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Basic Training

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Offline de Vire

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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #30 on: March 10, 2025, 08:07:06 AM »
When Grace and Madeleine got back to their room the other girls were asleep and the lights were out. They undressed and crept into Grace's bed together. They hadn't been together for a month and they just been in a brutal fight with some other girls so they were incredibly aroused and their hands and mouths greedily explored each other's bodies. They came again and again until they were completely sated.

"One things for sure, I'm never giving up catfighting." said Madeleine "I feel like I'm floating on a cloud."

"You were so fucking awesome tonight babe, it was so hot seeing you in control of that bitch, kneeing her in the face." gushed Grace "I wish I could have seen the rest of it."

"Yeah well I guess you were pretty busy taking out the other two bitches! I don't know how you did that but somehow I knew you would." said Madeleine kissing her.

"Somehow I knew you'd understand that they were my responsibility, for fucks sake you'd only had one fight before, taking out the one on the left like you did was fucking impressive and you looked SO sexy doing it. Fuck, you can be my wingwoman any time babe." said Grace.

Madeleine nuzzled into her "I loved fighting by your side Grace, I just loved it." and they kissed.

"I loved it too babe." said Grace "Just sorry I missed so much of the action."

"Well if I hadn't managed to slip that bitches first punch there wouldn't have been anything to see! But seriously, how good are boots for kicking bitches in the pussy? Fuck she was tough though, I mean I hit her with two good punches as well and she still didn't go down but the knee to the nose fucked her." said Madeleine with evident satisfaction.

"Ohhh, you're making me so wet." said Grace.

"Really?" said Madeleine rolling on top of her and kissing her "So what did you do to your bitches, hhmm?"

So Grace told her and they were away again.

Later Madeleine asked "So do you think we did the right thing by running away rather than waiting for the cops?"

"I've been wondering about that as well and the answer is...I think so. It's not what happened that matters it's what you can prove and it's basically our word against theirs. You'd like to think our word would be worth more than theirs but as my parents say 'The law can be a fickle mistress'. There's so much that can go wrong in a trial and cops, juries and judges are fallible. And a major problem for us is that we wiped the floor with them  - we don't look like the victims, they do. Aside from all that it's just messy and complicated to be involved in something like this in court. I think Bill handled the whole thing brilliantly and I think he was right about this aspect of it as well. If the cops come calling I'll get my parents on to it and I'm certain, absolutely certain they'll shut it down and protect all of us but to be honest I'd prefer not to have to involve them." said Grace.

"When we called in and told your parents about the engagement, they both said to me that I was their daughter now. I've I never had that before. I lost my parents before I even knew them. Then I lost the aunt who did her best to raise me. There was nobody else. I've never known what it was like to be in a family that looks out
for each other. But I felt that from the moment I met you Grace, I knew you'd always stand by me and I'd stand by you, no matter what. You're probably the only reason I found the courage to fight Nora, I knew I could never let you down," said Madeleine.

"And you never have, Sweetie." said Grace "You're such an awesome woman, you've even managed to tame Jimmy Four and that, babe, is no mean achievement! I know you'll be good for him too. You've always felt like a sister to me but thank fuck not a biological one!"


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #31 on: March 10, 2025, 09:46:40 AM »
The RSM had dozed off but his phone woke him a 7am. "RSM, it's Reeve at the Guard House, there's a Police car parked out the front. I heard about the ruckus last night from Shorty when I took over. They say they're waiting for the Colonel. The Sergeant in charge seems pretty pissed."

"Thanks Corporal, you did right calling me. Don't leave the gate open today, just let the vehicles through as they come. DO NOT let those fuckers in."

The RSM rang the Colonel, he could hear his kids playing in the background. The Colonel knew it must be serious or the RSM wouldn't be ringing him.

"RSM, I was just about to walk in, I'll be there in 10 minutes, can't it wait?" the Colonel said

The RSM briefed him.

"RSM, I know you wouldn't ring me without a plan." said the Colonel, frowning. What the RSM told him made him smile.

