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Anna Jay vs Mariah May

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Anna Jay vs Mariah May
« on: February 19, 2025, 02:53:59 PM »

AEW was a bright spot for a lot of people.  Anna Jay started here and for a long time was the hottest woman on the roster.  Her work rate was not quite there but she was willing to do what it took.  Hardcore matches weren’t helping her learn how to properly work then she got in the ring with Mariah May and Toni Storm.

She and Mariah had a connection where the matches seemed stiff.  Especially overhand tit slaps.  Mariah and her fought to the back one time and looked at each other like they wanted to make the staged act into a real act

They got close to a legitimate fight as they were face to face chest bumping claiming it wasn’t to fight but to see who chest was better.  Anna got sent to Japan to learn more and Mariah won the woman’s title.

Anna came back and everyone was happy to see her then Harley Cameron started the debate again this time asking whose ass was really better between Anna’s and Mariah.

Anna always bragged about her ass and hearing someone ask if Mariahs had better set her off before their feud began.  Tension between the two was high as they were told to have a match and a confrontation.  Anna chested up hard to Mariah in the first and showed emotion after.  Then she won the match and the two had another backstage staged confrontation both of them hit some real aspects.  The chest bumping was aggressive the first time and hair pulling almost turned real.  After their second very even match that had very real slaps to face and chest both said let’s have a real fight.

They stayed cordial backstage but tense.  The match was stiff which was what they both wanted and during the staredown after the pin it was their eyes that made the agreement to fight for real.  First they had to make sure they wouldn’t be booked for a match for at least seven days.

Then they got booked for a no dq match.  So they agreed to fight when back at 100 % and that was another chest to chest away from backstage conversation.  They kept it away from backstage to make sure no one knew the heat they had with each other.

Only four women knew what was going on.  Saraya, Harley Cameron who was Mariahs best friend, Tay Conti and Julia Hart showed up.  They were there because they knew Anna’s feelings and were her friends.  Saraya owned a home, had no kids of her own so she was going to host this.  All four agreed the reason it got to this was neither woman was used to feeling jealous of anothers looks.  That was the biggest thing both were used to going into a room and being the one who turned the most heads.

Mariah came out from one room then Anna came out from another.  They wore work out gear and stared at the other.  Saraya walked in between them and gave a damn looking at both.

Not two days ago these two beauties had a brutal hard fought no dq match where they laid in some serious shots.  They were ready for more and that kick at the end was snug.  The reason their matches worked was so much wasn’t a work

“So, ladies I respect you both so much.  Adore you both even more and I especially like that you did this the right way.  Settle it in private and then its settled so lets go over the rules.  This was always building and started with Anna getting aggressive with a chest up.  You two will fight here try to not leave permanent marks.  As you can tell I got rid of weapons even my tv.  One couch, a sectional sofa and hopefully you two stay in this room.  Anything you two got to say.”

They stepped in aggressive and pressed tits.  “See that Anna when you come strong with chest, and I know it this is wha is going to go down.  How do you like it.”  Maria pushed Anna back two steps and flicked her in the temple

Anna was pushing back hard and there was some separation which got an ooh from everyone, and Anna never let it get to her head.  She pushed forward “I like it fine because I said I’d do it and prove its not just my ass that is superior to your ass.  Ego deflating isn’t it?”  Anna flicked Mariah in the temple

“You will not deflate my ego.”  Mariah pressed hard back and Anna was pressing hard “One of us leaves here deflated and ….”




Anna reached grabbed Mariah’s hair “You are to bruised and beaten up I beat you good in the match and I will beat you for real now.”

In a reversal of their backstage interaction where Mariah went for hair first this time Mariah responded after.  She also hit the knee to the hip “That’s what really pissed me off when you did it.”

Anna hit her own then pushed away and hit a double over handed slap to Mariah’s tits.  “That pissed me off.  You should hit chest not tits.”

Mariah slapped Annas tits with her own and they both cringed.  It hurt it really hurt after that match they had then Mariah slapped Anna hard but wrestling tough Anna head snapped but she ate the slap then slapped Mariah back.

Anna slapped Mariah again and felt the blood in her boil then she got slapped back.  Both stared t the other breathing solely through their nostrils.  Then they went for the hair again.

