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Basic Training

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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2025, 02:02:24 PM »
The RSM went into the Orderly Room to test his theory. "Is the Old Man about?" he asked an orderly.

"No RSM, he's gone for the weekend. Off to a wedding I believe. He left an hour ago." said the junior soldier.

Then he went to the guardhouse and checked the log: Grace and Madeleine were booked out for the weekend.

"Fuck" he thought to himself.

At the same time Grace and Madeleine caught up with Hugh, hiking along with his Bergan on his back. He put it in the back of "Daddy's truck". Grace tossed him the keys and said "You might as well drive since you like this old thing so much." and hopped in the back seat to sit side saddle, thrusting out her shapely legs in front of her, saying "This is one of my favourite childhood memories, sitting back here with Mummy and Daddy in front, towing the horsefloat to a competition!"

Hugh put the old SUV into gear and pulled away smoothly, almost lovingly stroking the controls, saying: "My father had one of these, he taught me how to drive in it. You might not realise it but this old beast is an absolute classic these days."

They had a two hour drive ahead of them but before they knew it, pulled into the driveway of the Hotel where the reception would be held the next evening. They had dinner in the dining room and Hugh's friend, the groom Sebastian, joined them briefly, his eyes bulging at the sight of Grace and Madeleine but him wisely refraining from asking any questions about how they all came to be together. Hugh naturally asked him about his ex-wife Margot and Sebastian advised that she wouldn't be there until the next day and would be coming on her own without her new partner. He then volunteered that she had apparently broken up with 'her'.

This put the cat amongst the pigeons back in their room. The girls were excited that Margot was apparently at least bi and Hugh was quiet and self contained but the sex was explosive, even by their standards.

The next day they drove out to the family farm for the wedding ceremony and caught their first glimpse of Margot. Very beautiful thought Grace, blond haired and green eyed, very lightly tanned skin, 5'7" and about 150 pounds which she carried well. Despite a slight thickening of her waist and carrying some weight on her hips and thighs at 35 years of age Grace found her almost unbearably sexy. Grace found herself aching to fight her and dominate her sexually. It wasn't just because she was Hugh's ex of course, that added a certain spice to be sure but mostly she was just a very sexy woman. Madeleine felt the same.

They went downstairs from their room when it was time for the Reception in the Ballroom. Hugh cut a dashing figure in his bright red "bumfreezer" mess kit, complete with medals but it was the two beautiful girls accompanying him, in matching tight little black dresses with their short androgenous hair and bare perfect legs, that caused a sensation. Grace was sure she caught an angry expression on Margot's face as she turned away. Margot was seated fairly close to them and appeared to be seething with anger. Grace found herself getting very wet from this display of hostility and from sitting opposite Madeleine either side of Hugh at the head of their table and fighting a foot battle for control with her under the table.

After the main course, Margot rose and with a pointed glance in their direction, headed towards the bathrooms. "The dance begins." said Grace happily as she got to her feet and followed her.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 02:16:37 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2025, 03:58:54 AM »
Grace watched Margot enter the women's bathroom. She instinctively slowed as she approached the door, her senses on high alert as if expecting an ambush, then she relaxed as she saw Margot facing the mirror touching up her make up. Grace took the place next to her and, as their eyes met in the mirror, said in a low voice "Hello Margot."

Margot pursed her lips and said "I don't give a fuck who you are, little girl, or who you think you are but this is your one chance to fuck off before I kick the living shit out of you. Get your little fuck puppet friend and leave now if you know what's good for you."

Grace smiled, which made Margot's scowl grow deeper "Oh Margot, I'd love to see you try. I came here to fight you for what you've done to Hugh so I want to get it on with you but I don't want to do it in here like a couple of whores. I've scouted out a nice quiet spot in the gardens outside where we can do it without being disturbed."

"Let's go then." said Margot brusquely turning to leave.

Grace saw the anger seething out of Margot in the mirror. Something didn't track. Then it clicked. Grace turned "Wait on a minute, why do you want us to leave?" she asked. Margot stopped but didn't answer and Grace could see she was breathing hard with her fists clenched. Margot looked so angry she couldn't speak so Grace answered for her "You want him back."

Margot's eyes blazed and Grace couldn't help thinking what an incredibly sexy woman she was, finally Margot grimaced and nodded, managing a strangled "Yes".

Grace stepped right up into her face and matched her stare with quiet fury "The question is why? Is it just because you've broken up with your new partner and it's convenient or do you still love him?"

Grace's eyes bored into Margot's "What the fuck does it matter to you 'why'?" spat Margot with pure venom.

Grace said "Because I'm the girl you're going to have to go through if you just want to hurt him again. On the other hand I know he still loves you and he loves his kids. Fuck, I'd never have gone after him if you'd still been on the scene. Convince me that you're genuine and I'll step back. But you'll owe me one."

Margot's expression went through a number of changes as Grace spoke until finally her face twitched into a wry smile "One what, will I owe you precisely?" she asked curiously.

"One catfight. I still want to fight you, you hot bitch, just not for the same reasons. And I think you want to fight me." said Grace raising an eyebrow and smiling.

Margot placed her hands on Grace's waist and kissed her. "Usual penalties for the loser?" she asked.

"If by that you mean submission sex rather than just forfeiting panties then I'm your girl." replied Grace leaning forward to kiss Margot lingeringly.

"Grace" said Grace as they finally drew apart "Pleased to meet you Margot."

Margot laughed "I might have underestimated you, Grace. Let's get a drink, we have a lot to talk about."

"You know, you're even more beautiful when you smile." said Grace as they left the bathroom hand in hand.     



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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2025, 08:13:53 AM »
Hugh was playing with Madeleine's bare foot in his lap under the table while they maintained a polite amount of conversation with the guests seated near them. She had already pleasured him with it once. Grace and Margot appeared hand in hand and strolled over to the bar, rather than heading outside as Madeleine and Hugh had anticipated.

"Told you she wouldn't do it in the bathroom." pouted Madeleine working his shaft harder with her foot. All Hugh could manage was a grunt. The sight of Grace together with his ex-wife, with a little help from Madeleine, soon made him cum again, clenching his teeth hard to avoid crying out.

Grace and Margot sat at the end of the long bar, where a few people had already chosen to sit and chat. "Champers or whisky?" queried Margot holding up a bottle of each. "Whisky" answered Grace "Just like you're having it, with ice." she added. They clinked glasses and drank some of their whisky.

Margot started laughing "Fuck" she said shaking her head "I can't believe this! I suppose I'd better start at the beginning. Back in high school, just after my 18th actually, I got into a catfight. I lost but I loved it. I got into a lot more catfights, won some, lost some but loved every one. After the first couple I couldn't bear the physical attraction I felt for my opponents any longer and it just sort of happened - I started fucking the girls I fought. I thought I was a lesbian. This continued through my early years at university, fighting and fucking girls until I met Hugh. He is the only guy I've ever been with and I fell in love with him at first sight. I stopped sleeping with girls and I married him. I never told him about any of this. I genuinely believed that I had just been going through 'a phase' and now I had 'grown up' and left it behind. Then kids came along and they and my husband kept me busy and happy. But over the years we've been married I felt this yearning and it grew stronger every year. I began to feel I wasn't doing anything for myself and life was passing me by. Then I saw the ad in the personal contacts pages from Naomi. Well, you're bound to see an ad sooner or later if you're constantly scouring those pages looking for something different." 

She paused as Grace laid a hand on her cheek saying "You're really making me wet Margot. Tell me more about Naomi." and kissed her lingeringly.

Margot laughed "Well her ad gave enough away that I knew what she was after. We met and chatted and we went back to her place and fought and I lost badly and she made me her bitch and I loved it. She's the same 150 pounds as me but she's taller, in better shape, younger - and I hadn't fought in 15 years. I had no illusions about the likely outcome and I honestly didn't care, I just wanted it so badly."

"I hear you girlfriend!" shuddered Grace.

"But I freaked out. We fought standard rules so my face was ok but my body was covered in scratches and bruises and bite marks and I was moving awkwardly and I just felt I couldn't go home to Hugh like that, he's always been so kind and gentle he wouldn't have understood. So I packed the kids in the car and went to my parents' place, telling them I'd tripped over a tree root while running in the woods to explain my stiffness. The trouble was I wanted it again so badly and I kept going back to Naomi for more and I felt that I'd finally found myself again - that I'd been living a lie all those years with Hugh, that I couldn't keep doing what I was doing and ever be a wife to him again." Margot took a pull of her whisky and Grace laid her hand on hers.

"He was so decent about the divorce, he said I could have everything. Moved back into the Mess so he could give me virtually all his pay for the kids. Didn't even hire a lawyer, just signed the papers I sent him. So decent I couldn't bear to face him, even so he could see the kids. I was so ashamed of how I'd behaved I couldn't bring myself to file the divorce papers with the court. I knew I'd been selfish and it's all come home to roost. The kids are acting up, they miss him so much. The Grandparents are so exhausted they've even offered to help me buy a place so I can move out! And Naomi might be a hot girl to fight and fuck but she turned out to be a piece of work." Margot smiled briefly "So the last time we fought I let it all hang out and I beat the living daylights out of her and she didn't like it when the shoe was on the other foot."

