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First Time

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Re: First Time
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2025, 03:40:22 AM »
David rang the doorbell 10 minutes later. The door opened to reveal Grace in her leather studded collar and corset and stockings, with her riding crop in one hand and a leash in the other...attached to a collar around Bronwyn's neck, who was otherwise naked sitting on her haunches at Grace's feet.

"Hello Naughty Boy' said Grace in her huskiest voice "Welcome to the House of Pain". This is my slave Bronwyn. I put those scratches on her tits when I fucked her up in a catfight. Now she is my fuckpuppet until she wins her freedom. Inside is Mistress Monica who awaits you. Do you dare to cross the threshold and match your puny will against hers?"

David stepped forward without hesitation but awkwardly due to huge tenting bulge in his shorts.

"My my" remarked Grace over her shoulder as she walked leading Bronwyn on her hands and knees and David followed "I think you're even bigger than usual. I may allow you to service me after your initiation."

In Grace's room the quilt was spread out on the floor. David knew what that meant. Standing on it was a shorter but obviously powerful girl whose voluptuous curves were clad in lingerie and strong legs encased in stockings. "Get naked and assume the position." Grace ordered David "Mistress Monica will then conduct your initiation." Grace then led Bronwyn over to the bed.

It only took a moment for David to throw off his shirt and shorts and kneel on the quilt. His huge throbbing member was actually purple and extended upwards beyond the horizontal. Monica performed a slower striptease for his benefit.

Bronwyn giggled "I see what you mean, he's hung like a horse."

Grace dropped her head and bit her nipple "Stay in character." she whispered then said "Mistress Monica you may proceed when ready. I note that this slave has brought a loaded weapon into the arena. Do you require assistance to disarm him?"

"No, Mistress Grace, it will be my pleasure." said Monica stifling her smile with difficulty. Grace had said to follow her lead and damn she was enjoying this! Monica shuffled over to David on her hands and knees and gripped his member with her hand, looking into his widening eyes as she squeezed it "Confirming that the weapon is loaded." she said, pleased with herself for coming up with this line. "I will now proceed to disarm the weapon." and she knelt and started to bite the shaft, working her way backwards and forwards as David's eyes bulged and his breathing became very laboured. Then she started to tease the head lightly with the tip of her tongue. David started groaning and she realised he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer. "On your back Slave." she ordered "I will now perform the final act to disarm the weapon." she said to the girls on the bed as her strong thighs straddled David and she enveloped his manhood with her pussy. "Slave, you now have permission to pleasure me." she grunted as she began to ride him.   

Grace and Bronwyn watched open mouthed, even as they pleasured each other, as Monica brutally but expertly rode David, never allowing him to get on top, to a series of thunderous orgasms until he finally bellowed like a bull. Grace realised she'd never got him to make a sound quite like that...

Monica and David recovered on the bed as Grace and Bronwyn took to the floor to wrestle. "I order you to fight me Stave" said Grace and a torrid struggle ensued as their evenly matched. naked and soon sweaty,  bodies struggled vigorously for control. Grace was slightly the stronger but Bronwyn slightly the more nimble, After about 15 minutes Grace finally managed to pin Bronwyn and shuffled forward to sit on her face before taking her in a 69. By the time they were finished Monica had to disarm David's weapon all over again, this time by taking him fully into her mouth.

After time to recover, Monica and David locked up on their knees on the floor in a trial of strength and an epic battle ensued. David was 6'2" and 180 pounds and he basically had to let Grace, strong and skilful as she was, win their wrestling matches as part of their roleplay. Monica surprised him with her strength and aggression and he soon found that he had a genuine battle on his hands. He finally managed to pin her but she bucked him off! She then grabbed and twisted his ball sack, which was how Grace occasionally managed to genuinely win one of their matches. Held down and helpless making mewing noises, David frantically tapped Monica's strong thigh and she let him go then sat on his face, her thick wet pussy hair in stark contrast to the finer hair of Grace that he was used to, Bronwyn then slid onto his shaft and Grace looked on from the bed, pleasuring herself as the three cavorted on the floor. They rode him all the way home.       

They talked as they recovered between bouts of frenetic activity. Bronwyn took the blame for David missing her catfight with Grace, saying that she never fought in front of guys she didn't know. Then she said to him "But I'm fighting Sarah next Saturday night over Grace and I can have one guy there and that's you if you want it to be. Monica is coming." David's reply was initially in the nature of a strangled croak until he could get out "You and Sarah, fucking awesome."

Eventually as the evening grew dark outside, Grace, leaning back against David as he caressed her breasts from behind on the bed, said "Monica, I hate to break up the party but I said I'd drive you home, remember."

Monica reluctantly lifted her mouth from Bronwyn, lying underneath her on the floor "Oh, is it that late?" and started to get up.

"Hey babe, you're exhausted." David said to Grace "I can drop Monica home. I've got to head off anyway."

"Oh, thank you Sweetie, you're so thoughtful." said Grace, kissing him.

After Monica and David left Grace and Bronwyn went back to bed and smiled as they reached for each other. Bronwyn said "What are the odds they fuck on the way?"

"Pretty good" replied Grace "I sent them off a good half hour early."

Bronwyn laughed and kissed her "Oh I do love you Grace."

"And I love you too Bronny. Know how I know that?"

"I'm sure you're going to tell me." smiled Bronwyn.