Going around the room they ended up on the couch with Anna on top “You got beat up enough or do I keep going.”  She slammed Mariah’s head twice.

Mariah got her hand on the side of Annas boob pushed it and sent both off the couch “We came here to fight so we have to fight this out.”  She then slapped anna and went to choke her but Anna kicked Mariah away.

They got up “Want to continue?  I sure do but if you are done then you’re done.”  Anna said some deep breaths.

“We waited this long, and you think after the liberties you took with that belt I’m done.  Come on Anna Come on really do you think I’m done, or do you want me to be done?”

They stepped forward and got hands in blonde hair again.  The fight was surprising to others watching.  These two had aggressive matches and now that they could do it for real they seemed to not want to harm the other and Saraya explained it “These are two hot blondes known to have been in a professional rivalry turned personal dislike.  They aren’t risking TV Time.”

Mariah ended up throwing Anna on the couch this time but on the sectional part.  Mariah slammed annas head twice then sat up when Anna went to push her tits “Yeah she and I are on TV but guess what…. I’m the hotter blonde with better.”  Mariah grabbed Annas tits twisted in and out til she got a scream

“Ok Saraya.  We went a little further and those aren’t these.”  Maria did a Mina shake with her chest.  Anna turned her hips, and her strong ass lifted and sent Mariah into the wall.

Anna pulled Mariah down onto the arm rest her ass hanging just past it “You are so jealous of me and what I worked hard on.  You got a nice one, but I have a great ass.”  Anna pulled the pants down of Mariah May and began to spank her

Mariah was strong and pushed off sending both off the couch but still on as their shoulders were on it.  Mariah back on Anna’s body “You like that ass, you never seen a ass like that.”  Mariah was trying to find a way to attack

‘Ass’ That was Mariahs one attack and she knew this was looking more like a glamour catfight than a all-out bloody brawl between two women who hate each other.  She also didn’t care she wanted this fight and so did anna, but both also wanted to keep their momentum on TV

So, Mariah brought her hips up then slammed her ass into Annas stomach.  “bitch” Anna gasped so Mariah did it again and that loosened Annas grip on her so Mariah spun around and pressed her tits into Anna’s face

Didn’t last long Anna squeezed the shoulders and pushed Mariah tits away and then tried to send Mariah onto her back.  Mariah had her shin across Annas thighs and when anna moved her hips she went chest down instead of Mariah.

“You deserve this young one.”  Mariah pulled down Annas pants “My ass is better.”  Three slaps to Annas ass.

Anna reached for the edge of the sofa pulled and got away from Mariah.  They stood up and stepped out of their pants then looked at the other women to see who they thought legitimately had the better ass.  A small majority felt it was Anna which got a smug smile from Anna and a eyebrow arch like “Told you so.”

“Look again ladies.  Without her push up straps that thick ass isn’t as thick as this one and mine is…”

Both women stepped forward with so much malice in their eyes.  Not looking at others just in to the others eyes. “they’re looking they decided… Now stop being jealous and start being envious.  My ass is better so deal with it you’re hot I’m beautiful.  You need spray tan and…

”  Mariah slapped Anna as they got within arm reach.

“I need to teach you a lesson in real life like I taught you in the ring.”  Anna slapped Mariah back and it was harder

“Say what you want but you are fake.  The tan, the attitude and only thing real is your jealousy of my looks and growth. This ass doesn’t lie and neither does any part of my body when side by side with…”  Mariah slapped Anna back and got hit back.

“Your ass does…”  Slap then block a slap by Mariah “Lie” Another slap from Mariah “You need push up straps.”  Back handed slap then a knee to the stomach “My ass is all real and don’t need extra help.  You have never had someone do this to you and not talking about winning a fight.”  Another knee to the stomach

“That’s why we’re doing this for real, so you know I don’t need boosters because my body is…”  Mariah went for a slap it was blocked and Anna hit a forearm to the chest.

Anna hit a knee to the stomach held Mariah face up and slapped her “My ass looks amazing with or without that addition.  My tits look amazing without the push up you constantly bring.”  Another slap then a knee “I’m the better-looking woman and that drives you and will make you even worst when this body.”  Anna pulled Mariah in for a bearhug “Crushes your body because mines superior.”


