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Kara vs Melissa

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Offline melissacat

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Kara vs Melissa
« on: March 16, 2025, 04:35:50 AM »
  My name is Melissa. I am 35 years old; blonde; 5' 6"; 130 pounds; 36C 26 36. I am a proud lesbian. I am a claims analyzer for a major insurance company. As per my normal procedure at quitting time; I make my way from the 18th floor to a women only gym in the basement.
     I open the locked door with my card and make my way to my locker. I shimmied out of my tight red dress; kicked off my shoes and put on my shorts, running shoes and tank top. I make my way out to the gym floor.
     I notice this red head almost immediately. She was at the weight bench. She was beautiful. Her long red hair hung down her back. Her body was sculptured; strong and muscular; decked out in a very skimpy black thong bikini. I estimated she was about my height and weight.  My heart raced as I watched her biceps bulge as she curled the weights. The muscles in her back rippled and her thigh muscles were evident as she did her squats.  And that ass.
     As I stared, trance like, she turned and looked right at me. I was caught and embarrassed. I was relieved as she smiled and waved shyly. I waved back and smiled, My face must have been red
     I glanced over at her from time to time. I think I was in love.
     After my workout, I returned to my locker; stripped; wrapped a towel around my body and went to the shower.  The red head was there. Once again my eyes fixated on her now naked body. Her huge breasts; now all soaped up; were firm and jiggled as she manipulated them under the warm water. Her nipples were large and erect. I noticed she was shaved and that ass was marvelous and firm.
     I gasped as she looked up and caught me staring at her again. I quickly diverted my eyes. Again I was embarrassed.
     " You should take a picture, hon. It would last longer." the red head smirked as she walked by me  I didn't know how to respond so I just made my way to my locker.
     I slipped back into my white thong panties; dress and shoes and picked up my bag.
     " I am so sorry. I didn't mean to be rude to you, hon. Can I buy you a drink?" A voice said from behind.
     I turned. It was the red head. "My name is Kara." She was dressed in a black low cut tight top and even tighter jeans that accented her curves. Once again my eyes were drawn to her beautiful cleavage.
     "Melissa, Mel." I stammered. "Sure, sure. There is a pub down the street we can go." I continue.
     We walked to the pub. Kara was delightful and friendly. We talked about work. She was new in the city. She moved here for work.
     " Do you know a girl by the name of Sandy?" I asked when  I found out were she worked.
     " Of course. She already has suggested we meet. I knew who you were." Kara responded. " She thought you may be able to kick my ass in the ring."
     I gulped and almost choked on my rye and water. " Really." I gasped finally.
    " She said you were good on the mat and in bed and that I should test you." the red head continued.
    Sandy had set me up with a blonde friend of hers two weeks before. This friend dominated me on the mat and in bed. The memories made me shiver with excitement. Kara looked a lot tougher than Sandy's friend.
     " If it is a ring; I have access to a private gym." I suggested. " It is in a seedy part of town but it is private and secure. We have to go after midnight. If you want."
     " You are on, sweety." she accepted. "Bikinis?"
     "Sure. I can see you are very shy." I teased.
     Kara glared at me and then smiled an evil smile.
     "I will pick you up at your hotel at midnight." I offer. Kara agreed.
     A retired army friend from back home has a gym on the lower level in an abandoned factory. He taught boys how to box and wrestle; self defense and such. He gave me a key and permission to use it any time I wanted. I had used it before. It had no windows and you could lock the door from the inside so no one could get in. It was perfect.
     I picked Kara up at midnight. She was still dressed in her black top and jeans and I was still in my tight red dress. We drove to the gym. I could feel Kara's eyes as they scanned my body as I drove. I parked just outside the door  at the back. There was no one around. I unlocked the door. I ushered Kara in; locked and barred the door and turned on  all the lights. I guided us to a dressing room.
     "No body can help you now." I tease as I slip off my shoes and out of my dress.
     Kara just smiled at me as she stared at me dressed only in my white thong panties. I bit my lip and peeled off my panties.
     "Are you sure you want me to put on my bikini?" I purred casually.
     "It will be only temporary. It  will be fun to relieve you of it." shot back Kara.
     We put on our bikinis. She was still in her black thong bikini and mine was just as skimpy and white.
     "Let's go to the ring, sugar." I suggest as I grab her wrist and pull her out into the gym. The ring was at the far end. It was lite brightly by the over head lights. I roll into ring under the bottom rope; stand up and sit on the middle rope; inviting you to join me.   