"Well, you know, the thought of David watching while we fought really turned me on. Particularly if I wound up losing. Him seeing me stripped bare, beaten and humiliated. AArgh!" she groaned. "But the reason I couldn't have him there, no matter how much it turned me on, was because I thought of him as a potential Mr Right and I was frightened of the effect it would have on our relationship, and not just on the Mistress/Slave thing we have going: that he'd never be able to view me in the same light again if he saw me beaten in a catfight, no matter how much he enjoyed it. Do you follow?"

"Yes, actually I do." said Bronwyn quietly.

"Whereas" said Grace "I get even more turned on by the thought of you seeing me lose and I have absolutely no reservations about it - I want you to see all of me."

"That's beautiful Grace Darling and you know, I feel exactly the same way about you - I want to share everything with you."

And they kissed.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2025, 05:36:09 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2025, 06:04:26 AM »
They sat together at lunch on Monday and were openly affectionate towards each other.. Grace didn't care who knew she was 'out' with Bronwyn. She wanted the whole world to know. Especially her 'former best friend' Sarah. The thought that Bronwyn desperately wanted to fight 'that bitch' over her was driving her absolutely wild.

"Hey, I've got some good news." said Grace "My folks aren't coming home this week, they're going to stay in town. So we can have as many 'sleepovers' as we like!" she finished, arching her eyebrows delightfully.

Bronwyn groaned with pleasure at the thought of more nights with Grace, alone together in the big house. "Oh Darling, that's fantastic."   

"They've invited David and me to have dinner with them in town tonight but I thought you might like to come instead?" Grace said, almost shyly.

"Oh Darling, I'd love to!" said Bronwyn "Wow! Meeting the parents! What a traditional couple we're becoming! What do they do anyway?"

"Oh, they're lawyers. They've got some big case on at the moment, although that seems to happen a lot these days." said Grace, almost sadly.

"Wait a minute...Grace...Frobisher...they're not THE Frobishers, the law firm?" asked Bronwyn.

Grace blushed "Guilty as charged." she said " would you have ever heard of them?"

"Oh my brother is in law school so I hear a lot about the law. I even know what the big case is they're working on at the moment - it's a class action. My brother really admires your parents." said Bronwyn.

"Sounds like he knows them better than I do." said Grace. There it was. It just slipped out. Grace realised too late that she'd let the bitterness creep into her voice. She sighed "Sometimes it seems like they're so busy helping everybody else they have no time for me. Like I'm invisible. The latch key kid in the golden cage."

Bronwyn pulled her close "Maybe it's because they realise how fabulous you are and think you can take care of yourself? I love you babe!" she cooed.

Grace drew Bronwyn into her and kissed her neck "I love you too Bronny." They held each other, oblivious to the stares that two hot girls cuddling inevitably attract, especially in an all girls school with rumours swirling of an after school catfight.

Grace drove Bronwyn home after school so she could get some clothes. Grace was curious to meet her family and see her home, particularly her bedroom. You could tell a lot about a girl from her bedroom.

Although Bronwyn literally lived on 'the wrong side of the tracks' in a rougher neighbourhood, her house was notably more attractive and substantial than it's neighbours, with a broad front porch and made of brick with a garage and basement underneath. Also in contrast to it's neighbours, it was beautifully maintained, freshly painted with manicured gardens. Not what she would have expected. Realising this, Bronwyn explained "My brother does all the work around the house."

Inside it was the same story. The house was nicely but not extravagantly furnished and neat as a new pin. Bronwyn's bedroom was a good size and could take a large double bed. Grace sat on the bed and rubbed the quilt with her hand "Good to see you've got your priorities right!" she giggled as she inhaled Bronwyn's residual scent "I want to come for a sleepover soon!"

"Yeah, fuck that, no ensuite." said Bronwyn packing clothes into a bag "It's hell having to walk down the hall to pee in the middle of the night."

Grace lay back on the bed and sighed "I want you to fuck me in your bed Bronny." 

Just at that moment a figure appeared in the doorway and Grace sat bolt upright. She realised, almost with relief, that it must be Bronwyn's sister rather than her brother or her mother. Nevertheless, she turned beet red with mortification. Though she felt a twinge at the sight  of the well built girl dripping sweat in her sports bra and shorts. She had the same colouring as Bronwyn and seemed the same height but probably weighed about 140.

Bronwyn didn't turn a hair "Hey Nic, didn't realise you were home. Meet Grace. Grace meet my older sis Nicola."

"I was working out." said Nicola as they shook hands and she eyed Grace with evident approval. "How'd the fight go?" she asked casually.

"Meh. Grace kicked my arse. It happens sometimes." shrugged Bronwyn.

"Gotta love a posh girl who can fight!" Nicola smiled at Grace "Do you think you're ready for me Sweetheart?"

"Not yet" interjected Bronwyn before a stunned Grace could reply. Bronwyn tilted her head and looked at Grace affectionately "Maybe one day." she said softly.

"Gotta hit the shower. Nice to meet you Grace. Later." said Nicola as she turned and walked off.

Grace looked at Bronwyn quizzically "Well, she's"

"Enigmatic?" suggested Bronwyn smiling.

"That and a few other words I can't think of at the told her you were going to fight me?" said Grace wonderingly.

"Of course, we tell each other everything. Mum and Ted too!" said Bronwyn.

"What did you tell them about me?" asked Grace, reeling.

"Oh I just said there was this really hot posh girl called Grace who I'd fancied for ages who I wanted to get into a catfight. How I hoped you were bi because I desperately wanted to fuck you. Nicola approved by the way." smiled Bronwyn.   

