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my girlfriend, and his competitor

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Offline amazonas

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my girlfriend, and his competitor
« on: January 22, 2011, 02:07:44 PM »
my girlfriend Melinda 56kg
Timi 48kg

They two people were the best friends once once.
They turned into competitors first,the contact was interrupted although.
Arm wrestling, rope-climbing, sitting up, spelling,but was so who his ass is better for how when they asked the boys in a party.
I did not manage to find out who gained which competition.
Write it measured you think who is the wins!
Write a story possibly,from that direction how the competition and the fight happened how.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2011, 02:19:29 PM by amazonasz »


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2011, 12:07:18 AM »
i would vote for Timi
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

BTW it be nice if you can reply to messages


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2011, 02:08:55 AM »
your girlfriend is a "his"?


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 04:29:29 AM »
your girlfriend is a "his"?

Not all languages have different pronouns for each gender and using the proper gender pronoun is not easy to learn. And some languages don't use pronouns as much as English does. If you are a native English speaker try using the correct article in German. Die, der, den, das, ......
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 12:40:54 AM »
Best Friends Get Competitive!

Melinda 5'2.2" (158cm)  22 years old 125 lbs (56.8 kg)
Timi 5’3” (160 cm) 20 years old 105 lbs (48 kg)

Amazonasz’s girlfriend, Melinda, and Timi were best friends. They were attending college together. During last summer vacation they had gone off to Chicago together. While there they got into a very vicious catfight in a pool hall with some local street bitches, Kinga and her friend Anita. It was a tough fight with Melinda and Timi being victorious. Timi was around 122 lbs (56 kg) at the time and Melinda was 128 lbs (58 kb). The two coeds formed a strong bond after that fight that can only be formed by two women who had fought for each other and protected each others back. Whether it was luck, just the way things turned out, or Timi being the better fighter,  it was Timi who ended up finishing off the two street thuds. This fact made Melinda a little more beholden to Timi than the other way around although neither friend would admit this or bring it up. They continued to protect each others back. If one coed was threatened by a campus bully she or he soon found there were two to take on.

Since that summer Melinda had stayed about the same, maybe losing a kilo or two. But Timi had had some personal problems, among them losing her boyfirend and some family issues. Even with Melinda there to comfort her and help her work through her issues she lost weight, She was now done to 105 lbs. That put her on the slender side but far from anorexic. In fact it was probably a better weight for her short height and she looked quite stunning Now Melinda wasn’t fat, she was fleshy and curvy. But next to the slender Timi she started to look a little bit chunky. If you saw by herself she would like a well filled out sexy woman. But next to Timi she looked a bit chubby. Still there was no overt indication of jealousy by Melinda for her newly svelte friend.

Timi and Melinda were very competitive by nature. They often engaged in friendly competitions that friends get involved in. These competitions were always friendly and each won their share. Both hated to loss but once again no overt display to temper or bad feelings were seen. One day they got to talking about heir fight in Chicago. They started discussing who was stronger, who was the better athlete, who was smarter, who was better looking with the better figure. Before long they had agreed to prove who was better with some little contests.

The first competition was a test of strength – specifically an arm wrestling contest. Melinda chided Timi that her skinny ass would take a real beating in an arm wrestling contest. Timi joked back that being fat was not the same as being strong. She had proved she was the stronger one in the Chicago fight. Seated across a small table they placed their right elbows on the table and clasped hands. Even though they were friends there was quite a bit of jockeying for the best position. They were very competitive friends and each one really wanted to win this first contest to get off to a good start. Several times hands where clinched and reclinched. At other times elbows were repositioned. Finally the two women were satisfied and Melinda counted down from three.

Much as her bravado about being stronger and size not being a factor Timi knew she needed some advantage. She jumped the gun by a half second and pushed Melinda’s arm down about 10 degrees by the time that Melinda reacted. Melinda was able to stop Timi and slowly pushed them back to neutral. Melinda quickly discovered she was stronger than Timi. She could easily have put Timi down in one motion. But she decided to have some fun with her friend and pay her back for jumping the gun. She brought their arms to neutral and then just held them their. Timi was straining as hard as she could. Melinda would tease her by letting Timi push her arm down slightly and then with a show of a great deal of effort force their arms back up and push Timi a little past neutral. Again Melinda would let Timi get the advantage, this time even further down only to right back. This went on for a couple of minutes. Timi was putting in so much effort her muscles began to quiver and shake as they tired. But she felt good that their strength was about equal and, if fact, she had the advantage more often than not.

Finally Melinda decided it was time to put an end to the struggle. She slowly but steadily pushed Timi’s wrist towards the table. She stopped when Timi’s knuckles were about an inch from touching, letting Timi believe she had stopped the flow and could maybe even reverse again. Then Melinda pushed Timi’s knuckles against the table and held them there longer than necessary. That was the right arm. Now they were to test the strength of their left arms. If Timi won that then they would go back to the right arm. Melinda decided it was time to send a message to Timi that could be an intimidation factor for future contests. This time she was ready for Timi’s cheating and reacted at the same time. She slammed Timi’s knuckles hard against the table in a fraction of a second. Timi let out an involuntary yelp as her knuckles were bruised by hitting the table so hard. “Round one to me you little weakling” chided Melinda in a friendly fashion.

