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Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #30 on: February 06, 2011, 02:59:21 AM »
Laurie Breeze .. lovin the evil kitties  so have to warn you ....

You have yet to see Jonica's Grrrrrrr .......   Before when she was standing behind Gemma.. she had the other ladies concerned as she bared claws and gave that sound...  :o

Then lovely Megan ... the girl as guts as she is daring to tempt Gemma by getting near her famed arse ...  don't let the fact Gemma is gorgeous fool you... the tattooed temptress can fight!! While looking good as she does it... think they are even thinking of changing the product line to GemmaBoxers   sorry bout that Joe.. LOL



Offline Laurie Breeze

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« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2011, 01:56:23 PM »
I'm with ya too, Josie. There's been way too much nastiness, negativity 'n bad drama lately from a few people who are taking this 'n themselves way too seriously. It's getting really old really fast. Yeesh, it's all supposed to be about having fun. The world isn't gonna end if any of us doesn't win a poll fight. Unless you bet money on a poll, is it really necessary to bitch if it doesn't go the way ya want?

Lighten up, sports fans.  ;)  You're ripping all the fun out of this. We put ourselves out there so that we can have fun 'n just as important, so that you can have fun too. We'll take the trash talking, give it back, 'n try not to let it show if a comment or two really hurts us. Because we want everyone to have fun. I may win, I may lose, that's the way it goes. I'm not gonna take a swan dive off Lincoln's head at Mt. Rushmore if I lose a poll fight. LOL

Fun. It's a nice lil word. Let's all try to remember it, okay?  :) ;) 8) :-*

Okay, I'll jump off my soapbox now. Wait. I think I'll stay up here a lil bit longer. It's fun being tall for a change!  ;D

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Offline Flightgrl

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« Reply #32 on: February 06, 2011, 02:46:34 PM »
First of all Conspiracyfrankie...i can beat Lauren,without anything being 'fixed' on here,and i was told that the option to vote for 6 girls was added a bit late,which might account for the "sudden number of votes"?? how about you get Your facts,before You comment on something,and hurt someones feelings?..or just don't bother at all.
Josie,i know we haven't met,chatted yet,but i do want to bump into You,after Joanne beats You,i know You'll need a few days rest,and then we can set something up Hun,and don't quit polls because of a guy..a guy's opinion?,please Hun,not worth it,lol!
Laurie_catfighter,Emily,Laurie Breeze,Megan and all other girls here, glad to see everyone sticking together on this little issue,but also know when it's time to trash talk and fight,we'll be at it again,lol

No,You did not read my name wrong, i do travel, alot.
Also,there's this Redneck Jerk who's spreading rumors about me,that aren't true,lol ignore him, if You believe him,You're as Stupid as he is!!


Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #33 on: February 06, 2011, 05:15:55 PM »
YAYYYYY Heidi is still safe somewhere !!!!! Hugs.. love and lots of hot cocoa for her !!!
Yes .... vote amount did change, as quick as I could get help doing it. WHY.. Heidi ummm hope your not including me in the guy bashing, as YES I do listen and give a darn about you ladies. Having fun with you, and trying to do what I can to make these fun and pleasing for you all. So seeing some of you NOT happy with it, as set up asked for it to be changed.
Loving your rematch with Lauren ....  Flightgrl and Lauren have become a total classic rivalry all on their own.

EVIL KITTIES FRONT and CENTER !!!  Ummmm okay first Jonica and now Gemma being quiet.. stop purring and tell me what you did to them. You know they are two of my fave ladies and buddies here right??  If I have to I will give mouth to mouth to them both while.. Sighhhhhhh loving every minute of it of course.. LOL
Megan and Laurie Breeze ....  (running to grab Laurie just in time before she takes the plunge from Mount Rushmore..) Megan purring louder, as she wonders if the evil kitties will get a spanking for some of their actions... LOL
LOVING the way you 2 are enjoying and having fun with this..
DEFINATELY going to have to chat you 2 and maybe write something for you as evil kitties soon. You two definately welcome in the things I run, and have become very welcome additions here, to the buddy list, and yeahhh a place of your own in my heart.

JONICA !! GEMMA!! I just know the two of you are cooking up some positively naughty plans for the kitties... soon as they turn that corner to find you both waiting, and smiling. Ready for anything. I like the kitties a lot but I LOVED you ladies first. NEVER doubt you 2 have earned a place in my heart that is yours always... you honored me as very few have ever before, letting me be part of your fun, and craziness. Never to be forgotten by me for sure.

JOSIE weather alert .. watch that beautiful face and figure of yours.. I think that HAWT N sexy Joanne is stockpiling snowballs to pelt you with. The gorgeous grlwrestler smiling as she charges for that hand full of hair... ladies Joanne and Josie.. hope you see, not just by the votes but our comments here. WE LOVE YOU LADIES !! So don't let the few ruin your fun or rivalry here. I think most of the ladies would agree as well.. you 2 hooking up would be VERY hot and sexy.