Grace closed the door and threw Bronwyn on the bed "Fuck me now!" she ordered urgently as she straddled her.


« Last Edit: February 08, 2025, 06:19:32 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2025, 04:48:38 AM »
Bronwyn gave Grace a quick tour of the house, the most interesting part of which was the basement, which was neatly laid out with free weights, a pull up bar and other equipment and...a large square area of wrestling mats.

"Ted did all this" said Bronwyn "It was just an empty shell and he finished it. When he was 15 he built his own bedroom and a bathroom down here so Nic and I could have our own rooms. Now he holds down a full time job in construction putting himself through law school." she pointed to some boxing gloves hanging on a rack and smiled "He can also teach you to box if you like. He taught Nic and me and a heap of his girlfriends!" Grace's heart was pounding now as she imagined it and tried to visualise this brother Ted that Bronwyn was clearly so proud of.

When they came back upstairs Bronwyn's mother Madison, who looked more like Nicola's slightly older sister, was in the kitchen, dressed in a gym uniform. "Oh I wondered whose car that was" she said absently as she turned. "Hello Darlings!" she said gathering them both into her arms and hugging them, then holding them lightly around the waist "You must be Grace. Goodness you are so beautiful! Have you two been having fun?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh Mum it's been the best." said Bronwyn "Grace kicked my arse and it was her first fight ever!"

"What an impressive young woman you are" said Madison pulling Grace into her for another hug and smiling at her expression "you may think it's an unusual attitude for a parent to adopt but I firmly believe that it's healthy for young women to fight. In fact I think it's unhealthy to suppress our natural instincts and desires. Bronwyn, I want you to bring Grace home for dinner soon! But you two must excuse me, I have some urgent paperwork to attend to." she said.

Bronwyn kissed her affectionately on the cheek "That's OK Mum, we're having dinner with Grace's parents tonight."

"Oh lovely Bron." murmered Madison.

Grace couldn't help hugging Madison and kissing her other cheek "Wonderful to meet you Mrs de Rose."

"Madison please dear, that makes me feel 100 years old - and I'm only 43!"

As they walked down the neatly tended front path Grace realised there was a tall, obviously well built man inspecting her car. Any doubt as to his identity was resolved by Bronwyn running and jumping up, wrapping her legs around him and crying "Ted!" before she kissed him on both cheeks. He held her easily as he returned her kisses and said softly "Bron." Then he turned to look at Grace and she felt her pussy go "thump" as his gaze pierced her. His dusty construction clothes did not detract from his striking dark eyes and hair and deeply tanned skin, there was...a wildness about him.

"You must be Grace?" he smiled "Even Bronwyn's description didn't do you justice. I take it this sleek little number is yours? Do you know how to really drive it?" he mocked gently.

The voice! The deep sexy voice! A man's voice, not a boy's. Still, best not to take any nonsense from him. "Come for a ride with me and I'll show you." said Grace and gave him her best pout, which, with her full lips, had been known to reduce...boys, to quivering wrecks.

Ted just grinned at her and said "OK".

"We'll be about 10 minutes." said Grace to Bronwyn as she and Ted strapped themselves in. Grace had removed her shoes and socks and to drive barefoot. She knew her relatively short school dress would ride up enough to give Ted a good eyeful of her bare thighs. Also known to reduce boy's to jelly. She moved the seat forward slightly and tightened her seatbelt. Ted meanwhile had somehow managed to fit his large frame into the cramped passenger seat. Grace almost laughed when she realised how far above the windscreen rail his head projected. He would be well in the slipstream. She pulled on her driving gloves, which were needed for serious driving with the thin and potentially slippery plastic steering wheel and put on her sunglasses, because they made her feel hot.

Lips pressed together she started the engine, careful not to over rev it and pulled out smoothly in first gear then ran it all the way out before a lightning change into second. She knew the roads fairly well so she had already mapped out the route she wanted to take, including a very twisty, challenging stretch through woodland. The engine rose to a high pitched wail as she expertly worked the gears to keep the high revving engine "on cam". Through the tight corners, down to hair pins, she double-declutched to keep the revs up and power out of the corners. On an open stretch she briefly took it up to over 100 mph and chuckled at Ted trying in vain to get his head down behind the windscreen. As they roared up to where Bronwyn stood, still waiting patiently, Grace drove past, changed down, then reefed the handbrake to execute a perfect 180 degree turn before burbling up to the kerb where Bronwyn stood and pulling up, leaving the engine running.

Grace removed her sunglasses and fixed Ted with her best withering stare, known to melt glass and asked curtly "Good enough?"

Ted smiled at her and despite herself she melted, then he said "You're even more beautiful when you're angry. It's going to be so much fun teasing you." and got out.

He hugged Bronwyn and said "You're in good hands." to which she replied "I know." before taking his place and they were off.

"Infuriating" said Grace.

"I know." said Bronwyn.

Grace wondered just wtf Ted meant by his comment about teasing her, did he mean... throughout their married life? She fervently hoped so.

Bronwyn punctured her thoughts by saying "Feel free to fuck Ted if you want to."

"What?" said Grace "But what about us?"

"Us is us. I love you Grace but I'll never try and put a cage around you. What we do with Monica, David or Ted or anyone else doesn't affect us. We'll always be us." said Bronwyn.

"But...he's your brother.." said Grace.

"Yes and I want the best for him and from where I'm sitting that's you. Anyway he'd never be so narrow minded as to try to come between us - he'll respect what we have together just as I would respect anything you want with him. And the same goes for Nicola. Mum, however is off limits. That would be gross." said Bronwyn.