The next contest was rope climbing. The two had competed in this before when they were about equal weight. The contests had always been close but Timi won more than she lost. Just as it became obvious to Melinda that she would win the arm wrestling easily so it became evident to Timi that she would win the rope climbing with ease. At twenty pounds lighter Timi could easily haul herself up, almost with her arms alone while Melinda had to use both her arms and legs to climb the roe. Timi thought about teasing Melinda just as Melinda had done to her and let her think she was in the contest. But she decided a slight slip might give the win to Melinda so instead she went up as quickly as possible reaching the top before Melinda was even half way up. Timi slid down and pulled Melinda off the rope. “It’s over, toots. Guess it isn’t easy to haul your lard ass up the rope.” Timi had to get in her jibs after suffering verbal abuse in losing the arm wrestling. Melinda got in her words. “My lard ass is a lot sexier than you bony one. You’re just jealous.” Timi just laughed “We’ll see about that later, droopy, flabby lard ass.”

All this was taking place in the gym where the climbing rope was available. Melinda and Timi now lay down on some mats as the next competition was sit ups. Melinda argued that it should be crunches and not full sit ups. She knew she was at a disadvantage with full sit ups because of her weight and a little extra padding on her middle. But Timi said we agreed on sit ups and that is what it shall be. So they did sits ups. The first one to 50 would be the winner. Once again the svelte Timi used this as an opportunity to show up Melinda and humiliate her. She finished her 50 and was looking fresh as a daisy while Melinda was struggling to get to35. It didn’t even look like she could make 50 so she was glad when Timi called out 50 to end the contest. After losing the first contest Timi had now taken the lead and all due to the fact that she had lost about 20 pounds.

Next up was the spelling bee. Melinda smiled at Timi “I’ll win this for sure you blonde bimbo. Oops, I repeat myself – blonde is synonymous with being dumb. Can you spell synonymous?” “S….y…n…o….n….y….m….o…u…s… SO THERE!” laughed Timi. .Off they went to the coach’s office to find a dictionary for the spelling contest. There was quite a bit of discussion between Melinda and Timi as to the rules. How to make it fair so one wouldn’t find some more obscure word than the other. Finally they enlisted the aid of some others in the gum. They got them to make up identical lists of 50 words. Ten one group would take Melinda off and another Timi so they couldn’t hear each other. They would both spell the same 50 words. The one that got the most correct would be the winner. If there was a draw then tie breaker words would be found. I won’t embarrass Melinda or Timi by indicating he words they got wrong nor will I embarrass myself by having to spell them correctly. Suffice it to say that Timi got 43 words correct. She was feeling confident until it was reported that Melinda got 45 words correct. That was enough for the win and enough for Melinda to lord it over Timi as being a dumb blonde.

The score was all tied up. The tie breaker was who had the better, sexier ass. Was it Melinda’s fuller ass or Timi’s smaller but firmer ass? Again spectators were enlisted to judge. Timi would seem to have the edge as she was wearing very short shorts that appeared to have been painted on. They were frayed Daisy Dukes that even revealed the bottom part of her butt cheeks. No panty lines could be seen. Melinda was dressed in tight jeans which were a little more sedate than Timi’s shorts. Still they were tight enough to show every curve in her butt. The lack of panty lines indicated she was wearing no underwear which seemed to stimulate some of the observers. The contest was going back and forth. It was really a matter of taste. There were those that preferred a bigger ass with large round cheeks and those that preferred a tighter butt but also with nice round cheeks. The score ended up a tie. That is until a new chap walked in. Neither Melinda nor Timi could see him as he approached from the rear.

“What have we here, an ass judging contest?” Timi immediately recognized the voice. It was that of her old boyfirend. Melinda did not indicate if she recognized the voice or not. “Well you can’t really tell unless you see what they feel lie.” With that he placed his palm on a cheek of each woman’s butt. Their breakup had been emotionally hard on Timi but in spite of that it was a friendly break up.  He squeezed and massaged both their butte. It brought back memories to Timi as he always had expert hands. His rubbing her ass had always drove her up the wall with excitement. She felt confident in her victory now. His old feeling would return as he rubbed her ass. He grabbed and squeezed Timi’s butt cheek harder. “Hm, this one is nice and firm. I’ll bet it would be a good fuck.” Then he did the same to Melinda. One might have thought that Melinda would squirm or show some discomfort at having a strange man feeling her butt up. But she seemed to be enjoying it as much as Timi was. “Ah, this one is also firm and has more to it. It is a fantastic ass and is more likely a better fuck than the first one. In fact I know it is.” The bloke let out a sinister laugh as she said that

Timi whirled around and snapped at her ex-boyfriend. “What do you mean by that, you know it would be a better fuck than mine? You’ve never screwed her.”
“That’s what you think” blurted out the ex-boyfriend.
“You mean you slept with my best friend?”
“Yes, and while we were dating.”
“How could you?”
“She said that best friends shared. Since she seemed OK with it so did I.”

Timi was fuming. She didn’t stop to say anything to Melinda. She felt betrayed by Melinda. Her boyfirend she could excuse, but not Melinda, her supposed best friend. She whirled like a woman scorned and nailed a hard right on Melinda’s cheek.

Melinda had been standing there open mouth. She was startled that Martin, the ex-boyfriend, had reveled their indiscretion. They had vowed to keep it a secret. After all it wasn’t like it was an affair. Melinda’s boyfriend, Amazonasz, did not attend the university and it had been awhile since she had been with him. A little alcohol, or maybe a lot of alcohol, lowered their inhibitions and one thing lead to another. In truth of fact, neither was all that inhibited so once they had had sex it was easier the next time with less alcohol. But Melinda did feel guilty and put a stop to it after a few romps under the sheets.