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Re: Anna Jay vs Mariah May
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2025, 02:57:11 PM »

Mariah pushed and pulled at Anna’s hair.  She threw anna down “You have nothing superior over me and I’m tired of being compared to you by fans who say.”  Mariah went to kick Anna, but Anna caught it and pushed Mariah onto the couch.

Anna leaped toward Mariah, but Mariah moved “Fans are torn, we’re torn but we’re hear to tear each other up. Mariah said getting up an about to dive for Anna, but Anna moved.  “Ok our friendships in the dressing room are torn over who is the hottest.  I am you might be legit tough but Anna there’s something about you…”

“We both know we didn’t like each other immediately but fans like both of us and love seeing our bodies against because they’re horn dogs.”  Anna and Mariah were on their feet “Your besties and is also like my friend said she wasn’t sure who was hotter and its me Harley… its me.”

“This is because I like both of you well, I do.  You’re both fun but whose tits are best well mine are but of you two.”

Mariah took off her shirt threw it at Anna then slapped her went for a second it was blocked and Anna pivoted away pushed Mariah away tore off her shirt threw it at Mariah and slapped Mariah.  They both stepped back and admired the bra and panties bodies of the other.

“Nice push up.”  Anna said almost mocking Mariahs chest.

“You still mad at me for slapping your chest… Its wrestling bitch and you’ve been to Japan.”  Anna stepped up cut Mariah off hitting an overhand slap to Mariahs tit

“That’s where the disdain started… You hit me to fucking hard and I hit back.”  Then Mariah did infact slap Annas tit back.

“You hit back.  We knew then what we were and that’s two bitches who like to hit each other.”

“I’ll always hit you back… Hit you back and hit harder because everything about me is harder than you.”  Anna hit an especially loud slap to Mariahs chest.

“Your slaps are loud because my best is firmer.”  But a loud slap from Mariah and that made Anna cringe “Give up now and let’s end this here and now>”

They stopped trading and had to take some deep breaths.  Their chests were on fire from the slaps and tears were close, but both were tough.  Anna prided herself on her hardcore matches, so she was put through tables, hit with weapons bounced off floors.  This though was completely different but seeing the marks of her hand on Mariahs tit made her eat the pain.

Mariah had taken part in death matches.  Had many objects broken over here body and went through many.  Just a few hours ago she and Anna bounced off a guardrail for a superplex.  This was different.  Her chest was damaged, a body she took pride in was disfigured but she looked at Annas and her hand had to have done more damage

“Ok so have out two gotten this out of your system”?” Saraya asked.  “Tony just wants you to get t his out.”

“Ask little Anna if she had enough?”  Mariah cupped Anna Jays chin “How about it green girl you have enough of doing it for real.  Your little titties had enough.”

“Don’t you treat me like a child.”  Anna cupped Mariahs chin, and they both began to squeeze, and Anna turned a nail, and it got into Mariahs cheek.  Mariahs eyes tightened, and she was in pain which made annas eyes go wide like making a statement to Mariah.

Then Mariah dug her nails into Annas face.  “Ladies you both have TV appearances, and this fight isn’t looking like to end.”

“I’ll treat you how I deem appropriate.  Eek.”  Mariah let out a little pain expression but then so did Anna.  Tony knew what was going on and the women looking out for his interests in keeping these two beautiful knew this could be covered by make up

They pushed away sending the others jaw down to the right.  “Ask the Brit if she had enough and knows her place in the USA”

Mariah shot her head and had fire in her eyes but could feel blood going across her chin.  Anna dug into her skin, and she could see blood coming from Annas face “I know my place and I’ll show you when I wreck that face and those tits and spank that ass”

“You earned the championship, and you earned the asskickings I’m giving you.  Come on with it and watch me wreck your spot on the PPV then spank you for thinking you are hotter than me.”

“You’re going to spank me…”  Mariah got up mad and Anna was getting up as well.  Nothing had calmed down between them.  They liked each other even less and talent was beginning to get worried.  Anna had a big match on the pre show and Mariah had a top segment on PPV scheduled

“When I win but you wont spank me.. This is real life whore… real life and I.”  Anna was up and the two were trading thunderous slaps.