Grace laughed "You must give me her phone number so I can catch up with her too!"

Margot laughed "With pleasure! So anyway I made enquiries and found that Hugh was coming to the wedding on his own and so I wore his favourite dress and prepared to throw myself at his feet and he turns up with not one but two gorgeous girls who are younger and prettier than me and so I'm sorry if I was nasty before. It's not your fault at all, what's happened is all down to me."

Grace waved this away "I have the same urges as you and I give into them too. I don't know how you denied yourself for so long. I doubt I could have done it. Were you going to tell Hugh about all that by the way?"

"No" said Margot.

"You might have been pleasantly surprised. Hugh fell for Madeleine and me watching us fight other girls." said Grace.

Margot stared at her "Well fuck me." she said "I never had a clue..."

"He was very excited about the prospect of me catfighting with you and the reasons are probably quite complex but they probably boil down to the fact that he still loves you and wants you." said Grace. "I suspect that secretly he may even want you to win."

Margot looked at Grace appraisingly "You're in great shape Grace, do you mind if I ask..."

"Five feet seven, 133 pounds on a good day." laughed Grace.

"Ha! That was me exactly before the kids came along. I've never been able to lose the baby weight and of course Hugh made me feel worse by lying and saying he found me more attractive." said Margot.

"I think he was just being truthful Sweetie, I think you're hot and sexy as fuck." said Grace.

"If you don't mind me asking, how old are you Grace?" said Margot.

This was the question Grace would have preferred to avoid. She knew from experience she could get away with 25 but she didn't want to lie to Margot. "I'm two months off 19." she said.     

"Fuck! You're only 18! You have the beauty and poise of an older woman. I would have guessed 25." Margot swallowed "How do you feel about fighting an older woman like me, I guess you know I'm 35? I could, JUST, be your mother."

"To tell you the truth, the fact that you're older really excites me. It makes you more naturally dominant. Makes me want to submit to you. I've been having incredible fantasies about submitting to my girlfriends mother and she is 43. My girlfriend has been having the same fantasies about my mother, who is 50. We have a pact that we won't ever act on it so we won't kill each other." Grace laughed.

Margot laughed "I had the same fantasies about fighting older women and I did act on them a few times and I'm pleased to report the sky didn't fall in." So let's do it. I might be biting off more than I can chew at my age but I really want you Grace and I want Hugh to finally know who I really am."

"You won't be biting off more than you can chew Margot, you're going to win. We'll fight for real at the start and maybe you'll beat me anyway but I promise you that, if I have to, I'll throw the fight later because we'll be fighting over Hugh and you must win so you can claim him."

Margot stared at her "You'd do that for me..."

Grace nodded "And for Hugh and your kids. I'm not a homewrecker." she said quietly. "It's nothing I haven't done before. At school I always used to let girls beat me in front of their boyfriends if they'd give me another fight with no witnesses. That's partly why I got so many catfights at school, the word went around among the boys that I was an easy beat for their girlfriends who they were desperately trying to get into a catfight with someone."

"THAT'S the catfight I'd owe you, the second one just between us." Margot said and Grace nodded. "And you'd walk away from Hugh just like that?" Margot added.

Grace eyed her over her whisky glass "Oh, I didn't say that! Hugh's really been enjoying our threesomes with Madeleine. I like to think that the four of us could still get together sometimes. And er I think he'd enjoy a few rematches. "

"So would I" Margot groaned. After a while she shook her head. "That's an amazing offer on your part Grace but I have to say no. No more lying to Hugh. I want our catfight to be on the level. Win or lose I want him to see me as I am. And there's something else. I don't think I've ever wanted to fight another woman more than I do you tonight Grace. I agree with you - I could see us having a lot of rematches over the years. I want everything between us to be perfect and unsullied from the start. Let the cards fall where they may."   
The MC announced that the dreaded speeches were about to start. "We should go back to our tables, I don't want to be rude." said Margot reluctantly.

"Come and sit with us Sweetie." said Grace and took her by the hand and led her back to the table. Hugh stood up and bent to kiss his ex-wife's cheek. She turned her face and their lips made contact "I'm so sorry." she sobbed. Tears filled Hugh's eyes as he pulled her into him.   
« Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 04:21:07 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2025, 03:59:44 AM »
Hugh and Margot sat quietly together holding hands and giving each other the occasional smile. Grace knew she had been right about them still having feelings for each other but the next stage was going to be delicate. It might be very easy or it could go off the rails. Madeleine gave her a raised eyebrow as they played footsie under the table. Not knowing the people getting married, Grace completely tuned out the speeches and thought hard, while musing pleasantly over the situation she was now in. She focused on Hugh, Margot had not been honest with him but nor, she was convinced, had he been honest with her about his innermost desires. As a result they had both missed out on something wonderful that they could have shared for the past 15 years. Grace wanted part of that something wonderful for herself and Madeleine going forward. She giggled when she thought what her mother would do: The formidable Claire had a simple rule for dealing with men: take their power away from them. Grace had seen her do this many times to her father. How could she do this to Hugh? How could THEY do this to Hugh? Oh this was going to be so hot!

Grace came out of her reverie when the speeches mercifully ended and the happy couple took to the dance floor, followed, after an interval, by others. Margot and Hugh both seemed unsure what to do next. Grace stood up and took Margot's hand "Dance with me sexy." she said in her ear. Margot was a great dancer, as was Grace and they soon lost themselves in the music as they let themselves go completely. They were attracting a lot of attention even before they started kissing. Not least from Hugh who was dancing with Madeleine. After a while Grace manoeuvred them closer and deftly switched partners with Madeleine, she wanted Hugh's focus to be on Margot. Grace kissed him and, over the music, shouted in his ear "Fuck I want her Hugh." Madeleine was the best dancer Grace had ever seen, very light on her feet and Margot really stepped it up to try and match her. Madeleine and Margot were soon frantically kissing each other and creating a stir. Hugh's eyes were bulging. Grace kept kissing him in the clinches and when she judged the time was right got close to Margot and shouted in his ear "Go to her Hugh," and gave him a push. They danced together with the ease and fluidity of long term partners and were soon kissing each other like the long lost lovers they were. Madeleine was all sexy and sweaty and coquettish and Grace loved pulling her close and locking lips with her. "You're a fucking genius." Madeleine shouted in her ear.

After an hour on the dance floor the music stopped and without anything needing to be said they made their way upstairs, Hugh and Margot holding hands leading Grace and Madeleine. They came to Margot's room first and Margot led Hugh inside. Grace and Madeleine momentarily held back but Margot turned and said "Are      you two coming?" and they quickly followed her inside. The room was the same as their own with two double beds. Again, without anything needing to be said, clothes were frantically torn off as they kissed and they tumbled onto the beds in pairs: Hugh and Margot on one bed and Grace and Madeleine on the other. In a repeat of what happened on the dancefloor, they changed partners twice before all coming together. Grace loved this style of orgy, being able to concentrate on one partner at a time while being stimulated by the sights and sounds coming from the next bed. Grace and Madeleine were almost overwhelmed by their new partner Margot, who was strong and aggressive with a voracious appetite to be sated. Grace particularly loved the feel of her her strong thighs as she sat on her face. 

As dawn was breaking and they lay together Hugh said "Oh well, I guess there isn't going to be a catfight now!" in what he hoped sounded like a philosophical manner.

Grace looked at him sharply, it was written all over his face how much he wanted it "Don't worry naughty boy, Margot and I will do it on the way home and it will be nothing like the fights you saw in the gym." she looked at Margot who smiled and nodded "We'll fight naked for sexual dominance. The loser will give the winner submission sex. We'll be doing it for our own gratification but it will add another dimension to have you and Madeleine there watching, particularly if you tell us how much you want it."

"Oh I do! groaned Hugh.

"Darling, I have so much to tell you on the way." laughed Margot.

They left early, Hugh and Margot in her car with Grace and Madeline following in her old SUV. Hugh nearly ran off the road a couple of times with what Margot told him. His groaning response confirmed what had become obvious. "Why didn't you ever drop a hint?" Margot asked him.

"I felt ashamed, it felt dirty, I thought you'd despise me." he said.

"I thought the same." said Margot "So, no more secrets?"

"No more secrets." said Hugh and after a while he asked, trying to make it sound casual, "Do you think you can handle Grace?"

"I honestly don't know Darling, I don't think she does either. That's what makes it so exciting but paradoxically it actually doesn't matter - we both get turned on by winning and losing. She's a remarkable girl by the way, I absolutely love her, a tribute to your good taste in women! You know she offered to let me win in front of you to help us get back together?"

"Fuck me" said Hugh shaking his head "but it shouldn't surprise me, she's like that. Why did you say 'no' by the way?"

"Who says I did?" laughed Margot and then after a pause "No more secrets Darling. I'm going to be completely open with you about everything in future. Speaking of which, talking about her is making me so wet right now." 

