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The Doomed Research Mission (Catfight, RP, MM/F, FF/F, Humil, Lactation)

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Offline joetex

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  • Longtime cf fan. Like 'em dirty. Come chat.
To all,

This is an original story composed by me.  I would appreciate any feedback on this board.  Personal messages are also welcomed.  As you can see, because this is not the "typical" catfight story, I would appreciate more extensive responses other than "good job", "hot" or "well done".



(RP, Oral Rp, Abd, MM/F, FF/F, Nipp Tort, Psych Tort, Humil, Hetero, Interr, Jungle, Hispanic,  Military, Catfight, Lactation)

Chapter I

An Ill-Fated Excursion

The two-car caravan ground to a halt in the South American jungle, and all of its occupants slowly emerged to take a “nature break”.  The university group from the United States had spent half a day traveling to a remote jungle encampment, and needed to pause, particularly for the three women on board.  Two were vivacious eighteen year old seniors, Tracey Campbell and Lorene Reynolds, both majoring in Latin American political studies.  They were accompanied by two male  students of the same age, Jack Tollene, and Ralphie Watson.  Jack was a physical education major, while Ralphie majored in good times, although scholastically he was shown as majoring in criminal justice studies.

The third woman on this excursion was Dr. Claire S. Davidson, the students’ Latin American studies instructor, and an Assistant Professor at Carrigan University. Professor Davidson’s project brought them to this uncertain and dangerous country of San Mercado, South America.  She had been asked by the Dean to lead a student delegation to research  the military junta heading San Mercado, a war-ravaged country also inhabited by the Marxist-inspired Revolutionary Armed Forces of Mercado, known by the acronym FARM (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Mercado).  FARM guerillas were engaged in the drug and weapons trade, along with white slavery (prostitution), to generate income.   The Dean had told Claire that the research had to be done immediately this semester at risk of losing a government grant.  Jumping at the opportunity to advance her career with ground breaking research of the ruling military leadership, Claire had decided to go, accompanied by this hastily put together four-student senior undergraduate delegation.  She had been forewarned by her friends of the dangers of being in that perilous country, but had dismissed them.

To aggravate the rigors Claire had to face on the trip to this undeveloped country, she had just returned to work following a two-month maternity leave.  She left behind both her chagrined husband and a three-month old daughter, who was still highly dependent upon Claire as she was still nursing.  But Claire had to defer those obligations in favor of this rare career opportunity to advance her academic bona fides.  

Claire had been able to hand-pick almost all of the students that accompanied her.  The two females, Tracey and Lorene, were her first choices as they both were serious students, and this was their major.  Jack was chosen because Claire needed some brawn in their delegation for security purposes, and the athletic department had recommended him.  Ralphie was altogether another story.  He had  not been chosen by Claire,  but rather had been forced on her.  Ralphie was on scholastic probation and was destined to flunk out of school .  But the Dean instructed Claire that Ralphie was to accompany her on the trip since he desperately needed the course credit.  Not so coincidentally, Ralphie’s grandfather had been a prominent benefactor of the university, and the financial well-being of the system had a stake in seeing that this errant grandson received his degree.  

Claire hated Ralphie, and the feeling was mutual.  He was a goof-off in class, and openly disobeyed Claire’s instructions.  Ralphie, in turn, thought Claire was a world-class bitch, and detested being in her class.  But he needed to pass her course to earn his degree.  He looked forward to the day when he could tell her to kiss off, and leave her class for good.  

The only thing Ralphie thought redeeming about Claire was her “bod”.  Tall, stacked, and shapely, Claire was the embodiment of his masturbatory fantasy.  When Claire wasn’t looking, Ralphie would leer at her behind her back. Claire suspected as much, occasionally catching Ralphie spying on her at unguarded moments. This angered her, and made her more determined than ever to find ways to punish him in hopes he would drop her class.

The contrast between the two could not have been more striking. At 5 feet 2 inches, Ralphie was a short, slightly rotund 18-year-old senior who looked barely in his teens.  He had a round face marked with acne scars. Ill-tempered and arrogant, he had difficulty meeting girls.  His sex life usually consisted of vast archives of internet porn on his computer’s hard drive, and nights out at strip joints with his roommates.  

Claire, by contrast, was striking in her physical stature and grooming.  The 38-year-old brunette stood at 5 feet 10 inches, and possessed classic Mediterranean-like features.  Possessing a nearly flawless olive complexion, she had a sculpted nose and elegant brown hair which fell to her shoulders (but which she always kept tied up in a businesslike bun in public) .  She had dark, sultry eyes that could seduce men, accented by a pair of ubiquitous black glasses.  A Jewish beauty, she could easily have passed for an Israeli movie star. Athletic most of her life, her body was well toned, except for some excess weight left from her recent pregnancy. She exercised as frequently as possible but still had some remaining work to regain her pre-pregnancy figure, which could be described as voluptuous.

However, her most prominent feature was her bust.  Before becoming pregnant, Claire wore a 38C brassiere, a dimension sufficient to draw the attention of most men.  But her pregnancy made them swell to a 38E where they stayed at present.  Along with refitting her wardrobe for motherhood, Claire had to purchase an ample nursing bra to suit her newfound biological obligations.  Her sizeable post-partum chest was noticed by all on the campus, and drew favorable and lewd commentary from male and female students alike.  

Generously endowed her entire life, Claire was especially self-conscious in her current state of temporary (she hoped) enlargement.  Heavy with milk, her breasts swayed while she walked even with aid of a sturdy bra.  She had blocked out the commentary and strange stares she drew in public from the gawking observers before her pregnancy, but this time it was different.  She felt that her breasts were so large and unwieldy, they could have their own zip code.  She thought they seemed to have a life of their own, detached from her own persona.  The time she consumed to attend to them while in this nursing condition – massaging them when they hurt from engorgement, the midnight feedings, the tending to sore nipples with soothing cream because of the eager, urgent suckling of her daughter – all served to make her almost hate her breasts. Yet they were part of her, and she took pride in their use as a means of getting her way with men.

But she wanted to control the way men reacted to them, particularly in this enlarged state, and that she couldn’t do. Especially with Ralphie.  She knew he seized every opportunity to gawk at her breasts.  She surmised what must be running through his dirty little mind, and it angered her.  Since it was obvious she was nursing, she presumed he was fantasizing about how her breasts looked in this condition.  Wouldn’t this little demon love to catch a glimpse of just one of my bare, leaky nipples, she thought with disgust.  Never in this world!, she pondered dismissively.

But Ralphie had an active imagination about Claire, his much detested professor.  As much as he hated her, he was intoxicated by her voluptuousness, and lusted for her oversized breasts.  Right before their trip, Dr. Davidson happened to be wearing a slightly transparent, somewhat low cut white blouse, with a frilly collar, that revealed the contours of her nursing bra.  Ralphie almost came in his pants that day, and had difficulty concentrating on Claire’s lesson that day.  Fortunately, he had  slipped a digital camera into the classroom, and waited until the opportune moment to snap a shot.  It occurred as Claire was leaning over her desk to find a piece of chalk.  Ralphie had the perfect angle for a “down blouse” shot, and snapped the camera shutter just at the right moment.  Swiftly, he tucked the camera into his backpack before Claire was aware of what had just happened.  He was breathing so heavily from arousal and excitement, he could hardly think.  

When he got back to the dorm later that day, he locked the door to prevent anyone from entering.  He proceeded to download the precious photo onto his computer.  In the picture he saw Claire’s droopy, distended breasts hanging downward, with a cleavage looking like the Grand Canyon.  As a bonus, he could clearly see the cups of her nursing bra, straining against the weight of her milk heavy breasts.  Ralphie could hardly stand the sight, as he unharnessed his pants, pulled down his briefs, and dropped the bundle to his ankles.  He began slowly stroking his cock, immersed in ogling Claire’s mounds.  He massaged his cocktip, wet with precum, as he imagined how much milk those two baby feeders must hold.  He tightened his eyes as he ejaculated into his hand, not waiting to find the necessary tissue to catch his emission. He hated himself for having to resort to masturbation for release, but also hated Claire for being the source of his sexual torment.            

Chapter II

An Arousing Moment, then an Embarrassing One

“Gals, you go to the left side of the road where those large rocks are situated.  I’ll be along to join you in just a moment.” Claire directed, taking a maternal tone.  “Take some toilet tissue with you.  You’ll find a roll in my backpack...”  Turning to the male students, she curtly ordered:  “Jack and Ralphie, you both should head right toward that cluster of trees.  You know what to do so you don’t need my help.  Now get outta here!”

Looking at one another, the guys winked and smiled.  As they walked away from the caravan to their outdoor “bathroom” destination, Ralphie turned to Jack and muttered in a low, mocking voice:  “Professor Davidson, I need help to piss.  My schlong won’t work.  Can you stroke it so it will work?”  They broke out in laughter.  “What a bitch.” Ralphie exclaimed, his voice now at normal pitch. “Always giving orders.  Ralphie do this.  Ralphie do that.  Fuck her.”  

“Yeah, but the bitch holds your future degree in her hands, Ralphie, so you better learn to play along.” Jack admonished.

“Yeah, well, I’d like to put something else into her hands.  How about this?” Halting in front of a stable of trees, he zipped down his fly and drew out his cock, which appeared on the smallish side.

“She’ll need a microscope to find it!”  Jack mockingly intoned.

“You shithead.”

They both laughed.  As they both began urinating on the tree stumps before them, Ralphie asked provocatively:

“Say, would you fuck Professor Davidson if you had a chance?”

“Are you kidding?  Every guy in her class would jump at the chance to pork that MILF (Mother I’d Like to Fuck) ”,  Jack replied. “How ‘bout you?”

“Same here. Can’t stand the bitch, but she’s got quite a bod. Her knockers are driving me crazy.  Have you noticed how huge they got after her kid?  I’d love to wrap those milk bags around my cock and titfuck her.  And watch the milk shoot out of her at the same time.”

Jack replied: “You know her boobs were pretty damned big even before she got knocked up.”

“Yeah, I noticed.  It’s in her genes – she’s Jewish.  She reminds me of some of those babes in the Jewish sororities who also have some pretty big boobs. Something in that ethnic group grows the boobage.  But she’s also like her Jewish sisters, a bunch of prick teasers lording over the campus like a bunch of queens  – look but don’t touch.  Off limits, my man!”, Ralphie answered.  

“You betcha.  Don’t even think about it.”

“But I can dream, can’t I?  And for me, Claire Davidson is “Queen Milkytits.”

“Think she’s breastfeeding?”, Jack inquired teasingly.

“Absolutely.  I heard her talk about it to Tracey and Lorene.”

No fooling?  What did you hear?, aced Jack.

“Well, back at the hotel the first night we got in,  I heard her talking to the girls that she needed some help with some female needs.  She thought I wasn’t hearing, but my ears perked up.  The girls asked what she needed, and she said “I need some help with the electric pump to . . . “.  The girls, immediately knowing what she wanted said, “Oh, yes, Dr. Davidson. Absolutely!”  And Dr. Davidson answered:  “You know, after such a long flight, without the little one to give me relief, well, they’re. . ..  engorged. See you gals in my room after you unpack.”

