Sandy and I cuddled on her love seat. We were both lounging in our matching long white terry robes; sipping our white wine. Sandy kissed my neck tenderly as she nuzzled against my shoulder. I shuddered. My nipples tingled as they rubbed on my soft robe. It was early evening. We were waiting for Sandy's friend she wanted me to meet as mentioned in the first episode.
The door bell rang. Sandy jumped to her feet, strode to the door and pulled it open. I stood up as a very short brunette strode in, wrapped her arm around her host's neck, pulled her head down and covered her mouth with a very passionate , long kiss. She was cute as hell; maybe late 30s; a great body but so short and stocky; maybe 5’ 1” 120 pounds with long black hair. ( picture Vera from She was dressed in a pair of tight white short shorts that accented her heavy, smooth thighs and a white blouse with several top buttons undone, exposing a very ample cleavage.
"Melissa, this is Ruth. Ruth this is Melissa." announced Sandy.
We took each others right hand. "Nice to meet you, Melissa." Ruth purred.
"Likewise." I smiled back.
Sandy directed Ruth and I to the love seat. I assumed my seat while the brunette took over Sandy's seat beside me.
"You want a drink?" inquired Sandy of her guest.
"Am I staying the night?" asked Ruth.
"YES!" replied Sandy as she disappeared into the bar area.
Ruth turned her attention towards me. "Sandy is a great girl. Did you stay the night?" she inquired.
I spluttered and smiled.
"Sandy is great in bed. A great lover." she went on. "She told me you and her wrestled and that you won." Ruth looked right into my eyes.
Before I could respond, Sandy showed up with a tall green martini and handed it to Ruth.
"Ruthie here is a weight lifter. She can bench press 150 pounds." bragged Sandy.
"SSSSHHH! I am trying to get her to wrestle me. Don't scare her away." urged Ruth, looking at Sandy and putting her finger to her lips.
I smiled as I tried to conceal my excitement at the thoughts of tangling with this cute little brunette.
“I will get another bottle of wine and meet you guys at the sauna. You both know the way.” Sandy pronounced.
Ruth followed me to the sauna. I shrugged off my robe and hung it on the peg exposing my naked body to Ruth for the first time. I could feel her drinking in my body and I was loving it.
“You can’t go in there dressed like that, honey.” Sandy said breaking the silence as she stripped off her robe. Ruth smiled and stripped off her shorts, blouse, bra and white thong panties, un-vailing her gorgeous body to me for the first time. Now it was my turn to gasp as I soaked in the short girl’s luscious body, trying not to stare. She was very sexy looking; wide flaring hips; muscular thighs; shaved pussy; a big firm butt; and C sized breasts with huge, erect nipples and large areolas. She looked to be in fantastic shape as we stepped into the steaming sauna. I could feel my nipples tingling and my clit pulsing with anticipation.
“So, Melissa, want to wrestle me?” Asked my cute new friend.
I smiled and looked her right in the eyes. “Indeed, I do, hon. I was hoping you would ask.” I accepted.
“I will ref." exclaimed Sandy gleefully. "I really want to see which one of you two will join me in my bed tonight. Let’s go to the mat now and get started.” she urged.
We exited the sauna and dried off before nude Sandy dragged both Ruth and I naked towards the exercise room. Sandy seemed more excited than Ruth or I as she parked us in the middle of the plush mat. Sandy stood back.
“Fight my bitches.” She urged gently, a naughty smile on her face and motioned us together with her hands. We both glared at our host, playfully and then, in unison, turned our attention to each other. Ruth and I where standing face to face. Ruth had to look up at my face as she gently pushed her breasts in under mine. Her nipples tickled my chest as mine rubbed against her chest. It felt so hot as my nipples tingled.
“You ready?” she asked. I kissed her on the forehead.
“If you are, baby.”