Grace spluttered helplessly.

"On the other hand, it would lead to the mother of all catfights." mused Bronwyn.

Grace, laughing helplessly, "Fuck, don't make me laugh when I'm driving."




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Re: First Time
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2025, 02:03:17 AM »
Dinner with Grace's parent's, Claire and James III, as Grace mockingly introduced him, was more than anything, surprising for Bronwyn. They were not at all what she expected for rich people. James III was a distinguished, kindly looking man of about 50 who wore his age well in a dark, hand made suit that smelled of pipe tobacco when Bronwyn kissed his cheek.   

Claire hugged Bronwyn so hard when they kissed that she winced a little from the pain in her breasts. Claire murmered "My, my aren't you just exquisite, Dear." as Bronwyn inhaled her intoxicating perfume. Her nipples started hardening as she looked at Claire sitting next to her - she was like an older version of Grace, carrying perhaps another 5-10 pounds on her elegant figure. Although Bronwyn realised, from what she knew about the age of Grace's siblings, that Claire must be pushing 50, with her flawless, porcelain skin and unlined face she could easily pass for 30. She was obviously in good shape too under her beautifully cut and expensive clothes.

"David at football practice?" inquired James III affably and Bronwyn smiled to herself at what she knew was about to come.

"No, I've friend zoned him. Bronwyn and I are actually dating." said Grace, just as she'd said she would, although she'd deemed the catfight and orgy would be "oversharing".

James III smiled and laid his hand on Grace's and said "That's wonderful news Gracie. You two look good together!"

"Thank you Daddy." said Grace as she kissed him.

Claire leaned into Bronwyn and kissed and hugged her and said "I'm so happy for you both." and and again Bronwyn felt intoxicated by the contact, particularly Claires soft cheek against her own.

Then Bronwyn and Grace stood and moved round the table. James III gave Bronwyn an affectionate hug, just as she'd always imagined a father would, murmering "Just what I wanted, another beautiful daughter!" as she kissed him on the opposite cheek to Grace and her eyes misted up. She could see Grace and Claire hugging each other tightly and thought she heard Claire saying "Good for you Darling."

Claire sat back and smiled to herself. She'd noticed Grace grunt when she hugged her and deliberately hugged Bronwyn harder, getting exactly the reaction she expected. Both girls clearly had some pain in their breasts, a sure sign they'd been in a catfight. She assumed it was with each other and that, as often happens, they were incredibly turned on by the experience and fucked afterwards. She guessed they'd met after school, as girls often do and that Grace had probably lost as she was fairly sure she hadn't been in a catfight previously. There was something about Bronwyn that suggested to Claire's honed instincts that it wouldn't have been her first catfight. None of this worried her in the slightest, in fact she was elated that Grace was following in her footsteps. What Claire wanted now, more than anything, was to meet Bronwyn's mother.

"Have you two known each other for long?" Claire queried "It's just we haven't seen you before Bronwyn?"

"Oh yes, we've known each other from school obviously but we only recently started hanging out together." said Bronwyn carefully.

"Mhhm" smiled Claire and Bronwyn had the uncomfortable feeling she was looking straight through her "Well it would be nice to meet your parents Bronwyn, perhaps they'd like to come for dinner when we're back in the house? I think can still remember how to cook!" 

"Oh that would be lovely Mrs Frobisher but I only have my mother, my brother and my sister. My father left before I was born."

"Oh child!" exclaimed James III.

Claire took her hand and Bronwyn felt a strange thrill at her touch "Call me Clare, please. I'm sorry Darling I didn't know about your father but I would love to meet your family so please, give me your mother's number so I can invite her properly."

"Good idea!" said James III gruffly.

Aside from the superb home cooked Italian food, the beautiful wines that James III kept ordering, the friendly atmosphere where the owners actually came and sat at the table with them and the convivial company of Grace's parents, especially her hot mother, the highlight for Bronwyn was Grace's stockinged leg rubbing against hers under the table.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2025, 03:20:14 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2025, 04:20:36 AM »
Bronwyn stayed with Grace every night that week as her body recovered as she expected, They even had David and Monica come for another session on Wednesday night.. But come Friday night Bronwyn said to Grace she needed to clear her head before the catfight with Sarah the next day. She actually spent the night with her opponent.

"Fuck you have a beautiful body." said Bronwyn to Sarah as they lay together sweat soaked and breathing hard "I'll always want to fuck you."

"Hmpf. You can always be my slave Bronny." sighed Sarah. "I can't wait till tomorrow, nobody gives submission sex like doesn't bother you though, being dominated and humiliated in front of so many people?"

"No. It turns me on like nothing else. Besides, I need the money." said Bronwyn.

"Who are you bringing as your spectators?" said Sarah.

"Oh David and Monica..."

"No fucking way!" said Sarah.

"Well, Grace wants her there so you ring her and tell her no." said Bronwyn.

"Fuck. It's just...neither Fiona or Ingrid will want to fight that disgusting pig." said Sarah.

Bronwyn had anticipated this but dissembled "Oh, I thought we were the only ones fighting."

"Well we are but you know what it's like when there's spectators, challenges get made, girls get it on, yada yada yada." said Sarah.

"Mhhm" said Bronwyn "But given this is for Grace's benefit, wouldn't it be best to keep the focus on our catfight?"

"Maybe" said Sarah grudgingly, though she liked the idea of the focus being on her "Who else are you bringing?"

"My sister Nicola" said Bronwyn.