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Kara vs Melissa part 2 inverted perspective
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2025, 11:10:57 PM »
My name is Kara, I'm 33 years old, a redhead which I know is shocking in an on to itself, I'm also 5'7, 150lbs, 34DD 27 36. a lesbian and at the time I were working at an insurance firm though it was mainly delivering files from one floor to the next. To say it was tedious and horribly dull life would be beyond kind. Still the routine was there and part of that was heading to the woman's gym located in the basement.
It was one of the few perks of working such a dead-end job but given that I was being paid I probably shouldn't complain too much, inserting my card in the security lock I made a beeline for the changing room and quickly peeled out of my white blouse to reveal the gray sports bra underneath before bending over and removing my form fitting dress pants which was about the point where things got awkward given that after I would have put on a set of shorts but much to my irritation they were nowhere to be found when I searched my bag. With a small huff of annoyance, I thanked my lucky stars that the woman of the gym were more interested in getting in a workout than complaining about attire and so with a small sigh I grasped my gym shoes, throwing them on before heading off for the weights.
This was another aspect of my bland and seemingly colorless existence at the time, lifting the heavy weights until I either felt tired enough to stop or my body finally crapped out. Not smart but hey it's how I felt. Anyway, I settled on the bench and grasped hold of the heaviest weights I could find and starting my work out, as time ticked away sweat glistened and trailed over my body, my chest heaving up and down with each and every new breath I drew in, my muscles burned as I drew back for another press. It was during this time that I felt the oddest sensation, as if I was being watched if only for a moment before returning to my workout.
As time ticked away and I had finished my workout I set the weights aside, returning them back to their place on the rack before turning to the locker room. As usual there was hardly anyone there, a handful of ladies either dressing to go home or stripping down, some laughed while sitting on the benches placed about the locker room talking about the day's, I don't know, to be honest by this point everyone sounded like the adults in an episode of Charlie Brown. Again I let out a sigh before stripping down and more or less peeling out of my clothing and heading for the shower. This by the way is when it happened, this is when color came back into my life, this is when I saw her.
She wasn't much taller than I was a blond woman with an athletic build and curves that left me stalled in my tracks the moment I walked into the showers. For a moment I could feel my heart starting to pound and my throat quickly tightened as if someone had started to choke me. I was almost transfixed on her ample chest just barely covered by the suds of the soap revealing her erect nipples, her long smooth thighs glistened as the water ran down them, washing away the soapy suds revealing the small trimmed, the tightness of her waist leaving into an almost hourglass that was emphasized by her amazing rear.
If it's not clear, yeah, I looked for just a smidge too long, I know this because by the time I started looking at her face again, she was looking at me. I could feel the heat spreading through my cheeks all the way to the tips of my ears as I looked on only just starting to notice more than a faint bit of redness having formed along her cheeks, it took some effort but eventually I managed to give her a small smile to which she returned before we both went back to washing though I couldn't stop myself from stealing more than a few glances. Something that I was swear she knew I was doing given how she would seemingly take extra time washing parts of her body. Eventually I realized I was clean enough, note the word there 'eventually'. Moving on.
As I made my way from the shower room, I couldn't help stealing one last look at the blond woman whom by the way totally knew as made evident by the small wink and her comment "You should take a picture, hon, it'll last longer" she said with a playful smirk on her face. I was a bit embarrassed, but I managed to shoot a playful smile back at her before starting to redress "At least I remembered to bring some clean underwear." I thought to myself as I slipped into my black panties which were at this point more of a thong when on me.
"I'm Melissa, Mel." A voice said calling me back from my thoughts, when I looked up I realized it was the blond woman of whom I'd been checking out. "Sorry...I didn't mean to be rude." I said suddenly realizing that I was staring again, she simply smiled back and laughed a bit while sliding up her long toned legs and into her jeans "Do you wanna get a drink?" She asked with a small sign of hesitation. It was the first good thing to have happened since it meant I wasn't the only nervous one "Good." I thought before giving a nod.
The pair of us stood there for a few extra seconds before we finished dressing, I could swear we were giggling like school girls out with their first crush as we finished dressing and made our way to the local pub just a few blocks from the office. Of course I didn't drink but I was happy to be there, chatting away with Melissa. "Do you know Sandy?" She asked
"The one who looks like a sexy librarian from some bdsm porno in HR?" I replied causing Mel to laugh a bit "That's the one." She said taking a sip of her drink "She actually suggested we meet." Melissa continued
"Really?" I replied, somewhat surprised that Sandy of all people would take an interested in my social life. "She said you were good on the mat and in bed." she said as I took another sip of my soda causing me to nearly choke as I set the glass down and let out a small laugh "Let me guess, she thought you could kick me ass?" I finished. Now it made sense why Sandy would be involved, and it seemed I wasn't the only one thinking it. We shared a laugh for a moment longer before "I've got access to a gym." Mel said as she looked up through narrowed lids. I found myself biting lips as I returned the look "Midnight?" I asked almost shyly "You're on sweety." She said "Bikini's?" She asked "Sure!" I was quick to reply, "I can see you're very shy." She said with another laugh. After that we spend the better part of the night simply shooting one another flirty looks in-between sips of our drinks.
"I'll pick you up at your hotel around midnight." Mel said and I agreed.
I didn't know how Mel had access to the gym, and I didn't care, I was too busy trying to keep my heart from exploding from the excitement! The next day came and went so fast, I found myself pacing back and forth through the cramped hotel before a text from Mel sent me into giving a small squeal, good god I can't believe I squealed. Anyhow! I rushed outside in my black top and blue jeans and was promptly stunned to silence as I looked over at Mel in her form fitting red dress.
The drive wasn't long per se, but it might as well have been an eternity before we stopped Infront of the gym that apparently a friend of Mel's had given her keys. It was clear she was as nervous as I was when she started to fidget with the lock on the gate, giving me a small though forced reassuring smile, at least the best she could without outright screaming bloody murder at the lock. Thankfully she was able to claim victory and we made our way inside without further incident, it was then that Mel took hold of the gate, pulling it back down before looking back over at me "No one can help you now." She teased and I couldn't help but let out a small giggle.
Soon enough I had picked up my bag and was ready to start changing, I turned to ask Mel though what it was I was going to say I couldn't tell you since my brain was in the process of short circuiting as the sight, I saw had me more than a little surprised. Mel or Melt as she had melted my brain, now stood with her red dress around her ankles, a coy smile plastered a crossed those full pink lips as she stood with her tight body on full display wearing only a pair of white panties "Are you sure you want bikini's?" She asked, breaking the silence left by stunned appraisal of her body. It took me a few seconds longer than normal to register words being spoken but I found my head shaking and my own body acting of it's own accord. I quickly dropped my bag to the floor and began to slide out of my black top, my gaze fixed on Mel as I did so.
I'll bet she told you we dressed in our bikini's and went at each other that night, didn't she? Yeah that's what we thought was gonna happen but trust me on didn't, it really didn't "Let's go to the ring sugar." Mel said as her eyes seemingly danced over my half naked body as I now stood wearing my black lace panties until she took my hand, and we made our way to the ring for what was going to bed, a very long, long night.
Feel free to say hi or anything that doesn't resemble the words "hey bitch let's fight." or anything else along those lines.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2025, 03:53:13 AM »
  I watched as Kara climbed up on the apron and through the ropes, brushing my leg with her long hair  'accidently'. I shivered as it tickled. The red head wandered to the middle of the ring, turned and faced me. She had an evil grin on her lips.