Timi’s punch came completely unexpectedly. Timi hit her as she whirled and though she only weight\ed 105 lbs her momentum put a lot of force behind the blow. Melinda’s head was snapped to the side. Timi was in full attack mode in her rage. She swung her left and caught Melinda squared on the nose and mouth. Blood started to flow out of her nose and from her cut lip. Melinda’s knees were already buckling when Timi followed u with a uppercut to Melinda’s chin and a left to her stomach. Down with Melinda in a daze. Timi dropped down on Melinda and straddled her belly. She began punching Melinda back and forth across the face with alternating hands. Melinda was completely defenseless as Timi wailed away on her.

Martin grabbed Timi around the waist and lifted her off of Melinda. He held her off the floor as Timi struggled to get free to go after Melinda. Her arms flailed everywhere and her legs kept kicking into the air. She was a handful and Martin had all he could do to hold onto the furious woman. Melinda lay on her back barely conscious. She groaned and rolled her head back and forth. She could feel the warm blood running from her nose and mouth. She reached up and whipped it away, getting her sleeve covered with blood. “OK, she had slept with Martin but that didn’t excuse the bitch from trying to kill her. At least not without hearing her side of the story.”  Thought Melinda. She could hear Timi screaming like a banshee and cursing lie a bloody sailor. She was handing down from Martin’s grip around her waist and thrashing with her arms and legs.

Melinda stayed down for several minutes. It was an indication of just how angry and furious Timi was because she didn’t let up her screaming and thrashing the whole time. At last Melinda got to her feet. “Shut up and listen, bitch” she said to Timi. But Timi just spit in her face and tried to get at her. Melinda wound up and slugged Timi on the side of the head. “I said shut up, bitch.” The blow made Timi momentarily silent but ti was clear she was about ready to start up again. So Melinda hit her a couple of times in the stomach. That knocked the air out of Timi and she was gasping for breath instead of screaming. Also her legs and arms went quiet.

Martin opened his arms and Timi slumped to the floor. Melinda knew there was no use trying to argue with Timi or explain what had happened at this point. So she pulled Timi up by the hair. Putting her hands on Timi’s shoulder she pushed her backward against a wall. Timi tried to push back but Melinda’s extra weight was too much for her and she stumbled backward until she hit the wall. Melinda curled her fingers around Timi’s blouse and slapped her back and forth across the face with her other hand. A few buttons popped off where Melinda had ahold of her blouse. “I said shut up and listen, Timi.”

But Timi was listening to anything. This woman had fucked her best friend’s boyfriend behind her back. There was no excuse for that. She had to pay. Timi reached out and grabbed Melinda’s hair with one hand. With her right hand she clawed at Melinda’s face trying to gouge her eyes. The phrase “I’ll scratch our eyes out” was operative. Melinda countered by grabbing Timi’s hair and banging her head against the wall with her right hand. Her left hand pounded into Timi’s firm stomach. Melinda pinned Timi against the wall and continued to pound on her until Timi stopped struggling. Then she let Timi fall to the floor. She pulled her out from the wall by the feet. Walking up over her she sat down on Timi’s stomach not very gently. She had Timi trapped under her. Not only was Timi weakened from the blows but Melinda’s weight was too much for her anyway. Melinda moved up to put her shins on Timi’s biceps in a schoolgirl pin. She bounced on Timi’s chest to crush Timi’s breasts, breasts Melinda had always been jealous of.

Timi had a lot of adrenaline flowing from her rage. She was physically out gunned but she wasn’t going to give up without a fight. She braced her legs and bucked. This sent Melinda forward and her head crashed against the wall. Melinda placed her hands on the wall and pushed Timi back down. Timi bucked again. This time Melinda was ready. She braced her hands against the wall to protect her head. But Melinda’s weight was too far forward on Timi. Timi twisted as she bridged and pulled herself out from under Melinda. Before Melinda could turn and grab her she rolled away and scampered to her feet. Her nose flaring like an angry bull and her teeth gritted in a tight clinch, Timi started to move in on Melinda as Melinda slowly turned to get up and face her adversary. .
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 06:13:35 AM »
hey, good story  :D


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 04:31:54 PM »
Blonde would beat the overweight brunette, fat cow would be panting and wheezing out of breathe after the first minute of the fight with Timi knocking her around and finally knocking her out


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 03:30:54 AM »
Got to agree with Tuff Dawn -- Timi would win, no problem.


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2011, 08:37:23 PM »
Best Friends Get Competitive!

The initial encounter between Timi and Melinda had ended with Timi on her feet ready to charge at Melinda once again. Melinda was on her knees turning towards Melinda. The back of Timi’s head had a lump where Melinda had banged it against the wall and her stomach ached from some blows. Melinda had a sore jaw where Timi had started it all by slugging her. Her forehead was bruised where she had hit the wall. She also had some scratches on her face. But neither woman was feeling the pain. Timi was of one mind. She wanted to rip Melinda to shreds and tear out all her hair. She was the wronged one and wanted to get her claws into the so called friend who had slept with her boyfirend behind her back. It didn’t matter they were no longer boyfirend and girlfriend. It was the betrayal by her best friend had infuriated her.