HeidiKat.. hoping to see you stroll through some more lovely lady.. as well as your beautiful red haired rival Amber. Think you ladies could for sure add some more sexy heat, while it is cold outside.

Laurie_catfighter.. GREEEATT!! Seeing you sounding off from across the pond...

EMILY... did you think for a heartbeat I would leave you out?? NO FRIGGIN WAY!!!
VERY pleased to have this lady new to being part of things, I do here, and very welcome addition to my buddy list here.
Sometimes it's hard to hold on so hard to hold onto your dreams..  Ya know how we all play that game what would you do if you won the lottery??
NEW fave idea added.. Oh yeahhh would have to figure a way to check this sexy rocker out live and on stage !!! So buy over sized home... do some nice things for some family and friends.. and part of the global desires.. along with maybe Australia, New Zealand and few choice others.. Newfoundland has made the list!!

LADIES stay warm, and keep this FUN.. yet CATTY and ROCKING!!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 05:22:45 PM by stormbolt7 »


Offline Lauren

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« Reply #34 on: February 06, 2011, 07:16:20 PM »
Heidi!, I think ya better   re-read  frankie's post...he was talking about Laurie   not me....Your beating me now,  but this isnt over Bitch!!, and when it is, I look forward  to you and I settlling our disagreements.   Josie?   u better   continue to  be in these,  wont be   anywhere as  much fun without ya.   Besides,  do U expect me to  take on the skankapottomus's   alone?    :)   :)   Luv ya  all  Laur.     
Life's   a Bitch, and so am I.



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« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2011, 08:00:26 PM »
Hey, one thing I see right now is this BIT*H is a chass act and she deserves to win, or lose without coming for my hair I'm waiting right here, claws raised for excuses, no drama, no distractions just you and me and the loser has trouble breathing! LOL

 :-* Josie

(PS....thanks for the support, no decision made but Joanne deserves a match without all this garbabge and she's going to get one. All who took the time on the board and off..........I Love you for it! (don't mean I'm not going to kick your ass when I get the chance! LOL) )


Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #36 on: February 06, 2011, 08:43:27 PM »
Josie .... see .. even you have to admit Joanne is one HAWT sexy worthy opponent..
Joanne.. Josie... honored to know you both ladies... not only sexy catfighters but showing some definate class as well.
Josie/ Joanne ... I may not be openly choosing between you 2 lovely ladies. YET no this.... anyone treats you with disrespect in anything I am running. Believe me I am 100% in your ladies corner on it K??

Lauren... maybe should have thought of this... understand how it can be confusing..
WE have Lovely Lauren .. Luscious Laurie Catfighter as well as  Light N lively, lovely Laurie Breeze this one as well.
MMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm with this three some no wonder Love begins with L??

The weather totally sucks here lately.. yet I can not help but smile right now... as I realize all 5 of the awesome ladies above, have been wonderful enough to become buddies and give me their friendship.
LADIES consider me humbled by your kindness to me here yet again.
Hope the guys will take note as well ...... TREAT THESE LADIES with the RESPECT they deserve.... ya never know.. you might have some VERY beautiful new friends..



Offline Laurie_Catfighter

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« Reply #37 on: February 06, 2011, 10:14:42 PM »
OK Let's stop all of this pussy crap that is going on I am here and here for one reason and that is to show all of you and those skanks on Floor A that I am the hottest, sexiest and best gal around............

The votes may be with Josie, Emily, Amber, Heidi and Joanne but in my eyes I can and will kick all you sluts into next week and I think it is time I started doing exactly that my nails are sharp and ready to cause some real damage......

Seeing Joanne nearby as I approach her and grab that ugly blonde hair yanking hard as I whisper "I do love you girl but hey I am a bitch!!" As I kick her down the stairs as her hair comes loose in my grip....

Walking towards Amber the red haired skank.............I don't think I am going to like you very much dear as I grab her disgusting red hair hard with one hand whilst my other hand slaps her hard across the cheek.......Ripping away at the hair as it comes loose........Looking into her face I push her head towards the balcony at the top of the stairs BITCH !!!

And Heidi I know it has been a long time honey since we last spoke we have not even got at eachother yet.........But let me help you along as I smack her hard across the face with the back of my hand at the top of the stairs........Pushing her down the stairs so she can join that Bitch Joanne........

And Josie I think we spoke very briefly but you know how I feel about you as I raise my fist smashing it hard in her face as she falls to her knees blood pouring from her nose, I do hope we have a proper talk real soon Skank !!!!

Now where is that WHORE EMILY !!!! C'mon Slut I am right here !!!!   