     I stood up straight and meandered towards my sexy looking opponent, slowly. My eyes scanned her magnificent body and wondered what the hell I had started. She looked heavier than myself and a bit taller. ' Muscle is heavy' I tell myself. ' Maybe she is slow' ' Maybe she isn't as strong as she looks' my mind continues silently.

     Kara looked me right in the eyes, placed her hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me backwards. We both smiled coyly. I stepped towards the red head, brushed her arms aside and quickly wrapped my right arm around her neck; securing a tight head lock. I quickly pulled Kara's head, face first, into my side and twisted my body, attempting to take the red head down to the mat.

     I was surprised as we ended up on the mat; me on top still with a firm side head lock applied. I pulled tight but Kara was so strong. She rolled me off over top of her. I ended up on my left side with the red head on her knees behind me, her head still held tightly in my grip in the head lock. I was in a precarious position. I squeezed with all my strength trying to maintain control.

     Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation in my crotch; like I was being cut in half. Kara had grabbed my thong with her right hand and was yanking like a mad woman; using my panties like dental floss except on my vagina, crotch and ass.

     I released the head lock and rolled over onto my stomach. Kara took advantage of my distraction and quickly straddled back facing my feet. I yelped as she continued to abuse my crotch and spank my exposed buttock with her left hand.

     I grabbed her left foot and chomped down her big toe. Kara yelped and spun off of my back. I quickly realized I was free. I got to my knees, straightened up and pulled my thong back down into position. Kara was standing examining her toe. 

     " You bit me!" snapped Kara.
     " So, what are you gonna do about it?" I said rebelliously from my knees.

     Kara walked right up to me. My face nuzzled up against her sweaty torso. I looked up into her face.
     "I am going to kick your cute little ass." she purred confidently.

     I smiled; wrapped my arms around her thighs and with the top of my head on her belly, put Kara on the mat flat on her back. I stood up with Kara's legs hooked under each arm. I had her in position to apply a Boston crab. I tried to roll her over onto her belly. I tried to the left; she blocked it; I tried to the right and she blocked that too. Kara's legs were like tree stumps; her arms like steel bars and her torso like a beautiful boulder.

     I pulled up on her legs until the red head was upside down with only her head and shoulders touching the mat. I tried to roll her again but she grabbed my ankles and help on tight. I watched her bouncing breasts almost escape from her top and her tiny thong hardly doing the job. So hot!

     Suddenly, we fell to the mat; Kara face down with me on top. I scrambled into a straddle, sitting position on the red head's back facing her feet. I remembered what Kara had done to me and smiled. I grabbed her thong and pulled hard. Kara yelped as I watched her tiny black thong being devoured by her vagina and butt crack. I watched her firm buttock  jiggle wildly as I smacked her ass.

     "OWWWWW!!! " Kara had bit my left toe now. I quickly spun off of my opponent onto my knees. I watched as Kara spun to her knees. I  smiled as she adjusted  her thong.

     "Still think a bikini was a good idea, sweety?" I say with a smile.

     Almost in unison, Kara and I  walked on our knees. She wrapped her arms around my torso and i wrapped my arms around her neck. We pulled each other in and squeezed hard. Our bellies, boobs and crotches masked together. My heart was racing with excitement.

     I twisted Kara to the mat in our embrace, landing on top of her. I lay flat on top . My legs were on the outside of hers. Our lips locked together. Kara's arms were still wrapped around my torso and mine around her neck. Kara released her grip around my body. I felt her hands searching for my thong again. I reached back and grabbed Kara's wrists and tried to pin her arms to mat above her head.

      The red head was so strong..  Kara twisted under me and turned over onto belly. I allowed the red head to turn under me. I maintained my position on top; holding onto her wrists as she turned. Suddenly, I was sitting astride Kara's back with her arms crossed in front of her face in a tight scarf hold.

     "Oh baby, how did you manage to get into this position?" I tease as I tighten up on the hold. I could feel Kara's muscular body wriggling under me.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa Part 2 An interesting perspective
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2025, 10:13:35 AM »
Okay let's get something straight right now! I have never ever given anyone a wedgie in my life! Though my hand did go between her thighs, and she did have a, well let's call it a reaction, which she felt I deserved to have later as the match progressed and yes, she did bite me which admittedly I found rather hot at the time even if I was annoyed about being bitten but that is neither here nor there. With the exception of the wedgie the rest of that was true. She did get atop me more than a few times during that match, more so when she pressed my face into the side of her ample chest during that headlock which made my hand drift between her thighs, and well you know this part so I should probably move on to the part you care most about of this whole affair.

As the match continued I could feel Mel's thighs pressing against my waist while her chest pressed into my back, my arms were tied around my face but I had managed to duck my chin just enough to avoid her choking me, still it wasn't a good spot to be in since at any point she could just as easily decide to pull back on my body using her position to put me in a modified camel clutch, my muscles strained under the warm light that shown overtop the ring though Mel's breath against my ear was far warmer still. For a moment I considered giving up but I got the impression that Mel really wanted me not too, so I did the next best thing, I stood up! My hips twisted from one side to the other, making Mal shift and sway with me like she was a cowgirl trying to tame a bronco but eventually I managed to get my knee under me and from there I slowly made my way back up to my feet.

It was once I was kneeling that I felt Mel trying to regain control as I slowly made my way to my feet, for a moment I thought Mel might kick my legs out from under me in an effort to keep the hold but thankfully she didn't and soon enough that was gonna come back to bite her as once I was on my feet my hands latched hold of her forearms and I was able to flip her over my shoulder, of course I didn't want to hurt her, well not too bad anyhow so I made sure to control it so that she would land on her rear rather than fall. Now was my chance to try and turn things around, once Mal was down, I promptly settled behind her in a sitting position, my legs on either side of her abdomen while my arms coiled around her neck "My turn." I whispered hotly into her ear as I began to squeeze Mal's neck in a sleeper hold.