Melinda wasn’t as enraged as Timi butt she wasn’t going to let this blonde bimbo scratch her face up. If she would just listen to reason she would know that her sleeping with Martin was just one of those alcohol induced flings and had only occurred a few times. In addition Melinda wasn’t so sure that Timi and Amazonasz didn’t have biblical knowledge of each other. She had seen the way Amazonasz stared at Timi when he thought Melinda wasn’t looking. And maybe Timi’s innocent flirting with Amazonasz wasn’t so innocent. The truth was that Timi’s flirtations with Amazonasz where only innocent and nothing had occurred between them. But by the time Melinda turned to face Timi and started to stand up she was convinced that Timi had fucked Amazonasz. And their relationship was much more serious, they being almost engaged. Melinda used this reasoning to also become like a woman scorned who wanted to tear apart Timi.

Timi reached Melinda just as Melinda was standing up but not quite fully erect. Her claws stretched out for Melinda’s hair. Melinda tried to grab Timi’s wrists but she was off balanced and missed them. Timi’s hands went deep into Melinda’s hair. Her momentum carried her into Melinda and drove the already off balance Melinda backwards. Timi kept pushing the stumbling Melinda back and yank her head side to side by the hair until Melinda hit the wall. That allowed Melinda to regain her balance. Her arms had been windmilling trying not to stumble over backward. Once she hit the wall she reacted instinctively and grabbed big clumps of Timi’s blonde hair with both hands. Timi and Melinda became engaged in a furious hairpulling fight, intent on pulling out hair and yanking the others head off.

They started moving around the room in a kind of random walk whipping each other from side to side and backward and forward. Melinda’s weight and strength were advantages and allowed her to whip Timi further to the side and move her around more. Timi was more agile and quicker. As Melinda whipped her around she was able to move to stay on her feet. She knew it would be a mistake to let Melinda get her down to the floor where she could use her weight to pin Timi down. Not that Timi was logically thinking this through but it didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that. Melinda also knew it and was trying to throw Timi off her feet. The damned bitch was too good on her feet and just wouldn’t go down. The hairpulling was a fairly equal fight. Melinda had the strength and weight over Timi but Timi had the rage and intensity. Much as Melinda tried to conjure up a reason to hate Timi it was a bit artificial and not as emotional or intense as Timi’s fury.

Melinda tried tripping Timi but Timi just stepped around her leg. Melinda was so concentrating on trying to bend Timi down or trip her up that it didn’t register that Timi had let go her hair with her right hand. That is it didn’t register until a loud slap sounded and Melinda’s cheek stung from a hard slap. It was right on the spot where Time had slugged her. Melinda let go of Timi’s hair with both hands and grabbed the front of her blouse with her left so she could step back. She slapped Timi even harder with a big swing. SMACH! SMACK! She hit Timi with the palm o f her hand and then the back of her hand on the return. Timi’s buttons had already been popped. Her struggles to get free caused her blouse to open even more as the last few buttons popped off.

Timi slapped Melinda again then grabbed her shoulders. She dug her claws into Melinda’s shoulders and yanked down. This caused both sleeves of Melinda’s blouse to rip at the seams and fall down her arms. Timi gave a hard slap on the fleshy upper arms of Melinda. Melinda grabbed Timi’s hair again with her left hand. She yanked Timi’s head to the side keeping her off balance. She curled her fingers around the opened blouse and tore Timi’s blouse fully open. Melinda followed up my hooking her fingers into Timi’s bra. She pulled down hard. The bra didn’t break but slide down off of Timi’s breasts and then curled under pushing them up.

Timi had almost perfectly shaped breasts. They were a C-cup when she weighed twenty pounds more. Now they were a B-cup but even firmer. Their cone shape made them stick almost straight out and did so even more with the bra cupped underneath them. Timi wasn’t embarrassed by her breasts being exposed other than the fact that it was a point of honor between women as to whose breasts got exposed first. Melinda’s blouse was a pullover without buttons and it wasn’t as easy to tear it open. So instead Timi didn’t waste a step in taking ahold of Melinda’s hair and slapping her several times back and forth across the face. Then she went back to two handed hairpulling, pulling in opposite directions to rip locks of hair out. Melinda squealed in pain with each lock that came out.

Melinda did the same to Timi, grabbing huge clumps of hair in each hand and pulling in opposite directions. The pain was horrible but Melinda made the mistake of grabbing as much hair as she could. It hurt but not as much as the small strands Timi grabbed. Also it was harder to pull out with so many roots to pull. Once again the two women staggered around the room in a hairpulling frenzy. Slaps were thrown every now and then as the two women caterwauled around the room. A few kicks to the shins were added as the battle was escalating. Timi seemed to be the more experienced hairpulling and always went for small strands. More brunette hair was falling to the floor than blonde.

The two women fought as women often fight. That is not so much as to knock the other out and end the fight quickly but more to inflict as much pain as possible as long as possible. It was to show you could dish out more pain and withstand more pain to prove you were the better woman. I’m not sure why it took so long but finally Melinda decided to attack the one area she could that Timi couldn’t. She reached down with her right hand and grabbed Timi’s left breast. As Melinda curled her fingers and nails into Timi’s natural breast Timi reached down to pull her hand off. It was a futile effort as Timi’s breast was just the right size for Melinda to engulf.  She had a good grip and held on tightly. There was no way Timi could break it. She dug her nails into the back of Melinda’s hand. But Melinda just squeezed and twisted harder.