Offline stormbolt7

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« Reply #38 on: February 07, 2011, 05:52:22 AM »
YAYYYY Marnie ..... rushes from the elevator to deliver a few slaps, and gestures to the ladies on the other floor. Marnie not intimidated just trying to see if it is a bunch of loud mouthed pretenders or if any on this floor can actually back it up.

Then Laurie Catfighter begins to slap, shove and push people around. Ya know Laurie you keep shoving ladies down the stairs, your going to be starting some fights...  LOL
Laurie   WOWwwwwwww you are here and stepping it up... careful ladies.. This is one Brit maybe thinking of starting her own sexy one woman invasion ....  hmmmmmm if she gets Gemma to add her good looks and that famed arse of hers to the arsenal, it could be truly a British invasion.

Emily ... Ummmmmm since I like Megan loads, even if she is crackin on my buddy Gemma. How bout you just have her write down the number 25 ...... and your list is complete, since there are 26 ladies   that means all of them probably will be on that list of yours.. 26 if you feel like acting out the Jim Carey role in Liar Liar, and kicking your own ass to finish it.. I mean some ladies once the claws come out, just don't know when to stop.

Yells ... hair flying ..... things crashing out windows.... and with all this chaos and mayhem.. about a week still to go.
I am thinking the building will give out, before these sexy ladies do.

Still, as maids get stuffed into their own laundry gurneys, and bell boys give away all their tip money just to watch.
Ladies keep rockin and rollin on!!


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« Reply #39 on: February 07, 2011, 09:08:59 AM »
Sorry I was away for a little while! looks like I missed a lot! that bitch is beating me! :o but as way of an appology I wrote you a little poem Megan :D

A poem for dear Megan…

Oh Megan, Oh Megan…
She’s crazier than Regan!
Does she really believe that I can be taken?

She’s so small and sweet,
Delightful & petite
From the top of her head to her itty bitty feet

I like her, I do…
I can’t lie, it’s true!
But to call me out? That bitch will rue…

You see, all who read,
Caution you should heed…
All those who call out this rock chick will bleed!

Now this poll I may struggle,
With Meg I’m in trouble,
But rest assured soon I’ll make you see double!

With a hook to your jaw,
I’ll make you taste floor…
Screaming & raging I’ll pound you some more!

“Please stop!” you’ll beg me
 Beat down, all will see…
But mercy isn’t in my vocabulary…

Dark hair on the floor
Eye’s crossed in a drawl
Sat on her tushy begging “please… no more!”

Sweet Meg, oh so witty!
Beat ’n’ drooling… so pretty…
I promise I’ll go easy next time evil kitty!

*after reading, does a little pirouette and kicks you in the crotch!*

x G x

PS. Love ya babes :D
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline Laurie Breeze

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« Reply #40 on: February 07, 2011, 12:50:30 PM »
megan dont make me come down there and spank you youngster

Marnie, don't stamp your foot down too hard now. Ya might break a hip. Just sayin'!  :) ;) ;D 8) :P
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
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Offline Laurie Breeze

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« Reply #41 on: February 07, 2011, 03:24:10 PM »
seems laurie breeze snuck up  on the stairwell.....  sugar your more then welcome on the top floor  I am  sure on of us will gladly show you the meaning of respect sweetie........ look me up dear would love to pull hair  with you  one on one in  that elevator until one of us gives in

Let's do it. In the elevator. In the bingo hall at the senior citizen's center. In the day room at the geriatric ward. Wherever ya want. Whenever ya want. 

;) :D 8) :P :-*
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
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« Reply #42 on: February 07, 2011, 04:12:16 PM »
After you kick Josie's ass?  LMAO! Joanne, what are you on girl? Gemma, I know you'd have no problem doing it but you won't be having to worry about Joanne's threats here...............she's kinda in a battle thats going to leave her unable to kick anything, much less a fighter's ass so, not that I needed to protect you but............I got to her first, there will be very little left. However, if you'd like, you can have the honor of taking her out to the curb for the trashman.....LOL.

Joanne dear, step up anytime you feel good about it and I'll make you wish you didn't Creampuff.......LOL

 :-* Josie


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« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2011, 04:22:56 PM »
Laurie  Catfighter  is gonna kick this one's ass   that one's ass.....I guess you  can mark the date on ur calendar,  only thing you'll have to leave out is the year!!
Life's   a Bitch, and so am I.


Offline Laurie Breeze

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« Reply #44 on: February 07, 2011, 10:48:29 PM »
forget the age issue laurie you want me lets do this elevator suite........ dirty motel you name it  I am ready to  take you

You're more an expert on dirty motels than I'll ever be, Marnie. But I'll tell ya what. If you can find one that doesn't have too many bugs crawling around ... I know, those are a lil too high class for ya ... but if you can find one, I'll meet you there. And I'll leave your walker by the door when I'm done with ya so you don't have too far to crawl. 

:) ;) ;D 8) :P
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