstill like a veteran. You took some hard hits but you kept coming forward and you saw your chance to finish me. You have incredible instincts and natural ability. And don't worry I loved everything you did to me. You're not the only kinky bitch who likes being conquered. And the thought of you putting a collar and leash on me tonight is making me so wet."

"You're not the only one who's wet!" said Grace, reaching for her.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2025, 05:41:13 AM »
They lay together for a long time afterwards, gently kissing and caressing each other.

Finally Bronwyn spoke "I want to fight Sarah over you. I want a bedroom catfight with her on the floor over there with you watching from the bed." and her hand strayed to Grace's pussy.

"Ugh" said Grace "You really don't like her, do you." letting her own hand stray to Bronwyn's pussy.

"No I don't. Not that she's as overtly bitchy as some of the others but she is just so annoying - she's had such an easy life but she just takes it for granted, she behaves as if her life is normal when it isn't. She seems to think everyone is born with a trust account and if they don't have one it must be due to some bad choice they've made, not to an accident of birth."

Grace laughed "That's true, she certainly drops some clangers sometimes."

Bronwyn said "But it's not just that: I really want you to see the two of us fight breast to breast over you, nails and hair, until one of us can't continue. To see your bit of rough trade conquer your vacuous rich bitch friend, to show her that there's something her money can't buy her. Do you want to see me fight her Darling?"

Grace shuddered "Oh Yes, Yes, Yes! I'd love to see that Bronny." she gasped "Oh it would be such a great match! She's very sporty you know, very strong." she groaned.

"Oh it will be a great fight alright but when it's over she'll be lying broken underneath me whimpering and begging for mercy." said Bronwyn working her fingers inside Grace to a frenzy "I'll conquer her and turn her into our fuck puppet.

Grace cried out as her body jackknifed and the cum squirted from her, followed moments later by Bronwyn.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2025, 05:44:31 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2025, 06:55:29 AM »
Grace twirled around and smiled at Bronwyn. Her proud shoulders and full, milky white breasts shown off to perfection by the low cut black leather corset, which rose high enough at the bottom to reveal the full extent of her shapely thighs, clad in black fishnet stockings. Black leather boots encased her calves and a studded black leather collar was around her neck. Her hair was piled high and her make up was perfect. In her hand swishing back and forth was a riding crop.

"Fuck you look hot Sweetie. Though I may need to whip you before the night is out." Grace said to Bronwyn.

Bronwyn was dressed only in her lacy black bra and panties and a studded black leather collar with an upper body harness. On her feet she wore black leather Roman sandals. She wore no make up and her hair was wild and loose. She grinned "You can do whatever you like with me Mistress! Where the fuck did you get this stuff anyway?"

Grace came over and clipped the matching lead to Bronwyn's collar "Oh my sick puppy of a boyfriend got it online. Shall we go?" as she gave Bronwyn a gentle tug with the lead.

"Oh yeah, the one who was previously with Cindy." said Bronwyn as they made their way to the garage.

"She's just texted as well by the way, said she's looking forward to seeing me tonight. Never given me the time of day before." she grinned "Still, I'll be interested to talk to her about David!" she chuckled "Honestly, I don't know how many messages that is now since you sent the email." sighed Grace. "No challenges yet though."

Bronwyn laughed "Oh, we don't challenge by text, always face to face. The fact they are checking in is just letting you know that they're interested. I told you you'd be popular Darling!" then she became serious "Now remember Darling, we're not accepting any challenges tonight, we just say that we're interested and we'll talk further. And we are definitely not getting into any fights tonight, we both need more time to recover There's two already organised and it wouldn't surprise me if there are more. And we can just sit back and enjoy them!"

"Yes Mum!" said Grace  "Fuck, what does a girl have to do around here to have a good time?"

"And no red lights!"

"Yes Mum!" said Grace more insistently, then "Actually, that's not a bad point, should I put the top up?"

"Nah, fuck it!"

"Yeah, fuck it."


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Re: First Time
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2025, 03:52:53 AM »
Since her friend Ingrid was hosting the party it was easy for Grace to find her way and she parked in the driveway. While she was putting the top up Bronwyn removed her sandals remarking "Actually, I don't think our feet are quite the same size. Anyway, I it will be more primal barefoot!"