“Wow!”, said Jack.  “You got an earful, my horney little man! ”

“Sure did”.

Then Jack uttered something expectedly:  “I got better proof that she’s all milky.”

“Fucking liar”, joked Ralphie. “You ain’t got no proof of anything.”

“Sure do.”, Jack responded without flinching.  I had a chance to see them without a bra live and in color.”  

Ralphie noticed Jack’s serious, matter-of-fact demeanor.  Jack was not kidding.  Losing his previous bravado, Ralphie sheepishly inquired:  “Wanna share with me the details?  How and when?”  Ralphie was suddenly aroused, and began to sweat.

“About two weeks ago.  I had been asked by Dr. Davidson to come to her office to discuss the travel details, and it was after class hours, around 6:30 p.m.  No one was around, and all the other students and faculty had cleared out of her office complex where the faculty hang out.  She must have forgotten that she had asked me to come in that evening.”

The details were excruciating to Ralphie.  “Yes, yes, continue.  . . “  he urgently pressed.

“Well,” Jack continued.  “I came to her office and saw her door slightly ajar.  I presumed she had left it unlocked so that I could stroll into her office.  I was wrong.  As I approached her door, I took a slight peak through the crack just to reassure myself that she was in the office before entering.  She was there alright, but she obviously wasn’t  expecting me.  Instead, she had an electric breast pump device set up on her desk, and I got an eyeful of her pumping milk outta her huge boobs.”

“What. . .  what did you see?  What do they .  . . look like?? And don’t shit with me – you know what I mean!!” a highly aroused and somewhat peeved Ralphie demanded.

“For a moment, I didn’t know what was transpiring, I was so taken aback.  Kinda like when you happen to witness an auto accident, you have to calibrate and digest in your mind what you’re watching.  Once I figured what it was I was looking at, I drank in all the details, thinking to myself, boy, I better get the hell outta here before she knows I’m watching.”  

Jack finally confided:  “Okay, you want to know what her nips look like.  They were big, slightly red, and round, and sticking out of her like she could feed all of Ohio.  I saw one of them dripping some milk onto her desk.”  


Ralphie was suddenly speechless, simply staring at Jack.  He was jealous of his friend.  Fucking jocks get all the breaks, he thought.

Jack broke the silence:  

“We gotta get back, Ralphie.  Queen Milkytits will be looking for us.”

As they walked back to the cars, Ralphie abruptly blurted out:  “Jack, I gotta get back to the bushes out there.  I think I got a shit coming on.”

“Okay,” Jack responded.  “But don’t take too long unless you want us to send a search party.”

Ralphie did have a biological urge, but not to defecate.  Rather, he sported a raging hard on from Jack’s graphic description of Claire’s breasts.  Never in his wildest imagination did he conceive either he or his friend getting so much as a glimpse of these treasures.  But Jack managed to do so, and came back alive to tell the story.  Beats the hell out of my fucking digital photo I’ve been jacking off to, he thought frustratingly.  He was now so aroused, he needed to beat his meat for immediate release lest he let his erection persist in the car for the rest of the journey.

Coming upon a cluster of shrubs, he “dropped trou”, pulled out his erect cock, and began stroking it.  Not having any lotion, he spat on his cock for lubrication, and quickened the strokes.  He was breathing heavily, and closed his eyes while imagining what Jack saw in the unexpected moment.  Such paradise, such bliss.

Suddenly, he heard a female voice yell his name: “Ralphie!!”

He looked behind him, and saw Dr. Davidson angrily glaring at him, seeing him in his vulnerable moment.  Although she knew what he was doing, he tried to hide it.

“Dr. Davidson! I’m . . . I’m trying to urinate if you don’t mind,”  he stammered.

“Zip up your damned trousers, and get back to the car!, she demanded.  From his obvious erection, which she caught a slight glimpse of, she was obviously unconvinced of his professed innocence.  What a filthy little brat, she thought.  Using this outdoor bathroom break to jack off!!  I hate this kid.

Deeply embarrassed, Ralphie hiked up his pants without completing the necessary task, and stumbled behind Claire back to the cars.  Not only was he still unsatisfied, he was angry for Claire’s untimely interruption.  You bitch, he thought. Your tits got me all worked up and your ugly mug made me lose my woodie. He also thought it ironic that rather than him getting a rare peek at her privates, he had just had to endure the opposite.  He was pissed.

Beneath his breath, he uttered: Fuck you, Queen Milkytits!

Halting your pace and reversing herself physically, she demanded:

“What the hell did you say??!!”

Sheepishly, Ralphie lied:  “I. . .I was just talking to myself. . . that’s all.”

But Claire had accurately heard what he called her.  And she was not happy.

Chapter III


As Claire and Ralphie made their way back towards the caravan, the sound of  gunshots filled the air. They both picked up the pace as they made their way to find out what was happening.

They discovered that this trip had spiraled out of control. The first thing they both noticed was that Jack, Tracey, and Lorene all had their hands in the air. Their two drivers lay on the ground, conscious but wounded.

Their eyes saw what appeared to be six heavily-armed FARM guerrillas, with four holding Russian-made AK-47 Kalashnikov rifles pointed at them. There were five men and one young woman.

Looking at Claire and Ralphie, the woman ordered, in heavily accented English:

“Get over here with the others and keep your hands raised.  You are now in the custody of soldiers of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Mercado!”

Claire attempted to speak:

“I am professor Claire Davidson from the United States of America. Our delegation means you no harm. We are noncombatants here only to do university research. Please let us go. We wish – “


Claire was cut off mid sentence by the back of hand of the young woman. The unexpected assault made Claire stammer, but she kept her balance. Tracey and Lorene gasped, and Ralphie and Jack stood mute.  They were deeply in fear of their lives.

“Silence! Do not speak unless spoken to!” the young woman commanded. “ I am Isabel Torres, Deputy Commander of the Northern camp of the Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Mercado. You will now be taken to our camp.”

Deputy Commander Isabel Torres then ordered her men to force the prisoners onto the back of the truck used to ferry captives, and to keep them under guard.  As they boarded, they heard more gunfire.  Both drivers had been executed.

The Northern FARM camp was only one hour away, but the ride seemed to last a lifetime.  The university delegation was apprehensive about what was to occur next.

As they rode in the back of the truck, Isabel sat with the prisoners, keeping an eye on them.  They would be her responsibility.  She carefully monitored their behavior, studying them for hints of their personalities. Although she had majored in socialist political studies, she had minored in psychology at the local university, and put it to good use.  The two female students were cowering and appeared submissive.  They would abide by anything their leader, the female professor, would direct.  The larger of the two male students appeared athletic, and could be a threat because of his physicality, but he struck Isabel as big and dumb.  The smaller, more rotund one was no physical threat, but appeared to dislike his teacher based on his body language.  He refused to sit next to her when they boarded the truck.

To Isabel, this so-called lady “professor” was transparent.  Tall, with big bosoms, Isabel was familiar  with this type. This woman was used to getting her way, and using her sexuality to influence men.  She would need to be monitored once they arrived at the camp.  Professor Davidson was clearly a threat, not only to the survival of the FARM cause, but also to Isabel personally. 

Isabel was 30 years of age, and short at 5 foot 2 inches.  Because she sported a dark complexion marked by acne scars, Isabel hated these light-skinned women who dominated western countries and culture.  She was physically fit from the hard living of jungle life, and her body shape was boyish with a smallish 32 inch bust.  She hated voluptuous women such as Claire.  Although Isabel had a strong sexual urge for men, she was bisexual.  She would find ways to gain an edge over her female competitors and make them her sexual submissives, whether or not they were also into women.  If need be, she would use her unique talent for getting her way with this gringa as well. 

When they arrived at the Northern camp, the university delegation disembarked from the truck, and was marched by gunpoint to the temporary tent used to hold incoming prisoners. Isabel headed immediately to report into Commandante Tomas Valdez, the fiftyish leader of both the Northern and Southern Regional camps of FARM.  Although he stayed most of his time in the Southern camp, he was visiting today the North, and monitoring his subordinate’s work. Isabel told Tomas of the new prisoners, and the likelihood that they could be used as a valuable bargaining chip since they were all Americans, since three of them were women.

This caught Tomas’ attention, and he wanted to see the prisoners immediately.   Tomas prided himself as a Ladies’ Man, and thus wanted to see what these new females prisoners looked like.  As he rose from his chair and began exiting the command tent, he ordered Isabel to fetch the prisoners. Obediently, she complied.  The two of them had once been lovers when she was much younger and had just graduated from the university.  Their mutual affection had since cooled, although she still was able to share his bed from time to time when he was in need of company.  But their professional relationship remained strong, and she was dutiful in complying with his wishes. However, she knew what “made him tick”, and exploited it.

Tomas strode toward the “prisoners tent” and halted at the clearing adjacent to its entrance, waiting for the Americans to be brought to him.  A dozen guerillas began forming around the Commandante, eager to see what was transpiring.  Isabel went inside the tent.

Grasping Claire by the arm, she reemerged with all four prisoners whose hands were bound behind them.  Tomas eyeballed all of them, but virtually ignored the two males.  He viewed at the two younger women, and found them rather immature in appearance.  One was mousy looking with glasses, and the other was heavily made up with cosmetics.  But the mature tall one caught his eye.  Brunette and attractive, she looked highly professional and cultured.  Although she wore the standard bush clothes, he saw her large bust jutting from her chest.  Nice tetas, he thought to himself.  Perhaps they will soon  be mine.

“Commandante Valdez,  here are the Americans.”, Isabel announced.

“Muchos gracias, Deputy Commandante Torres.  You have done a splendid job in bringing to us these valuable prisoners of the revolution. My name is Commandante Tomas Valdez of the grand Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Mercado, or the acronym FARM in your language. I would like to tell you all that – -“

Claire interrupted him: “Commandante Valdez, please release us! We are noncombatants in this country.  We –“

Isabel raised her arm above her head, and was poised to strike Claire in the face.

“Silencio!” she screamed threateningly.

Tomas stepped forward and grabbed Isabel by her forearm, wresting it back.

“NO!!  Deputy Torres, there shall be no violence while I am present!!”, Tomas sternly intoned.  Turning to Claire, he smiled.  “Madam, my apologies for the ungraciousness of my subordinate.  You were about to speak?”

Claire breathed a sigh. She attempted to size him up quickly.  Valdez was handsome for a middle-aged man, with the rugged Latin good looks reminiscent of Ricardo Montalban, the actor.  She would attempt to appeal to his vanity:

 “Thank you Commandante Valdez. I am Dr. Claire Davidson, a Professor of Latin American political studies at Carrigan University in the United States, and these are my students. As I was saying, we are not here as combatants.  Rather, we are an official university delegation tasked with examining the social structure of the military junta governing your country.  However, now that we are here, might I suggest that we work with you and your men to showcase to the world the judicious decision-making process you use under your military command?”

“That is fine, Dr. Davidson, Tomas answered.  But even if I were to. . . to allow you to conduct research at my camp, please realize that I cannot release you.  At least not immediately.”

