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Fiance vs Bff

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Offline morad

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Fiance vs Bff
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:48:51 PM »
About a year ago my fiancé and her now best friend (they only met that night) came to serious blows in a pub.
It was a serious and bloody fight with both ladies requiring a visit to the ER.
The fight was broken up without a clear winner emerging.

These 2 are now having a bit of a argument about who would have won if the were allowed to fight to the finish.

Having seen the fight I know who I believe handled herself the best but would like your opinion of who you think would win an all out fight between these 2.

Pic 1 = Chante - 1.72m 62kg
Pic 2 = Tish     - 1.74m 65kg (guessing)


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 07:07:51 AM »
Would be a damn hot fight. I guess Chante - but it's very evenly matched!


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 08:10:49 AM »
Well I'm not any good at story telling but as I can remember

The 2 got into a argument about a drinks order.
Tish shoved Chante who fell backwards onto a table. As she got up Tish nailed her with a fist to the face that propelled her into a wall.
As Tish advanced Chante slammed a shot into her belly that doubled her up.Chante followed up with 2 or 3 knees into her ribs and a knee to her face, she then threw Trish into the bar counter.
She tried to grab Trish from behind but received a elbow to the breast for her trouble. She retreated allowing Trish to throw 2 quick shots to her face. Trish then made the mistake of grabbing her hair and trying to drag her down. This allowed Chante to grab her ankles, tripping her sending both of them to the floor with Chante landing on top. She slammed about 6 shots into Trish's face and side of her head.

It was at this stage that the bouncers dragged the 2 apart. Must mention that all of this lasted just over a minute. I found myself at the wrong side of the room and was struggling to press my way through the crowd that gathers between us.

Both ladies had to go to the ER which was fortunately only about 2km away.
Chante required stiches to her lip and Trish needed help to stop a severe nosebleed and taping for cracked ribs that only showed on x rays.

The funny part is that both agreed not to press charges and exchanged contact details fully intending to finish what they started at a later stage.
They actualy started swapping emails, met for coffee and became inseparable friends.


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 08:56:56 AM »
Don't rightly know.
Assume they realized that it was just a misunderstanding that got out of hand fueled by alcohol and that they actually have a lot in common.


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 09:33:14 AM »
Did ask Chante once. She said they both realized they were behaving like kids and that Trish was actualy a damn cool person.

Doubt whether they will ever try to settle it physicaly.
Neither of these girls are the type who do things by half measures and would go full out if things came to a head. One or both would get seriously hurt.
They both joined the same gym and have their sessions togather.
The gym does have a non competitive (focusing on fitness) boxing program and they have been discussing signing up.
With a bit of luck I might get to see a friendly sparring session or 2 in the future.


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 09:50:16 AM »
We were all watching a episode of Chuck and Trish said something about her thinking she could kick the chick in the shows butt. Chante laughingly mentioned that Trish couldn't even kick her arse and things went from there.

 Chante had a fight in High school that I'm aware of and she had a few Kickboxing matches a when she was 19 or 20.

Not sure about Trish but it sounds like she's been in a few scuffles.


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 10:32:35 AM »
Logically I would really want Chante to win without any injury to herself or to Trish that I has become a friend either.
Problem is that these 2 are so much alike in built, fitness level, personality and attitude that I would really not want to place any money on the outcome.


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Re: Fiance vs Bff
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 10:41:32 AM »
Just casual talk, both of them convinced that they would have beat the other into the ground.