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Kimm vs Jackiewins91 at a strawberry festival ... fun, sun, and mud

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Offline stormbolt7

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Kimm was a lady I was very pleased to get to meet.

Kimm was medium height, with dark hair, that ran slightly past her shoulders.
Kimm had very soft pretty eyes, and full sensuous lips, as part of the beautiful face, that dark hair framed.
Kimm was very full figured, and even more pleasing was as buxom as she was. Kimm was looking fine all over. The lovely young lady having all the right womanly curves in all the right places, while having a sleek belly, and nice ass.

It was warm, sunny, and a perfect day for a small town strawberry festival.

The sound of people chatting, as they roam the walkways. Food vendors calling out to the patrons.
Stalls with vendors selling crafts, souveniers, as well as services and home and beauty products.
The enticing smell of the carnival style food, the sounds of the machinery running the rides, further down the main thruway.
I had been running late, and was hoping Kimm would forgive me.
Then I see her standing, by where we agreed to meet.
Kimm was a catfighter, yet nothing could take away from the fact. Kimm was simply gorgeous and all woman as well.
Kimm was wearing a halter top, that clung to her generous figure nicely, with a very pleasing amount of cleavage, smooth skinned, and supple showing.
As full figured as she was, you could also see, her top showing a very trim belly.
Her legs were shapely, and pleasing, as she was wearing a pair of shorts, that showed them off nicely.

I was prepared to apologize, to beg her forgiveness. Yet when I saw her, I could not seem to get any words to come out.
Kimm began laughing, and smiled. "Your forgiven." The lovely young woman says, as I join her, and give my apologies, while looking forward to spending part of the day with her.
We pass by some of the gaming booths, as the guys running them, all pause as their jaws drop, while Kimm passes by.
Face, and figure Kimm was a stunner.
She pauses, and I notice her eyes settling on a prize stuffed bear. Luckily it as at one of the games I could beat at times.
To make amends for my late arrival, after a few buys, and some thrown darts. Kimm has the bear in her arms.

The bear medium sized, yet I had to admire it, as she hugged it to her bosom, before giving me another smile, and moving on.
Kimm was looking for some good opponents for a catfight.
What we did not know at the time, as we headed for one of the snack stands, was that lady was already closer than we both knew.

Jackie was beautiful, hot, young and sexy.
Jackie also was turning heads, as she roamed the festival.
Her hair was long, well past her shoulders, a sandy brown, with gentle waves playing through it. The soft, summer breeze, helping to lift it around her at times.
Jackie's features were delicate, and model caliber. Yet this was not some lady afraid of getting her hands dirty.
Jackie was wearing a body hugging black dress.
The dress began with narrow bands over her shoulders. Then dipped nicely down, to reveal a very firm, smooth skinned cleavage.
The dress clinging to her figure like a second skin. Then to stop at the bottom, being well above her knees. Jackie having great legs, that she enjoyed showing off. At times the one strap of her black lace bra showing, as she moved through the crowds.

I would openly admit later, that either Kimm or Jackie made the festival queen and her court, look pale in comparison. Either of these two lovely ladies, outshining them all.

I was holding the bear, as Kimm had a small sample bowl of the strawberries with some whipped topping.
Kimm just turning around, as Jackie sipping on a flavored slush drink, not looking from the other way, begins the introduction.

Jackie had slipped the lid of the plastic cup, as the straw just was not cutting it. The brightly colored slush, leaving the cup, and sloshing out over Kimm, and down her front.
Kimm's eyes widening, as she gasps, while the cold liquid seeps through her top, and over her breasts.
By the way the top begins to cling to them, as well as her nipples showing, as they harden. I can tell Kimm was not wearing a bra, and her breasts were actually that firm, and well formed.
"Watch it bitch!!" Kimm says, as she feels the slush glide down over her belly, and into the top of her shorts.

Jackie had been ready to apologize, until Kimm called her a bitch.
Jackie's body tensing slightly, as she licks her sensuous lips, and turns to me. "Sorry mister, I think they have the live stock over that way, if your wanting to show your pig here." Jackie replies doing the wrong thing, by ignoring Kimm.

Kimm glides her hand through the topping. "Excuse me, but I think your makeup needs fixing." She says, and as Jackie turns to face her fully. Kimm gleefully slaps the hand full of topping into Jackie's face.
While Jackie is sputtering, and trying to clear it from her eyes.
Before I can react, to stop what I knew was coming.
Kimm grabs the front of Jackie's dress, yanks it forward, and dumps the strawberries down it. Pressing it back, and rubbing it in nicely, as Jackie now able to see glares, as she feels the wet, juicy strwberries run over her breasts, across her belly, to slide from under her dress, down her legs.

Kimm is smiling, pleased with her response, when Jackie throws the last of the slush onto her, and shrieking in anger, dives into Kimm. The two going to the ground, hitting, and pulling at hair.