“But that is okay with us, Commandante.  We are scheduled to be in country for at least three months.  Let’s just say we have no intention of departing from the camp in any event for that period of time.  There is plenty of time to discuss what we need to do once our research ends.”  She hoped he would buy it.

Isabel smelled a rat, and stepped in:  “Commandante, this proposal is most unusual and should be rejected.  It is clear that – “

“Silencio!, “  Tomas interrupted, his voice showing frustration. “This may be a real opportunity for our cause to make gains in winning support internationally.  Dr. Davidson, what are your requirements?”   

“First of all, please know that we will eventually become the subject of concern by the American Red Cross.  Thus, it is in your political interest not to treat us like common criminals, but as genuine researchers given liberty throughout the camp, obviously within limits.  This means the bindings on our hands should be removed.  Second, it also means that we should be given normal living quarters identical to those enjoyed by your soldiers – no more, no less.  Not something unfit for an animal.”

“Corporal, remove the restraints from the prisoners,” Tomas directed one of the guerillas.

Isabel once more attempted to object:  “Commandante, allowing these new prisoners to stay in the tents of our soldiers is in violation of our standard protocol.  Recall the process by which we seek cooperation?!,” she demanded of him.  Isabel was referring to the customary FARM process of forcing hostages to cooperate, which was to house them in an open but reinforced “chicken coop” for at least a month, including in inclement weather.  This was intended to break them, and to force obedience. 

“Yes, Deputy Torres, I do recall our procedures,” Tomas answered. “But we already have cooperation without resort to harsh measures.  Your suggestion is considered, but rejected.”   

Isabel was now “zero for three” in her efforts to show her leadership before the Commandante.  She was humiliated by being overruled by him three times, in front of all of the guerillas under her command.

“I must go now back to my headquarters at the Southern camp,” Tomas announced.  “Commandante, you know my orders.  I intend to see that they be obeyed.  Comprende?”

“Si, Commandante,” Isabel answered sheepishly.  Being addressed by him like a child, she thought.  A fourth humiliation. 

As Tomas headed for his jeep, Isabel glared at the big-titted American whore.  It was now clear that Claire had won the day, having successfully manipulated Tomas and having her way.  Claire returned Isabel’s menacing stare with a sly smile, clearly pleased with herself.  Isabel seethed in anger, and vowed to defeat her.


Offline joetex

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Chapter IV

The Hour of Reckoning

The tension between Isabel and Claire had been mounting since the previous day, and all of the guerillas in the camp surmised that some type of confrontation was inevitable.  Claire stood her ground, but acknowledged to herself that the bad blood between her and Isabel would culminate in Isabel seeking to punish her, such as depriving her of food rations.  Though resigned to accepting this outcome, she nonetheless decided to yield no ground unless Tomas eventually decided she must obey.

But Isabel had other plans.  There would be no need for any sustained argument with Tomas over Claire’s treatment, no quarreling with him over whether he found the comely captive attractive, and no need to press her case for a more hostile and confrontational approach with all of these Americans.  Isabel decided that Claire must be taken out at once. Failure to act would mean that Tomas might be compelled to take her as his mistress, destroying the mission of the camp and the FARM cause.   Her smothering sexuality would have to be snuffed out, made off limits, and ridiculed and mocked.  Tomas must be so repulsed by the outcome that he would dare not touch this woman.  The crafty woman Marxist guerilla developed a twofold plan to achieve her aims. The first part was to degrade and humiliate.  The second was to defile.  She would execute it this morning.

After concluding breakfast in the mess tent, the three women captives asked to visit the camp latrine for their morning “bathroom break”, under the watchful eye of their female guards. Isabel decided to accompany them.  As a group, they departed the mess tent, and disappeared momentarily.  Ralphie and Jack remained seated, and were not permitted to move by their two guards.

Following about ten minutes, the two young students abruptly heard shouting and screeching outside the mess tent.  They attempted to rise, but were stopped by the guards. That is, until one of the rebel corporals ran into the tent with a look of delight on his face.  Gleefully, and short of breath, he shouted to the two guards:

¡Fight de las mujeres! ¡Lucha de las mujeres! ¡Entre diputado Comándate Isabel y la mujer americana alta con los chiches grandes!! ¡Venido!! Venido!!” (“Women fight! Women fight! Between Deputy Commandante Isabel and the tall American with the big  boobs!!  Come!! Come!!”)

The two guards overseeing Ralphie and Jack broke and ran from the tent to follow the excited corporal.  The two students looked at one another in amazement,  paused momentarily, and joined in the pursuit outside.    

From a distance, they could see a crowd gathering in what seemed a tight circle.  The men and woman rebels were laughing and clapping.  The women were shouting words of encouragement to Isabel. Because they had closed ranks with one another, neither Ralphie nor Jack could see what was transpiring. Each time they attempted to wedge in between rebels, they were purposefully pushed back, presumably to prevent them from aiding Claire.

Although the shouts from the crowd were in Spanish, they were plainly understood by both students who were fluent in the language.  

“Dispárela y haga que ella come la suciedad!” (“Trip her and make her eat dirt!”) said another.

But one woman said something that made both boys take immediate notice:

“Pele la blusa de esa vaca americana así que podemos todos conseguir una mirada en sus ubres blancas grandes! " (“Strip the blouse off that American cow so we can all get a look at her big white udders!")

With a renewed determination, Ralphie began pushing vigorously to get into the circle.  Turning to Jack beside
him, he shouted:  “Shit we gotta get inside to see what’s happening!!”   Jack knew exactly what Ralphie wanted, and it wasn’t necessarily to come to Claire’s aid.

Finally successful at pushing away a couple of the rebels to get inside, Ralphie saw the subject of the cacophony. The first thing he saw was a defiant and confident Isabel.  Grinning, she was in a boxing stance reminiscent of the style seen by Cuban boxers trained in the old Soviet Union, with both arms extended and fists raised, both feet extended in a manner to make it difficult for her to take down.  She was bouncing slightly to and fro to make it difficult for Claire to get a clear shot.

For her part, Claire was also in a stance -- sort of.  She was standing erect with both fists raised, but was clearly out of her league, breathing heavily and slightly bent forward.  Although Claire was once an athlete, she was out of shape since her pregnancy, and her physical endurance was limited.  By contrast, Isabel’s jungle regimen and brute force military training made her into a lean, taut fighting animal.  Ralphie concluded right away that this was not going to be a fair fight.  

At that moment, Claire attempted to punch Isabel  by swinging wildly her arms to and fro, but none of her fists were landing on their intended targets.  Isabel ably parried blows to her right and left, and began laughing and mocking her.

“So the gringa puta (foreign white woman whore) thinks she can defeat me with her fists?  Go ahead, see who is the stronger woman!  I will beat you senseless and destroy your ovaries!  You will not be able to bear any more children!”, she taunted, fists raised defiantly.  

Claire looked exasperated.  Her hair disheveled and eyes starting to water up, she tried desperately to think her way of this.  Claire was attired in a light cotton long-sleeved blouse that buttoned from the front, accompanied by a pair of khaki shorts.  Her feet were covered by a pair of Addidas. The collar of her white blouse was already slightly torn from Isabel’s initial scuffle with her, when she grabbed Claire by  the neck when the fight began. A couple of buttons at the top were already missing, and her cleavage was slightly exposed.

Claire gave sudden (and ludicrous) thought to how dirty she might get from this fracas with the Latin woman.  Catching herself, she thought, wait a minute -- my clothes might be further torn from this encounter.   Who cares how filthy I might get?, she mused.  Then her concern shifted to possibly losing some of her clothing.  She began to get apprehensive, thinking: “Oh my God, what if I lose my blouse in front of all these soldiers??  For that matter, my students would get an eyeful as well!” Briefly glancing over to her right, she saw Ralphie standing there, mute and wide eyed at seeing her helplessness.  She shuddered at the thought of giving this little creep a look at her bra or undraped chest.  He would run away and jerk off with his little dick if he saw me in my bra, she thought.
Off to the side, Claire saw both Tracey and Lorene, both shouting words of encouragement to Claire to “fight back”, and “hit her in the stomach”. But this was to no avail, as the eyes of both girls, brimming with tears, were indicating.

The fight had been transpiring for about 10 minutes and Claire was tiring, and growing short of breath.  She was sweating profusely, and tears of  pain and anxiety could be seen dripping down her cheeks.  Because Claire’s face was always made up (even now in the jungle), her mascara was smearing and running down her face, making her look like a large raccoon. Beneath her cotton blouse, her large, sensuous breasts could be seen bobbing up and down from Claire having to catch her breath. Ralphie was starting to get aroused from the very sight of her breathing so heavily.

Sensing Claire’s sapping strength, Isabel decided now was the time to “go for the kill” and to execute the first part of her plan (to degrade and humiliate). Surging forward, she grabbed Claire by the hair at the top of her head.  Claire tried to parry away Isabel’s hand, but the Latina held fast.  Still holding Claire by her hair, Isabel drew back her free hand, balled it into a fist, and slammed it squarely into the bottom of Claire’s jaw.  Releasing her hair, Isabel saw Claire’s head snap backward Her balance teetering back and forth, both legs of the tall brunette abruptly lost strength, and she plunged to the ground, face first.  The one-sided crowd cheered, and hooted loudly at the knock out.  Although not unconscious, Claire was dazed, and had difficulty raising her head from the earth.  Her prostrate body laid face down before the crowd, and her legs were tucked beneath her, forming a ball.

Isabel wasted no time to diminish her defeated opponent.  She reached down and grabbed the collar at the back of Claire’s blouse, and began pulling until the sound of ripping cloth could be heard.  The cheers of the crowd grew died down, and all were focused on Isabel’s determination.  Isabel jerked the collar and pulled back and forth until Claire’s right shoulder was bared, revealing a brassiere strap The pulling effect on Claire’s body roused her to full consciousness.  Realizing what was happening to her in front of this unruly crowd (in which stood her students), with both hands, she began holding onto her blouse in the front, shouting:

“NO!! NO!! Please . . .Stop!!. . . Leave me alone.  Leave my blouse alone!!”

Clearly enjoying the torment she was inflicting, and taking her time, Isabel  turned to the crowd and yelled:

“Quién aquí quisiera ver los tetas grandes de esta puta??!!”
 (“Who here would like to see the big tits of this whore??!!”)  

The entire crowd – especially the men – let out a big cheer, and began yelling: “¡Sí!, ¡Sí!” (Yes! Yes!)

One man with a loud voice started a cheer: “Tetas! Tetas!” (Tits! Tits!)

The crowd joined him.  

The women also were delighted, and began laughing and poking at one another in enthusiasm.  Ralphie overheard one woman saying to another:

“Puedo esperar apenas para ver lo que parecen los pechos de este perro femenino. Cuando se saca su sujetador, apuesto que caen a sus rodillas. ¡Entonces quisiera Isabel hiciera que ella aspira sus propias entrerroscas!”
(I can hardly wait to see what this bitch’s tits look like. When her brassiere is taken off, I bet they fall to her knees. Then I want Isabel to make her suck her own nipples!)