Grace wrinkled her nose and said "Just make sure you wash them Sweetie before you stick them in my mouth again!"

Bronwyn giggled and they kissed leaning against the car "Ready for your debut, Darling?" queried Bronwyn "Yes Sweetie!" breathed an obviously excited Grace in reply. The party had started at 5 and Bronwyn suggested arriving at 6 for maximum impact. Bronwyn went first carrying bottles of bourbon and cola while Grace followed with the lead to Bronwyn's collar wrapped around her fist and the riding crop in her other hand, with which she flicked Bronwyn's superb arse as they swayed along. There were about 50 girls at the party - a quarter of the final year cohort. The excited buzz of conversation died down until only the music playing could be heard as more and more turned to look at Bronwyn and Grace as they made their way to the outside bar and Bronwyn deposited their contribution on the counter. At that moment wild cheering burst out. They had made the entrance they intended. Grace's friends Ingrid and Fiona, looking dead sexy in their expensive Mistress outfits, came and greeted them.

Bronwyn fixed their drinks and they made their way to a cane lounge at the edge of the patio. Grace sat on the lounge and removed her boots revealing her stockinged calves and feet. Bronwyn sat obediently with Grace's legs over her shoulders and feet in her lap, stroking her shapely calves. Ingrid and Fiona sat on the lounge next to Grace.

Ingrid said "Well that was fucking hot!" and they all laughed. "So" she continued "You're making it pretty clear who won! Incredible effort babe in your first time out -and against a girl like Bronwyn!"

"Oh, it was a bit of a fluke actually." said Grace feeling the wetness in her pussy.

"Ingrid and I have been wondering if you'd ever join the club. We both thought you be awesome." said Fiona and Grace swallowed hard.

"We were wondering about more than that" said Ingrid grinning 'like what happened afterwards? But I think you've answered that question too!"

By this time Grace was breathing hard and her face was turning red.

"Don't worry about it Grace, we're just fucking with you." smiled Fiona.

"What she means is: we both want to fuck you after we fuck you up!" laughed Ingrid.

"You were never much one for subtlety, were you Ingrid?" said Grace icily, with the look that her friends knew so well, "But rest assured, I'll be happy to put a collar on both of you too in due course. Now I have a full dance card to get through tonight so fuck off and let me get on with it. Kiss!" she commanded and kissed both of them hard on the lips and smacked Fiona on the arse with her riding crop as she withdrew.

"Well I'm wet!" announced Bronwyn, speaking for the first time.

"Oh you're always wet." snapped Grace.

"A girl has needs." grumbled Bronwyn as a figure detached herself from the shadows and approached tentatively. She was a pale skinned brunette of 5'4" and about 145 pounds with a figure that looked like 36DD 30 38. Her makeup accentuating her warm brown eyes and her long brown hair was piled on top of her head. She wore a low cut filmy black bra and panties with suspenders and sheer black stockings with patent black and red shoes. Her face was strong and sensual and her legs were thick but shapely and obviously strong. She would have gone to a lot of trouble for tonight as Grace had never seen her looking so good, although she had always felt deeply attracted to her.

"Monica Sweetie" exclaimed Grace patting the couch beside her "Come sit here!" and then mashing her full lips into Monica's when she sat. "I was so glad to see your name on the list." 

"And I was so glad to see yours!" said Monica "Wow! You and Bronwyn! How perfect!"

"Thanks" interjected Bronwyn sardonically.

"It was perfect Sweetie. We had a glorious tussle and Bronwyn has been very diligent in discharging her duties as my sex slave ever since!" said Grace laughing.

"It's funny" said Monica "but you two in your own ways have been the only ones to be kind to me since I came here." she said as the tears came.

"Oh Sweetie!" said Grace hugging her "You're my friend!"

"But how can I be?" sobbed Monica "I'm literally trailer trash and you're..."

She was cut off by Grace lunging and kissing her passionately, pulling her in close.

Meanwhile, Sarah had appeared and stood impatiently, actually tapping her foot. Grace watched out of the corner of her eye as Bronwyn rose and went over to her, talking quietly and shepherding her inside.   

Monica sighed and rested her head on Grace's bosom, as Grace smelt her hair.

"I didn't come over here to challenge you" said Monica quietly "I could never fight you. I only fight bitches who try to bully me or put me down. I just came over to say how much I love you and Bronwyn good you look together."