Mal knew what I was doing, her hands came up and tugged at my forearms, trying to snake her one hand near her chin in an effort to prevent me from applying enough pressure to put her out. It's true that when it came down to it, I had the strength advantage but when it comes to Mel she has a lot of experience which is something anyone probably could figure out if they spent even a second watching our match. Still with gritted teeth and a small grunt she managed to get her hand under my forearm just enough for her to drop her chin and prevent me from applying pressure to her windpipe. My chest mashed into her back, I could feel the shift of her abs as she took in one heavy breath after another before looking back at me with a seemingly menacing smile "Not that easy babe." She said through a strained breath as she did her best to try work her way out of the hold.

I wanted to do something, anything but it's tough not to be distracted which is what we were doing to one another a lot, distracting one another though not nearly as much as some would probably like. Once Mal slipped her head from under my grip she tried to shift but with my position behind her and my legs on either side I was able to do something that I don't think she saw coming. A she slipped from under my grasp I sprang forward, mounting her lower back before sliding my feet up to an almost crouching position, Now she knew what I was going to do and I could tell by the look on her face when she looked back at me, her hand reached out toward the ropes but I was able to secure her wrist, the other one she tried to keep from me but I managed to tug it from her side, tossing one after the other over my thighs, soon enough I leaned forward and my hands clasped hold of her chin.

Once I had her in that camel clutch, she let out a small groan of discomfort through gritted teeth, since my hands were now tugging her chin "Now what Mel?" I asked in a heavy breath, the match had gone on long enough that sweat glistened under the lights of the ring, accentuating each curve within our bodies, I could feel Mal's breathing grow quicker as I tugged on her smaller frame but whether or not it worked out? Well, you are going to have to ask Melissa that one.
Feel free to say hi or anything that doesn't resemble the words "hey bitch let's fight." or anything else along those lines.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2025, 07:38:34 PM »
  This red head was every bit as tough and strong as I suspected she was. She easily broke out of my scarf hold that would have rendered most of my opponents  helpless.

     She now has me in deep trouble in the middle of the ring. My reaching for the ropes  was mostly symbolic. The ropes were too far away.

     ' Oh fuck!' I think as you pull my head back until I am looking up at the lights past your face bordered by that red hair.  I can only wiggle my fingers and paddle my legs as your muscular back and arms do your dirty work for you. My nipples are trying to poke through my top as you wrench on the camel clutch. My buttocks are clenched tight; my back is starting to kink.

     One final pull by you. "Oh fuck! I Give! I Give up!!" I force the words from my lips. I knew there was no way I was going to break this.
     "MMMMMM. smart girl." I heard Kara purr as she released her devastating lock.

     I lay on the mat glad to be free of that uncomfortable position my opponent had put me in. I rested with my arms straight out from my shoulders, palms down. My legs gently slayed apart. I made sure the pain had all gone away.

     " What's the matter, Mel? I thought you were going to kick my ass." Kara smirked as she gently patted my ass with her foot.

     I didn't respond. Kara then sat down, straddling  my back, facing my head. I felt her reach under my torso. She then unhooked my top. The next thing I knew; the red head was slipping my top off of my arms.

     "I think this is a little small for me, but I am taking it as a trophy anyway." the red head stated standing up and twirling my top over her head.

     Kara hung the top on the turnbuckle and returned.

     " Come; let's do another fall, baby. I need that thong to complete my outfit." the red head suggested. She reached down; rolled me over onto my back and pulled me to my feet by my wrists. I watched her eyes drop down to my now naked breasts. She seemed pleasantly excited. I know I was. Kara smiled wickedly.

     Kara still had a firm grip on my wrists. She used her superior strength and weight to easily push me backwards. I was powerless to stop her as she spread my arms straight out and leaned into me.

     My back was pushed up against the ropes. I gasped as Kara's full breasts crushed my now naked breasts as she pinned me against the ropes. My engorged nipples tingled. I could feel my clit pulse as this red head over powered me. She kissed me on the lips.

     "You gonna hand over your thong now or do I have to take it from you?" Kara asked teasingly.

     "You think you are woman enough?" I challenged with an evil smile.

     Kara stepped back from my body slightly seemingly pleased with my challenge. I am not sure of the plan, but I used the top rope for support and pulled my legs up and wrapped them firmly around the narrow waist of my opponent. I hooked my ankles and squeezed. My knees crushed into her sides.

     I noticed Kara wince in discomfort. The redhead then held me by the wrists and half walked; half stumbled to the middle of the ring. I was amazed at her strength.

     Suddenly, Kara winced in obvious pain and dropped to her knees. My back hit the mat as she dropped.  The red head released my wrists and started to push and pull at my powerful legs that were squeezing her middle.

     I used her distraction to my advantage. I sat up and hooked the red head in a front headlock and pulled her down on top of me. I quickly twisted out from under my opponent so that my body scissors was now from the side. I swept her left arm into a hammer lock and swung up to a straddle position on Kara's back. The red head seemed relieved her sides were free of my clasp.

      I shivered as my nipples trailed against Kara's sweaty back. I quickly hooked Kara's right arm in a half nelson. I felt her yelp as I torqued her arm in the hammerlock and tightened the half nelson.

     "What do you say now, red?" I growl in her ear as I can feel her body wriggle under me.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2025, 12:14:34 PM »
After getting the first fall I stood up, giving my neck much needed crack as I moved towards the ropes " gir-..." My words were cut off as a thin colored piece of fabric flew into my face "What that?" I murmured as I pulled it away ready to complain but nothing would come out as when I looked, I quickly realized it was a bikini top. Slowly I turned my head from the cloth in my hand and there in front of me now stood Melissa, her chest bare, ample breast heaving and her pert nipples standing erect. My jaw dropped as she stood before me with a playful smirk plastered a crossed her face. "Think your woman enough for the rest?" she teased giving her thong a small tug to her thong. For a moment I stood gazing at her trying to find a reply "little, small for me...but I'm taking it anyway." I say with a smile before tossing the top onto the turnbuckle and moving towards Melissa.

