My name is Kara, I'm 33 years old, a redhead which I know is shocking in an on to itself, I'm also 5'7, 150lbs, 34DD 27 36. a lesbian and at the time I were working at an insurance firm though it was mainly delivering files from one floor to the next. To say it was tedious and horribly dull life would be beyond kind. Still the routine was there and part of that was heading to the woman's gym located in the basement.
It was one of the few perks of working such a dead-end job but given that I was being paid I probably shouldn't complain too much, inserting my card in the security lock I made a beeline for the changing room and quickly peeled out of my white blouse to reveal the gray sports bra underneath before bending over and removing my form fitting dress pants which was about the point where things got awkward given that after I would have put on a set of shorts but much to my irritation they were nowhere to be found when I searched my bag. With a small huff of annoyance, I thanked my lucky stars that the woman of the gym were more interested in getting in a workout than complaining about attire and so with a small sigh I grasped my gym shoes, throwing them on before heading off for the weights.
This was another aspect of my bland and seemingly colorless existence at the time, lifting the heavy weights until I either felt tired enough to stop or my body finally crapped out. Not smart but hey it's how I felt. Anyway, I settled on the bench and grasped hold of the heaviest weights I could find and starting my work out, as time ticked away sweat glistened and trailed over my body, my chest heaving up and down with each and every new breath I drew in, my muscles burned as I drew back for another press. It was during this time that I felt the oddest sensation, as if I was being watched if only for a moment before returning to my workout.
As time ticked away and I had finished my workout I set the weights aside, returning them back to their place on the rack before turning to the locker room. As usual there was hardly anyone there, a handful of ladies either dressing to go home or stripping down, some laughed while sitting on the benches placed about the locker room talking about the day's, I don't know, to be honest by this point everyone sounded like the adults in an episode of Charlie Brown. Again I let out a sigh before stripping down and more or less peeling out of my clothing and heading for the shower. This by the way is when it happened, this is when color came back into my life, this is when I saw her.
She wasn't much taller than I was a blond woman with an athletic build and curves that left me stalled in my tracks the moment I walked into the showers. For a moment I could feel my heart starting to pound and my throat quickly tightened as if someone had started to choke me. I was almost transfixed on her ample chest just barely covered by the suds of the soap revealing her erect nipples, her long smooth thighs glistened as the water ran down them, washing away the soapy suds revealing the small trimmed, the tightness of her waist leaving into an almost hourglass that was emphasized by her amazing rear.
If it's not clear, yeah, I looked for just a smidge too long, I know this because by the time I started looking at her face again, she was looking at me. I could feel the heat spreading through my cheeks all the way to the tips of my ears as I looked on only just starting to notice more than a faint bit of redness having formed along her cheeks, it took some effort but eventually I managed to give her a small smile to which she returned before we both went back to washing though I couldn't stop myself from stealing more than a few glances. Something that I was swear she knew I was doing given how she would seemingly take extra time washing parts of her body. Eventually I realized I was clean enough, note the word there 'eventually'. Moving on.
As I made my way from the shower room, I couldn't help stealing one last look at the blond woman whom by the way totally knew as made evident by the small wink and her comment "You should take a picture, hon, it'll last longer" she said with a playful smirk on her face. I was a bit embarrassed, but I managed to shoot a playful smile back at her before starting to redress "At least I remembered to bring some clean underwear." I thought to myself as I slipped into my black panties which were at this point more of a thong when on me.
"I'm Melissa, Mel." A voice said calling me back from my thoughts, when I looked up I realized it was the blond woman of whom I'd been checking out. "Sorry...I didn't mean to be rude." I said suddenly realizing that I was staring again, she simply smiled back and laughed a bit while sliding up her long toned legs and into her jeans "Do you wanna get a drink?" She asked with a small sign of hesitation. It was the first good thing to have happened since it meant I wasn't the only nervous one "Good." I thought before giving a nod.
The pair of us stood there for a few extra seconds before we finished dressing, I could swear we were giggling like school girls out with their first crush as we finished dressing and made our way to the local pub just a few blocks from the office. Of course I didn't drink but I was happy to be there, chatting away with Melissa. "Do you know Sandy?" She asked
"The one who looks like a sexy librarian from some bdsm porno in HR?" I replied causing Mel to laugh a bit "That's the one." She said taking a sip of her drink "She actually suggested we meet." Melissa continued
"Really?" I replied, somewhat surprised that Sandy of all people would take an interested in my social life. "She said you were good on the mat and in bed." she said as I took another sip of my soda causing me to nearly choke as I set the glass down and let out a small laugh "Let me guess, she thought you could kick me ass?" I finished. Now it made sense why Sandy would be involved, and it seemed I wasn't the only one thinking it. We shared a laugh for a moment longer before "I've got access to a gym." Mel said as she looked up through narrowed lids. I found myself biting lips as I returned the look "Midnight?" I asked almost shyly "You're on sweety." She said "Bikini's?" She asked "Sure!" I was quick to reply, "I can see you're very shy." She said with another laugh. After that we spend the better part of the night simply shooting one another flirty looks in-between sips of our drinks.
"I'll pick you up at your hotel around midnight." Mel said and I agreed.
I didn't know how Mel had access to the gym, and I didn't care, I was too busy trying to keep my heart from exploding from the excitement! The next day came and went so fast, I found myself pacing back and forth through the cramped hotel before a text from Mel sent me into giving a small squeal, good god I can't believe I squealed. Anyhow! I rushed outside in my black top and blue jeans and was promptly stunned to silence as I looked over at Mel in her form fitting red dress.
The drive wasn't long per se, but it might as well have been an eternity before we stopped Infront of the gym that apparently a friend of Mel's had given her keys. It was clear she was as nervous as I was when she started to fidget with the lock on the gate, giving me a small though forced reassuring smile, at least the best she could without outright screaming bloody murder at the lock. Thankfully she was able to claim victory and we made our way inside without further incident, it was then that Mel took hold of the gate, pulling it back down before looking back over at me "No one can help you now." She teased and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
Soon enough I had picked up my bag and was ready to start changing, I turned to ask Mel though what it was I was going to say I couldn't tell you since my brain was in the process of short circuiting as the sight, I saw had me more than a little surprised. Mel or Melt as she had melted my brain, now stood with her red dress around her ankles, a coy smile plastered a crossed those full pink lips as she stood with her tight body on full display wearing only a pair of white panties "Are you sure you want bikini's?" She asked, breaking the silence left by stunned appraisal of her body. It took me a few seconds longer than normal to register words being spoken but I found my head shaking and my own body acting of it's own accord. I quickly dropped my bag to the floor and began to slide out of my black top, my gaze fixed on Mel as I did so.
I'll bet she told you we dressed in our bikini's and went at each other that night, didn't she? Yeah that's what we thought was gonna happen but trust me on didn't, it really didn't "Let's go to the ring sugar." Mel said as her eyes seemingly danced over my half naked body as I now stood wearing my black lace panties until she took my hand, and we made our way to the ring for what was going to bed, a very long, long night.