Timi tried to get at Melinda’s breast but without a lot of success. She had trouble ripping Melinda’s pull over blouse with its neckline just below the neck. Damn, too  bak Melinda wasn’t wearing a blouse with a lot of cleavage. Melinda’s sleeves were ripped down but it was at the seams and didn’t provide any tear to rip open further to expose Melinda’s breasts. So Timi raked her sharp nails down Melinda’s exposed arms. She left four deep scratches on each fleshy arm. Then she grabbed both of Melinda’s tits through her blouse. Melinda had larger breasts than Timi now that Timi had lost weight. They were rounder and flatter than Timi’s conical ones but still firm. Timi curled her fingers in as best she could though the fabric. The situation wasn’t as much in Melinda’s favor as it seemed even though Timi’s breasts were exposed. Turns out Melinda wasn’t wearing a bra so all there was between Timi’s nails Melinda’s tit flesh was the blouse fabric.

Both women were feeling pain from having their breasts clawed, squeezed and twisted. But the advantage was definitely with Melinda. Timi’s breasts fit entirely in her hand and it felt to Timi like Melinda might rip her tits off completely. Timi countered as best she could by locating Melinda’s nipples which had grown larger and firmer. She squeezed and twisted the nipples. Melinda kept up her attack on Timi’s boobs by pushing her back against the wall and pinning her there. Now she could concentrate fully on brutalizing Timi’s breasts.  She could push in harder as Timi was pressed against the wall.

Timi knew she was losing the battle of the breasts and went back to hard hairpulling. She yanked Melinda’s head back and forth letting go once in awhile to slap Melinda’s face. Melinda had to bet go of one of Timi’s breasts long enough to slap back to let Timi know she could slap harder. Then she went back to mauling Timi’s breasts. It was sort of a stalemate. Melinda getting more and more hair ripped out and Timi’s breasts becoming scratched and bruised.

Finally in desperation and with increased strength caused by adrenaline flow Timi managed to grab Melinda’s blouse and rip it down. Melinda’s breasts were now fully exposed for attack. Melinda didn’t let it happened. Instead she let go of Timi’s tits and grabbed her hair to pin her tight against the wall. Then she pressed her breasts into Timi’s. “My breasts are far superior to your little titties as you will soon find out.” Melinda began to press and grind her tits into Timi’s already bloody and bruised tits..
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2011, 06:08:32 PM »
Best Friends Get Competitive!

Timi’s blouse had been pulled wide open and her bra pulled down below her breasts. It acted better than a push up bra as it lifted Timi’s breasts straight out. Timi’s natural B-cup breasts were conical and stood firm and erect without the need of a push up bra and this only emphasized her perkiness. Melinda’s pull over blouse had been torn to expose her breasts. Melinda’s C-cup breasts were rounder and hung down slightly but were still nice and firm as those of a young woman. Melinda had Timi pressed against the wall. Her wider, larger breasts covered Timi’s perky ones as she pressed her tits into Timi’s.  They folded around Timi’s breasts as Melinda pushed up and in. This wasn’t all to Melinda’s benefit as Timi’s firm breasts pushed into Melinda’s and Melinda could feel her hard nipples against her breasts as she raked her tits back and froth across Timi’s.

Timi had a good grip on Melinda’s hair and was fighting back by yanking Melinda’s head around as hard as she could. Melinda had freed her arms from abusing Timi’s ‘little titties’ by using her own breasts to continue the punishment of the already sore and tender breasts. She caught ahold of Timi’s wrists and after a tough struggled pulled Timi’s fingers out of her hair. At first she spread Timi’s arms out wide and held her wrists against the wall in a crucifix position. She moved in to press her whole body against Timi’s. Breasts pushed breasts, stomach pushed stomach, and hips pressed against hips. Melinda had a small pot belly. She wasn’t fat but her extra weight made her stomach protrude just a tad. Timi could feel Melinda’s stomach press into her flat one and then release every time Melinda took a breath in and out.

Melinda was dominating Timi’s breasts and body with her own and she was enjoying the feeling. She moved Timi’s wrists up so her arms were stretched straight up over her head. Most women hate to be held this way with her hands held above their head as it emphasizes their helplessness and their domination by the other woman. Melinda wasn’t satisfied with pressing her body against Timi’s and holding her this way. She moved her feet to the side and pressed her thigh in between Timi’s thighs. She now could press and rub her tight against Timi’s clit. No matter that Melinda’s jeans and Timi’s shorts made skin on skin contact impossible. The effect of Melinda holding Timi helpless, grinding her body and tits against hers and now stimulating her clitoris, even if through fabric, was having it’s effect on Timi, and Melinda of course. Much as Timi tried to resist her emotions Melinda’s dominance stirred primordial stimulations. Melinda was dominating Timi and showing her she was more woman than Timi was.

“So now you see why Martin knows I am the better fuck and more woman than you” Melinda whispered into Timi’s ear. She tried to press a kiss on Timi’s lips but Timi turned her head. Melinda kept at it as Timi turned her head from side to side. Finally she caught Timi square on the lips. She pressed in hard with a full, wet kiss. Melinda tried to push her tongue in but Timi was still resisting and kept her teeth clinched.
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2011, 09:39:19 PM »
Best Friends Get Competitive!