Jackie manages to shove Kimm's top up, exposing Kimm's meaty, firm breasts, for Jackie to begin trying to claw at.
The two rolling from the packed dirt walkway, and into the grass, and mud along the side, as Kimm cries out in pain, as Jackie's nails rake her right breast, including the distended nipple.
Kimm's hand grasping some of the gooey mud.
'Here slut, you need a mud pack, for that ugly thing you call a face." Kimm says, before smearing the mud into, and across Jackie's lovely face.
As Jackie writhes, and tries to wipe it off. Kimm grabs her rolls her, and begins to shove her face into the mud.
Then Kimm begins to yank, and pull Jackie's dress down, until the lovely woman was laying in only her black lace bra, and panties.
Kimm making sure to shove the dress into the mud, as she rolls Jackie over to gloat, only to receive a hard slap to the side of her face. "Bring it you fucking whore!!" Jackie yells at her, as she follows up with a backhand, then bucks her body, as Kimm is momentarily dazed.
I notice one of the event staff now laying a garden hose down, the water running to add to the mud, as the ladies fight.

Jackie begins stripping Kimm's top, and shorts, until the dark haired beauty is rolling in the mud in only her panties, as Jackie slaps, and begins punching Kimm in her large breasts.
Kimm feeling the air being driven from her, as well as the pain, as Jackie lands her blows, to the soft warm skin, of Kimm's heaving breasts.

People had begun to gather from all over, as the news of the catfight began to spread.
Many of them thinking this was just more of the entertainment, before the concert.

Then Kimm manages to land a fist hard, into Jackie's stomach, doubling her up, and leaving her gasping for air.
"Consider it brought slut!!" Kimm tells her, as Kimm rips Jackie's bra off, then begins to give some punches, and slaps to Jackie's nice sized, bare breasts. Kimm then grabbing Jackie, and shifting, as Jackie goes arching over her, to land luckily with a wet splat, into a soft muddy patch, instead of hard ground.
Both ladies now naked except for their panties. Mud, and muddy water smeared or streaming from them both, as they move together, both rising onto their knees, as they begin to grapple.
Chests heaving, breasts rubbing together, as each tries to gain the advantage.

"Give it up whore!!" "Fuck you skank!!" They say to each other, as Kimm slams her more than adequate breasts into Jackie, and soon they go over, with Kimm coming out on top.
Jackie's panties soon spun around and slung away, as Kimm now has her stripped naked.
Jackie trying to cover up, as Kimm begins to pound on her beautiful face, pert breasts, and sleek belly.
"Had enough you cheap bitch!!?" Kimm asks, as Jackie is close to giving in.
The pain in her body, as she knows she will be bruised and very sore within hours.

Then Kimm slips on the mud, slicking Jackie's naked body. As she tries to regain her balance.
Jackie's nails are digging into both of Kimm's firm breasts.
Kimm cry's out, and tries to work herself free. When she is in the right position. Jackie lets her free.
Kimm falls back, and Jackie quickly ads her foot, to Kimm's belly.
Kimm's arms begin to flail, as she falls back, her head hitting on more solid ground. As Jackie returns to the attack.
Kimm's panties go flying, as now Kimm was fully mud slicked and nude as well.
Kimm though was not fighting back I can see, as Jackie begins to punch, and slap her.
Kimm maybe having hit her head harder than I first thought, as I quickly move in, and try to hold, and pull of a naked, wet, and muddy Jackie, from Kimm.

Jackie begins to relax, as I hold her, and she can see Kimm is struggling to sit up, holding her head, and no longer able to fight.
I let her go, and quickly move to Kimm, to hold, and support her, as the crowd applauds, and congratulates Jackie on winning the fight.
They begin to move away, as Jackie comes over to kneel by Kimm, as I hold her, while her head clears.

When Kimm is able to sit up on her own, I move to the event staff member that had the hose, and leave Jackie with her. Knowing for now the fight was over.
I speak to him, and he nods.
A few members of the security come over telling me we had to leave. I nod, and make my plea to them.
They look at the two lovely young ladies, and nod, giving me fifteen minutes, before we would be escorted out if neccessary.

I help both ladies up, and soon they are standing behind one of the stands, for some privacy, while I begin to use the hose on them and their clothing.
The ladies cleaning up very nicely, as the staff member comes back with the towels I had asked for.
The ladies both getting chills, as the mud sluices down, and off their beautiful bodies.
Then they are standing naked, wrapped in the towels, as I admit to them both, even wet and feeling miserable as they were. I would choose either of them as being more beautiful, than any of the event beauty pageant winners.
They stand together, as I move off to pay for the towels, and get them both a wrapped serving of the strawberries, from the festival.

I am happy to see they are making friends, even as they giggle, and turn the hose on me as I return to them.
Then with them wrapped in warm dry towels, and their clothing in plastic bags for now. I leave the strawberry festival, in the company of the two most beautiful ladies attending it.
We head out, just as security is moving to take us, if we did not leave voluntarily.

Then we are chatting, as we head to our cars. It is agreed, we would let the ladies get changed, and head to an early dinner together, as we didn't get to eat at the festival.
I am not surprised as we meet up, to eat. Kimm and Jackie again, are the best looking two ladies in the place.
We have a good time, as I not only maybe was going to have the pleasure of escorting Kimm to another fight, but Jackie as well.

Jackie had won the fight, yet the two were beginning to talk, and share, and yes plan the rematch between them at a different time.
Later they both enjoyed the dessert I had gotten for them both at the festival. This time neither one of them wearing any of it, while I got to have some topping flipped at me from both as they giggled.
Still, it was to be expected, when you enjoy the company of two gorgeous, and high spirited catfighters like Kimm and Jackie.

The end.