Already slightly aroused at witnessing this catfight, upon hearing these lewd remarks, Ralphie could feel his cock starting to stir in his trousers.  His breathing began to grow slightly labored as he visualized the woman’s description of a stripped Claire, sans bra, and what Isabel might make her do. The thought of Claire being forced to suck her nipples in front of everyone was more than he could possibly stand, and he knew right then and there that he was going to have to get away from the guards at some point later to jack off.      

Looking down at Claire, she sarcastically inquired in English:

“What’s the matter, puta (whore)? Are you afraid of showing all of us  your big cow tetas? Don’t you think we all deserve a good show, since you’ve been such a bad girl at our camp?  You don’t want to disappoint your two young boys over there, do you?”

She glanced over to Ralphie and Jack with a sneer, and both boys began blushing.

Claire remained hunched over and face down, and resisted the urge to look up at the two students.  Then Isabel said something unexpected that ran through her like a knife:

“Are you modest to give us a show because you are a new mother?”

Claire suddenly looked up, and Isabel could tell that from Claire’s stunned expression that she had been unaware that Isabel knew of her new maternal status.

“Oh, yes,  I know you recently gave birth to a child, Senora Davidson.  And, I know how having a child . . . changes. . . your. . .  body.” She drew out her words slowly, teasingly.  “And being a very educated person, you must realize that I am aware of how a woman’s body is equipped to ---“ She stopped.   “Look at me.”

Claire hesitated, then looked up at Isabel.

Isabel smiled wickedly, and continued: “ -- feed her newborn. Yes, yes, you must be breastfeeding right now.  Am I correct?”  

Claire remained mute, looking down at the ground.

“Answer me!” Isabel commanded.  “Answer me!”

Meekly, Claire responded: “Please. . .please. . .  yes, I am nursing a child.  Please stop taunting me.  Let me go back to my quarters.”

“You must be wondering how do I know?”, Isabel inquired sarcastically.


Isabel turned to one of the young soldiers who was her aide-de-camp.  “Antonio, please bring me the device,” she ordered.

The soldier bolted away momentarily, and returned with what appeared to be a small machine cradled in his hands.  Claire looked up straining to see what it was.  As the soldier grew closer, to her horror, she finally realized what he was carrying:  her battery-powered electric breast pump!!  Claire gasped, and tried to look away.  Her head was facing toward Tracey and Lorene, and she could see both girls also realizing what was being brought before them.  The mouths of both girls fell agape.  They were in shock, wondering what was going to occur next.  

Isabel took the device from her aide Antonio, and began playing with it. A mechanical pump, it consisted largely of a plastic box connected by plastic tubes to two large suction cups. The tubes funneled the suctioned breast milk into a clear glass receptacles at the base of each suction cup.. She held up one of the suction cups aloft, just above her head, and slowly pirouetted to allow the crowd to gaze upon the this odd-looking machine.   Looking down at her own chest, Isabel playfully placed the cup atop one of her own fully clothed breasts.   Then she spoke:

“So. . you see, my dear Senora Davidson, you have no secrets from me.  My men found this device shortly after we sorted through your luggage upon your arrival at our camp. Did you not think my men would find it hidden away in your belongings?  At first, they didn’t know what it was, thinking it might be an explosive device.  So they reported to me that you were carrying a bomb!”  Isabel belted out a big belly laugh.

“But we ladies know the purpose of this device. It is a breast pump. If a mother cannot have her niños pequeños (children) – or even her lover -- suckle sufficiently, and she has lots of leche (milk) in her tetas (tits), she turns to this device to. . . . how you say. . . milk herself like a cow.  Es esto correcto (Agreed)?

A pause ensued.

“Senora Davidson, I am talking to you.  Do you agree?!!” Isabel mocked in a sing-song voice.

 “Yes”, Claire responded In a barely audible voice.  She was dying of embarrassment.  She could hardly believe she and Isabel were talking about something  so private in such a public manner.  Glancing again at Tracey and Lorene, she could see both girls openly crying and holding onto one another, thinking the worst for Claire.  Looking in another direction at Ralphie standing next to Jack, she saw both young men almost too embarrassed to look at her.  Even Ralphie tried to direct his attention in another direction, his eyes peering upward comfortably.

“Now, Senora Davidson, when was the last time you used this pump?  Please don’t be shy.  You are among friends.”, Isabel taunted.

“Please . . . please don’t make me talk about something so private.  I beg of you.”, Claire pleaded.

“Answer me, puta!!”

“Last. . . . last night.”  Claire was barely audible.

“Ay caramba!! So long ago. . . your tetas must be very. . . .very full . . .right now. And being full. . . . they must hurt.  We ladies like to share this type of information with one another don’t we? Well, Senora Davidson, our entire armed militia of the FARM government want to be helpful.  So why don’t we help you relieve your pain, your fullness right now?

The last sentence set off alarm bells in Claire’s head.

“NO!! NO!!  Your can’t be serious!!, Claire screeched.

Isabel decided to drop her faux patience with this puta.  Her tone grew angry and strident, befitting someone of her rank and privilege within the FARM military culture:

“You are an capitalist gringa . . invading our country uninvited . . ,  tormenting our poor brave male comrades with your big, salacious udders to tease them, ..  But now you must be punished!!

With that final pronouncement, Isabel reached down and grabbed the back collar of Claire’s blouse, and jerked as hard as her strength would allow.  Claire desperately tried to hold onto her blouse, but her counter efforts had the opposite effect, in essence straining the material to the breaking point. Buttons gave way, and the entire blouse began showing a clear seam at the back.  Despite Claire’s efforts to salvage her blouse, Isabel successfully wrested the remaining segments of the apparel away from her, and ultimately pulled its entirely away and into her hands. The crowd cheered at Claire’s loss of her blouse.

Claire’s arms and hands remained covering the front of her torso, and she was curled into a ball to minimize her physical exposure to all. She began openly weeping and sobbing, with tears streaming down her face. “Please, please. . . not in front of my students.”, she pleaded.

Chortling, Isabel began ripping the light cotton blouse into strips.  They would make fine bindings for the next stage of this coerced performance.

Claire knew that if she stayed put, she would be subjected to unspeakable horrors. All her life she fought against the odds, and prevailed.  She didn’t win her faculty position through luck, but rather from hard work and determination.  To her, this crisis was no different.  Sizing up the situation, she decided in an instant to attempt to fight her way to freedom and flee this madness.

Looking around, she noticed a small seam in the crowd surrounding her.  If she timed it right, she could bolt through before anyone could stop her.  Without hesitation, she decided to make a run for it, jumping to her feet from her crouched position, and dashing for the seam.  Unfortunately for her, a rather large soldier had been standing just outside the perimeter of the crowd, and stepped in front of her just as she broke through the seam.  Holding his hands in front of Claire, she ran face first into him.  Momentarily, she became dazed.  Taking advantage of her sudden lapse of attention, the soldier grabbed her by both shoulders, turned her around, and shoved her back into the center of the jeering circle of guerilla men and women.

Almost absurdly, Claire pivoted around and attempted to try to break through the circle again, each time being rebuffed by the crowd closing ranks who pushed her back.  Caught up in the fever of this amusing cat and mouse game, the crowd hooted and hollered at Claire’s ridiculous attempt to flee.  Even worse, as she bolted to and fro, her oversized breasts held up by her light cotton nursing brassiere was bouncing wildly up and down and right and left.  The crowd appeared to enjoy this spontaneous, lewd exhibition, shouting ribald comments about how Claire’s tetas  were also “seeking to escape” from their confines.

Not needing to exert herself, Isabel simply stood her ground and took in the show.  This Anglo puta was only going to make her ultimate humiliation more painful the longer she deferred the next stage of her plan.  She looked at the students.  The two young gringas were clearly emotionally spent, bawling their eyes out at the impending doom of their beloved lady professor.  The two boys, on the other hand, did not look bothered at all, at least not by any potential harm to Claire.  Instead, Isabel immediately sensed that both were fixated on the lewd physical exhibition of their teacher, and, like the male camp soldiers, were aroused at Claire’s bouncing tetas.  The short, rotund one was especially fixated.  Isabel could tell by the protrusion in his trousers that his little chile (penis) urgently sought relief.  “Ahh!”, she thought.  The little muchacho’s manhood rises hard for his lady professor.  Delightfully taking note, Isabel began charting revised plans for what she had in mind for Claire’s next phase of “performance.”  

Ralphie was indeed fixated.  Long lusting after Claire’s mammaries, he couldn’t believe the lewd spectacle playing out before him, watching Claire Davidson vainly trying to escape while attired in her nursing bra in front of them all.  Her boobs appeared even larger without her blouse, bouncing up and down as she attempted to pry her way loose from the crowd.  Already breathing quite heavily from arousal at this wild scenario, his cock felt it was about to ejaculate.  He could already feel precum seeping from his cocktip and knew that it would likely stain his briefs and possibly his pants.  He badly needed to masturbate.

Isabel decided it was time for the real show to begin.  Looking at Rosalee and Lourdes, two hefty female corporals who served as aides to Isabel, she commanded:

“Seize the puta and bring her to me!”

The two burly women sauntered over to an obviously exhausted and defeated Claire, whose desire for escape had withered.  Gasping for breath and bent over at the waist, she had little fight left as the two seized her by her arms and dragged her toward Isabel. Claire purposefully faced downward, unwilling to look at Isabel.

“Look at me!”, Isabel shouted.

Claire slowly rose her head.  She was expressionless as though deeply drugged.


The back of Isabel’s hand found Claire’s cheek, stinging the brunette momentarily.  Isabel had been wanting to do that ever since they had arrived at the camp.

Facing the crowd which was starting to lose patience, Isabel announced:

“ ¿Quién aquí quisiera ver esta vaca judía americana ordeñada?” (Who here would like to see this American cow milked?)

Because Claire was fluent in Spanish, she clearly understood what Isabel had just said.  One part of her couldn’t believe what she had just heard.  Certainly Isabel wasn’t so sadistic to even suggest abusing her breasts in the fashion she just described. The other part of her took this statement literally, and Claire started to resist once more, struggling to free herself from the painful clutch of the two women.

The crowd loved what Isabel just announced. This American woman represented the cosmopolitan, capitalistic stereotype so hated by the Marxist FARM guerillas.  That they now had one to use and abuse physically was a special treat for many of them who had not had a day away from the hot,  brutal jungle for a number of years.


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Chapter V

Rendered Topless

“Senora, it’s time to show us your big tetas,” Isabel instructed Claire.

Isabel reached for one of Claire’s bra straps.  But the comely brunette instinctively jerked her arms away from her captors, freeing them momentarily.  She would not go down without one more fight, and refused to let this Latino bitch take her down this way.  Claire attempted to wrest Isabel’s grip away from her bra strap, digging her nails into her hand.

Isabel was just as determined, and grew angry at Claire’s last ditch effort to salvage her modesty.  She maintained a grip on Claire’s brassiere strap, and continued pulling.  But Claire was brimming with wild abandon, much like a wounded animal fighting for life.  She persisted in trying to hit, slap, or punch Isabel in the face – anything to make her let go of the bra.