My hands quickly grasped her wrist as I moved forward quickly pushing her back, all the while my eyes couldn't help but roam over her body as I pushed her back against the ropes, either she couldn't resist or she didn't want too, it was rather hard to tell. I could feel my chest mashing against her bare breast through the fabric of my bikini eliciting a small purr to slip from my throat while I turned my attention to Melissa's face, our eyes locking in on one another as I held her against the ropes for several moments until she began to fight back. I may have gotten a smidge excited and planted a kiss on her and in that moment, I never saw her coming as Mel's long smooth legs soon coiled around my waist, tugging me into a standing body scissor. I could feel her knee's sinking into my sides making it both painful and hard to breath, causing me to pull her from the ropes and stumble back onto the floor.

I was pretty much screwed by that point as Melissa twisted around me like a python coiling around a mouse, her hand gripping hold of my wrist while I rolled about on the floor of the ring with the topless blond trying to get a grip, eventually though my struggles only ended up making it worse as Melissa soon put herself in a position to throw my arm over her shoulder and begin to crack my body at an odd angle for a half nelson.

For a moment I gritted my teeth before letting out a small grunt off effort as I began squirming in the awkward position, looking back I could have gotten out of it. I could have done a whole mess of things to get out of it but when a half-naked woman in a thong with her nipples scrapping against face it's hard to think clearly. Instead, I simply groaned while my cheeks started to change the color of my hair while Melissa's breast rubbed against my cheek. I'm fairly certain she knew what she was doing too since the next words out of her mouth were "What'cha say now red?" She said in an almost hot whisper as she settled atop me making my heart start to pound within my chest.

More beads of sweat began to pour down my forehead as Melissa kept my face near sandwiched between the floor and her chest, and as I struggled, I could feel the building burning sensation in my arm that had been trapped behind my back in the hammerlock until at last "Agh...Okay! I give!" I groaned out with how empty my head had been at that moment there was no way I was gonna get out. "That's my girl." I heard Melissa whisper hotly as she untangled herself from around my body. I laid there for a few moments before sitting up to begin rubbing my shoulder when I felt the back of my top suddenly come loose and it wasn't long before it was sliding off me leaving my heavy chest now exposed as Melissa's was at that moment. "Little big for me..." She said with a grin as she walked around in front of me twirling the top beside her "But I'm taking it anyway." her tongue sliding over her soft lips as she spoke.

I swallowed down a deep breath, nearly gulping in response "All yours." I all but chirped back, making her let out a small giggle before replying "Well thank you how about another round?" she asked before shooting me a look with a small devious glint settling in her eye and small bit of blush forming along her cheeks. Admittedly she wasn't the only one blushing and I soon found myself returning the smile even as she bent down to grasp hold of my ankle but distracted or not, I wasn't going to let her get the upper hand again. As she reached down, I shot outward and quickly latched hold of her wrist trying to give her a hard tug. It seemed to work as Melissa let out a small gasp before stumbling forward and landing on top of me.

A moment later we were both on the floor of the ring with Melissa and I rolling from side to side, putting as much effort as we could to put one below the other. I'd never been so hot in my life as I could feel my bare nipples flick and graze against Melissa with each motion of our bodies against one another, our hips swaying and shimming while we rolled about the ring causing our bikini clad kittens to caress one another with each passing. What had started out as grunts of effort and groans of strain soon were almost indeterminable from love making with the moans now mixed in. It wasn't long though before I managed to get the upper hand as Melissa rolled to the right I moved to the left, putting myself behind her yet again much to the disappointment of my libido.

Still as hot as this all was, a barely clothed woman with near porcelain skin, a sculpted toned body, lush full lips...what was I saying? Right! As Melissa made her move, I turned about, releasing her wrists for a moment that I could position myself behind her. Mel however was not about to take the chance of what I might do at that point and tried to crawl for the turnbuckle, but it was not to be as I latched hold of her ankles and pulled her back to the center of the ring "No you don't!" I said as I stepped onto the back of her knees before twisting her feet around my calves. She knew what was coming and started to shimmy this way and that, trying to get me off "Wait!" I said as I reached down taking one of her hands. Still Melissa tried to get loose, reaching out with the other before a well-placed shot to the side made her bring it back.

It was now or never I remember thinking to myself as I gave Melissa's arms a hard yank while I rocked backwards until she stat on her knee's a yelp followed by a small squeal quickly followed indicating her discomfort but it was too late, with one last tug and a bit of effort I hoisted Melissa into the air, her body illuminated entirely by the bright lights of the ring as I now held her aloft, Cranking her shoulders and lower back in a Romero hold or as you might know it, a ceiling hold. Melissa let out sever grunts and cries of pain as I stretched her over me "You give up?!" I yelled as I gave Melissa's wrists a small twist, trying to apply just that small bit of extra discomfort.

I could tell you about everything after that, about the stuff that happened next and everything after that stuff but despite her embellishing's of trying to make me look like a bad girl to all of her friends I still think Melissa tells the rest of the story better than I do. In the meantime I'll go read a book or something!

Feel free to say hi or anything that doesn't resemble the words "hey bitch let's fight." or anything else along those lines.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2025, 09:59:51 PM »
   I was feeling good about my self; forcing a verbal submission from this powerful red head and tying up our match at one  fall apiece. After taking her top and hanging it carefully on the opposite  turnbuckle; I returned to my opponent  sitting in the middle of the ring, still ringing out her arm.  Those double D breasts made me lose focus. As I reached down to grab her ankle; she gabbed my wrist and pulled me down on top of her.

     'God damn, this is hot' I think as we start to roll back and forth on the mat; our naked breasts mashed against each other. My nipples stiffened and I could tell by her groans and grunts, Kara was enjoying our roll around just as much.

     Suddenly, Kara broke away and managed to get behind me. Before she could get a decent hold of me, I broke free and tried to crawl towards the ropes. Before I got very far; I could feel my left leg being grabbed. I pawed at the mat as she hauled me  back towards the middle of the ring.

     I was face down on the mat. I could feel Kara grab my other ankle and bend my legs up at the knees. Before I knew what she was doing; she forced me to surrender my arms. My heart pounded as I felt the red head pull my torso off the mat; then back down; and then, in one power move that only a strong woman like Kara could pull off, I found myself looking up at the ceiling lights; caught in a ceiling hold.