"And Madeleine?" he asked smiling.

"Oh yes! So gorgeous! And she won her first fight! She quietly challenged me when we were fucking and it got me off straight away but I won't go there for a while, it wouldn't be a fair fight."

"But you think it is with Grace?" he asked.

"Oh yes! There's something about her! Hey, pull in here for coffee and I'll switch cars, I need to talk to Grace about rules etc." said Margot.

Margot and Grace quickly got each other off in the ladies restroom and resumed their journey in Grace's old SUV.

"Phew" said Margot "I needed that!"

"So did I!" laughed Grace.

"So what does 'standard rules' mean to you Darling? Are pussies fair game?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely." said Grace "No holds barred below the neck except breaking fingers. Above the shoulder only open handed slapping, hairpulling and wrestling moves allowed. I like it rough and dirty."

"Oh me too Darling!" groaned Margot "How long till we're there?"

"About another 45 minutes." said Grace.

"I have a feeling we're going to be a great match for each other." said Margot.

Grace turned and grinned at her "Me too Sweetie and I absolutely love it that way!"   
« Last Edit: March 01, 2025, 04:13:12 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2025, 02:58:02 AM »
Grace and Margot chatted in the car like two old girlfriends, neither in the least conscious of the 17 year age gap between them. They found themselves liking each other more and more.

"You said your parents were so desperate for you to move out with the kids that they offered you a home deposit?" asked Grace giggling.

"Yes!" laughed Margot "Obviously they love the kids to bits but they're just too old to have them under the same roof."

"So you'll be looking to buy a place rather than rent?" asked Grace.

"Yes, it's easier to buy than rent at the moment and with our savings, which he gave me by the way, and Hugh's full salary we should be able to get something good and give the kids a permanent home for the first time. Why do you ask?" Margot responded.

"Because I noticed a For Sale sign on the drive out on Friday and the house looked great and I thought you might be interested. It's so close to the village it could be perfect for you" said Grace.

Margot was silent for a while "Grace, you'd better stop being so nice to me or I won't be able to fight you." she finally said with a laugh.

"Oh ok, BITCH, we certainly don't want that! Too late anyway, we're here." said Grace as she turned off the road up a dirt track. After 500 yards she parked and led Margot by the hand to a grassy area in the midst of the woodland.

"It's the perfect place for it." said Margot looking around.

"And you're the perfect girl for it!" said Grace kissing her as Hugh and Madeleine appeared.

Margot broke the kiss as she slipped her foot behind Grace and pushed her over on to the soft grass, landing on top of her and resuming the kiss. They undressed each other frantically as they made love, finishing up completely naked locked in a 69 through shuddering, screaming multiple orgasms.

"Holy fuck" said Madeleine as she and Hugh tore each other's clothes off and he plunged inside her, nailing her to the grass.

"Phew" said Margot to Grace as they finally rolled to their feet "I needed that! My pussy was a loaded gun!"

"So was mine!" laughed Grace "But hey, it's not a crime to cum during a catfight. Making a girl cum is a legitimate tactic. Or, we can take a sex break if you prefer."   

Margot gazed lustfully at Grace "Wow!" she groaned "You're so fucking hot. This is going to be amazing!"

"Yes" gasped Grace "I want this with you too Margot. I just wish I had both kinds of hair for you to pull" she groaned " but since I don't I won't pull yours."

Hugh looked at them facing each other naked on the grass.

Hugh saw Grace, 18 years old, 5'7" tall, 133 well toned, shapely pounds 36C 26 36, literally a swimsuit model with a magazine cover to prove it, impossibly beautiful with her pale alabaster skin, blue eyes and sexy as fuck with her blonde hair just a stubble after shaving it off completely not long before and her shaved pussy with just a hint of stubble coming through. Ever since he had seen Grace in the magazine, especially lifting free weights in lycra, Hugh had admired the perfection of her face and body down to her elegant feet and toes and indulged in his long time secret fantasy, with Grace catfighting with his wife of 15 years Margot in his mind. Watching Grace fight and vanquish another female recruit reduced him to quivering jelly. Enriching his obsession with Grace was the knowledge that when he had first met Margot, at age 19, she had exactly the same measurements and was the same weight as Grace now. In fact Grace was a dead ringer for Margot at 19 and he wondered absently what a shrink would make of that. Hugh had been like a moth to the flame with Grace, risking his career to pursue her after Margot had left him. And he'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

Hugh looked at Margot, 35 years old, 5'7" tall, 150 strapping pounds 36DD 28 38 timelessly beautiful, belying her age with lightly tanned skin, stunning green eyes and long blonde hair and a lovely unshaved pussy. Hugh had not just been married to Margot for 15 years, he had a longstanding sexual fascination with her, with every part of her beautiful body. The baby weight she'd put on bearing his three children didn't faze him in the least, in fact she felt better than ever to him. 17 pounds and 17 years difference between these two hellcats. Grace should win, he thought, she was younger and whereas Margot was in good shape, Grace was sensationally fit. Having actually seen Grace fight was also influencing his opinion. But in reality he didn't care in the least who won, as long as they fought! He found it easy to forgive Margot for leaving him to pursue her catfight fetish. He well understood how repressing that kind of desire for 15 years must have driven her absolutely crazy because ironically, as it turned out, they had secretly shared the same fetishes and fantasies all along.

Hugh had only slept with two women since Margot first came into his life. Margot was about to catfight with one of them, Grace, and the other one, the delectable Madeleine, was sitting in his lap. 
« Last Edit: March 05, 2025, 07:00:57 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2025, 07:20:59 AM »
Margot had been carefully studying Grace and the easy way she moved. She was lighter, younger and no doubt faster than herself but she seemed just as strong. Margot concluded that her best strategy was to take Grace to the ground as soon as possible and get her 150 pounds on top of her.

Conversely Grace had concluded that she should try and stay on her feet for as long as possible, wearing Margot down with well placed punches and running her around the large area available.

Margot closed quickly, throwing punches, slaps and kicks. Grace blocked and stepped back. This happened twice and Grace guessed what was coming next so she skipped left instead of falling back. This wrong footed Margot, going for the takedown - only momentarily but long enough for Grace to dance in and, feinting with her left, hit Margot's left breast with a powerful right hook. Margot staggered back and Grace followed up, tagging her with face slaps and breast punches before clinching and throwing a knee to her pussy which caused Margot to slump heavily against Grace. In one smooth movement, using Margot's own momentum against her, Grace pivoted and slammed Margot into the grass on her back with herself on top.

As Grace went to straddle Margot however, the latter got a hand to her pussy. Grace screamed and threw herself to the side, rolling over and coming up to her knees just as Margot scrambled over on her knees. Their hands locked up, fingers interleaved and a trial of strength ensued, which both girls found immensely satisfying. They groaned and struggled against each other for several minutes as their beautiful naked bodies strained and flexed and sweated but neither could gain an advantage.

Hugh and Madeleine shared a quick grin in appreciation of this gladiatorial spectacle.

Margot suddenly gave way with her right and pivoted trying to roll over on top of Grace and straddle her but Grace kept the roll going and they wound up tied tightly together rolling over and over in both directions, fighting purely by instinct. Their gorgeous shapely legs fought an intricate battle of their own, struggling for leverage while either attempting a grapevine or denying one to their opponent. Because Grace lacked hair and eschewed pulling Margot's, they wound up tied together mostly by the grip they had on each other's breasts.

It was difficult for the spectators to see what was going on and even Grace and Margot couldn't remember much afterwards in terms of what they did to each other but both girls were screaming as they fought locked together raking and clawing each others breasts like cave women. As the screams subsided to sobs Margot finally succeeded in straddling Grace but the latter savagely raked her breasts, dragging her nails downwards. Margot wailed plaintively and grimaced but dug her claws even more deeply into Grace's breasts. Grace was sobbing herself but hit Margot with stiff fingers to her left nipple then bucked strongly and threw her onto her side. Margot screamed as Grace's claw found her pussy and tried to roll away but wound up on her back. Grace reverse straddled her and crushed her pussy with her clawed hand. Margot reached up with her hands and scratched Grace's back for a few seconds but, with the agony written on her face, screamed "Surrender!"

Hugh's face was pale as he and Madeleine exchanged glances. She'd had to restrain him from stopping the fight by grabbing hold of him and reminding him that they had promised not to interfere and saying "we're a lot tougher than you realise" and "we enjoy the pain, it turns us on." Now she simply said to him "Watch."

Grace's shoulders were slumped and she seemed to be trembling as she sat astride Margot, who was sobbing underneath her. With what seemed like enormous effort, taking the last of her strength, she turned and rolled off Margot, moving to lie on her side next to her and shuffling in close, slipping one arm under her head and laying the other across her stomach and talking quietly to her as Margot's sobs subsided.

It took a little while for Hugh and Madeleine to realise that the girls had fallen asleep together.

