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My Bar Fight - The Rematch

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Offline Angie-39

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My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« on: January 09, 2011, 05:35:59 PM »
OK, you guys have talked me into it.  I would much rather talk about me winning than losing, but since you insist on the sordid details, here goes.  I didn't want a rematch.  I did win the first fight, but like the Bitch kept saying, she was drunk and that's why she lost and I was starting to believe it because she was strong.  But my boyfriend talked me into.  He said that unless I fought her again, she would never stop taunting me and giving me the staredown every time we ran into each other.  To stop all the bull crap, I would just have to woman up and fight her.  So I did.  The fight was going to be in the Park next to the Henry Hudson Parkway at 8:00.  She wore cutoff jean shorts with a white t shirt and sneakers. I came to the fight wearing a pair of jeans with flip flops and a zip up sweat shirt over a white tank top t shirt. No fancy introductions or anything. As soon as I took my sweat shirt off, she charged right after me, grabbing me by the hair with her left hand and throwing wild punches at my head with her right.  I backed up, trying to get away from her but she just kept coming.  She got me in a headlock and started punching me in the face with her right hand.  I grabbed her around the waist and we both went down, her on top of me. She tried to pin my arms down while I tried to throw her off me.  It was to no avail.  She was at least 15 or 20 lbs heavier than me, and definitely stronger.  She held my arms down and punched me repeatedly in the belly.  I couldn't defend myself so I just absorbed her punches, hoping someone would pull her off me.  I finally managed to roll her to one side of me but she continued drilling punches into my ribs and side of my belly.  I couldn't manage to hit her a single time.  The crowd was going crazy, screaming for us to just beat the crap out of each other, but it was definitely one sided. In the flurry, her elbow hit me in the nose and I started bleeding.  She ripped my tank top too, at the bottom and tore off the left shoulder strap.  I could feel my left tit exposed numerous times, but was lucky that this time, she didn't rip my shirt completely off me.  When the people saw that I was bleeding, they started to pull her off me.  My boyfriend came to my side and helped me back to the car and we just left.  He told me I lost the fight because I never believed that I could beat her.  I don't know if that's true or not.  I just know that she was one strong BITCH.


Offline speed

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Re: My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2011, 08:01:35 PM »
Well, I don't believe any girl that's your size would ever beat you. I would forget about her and focus on girls your own size. A fifteen pound advantage is hard to overcome, unless you get a lucky blow in, such as a kick to the pussy. Anyway, don't let it get you down, your still one of the sexiest girls on the board and I don't know of any girl here that could beat you.




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Re: My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2011, 10:54:30 PM »
Hey there. Thanks for writing this, I know I was curious how it went. In fighting anything can and does happen. 


Offline Ready5

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Re: My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2011, 11:10:39 PM »
Well, I don't believe any girl that's your size would ever beat you. I would forget about her and focus on girls your own size. A fifteen pound advantage is hard to overcome, unless you get a lucky blow in, such as a kick to the pussy. Anyway, don't let it get you down, your still one of the sexiest girls on the board and I don't know of any girl here that could beat you.

I agree with Speed completely.  And thanks for sharing.


Offline Jenny

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Re: My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 11:21:35 PM »
From your account I'd say a combination of three factors contributed to her defeating you.  

1. Intimidation.  According to your boyfriend you lost because you didn't think you could win.  Whether you could or could not have, if  you did indeed go into the fight in that frame of mind, it  gave her a big advantage over you before the fight even started.

2.  Size.  her outweighing you by 15-20 pounds gave her a big advantage, especially once she got on top.

3.  Experience.  Your description of the first fight, plus some things you've said here lead me to believe this was far from having been her first fight.  She's fought before, she knew what to expect and what to do, you did not.

Any one of these three could have made a huge difference in the outcome.  All three combined were more than you could hope to have overcome, but keep in mind that none of them are any indication that she is more woman than you.  

Should you fight her again?  Definitely not, or at least not anytime in the near future.  Keep in mind that even after you've gained some experience and confidence her size is still a big advantage..

Should you fight anyone else?  Only you can answer that, but if you got the "rush" that some of us get from either fight, especially the first one, I'd say yes you should, but against someone more evenly matched with you in terms of size and experience.  

If you've gotten a taste for it, for the strong feelings sensations and emotions  that only a confrontation with another woman can give you, like some of us have, you'll want more sooner or later,  but keep in mind that spontaneous fights in public places are not the way to go about it. The risks outweigh the possible rewards and very few fights of that kind ever reach a satisfactory conclusion.



Offline ROYALS22262

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Re: My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2011, 05:13:14 AM »
Angie thanks for the great detailed story.  I am very sorry that you lost.  You are an amazingly gorgeous girl, and you have so much going for you, that she will be forever jealous of you.  You are the true winner in the end. 



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Re: My Bar Fight - The Rematch
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2011, 05:30:35 AM »
Dear Angie,

You're a beautiful sexy NYC woman. You're not only very well built, but you have a fighter's body, you look like a lean, mean fighting machine. When you fought this girl the first time she was beating you up until you seemed to have lost your temper & then you started beating the shit out of her.

Size doesn't have too much to do with it. I have a girlfriend that lives on the lower east side that is 5'4", 90lbs. & she used to teach self defense classes. She's about 50 years old now, but 20 years ago she made a video of large men (over 6' tell, over 200lbs.) attacking her & she threw them around like like a sack of potato's. She kicked them, kneed them & in general beat the shit out of them.

We were in a bar on Houston street on the east side one time & a woman 5'6" 150-160lbs had a couple of drinks & started a fight with her. She tried very hard to talk her way out of the fight but when this woman grabbed her blouse she hammered the woman's nose until blood was gushing out of her nose & the woman's knee's buckled & she fell over onto the ground.

This is New York, you can take self defense classes or boxing lessons. If you are about to start fighting try to start pounding her face before she pounds yours. Look up boxing moves, an uppercut to her jaw, a hard punch to her chin, & don't wait to see what will happen next. Just keep on hitting her until she is done. Don't just stand there or wait for your temper to go off either.

Your Fan & fellow New Yorker