Isabel strategically made a move to end the brief fracas by reaching behind Claire and unhooking the back of the bra.  Once the back binding became free, it was just a matter of time and energy between the two feisty woman.  Claire felt her bra grow loose behind her and released her grip on Isabel’s hand in a vain attempt to hold her two bra cups in place.  This became a huge tactical error on her part, as it allowed Isabel to use her full strength with both hands to tug at the unharnessed bra.

With one quick, relatively effortless jerk, the bra pulled free from Claire’s torso, and she was rendered topless.  The crowd howled at the revelation, shouting all manner of obscenities at Claire’s half nudity.  Tracey and Lorene could barely stand to look at their teacher, recalling how Claire had privately shared with them how sensitive her engorged breasts felt, and discreetly asking them each evening to assist her in using the breast pump.  They saw Claire’s wide eyes,  appearing like a scared animal about to be eaten alive.  They saw her reflexively try to use her forearms to cover her ample mammaries, but then realizing that they were far too large to sufficiently hide from the crowd.  Ultimately, the girls noticed that Claire had decided to place the palms of both her hands directly atop each of her large brown nipples, in hopes of covering from view her wide, saucer-shaped areola. She was gasping for breath, and each breath she took made her bosoms lewdly gyrate.  

Isabel was delighted to be holding Claire’s ample nursing bra in her hands.  She noticed that a wet pad fell from one of the cups, no doubt soaked with Claire’s milk secretions.  With both hands holding each of the shoulder straps, she fully extended the bra so that the two cups were plainly visible.  This Jewish puta’s bra is even larger than I imagined, she thought to herself.  This woman surely is a cow!  With a wide grin, she held the protracted bra above her head and turned around slowly 360 degrees, allowing the entire crowd to view it like seized booty, or a valued trophy.

While suppressing a laugh, Isabel bellowed to the crowd at the top of her lungs:

“La victoria mis compañeros! La American ubres de vaca son los nuestros!” (Victory my comrades! The American cow's udders are ours!)

The crowd roared with delight, laughing and poking one another at Isabel’s wry sense of humor.

Isabel beckoned to Antonio As he ambled toward her,  she suddenly threw him Claire’s bra.  Catching it with both hands, he appeared somewhat stunned.

“Antonio, here is a plaything for you to enjoy.  But do not destroy it as I would like to display it in our commissary as a memento to celebrate mi victoria sobre el América esta puta hoy  (my victory over this American whore today),” she commanded laughingly.

Turning to his comrades, consisting of a group of young male and female guerillas of approximately college age, Antonio smiled at them and lifted Claire’s bra to his nose.  With a purposefully loud snort, he made a pretense of smelling it.   His friends laughed delightedly, and playfully punched him in the chest.  He responded by sticking the contoured portion of one of the bra cups into his mouth. Biting the cup at its tip and holding it between his teeth, he pulled the rest of the bra away from his face, a gesture intended to mock the urgent suckling of an infant at a mother’s nipple. His young female friends began giggling, and chided him for behaving so nasty.  He laughed, clearly relishing the attention.

None of this lewd humor was lost on Claire. Trying to look away to avoid witnessing the fondling of her bra, Claire was embarrassed and degraded.  Few pieces of a woman’s apparel signified her womanhood more than her brassiere.  As a woman, Claire felt It represented her very sexuality as her breasts were the primary means of communicating her sexual being to the world.  Her bra also symbolized her status as a mother, since it covered and protected the physical assets she used to nurture and feed her young.  To see it now being so debased and toyed with was profane, and a violation of her womanhood.  

While Claire was distracted, Isabel handed the strips of cloth (that formerly were Claire’s blouse) to Lourdes, and  ordered the corporal to bind Claire’s hands, and to remove her shorts but to leave on her panties.  Isabel had a touch for staging ritual humiliations of prisoners, knowing that leaving Claire with her panties on did nothing to relieve her sense of exposure, but only served to emphasize her bare breasts.  Besides, Isabel thought, there was no need to rush things.  The panties would be removed in due course.      
Lourdes swiftly moved behind Claire, jerked both arms behind her, and tied her hands together at the wrist.  As Lourdes started to unbuckle Claire’s belt to remove her shorts, Claire began trying to pull away, pleading not to strip her of her pants, but all to no avail. Lourdes pulled down Claire’s shorts to her ankles, and forced the comely professor to yield her pants.

Stepping behind her, Isabel grasped Claire’s bound hands with one of her hands, and jerked them upward forcefully, causing Claire to bend forward at the waist. She pushed Claire forward, symbolically making her a public spectacle for the crowd to behold.  

“Please, please. . . don’t !”, Claire begged, to no one in particular.

With her breasts  bared and pants removed, she was a sight    

As she leaned forward with her hands pulled and bound behind her and completely topless, Claire’s full breasts could now be viewed by all entirely exposed. Her protruding breasts telegraphed to the eager, unruly crowd the next chapter of this lewd demonstration.

Ralphie was mesmerized, and he was convinced that cum was about to explode out of his rock-hard dick.  His eyes attempted to absorb every detail of this  woman who he had so vigorously detested but whose breasts and body he yearned to suck and fuck.  Unsheathed of her bra, Claire’s breasts appeared to be even larger than he had imagined. Pendulous, her mammaries were long enough to reach her navel.  Full and covered with bluish veins, her breasts  were white, much whiter than the rest of her body (no doubt from not having seen much sun), and were capped by two of the largest areola Ralphie had ever seen, at least in men’s magazines or on porn sites of the internet. Reddish brown in color, the saucer-shaped areola around Claire’s nipples were accented with elongated nipples that resembled little erect penises.  As her breasts hung down from her chest,  Ralphie thought Claire’s breasts resembled full water balloons he used to play with as a child – except in this instance they were not filled with water, but milk.  He  would sell his mother to the Arabs to be able to suck on one of those babies.  But it was not yet Ralphie’s turn to suck. At least not yet.

Isabel glanced at both Rosalee and Lourdes and bark out a command signaling the next stage in Claire’s humiliation:

“Ladies, it is time to show our dear American professor how we revolutionaries can relieve her of the painful fullness of the milk in her breasts.  You know what to do.  Use the machine on her!”

The two burly women laughed aloud as Lourdes reached down and picked up the mechanical breast pump with the two suction cups.  As they sauntered over to Claire, the American resumed struggling against her bonds and began screaming:

“NO!! NO!! You have no right!  Please. . . please leave my breasts alone. . . please don’t touch them. . . “

Here words were to no avail.  With eager hands, both women assistants stood astride Claire and placed the cups on each of her breasts directly over her large brown nipples. With their free hands, they grasped Claire’s forearms to prevent her from moving or escaping.

With Claire forcefully restrained, Isabel stooped down to flip on the switch of the breast pump.  The battery operated machine emanated a low hum as it began its suction.  

With the breast pump now operating fully in suction mode, Claire’s nipples could be seen through the transparent cup as being pulled into the cup by the vacuum.  For Claire, the feeling was intense but not unpleasant.  Initially, nothing happened.  Claire was so ashamed at being made this spectacle she could barely lift her head to witness the faces of those around her.  Finally, her head slowly rose to peer around the crowd.  

She glanced at Tracey and Lorene and witnessed the look of shock on their faces. She knew what they were thinking.  They had shared Claire’s personal privacy with her at the hotel, when their professor asked for their assistance to pump her breasts to relieve the pressure of milk engorgement  Now this private act was being made public, in front of Claire’s male students and all of these guerillas.  Tracey and Lorene could hardly believe that Claire was being forced to display her breasts, now bared, with her big extended nipples being pulled and sucked by the machine as it extracted her breast milk.  She was no longer an intelligent, comely woman.  She had been reduced to a mere cow before them.  Claire grimaced, and her eyes tightened at the humiliation of seeing her female students being wracked with the pain of her degradation.

She turned to look at Ralphie and Jack, and saw them transfixed, their eyes appearing glazed.. Both looked uncomfortable, but Claire surmised they must both be highly aroused from this spectacle.

As Claire closed her eyes involuntarily, she focused on the physical sensations caused by the suction.  Clearly, her engorged breasts were feeling relieved from the sucking of the pumps.  The rhythmic pulsing was soothing, and somewhat sensuous.  She could feel her breasts and pubic area growing aroused from the artificial suckling. Her pants began feeling wet She began audibly moaning, unconscious of the sound emanating from her mouth.      

The crowd was clearly relishing this debasement, chortling and yelling obscene catcalls in Spanish.  Many craned their necks to get a view of the breast pumps extracting leche from the lady gringa’s tetas.  They could tell she was getting horney from this machine sucking her nipples.  

After the passage of about 5 minutes, both receptacles began filling about a quarter full of breast milk.  Surveying the liquid bounty, Isabel instructed Lourdes and Rosalee to pull the cups away from Claire’s breasts.  As they pulled away, Claire’s nipples continued seeping small streams of white nourishment.   The two women strode to the side, with Lourdes holding both the breast pump and both suction cups pending the next command from Isabel.

”Antonio, please stand here!” Isabel called to the youthful guerilla holding Claire’s bra,  while pointing to the ground situated in front of Claire.    The young man scurried forward compliantly.

“For you, mi hijo, a taste of the American puta. . . , “ Isabel beckoned.  

With one hand facing palm up, Isabel grasped Claire’s right breast and lifted it until the nipple was tilted upward.  With her forefinger and thumb, she began squeezing Claire’s nipple and pulling on it gently.

“Ohhh . . . please don’t . . . . . Ahhh!” ,Claire protested.  She felt herself being violated by this woman touching her in such a sensitive spot.  

“Silence!”, Isabel retorted.

After a few more moments, Isabel’s pulling and squeezing turned more urgent and rigorous. After a few seconds, a sudden stream of milk jetted out and splashed Antonio in the face.  The young man laughed, and the crowd roared with laughter and delight. Antonio began licking the milk droplets that covered his lips.  

“Mis compañeros, nuestro americano vaca nos da mucho la leche!”
 (My comrades, our American cow gives us much milk!, Isabel exclaimed.  The crowd again roared.

“Mi comandante adjunto, su leche es . . . es  muy dulce. . .como la miel“ (My Deputy Commandante, her milk is. . . is very sweet. . . like honey!), Antonio delightedly informed Isabel and the crowd.

One woman yelled: “Quizás ella debería alimentar a la totalidad del campo con los grandes Tetas! " (Perhaps she should feed the entire camp with those big tetas!)

Humiliated beyond words and unable to face anyone in the face, Claire gazed  upwards. With eyes blinking fiercely and tears streaming from her eyes, she again pleaded:  

“Please . . . please. . . stop this . . . madness  . .You’re hurting my breasts. . . Please. . my milk. . . it belongs to my child. . ... . “

Her cries only made Isabel more determined to make Claire expel more milk.  Her squeezing and pulling became more urgent and hurtful as an arc of  milk sprayed and fell to the ground.  With each squeeze and spray, the crowd exclaimed with delight, making lewd comments about the quality and quantity of Claire’s lactation.

To make matters worse, in response to the forced letdown of her right breast, Claire’s idle left breast began furiously leaking milk as well. Effectively, both her breasts were now in full lactating mode.