Madeleine then decided to straddle a slightly disoriented Hugh and take his rock hard member inside her, getting herself off seven times before he finally came to his own shuddering conclusion. Then she lay with her head on his shoulder and they fell asleep as well.

Madeleine and Hugh awoke to the sights and sounds of Grace standing and rubbing her foot all over Margot's face, Margot taking Grace's toes into her mouth and Grace face sitting Margot until she came then noisily taking her in a protracted 69, after which they rolled apart and lay on their backs.

"Our cue!" said Madeleine as she went to Grace and gently went down on her.

Hugh tentatively approached Margot and lay beside her "Are you alright, Darling?" he asked anxiously.

In answer Margot reached for him and pulled him into her "Ugh a bit more than alright, I feel fucking fantastic, like I've been reborn or something. I'm floating on a cloud. I don't care about losing, it was the best fight I've ever been in. Was it good for you too, Darling?" she asked coyly.

He swallowed hard "It was the most incredible thing I've ever seen, way beyond any fantasy, you were both magnificent but...are you hurt Darling?"

"Yeah, I'm fucking hurt alright" said Margot "but it always looks worse than it is and this pain will be making me wet for a month." she gripped his member firmly and said "Well this bad boy seemed to enjoy the performance." she said as she straddled him, slapping his outstretched hands away from her breasts "What are you, a fucking comedian?"

In truth Hugh couldn't begin to explain to Margot how turned on he was by her catfight with Grace. If he'd had to nominate his dream catfight, it would have been Grace v Margot and he was stunned by what a tough, sexy and evenly matched fight it had been. He had been impressed by Margot's performance against the much younger swimsuit model and felt a little bit ashamed of the fact that he hadn't thought she would win.

Then they swapped partners and Madeleine came to play with Margot and gently rub some antiseptic ointment into her breasts, having just done the same for Grace. She also applied some balm with whispered compliments, soft kisses and some body worship of her own, culminating in her unselfishly going down on an exhausted Margot and extracting another screaming orgasm from her.

Grace smiled enigmatically at Hugh as she lay on her back with her knees bent. He took in her perfect feet, calves and thighs, her flat stomach and her full, firm breasts bearing the fresh scars of battle and her beautiful face as he knelt to thrust inside her. He wanted her more than ever - and it didn't feel wrong. Grace's screams of ecstasy soon mingled with Margot's. They looked across at each other and smiled. Then Grace stretched out her hand and Margot took it.

« Last Edit: March 06, 2025, 01:37:33 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2025, 12:09:52 AM »
Some time later.

Grace and Margot finished and held each other talking quietly as Hugh and Madeleine carried on. Eventually they finished too and fell asleep on the warm grass.

"Sweetie" said Grace "I want you to know something. That was really special today, I don't always get this feeling but I know you can beat me. I sense that in you and...I want it. I want to taste defeat at your hands. The girls I feel closest to are the ones where the result can go either way and we keep fighting each other and I want that with you."

Margot laughed "I want that with you too Grace. This has been a dream come true for me. Today you gave me the best catfight of my life, it was just so beautiful and intimate with you and the pain was exquisite. The catfights I had when I was younger were all one and done. I never had a rematch. Obviously they were fantastic and I discovered that losing actually turned me on more than winning but I never felt the urge to go back for more and neither did they. Naomi was different. I'd never lost that badly before to anyone and she totally made me her bitch and I was...addicted to it. After 15 years I was well out of practice. But every time we fought I got better until finally I beat her, which she couldn't handle. Today you pushed me to another level and I fought even better than the last time against her. I know I'm still improving so who knows? But I don't care if I never beat you, I love being your bitch." and they kissed.

Grace shuddered and said "There's more: I've discovered that catfighting is a gateway to another world of domination and submission. My submissive side, my need to be humiliated, is far deeper than my dominant side but basically I am still what they call a 'switch' - I can play on both sides. I want to explore that with you. I was so wet at the thought that I might have to submit to you today. As I said before, just the fact that you are older makes you feel naturally dominant to me - I feel like the babysitter being smacked around by the wife for fucking her husband. I love being hurt and I let Madeleine hurt me and let me tell you, Hugh just loves to see that. There are so many games we can play, you can tie me up, whip me. After our catfight today I will do anything, sexually or otherwise, to please you Margot." and she leaned forward and they kissed for a long time.

"I have exactly the same desires." said Margot.

"I know" said Grace smiling "I could feel it in you when we were fighting, that's why I'm telling you all this. But I also adore you as a person and I want you as a lifelong friend."

"Me too." said Margot hoarsely.

"And no matter what games we play. I'll never make a move on Hugh, he is yours. I saw a beautiful man hurting and I've wanted to be with an older man for ages and the possibility of a catfight with the "bitch ex-wife" was the cherry on top. But I'd never try to come between you two. I actually have my future husband picked out but I'm too young to be tied down and he understands that - I have a lot of playing around to do." said Grace smiling.

Margot reached out and took her hand "Thank you for saying that Grace. I'm falling for you in a way I've never fallen for another woman before. With the others girls
it was all pure lust, Hugh was the only person I ever really loved. I see that so clearly now. And I don't know what I was thinking about the kids - they need their father."

"Hhmm" said Grace looking at her phone "Speaking of the kids, they also need a home. We've still got plenty of time before they're back, do you want to have a quick look at that house?"

"You're full of good ideas." said Margot kissing her and giggling "Besides which I really don't think I could cum again!"

They got dressed and collected the debris from the picnic things they had picked up on the drive there, folded the picnic rug and put it all in Grace's old SUV.

Madeleine raised her head but Hugh was still fast asleep in her arms. Grace whispered to her and she nodded her head.

Margot took her place next to Grace and she started the engine. Then Grace leaned over and kissed her "I love you Margot."

Margot replied huskily "I love you too Grace."

« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 03:46:43 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2025, 03:23:12 AM »
They pulled up in front of the bungalow with the For Sale sign. It was picture perfect and looked like it had just been completed, with a large skip full of builders rubbish in the driveway and piles of top soil and mulch in the front yard waiting to be spread. They got out of the car and approached the sign to read the description. "500,000" said Margot "We could JUST do that! 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, STABLES, direct access to riding trail and the river at the rear! Oh it's perfect! The kids can have a pony! And go fishing! And swimming!"

An elderly woman emerged from the identical house next door, the only other house nearby. It appeared to have been completed earlier as it's garden was thriving. The woman set down the tray she was carrying on a table. There was no fence between the properties so she spotted them easily and gave them a friendly wave and beckoned them over.

The woman smiled at the two stunning young women casually dressed with shirts tucked into their jeans though they both appeared to be walking stiffly, probably from a long drive "You two must be sisters." she said looking from one to the other and they both laughed.

"Sort of" said the younger one "I'm Grace and this is my girlfriend Margot who is interested in the house next door for her family."

"Oh bless you! I'd so love to see it go to a family" she said "I'm Mary, Mary McCluskey and it's my husband Bill who's the builder. He'll be along in a moment, I'm just setting out afternoon tea, won't you stay and have some with us?"

"That would be lovely Mrs McCluskey." said Margot thinking how nice it would be to have this kindly old woman as her next door neighbour.

"Tsk it's Mary love. Why don't you pop in and have a look through the house while you're waiting, it's not locked." 
The house was beautiful, the rooms were spacious and well laid out and everywhere there was evidence of solid, old fashioned workmanship. The wooden stables at the rear were a work of pure craftsmanship and behind was the riding trail and the river beyond. They walked around the other side of the house and concrete slabs stretched out into the distance. "It's a development" said Grace "On separate titles. They put down the slabs to keep the approvals current. Smart."

Margot said "How the fuck do you know all that?"

Grace laughed "My parents are lawyers and they believe in child labour so they put me to work in the holidays. It's amazing the things you pick up!"

They walked around the front and there was an old man of about 70 lovingly patting the side of Grace's old SUV. He turned as they approached "Is she yours?" he asked smiling "My father's." said Grace "He let's me use it. It belonged to his father." she added, suddenly feeling the need to add more detail though she didn't know why.

He sighed and shook his head "They don't make them like they used to, like so many things." he sighed "Mary said you're interested in the house." he said as they started to walk over to the table now set with tea things, cakes and biscuits. "But to tell you the truth I don't know if I can sell it to you - I got a letter from the finance company on Friday, I'm not even sure I own anything anymore."

Margot looked like she'd been punched in the stomach.

"What does your lawyer say?" asked Grace.

"Phsh I think he's in on it." said Bill "I smell a rat. The moment I get this house ready for sale they pull the rug on me with this letter and some bottom feeder turns up wanting all 8 lots at a knockdown price, that it just so happens will pay off the finance company but leave us with nothing."

Meanwhile Mary had come up and laid a hand on his shoulder "We've got to get a second opinion love!"

Bill snapped angrily "There's no money for that Mary, they've frozen all the accounts! There's nothing to be done pet."

Grace said urgently "Bill, Mary, my parents are both lawyers. I've had some training. Would you like me to look at the letter?"