"Does she fight?" asked Sarah hopefully.

"Oh, she had a couple in school. She likes watching, well, who doesn't?" she giggled "I mainly want her there because she's training to be a nurse, in case you get carried away and do a number on me." said Bronwyn. She could tell that Sarah liked that hint of fear. "Anyway isn't it risky having other fights if you don't want Grace fighting anybody else before you? She could easily get drawn into it." she added.

"Oh maybe" said Sarah.

Bronwyn slid down under the covers, slipped her hands under Sarah's thighs and arse and locked her mouth onto her neatly trimmed pussy.

"What? Already? Insatiable!" groaned Sarah as she laid back and spread her legs wider.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2025, 03:57:23 AM »
Bronwyn surveyed the spectators sitting on three garden benches lined up at the edge of the lawn next to the pool at Grace's place, whose parents were away for the weekend again. On the first bench were Fiona, Ingrid and Sarah's boyfriend Robert. On the middle bench were Grace, who they were fighting over and Bronwyn's sister Nicola and on the third bench, Monica and David.

The spectators saw two incredibly hot, naked 18 year old girls confronting each other on the grass: Bronwyn 5'5" 120 pounds 34C 22 34 deeply tanned with deep brown eyes and long brown hair worn loose and Sarah 5'6" 126 pounds 34C 24 34 lightly tanned with dark brown eyes and long hair, also worn loose by agreement.

Both were well well toned and fit, Bronwyn's abs being clearly defined and Sarah's body a testament to her long term training as a high level tennis player.

Bronwyn wondered what Robert must be thinking, having witnessed their first catfight, which Sarah had secretly paid her to lose.

Sarah attacked, throwing a jab with her left. Bronwyn reacted with blinding speed, blocking with her left in a vertical sweeping motion that knocked Sarah off balance and then shifting her weight to deliver a right hook to Sarah's ribs under her armpit.

Sarah cried out and reeled away, giving Bronwyn a shocked reproachful look. Bronwyn smiled grimly to herself and moved in. Through several skirmishes Sarah acquitted herself well; her hand eye coordination being of high order. Nevertheless, Bronwyn was getting the better of these exchanges, particularly when she got a hard kick in to the side of Sarah's knee, when she again cried out.

Sarah's takedown was well executed, diving forward as Bronwyn was attacking and taking her legs out from under her. As she scrambled forward however Bronwyn locked her legs around her waist. Watching the two beautiful girls struggle on the ground, locked together, fighting over her, Grace groaned with pleasure and gratefully accepted Nicola's fingers probing into her pussy - and reciprocated.

Trying to reach each other's breasts, Bronwyn and Sarah's hands locked up and they struggled for control. Sarah, clearly bothered by Bronwyn's waist scissors, tried to get to her feet to slam Bronwyn but Bronwyn snatched her left hand free and grabbed a handful of Sarah's hair, yanking savagely as she released her waist scissors and pushed off the ground with her feet, rolling Sarah over and straddling her. On her back Sarah reached up and cruelly crushed Bronwyn's breasts with both hands. Bronwyn groaned and, it seemed to Grace, relished the pain. In any event, she accepted the challenge and sank her nails into Sarah's breasts as she crushed them.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2025, 04:52:24 AM »
Grace watched enthralled as the two beautiful naked girls fought over her only yards from where she was sitting. Agony and determination were written on both their faces as they tightened their iron grips on each other's breasts, digging their nails in, trying to force the other to submit even as the sobs escaped their own mouths. Surely they couldn't keep this up for long? Then Grace noticed a familiar tremble passing through Bronwyn, her pussy on Sarah's stomach was about to make her cum and, Grace knew from experience, render her momentarily vulnerable...this despite Grace having gone down on her before the fight started, making her cum repeatedly.

Bronwyn suddenly raked her nails down Sarah's breasts causing her to scream - and relax her grip on Bronwyn's breasts. Bronwyn seized her wrists, digging her thumbnails into the soft undersides causing Sarah to cry out. Bronwyn forced Sarah's wrists to the ground just as the violent orgasm tore through her. She rode it out holding Sarah down then lowered herself so that her body was in contact with Sarah's. She kissed her and Sarah returned the kiss, groaning heavily.

"Enjoying it?" Bronwyn queried softly.

"Yes!" whispered Sarah "but it doesn't feel like you're going to let me win."

Bronwyn laughed then said quietly "Do you understand why?"

"I think so. In fact, I'm so turned on, I'm not bothered by it." whispered Sarah.

"Good girl. You're fighting really well, you might beat me fair and square and I'm loving it." said Bronwyn.

"Could you do just one thing for me before we start again? Make me cum?" Sarah pleaded plaintively.

In answer Bronwyn released Sarah's wrists and sat up, leaning back to thrust first one, then two fingers inside her, drumming on her clit until she came screaming like a woman possessed. Bronwyn removed her fingers and licked them while looking deep into Sarah's eyes and smiling. "More of that later." she murmured then stood up and offered her hand to help Sarah up. They separated and began to circle.

Grace was confused, she didn't understand why Bronwyn had given up her dominant position and let Sarah up. But Sarah did.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #22 on: February 20, 2025, 05:40:30 AM »
Sarah knew she had to win. She'd invited all these spectators and the thought of them seeing her lose was unbearable - even if it was, in a way, unbearably exciting. She pushed that thought away. She was a good fighter. She'd beaten the other three girls she'd fought. Her tennis training meant she was superbly conditioned though she didn't think this fight would last so long for that to be a factor. More importantly, she knew she could coordinate her movements precisely and her hands and feet would always land where she wanted them to.