"Oh Sweetie, that's so lovely." said Grace kissing her again. Monica groaned and thrust her tongue strongly against Grace's.

"Sweetie" Grace said when they finally broke apart "Would you like to come home and play with Bronwyn and me tonight?"

"Serious?" spluttered Monica, her shock written all over her face.

"Of course Sweetie, you're the hottest girl here - and the nicest." said Grace.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 07:12:01 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2025, 08:21:17 AM »
"What the fuck is she doing with that fat pig?" shuddered Sarah as they walked off.

Bronwyn bit back the reply she would have liked to have made and said simply "I don't know. I didn't even know they were friendly until just now, did you?"

"No." said Sarah shortly "Just as long as Porky doesn't get in the way."

Sarah led Bronwyn upstairs to the main bedroom, which had a lock on the door. They started kissing as they quickly undressed each other. Brown haired, brown eyed, lightly tanned Sarah's superbly toned 5'6" 126 pounds 34C 24 34 body was a testament to many years of high level tennis training and she aggressively threw Bronwyn on the bed and straddled her, pinning her wrists.

"Now what have YOU been up to, Bronny?" queried Sarah menacingly.

"I did what I said I'd do." said Bronwyn calmly "I got her into a catfight, inducted her into the fraternity and I've even set up our match for her to watch."

"Yes but you weren't supposed to let her WIN! What the fuck happened?" insisted Sarah, no sign of the butter-wouldn't-melt sweet face she normally presented to the world."
"I told you: I could GUARANTEE a loss but not a win" said Bronwyn "She got lucky is all, fell on me by accident after I tripped and her knee knocked the wind out of me. She punched the shit out of my tits before I could get her attention and surrender. So I reckon I'm earning my money. Do you want to move forward or not? Second payment is now due or are you going to mess me about? Anyway, I think this works better for you if your ultimate goal is to get her into a catfight yourself, which it is, isn't it?"   

"My, aren't we clever?" sneered Sarah "Don't worry, you'll get your money. Just hold up your end of the bargain."

"I have" said Bronwyn "I let you win in front of your boyfriend, I got her into fighting and set up our fight in front of her, which I'll also let you win in exchange for the 3rd payment. Three fights, three payments."

"I'm not sure I need to pay you to lose, you can't fight for shit and you seem to enjoy losing so much." said Sarah cattily.

"Well there's one way to find out." said Bronwyn staring straight up into her eyes. 

"My, my, tetchy, tetchy." said Sarah "But I've changed my mind about our second fight, as well as Grace, I want Robert, Fiona and Ingrid there to watch. If I'm paying all this money, I should get full value for it."

"That wasn't the deal!" said Bronwyn.

"Well I'm changing the deal." said Sarah.

They stared into each other's eyes until Bronwyn said "Fine! But I have to have a guy and 2 girls there as well. Aside from anything else it wouldn't look right if I didn't."

"Done." said Sarah kissing her.

"If only you weren't so fucking hot." groaned Bronwyn "Now stop bitching and get a move on or we'll miss the first fight."


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Re: First Time
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2025, 04:36:10 AM »
Grace had talked to just about every girl there and was feeling totally overwhelmed. They all wanted a catfight with her! Some insisted they were straight, some bi and some les. Though some of the straight girls appealed to her [and Bronwyn reckoned you could make any girl cum in a catfight] she mentally put them at the bottom of the pile. About half the bi and les girls simply did not appeal to her sexually and she set them aside as well. The remaining girls got her very wet as she talked to them in more detail. With girls much bigger or smaller than herself she played down the prospect of fighting in favour of wrestling or just hooking up. Most seemed amenable to this, as Bronwyn had said they would be for a hottie like Grace. One exquisite little 5'4" 110 pound redhead called Jane however said she'd definitely want to fight Grace because she "found pain interesting" and didn't care whether she won or lost! Most of the bi or les girls roughly her own size were happy to fight in the nude to the standard rules. When it came to spectators however, preferences ran the full gamut from a private fight to a large crowd.

Finally, the elegant 5'9" 126 pound Cindy sat down next to her. Grace always felt that Cindy looked at her in a coolly appraising way, as only an ex-girlfriend can look at look at a current girlfriend. They had talked a few times at parties and Grace had always felt a flicker of interest from her - and reciprocated it. Bronwyn had warned her off Cindy because a number of girls who had lost to her found her "weird". Grace was actually excited by what she suspected that "weirdness" was.