Both of the McCluskey's heads lifted "Can't hurt love" said Mary "I'll get the letter. You all be sitting down. Could you pour please Margot?"

"Yes, I'll be happy to play mother." Margot said looking at Grace with a raised eyebrow..

Grace's brow furrowed as she read through the letter. After 5 minutes she said "You're right Bill it is a scam but it will be hard to prove who is being paid off. And the offer from the bottomfeeder is 350 per which adds up to 2.8 million for the 8." she said thoughtfully.

"Including the one we're living in." said Mary, her voice catching.

Grace looked at her "Mary, I promise you, you're not going to lose your home. My father is the real expert on this stuff but even I can see this isn't right. So we'll write the finance company a letter, which will slow them down and you can probably pursue a complaint against them later. But you can comply with their demand for a principle reduction within 28 days, unreasonable as it is, if you sell two properties for close to 500,000 each."

"I'm happy to pay full asking price for mine if it helps." said Margot quickly.

"But we don't have 2 properties to sell." said Bob.

"We do if we sell ours." said Mary grimly, bowing her head.

"Or you can sell the one on the other side of Margot's." said Grace.

"To whom?" asked Bob.

"To me. For full asking as well." said Grace "I have access to funds and a horse I want to stable nearby."

"But the house is barely begun..." said Bill.

"Doesn't matter. That's what lawyers are for, we can structure something with loans and options." said Grace confidently.

Hugh and Madeleine strolled up at this point and were introduced.

"Bill, I presume you have a site office here somewhere?" Grace asked.

"It's in the garage, Mary won't have the lads traipsing through the house in their dirty boots." Bill chuckled.

"Good. I'd like to email the documents to my parents so they can get started. They'll also need to talk to you and Mary to get instructions." said Grace.

"I'll be happy to pay them when the money comes through." said Bill. 

"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about that, they'll really be working for me." Grace smiled.
"So what's been going on here?" asked a bemused Hugh as Grace and Bill walked off.

"Multi tasking" replied Margot "Only women can do it! We stopped off and bought a house. Then we bought another house. All after a fairly strenuous day." she smiled.

"Cup of tea?" queried Mary cheerfully and Hugh and Madeleine nodded gratefully "I'll put the kettle on for another pot then." she shook her head admiringly as she walked off "Your friend Grace certainly has a lot of spunk in her!"

"She sure does!" said Margot looking at Hugh and Madeleine who smiled back at her.

 There was a crash from the kitchen as Mary dropped the teapot and they all rushed in...

« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 04:43:05 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2025, 07:06:23 AM »
Bill led Grace into the garage being used as the site office through a side access door from the garden. There was also internal access to the house through another door which was open. Bill let Grace expertly scan and send the documents. She also left a message for her father then turned to Bill who was looking at her closely.

"Actually it doesn't quite work the way I said outside." said Grace "But I can make it work by taking an option over the other 5 houses as well at the same 500 per. That way we can take the finance company completely out of the picture and we don't have to worry about any bottom feeders moving in. This is such a lovely development I'm sure it will be a good investment. But I'd rather just keep that between us for the time being if you don't mind."

Bill was staring off into the distance "What's your last name, child?" he asked gruffly.

"Frobisher" responded Grace puzzled.

"So your Grandfather was Jimmy Frobisher?" said Bill slowly.

"The Second" said Grace hollowly.

"Yes" Bill smiled "I should have realised earlier - it wasn't just a ringer for his old car, it was his damn car! And I can see him in you! I served under him in the army, he got one of his medals saving my life and years later I built this mansion for him which I believe your family still lives in. Mary and I were at his funeral, I remember you as a slip of a girl running around. A finer man never lived."

"Yes!" sobbed Grace as she flew into his arms "He was why I joined the army. You KNEW HIM!" and he held her gently as she cried. Grace had deeply loved her Grandfather and she had been the apple of his eye.

Then there was a crash from the kitchen. "I'd say Mary's just put it together." Bill said drily as they rushed to the kitchen.

The ceramic teapot was in pieces on the floor and Mary was leaning on the benchtop for support. "She's..." she gasped.

"I know pet, Jimmy's Granddaughter." said Bill as he and Grace helped her over to sit at the kitchen table and the other's rushed in.

"Just one shock too many" said Mary. After a few breaths she laughed and said "All this fuss could all have been avoided if you young people would learn to introduce yourselves properly these days! If you'd said 'Grace FROBISHER' I'd have got it straight away."

Grace "I'm sorry Mary, I'll go shopping for a new teapot for you!"

Grace's phone rang. It was her father. "Grace are you with Bill? Put your phone on speaker." then "Bill you old rascal, are you still getting into scrapes at your age? Are you and Mary well? Look, don't worry about a thing, this is a scam. They've bribed someone. We'll shut it down pronto."

Bill, overcome with emotion, said "Thanks young Jimmy. This would have ruined us." and Mary bowed her head breathing deeply.

"Dad would never have let that happen and nor will I. I'll be over tomorrow on the ground as Dad would have said and we'll get a pint. Will you be around tomorrow Grace?" James III asked.

"Yes but I'll be on duty, unless I can get leave." she said looking at Hugh who nodded.

"See if you can, I'd like to take you with me when I go in to see the finance company. They are a reputable firm, they just have a bad egg working for them somewhere, so we'll get it sorted no problem." said James III. "You know Bill built our house years ago for Grandfather?"

"Yes, we've been getting acquainted." said Grace smiling.

"Well you won't do better than buying a house that Bill has built. Your mother sends her love. Kiss. Kiss. And all that." said James III

"Thank you Daddy. See you tomorrow. Bye." said Grace.

"Straight in the front door just like his father would have done!" chuckled Bill "He's a chip off the old block."

"He's not the only one!" said Margot smiling at Grace "Looks like we're getting our home thanks to Grace."

"We don't need the bloody teapot after all." said Bill "This calls for a real drink!"   

They went to the nearest pub. It was a very merry gathering and Hugh and Margot stayed until they had to leave to meet their kids and her parents, back from a weekend at the seaside. Grace and Madeleine stayed with Bill and Mary and had dinner with them as Bill, who had an exceptionally dry sense of humour, told stories about his old friend Jimmy Frobisher. When Grace drove them home, Bill sat next to her and said "I can remember sitting here just like this with your Grandfather so many times over the years."

« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 07:08:23 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2025, 09:11:48 AM »
Two things happened at the depot the next day that caused a stir. The first thing was that the Colonel returned to base in his own car with his beautiful wife driving and three kids in the back. After kissing his wife and hugging his kids he waved as they drove away then hefted his bergen and walked through the front gate.

The word went round like wildfire: the Colonel's wife is back! The soldiers were pleased, they liked their Colonel. But nobody was more pleased than the RSM who breathed a huge sigh of relief and said to himself "Thank fuck for that." He had no idea of what the fuck had been going on but it no longer mattered. It never happened. He went to see the Colonel in his office about some disciplinary matters and stopped dead at the open door. The Colonel was whistling! That had never happened before.

"Come in RSM!" said the Colonel brightly.

"Good weekend, Sir?" queried the RSM.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." said the Colonel looking at the papers the RSM laid in front of him.

"I might." said the RSM quietly but the Colonel didn't hear him.

The second thing that happened was that a magnificent big black car glided up to the front gate. The elderly chauffeur got out to open the door for a stunning looking woman in a formal but elegantly cut dark blue business suit. Normally she got about in fatigues like everyone else but even they could not disguise the striking curves of the former swimsuit model's figure.

Grace slid in next to her father in the back seat. "Excoriating, Daddy! Did you really stay up until 7am writing it?"

James III chuckled "No it didn't take that long but 2am looks like you're desperate whereas 7am looks like you're at work at that hour. Anyway, it did the trick, we're meeting with the Managing Director. They clearly realise they have a problem."

They pulled up at their destination and James III said to the chauffeur "This will take no more than half an hour Pete so don't go too far. I'll call when we're done then we'll go to lunch."

"Right you are Jimmy." said the chauffeur.

Grace inspected her father in his immaculate and obviously very expensive hand cut suit and straightened his tie. "Pete used to drive Grandfather didn't he?"

"Yes, he's about to retire. He was with Dad and Bill in the war. I thought it might be nice for them to see each other so he doesn't know it yet but he's coming to lunch with us." said James III

They cut quite a dash together as they strode through the marble foyer and were escorted to an express lift to the top floor.

The Managing Director, flanked by two flunkies , greeted them at the lift. "James Frobisher" said James III in his deep commanding voice as they shook hands "and this is my associate, my daughter Grace Frobisher." It would have been difficult to say which had the greater impact on the middle aged men in suits - the legal colossus James III or the mesmerising beauty of Grace. The flunkies were the Chief Legal Counsel and Head of Compliance.

Refreshments were offered. It was midday so James III asked for black coffee with a shot of whisky in it and Grace suppressed her smile as she asked for the same. The men in suits all had coffee sans whisky.