Before I could step back, I was flat on the mat on my back on the mat. With lightning speed, Ruth had bearhugged my thighs just under my buttocks; lifted me up and put me down. I looked up to see my opponent on her feet. She had seized my left ankle and with a quick twist; she forced me over onto my front. I yelped at the sudden pain shooting up my leg. Then before I could get my bearings; I felt my left leg bent and clamped between Ruth’s powerful thighs. I felt my head being snapped back as the brunette cupped my chin. I knew I was caught In an STF . Ruth was a perfect size to apply this hold; short and strong. I pushed my torso off the mat to relieve the pressure on my neck and fell back when I clawed at the hands holding my chin. She had her body weight on my back. I was looking at the ceiling. My knee was starting to ache and neck was in pain as the dark-haired girl punished me.
“You are so easy, blonde girl.” She whispered in my ear. “Want to give up or suffer? You are not getting out of this, honey.” I resisted.
Sandy came over and looked down into my face. “I think she is right, baby. Time to submit, honey”
“Ok, I give.” I relented. Ruth released the devastating hold. I lay on the mat face down for a moment. Finally, I got to my knees only to see Sandy and Ruth standing with their arms around each others waist grinning back at me.
“You want to try again, blonde girl?” quizzed Ruth.
“What do think, shorty?” I responded. I anxiously motioned the brunette girl towards me.
Ruth disengaged from Sandy, smiled and casually and confidently sauntered up to me, wedging my chin in the generous cleavage between her firm breasts. I loved the feel of her soft skin on my cheeks. I placed my hands on her hips as she slowly and gently cupped my cheeks and tipped my head back. I closed my eyes as she passionately kissed me on the lips. “Stand baby.” She commanded as she seized my wrists. I stood up. Our arms seemed to naturally extend above our heads as Ruth gripped my wrists tightly. Our chests touched. I gasped as a tingling sensation surged through my nipples. Suddenly, Ruth stuck her right leg behind my legs and put me down on my back. She quickly straddled my belly and leaned forward over my body. Our breasts mashed together as she pinned my arms to the mat above my head.
Ruth’s nose was inches from mine as she looked into my eyes. Our hard, erect nipples where in a battle of their own. It felt so erotic.
“You want to give again.? Become my bitch, blonde girl?” She smiled and kissed me quickly on the lips. I could feel her trying to vine my legs with hers but her short legs where powerless against mine. Suddenly, I jack-knifed my legs; dug my heels into mat; raised and twisted my hips. The move seemed to catch my opponent by surprise. My adrenalin pumped as we rolled onto our sides. Ruth released my wrists and my momentum carried me over onto my belly, but the brunette ended up sitting on the small of my back facing my head. I could feel my opponent pulling at my elbows attempting to get my arms behind me. I fought her but eventually she overpowered me and pulled my arms behind me. I knew I was in trouble as Ruth seized my wrists and held my arms in a wing lock position.
“You are so easy, honey.” My opponent purred again as she crossed her ankles behind my neck locking on a lotus lock. I paddled my legs helplessly as Ruth spanked my exposed buttocks with free hands.
“Had enough, bitch?” Chided Ruth still paddling my ass gently. I struggled to lift my head off the mat. Suddenly, Ruth unhooked her ankles and crossed my wrists as she stood up, pivoted, stepped through my arms and sat down high on my back facing my feet. I winced as Ruth pulled my arms together in front of her chest. I yelped as Ruth put on pressure on my shoulders with a Polish surf board.
“I just wanted to get a better look at that great ass of yours, baby.” My boobs where being pushed into the mat. I felt so helpless but excited at the same time as my opponent punished me.
“Time to give it up, loser.” Ordered Ruth as she pulled back on my arms.
"I GIVE! I GIVE!” I squealed as my shoulders started to ache real bad.
My arms flopped to the mat in sweet relief as Ruth released me.
“MMMMMMMMMMMMM” I heard from my back as my opponent lingered slowly patting and rubbing my naked ass. “I am going to enjoy that ass of yours later.” She purred standing up. I lifted my face off the mat and noticed my opponent posing with her foot gently on my back and Sandy applauding her with a big grin on her face. Ruth walked by my head as she headed towards Sandy. I suddenly reached out and grabbed Ruth around the ankles, causing the surprised the brunette to fall face first to the mat. Before she could move, I lunged onto her back, laying flat and straddling her back just above her ass. The adrenalin pumped through my veins as my wet pussy and rock-hard nipples caressed my opponent’s back. I wrapped my arm around Ruth’s neck, securing a tight chin lock and pulled back, bending her neck painfully. I struggled to coral her left arm and finally managed to force it into a back-hammer position.