     I have never been in this hold before. Believe me; I would have remembered. My whole body weight was supported by my arms and legs. I could feel my breasts rolling on my chest as Kara balanced my aloft. My arms were straight. I was unable to bend them at all. My legs started to cramp as they were locked in my opponent's legs. My back was rigid; unable to bend or sag. My hair hung straight down.

     My legs; my arms, my shoulders and my back all started to kink. My head dropped back. ' Fuck, I am doomed' I think as Kara showed no signs of  letting up.

     My body was aching. " I GIVE!!" I moaned loudly; my body begging for freedom.

     I then found myself roughly dumped onto the mat. I landed on my left side and rolled over onto my front. I only felt relief as I lay spread out like a star fish; my arms straight out from my body, palms down; my legs slightly splayed apart.

     I could do nothing as I felt my tiny thong being slowly worked down off my hips and down my legs and off.

     " These will complete my outfit nicely." bragged Kara.

     I watched the red head neatly hang my thong over the turnbuckle along side my top. I got  to my knees and sat back on my legs. I watched the red head turn and scanned my naked body with her eyes. She smiled.

     " Have you had enough or do you want me to deliver some more pain before I make you my bitch, sweety?" Kara scoffed.

     I bit my bottom lip. "Bring it on, honey." I challenged, anxious to tangle with this gorgeous red head again.

     "MMM perfect." said Kara with an evil smile as she slowly wandered towards me

     I got to my feet.  Kara stopped. Her eyes scanned over my naked body. The saucy look on her face said she approved.

     "You want these? Come and get them if you are woman enough." challenged Kara as she stuck her thumb in the band of her skimpy black thong and gave it a snap.

     Suddenly, I lowered my shoulder and charged at my opponent. My sudden move seemed to catch Kara by surprise. My left shoulder  buried into the red head's bare belly. I pumped my legs, pushing Kara back against the corner. I heard the air rush from her lungs as her back collided hard into the corner.

     The red head winced and supported her body by putting her arms along the top rope. I quickly inserted my fingers in the waist band of her thong and worked it down off her hips, down her thighs to her knees.  I gasped as Kara grabbed me in a tight front headlock. It felt like a steel band. I pushed her hard back against the corner with my shoulder again. I was relieved as my head was free again.

     I grabbed the startled, surprised  Kara in a side headlock and started to pull her out of corner. Her thong was around her knees, hampering her ability to move her legs. She fell to her knees a couple of steps out of the corner. This accident caused me to lose my grip on her head. Kara was on her knees trying to pull up her thong into position. I turned to face her; amused at what happened.

     I strode up to her casually as she finally got her thong back in proper position . I reached out to grab her head. Suddenly, Kara grabbed my ankles; one in each hand and pulled my feet out from under me. I landed flat on my ass. I winced in surprise.

     The next thing I knew; Kara had stood up pulling my legs with her. This move forced me flat on my back. In a flash; the red head stepped through between my legs with her right leg; crossed my right leg under the knee of my left left leg and rolled me over onto my front.

     I squealed in pain as Kara had me locked in a painful sharp shooter. Again,  my legs kinked and my back exploded as she bent me hard. I could feel my clit pulsing as Kara bent my body putting pressure on my crotch.

     I squirmed and turned and reached out; grabbing the bottom rope with my right hand and pulled. I hoped but wondered if Kara would release me  or simply yank my naked body into the middle of the ring.  " AAHHH!!"


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2025, 09:32:13 AM »
It's hard to forget Melissa trying to take off my bottoms, mostly because that wasn't the end. You see while I was able to get the backup they weren't totally on; the right side hadn't been pulled up and that'll tie in later.

For the moment I had Melissa tied up by the ropes, legs twisted around mine as she howled in pain, I could feel the shifting strain in her thighs as my sex moved against the back it causing me to bite my lip in an effort to hold back a small moan. My biceps flexed as I cranked on Melissa's body more and more "NAAAAAAGH!" she cried out. I looked back and was about to ask if she gave up when I noticed her hand gripping the rope. For a moment I considered keeping the hold going but that wouldn't have been right, maybe she would have let me go if our positions were reversed or maybe she would just try to move me from the ropes. Didn't matter, this was about me and what I was doing. I could see her face getting red as she yelled, her back practically forming the letter 'O' before I finally let go.

Melissa's body dropped to the floor of the ring with a thud and she, herself wasn't doing much better. The tension was gone but it was easy to see the strain was still there as she moved her right hand to clutch at her lower back while her left stayed on the ropes. I actually chose to stay back, wanting her to get to her feet and to Melissa's credit that's what she was doing with each second she slowly worked her way up from the floor of the ring by using the ropes to pull herself up. It took her more than a few moments before she reached the top and just a bit longer for her to turn about and face me but when she did, I could see her face was near the color of my hair, her bare chest heaved up and down while her legs were splayed open giving anyone who was looking a good look at her body in all its glory.

I have to admit there was a second where I wanted to give in and do another form of 'wrestling' for a moment but despite the pain and growing exhaustion it was fairly evident that neither one of us wanted to stop just yet. Although there was clearly something wrong, not wrong in the sense that something bad had happened but wrong in the sense that Melissa's eyes looked as if they were about to pop out of her head as she looked on at me and I could see her breathing had grown just that little bit quicker, which is more than I can say for me given how bright I was to finally look down, realizing at that moment that my bottoms had slid off. Leaving me standing before Melissa in much the same way she stood before me. I swallowed softly and felt the heat spreading through my body as I looked up to see her run the tip of her tongue over her upper lip in a slow sensual gesture.

That was about the time that I made an audible gulp sound like something you would see a character do in some romcom while my body tightened. The idea of Melissa looking at my body, taking in my smooth tight kitty, my chest heaved, nipples already pert now ached some with arousal. My heart hammered in my chest with such frequency and speed that I thought it might explode from my ribs at any second "Uh...l-li-li-like something?" I managed to stammer out as my eyes went to the floor. That as it turned out was a mistake because there was clearly something she liked. Using the ring ropes Melissa rebounded off the top and charged at me with the intent to catch me with a clothesline but the sound drew me back just a hairs breath before the attack could connect.