"Grace, fancy meeting you here." drawled Cindy.

"Well, why wouldn't I be here Sweetie, it's a kinky bitch convention after all. And it gives me a chance to thank you for all the hard work you put into training David, he is a most compliant slave thanks to you!"

"Mhhm, pleased to hear it, maybe I should take him back from you?" smiled Cindy.

"Oh goodness, that could lead to a catfight!" said Grace, covering her mouth with her hand in mock horror.

"I certainly hope so." smiled Cindy "Do you want David to watch?"

"Not fussed but I would want Bronwyn there." said Grace.

"That's OK as long as I get to fight her too." said Cindy.

"That won't be a problem. Naked, standard rules, submission sex for the loser?" queried Grace with a raised eyebrow.

"That sounds absolutely delicious Grace Darling." said Cindy as she kissed Grace lingeringly on the lips and glided off.

Everyone was arranging the furniture along the edge of the patio to watch the arranged catfights on the lawn when Bronwyn and Sarah reappeared. Bronwyn again sat on the ground between Grace's legs and Sarah sat next to Grace on the couch. Sarah said "Remember our last sleepover wrestling match babe?"

Grace groaned "Not likely to forget it!" They had spread Grace's quilt out on her bedroom floor to prevent their knees getting carpet burn and agreed to remove their bras because of the way they scratched their skin. The wrestled in just their panties and as their sweat soaked bodies, particularly their breasts, slipped and ground together and neither could gain an advantage, their mouths drew tantalisingly close together, their breathing grew laboured and... they both came, shuddering helplessly but silently thinking they were hiding it from each other. Grace quickly let Sarah pin her to bring the match to an end and they spent the whole night side by side in bed tossing and turning, resisting their burning desire to reach out for each other. Embarrassed, they had not had another sleepover or wrestling match together since.

"How the fuck did we not fuck that night? Sarah asked, kissing Grace "Don't know Sweetie." she breathed, smiling in return.

The first two protagonists appeared: Jane and a pretty little ash blonde of about the same size called Sue that Grace had also felt particularly attracted towards.
Grace admired their lithe naked bodies as they stalked each other, then threw caution to the winds and attacked with a flurry of punches, slaps and kicks. The action seemed impossibly fast as they both wailed away then clinched and went for each other's hair, jerking each other around wildly as they each tried to throw the other to the ground. Eventually Jane succeeded in throwing Sue and landed on top of her but she was immediately thrown off and they rolled over and over exchanging curses, scratches, punches, knees and pulling hair!

This was the first time Grace had watched a catfight like this, that wasn't going to be broken up, from only a few yards away. She was conscious of the wetness in her pussy as Bronwyn stroked her calves, then Sarah placed her hand on her pussy. She nearly jumped but realising the only light that was on was a floodlight on the lawn where Jane and Sue were and that they were in darkness, she placed one hand over Sarah's on her pussy and reached for Sarah's pussy with the other. There was a flap in her corset to give access to her pussy and Grace smiled as Sarah groped for it in vain before finally undoing the press studs and zipper for her. She smiled more broadly as she easily found and opened the similar flap on Sarah's corset.

The two small girls were still fighting like wildcats on the grass as Grace and Sarah rapidly worked each other to a climax. Finally Sue seemed to run out of gas and Jane started raining unanswered punches on her exquisite 34A breasts "Surrender!" sobbed Sue and Jane immediately stopped punching her and started kissing her as Grace and Sarah came together. Sarah leaned in to kiss her as Bronwyn swivelled and went down on her, extracting another orgasm from her.

When Grace's senses cleared Jane and Sue were gone from sight and two big, well built girls were squaring up to each other on the grass. "Neither of them has ever lost" explained Sarah "This is basically a championship bout."

"As well it would be" thought Grace to herself as she surveyed the two amazons: Michelle the school netball captain at 5'9" and 38DD 28 38 that added up to 160 tanned. muscled pounds, looked like the girl next door with her brown eyes and hair; Helen on the other hand had a quirkily exotic, almost oriental, face with pale skin and dark eyes and hair and her 5'7" 38C 30 40 165 pound frame was balanced easily on her two strong looking legs. Grace had decided that she would not be catfighting with either of these two but was certainly open to the idea of being wrestled into submission by them. She literally groaned and shuddered with desire as she drank in the sight of their magnificent bodies ranged against each other on the grass.