At a leisurely 8.30am the Colonel, in service dress rather than the fatigues he normally wore, drove up and parked to the side of the gate. Three rumpled looking cops tumbled out of their car. The Colonel's beautiful wife then got out of the passenger seat and they kissed before she got in the driver's seat and the oldest girl got in the front seat. The Colonel then went around the car and kissed and hugged each of his children in turn, while the cops scratched awkwardly at the pavement with their shoes. Finally the Colonel turned with his leather briefcase and stopped as if seeing the cops for the first time.

The gate was now open and the RSM, resplendent in the service dress he normally wore, marched up smartly "RSM, what is all this about?" the Colonel asked bewildered.

"I'm sorry Sir, they're here to see you." said the RSM "but I told them to make an appointment."

"Quite so, my schedule is packed for today." said the Colonel as the Police Sergeant approached him.

But before he could speak the Colonel's mustache bristled and he said acidly "Sergeant, I do not much care for being ambushed like this outside my own base."

"I'm sorry Sir but I had reason to believe I would not receive much cooperation and I needed to serve this on you personally immediately Sir." said the Sergeant handing the Colonel a warrant who handed it to the RSM without looking at it.

"What reason did you have to think you wouldn't receive cooperation?" asked the Colonel in a withering tone.

"Well it's just that last night Sir, I was denied access to the base..." said the Sergeant.

The Colonel turned swiftly and stabbed his finger at the sign above the gate. "That might have been because this is an ARMY base Sergeant, not a POLICE base." you don't just waltz in here whenever you feel like it. There are very specific provisions, of which I am well aware, of when we are required to cooperate with civilian authorities and WE do so with courtesy and respect, which is more than I can say for your approach, Sergeant."

"Fuck, don't overdo it." thought the RSM as the two junior policemen were clearly struggling not to laugh at their Sergeant's discomfiture.

The Colonel appeared to control himself with difficulty and continued in a calmer tone "So if you've delivered your package Sergeant you can be on your way."   

"Sorry Sir, but I need the tape before I go." said the Sergeant almost cringing waiting for the next riposte in reply. The two other cops actually shut their eyes.

The Colonel looked askance at the Sergeant "RSM what is the Police Sergeant talking about?"

"Oh, it's a Warrant Sir, for the footage from that camera for last night." said the RSM pointing over his shoulder.

The Colonel gave an exasperated sigh "What on Earth do you want that for..." he held up his hand "never mind, just give it to him RSM." and turned to go.

"Can't Sir, the camera wasn't working. There is no tape." said the RSM.

The Sergeant pulled a face that said "You've got to be fucking joking".

The Colonel turned and said "Well there's you're answer, Sergeant. If you'd simply telephoned ahead we could have saved you a wasted journey."

The Sergeant ground his teeth but doggedly persisted "Sir, I also need to speak to you about a matter involving your men... and women involved in a brawl in a pub last night."

The Colonel was almost starting to like this cop.

"Indeed, well that would be a serious matter. We'll have to have a legal officer present for that discussion. Protocol. Could I ask you to liaise with the RSM and set up an appointment? Might be best to bring your Inspector with you too if you don't mind. Now if you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I'm late for an inspection." and he strode off.

The RSM nodded to the Sergeant and smiled at the other two cops on the verge of hysterics and followed his Colonel.     


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #32 on: Yesterday at 01:03:02 AM »
The Colonel and the RSM returned to his office and closed the door.

"We've got them both on the next 90 day wonder course, Hugh. It starts in two weeks but I think we send them on pre-course leave as from today." said the RSM.

"I agree, I want them both off the base and safely tucked away today, in case that joker actually does turn up with the Inspector tomorrow." said the Colonel.

"Surely not!" said the RSM shaking his head "But he's a persistent bugger, got to give him that. Should I have the girls brought in, Sir?

"Yes, thank you Fred, I'll talk to them alone. No point in dragging anyone else into this." said the Colonel.

Every soldier at the depot by now knew about the Police Sergeant turning up at the front gate and the Colonel sending him away with a flea in his ear, in fact the soldiers were loving telling, re-telling and embellishing the story.