"Crap!" Melissa growled as I crouched down just in time to feel the air brush through my hair. She wasn't done though, as I turned, I saw her rebound off the ropes again attempting to get me with another clothesline but this time I moved aside, catching hold of her wrist "What the...!" Melissa started to say before I tugged on her arm, twisting it around that it came around her neck while I hunched over, using my other hand to catch hold of her thigh. This was it, now or never and with a small grunt I hoisted the blond beauty up into the air once again, this time draped over my shoulders as I tugged at her thigh, my right hand releasing her arm to let it drop so that I could catch her under the chin and pull her securely into a standing over the shoulder torture rack, cranking her tight and toned body for all my worth.

My biceps swelled, shoulders tensed as I pulled her naked body causing her to cry out once again if only before my hand instinctively coiled around her neck, causing her to gag just a bit though it was my leg hand that had really started to act out. As it snaked its way up her leg, my index finger starting to slowly drag along her folds causing a gurgled moan while I held her aloft in the center of the ring.

Now there is a bit more to this story and I'd love to tell you but frankly I really think you should hear Melissa's side of things because despite how she makes me out as some bad girl know only in certain environments is true. She tells this part of the story so much better than me!
Feel free to say hi or anything that doesn't resemble the words "hey bitch let's fight." or anything else along those lines.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2025, 05:04:34 PM »
  I had decided, after tangling with this big red head, that the only chance I had to defeat her and own that beautiful body of hers was  surprise  and and a whole lot of luck. Well, the surprise part didn't work and the luck part was questionable too now.

     I was in awe as I looked up at the ring lights, firmly trapped in a torture rack across the broad powerful shoulders of my opponent. My head was pulled back by her firm grasp on my chin. The ring looked upside down from my precarious view. My back arched as her arm wrapped around my leg.

     I could feel my naked breasts roll on my chest as my engorged nipples pointed to the ceiling.  I gasped as somebody's finger started to caress my very wet and open folds. Even in my discomfort; I felt extremely horny being tortured and woman handled by this gorgeous , powerful red head.

     We were right in the middle of the ring; so no help from the ropes this time. I noticed Kara's tiny black thong  laying on the mat. I lamented about the fact that I didn't get the opportunity to remove them myself.

     While this position was hot for me and I am sure, Kara by the way she was exploring my vagina ; it was also very uncomfortable. My back started to  kink. I moaned as she bounced.

     "I GIVE!!  I GIVE UP!!!" I gasp, finally realizing that the pain had bypast the pleasure of the hold.

     "AWWW! such a shame. I was having so much fun searching for your clitty."  teased the red head.

     Kara dropped to one knee suddenly, jarring me one more time before. I yelped as I flopped onto the mat behind her and rolled over onto my front. I reached back with my left hand and massaged my aching back. I winced as I tried to work out the kinks in my back.

     I felt Kara straddle my thighs and then start massaging my back. "MMMM! let me do that, baby." she purred. I placed my arms out from my side, palms down.  Kara's hands were like magic. It felt so good as she worked the kinks out of my back.

     Kara lay down flat on top of my body. I gasped as her hard erect nipples dug into my back. She pushed her pussy down onto my ass. I felt Kara run her hands out my arms and grip my wrists; pinning them tightly to the mat; still palms down.

     "MMM when does my ass kicking start, blondie?" she purred in my ear. " I am up 3 falls to 1. I own your bikini and soon I will own your body." she crowed. She kissed my gently on the cheek.

     ' You already own my body.' I think as I listen to Kara gloat; her hot breath spilling over my face.

     Suddenly, Kara sat up on my back; pulling my arms behind my back. The red head then crossed her legs, locking her ankles behind my head. Her legs were under my arms. She had hooked me in a lotus lock. My prone body was supporting all 150 pounds of muscle bound red head. I gasped as Kara started playing with my bare bum.

     "MMM you have the most beautiful ass in the world." she purred. I squirmed in pleasure as I felt my bum being patted, spanked gently, slapped gently. I felt her fingers slowly tracing over my sensitive skin; over the buttocks; along the crack and down into my crotch.

     All I could do was wriggle my body and paddle my legs as she slowly tormented my bottom. My nipples were pinned against the mat and any movement made them tingle with excitement. I tried lifting my head but this hold prevented that.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #9 on: Yesterday at 03:44:17 PM »
The salty taste of Melissa's skin filled my mouth as I lay my soft lips along her shoulders in a slow and steady string of kisses that worked up her neck. I could hear a soft sweet moan slip from her mouth leaving a gentle warmth against my cheek. "Wanna do another round, or did I get you?" I whispered hotly into her ear. Melissa lay under me panting heavily, I could feel the faint shiver run down Melissa's spine as she opened her mouth to reply in the same hot whispered tone of which I had used not but a moment ago. "You already own my body." and I'll not lie, it was that moment I lost myself somewhat. In what felt like an instant I leaned back; my powerful legs coiling around Melissa's arms and capture them between my thighs as I tugged Melissa into a lotus lock.

It wasn't painful but it wasn't letting her move either. Once secured I bite my lips together before drawing my fingertips along the body of my captive, savoring each second as my index finger drew along the curves of her spine, working along her waist until down, down, further down. Cupping her tight bottom before giving it a small playful spank which elicited a sweet gasp from Melissa, I could feel her squirming under me, her hips wiggling against the feel of my fingers while her breath hitched in her throat at the sensation along her waist. "How did I end up being this insanely lucky?" I thought to myself while my fingers continued along Melissa's naked and sweat soaked form like mapping out some strange new land that had only just now been discovered.