In a moment they were fighting and the way they both threw punches and kicks and blocked and dodged left no doubt that these were two girls who really knew how to fight. They were both prepared to take a punch to give one too and they were soon trading punches and kicks and knees at close range. The sheer force of the blows as they hit home shocked Grace as the brutal slugfest continued and neither girl took a backward step. It was Michelle finally getting in a knee to Helen's pussy that dropped her to the ground. Michelle jumped like a professional wrestler and went to deliver a forearm smash to Helen's breasts but Helen raised her knees just in time and Michelle impaled her stomach on them and flopped to the side. Helen straddled her and sank hard punches into Michelle's firm 38DD breasts until she weakly tapped Helen's thigh. Helen slid forward and planted her pussy on Michelle's mouth. Michelle's hands gripped Helen's thighs and she got busy with her tongue until the big girl came noisily on her face.         

Again Grace and Sarah came together but as Bronwyn turned to eat her out it was sobering for Grace to realise that she wouldn't have lasted 10 seconds with either of these girls. Once again Bronwyn teased another orgasm out of her and Grace sighed quietly with pleasure.

"Come back to mine with Bronny and Monica Sweetie?" Grace said dreamily.

Sarah jumped up and having some idea what was about to happen, Bronwyn also got to her feet.

"With that fat pig Monica? Not bloody likely!" spat Sarah "She's fucking trailer trash. I'm out of here." and stalked off in disgust.

Grace jumped to her feet, her beautiful face white with fury but Bronwyn grabbed her in a bearhug "Not tonight" said Bronwyn tersely "You need more time to recover."

"I don't fucking care." said Grace straining against her. She pushed Bronwyn back slightly but Sarah was disappearing from view

"Anyway I've set up my fight with her for next Saturday night." Bronwyn added quickly and Grace relaxed against her.

"It's not your fight." said Grace.

"Bullshit" said Bronwyn "Monica is my tribe and she's my friend too. I didn't even know you knew her..."

"Oh, I did her orientation when she started last term and we talked and we just sort of clicked." said Grace quietly "Anyway, I thought you said we'd need 2 weeks to recover from our catfight?" she added suspiciously.

"You probably will." said Bronwyn earnestly "But my body is a bit I'll be fine by next Saturday. But she wouldn't agree to the bedroom catfight I wanted and she wants half the world there as witnesses.'"

Grace's eyes glittered "Good" she smiled "Just make sure you are OK" she said in a hard voice "I want to watch you beat the shit out of that bitch. Then...a week or two later" she smiled "I'm going to beat the shit out of her for good measure. Now let's find gorgeous Monica and get out of here." 



« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 06:54:59 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2025, 07:40:05 AM »
Monica's eyes fairly saucered when they arrived at Grace's home. She had never tasted champagne before and she decided that she liked it. Bronwyn watched her in amusement, her own reaction had been similar.

Grace tipped back her champagne and finished it "Monica Sweetie, is there anything in your religion that prevents you from wrestling with your friends?"

"" said Monica smiling "Actually, I love a good wrestle!"

"So do we, Sweetie." smiled Grace " Now if we put the quilt on the floor it will be easier on our knees..."

Grace grappled with Monica for all she was worth but in the end. the reality was that Monica was just too strong for her. Grace was pinned or submitted every time. But she loved the sensation of Monica's firm 36DD breasts boring into her own and of her body being totally dominated by Monica's.

Bronwyn tried her best but was no more successful than Grace. In the end, the only way they could prevail against Monica was by double teaming her. Grace and Bronwyn then proceeded to worship a leg each, then a breast each, before Bronwyn called out "Going high" and started kissing Monica while Grace called out "Going low" and buried her mouth ravenously in her pussy..

Later they drank more champagne and cuddled as they talked. "Monica" said Grace, stroking her hair, "What do you think about Sarah?"

"Total bitch" said Monica "She's been such a cow to me that I've been thinking about arranging an after school meeting with her. We'll see how high and mighty she is when I've finished with her."