Ruth squealed in pain as I secured the painful chicken wing chin lock combination.
“It is you that will be my bitch.” I whispered into her ear, enjoying my position of control.
“I GIVE!! FUCK, I GIVE!!” I heard Ruth say desperately. I released the hold, sat up and rolled my opponent over onto back. Before Ruth could react, I was comfortably seated in a school girl pin; my ass seated between her chest and chin; my wet pussy pushing against her chin tipping her head back; her arms pinned tightly to the mat. I could feel her body bucking. I sat up and looked down into her eyes. I gently massaged her huge erect nipples between my thumb and forefinger, causing her eyes to roll back and her mouth to open, gasping excitedly.
Suddenly, Ruth rolled those powerful legs back and hooked me under my armpits. With a quick pull, she pulled me back. As I felt my body being pulled backwards, I threw my legs back over my body, completing a back somersault and landing on my haunches. I stood up and seized my opponent’s ankles; one in each hand; pulled her legs up; stepped through; crossed her legs and rolled her into a sharp shooter before Ruth could blink. I had the hold hooked deep as I could feel my opponent’s torso crumble to the mat in agony. I knew her legs and back would be throbbing in pain as poured on the pressure.
“I GIVE!! OH GAWD!! I GIVE!!”. I heard once again. I quickly released the hold. I watched Ruth lay on the mat holding her back and pulling her knees up.
“Your ass is mine now” I announced.
” That is my girl.” cheered Sandy seemingly backing whoever was in control.
I felt exhilarated excitement as I watched my opponent trying to gather herself on the mat. All I wanted to do was dominate her. I straddled Ruth and then sat down. I rolled my opponent over onto her back and lay out on top of her. Our bodies meshed together a I pinned her down. I seized the girl’s wrists and slammed her arms down on the mat and spread them to their limit above her head. My legs quickly hooked my opponent’s and spread them painfully wide in grape vine. Our noses where two inches apart except this time it was me on top. Her eyes where closed as she seemingly enjoyed her predicament. My clit tingled and my nipples where so hard and erect as they seemed to drill into my opponent.
“The worm has turned, baby.” I began. “I hope you have some time because you are my bitch for a long time. I thought you where going to kick my ass. I guess that didn’t work very well, did it? I am going to drain you before this weekend is over. I think you knew you couldn’t beat me. I think you wanted to be dominated by a blonde. Well, let me make you wish come true.”
I covered Ruth’s mouth with mine and forced my tongue into her mouth. I could feel my opponent respond by wriggling under me. I slowly ran my tongue down her chin and onto her neck, making the small brunette gasp and squirm. I stopped at those beautiful breasts. I devoured those huge, hard, red, erect nipples with my mouth and teeth. My tongue lustfully traced a path around each nipple on the sensitive areolas. Ruth groaned with passion. I continued down her flat belly with my tongue. Just as I was about to part the wet folds of her pussy; I settled between her legs, spreading them apart.
Suddenly, Ruth tried to wrap her legs around my body. I quickly scrambled to my feet. I gathered my opponent’s legs under each arm and rolled her over into a Boston crab. I heard Ruth gasp as I sat my ass down on the small of her back and pulled up on her short little legs.
“There is only one way out of this now, honey. I want to see your pussy dripping wet.” I motioned to Sandy to come. “Come and save your friend. Make her orgasm so she can stop this pain.”
Sandy readily and eagerly responded. She dropped to her knees in front of me. I watched as Sandy probed for Ruth’s pulsing clit with her middle finger. I shuddered as my friend then cupped my breast in her left hand as she kissed me on the lips passionately. I think we all came together. I dropped my opponent and wrapped my arms around Sandy as we fell to mat.
We all won as we all ended up in Sandy’s king-sized bed for the night. We continued to explore each others body until we where all exhausted.