Again, Melissa's moans drew me back to the moment and I found my index finger dragging along her inner thigh, her arms flexed some in response, her breathing already heavy grew heavier and more husky as her cheek lay pressed between the back of my calf and the floor of the ring. "K-kara..." She all but purred with my index and middle finger teasingly stroking her already wet flower. I drew in a Shakey breath as I saw atop her, a low pleasure filled growl slipping past my lips as my fingers began to part her folds, curling, twisting and squirming their way inside of her turning those once soft sweet moans just that bit louder, even more so when my thumb began to lightly flick and massage her bud in an effort to coax it from its hood.

Melissa responded in kind as her body jolted and jerked, her hips trying their best from the odd angle to rock against my fingers as I held her in place, my hand drawing back, and then forward, pumping in and out of her sex. Each moment that passed seeming all the sweeter with Melissa's voice starting to echo through the empty walls of the gym "Mine..." I found myself purring as my thumb now drew along Melissa's clit in a long-drawn-out massage while my fingers pumped in and out of her folds leaving a growing dampness in the center of the ring. I would be lying if I said I wasn't in the same boat, my own hot naked folds drooling as I continued, my chest heaving under those harsh unforgiving lights "K-Kara...Ooo...mmmm!..." Melissa's voice was a melody as she moaned beneath me.

Though I knew what she wanted to say. My heartbeat was moving at a fevers pace in tandem with the rhythmic motions of my hand as it pumped in and out of Melissa's soaking slit, thumb taking the time to lovingly massage her clit with each motion her body starting to spasm, moans turning into small cries of pleasure which sent my head spinning until finally after what I had personally hoped would last forever, Melissa's body went rigged. Her breathing became more desperate, her voice growing louder and louder as her toes desperately dug into the canvas of the ring until finally her dam broke, leading to her juices gushing forth right there in the center of the ring. Again, I bite my lower lip before untangling my legs from around her arms before flipping her over and pulling her up into my arms, planting a hot heavy and seemingly desperate kiss on her lips.

Melissa was a bit dazed as I held her head in my arms, my tongue brushing past her lips and into her mouth, loving the reaction of her rigged body until I felt her arm move, a gently wash of her fingers brushing threw my hair as she soon returned my kiss, her tongue coiling about mine in a loving embrace leaving me to suckle tenderly against her tongue. I couldn't tell you how long we were like that, with me kneeling and holding her in my arms, how long before her hand coiled around my waist while the other reached up to trail through my hair leaving me shivering with excitement before breaking the kiss. Melissa looked up at me and I back at her.

With a coy grin and through strained breathing Melissa spoke "Next fall's mine." She said as her right hand, unsteadily trailed over my thigh. I returned the smile knowingly before replying "Bring it." I said in a hot and hushed whisper.

So, there you have it! That was my first wrestling slash date with Melissa which is how I ended up laying here in this bed, staring up at the ceiling. There would be plenty more 'matches' after that and plenty more bouts between us, all of which I loved every second of even the ones I didn't win which happened more than once but those are stories for other days! For now, though I'm content to lay in this bed waiting for her to get home, waiting to make so many more stories together.
Feel free to say hi or anything that doesn't resemble the words "hey bitch let's fight." or anything else along those lines.


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Re: Kara vs Melissa
« Reply #10 on: Yesterday at 06:50:35 PM »
 This amazing red head had just induced my body to orgasm on the mat right in the middle of the ring. Now, I am like a limp rag as we caress, kiss and hug on our knees. I am like putty in Kara's strong arms as we both run our hands over each others bodies. Our lips; our tongues; our mouths our breasts  were all battling  playfully.

     Kara could have done anything with me at this point as our bodies melted together.  Suddenly, Kara's hands both dropped down and cupped my naked buttocks. I put my arms around her neck as she lifted me up slightly and then put me down easily on the mat on my back.

     I gasped as Kara slowly settled down on top of my body. Her powerful legs grape vined mine, spreading my legs wide apart almost to the uncomfortable position. I gasped again as the powerful red head grabbed my wrists and pinned my arms flat to mat above my head. I was laying like a giant star fish on the mat on my back. I was unable to move. The only thing I could do was wiggle my toes.

     You could have counted to one hundred. This girl was so strong that it felt like my arms would pull from my shoulder sockets. My shoulders were pinned tightly to the mat. Her breasts rode above mine. Kara forced my head back. Her mouth covered mine. She kissed me aggressively. I felt like her tongue was even winning as she almost my tongue down my own throat.

     Kara broke our passionate kiss and looked down into my eyes, the tips of our noses almost touching. My chest heaved as I tried to recover from our long passionate kiss. My nipples felt like missiles as they burrowed into my opponent's chest. Her breath was hot.

     " I own your cute little ass now, honey. " she started. " Here is what is going to happen. " she continued. I could feel my clit tingle. It felt so erotic to be dominated like this.

     " I am taking both your bikini and your panties as my trophies. I would take your dress too but you are going to need it to get up to my hotel room." Kara ordered. " You will drive us back to my hotel were you will be staying with me for the night or what is left of it. " she continued. "Then, I will put out the 'do not disturb' sign; lock the door; remove your dress; throw you into my bed; get my bondage stuff and torture you until you pass out from lack of fluids. How does that sound?"

     " Oh YES!!"  I gasped trying to wriggle in delight under my captor.

     " MMMMMMMM! good. I am glad you approve, sweet heart.  because the alternative involved several holds that you may not like." smiled the red head as she kissed me on the lips again.

     Kara snapped to her feet and pulled me up with effortlessly. I gasped again as she bent down, grabbed me around the thighs with her right arm and set me on her right shoulder like a sack of wheat.

     My hair hung down and swayed as Kara walked around the ring picking up our suits. With some difficulty, Kara climbed through the  ropes with me on her shoulder.

     Back in the dressing room; she through my dress at me. I put it on along with my shoes. It didn't take long. I watched my beautiful captor get dressed. She made sure I was watching as she stuffed my bikini and panties in her bag.

     "Ok, baby, you ready? Got your keys?" I dangled them in front of me.

     As we drove back to her hotel; Kara reached over and slide my already short dress up my legs. " I don't want that to over heat she purred." as she patted my inner thigh. My heart as racing with excitement.