The MD handed over to the Legal Counsel who advised that further to James III's letter they had investigated and already dismissed the employee responsible for acting outside guidelines, they would be reviewing all client files within his purview, making a report to the authorities and had prepared a formal letter of apology to  to Mr and Mrs McCluskey which he slid across the table in an envelope. Without looking at it James III passed it to Grace.

James III then took a slug of his coffee "Well that all seems fine gentlemen, what about compensation for my clients economic loss and emotional harm?"

The Legal Counsel looked at the MD who said "We can certainly look at that."

James III pursed his lips and the MD said "Did you have a figure in mind, James?"

James III looked at him and smiled "Well no need to make a big deal of it, let's call it a hundred grand."

"Agreed" said the MD.     

"Then of course there's their legal costs in dealing with this matter, I'll cap that at 50 grand." said James III

"Agreed" said the MD without hesitation.

"Well good, I'm glad we could get this resolved so amicably. I wonder if I could trouble you gentlemen for a cheque before we leave so I can give it to my clients who I am seeing very shortly." said James III smoothly.

"Oh, I'm afraid we would need a signed Deed before we could make out a cheque." said the Legal Counsel.

James III said "Of course, here is my power of attorney to sign on their behalf." and Grace handed him the document from her satchel which James III slid across the table.

James III drained his coffee and said nothing further.

The Legal Counsel got up from the table and said "I'll just be a few minutes."   

He returned with the Deed and a cheque, placing both in front of James III who read through the Deed meticulously and then signed, passing it to Grace saying "Could you witness this Dear." He then slid it across the table, handed the cheque to Grace who put it in the envelope with the apology and said "Well thank you gentlemen for resolving this matter so expeditiously." stood up and shook hands.

As they walked out of the building their car was gliding to a halt. They waited until they were inside before they burst out laughing. "Oh Daddy I really enjoyed that, your best yet I think!" said Grace.

"The trick is pitching the numbers just right." said James III settling back in his seat "Go too high and they'll make you work for it."

They arrived at the restaurant and James III said "Just park downstairs Pete. You're coming with us, we're having lunch with an old friend."

Seeing the two old soldiers Bill and Pete greet each other brought a lump to Grace's throat. When they had their aperitifs and ordered from the menu, James III passed the envelope to Bill and Mary and said "All sorted."

Bill's hands were shaking as he held the cheque "What's this?"   

"Just a little something for your aggravation." said James III

"What about your fee?" said Bill.

"I'll invoice them separately." said James III and Grace realised he had never had any intention of keeping any of the 50,000 for legal fees for himself.

James III was a great raconteur and affable host. The restaurant was the best in town and the food and wine was first class. Grace realised that Bill and Pete had both known her father as a boy from when they had served in the army with her grandfather. They were immensely pleased that Grace had chosen to follow him into the army. Mary was thrilled at the prospect of three young children moving in next door.

In the late afternoon Ted turned up. "I've had this young man on the ground finding out how many times the bastard had done it before." explained James III.

Ted held up three fingers "I signed them up. They each lost a few million." he said.

"Not a class action but we'll give them justice." said James III "I'm sure the company will roll over."

A waiter brought Ted a plate of food "I had them put something aside for you my boy, I didn't think you'd get much of a chance to eat anything." said James III "and I don't want you fainting from hunger while you're driving us home."

The restaurant had actually started dinner service when they left. James III had ordered a limousine to pick Bill and Mary up and take them home. Then Pete and James III settled in the back of his car and were soon asleep and snoring in unison. Ted took the wheel and Grace sat next to him. When they got to the depot Ted got out and they kissed and Grace assured him she would be home for a visit soon.

Grace had a lot to think about as she walked to her barracks room. The last few days had been a whirlwind, with a fantastic catfight, buying a home for the first time in her life, uncovering a scam, all that she had learned about her beloved grandfather, the army and the law. James II had managed to be both a soldier and a lawyer and Grace meant to follow in his footsteps.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2025, 02:55:48 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2025, 02:24:37 AM »
The barracks room was empty, the other 3 girls were out playing up. Grace removed her expensive business suit and hung it up. They had been allowed to bring a lot more personal stuff from home once they were through basic training. She was going to take a shower but as she put her phone down she noticed a message. It was from Hugh's burner. The code for her to visit him in his room tonight. She smiled and the tiredness fell away. He preferred her unshowered with the scent of the day still on her. Tonight he would get her hot and sweaty as well. She sent the coded reply that meant 1 hour, threw on her PT gear and went for a run. It was just starting to get dark so the run would allow her to approach the officer's mess in full darkness. It also cleared her head and refreshed her. She had to adjust her pace and stride as she ran so as to reduce the pain in her full breasts from her catfight with Hugh's wife Margot - it seemed impossible that it had only been the day before. The pain focused her thoughts on fighting Margot and her pussy got very wet.

Hugh grabbed her and kissed her passionately and tore her clothes off before throwing her on the bed. The sex with him just got better and better but had noticeably stepped up a level since the catfight between the two women he worshipped. He was like a wild beast. Grace thought to herself she had been right to take the older man as her trophy and smiled.

Afterwards he couldn't stop talking about the catfight.

Grace said "Well naughty boy, the good news is that Margot and I are totally gone on each other and we are likely to be catfight buddies for a long time."

Hugh could only groan, his member was swelling again and she started to stroke it.

"I also have a feeling that she will turn the tables on me at some stage. Would you like to see your young mistress get beaten up by your hot wife?" Grace teased and his groaning became primal. She straddled him and took him inside her. "Oh Hugh, I just can't wait to submit to Margot." and she got the early warning signs of him about to cum "Easy tiger, you cum before me and you'll be in big trouble." she cooed. Hugh gave a strangled gasp and then thrust hard and made her gasp.
He fell asleep afterwards but Grace was too awake now so she quietly got dressed and jogged back to the barracks.

One of the girls was in the communal shower. She saw Madeleine's clothes were on her bed. She stripped off and joined her, thinking they should make a movie of their shower scenes sometime. But Madeleine was crying. Standing under the water, head bowed, one hand pressed against the wall tiles. Grace went to her and gently laid a hand on her shoulder, Madeleine turned quickly, she was sobbing heavily "I thought he was the one!" she wailed "I really, really liked him." and Grace held her, feeling every heavy sob wrung from her. After a while she lovingly soaped her down gently while kissing her and Madeleine reciprocated and they shampooed each other's hair and put conditioner through it. Grace led Madeleine to her bed, closing the newly installed privacy curtain which Grace had suggested as an improvement to the women's quarters. She felt Madeleine's beautiful lissom body against her own and made love to her tenderly and gently. Madeleine fell asleep in her arms and Grace carefully extracted herself.

She sent a text to her elder brother Jimmy Four: "FFS J4 don't fuck one of my friends and leave her hanging. At least have the decency to give her a call. This message will self destruct in 5 seconds."

« Last Edit: March 08, 2025, 12:26:12 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2025, 08:25:33 AM »
The next day they were passing through the front gate of the depot after a 10 mile route march with rifles and packs when their sergeant halted the platoon. "Frobisher, Grey, fall out and report to the CO." Grace and Madeleine handed over their rifles to other soldiers to return them to the armoury and dropped their packs on the veranda before going inside.

Hugh was seated in his office with the RSM standing beside him. There was something vaguely familiar about the man in civilian clothes with his back to them until he rose and turned to face them when, despite the bandages on his face...

"Jimmy Four" said Grace and then was and it wasn't...his left hand was bandaged and he'd lost about a stone in weight and he suddenly seemed older somehow. Madeleine ran towards him but he put his good hand out to hold her off, allowing only a quick kiss on the lips saying something about cracked ribs. Grace approached and kissed his cheek "What happened J4?" she asked quietly.

"A mission went wrong and I had to walk home basically. It was off the books so I can't say any more. I got back last night and they've given me a month's survivor's leave. He turned to Madeleine "So I was wondering if you'd like to take that trip we talked about, your Colonel has kindly approved your leave." said Jimmy.

"Yes, of course I do." she said leaning forward carefully to kiss him again.

Jimmy turned to Grace "Got your message sis. Thanks for the vote of confidence." he said grinning.

"All I can say is be a better fighter pilot in future dumbarse and don't get yourself shot down." said Grace pulling a face.

"Hey, that's classified...I can neither confirm or deny. Officially I am still invincible in the air." said Jimmy.

"Private Grey, I have approved a months compassionate leave for you. I suggest you go and pack!" said Hugh smiling .

"Yes, Sir and thank you." said Madeleine saluting smartly before she withdrew.

"Private Frobisher, if you'd like to take some leave as well I'd be happy to approve it." said Hugh.

"Thank you, Sir I'm good but I might just take my brother to the mess for a cup of coffee before they go if that's alright?" asked Grace.

"By all means." said Hugh nodding to acknowledge her salute.

"Thanks Hugh." said Jimmy shaking hands.

Jimmy shook hands with the RSM also, who pulled him in closer and tapped his stomach lightly with the back of his left hand and said "Don't forget to duck next time, dumbarse!"

The shock hit Grace later that evening when she had time to confront the fact that Jimmy Four must have come very close to being killed. Probably more than once - when he was shot down and again during his 'walk home'.