Melinda had Timi pressed hard against the wall. She was pressing her larger tits hard into Timi’s. Her pulsating belly was pushing in and out against Timi’s flat stomach. Melinda’s thigh was rubbing her clitoris up and down through her shorts. Melinda had forced a diss on Timi and was kissing her harder and harder. Melinda completed her dominance of Timi by pinning her wrists against the wall with Timi’s arms stretched straight up.

Timi was furious with Melinda for cheating with her boyfriend behind her back. It was easy at first to resist Melinda and, in fact, get madder and madder as Melinda forced her sexual advances on her. She wanted to get back at Melinda but Melinda was too big and strong for her. She had her pinned and there was little Timi could do about it. Melinda’s thigh against her clit made it even impossible for her to try and knee Melinda in the crotch. Melinda increased her sexual attack on Timi. She started rubbing her whole body against Timi’s while still massaging her vagina with her thigh. Timi tried to move her head to the side as Melinda kissed her harder. Melinda took her bottom lip between her teeth to prevent this. It wasn’t a hard bit to cause pain but a nibble as might be done during foreplay or even at the height of intercourse. Ask Amazonasz, Melinda loved to nibble on lips.

Timi’s resistance was lowering. Her initial anger at Melinda began to fade as old desires came back. Timi had never had sex with another woman and really didn’t have much desire to do so. But as her friendship with Melinda had grown she couldn’t help but feeling certain arousals as she looked at Melinda’s curvy, womanly body. They had been very close friends and had often been naked in each others presence. Timi couldn’t help but take quick glances at Melinda’s body in admiration. Melinda had done the same. Physical contact had occurred from time to time. A few of these times Timi could feel a slight arousal. She quickly forced any such thoughts out of her mind. Melinda felt them also and didn’t try to force herself to stop. She had a desire for Timi and Timi’s body but knew Timi wasn’t ready just yet and to press it would end their friendship. Now Melinda had Timi trapped and could force her stimulations on her in the guise of a fight.

Melinda increased her sexual attack on Timi. She could hear the change in the breathing of Timi. She could also feel Timi’s body turn from resisting to compliance to participation. Timi began to pant but not from the effort of fighting. She began to move her body against Melinda’s in both unison and in contrast to increase the massaging of one body by another. Melinda could feel Timi’s nipples grow more erect and harden. They hurt her own breasts a little as Melinda kept pressing her tits against Timi’s. Timi returned Melinda’s kiss and inserted her tongue in Melinda’s mouth allowing Melinda to do the same to her. Timi began moving up and down on Melinda’s thigh. It wasn’t long before Melinda felt Timi’s wetness through her shorts and through the jeans covering her thigh. Melinda knew it wouldn’t be too many more seconds before Timi would reach orgasm.

It would seem that Melinda’s domination and even humiliation of Timi would be complete by making her cum first. Unexpectedly even to Melinda, a darker, crueler side of her rose to the surface. Timi had called her a “back stabbing, two-bit whore” and a few other nasty curses. Timi had to pay for that and had to take those words back. Melinda wasn’t about to let Timi off so easily and even in enjoyment as she stimulated her to orgasm. No, Timi would have to wait – be driven to the point of orgasm and then denied it. Melinda once again took Timi’s lower lip between her teeth. This time is wasn’t so gentle as she bit down to sink her teeth into Timi’s lips. She rose up on her tit toes and then pressed down on Timi’s tits. This pushed Timi’s tits hard against the stiff upper edge of her bra. The bra cut into the tender underside of her breasts as Melinda shove down with her weight adding to the pressure on Timi’s breasts.

Timi went from ecstasy to pain as blood seeped out of her lip and her breasts screamed out in pain. Melinda released Timi’s lip as Timi screamed. She moved back slightly to get a better look at Timi’s tortured face as she also rose up on her toes to slam her breasts down on Timi’s for a second time. Timi saw her chance if only a small one. She pulled her head back against the wall and then drove her forehead down and forward. She caught Melinda square on the bridge of her nose. Melinda gave a curling scream of pain and let go of Melinda’s arms to cover her nose. The pain was incredible. Anyone who has even been hit on the bridge of their nose knows the intense, searing pain which causes the eyes to water and tear.

Melinda stepped back holding her nose. Timi was even angrier than when she first heard Melinda had slept with her boyfriend if that was possible. And Melinda had slept with her boyfriend MORE THAN ONCE! Now she was embarrassed at having given in to feelings she didn’t even know she had. She had been unable to fight back as Melinda raped her – yes that is what Timi decided – and, what was worse gave in to her. Then as she was about to reach a climax what could have been the strongest climax of her life Melinda double crossed her again biting her lip bloody and punishing her breasts even worse than before. Another betrayal and Timi wasn’t going to let Melinda get away with it. Timi was further embarrassed that her shorts were soaked in front like she had peed her pants.

Timi went at Melinda as the teary eyed Melinda stumbled backward holding her nose. Timi gave her a closed fist shot on the nose. Melinda’s hands were covering her nose but the punch was hard enough to produce a new shot of pain and more water in her eyes. Everything was blurry for Melinda as she tried to back up to get away from Timi. Timi moved right with her throwing punches. Some were at Melinda’s nose to keep her squealing with pain. But others were to her breasts and stomach. Melinda couldn’t see the blows coming clearly and Timi was having an easy time hitting Melinda where she wanted. Melinda was forced backward until she bumped into the wall. Melinda’s pullover had been ripped down and was hanging at her waist. She was braless in part to Timi and in part to herself as she wanted to maul Timi’s tits with her own boobs. Timi grabbed the blouse and jerked Melinda forward. At the same time she delivered a shot with her close right fist to Melinda’s left breast. She flattened it and then it bounced and giggled as she pulled her fist back.