Grace and Madeleine knew it involved them so that weren't at all surprised to be summoned to the CO's office but to their relief it was clear that that Hugh wasn't angry with them as he ushered them in and closed the door. Hugh sat on the edge of his desk, which was a good sign "Listen" he said quietly "The RSM has filled me in on what happened at the pub last night and you are not in any trouble, on the contrary your conduct in standing by your fellow soldiers against heavy odds was commendable, no, it was fucking brave. From personal experience I can tell you that there are no better men to be with a tight spot than Bill and Windy and I endorse all their actions fully. However there is a Police Sergeant involved who doesn't see it that way. Most coppers have enough common sense to know that soldiers get picked on and sometimes have to defend themselves and fortunately the local Inspector is one of those and I'll probably be talking to him in due course. However, this Sergeant has clocked the fact that you two are from here and it won't be that difficult for him to identify you and we don't want to give him that oxygen. As you know you were both earmarked for officer training off the back of your outstanding performance on the recruit course and normally we wouldn't send you this early but it seems prudent to get you off base and on the other side of the country for the next three months. But make no mistake, we wouldn't send you if you hadn't earned it, it's a huge compliment to you both. By the time you get back this will all have blown over. Now the course starts in two weeks but I can approve two weeks pre-course leave and we want to get you off base today. Questions?"

The girls were understandably not used to Hugh being 'all business' as their CO like this and were momentarily stunned as they processed the information. They looked at each other and nodded. "Whatever you think is best, Hugh." said Grace "Yes Hugh, and thank you!" said Madeleine smiling as she thought about being an officer."

"You should go and pack. Your leave starts today and the sooner you're away the better. Oh, and Margot wants you both to give her a call." he finished with a smile.

Grace hugged him and kissed him on the lips "Thank you beautiful man!" she said and Madeleine hugged him and kissed him on both cheeks "Thanks for looking out for us Hugh." she said.

Then they all put on a formal demeaner as Hugh opened the door and said stiffly "Congratulations" to them both as they shook hands and left. 
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 05:02:52 AM by de Vire »


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #33 on: Yesterday at 01:31:19 AM »
The Police Sergeant was fuming as he returned to his desk. He wanted to pursue this but he didn't see how he could. The Colonel's request to involve his Inspector had checkmated him. He couldn't risk involving him because he had lied about having evidence that the men were seen returning to the base. Far worse, he had used that lie to obtain a warrant in the middle of the night.

He wanted to charge all of them for the brawl but he couldn't even charge the ones in hospital if he couldn't find those on the other side, it would be too easy for a clever lawyer to defend them by deflecting all the blame onto unknown persons. If he could charge both sides it was virtually certain someone would go to jail. Fuck, what a debacle. Nothing for it but to wrap up the file and hope his big break would come along next time. So he sent off all the routine requests as he should have done last night and - fuck it - went to the pub for lunch. He couldn't help trying to wheedle information out of the closemouthed publican but of course he got nowhere - the soldiers from the depot were his livelihood.

He straggled back to the station popping breath mints to disguise the pints he'd had and slumped into his chair. Some reports had come back. Absently he tapped on the keyboard. Then...Holy Fuck!

Then he rang the hospital. All discharged at their own request, even the brute with the fractured sternum. And he knew why.

He'd have to tell the Inspector. Fuck, why hadn't he run those reports last night? Could he still spin this into his big break. Fuck this really was big...


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Re: Basic Training
« Reply #34 on: Yesterday at 03:03:31 AM »
Hugh's private phone buzzed. It was the Inspector. "Hugh, it's Stan. I need to see you urgently - it's something I don't want to talk about on the phone, the walls might have ears, if you know what I mean."

"Er yes" said the Colonel intrigued and his internal senses starting to tingle "Just pop over."

The sentry on the gate saluted smartly as the Inspector drove up and he was directed to park outside the Officers Mess where Hugh and the RSM waited to greet him.

"Consigliere." the Inspector greeted the RSM with a smile as they shook hands.

They went inside to the bar that had a 'Closed' sign on the door. "Drink?" asked Hugh observing the Inspector keenly "You look like you could use one."

"Thanks!" said the Inspector "I could." and Hugh poured them all whiskys from his personal bottle behind the bar and they sat in comfortable chairs.

The Inspector took a gulp of his whisky and sighed "First of all let me say I don't give a flying fuck about the ruck your lads were in down at the local. In fact it was a job bloody well done. But it has probably put their lives in danger."