So she attacked. Driving Bronwyn back with fast combinations of punches and kicks. She felt a little elation as Bronwyn was totally on the defensive as she sprung her trap, closing in as if to clinch, leaving her pussy wide open. Bronwyn threw the knee as she'd anticipated she would...but Sarah was already turning so that the knee, although it struck hard, hit her thigh. Bronwyn's body had turned with the knee, so that they were almost side by side turned inwards, Sarah's hand was already reaching up to grab Bronwyn's hair from behind, yanking her hard and pulling her off her feet so she landed on her back. Sarah was virtually side on when Bronwyn landed so it was easy to drop her knees into her stomach.

Bronwyn had seen the knee drop coming and tensed her superb abs to avoid the worst of it, then as Sarah went to swivel and straddle her, thinking Bronwyn must have been winded, Bronwyn surprised her by again raking her nails down both breasts, causing Sarah to scream and Grace to shudder. Momentarily paralysed and disoriented by the searing pain in her breasts, Sarah didn't even feel Bronwyn's hand in her hair, yanking her off sideways. But she did feel the other hand when it clawed inside her neatly trimmed pussy. Sarah's scream was deafening as Bronwyn scrambled up and mounted her, facing her feet, as she continued to claw her pussy. Sarah's hand frantically slapped Bronwyn's hip as she screamed her surrender.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #23 on: February 20, 2025, 07:32:54 AM »
Bronwyn swivelled around on top of Sarah to face her. Sarah was sobbing heavily from the pain and, no doubt, the defeat. Bronwyn lay gently on top of her, kissing, caressing and stroking her hair. "Great fight babe." she cooed "You nearly had me!"

Sarah's sobbing slowly subsided "So, this is what I get for being a bitch. I guess I deserve it." she said finally.

"Yes you do" said Bronwyn "But it's all done now. We can start over. You can still be my sex slave."

Sarah giggled "That doesn't sound so bad."

"It isn't." said Bronwyn sliding forward to sit on her face.

When she had finished, for the time being, with Sarah, who lay curled up on her side completely spent, Bronwyn called Sarah's boyfriend Robert over and told him exactly what she wanted him to do to her.

Grace quietly lay down behind Sarah and spooned with her, slipping one arm under her head and the other over her waist so her hand could stroke her flat stomach while she cooed quietly to her. "Thank you for fighting over me Sar, you've no idea how much you turned me on today." There was no reply. Sarah was asleep.

Bronwyn straddled Robert as he bellowed like a bull and finally blew inside her. She lay next him him and put her head on his shoulder, stroking his chest hair. "That was beautiful Robert" she sighed "You can do that to me any time. Hey, Sarah and I are going to have a decider at some point, how would you like to be the only witness?" He groaned his assent.

Although Bronwyn had thought it was likely there would be more catfights, which was why she had chosen Monica and Nicola as spectators, none eventuated. After the erotic contest between Bronwyn and Sarah the mood was firmly for love not war.

After a while they moved inside to Grace's bedroom. Sarah approached Monica and kissed her hard on the mouth "Sorry for being such a bitch to you Monica. I...I...I guess sometimes the only way I know how to build myself up is to put other people down. You didn't deserve any of it." she sobbed "You can do whatever you like to me." she said meekly. "Oh well" said Monica pulling her into her firm, ample body and kissing her "This could take some time."

On Sunday night, when everyone else had finally left, Grace and Bronwyn lay in bed together.

"Why do I get the feeling there was more going on between you and Sarah than you let on?" asked Grace whimsically.

"Because you're so fucking smart." sighed Bronwyn "Look, I wanted to fight her over you like nothing else. She's always been your best friend. I wanted to put her in second place. I guess I also wanted you to really see her like you never have before. Monica's not the first girl she's been nasty to over the years but I noticed she never did it when you were around or were likely to hear about it. I wanted you to see her true character was more complicated than that.. she frustrated me because she's so fucking hot and I wanted to fuck her and fight her kind of annoyed me that I was so attracted to I never wanted to get rid of her I kind of wanted to break her and keep her around as our fuck puppet...but to be completely honest I was so attracted to her that I was worried that you might be more attracted to her than me so I guess I was desperate to show her up."

Grace laughed "Well that's all very flattering and the loveliest thing has been left unsaid: that no matter how attractive you find Sarah, you're more attracted to me."

"Of course" said Bronwyn "I'm completely in love with you."

Grace punched her arm "Doesn't it occur to you, silly, that I'm hopelessly in love with you? But of course, watching you kick Sarah's arse turned me on no end. Almost as much as fighting you myself. That was my first time Sweetie and I'll never forget it. You know, it could so easily have been Sarah, we came so close that night we were wrestling. But something held us back and I'm glad it did. I'm so glad it was you and not her. It was so perfect with you, utterly exquisite. And hey, don't get me wrong, I really want to fight Sarah, just right after our rematch. 



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Re: First Time
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2025, 02:47:45 PM »
On Monday Grace got the text she half expected to receive, saying the case was going longer than anticipated and her parents would be staying in town another week. Bronwyn was sympathetic and said "How does that work, do they stay in a hotel."

"No, they do this so often they got an apartment years ago." Grace said miserably and Bronwyn realised how lonely she must be in that big house on her own.

"Well come for dinner and that sleepover tonight then, Mum's got the slow cooker on!" said Bronwyn.