Timi pulled Melinda’s blouse down over her hips and let it drop to the floor. Then she went back to some serious punching. Mainly she alternated hitting Melinda’s large tits but some blows went to the belly. She wanted to smash Melinda in the crotch but Melinda’s legs were too tight together for that to be effective. If Melinda tried to block her punches to her tits or belly Melinda would slam her in the nose. The worst hit was a handed open shot with the heel of her hand to the bottom of Melinda’s nose driving it up as if she were trying to drive her nose between her eyes. The blow was excruciatingly painful but fortunately for Melinda she was moving her head back and so less damage was done than might have been occurred otherwise. The sting filled Melinda’s eyes completely with tears. She couldn’t see anything clearly, only through a watery distortion.

Timi was taking out all her anger on Melinda’s tits. There was some jealousy behind each blow. Timi had thought of bodying up to Melinda and crushing Melinda’s tits with her own. But her tits were too tender for that. Instead she started alternating upper cuts to Melinda’s tits which were heavy enough to hand down more than out. Timi would drive them up so they bounced against her chest and then flop around as they fell down again. Melinda was in a panic. She couldn’t see well enough to defend herself. She started swinging wildly like a madwoman. Timi had little trouble in ducking or avoiding the roundhouse punches and counter with some more upper cuts to Melinda’s tits or a blow to her belly. That is until Melinda changed her timing. She caught Timi on the side of her left temple with a wild roundhouse swing. The blow rocked Timi’s head and drove her ear against her shoulder. The blow had caught Timi square where it didn’t turn her head, which would have lessened the blow. Rather it drove her head sideways and down.

Timi was rocked and dazed. She wasn’t quite out on her feet but not far from it. She staggered to the side trying to stay on her feet. Only her agility and superb balance kept her erect. Melinda was rubbing her eyes trying to clear them enough to go after Timi. She took ahold of her painful nose between her thumb and index finger and moved it side to side slightly. She winced from the pain but was happy to find the cartilage wasn’t broken. Surprisingly she didn’t even have a nose bleed. “Damn, I’m tough” she thought with some satisfaction. “Now where is that fucking bitch?”
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 09:41:06 PM by byline »
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 04:53:29 PM »
It is this truth Fight story or it is Make up story  ??? ::)

I think you have just paid me the greatest compliment! Thanks! Melinda is Amazonasz's girlfriend so it might be better for you to ask him.

So who do you think won this fight?
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #12 on: February 18, 2011, 08:38:37 PM »
Melinda’s eyes finally cleared. She was extremely angry. Timi had come close to breaking her nose. Even worse she could have shoved her nose up into her head between her eyes. The bitch could have seriously hurt her or even had killed her with that blow. Melinda spotted Timi to the side still stumbling around half out of it from the blow to her temple. Melinda grabbed Timi’s left hand and spun the dazed girl around to face her. She let go of Timi’s arm and wrapped a bear hug around her.

“Time to crush those measly tits of yours and finish you off, BITCH!” snapped Melinda at Timi. The dazed Timi wasn’t sure what was happening until she felt Melinda’s arms tighten around her. The pain from Melinda’s tits once again crushing her battered and tender tits brought her around. She tried to struggle and pushed on Melinda’s shoulders to free herself. Melinda was too strong and had too tight a grip for Timi to break free. Melinda leaned back and lifted Timi off her feet. Melinda bounced up and down causing further punishment to Timi’s bruised breasts.

The hard blow to Timi’s temple had done more than almost knock her out. As she was wandering around in a stupor she started thinking or more likely dreaming in a haze. Her foggy mind wasn’t too clear but she was starting to wonder exactly why she was so angry at Melinda and fighting her. So angry that she tried to shove Melinda’s nose into her face. Perhaps it was the initial rage of finding out her best friend had betrayed her. But they had been best friends up until now. And Martin was a creep who she had tossed out long ago. It turns out Melinda wasn’t the only woman he had screwed right under her nose. The guy wasn’t worth fighting over so what the fuck was she doing.

That last thought stuck with her as she came out of her fog. Timi was having trouble breathing. Not only was Melinda squeezing her tightly with the bearhug but every time she took a breath her chest expanded and caused more pain in her tits pressed against Melinda’s. Melinda was leaning back with Timi leaning over on top of her with her feet totally off the ground. Thus even her own weight was helping to crush her tits. Timi’s arms hung down limply as she had just come out of her stupor.

Timi had trouble speaking but she managed to whisper into Melinda’s ear> “Let me go. Why are we fighting over him. He’s not worth it.”
Melinda: “Don’t take me for a fool. You’re getting beat and you just want me to let you go so you can sneak attack me again.”
Timi: “I won’t, I promise. If nothing else we shouldn’t be fighting in front of Martin giving him the pleasure of seeing us fight.”
Melinda: “Maybe you’re right about that. But I still don’t trust you. I’m not giving up my advantage over you.”
Timi: “At least let’s settle this in private, away from his eyes.”
Melinda: “Hm, I might actually like that.”
Melinda said that but she was thinking “ still want to humiliate you in front of everyone for sucker punching me.”