She texted Hugh "I need you." and he replied "Come."

She entered his room and removed her clothes without speaking. He did the same. She lay down on the bed and he took her in silence. He held her and they didn't speak. Finally she mounted him and took him in silence. Throughout they stared deep into each other's eyes as if communicating telepathically. They lay together listening to each other's hearts beating until they both fell asleep. When he woke, she was gone.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2025, 12:30:07 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2025, 02:34:38 AM »
Grace knew that when Hugh's family moved into their new home he would move out of the mess to be with them, he only remained in the mess during the week now because Margot's parents house was too far away for a daily commute, particularly with the school run to contend with. Although Grace liked having him close - and to herself - she knew it was the right thing for everybody that the family to be reunited. She also felt that maybe it was better not to push their luck any further on base.

James III had Ted as his point man working to wrap up the legal and financial aspects of the home purchases. Hugh and Margot's house was a straightforward purchase and was completed three weeks later. For the five houses that Grace was buying they used her idea of options contracts which were executed on the same day as Hugh and Margot's settlement. Grace thought she might have encountered some pushback from her parents about using her trust fund to make these purchases but they were actually enthusiastic, they thought she was making a good investment.

Bill and Mary were now able to do what they had previously planned and retain one house to rent out in their retirement - with the hope that their son and his family might one day move back into the area. So no 'bottomfeeders' would be able to obtain a foothold in their little community. Which was unique as, due to changed planning controls, no other houses would ever be allowed nearby. The old builder had made a shrewd decision when he snapped up the site.

On the basis of the options contracts Grace released substantial funds to Bill which, in addition to the settlement, not only allowed him to pay down his expensive construction loan but also to complete the last 6 houses much faster - Bill knew plenty of 'good lads' hungry for work. When she released the funds Bill told Grace he would have her house finished in another 8 weeks. It seemed very fast to Grace so she rang Ted, with his experience in construction and familiarity with the site and the plans, and asked him what he thought. He agreed it seemed fast but said he'd call back. When he did he pointed out that Bill had already built two identical houses and knew exactly what was involved, that the foundations and slabs for her house were already down and the brickwork now completed, so that with enough men and a good builder on site who could coordinate the trades, yes, it could be done. Grace was thrilled. Ted also told her that the time could have been even less but for the extraordinary quality of construction and admitted that he had learned a lot from studying the houses that had already been built. "Nobody builds like this any more, literally nobody." he said.

The options contracts included a clause giving Grace the right to substitute another purchaser. This came in handy when Jimmy Four and Madeleine returned a week later, with Madeleine sporting a large engagement ring, and enquired about the house next to Grace. Then, having been impressed by their daughter's new home, Margot's parents decided they wanted to downsize and be closer, but not too close, to their grandchildren. So in the end Grace bought three houses rather than five but she only needed two.

Grace asked Bill about modifying the design of the stables of the last house in the row keeping the same overall external profile but deleting the windows and doors except for the rear access door and eliminating the vertical support posts and internal fittings to create a large unencumbered area and installing air conditioning. She smiled when he said it would be no problem. She told him she had something else in mind for that space...
« Last Edit: March 09, 2025, 08:34:46 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2025, 02:50:23 PM »
Grace had missed Madeleine the past month and was curious about how her engagement to her brother Jimmy Four would affect their relationship going forward. After Grace had helped her unpack she changed out of her fatigues into casual clothes like Madeleine was wearing and they went to the pub to find a quiet corner where they could talk. They took their gin and tonics to a small table outside in the beer garden and brought each other up to date, finally getting down to the important stuff.

"I told Jimmy upfront that I was bi and we were lovers" said Madeleine taking a pull on her drink "and I told him about the milling, that we had to fight other girls hand to hand as part of our training, to see what his reaction was...I told him neither of us had been in a fight before and we had to fight a pair of rough scrubbers but we beat them."

"What was his reaction?" asked Grace curiously.

"He just laughed and said you had to do all sorts of dirty jobs in the military. I'm sure he was referring to that shit show they sent him on but he still won't talk about it. He didn't show any excitement about the idea of women catfighting. I wouldn't have gone there without talking to you first but I don't think I will now. He said he's cool with me being with women, including you, when he's not around as long as I didn't fuck around with men." said Madeleine.

"Thank you" said Grace "That was clever of you using the milling to test the waters but I don't know that I want my brother knowing all about my fetishes so I'm glad you didn't go further. So what are you going to do?"

"I don't want to lie to Jimmy but he's given me permission to fuck around with women and as far as I'm concerned fucking around includes catfighting" Grace smiled at this and raised her glass "But I can't be with Hugh any more obviously." finished Madeleine.

"We talked about it and he knows that already." said Grace.

"I don't think I can even be naked around him catfighting or watching a catfight or at an orgy where we don't touch." said Madeleine.

"Yeah, trust me, he knows that too, he said he wouldn't like to see any of us doing those things if there was another man there." said Grace.

"But what about you, Grace? Doesn't this fuck things up for you?" asked Madeleine.

"No girlfriend, not at all. If you'd told me I could never sleep with you again I'd have been devastated but we can work with this. My round!" she said getting up from the table and gathering their empty glasses to go to the bar.

When she returned Madeleine was on her feet and there was shouting coming from the far corner of the beer garden.

"Two boys from the regiment getting hassled." said Madeleine as Grace put the drinks down.

There was an unwritten law that required them to stand by their fellow soldiers in these circumstances and without exchanging a word they moved to where the commotion was taking place. For all her experience in arranged catfights by this time, Grace had never been in a street fight or bar brawl and her spirits lifted when two other figures detached themselves from the shadows on their right and moved towards the increasingly noisy confrontation. Her spirits lifted even further when she recognised them as their own CSM Bill and his long time sidekick Sergeant 'Windy'. Both were qualified unarmed combat instructors and she had been taking the voluntary evening classes that they and others ran at the depot. Seeing them out of the corner of his eye the CSM said quietly "Stay back girls, leave this to Windy and me. If it goes south get the fuck out."

Sitting at a table with half empty pint glasses in front of them were two boys from the recruit course. Although off duty soldiers never went to the pub in uniform so as not to attract unwelcome attention, their haircuts normally gave them away. They were in a bad tactical position, surrounded by about a dozen louts, not local boys but blow ins of some description, possibly a football team. They were mostly big and in their early twenties as far as Grace could tell. There were also three girls at the back of the group and when they saw Grace and Madeleine on the left of Bill and Windy they moved to the side to face them. The challenge was clear and Grace nodded to the biggest girl, about 5'9" 160 pounds, opposite her to acknowledge it: if it kicks off, it's you and me. At the same time she marked the girl in the middle, about 5'7" 140 pounds. Grace decided she would feint at the girl in front of her but try to take out the girl in the middle from the side to protect Madeleine. She barely noticed the third girl on the end but noted with relief that she seemed smaller than the other two, about Madeleines 120 pounds. The three girls opposite seemed slutty and soft rather than genuinely hard and had clearly been drinking for a while. Grace was glad that she and Madeleine were both wearing comfortable, sturdy leather boots with their shirts and jeans. All this took Grace about a second to process.

Bill stopped and stood easily with his hands loose by his sides in front of the obvious leader of the pack who had moved forward to confront him and who stood about 4" taller than Bill and probably outweighed him by 40 pounds. "These soldier boys say they're not allowed to fight." he sneered.

"That's right!" bawled Bill in his gravelly parade ground voice that startled everyone including Grace and the leader of the pack who instinctively reared his head back. "And I'm the one who gives them those orders! JONES, WARD, GET OVER HERE NOW!" he bawled as if projecting his Sergeant-Major's voice across the length of the parade ground.

Accustomed to obeying orders given like that instantly, the two soldiers jumped to their feet and doubled through the gaps in the pack surrounding them to stand on Bill's right; now standing as part of a line facing the enemy, as Grace thought of them, rather than sitting down surrounded by them. The enemy had been taken totally by surprise and the followers had hesitated to act without orders and the leader had turned only in time to see the two soldiers slipping through the cordon. Grace marvelled at the masterly way that Bill had rescued his men and improved their tactical position. Seeing Bill now supported on his right and the girls still standing on the left facing the three scrubbers opposite, Windy moved half a step to the left to even up the gaps between himself and Grace and Bill, subtly signalling that he was preparing for battle.

Trying to keep command of the situation Bill said "We're leaving now. DO NOT attempt to follow us."

However the leader of the pack said "What's the matter old man, are you afraid?" and edged forward, the rest of the pack followed his lead and everyone could feel it was kicking off.

Sensing this Bill said "Fuck son, afraid of a punk like you? That'll be the day. What say you call off the wild dogs off and we go at, just you and me."