"Queue jumper!" said Bronwyn "I'm fighting her next Saturday and I have some free tickets, would you like a ringside seat Mon?"

Monica giggled "Oh I'd love that." she said smiling.

"Then I've got dibs to have the next crack at her and I'd love for you to be there when I put her down." said Grace.

"Geez I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. What did she do to piss you two off?" asked Monica.

"She talked shit about someone we both care about." said Bronwyn looking at Grace who smiled and nodded.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2025, 07:44:27 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2025, 06:37:49 AM »
They slept in late on Sunday morning. Monica awoke to find herself lying between Grace and Bronwyn in the huge bed - with an urgent need to empty her bladder. She carefully folded back the arm and leg Grace had draped over her and rolled forward onto her hands and knees to make her way to the foot of the bed. She visited the bathroom and found a glass, gratefully drinking several glasses of water straight down, suddenly aware of how thirsty she was. Grace appeared in the mirror behind her and nuzzled into her back, cupping her breasts from behind and kissing her neck. "Come back to bed sexy." she whispered.

Despite their best efforts to be quiet, when they came they woke Bronwyn up. "Mhhm" she said rolling towards them "I'll have some of that." When they finished they lay together for a long time in a tangled heap, sweaty and sated. Grace eventually got up and in the shower. Bronwyn soon joined her and they kissed as they soaped each other down. When Monica appeared Grace got out of the shower and Monica took her place. Grace towelled off and slipped on a short light blue silk kimono, in which she looked simply divine, and laid out red and bright green kimonos for the other two. She checked her phone as she padded into the kitchen and made coffee. The other two appeared: Bronwyn looking elegant and slender in green while the red somehow emphasised Monica's voluptuous figure. "I wondered which way round you'd go. I think you got it right." Grace smiled. 

Grace made scrambled eggs while the others sat at the kitchen island and checked their phones as they drank their coffee. "Grace Darling" drawled Bronwyn without looking up "What time today are your parents due back?"

"Oh, they'll go straight to the office tomorrow." smiled Grace "So we have the place to ourselves for another day if you'd like to stay."

"Rather!" said Bronwyn, emphasising the second syllable.

"I can play for a while." said Monica, and Grace and Bronwyn both loved the newfound sexual confidence radiating from her "But I can't stay tonight - I promised mum I'd be home when she gets off work tonight."

"What time is that Sweetie? I can drive you home." said Grace, coming to terms with the idea of a middle aged woman having to work on a Sunday and liking Monica even more for putting her mother first.     

Monica stared straight down as she said "She'll be home by 9 tonight but don't worry I can get myself home."

"Nonsense! I'll drive you. In fact if we take Dad's truck we can pick your mother up from work." said Grace, realising Monica's mother would otherwise be coming home on a late night bus.

"Oh no she wouldn't want that..." said Monica then rushed over to Grace and hugged her 'Oh why are you so kind to me Grace." she sobbed and her ample body shook in Grace's arms as she sobbed uncontrollably. Bronwyn came over and wrapped her arms around them both as Monica's tears slowly subsided. "Sorry." she said finally.

Grace cooed reassuringly and settled Monica back into her seat while Bronwyn finished dishing up the eggs. placing a plate in front of Monica and saying "Eat Darling, it will make you feel better!" They all ate ravenously, realising how hungry they were. Grace poured more coffee.

Monica finally looked up at Grace and said "I'm just not used to kindness."

Grace felt like she'd been punched in the gut "Well you'd better get used to it Sweetie because I love you and I'm not going anywhere." placing her hands on Monica's. Bronwyn placed her hands on top and murmered "Snap!"

They went back to bed and made love slowly and sensuously, Grace and Bronwyn both focusing on Monica, who groaned and sighed and eventually shuddered to another climax. They lay together kissing and gently caressing each other and Monica began to talk.

Her mother had snatched her up and fled her drunken, wastrel father in the dead of night with nothing more than a suitcase. She'd tried to start again but they'd had to move when he found them. That's why she came to their school last term. Her mother worked long hours in the chicken processing factory and could only afford to rent a trailer. Monica had just got a part time job as a waitress before they'd had to move and couldn't find another job now.