"Really?" Grace said excitedly "Oh thank you Bronny, that would be lovely!"

Grace pilfered some bottles of James III's wine from the cellar and presented herself, all dolled up, at the appointed time. Bronwyn, clearly upset, opened the door almost furtively and explained that her mother Madison had had some bad news and had been talking to her brother Ted, about to graduate in law, about it but they were finished now. Grace followed Bronwyn into the large eat in kitchen where Bronwyn's sister Nicola was comforting Madison who had clearly been crying but was trying to disguise the fact as she rose from the table to greet Grace warmly with a hug. Ted was dressed in a suit with reading glasses perched on his nose, putting some papers away in a folder. Grace felt a bell toll in her pussy as she drank in how handsome and...commanding he was and had the satisfaction of seeing him do a double take as he caught sight of her.

"What's the matter Madison, is there anything I can do to help?" asked Grace solicitously.

"Not unless you have some way to stop the bank from taking our home." said Nicola bitterly.

"Nicola!" snapped Madison "We're not going to bother Grace with this, she is our guest."

"But I might be able to help." said Grace quietly.

"Thank you Darling but there's no need, it's all under control. Let's open some of that lovely wine you've brought and get this party started." said Madison brightly but the hard look on Ted's face and the resigned look on Bronwyn's contradicted her rather forced gaiety.

Nevertheless the wine was uncorked and the delicious osso buco served and they ate in the kitchen. There was even pudding! They were such a happy family together it made Grace feel wistful about her own pre-occupied parents and long departed older siblings. None of them ever came home, except for her favourite, the eldest James IV, known as Jimmy Four to everyone and who her father jokingly called the black sheep of the family because of his temerity in breaking with the family tradition of going in to the law and choosing to become a fighter pilot instead. At least her father could joke about it, her mother was not at all amused and had transferred the burden of expectation on to Grace.   

After dinner Bronwyn took Grace to her room. They were now so close that Grace could feel her pain. "How bad is it?" she asked quietly.

"Ted thinks it's bad and that's good enough for me but Mum is such an optimist she just won't listen to him." she breathed out heavily "Mum worked at the gym for 15 years and wound up managing it. When the woman who owned it retired and went to live in Italy with an old friend she gave Mum the business and sold her the property. It was a sweet deal but then Covid came along and pretty much shut the business down. Mum had to put the house up as security the bank is going to sell her up unless her account is 'put in order'."

"Was Ted in a suit because they went to court today?" asked Grace.

"No, he had a job interview. Looked sharp though didn't he?" teased Bronwyn.

"Yes" smiled Grace. "But Ted's right, this shit is about to get real. I know my parents could help..."

"Ah, I'm sure they could but for this little thing called pride, Mum has too much of it for her own good sometimes." said Bronwyn. "She'd rather pray for a miracle. She's trying to contact the woman in Italy who sold her the gym but she's dropped off the face of the Earth."

"So she'd accept help from her then?" said Grace thoughtfully.

"Yes but they're old friends. Actually I have no doubt she would help if we could get in touch with her." said Bronwyn.

"You gave Mummy your mother's phone number didn't you?" asked Grace, smiling.

"Yes, I gave it to her when she asked for it the night we had dinner." replied Bronwyn "But I guess she's been so busy with this case she hasn't had a chance to call her yet."

"No doubt" said Grace "But I think we may need to accelerate the process. It's time for our mothers to meet. Let me tell you, Claire Frobisher does not take no for an answer. Especially from a friend in need. I almost feel sorry for those fuckers. Almost."


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Re: First Time
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2025, 11:40:09 AM »
"Well, you know my theory about your mother." giggled Bronwyn. "She knew what she was doing when she hugged us, it's a tried and tested way of finding out if a girl has been in a catfight. And she has a certain glint in her eye. Just imagine your mum and my mum throwing down together, wouldn't that be hot?"

Grace certainly found the thought  arousing but all she said was "Bronny you have a vivid imagination that's all I know for sure!"

"Yeah, who do you think would win?" persisted Bronwyn.

"Well probably Madison since my mother has never been in a catfight before." said Grace, sticking her tongue out.

"Wouldn't it be hot if we watched them and then they watched us?" said Bronwyn mischievously, smiling as she watched Grace's expression change "You like it, don't you?"

"Kind of." admitted Grace with a smile of her own "But since it goes against your mother's house rules, it will never happen...that way."

"Nah, but they might get it on without us knowing." said Bronwyn wistfully.

At this point Grace was well past the point of no return "They might." she allowed before lunging at Bronwyn and kissing her.

As they wrestled in bed Bronwyn kept up a running commentary "This is what Madison would do to Claire." and Grace responded in kind "This is what Claire would do to Madison." Since they finished in a 69 it seems that the virtual Madison v Claire match must have ended in a draw.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2025, 12:12:03 PM »
"I suppose I should have a shower before I visit Ted." said Grace.

"That's another house rule. Here, wear these" said Bronwyn handing Grace a beautiful dark blue silk robe that showed plenty of thigh [and matched the dark green one Bronwyn was wearing] and a pair of the slides that Grace liked to wear around the house "They'll be here for you to use whenever you sleepover."

After a quick shower, Grace crept quietly down the stairs. Ted's door was open. "Hi!" she called brightly from the doorway." Ted, now in a tee shirt and shorts, was working on his computer. "Hi yourself!" he responded. setting his computer aside to stand and greet her with a kiss on her cheek, which she diverted to her lips. That was all it took for Ted to completely lose his shit, throw her on the bed and mount her.