Then the big boom.  Anna and Mariah threw themselves forward both wanted to take the other down and slap them into submission.  What they did was slap tits hard and that bounced both back.

Mariah shot off her trademark sideways glare.  So sexy on TV but scary for a woman except Anna shot off a similar look.  What just happened angered and scared both their bodies were equal in a lot of way.  They were both seriously sexy women and Mariahs in ring skills were great but Anna was a strong woman.

“Huh got something to say about my tits now…. Now you know my tits like my ass and like my face is just better.”  Anna snapped then slapped Mariah..

“They’re soft and pathetic compared to mine.  Just like everything you have finishes second to my assets.”  Mariah snapped at Anna and hit her own slap

“I hate you so MUCH!”  Anna stood up and torqued another tremendous slap.

“I h ate you too!”  Mariah hit a bigger slap across Annas face and Anna fell to a knee “That’s why they had the condition you never face me for the title again.  Keep you away from us letting this out and there’s more money you can make off me than your dime store.”

“I’m MONEY” Anna exploded “I draw.”  Her tits getting under Mariahs she lifted Mariah up her hands under Mariah’s ass.  Mariah got slammed into a wall by Anna and now the talk of just ending t his was taking over. 

Anna dug her nails into each ass cheek dug in and then pressed her tits into Mariah pinning Mariahs tits “I fucking did it and you fucking know I beat you so cry and admit my body and I’m superior.”

Mariah was pushing away at the face of Anna Jay and saying, “Shut up…shut up.”  They hoped this was the end and Anna winning like this was a shock, but she looked to have won by digging into Mariah’s ass and pinning her tits.

“She now …”  Anna couldn’t finish as Mariah wasn’t done and wouldn’t be finished like this.  Mariah got her hands up and into Annas face.  She was pushing off with all her strength, Mariah was incredibly strong, and she got Anna away from her

“Bitch … You bitch.”  Maria turned her hips and swung her arms which hit Annas side into the wall.  “You want to know I’ll show you.”

Maria pulled Anna away then slammed her into the wall took a deep breath and threw her tits at Annas tits.  Anna gasped the impact of that move snapped both bras “You think you will pin me.”  Mariah was moving her shoulders around, so her tits were rotating and doing damage to Annas tits

“Yeah I’m  a bitch…. I’m the top bitch and you are my.”  Mariah pulled back for another slam then maybe attack Annas ass like hers was attacked.

Anna snapped her head forward getting Maria in the temple.  That got Mariah to bounce back a step Anna then threw up a left that got Mariah in the same area of the ye, then a right straight to temple that dropped Mariah.  The women there who were worrying about Tonys investment in a PPV looked at Mariah and there might have been swelling.  A black eye could not be hidden if it was really bad.

Anna stepped in and hit a hip attack into Mariahs temple and eye then they stepped in.  “What Mariah… What is this done.  You just felt what a rock-hard fat ass fit as anything… I’m fitter, I’m stronger, I’m tougher and look… Let me finish this.  Let me make her quit this business because of what I do.”

“Yup that’s a serious black eye.”  Saraya said “Tony said to stop this if it gets to serious and we let it go to far.  Get her out of here she has tv time on the PPV too.”

“I want to fight more.. I want her to bleed, I want her tits gone, I want…”  Mariah was not getting up and Anna was being led out of the room.  Mariah realized she was hurt and it was her face.  They were going to have to give Anna credit from their match to why she wasn’t perfect and that hurt more than them stopping this fight.

Mina and Harley were trying to calm Mariah down.  She wanted to keep fighting and hearing Anna singing “I beat her.  We fought for real and I smashed her second rate body.”  Mariah knew they could never fight again like this and go for real unless both stayed off tv for a long time.  “I hate her so much but not enough… If I’m told I am off TV then she and I are going to hell and I’m the one who comes back.”

(Upcoming:  Tests of Strength competition, Katherine McNamara vs Greer Grammar; Kelly Monaco vs Sara Jean Underwood; Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort; Camilla Belle vs Emmy Rossum; Aubrey Plaza vs Rose Leslie)