
PRODUCERS & OTHER FORUMS SITES: Please note - you MUST HAVE A RECIPROCAL LINK back to this site is you wish to ADVERTISE your site on this forum. If you do not have a link back to us, we will remove your posts with immiediate effect - 25th April 2010

Important Notice for UK MEMBERS & VISITORS

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Important Notice for UK MEMBERS & VISITORS
« on: March 07, 2025, 03:32:39 PM »
Important Notice for UK MEMBERS & VISITORS

With the upcoming enforcement of the UK Online Safety Act and the provisions from Ofcom concerning 'user-to-user' platforms—specifically the Duty of Care, Protection of Children, and Age Verification requirements in response to the Orwellian term "Legal but Harmful" content—we plan to block access to FCF from UK IP addresses in the next week or so.

What does this mean for UK users or visitors?

If you are accessing this site from a UK IP address, you will no longer be able to access FCF. To continue using the forum, you will need to explore alternative methods of access. There are several options available.

While we could implement an age verification system, the costs could become prohibitively high due to the necessity of using a recognized verification service (which charges per verification) and a geo-IP location service (which incurs a monthly fee).

We are still evaluating our next steps, but for now, this serves as a heads-up to all UK visitors.