But the leader of the pack said "I don't think so, soldier boy." and surged forward. Bill dropped him with a straight blow to the sternum but the rest of the pack had followed and it was on.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2025, 03:37:08 PM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #29 on: March 10, 2025, 06:12:39 AM »
The three girls opposite came at them, Grace faced the big girl on the right but watched the one in the middle out of the corner of her eye. As she half expected, the one in front propped and the one in the middle came on, hands raised to grapple with her, no doubt so her friend could deliver the coup de grace. Grace turned to her left and hit the incoming girl in the throat with a straight right which dropped her noiselessly to the floor. Then she spun and hit the big girl with her left elbow as she came in, making contact with the side of her jaw and stopping her in her tracks. Grace then delivered a full blooded kick to her pussy with the toe of her boot and the big girl flopped forward onto the floor on her face.

Moving back a couple of steps Grace scanned left in time to see Madeleine, holding down the head of the girl on the left with both hands in her hair, drive her knee up into her face and then letting her sag to the floor.

Scanning right Grace saw four more of the enemy on the floor in addition to their leader, several running out the back gate to the carpark, and Bill and Windy advancing on two who had been fighting with the boys on the right but had drawn back when they saw the tornado approaching and now turned and bolted after their mates. Bill and Windy and the girls went to the two boys, nowhere near the size of the men they had been fighting but still on their feet, albeit Bobby had a bloody nose and Tom had a cut lip and a bump over his eye that would no doubt swell up handily.

"Good lads!" said Bill warmly "You secured the right flank! Now, can you move? We've got to get out of here before the Police arrive. They can't touch us in barracks." he said as he started to propel the boys, obviously still in shock, towards the gate that led to the back lane "Right, Windy you lead them back. Girls, lend a hand, one of the lads each, make it look like you're lovebirds, 20 yards separation. Tactical awareness, be alert for lights and sirens and anybody who might see you. Watch for escape routes. Walk fast but don't run unless you're in sight of the gate and the Police are behind you. I'll bring up the rear."

Windy left without a word. Grace got her arm around Bobby and he put his over her shoulder. "Right, go!" said Bill tapping Grace on the back. He turned to Madeleine and Tom "You know what to do. I'll just square the publican then I'll catch you up. Right, go!" 

The depot was normally only 5 minutes walk away but the girls soon realised that Bobby and Tom, leaning on them both, were struggling to keep up the pace and Tom was limping, it seemed like they'd had a tough fight each against their bigger opponents. But no doubt nothing like the kicking they would have received  if the others hadn't intervened. Madeleine heard Bill jog up behind them and stop a distance behind. She didn't look around, just focused on supporting Tom and keeping him moving as fast as he could.

They all heaved a huge sigh of relief as the main gate came into sight. Bill jogged past them all to the guard house as the massive steel gate swung open and he started talking to the two soldiers on guard duty. Windy jogged back to Madeleine and helped her with Tom. "Go straight on to the Sergeants Mess." Bill told them as they passed. They all felt enormous relief as they heard the gate clang shut behind them.

Windy jogged up to the keypad on the door to let them all into the ante room of the Sergeants Mess. Bobby and Tom flopped onto sofas and the girls stayed with them "Is there a first aid kit handy Sarge?" Madeleine asked Windy.

"Better!" he replied as he disappeared through a doorway "A combat medic. Which seems appropriate somehow. Sit tight." returning a few minutes later with a grey haired Sergeant they both recognised carrying a large bag full of medical supplies who started tending to the two boys.

Bill then appeared "Right, listen up you lot, the lads on the gate have fixed the log so it shows us all back at least half an hour before the fracas kicked off. It shows us returning in three pairs at different times. None of us went to the pub. I've squared the publican and he and his wife will say that our group were not soldiers and he's never seen us before."

"But I thought you said we were safe when we got back here Sarge?" said Bobby confused.

"We are for the time being but the cops may be forced to pursue it - there were just so many of them Windy and I were forced to disable some of them and those girls on the floor when we left didn't look in good shape either [he smiled at Grace and Madeleine and shook his head ] - even though I told you girls to fuck off, Windy didn't need those slappers jumping on his back so I'm glad you stayed. However, the army doesn't like this shit but what they do like is plausible deniability so that's what we're going to give them. Now, what happened tonight was nobody's fault and you all did well, fucking well actually but now it's time for you girls to go back to your barracks. Windy and Bones will look after the boys and I have to go and wake the RSM. All right. Let's get cracking."

On an impulse Grace kissed Bobby on the lips before she left and seeing this, Madeleine kissed Tom.

After the door closed behind them Sergeant 'Bones' drily observed "Well there lads, I'll bet that was worth a little kicking."

Bill roused the RSM and rapidly briefed him as he got dressed in fatigues and then made coffee for them both in the lounge. The RSM's phone rang. "The cops are at the gate. I won't ring the Old Man, nothing he can do tonight that I can't." the RSM said and continued talking to Bill for 10 minutes before going out to the gate.

A police car was parked in front of the gate with it's lights flashing. Three uniformed Police stood outside, the leader a Sergeant.

"Evening Sergeant" said the RSM pleasantly "What can I do for you?"

The Sergeant gave him a look that indicated he thought the RSM knew very well what this was about "Perhaps you could let us in and we could talk about it?" said the Sergeant.

"Oh I'm afraid there is no one here at the moment with the authority to approve that, it's well above my pay grade." the RSM lied smoothly. There were several Majors and Captains, including the Adjutant, asleep in the Officers Mess who would have disagreed with what the RSM had said but would no doubt be grateful to him for saying it.

"Well can you get somebody here who can approve it." asked the Sergeant with an edge creeping into his voice.   

"Perhaps if you could tell me what this is all about?" asked the RSM smiling benignly.

"Basically four of your lads and two girls kicked the living shit out of five other lads and three girls at the pub for no apparent reason. They are all at the hospital now. This is a serious matter and I mean to pursue it." said the Sergeant firmly. "If I can talk to your lads I can hear their side of the story and I might be able to help them."

The RSM nearly smiled at that one. "So Sergeant, were these lads in uniform?" he asked innocently.

"Don't come the old soldier with me mate, you know good and bloody well they wouldn't have been in uniform. One of your lads told the other party they were soldiers." said the Sergeant.

"Oh, so you only have THEIR word for that." commented the RSM. "And what makes you think they were OUR lads, plenty of other bases nearby they could have come from?"

"They were seen returning here, a group of four lads and two girls with short hair. You have female soldiers now, don't you RSM, or were you hoping I didn't know that? These two will be hard to miss from what I've heard." said the Sergeant smirking.

The RSM was virtually certain the Sergeant was lying about them being seen returning to the base from what Bill had told him but he had hoped that the cop wouldn't have realised that the girls were soldiers and not girlfriends.

"So, a group of four men and two women came through the gates together at what time, Sergeant?" said the RSM strolling over to the Guard House and saying "The Gate Log, please Corporal." and scanning the open page before looking over it at the Sergeant.

"After 10.30" said the Sergeant after a pause.

"Your eye witness a bit hazy on the time, was he?" shot the RSM and the Sergeant pursed his lips.

"Honestly, Sergeant, just to save you from wasting your time, the log shows nobody returning around that time." said the RSM.

"Could I see the log please?" said the Sergeant putting his hand through the vertical steel bars.

"I'm afraid not." said the RSM snapping it closed and smiling "Above my pay grade."

"Well can you get the man here? said the Sergeant raising his voice "This is an active investigation!"

"Of what?" responded the RSM "I'm sorry Sergeant, I have no wish to be uncooperative but I'm afraid you have given me nothing to justify me in getting my Colonel in at this hour. All I can suggest is that you make an appointment to see him tomorrow."

"We'll be back!" snarled the Sergeant and the RSM nodded pleasantly.

The RSM went back to the Sergeant's Mess where Bill and Windy were sitting in the lounge with a bottle of whisky from the honour bar sitting on the table between them. Bill went to pour him a glass as well "Make it a large one Bill." sighed the RSM.

"I'm sorry Fred..." Bill began but the RSM shook his head and waved him down "Bill I know you and Windy would have done all you could to avoid trouble but at the end of the day you had to look after your lads. How are they by the way?"

"Fine, back in barracks, Bones patched them up, off the books. Nothing serious just superficial. They were up against some big bruisers too but they didn't take a backward step. I'm proud of them." said Bill.

"And the girls?" asked the RSM

"Madeleine skinned her knuckles but otherwise not a scratch and they saved the fucking day. If they hadn't stayed on our left the fuckers could have gotten behind us." said Bill.

"Unfortunately this cop isn't as dumb as I'd like, he's already clocked the girls as soldiers." said the RSM.

"Fuck!" said Bill "So he'll be back?"

"Oh he'll definitely be back, tomorrow, with a warrant to look at the CCTV footage from the Gate. I noticed him looking at the camera." said the RSM smiling.

They all burst out laughing.

"But it hasn't worked for years!" spluttered Bill.

"I know that and you know that..." said the RSM.

"Budget cuts, you've just got to love them!" said Windy raising his glass and the others followed and they drank a toast.

After Bill and Windy finally turned in the RSM sat in his armchair until dawn, lost in thought, drinking whisky and smoking cigarettes.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2025, 06:35:23 AM by de Vire »