Monica was used to being bullied. Even before they left her father there was no money and she would be ridiculed for her clothes and shoes. By now tears trickled down Grace's cheeks and Bronwyn bowed her head. Monica had taken the bullying for years until just after she turned 18 when this big loud girl who was the school bully cornered Monica with her hangers on surrounding her and a group of boys looking on and, challenged her to  a fight. Monica just bowed her head as she usually did and would have just taken it but the leader of the boys approached her and offered her money to fight.

"Fuck!" said Grace through clenched teeth.

"It happens!" said Bronwyn quietly.   

"Anyway" Monica continued "I thought 'Fuck it, if I'm going to get beaten up anyway, I might as well get paid for it' so I said 'Give me the money' and he did. So we squared off and they all formed a circle around us cheering and I waited to see what she would do. I realised she didn't seem to know herself. So I waited. We just kept circling and the crowd started jeering. They kept calling out 'Come on Mags, get her, kick her arse.' So she came at me, swung a huge slap at my face and I ducked and drove this punch deep into her guts. I think all the years of humiliation I had endured went into that punch. She doubled over and I kneed her in the face. Her nose exploded in a spray of blood. She fell on her back and I jumped on top of her and just kept punching her fat tits. Some of her flunkeys tried to intervene but the boys held them back. My arms got tired eventually so I stopped and stood up. One of the boys called out 'Kick her' and I nearly did but I looked at her lying there broken and helpless and all the hate just left me. I said to the boys holding back her friends 'Let them help her.' and walked off."

"I realised as I walked away that I was very wet downstairs and I pleasured myself many times reliving that fight. I realised I enjoyed fighting and that I was good at it and that it turned me on like nothing else. It certainly wasn't the last time boys paid me to fight. I was actually very popular. They'd set up fights between girls from different schools who didn't know each other. I'd agree to any rules, though mostly they weren't any, and any forfeits for the loser. Not many girls from my own school actually approached me to fight after that first time but many of them wanted to get with me and I found I enjoyed wrestling with them while we fucked. I caught up with Mags and made her eat me out. I didn't enjoy sex with boys much but maybe because I was hanging out with the wrong ones."

"I had a fight with a girl at the trailer park just for the hell of it and sat on her face afterwards. And the two bitches at school, including the one where you stood by me Bronny." concluded Monica.

Bronwyn stirred and took Monica's hand. "I've fought for money too Monica. Sometimes it was the only way I could help Mum out a bit. So I know how you feel."

Monica said "Yeah. I'd do anything to earn some money at the moment."

Grace smiled "Including modelling?"

Monica said "What the fuck? No way could I ever be a model."

"Not catwalk modelling, I know Cindy at school does a bit of that but none of us are tall enough. I'm talking about swimsuit modelling or lingerie modelling. I just got the payment for my first shoot: $500."

Monica said "Yeah but your figure is perfect."

"I prefer yours Sweetie" Grace said firmly "Anyway the agency asked me to recommend girls who might be interested in trying out, girls who have fuller figures down to skinny wraiths like Bronwyn here."

"Do you really think I could do it?" asked Monica.

"Sweetie you're hot as fuck." said Grace "And your beautiful heart gives you this aura. You and Bronny would be awesome."

"I'm game." smiled Bronwyn.

"Then so am I." said Monica.

"Good" said Grace "That's settled. Now if you don't mind I need some advice about what to do about my boyfriend. He's a nice enough guy and we've had some fun times. He's even a bit kinky but I'm starting to think I prefer girls, preferably more than one at a time. I've been ducking him the past couple of days and now  he's desperate to come over."   

"Then let him" said Bronwyn promptly "We'll give him a foursome that will blow his mind. After Monica and I have checked him out we'll be able to give you our considered opinion, right Mon?"

"Absolutely!" Monica spluttered.

"But I thought you were a lesbian?" said Grace.

"Never assume." scolded Bronwyn "I don't mind fucking guys, I just don't like them following me around like lost puppies. Why buy a book when you can borrow from a library? I don't need to. Every girl I know who's with a straight guy is being constantly pestered for a threesome. I just help a sister out. Am I right or am I right, Darling?"

Grace was laughing hysterically and nodded "You're spot on Sweetie." she finally managed to get out.

Grace hit a button on her phone "Hi spunky" she said "You still want to come over?" pause "Well I'm here naked with the two hot girls I just spent the night with so don't spend too long jacking off in the shower."