Hugh and the RSM exchanged glances and the latter looked at the Inspector and said "So do I understand it, Sir, that there is no question of any charges for our lads?"

The Inspector laughed "Yes, you have my word on it. Absolutely no question."

"Then could I suggest, Sir" said the RSM now looking at the Colonel "that we bring Bill and Windy into the discussion now, since it obviously concerns them?

"Good idea RSM." said the Colonel and Bill and Windy returned with the RSM 5 minutes later to find mugshots spread on the coffee table. The Inspector pointed to the one of the pack leader and said "I'd like to shake the hand of the man who fractured this brutes sternum." and he shook hands with Bill and then with Windy.

Then he gave them the bad news. Son of a crime boss - not that big but fucking nasty with a huge ego. Both father and son had multiple convictions for assault and other offences. Suspected of many more crimes including murder but witnesses were thin on the ground. The son had a habit of going out of area with his cronies and beating up people just for the thrill of it. Two of the other sleeping beauties in the pub were his brothers, one of the girls was his sister and one was his girlfriend. All but one of the eight - the third girl - had a rap sheet. And this was a family who believed in vengeance.

The Inspector let his words sink in.

"So what do you propose, Stan?" asked the Colonel, draining his whisky and refilling it, pushing the bottle towards the RSM and saying to him quietly "We'll go to Condition 4 base security, Fred." which meant eight armed sentries at all times rather than two.

"First, let's make sure your people are safe. I presume they are all on base at the moment? They may start watching your movements..." said the Inspector.

"Fuck!" said Hugh leaping to his feet, reaching for his phone and walking off "Fuck, we sent the girls off..."

He returned 10 minutes later saying "I made enquiries. They are both safe."

"I'd offer to send a car around with some plainclothes but...these people have moles in the Police so it might be counterproductive. I didn't see any signs of anyone
watching the base on the way in so I suspect your people have got away clean and they should stay away for the time being." said the Inspector 'but we won't win just playing defence so what we've been talking about while you were gone, Hugh, is laying a trap."

"Using Bill and Windy as bait, sending them back to the pub?" guessed the Colonel.

"Exactly Hugh, better to bring them to us at a time and place of our choosing." said the Inspector.

"We're up for it, Sir. Seems like the only way." said Bill "Remember, I also dropped the two lads names in the pub. I thought we must have beaten it out of these fuckers heads when they didn't tell the coppers but we can't rely on that - and there were the seven others who ran away who Windy and I didn't get to put to sleep who would have heard it. And the three girls were on the floor but I don't know if they were out cold. The lads could be sitting ducks Sir." he implored.

"Bill...fuck...I know you can handle yourself but these mongrels will have guns." said the Colonel.

"So will we." said the Inspector "I'll have a team there."

"Great, so Bill and Windy will be sitting there in the middle of a gunfight completely unarmed." said the Colonel.

"Not necessarily" said the Inspector "These people are just thugs. If they start shooting it won't be a gunfight, it'll be a massacre. Anyway, this thing is big enough that my people will have to talk to your people so we might as well ask for authority for Bill and Windy to bear arms whilst assisting the civil power."

"Vests?" asked the Colonel in a flat monotone

The Inspector sucked his teeth "Doable." he said.

"All right." said the Colonel "But get a permit for me too, I'm going to be in the bar."

"No" said Bill flatly "I appreciate it Sir but you can't help what you are, you'll stick out like a sore thumb."

"But I won't" said the RSM "I'll watch the boys backs Hugh. Fuck, I'm an old man, what do I have to lose except my pension." the use of the Colonel's christian name in front of others signified that this was a very rare personal request.

"You can go in with me and the team Hugh and you can be armed." said the Inspector.

The Colonel was still looking at the RSM, who nodded, then looked at Bill and Windy who nodded in turn "OK" he said at last, nodding himself. "Where will your Sergeant be, Stan?"

"He'll be catching up on paperwork." the Inspector deadpanned and brought the house down.

The operation was classified and never reached the papers but a small crime syndicate was completely shut down in a Police operation of which there were rumours, never confirmed, of military involvement. Shots were fired and a Police Inspector was wounded in the arm and subsequently decorated for bravery.

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 04:54:11 AM by de Vire »