Melinda released her bear hug and let Timi slid down to her feet. In one motion she swung Timi around as Timi hit the floor. She twisted Timi’s right arm up behind her back. She threw her left around Timi’s chest and grabbed her Timi’s right shoulder to hold her in place. “Let’s go settle this in private” she whispered to Timi as she used the armlock to force her across the floor towards a small room. She smiled to let every one know she had complete control and domination over the little shit.
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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2011, 01:55:22 PM »
Good story,I would really like to hear how this continues! :o ;D


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Re: my girlfriend, and his competitor
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2011, 07:21:04 PM »
Best Friends Get Competitive!

Timi tried to resist Melinda pushing her towards the door leading into another private room. Each time she dug in her heels to push back Melinda would jerk her arm up behind her back. The increased pain would force Timi to start moving again if she didn’t want her arm broken. Melinda was in control now. When they reached the doorway Melinda gave Timi a big shove and sent her stumbling into the room. Melinda closed the door and locked it as Timi went flying across room. The room wasn’t so small after all. It was filled with gymnastic equipment where gymnasts could train on various apparatus. Timi slammed into a pommel horse. The agile and light Timi grabbed the pommels and swung her legs up and over to put the pommel horse between her and Melinda who was right behind her. Melinda tried to grab Timi but Timi kept her distance with the horse between them.

“Come on and fight, you coward, and get your assed whipped!” shouted Melinda at Timi. Timi laughed and stuck out her tongue at Melinda. “Come and get me, you fat, slow cow” Timi thrust out her chin daring Melinda to take a swipe at it come after her. Melinda tried the maneuver that Timi had done. But she didn’t have the upper body strength to lift her extra weight up and over smoothly as Timi had done. Also she had to do it from a standstill whereas Timi had her momentum to help her up and over. Melinda was afraid of being caught half way across the horse in a position where Timi would get the advantage. She began chasing Timi around the horse.

“I always was better at gymnastics than you” chided Timi. “Look how easily I won the rope climbing contest. Care for a contest on the pommel horse? Or maybe the parallel bars…. Or the balance beam…. Heaven forbid you could lift your fat ass up on the rings” Timi continue to chide Melinda as Melinda chased her around and around. Timi was much too fast for Melinda. She would let Melinda get close and then dash or twist away just to tease her. If Melinda stopped and went the other way Timi would do the same only with a little bit of an “attitude” as if to say “Ha, ha, you can’t catch me.”

Recovering from her beating Timi was having fun teasing Melinda. She got braver and braver letting Melinda get closer and closer by always able to dodge or twist away. Melinda was getting more and more frustrated as well as winded chasing Timi around and around, back and forth. As Timi cut it real close Melinda made an extra lunge across the horse. She caught Timi’s blonde hair streaming out behind her. Timi snapped to a halt as her head was jerked back. Melinda continued to pull, bending Timi back over the horse to the side of the left most pommel. Timi was draped over the horse, head hanging down on one side and legs on the other with her belly sticking up in the air. Melinda gave Timi a chop on her belly. Timi actually bounced from the blow. Melinda gave her another and another blow really working Timi’s hard belly over.

Perhaps it was better if Timi couldn’t see the evil grin on Melinda’s face as a sinister idea popped into her head. Melinda pulled Melinda further over the horse so her pussy was sticking straight up. Melinda clamped her knees on the side of Timi’s head to keep her in place. She undid the button on Timi’s shorts and unzipped them. They were still wet from when Melinda had stimulated Timi almost to orgasm when she had her trapped against the wall. Melinda slid the shorts down and then let them fall down off of Timi’s legs to the floor. Since Timi eschewed panties her clitoris was exposed to view. Melinda used her left hand to spread Timi’s dangling legs further apart. She inserted the fingers of her right hand into Timi’s vagina and began messaging. It didn’t take long before Timi’s juices began flowing again in response to Melinda’s skillful fingers. Melinda had stimulated herself on occasion with her boyfriend wasn’t around so she knew exactly where and how to stimulate the G-spot. Her own juices started to flow dampening her jeans.

“I have beaten you in a fight and now you are going to be my sex slave” panted Melinda as her own breathing heavier with excitement. Timi could barely hear Melinda with her ears covered by Melinda’s knees but she heard enough. Melinda couldn’t hear Timi’s muffled voice say “Not just yet, I’m not.” Timi grabbed the back of Melinda’s calves with her hands and swung her legs up and over. It wasn’t hard as she was already on her butt. Timi clamped her thighs on Melinda’s head. Her wet pussy slid down Melinda’s face as Timi completed her head scissors. She had Melinda’s head trapped with her mouth and nose pushed against her wet pussy.

Melinda attempted to squeeze her knees harder against Timi’s head but Timi had the much better grip with her thighs around Melinda’s head. Timi’s momentum carried Melinda over backward. The tumbled and then rolled to the side with the double headscissors. Except Timi was able to extract her head as Melinda’s knee grip was not good enough to hold Timi’s head trapped. .Timi wrapped both her arms around Melinda’s legs to hold them to the side and keep Melinda from using them. She didn’t’ want Melinda to clamp another headscissors on her nor use her legs to somehow escape.

Timi arched her back, wiggled her hips and squirmed to rub hr wet pussy on Melinda’s face. “Now who is whose sex slave?” gasped Timi through her heavy breathing. “You are going to service me now, you bitch. Let’s see if your tongue is as magical as your fingers. Do it, CUN! Use your tongue or I’ll crush your fucking head.” Timi squeezed hard to show she meant business.
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