She revelled in his chiselled from stone chest and arms.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2025, 03:31:38 AM »
When Ted had finished with her she lay there limp as a rag doll as he gently stroked her body.

Finally Grace managed to say "I've never slept with a man before." A puzzled looking Ted opened his mouth to reply and she quickly added "Only with boys."

Ted laughed "That's not what I've heard either!"

Grace looked at him sharply "You knew what I meant, don't be annoying or I'll hurt you."

"I like women who hurt me." said Ted.

"So I've heard but I'm here to save you from them. In future any woman who hurts you, I'll hurt them." said Grace.

"I thought that was Nic and Bron's department?" said Ted raising his eyebrows.

"It is but I've been admitted as a full partner. You see, we've formed a Ted Committee. We've decided that you and I are getting married, not for a while obviously, you may be 23 but I'm only 18 and I need to be free but when I'm ready you will be informed of the Church and the date. All you'll need to do is hire a suit and turn up." said Grace rolling on top of him.

"I see" he said bemused "Do I get a say in any of this?"

"It's three to one Darling, learn to lose gracefully." Grace said kissing him.

His hands ran down Grace's beautifully sculpted back and he groaned. "Anything else?" he asked sardonically.

"Yes Darling, you're going to go work in my parent's firm when you graduate." Grace said.

"No fucking way." said Ted and gasped as Grace expertly seized his ball sack and twisted it. He saw stars.

"Resistance is futile." said Grace releasing him "Besides which, what sort of husband wouldn't do such a small thing for his loving wife?"

"But we're not married yet!" protested Ted.

"Always with the fucking details, what is it with you? But you can buy me an engagement ring if it makes you feel better. We'll just have to keep it secret, the moment I break cover and tell my parents, more particularly, Mother, that I'm leaving the dark side and taking up with you the pressure will be on for me to produce an heir to the dynasty. But she might have to settle for Theodore de Rose the Second rather than James Frobisher The Fifth." said Grace, kissing him.

Ted chuckled and said "I decided the moment I first saw you that I was going to marry you!"

"Same!" said Grace kissing him again.

"You misunderstood me earlier." said Ted "I was just focused on getting through law school so I can practice, my grades won't be good enough for your parents firm and I won't ride in there on your coat tails." he said firmly.

Grace looked down into his eyes "I so love you!" she said tenderly "The girls have told me about finding you slumped over your books fast asleep. Who else in law school could have worked full time in a construction job to put themselves through? It's not just about grades Darling, believe me, I've listened to enough of my parents' conversations to know. They look for that something extra that makes the best lawyers and I KNOW you have that Darling. I'm not doing this just for you or for me, I'm also doing it for them, they need you Ted."

"Just what is it that you're 'doing', Grace?" asked a bemused Ted.

"Sorry Darling but managing the process of bringing your fine qualities to my parents attention is above your pay grade. It will require a level of finesse that only the women of the family are capable of, that's what I'll be 'doing'. said Grace "But first things first, I need you to email me all the documents to do with your mother's loans. I'm going to send them to mother."

Ted sighed "It would be better from her point of view if I send them direct as mum's power of attorney, then she'll effectively have instructions. But Mum will never accept her help pro bono and she can't afford to pay her, she's incredibly stubborn."

Grace smiled "Then it will be a case of the irresistible force meeting the immoveable object, which should be interesting to say the least." said Grace running her tongue over her upper lip as if savouring the prospect "But we'll leave that part to Mummy, she'll find a way, trust me."

Ted said "I've already drafted a letter but all we can do is drag them through a process and buy some time and based on the numbers, it won't be enough."

Grace's eye's glittered "Let's see what happens when they get something on letterhead."

"Sure I get that." said Ted.

"Not sure you do." said Grace and smiled at Ted's furrowed brow then added "What sort of work is Frobisher & Frobisher known for?"

"Class actions" said Ted "Oh fuck...they'll think..."

"Precisely" said Grace "They'll think they're about to get hit with one. They might even think Madison is the lead plaintiff."

Ted hooted with laughter "They'll run a mile! You're a freaking genius!"

"I also have other talents so just lie back and let me take care of you." she cooed.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2025, 08:30:45 AM by de Vire »


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Re: First Time
« Reply #28 on: March 04, 2025, 09:56:23 AM »
After a brief shower in Ted's bathroom Grace padded up the stairs and knocked gently on Nicola's door. Nicola pulled her inside and started kissing her. Grace loved being in the grip of this strong girl and they were soon thrashing around on the bed together.

Afterwards, as they lay together a giggling Nicola asked "How did it go with Ted?"

"He took it like a lamb." responded a giggling Grace.

"And is it going to be OK about Mum?" Nicola asked anxiously.

"I promise you it will all be fine." said Grace.


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Re: First Time
« Reply #29 on: March 04, 2025, 10:10:06 AM »
"You're not the first, not the second or even the third girl to have all three of us as lovers" said Bronwyn when Grace returned to her "But you are the first to have us all on the same night!"

"Well I have to admit it certainly feels good." laughed Grace.

"So you sorted everything out with Ted?" asked Bronwyn.

"Yes, he was most agreeable." said Grace smiling.

"Told you! He was gone on you from the moment he saw you!" said Bronwyn.

"We've also worked out a strategy for Madison" said Grace and explained what she'd discussed with Ted.

"Will your mum help?" asked Bronwyn.

"Definitely, she'd help anybody in this situation." said Grace.

"I love you Grace" said Bronwyn fiercely, reaching for her.