Ralphie thought he would come at that instant.  Ever since he first cast eyes on Claire,  he imagined what her tits would look like bared, and fantasized about her boobs yielding milk after she become pregnant.  Now Claire Davidson was being milked right in front of him, just like a cow! She sure lived up to her nickname, Queen Milkytits! As he witnessed this act, he thought it was a mirage.  He was breathing fast and uncontrollably from his intense arousal.  As his eyes surveyed her breasts, they also happened incidentally to focus momentarily on her nearly transparent light beige panties and her covered pubic mound.  It was obvious that Claire did not shave.  Jeez, he thought, I can see her pussy and dark bush!  


Isabel surveyed the crowd and spoke in a mocking voice:

“This cow needs to feed her calves.  Antonio here will become one of her calves.”

Grinning eagerly, Antonio nodded his head.

She continued:

“But since she has two udders, we need another calf?  Who here will be her other calf?”

Looking and pointing at Ralphie, Isabel declared:

“This little gringo will serve as the American cow’s other calf.  Come. . . come drink her  milk!”

Panicked and horrified, Claire screeched:  

“NO!! NO!! You can’t be serious!!  Let me out of here! He’s my student!  This is beastly. . . .it’s inhuman!  Don’t’ let him come near me!”  

The thought of anyone suckling from her breast other than her child was horrific, but having Ralphie at her breast was an unimaginable nightmare.    

Despite his fevered imagination, Ralphie also drew the line at his masturbatory fantasies and reality. He was panicked at the thought of actually taking Claire’s nipple in his mouth and being forced to suckle her milk – in front of his classmates and the entire guerilla camp.  He looked at Tracey and Lorene and could see the expressions of shock and bewilderment on their faces as they peered at him.  He looked at Jack, who sported a wisecrack expression, and quickly winked.  Ralphie stood there staring at Isabel with an afraid expression, unmoved.

Isabel observed:

“It looks like Senora Davidson’s favorite male student is unwilling to savor her mammary offering.  He needs a little encouragement.”  Gesturing to Rosalee and Lourdes, Isabel commanded the two burly women to bring Ralphie front and center.  Grabbing him by both arms, they forced him to shuffle forward.  

“Let . . . . let go of me. . . you . . . . you can’t make me do this. . . NO!! NO!!, he protested.      

Isabel was determined to carry out this sexual exhibition:

“Antonio, mi hijo, please help yourself to the American’s left udder. As for the right teta, this little gringo will get a taste of what I’m sure he has been lusting for . . . for quite some time!”  

Antonio fastidiously obeyed, lowering his head to Claire’s breast, first allowing his lips to graze the tip of her nipple, then taking it directly into his mouth.  He began sucking.

‘Ohhh. . . please. . . . NO!! NO!! STOP!! Ahhhh. . . . Ahhhh. . . “ Claire cried out in vain.  While fighting against the erotic sensations of Antonio’s mouth and the relief the let down allowed, she also was humiliated at this stranger drinking her baby’s milk. But her horrors were not yet fully realized, as she was soon to discover.

With one firm hand, Isabel grasped Ralphie at the back of the neck and pushed has face downward to Claire’s other uncovered breast, forcing his face directly into her nipple.  

¡“BEBIDA!! Beba. leche de la América imperialista. Un país tan de gran alcance. pero desamparado evitar que su leche sea seca drenado.”
 (DRINK!! Drink the. . .  milk of the imperialist America.  Such a powerful country. . .  but helpless to prevent her milk from being drained dry.) Tsk, tsk!!” , Isabel mocked.

Ralphie was torn.  Here it was for him to suck -- a boob of Queen Milkytits -- just like he had always wanted.  Why not go for it?  But privately he knew there would be consequences.  The pleasure now would be outweighed by the pain of the severe punishment he would receive from Claire and the university for sexually assaulting his teacher and collaborating with these guerillas.

“Ralphie, please. . . .please don’t. It doesn’t have to be this way.  I know you and I have had our differences, but don’t make them do something you know is not right.  I ask . . . no, I  plead with you. Please. . . . “ Claire begged.      

Nonetheless, he finally gave in, opened his mouth, and allowed Claire’s turgid nipple to enter between his teeth.  Upon closing his mouth, he applied gentle suction to see what would happen. Her nipple was erect and felt warm on his tongue.  He felt warm liquid starting to seep, and then spill forth, tasting slightly sweet, mixed with the musty flavor of what must have been Claire’s sweat, as she was perspiring profusely. Closing his eyes, he continued suckling, somewhat more urgently. If the guerillas were to put a bullet to the back of his head right now, this is the way to go, he thought privately.

In deep emotional agony, Claire looked down at Ralphie’s face pressed against her breast and saw his cheeks reflect the suction on her nipple.  She tilted her head back and squeezed her eyes tight, trying to block out the sensations.  With her mouth agape, she emitted a low groan:  “Ahhh. . . . !!!”   At that moment, she felt degraded and dehumanized.    

Seeing this sight, the crowd broke into spontaneous applause and laughter.  They were clearly relishing this public, obscene humiliation of the American professor with her student.    


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Chapter VI


Although Claire’s eyes remained shut, Isabel noticed that her breathing grew short and labored.  The puta was becoming aroused from her nipples being sucked,  she  thought.  The guerilla leader concluded that she needed to execute the final step in her plan now as a consequence.

Isabel  motioned Lourdes over and conferred with her.  The loyal aide whipped out a huge combat knife and began shearing away portions of Claire’s panties at the hip. By the time Claire realized what was going on , it was too late.  Lourdes made easy dispatch of Claire’s panties, stripping the remaining sheer cloth from around her hips and crotch.  After a few seconds, Claire was completely naked.  Despite that, she remained engrossed in the involuntary suckling at her breasts.

Isabel again conferred with Lourdes and Rosalee.  Soon both women were stationed at each side of Claire.  At a predetermined moment, they abruptly pulled her away from the two young men drinking her milk, and forced her to her knees.  The two young men looked slightly dazed at the interruption.  Ralphie had milk dripping from his mouth, and looked like a child whose hand had been caught in the candy store.  They both stood there mute, waiting to see what would happen next.  Ralphie’s eyes widened as he realized that Claire was now fully nude.  Fuckin’ shit!, he thought.

Isabel approached Antonio and whispered into his ear, sharing with him her instructions.  The young aide laughed aloud, and nodded his head vigorously.  Claire saw the devilish expression on his face and felt intimidated.

“Senora Davidson, I have a very special treat for you.  Since you are a guest in our country, I have instructed my young male assistant to offer you his hospitality that only a man could share with a woman.  You look like a woman with special tastes, and I assume that extends to men.  So you shall be given a taste one of our men, the finest San Mercado has to offer!”

Realizing what Isabel was referring to, Claire began screaming in protest:

“NO!! NO!! How dare you!  Not in front of all these people!!”  She began rising, attempting to elevate herself from her knees.   

Antonio moved swiftly to blunt her effort to resist.  With one hand, he grabbed one of her shoulders, and with the other rendered a harsh slap to her face with the back of her hand.


Silencio!, he shouted.

The crowd gasped.  Although Antonio had a friendly face with dark, handsome features – and was  favorite of the young women in the camp -- he knew how to treat woman in a way to put them in their place.         

Stunned by the brute force of the young guerilla, Claire fell back onto her knees, slightly off balance and breaking her fall with both hands flat on the ground. Her elongated breasts drooped, milk dripping to the ground.

“Stay where you are, puta!” Antonio commanded.  He looked at Isabel, and his superior smiled and nodded approvingly:. 

“Proceed, Antonio.  Give the American vaca (cow) a taste of a San Mercado man!”   

Antonio unbuckled his trousers and let them drop to his ankles in a heap.  He was dressed in green military boxer shorts, and the front of his crotch sported a tent-like protrusion and evidenced some seepage as the front was wet. Antonio looked at the crowd, and smiled at the young guerilla women.  They giggled, and waved back.

Grabbing the waistband of his shorts, he pulled them down, revealing his manhood.  It stood erect, pointing upward, a light tan uncircumcised, seven-inch rod crowned with a dark brown glans. Antonio was very hirsute, and the mass of dark public hair surrounding his cock only seemed to emphasize his virility. The young women in the crowd crowed in delight, and elbowed one another as his cock sprang into view.  Antonio was handsome and considered quite a ladies’ man, and the women enjoyed seeing his manhood being displayed even if they were going to be denied an opportunity right now to savor it.  Today, this privilege was reserved for the prostrate Norte Americano professor.

Antonio began rubbing his shaft and playing with its head.  Precum was already starting to seep from his urethral opening.  As he moved his foreskin back and forth, he looked at the women again and winked.  They continued giggling, but were growing restive and highly aroused at his erection.

Claire’s head remained pitched downward.

Grabbing her hair, Antonio jerked Claire’s head upward, forcing her to glare directly at his manhood.

“Take me in your mouth!”, he commanded.  “Suck my hardness!”

Sensing Claire’s resistance as she kept her mouth clamped, Antonio decided to humiliate her using another tack. Taking his cock in one hand, he began knocking it on the side of her face in a gentle, mocking fashion.  He purposefully rubbed the tip of his cockhead over her nose, lips, and cheek to spread his precum over her face.  Although she kept her eyes tightly shut, she could feel his male sliminess start to creep over the surface of her face.  The sense of dread and humiliation washed over her.  The feel of his dirty cock all over her face was degrading.     

Finally, resigned to her fate, Claire’s resistance gave way as Antonio’s cock slipped between her slightly parted lips, as though almost by accident.  Feeling little resistance, Antonio shoved his manhood harshly down her throat.  Claire began coughing from this brute insertion, drawing a harsh laugh from Antonio.  The crowd also responded with laughter, and broke into applause at the oral penetration.

Sternly grabbing the back of Claire’s head, Antonio rhythmically forced her to use her mouth to fellate his shaft  As her head jerked back and forth, the crowd began clapping in like rhythm.  Antonio began enjoying this sodomy, and tilted his head backwards in a show of conquest.

Claire could barely stand the hard rod in her mouth and the salty taste of his perspiration, precum, and Lord knows what else was on his dick. She began crying, and attempted to stifle her tears as she needed to continue breathing through her nose while her mouth remained occupied.  She had only once consented to oral sex in her life, while she was in college and hated it, and studiously avoided doing it with her husband.  She could not put out of her mind that this was the same organ males used to urinate.  She thought of Antonio’s piss being a part of what she was tasting, and was repulsed.

As Antonio began to feel himself moving toward climax, he looked down at Claire and commanded:  “Leave my cock in your mouth until I say so, comprende!? 

“Uhhh, Uhh!”, Claire attempted to respond affirmatively through her occupied mouth.

She suddenly felt a burst of warm, viscous liquid hit the rooftop of her mouth, and a strong salty, taste hit her tongue.  His semen tasted like raw fish.

Not wanting to deprive his female spectators a show, while in mid-climax Antonio abruptly pulled his cock from Claire’s half-filled mouth, and pointed his saliva-sheened shaft at her face.  His cock ejaculated a second jet of ropey semen that arced across her face, where it splattered over her nose, eyelids, and forehead.  This was followed by a third and final arc of semen.

