The three girls opposite came at them, Grace faced the big girl on the right but watched the one in the middle out of the corner of her eye. As she half expected, the one in front propped and the one in the middle came on, hands raised to grapple with her, no doubt so her friend could deliver the coup de grace. Grace turned to her left and hit the incoming girl in the throat with a straight right which dropped her noiselessly to the floor. Then she spun and hit the big girl with her left elbow as she came in, making contact with the side of her jaw and stopping her in her tracks. Grace then delivered a full blooded kick to her pussy with the toe of her boot and the big girl flopped forward onto the floor on her face.
Moving back a couple of steps Grace scanned left in time to see Madeleine, holding down the head of the girl on the left with both hands in her hair, drive her knee up into her face and then letting her sag to the floor.
Scanning right Grace saw four more of the enemy on the floor in addition to their leader, several running out the back gate to the carpark, and Bill and Windy advancing on two who had been fighting with the boys on the right but had drawn back when they saw the tornado approaching and now turned and bolted after their mates. Bill and Windy and the girls went to the two boys, nowhere near the size of the men they had been fighting but still on their feet, albeit Bobby had a bloody nose and Tom had a cut lip and a bump over his eye that would no doubt swell up handily.
"Good lads!" said Bill warmly "You secured the right flank! Now, can you move? We've got to get out of here before the Police arrive. They can't touch us in barracks." he said as he started to propel the boys, obviously still in shock, towards the gate that led to the back lane "Right, Windy you lead them back. Girls, lend a hand, one of the lads each, make it look like you're lovebirds, 20 yards separation. Tactical awareness, be alert for lights and sirens and anybody who might see you. Watch for escape routes. Walk fast but don't run unless you're in sight of the gate and the Police are behind you. I'll bring up the rear."
Windy left without a word. Grace got her arm around Bobby and he put his over her shoulder. "Right, go!" said Bill tapping Grace on the back. He turned to Madeleine and Tom "You know what to do. I'll just square the publican then I'll catch you up. Right, go!"
The depot was normally only 5 minutes walk away but the girls soon realised that Bobby and Tom, leaning on them both, were struggling to keep up the pace and Tom was limping, it seemed like they'd had a tough fight each against their bigger opponents. But no doubt nothing like the kicking they would have received if the others hadn't intervened. Madeleine heard Bill jog up behind them and stop a distance behind. She didn't look around, just focused on supporting Tom and keeping him moving as fast as he could.
They all heaved a huge sigh of relief as the main gate came into sight. Bill jogged past them all to the guard house as the massive steel gate swung open and he started talking to the two soldiers on guard duty. Windy jogged back to Madeleine and helped her with Tom. "Go straight on to the Sergeants Mess." Bill told them as they passed. They all felt enormous relief as they heard the gate clang shut behind them.
Windy jogged up to the keypad on the door to let them all into the ante room of the Sergeants Mess. Bobby and Tom flopped onto sofas and the girls stayed with them "Is there a first aid kit handy Sarge?" Madeleine asked Windy.
"Better!" he replied as he disappeared through a doorway "A combat medic. Which seems appropriate somehow. Sit tight." returning a few minutes later with a grey haired Sergeant they both recognised carrying a large bag full of medical supplies who started tending to the two boys.
Bill then appeared "Right, listen up you lot, the lads on the gate have fixed the log so it shows us all back at least half an hour before the fracas kicked off. It shows us returning in three pairs at different times. None of us went to the pub. I've squared the publican and he and his wife will say that our group were not soldiers and he's never seen us before."
"But I thought you said we were safe when we got back here Sarge?" said Bobby confused.
"We are for the time being but the cops may be forced to pursue it - there were just so many of them Windy and I were forced to disable some of them and those girls on the floor when we left didn't look in good shape either [he smiled at Grace and Madeleine and shook his head ] - even though I told you girls to fuck off, Windy didn't need those slappers jumping on his back so I'm glad you stayed. However, the army doesn't like this shit but what they do like is plausible deniability so that's what we're going to give them. Now, what happened tonight was nobody's fault and you all did well, fucking well actually but now it's time for you girls to go back to your barracks. Windy and Bones will look after the boys and I have to go and wake the RSM. All right. Let's get cracking."
On an impulse Grace kissed Bobby on the lips before she left and seeing this, Madeleine kissed Tom.
After the door closed behind them Sergeant 'Bones' drily observed "Well there lads, I'll bet that was worth a little kicking."