As his semen was spotted erupting over Claire’s face, the young women in the crowd gasped.  Many began tittering among themselves commenting on the sight of Antonio’s wonderfully abundant semen, and apparent baby-making prowess.  They pined to bear his child.  Such a waste, some of them lamented.  He should be using his seed to sire another fine male for the revolution, they commented, and instead was spilling his seed all over the face of this undeserving American vaca.   

To underscore his contempt for Claire and her people, Antonio reached down and smeared the globules of his semen all over her face and hair, declaring: 

“This is for you, American vaca.  You will not be able to wash away the smell and taste of my San Mercado sperm.  It will be on your face forever, whenever you return to your husband and child.”   

Claire’s faced downward as a long viscous string of semen mixed with saliva dripped from her mouth.  She attempted to rid her mouth of his noxious emission, but the foul, salty taste lingered.  She continued to weep quietly.  She could envision the millions of Hispanic sperm swimming all over her tongue, and tried to spit out more of his semen, as though it would cleanse her.

Antonio grabbed Claire’s hair by one hand and wiped it over his cock, cleaning it. Reaching down, he inserted his left hand below one of Claire’s breasts and raised it, the nipple pointing up. With his right hand he grasped his cock and pointed it so the glans rested on her areola.  With a gentle prod, he began rubbing his cockhead across the expanse of the wide areola  back and forth until Claire’s nipple became erect, glistening with the residue of his spent seminal fluid and residual milk.

“Your tetas are now mine.” He dismissively intoned.  Like an animal, he had marked his territory with his semen smeared over her nipple.   

Speechless, Claire looked up at Antonio, her face a mixture of grimace and shame. Laughing, he hiked his shorts and trousers up, and strode toward Isabel.  Leaning forward, he pecked her on the cheek, and silently mouthed thanks.  She smiled and kissed him back.   

Isabel then told Antonio and Rosalee to grab Ralphie by both arms, and they complied.  Ralphie was frightened, and gave no resistance lest he endanger his life.  She also instructed several guerillas carrying side arms to unsheathe their pistols and to aim them at Claire and Ralphie “to ensure cooperation.”  Claire was dumbfounded by this heightened intimidation, but also was too frightened to offer any resistance. 

Finally, while looking at Ralphie, Isabel spoke to Claire:

“Senora Davidson, do you know this young man? Do you know he is? ”

“He’s. . . he’s one of my students.  You know that.  Why do you ask?”, Claire inquired.

“As you will discover, he is about to become more than your student.  Today, he will be your lover . . .  the father of your next child!”  Isabel intoned harshly, with a sadistic grin.   

The words hit Claire so abruptly, at first she had difficulty deciphering just what Isabel had said:

 “The father of my. . . .”  Suddenly she understood what was about to happen. “What!!!???. . . You. . . you can’t be . . . . NO!! NO WAY!!. . . Don’t let him come near me!  You people are savages.  You are inhuman.  Damn you!  Damn you all!!”, she cursed.

Ralphie was perplexed.  Is this woman wanting me to fuck Claire Davidson, Queen Milkytits??!!, he thought. Right here?  Right now?  In front of all these people, including the girls?!  He looked at Tracey and Lorene and saw them holding onto one another sobbing. I don’t want them to see my pecker, much less me fucking my teacher.  Shit!, he thought.

As on cue, Lourdes sauntered over to Ralphie and begin unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers.  Ralphie began resisting his captors, struggling to free his arms, and shouting:


Chuckling, Lourdes ignored him.  She loosened his trousers, and pulled them down to his ankles.  As she reached for his briefs, he attempted to pull away, but she grabbed his waist band with both hands, and jerked it downward.

Ralphie’s rock-hard erection was now fully exposed, springing upward to life in reaction to Lourdes’ harsh removal of his underwear.  For a little guy, he sported a decent-sized pecker at around 6 inches when erect.  His phallus was as white and pasty as the rest of his complexion, save for the slightly purple knob of a cockhead, which glistened with precum oozing from its tip.  A small tuft of light brown pubic hear beckoned from the base of the shaft. His scrotum dangled beneath, as though attempting to hide from view of the spectators.

The revelation of Ralphie’s obvious erection delighted the crowd, which roared approvingly.  Almost doubled over in laughter, Isabel exclaimed:

“Ay caramba! El pequeño ternero tiene el chile de un toro! Nuestra vaca se se aparearon con un poco toro!" (Oh my!! The little calf has the cock of a bull!  Our cow will be mated with a little bull!) 

The crowd fell over in laughter.

Looking directly at Claire she uttered profanely:

“As you can see, your young man. . . your student. . . he desires you. . .he is ready. . . he is hard. . .his seed awaits you!”

Claire looked with horror at Ralphie’s erect manhood, repulsed at the notion of  that thing being put in her, having sex with this little beast, and allowing him to cum in her. No way, she thought.  She suddenly thought of the risk of pregnancy, and shuddered.  She had already begun menstruating since her childbirth.  Oh my gosh, she thought, I’m again fertile, and this particular stretch of days would be ripe to conceive!  I can’t have him cum inside me!!  I actually might get pregnant!!             

To maintain Ralphie’s erection, Lourdes spat onto her hand, and began expertly masturbating him vigorously. With the palm of her other hand, she rubbed the cocktip gently, spreading precum over its head. Afterwards, she began massaging his scrotum which felt heavy with pent up semen. Lourdes was a worldly woman, and loved breaking in young studs.  Ralphie could do nothing but close his eyes and groan openly from the pleasure.

Determined to torment Ralphie further in preparation for his sexual union with his lovely professor, Lourdes smiled at him, leaned into his ear, and whispered:

“Little calf, you cannot hide your passion for the motherly tetas of your professor. I saw how you sucked urgently at her udders.  So here is a treat before we begin our seeding of the mother cow.”

With her hand still firmly grasping his erect shaft, she pulled him over to Claire, who remained stoically resigned on her knees.  Lourdes placed the wet cockhead on one of Claire’s nipples, and began rubbing it slowly over the wide areola, smearing it liberally with Ralphie’s precum. The nubbin became involuntarily erect from the gentle friction, and Claire tightly squeezed her eyes closed, not wanting to witness the peering eyes around the camp who were witnessing her degradation.  Knowing how Ralphie had sought to sneak a peak of her bra or clothed breasts in class, Claire shuddered at the thought that her nipple was now responding to the shameful manipulations of the dickhead of this little beast, fouling it with his youthful precum in preparation for the ultimate degradation: insemination.

For Ralphie, the thought was just the opposite.  Not only had he just been given the opportunity to realize this dream – drinking and tasting the milk of Queen Milkytits – but now he was having his leaking cock being rubbed by this plump Latina all over Claire’s engorged boob.  Looking down on his dick as it was being manipulated all over her nipple, he could see his how his precum left a wet sheen over her boob tip.  In response to Lourdes’ hand movement, he slightly jerked his hips forward as though to give her a better angle to widen the sweep of his cock over her milky nipple.                   

As planned, Rosalee cut the bindings holding Claire’s hands together, and pushed her upper body to the ground, forcing her to land on her hands to break her fall.  She stayed immobile on the ground, on all fours.  The cow was now in a position “to be serviced.”   

Isabel walked behind Claire, and reached down and patted her pubic mound.  She then took two fingers, inserted them deeply between her labia and began gently stroking. 

“The cow is already wet.  She is ready to be mated with her little bull.”, Isabel graphically announced.

With that verbal cue, Lourdes led Ralphie to stand behind Claire.  The comely professor closed her eyes, not wanting to witness the reaction of the crowd to her rape. 

Lourdes fell to her knees next to Ralphie,  grasped his phallus and placed his cocktip at the portal of Claire’s vagina.  Wiggling it over Claire’s mons, she smeared Ralphie’s leaking precum over Claire’s female entryway.  Then placing it at the opening, she looked up at Ralphie and commanded in English:  “Push!”  

Breathing more heavily than he could ever recall, Ralphie hesitated momentarily.  He glanced at Jack, who had a sly grin on his face, and gave him a wink.  Spying Tracey and Lorene, he saw both girls shaking their heads with reddened, wide eyes. He could see them silently mouth: “No, no!”

Claire uttered one last minute plea for a reprieve: 

“Ralphie, please don’t!  Think. . . of my family. . my baby!  Think . . . think of what your parents would think!

But he wasn’t hearing.  Instead what caught his attention were the two guerillas who continued aiming their pistols directly at him.  At this sight, Ralphie thought: I am either a dead man or I can fuck her. Is there really any choice?   

With that penultimate thought lingering, he leaned forward and thrust his cock deeply into her womb.  It was secure, hot and wet.  Wow, he thought, for a woman who just had a baby, Queen Milkytits was still pretty tight down there!  But it felt good. His hips began undulating, and he was in full fucking mode.

Feeling  his penetration, Claire gasped from the harsh violation.  Ralphie’s cock filled her vaginal cavity, and she felt pain from the intrusion.  But the pain slowly ebbed, and her body began to react normally to the sexual stimulation his shaft provided as it rubbed her clitoris and labia.  She was determined not to give in, to become aroused.  But the sensations her body was feeling betrayed her.

Unable to halt this violation, Claire glanced over to Tracey and Lorene as though seeking reassurance.  But those two young women were far too traumatized to help, sobbing and attempting to look away from the intense graphic sexual violation they were witnessing.

Ralphie, on the other hand, was starting to get into the rhythm of the forced intercourse, thrusting his hips back and forth, and feeling the firm grip of her vaginal lips on his manhood.  His hands thus far had rested on her buttocks.  Leaning forward, he removed his hands and reached for both of her dangling breasts.  He gripped and began fondling them, feeling their liquid fullness. Christ, he thought, even after the milking with the breast pump these two babies still felt engorged!  This feels mighty fine. . . too damned good to be true.    With each hand, he pinched both of her elongated nipples, and squeezed.  Small jets of milk began spraying, and he could see her wetting the ground with her stolen lactation.  Painfully recalling all those excruciating periods of torment while sitting  in Claire’s classroom, lusting after her unapproachable titties, Ralphie considered this sweet revenge.  Now I’m in charge,  bitch, and I’m milking you  just like a damned cow!

“Moo, you fucking cow!”

“W-what?”, she stammered.  She thought she heard him call her a cow, and couldn’t believe he would be so insolent at such a moment.

“You heard me right, bitch , MOO!!  I’m milking these fucking titties and you’re a cow, so MOO!!”  His superior position emboldened him. 

“M-m- moo, moo!” she weakly responded.  The crowd laughed and delighted in her plight.  Claire felt degraded, being milked by this man child and forced to make sounds like a barnyard animal.

Despite her fear of rape and pregnancy, Claire was unable to resist Ralphie’s urgent sexual manipulations.  Breathing heavily, she was beginning to show clear signs of arousal.  Ralphie began to pick up the pace.  The large crowd was entirely silent, itself becoming aroused at this sight.  Even Isabel began feeling tingling in her breasts and vagina.  All that could be heard was the heavy breathing of this couple caught up in this maelstrom of forced copulation. 

Claire’s head was going crazy with conflicting lewd and horrific thoughts   She was being fucked – no raped --  by this little pig of a student of hers and was helpless.  Each thrust of his cock brought more pain but also pleasure.  She felt deeply ashamed.  She also envisioned millions of Ralphie’s vile sperm penetrating he body and filling her cervix in search of a precious egg to fertilize.  The emotional trauma of being impregnated by him seemed to cancel out all other thoughts.  She could not stand the notion of conceiving and being forced to bear the offspring of this little beast of a man child.  She tried to think rationally: were she impregnated, certainly she could induce a miscarriage in this less than hygienic environment.  Anything but carrying this baby to term, she thought. With every molecule in her body, Claire was determined to reject the monstrous fetus she would be forced to carry.       

Ralphie was determined not to come too prematurely, wanting to draw out the sexual pleasure he felt from the tightness of Claire’s labia around his cock and the penetration of his shaft deep into her womb.  Although he was being coerced to fuck his detested professor with the aim of forcing her to conceive and bear his child, he was resigned to the fact that he might as well enjoy it.  After all, hadn’t that been the point in trying to catch a glimpse of her boobs in class, or even to dream about what she looked like emptying her full breasts in private with the breast pump?  His ultimate dream was to fuck the shit out of her, and he was now living his fantasy.  Christ, he thought, I got so much cum stored in my balls, they were about to burst. He had not had an opportunity to masturbate privately since being imprisoned by the guerillas, and thus had a reservoir of semen that needed release.  The last time he had jerked off was at a city hotel restroom a couple of days ago when no one was around.   In fact, just this morning, he was complaining to Jack about the bad case of “blue balls” he had to endure from having been deprived the opportunity to jack off – something he did regularly.  Well, Claire baby, he thought, you get the benefit of my not having had a chance to beat off.  And guess what?  You may get a baby out of this.  The lewd thought made him thrust into her even deeper, unconsciously envisioning the propulsion of his sperm deep into her inner recesses where her eggs lurked. 

Before Claire could orgasm, she felt Ralphie’s hand squeezing harder on both breasts. In pain, she shouted:

“Ralphie, Stop!!  You’re. . . you’re hurting . . . my breasts!!  Your hands. . . .!”

Shutting out his entire surroundings and close to climax, he persisted. Claire knew what was about to occur, and attempted an eleventh hour interruption, crying out:

“Ralphie, PLEASE. . . PLEASE. . . Don’t cum in me!! Please. . . I beg of you!!”

Ralphie ignored her protests.  Instead, he squeezed her boobs harder and pulled more urgently on her nipples.  Feeling himself on the verge of climax, he thrust more urgently, envisioning the ejaculation of his semen to coincide with the small jets of milk streaming from Claire’s nipples.

“Jeez!!  I’m. . . I’m cumming!!  Here comes my sperm!!”  Claire was horrified at Ralphie’s explicitness.

Ralphie felt his cock jerk spasmodically and erupt, filling the insides of her womb with his life creating fluid.   

“Ahh. . .Ahh. . . !  I . . just. . . just came!”, he proclaimed. His hips stopped moving, and he fell forward onto Claire’s back, breaking into a sweat. “God, that was great!  You are a fine piece of ass, Professor Davidson.  Take care of those little guys inside your twat.”

How sweet, Claire thought.  Fucking creep rapes me, and then asks me to look after his sperm.  

The crowd cheered.  Isabel smiled.  Mission accomplished.

Claire dropped her head and stared at the dirt. Ralphie’s inanimate manhood remained lodged in her vagina, and she felt his prostrate body heavy on hers. 

Reaching down, Lourdes lifted Ralphie off of Claire’s back.  With a single hand, she pushed him away from her, making him fall flat on his back.  His spent cock separated from Claire’s womanhood, and stuck up like a wet flagpole.  His cock was still erect, despite his having just cum.

Claire could smell and feel the fresh seminal fluid seeping out of her orifice and running down her legs.  She hoped that most of Ralphie’s semen would leak out, but knew that was no solace.  She prayed that she would avoid impregnation.  Being forced to conceive and bear the child of this . . . this man-child was unbearable, she thought.   She would kill herself before bearing this beastly offspring, and having it suckle her breasts.   

Isabel made the crowd disperse, but told Claire to remain still and on the ground.  She ordered the guerillas with the pistols to take Ralphie and the other students into custody, and to force them into a chicken cage.  No more tents with cots.  Knowledgeable about human biology, she wanted Claire to stay still for at least an hour, to allow Ralphie’s sperm to make its way to one of her eggs undisturbed.  She envisioned Claire’s pregnancy producing a nice girl or boy.  A light-skinned child could be sold at a premium on the black market, or be held as yet another hostage for which FARM could exact a handsome ransom.


Chapter VII


Eight months Later

Claire and the girls remained at the Northern camp with Isabel, while Ralphie and Jack were sent to the Southern camp to work the fields.  It was hard work, but both managed to survive.  During this period the captive men and women  had no contact with one another. 

However, one afternoon Ralphie and some fellow prisoners were transported by truck to the Northern camp to unload some vegetables harvested near their camp.  As they were about to remount the truck to return to their camp, Ralphie saw a light-skinned female prisoner at a distance, approaching the truck with an empty bushel barrel to be returned to the truck.  As she approached, Ralphie saw it was a stoic-looking Claire, attired in a light brown smock with her head swathed in a bandana.  Her most prominent feature was her big belly, swelled with child.  Her breasts were also huge from her pregnancy.  Because Ralphie had lost a great deal of weight and sported a dark tan, she didn’t recognize him.

Attempting to start a conversation, Ralphie called out:  “Professor Davidson!”

Startled to hear herself being addressed that way, Claire looked up, and gazed at this stranger.  When she finally recognized the voice and face, she gave him a dirty look and said nothing.  Instead, she slowly turned away, rubbing her swollen tummy that carried their gestating love child.

Resigned to Claire’s defiance, Ralphie felt his cock  twitch, and thought:  Not bad for someone whose sex life used to consist of a well lubed palm.

As his truck pulled away from the camp, Ralphie was perched on its rear. He saw Claire’s image grow smaller as the distance grew.  He wondered if the two would ever meet again.

The End


Offline krispin

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I love this type of stories with a lot of storylines. Sorry but my english isnt good and I cant tell you more. I hope you'll go on with some other story like this one.
May be next time the loser is a slim small chested woman, dominated by a chubby one... that's only my taste, of course...
Thanks and good work!


Offline joetex

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After reading the story more thoroughly 2nd time round, maybe just to say that the Prof really wasn't the kind of 'bitch' I was talking about - ending up feeling a bit sorry for her though could well imagine her horror and humiliation, it wasn't really like she 'deserved' it as I'd said above.

Another thing: would've liked to have seen more catfighting action though.

My couple of cents worth ...


Many, many thanks for taking the time to read my story, not once, but . . .  twice! :D  I have an awful lot I want to share with you about the story and its various themes, but this public posting isn't the right format.  Personal messaging on this site sucks, so if you don't mind, I will reply to your thoughtful critique by your regular email.

Please look for it.

joetex :)   


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Thanks for the great feedback.  I hope to continue writing for this board, assuming there is a readership out there for my type of fiction.  .  ;)

Other folks, please share your thoughts. . 

I love this type of stories with a lot of storylines. Sorry but my english isnt good and I cant tell you more. I hope you'll go on with some other story like this one.
May be next time the loser is a slim small chested woman, dominated by a chubby one... that's only my taste, of course...
Thanks and good work!


Offline iceblock

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This story is nearly 12 months old now. Just wanted to make anyone aware, especially less frequent visitors like myself, who may not realise. But I still couldn't let it past without further comment, it is very well written!

Like Jessika I too find it difficult to understand in the eroticism of lactation. But that's the thing with fetishes isn't it, there's plenty of things I find erotic that another person wouldn't even in the slightest.

If you haven't read the story, it is very long, many will find it a little too rough but you have fair warning in Joetex story codes. I personally would have preferred more emphasis on the catfight and less on the lactation, also for the bisexual Isabel to humiliate the victim even further by forcing herself onto her as another form of degradation. But overall I really liked this story and thought it deserved this bump back to the top of the forum.

Kudos to the author.


Offline sailor970

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Wow ! Great story . I like how Claire was publicly stripped and milked, then forced to have oral and vaginal sex.
They should have reamed out her anus too .

Great story of total  Public Humiliation.


Offline joetex

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Thank you Iceblock.  You and Sailor are very kind in your praise.  I had tried to weave into the story various themes, including jealousy between the 2 women from disparate cultural, economic, and ethnic backgrounds, along with a dose of danger and adventure.  Glad you found it worthwhile for others to share in the excitement to bump it back up.

If there are others who enjoyed the story and/or would like to chat about it or let me know, please drop me a line here, by personal message or even by email or yahoo messenging.  You can find my coordinates in my profile.

Cheers, ;)

This story is nearly 12 months old now. Just wanted to make anyone aware, especially less frequent visitors like myself, who may not realise. But I still couldn't let it past without further comment, it is very well written!

Like Jessika I too find it difficult to understand in the eroticism of lactation. But that's the thing with fetishes isn't it, there's plenty of things I find erotic that another person wouldn't even in the slightest.

If you haven't read the story, it is very long, many will find it a little too rough but you have fair warning in Joetex story codes. I personally would have preferred more emphasis on the catfight and less on the lactation, also for the bisexual Isabel to humiliate the victim even further by forcing herself onto her as another form of degradation. But overall I really liked this story and thought it deserved this bump back to the top of the forum.

Kudos to the author.


Offline sailor970

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extremely Excellent ! Great Story Best

Thanks  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

I have read in many Years


Offline joetex

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extremely Excellent ! Great Story Best I have read in many Years

Thanks  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Thank you very much!  Great to get another compliment after all these years!!  ;D


Offline LeeRoyCrane

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You know, that was well written.  Full of tension and conflict.  It's as if various intersecting points came together to ensure the build up was maximized to its full potential (from contrasts in height/size/looks to creative satirical humor/puns to use of different languages).  That's something most stories don't have enough of.

As others have said, I feel it would've benefited from a longer fight since you had such a strong build up leading to it.

Either way, you should write more stories, if you have it in you.


Offline joetex

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You know, that was well written.  Full of tension and conflict.  It's as if various intersecting points came together to ensure the build up was maximized to its full potential (from contrasts in height/size/looks to creative satirical humor/puns to use of different languages).  That's something most stories don't have enough of.

As others have said, I feel it would've benefited from a longer fight since you had such a strong build up leading to it.

Either way, you should write more stories, if you have it in you.

Thank you for the compliments!  After all these years, it's quite amazing that this story has attracted a small group of fans.  I have authored other stories, but none feature a catfight.  I do like the catfight genre, so will attempt to weave something more into narratives in future stories. 

I do have a slightly longer version of this story if some folks are interested. It is augmented in limited segments from the perspective of one of the female students as she witnesses her professor being taken down so publicly, after admiring her for her leadership for the trip, especially given her delicate condition.  PM me if you would like to read it.