Bill roused the RSM and rapidly briefed him as he got dressed in fatigues and then made coffee for them both in the lounge. The RSM's phone rang. "The cops are at the gate. I won't ring the Old Man, nothing he can do tonight that I can't." the RSM said and continued talking to Bill for 10 minutes before going out to the gate.
A police car was parked in front of the gate with it's lights flashing. Three uniformed Police stood outside, the leader a Sergeant.
"Evening Sergeant" said the RSM pleasantly "What can I do for you?"
The Sergeant gave him a look that indicated he thought the RSM knew very well what this was about "Perhaps you could let us in and we could talk about it?" said the Sergeant.
"Oh I'm afraid there is no one here at the moment with the authority to approve that, it's well above my pay grade." the RSM lied smoothly. There were several Majors and Captains, including the Adjutant, asleep in the Officers Mess who would have disagreed with what the RSM had said but would no doubt be grateful to him for saying it.
"Well can you get somebody here who can approve it." asked the Sergeant with an edge creeping into his voice.
"Perhaps if you could tell me what this is all about?" asked the RSM smiling benignly.
"Basically four of your lads and two girls kicked the living shit out of five other lads and three girls at the pub for no apparent reason. They are all at the hospital now. This is a serious matter and I mean to pursue it." said the Sergeant firmly. "If I can talk to your lads I can hear their side of the story and I might be able to help them."
The RSM nearly smiled at that one. "So Sergeant, were these lads in uniform?" he asked innocently.
"Don't come the old soldier with me mate, you know good and bloody well they wouldn't have been in uniform. One of your lads told the other party they were soldiers." said the Sergeant.
"Oh, so you only have THEIR word for that." commented the RSM. "And what makes you think they were OUR lads, plenty of other bases nearby they could have come from?"
"They were seen returning here, a group of four lads and two girls with short hair. You have female soldiers now, don't you RSM, or were you hoping I didn't know that? These two will be hard to miss from what I've heard." said the Sergeant smirking.
The RSM was virtually certain the Sergeant was lying about them being seen returning to the base from what Bill had told him but he had hoped that the cop wouldn't have realised that the girls were soldiers and not girlfriends.
"So, a group of four men and two women came through the gates together at what time, Sergeant?" said the RSM strolling over to the Guard House and saying "The Gate Log, please Corporal." and scanning the open page before looking over it at the Sergeant.
"After 10.30" said the Sergeant after a pause.
"Your eye witness a bit hazy on the time, was he?" shot the RSM and the Sergeant pursed his lips.
"Honestly, Sergeant, just to save you from wasting your time, the log shows nobody returning around that time." said the RSM.
"Could I see the log please?" said the Sergeant putting his hand through the vertical steel bars.
"I'm afraid not." said the RSM snapping it closed and smiling "Above my pay grade."
"Well can you get the man here? said the Sergeant raising his voice "This is an active investigation!"
"Of what?" responded the RSM "I'm sorry Sergeant, I have no wish to be uncooperative but I'm afraid you have given me nothing to justify me in getting my Colonel in at this hour. All I can suggest is that you make an appointment to see him tomorrow."
"We'll be back!" snarled the Sergeant and the RSM nodded pleasantly.
The RSM went back to the Sergeant's Mess where Bill and Windy were sitting in the lounge with a bottle of whisky from the honour bar sitting on the table between them. Bill went to pour him a glass as well "Make it a large one Bill." sighed the RSM.
"I'm sorry Fred..." Bill began but the RSM shook his head and waved him down "Bill I know you and Windy would have done all you could to avoid trouble but at the end of the day you had to look after your lads. How are they by the way?"
"Fine, back in barracks, Bones patched them up, off the books. Nothing serious just superficial. They were up against some big bruisers too but they didn't take a backward step. I'm proud of them." said Bill.
"And the girls?" asked the RSM
"Madeleine skinned her knuckles but otherwise not a scratch and they saved the fucking day. If they hadn't stayed on our left the fuckers could have gotten behind us." said Bill.
"Unfortunately this cop isn't as dumb as I'd like, he's already clocked the girls as soldiers." said the RSM.
"Fuck!" said Bill "So he'll be back?"
"Oh he'll definitely be back, tomorrow, with a warrant to look at the CCTV footage from the Gate. I noticed him looking at the camera." said the RSM smiling.
They all burst out laughing.
"But it hasn't worked for years!" spluttered Bill.
"I know that and you know that..." said the RSM.
"Budget cuts, you've just got to love them!" said Windy raising his glass and the others followed and they drank a toast.
After Bill and Windy finally turned in the RSM sat in his armchair until dawn, lost in thought, drinking whisky and smoking cigarettes.