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(Story) Olivia Munn Vs. Nichole Van Croft

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Offline Wiffo

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(Story) Olivia Munn Vs. Nichole Van Croft
« on: June 28, 2011, 08:14:06 PM »
   As “Video Game Girl” by Parry Grip hit on the arena speakers, Olivia Munn made her way out to the top of the ramp, clad in her “Matrix” outfit: a black leather coat, tight black leather bikini set, black “battle” boots, black shades, and a sly grin on her face. Stopping at the top of the ramp, she looked around at the crowd, over the rim of her shades, pumping her fist in the air, knowing that soon the fist would be pumping somewhere else. She then made her way down the ramp, did a lap around the ring, clapping hands with the fans at ringside, before sliding inside the ring, and jumping up and down a few times. She then slipped off her jacket and glasses, depositing them under one of the corner turnbuckles, before leaning back on the ropes farthest from the ramp and waiting for her opponent.

   Olivia's theme was soon replaced by “Porn Star Dancing” by: The Darkest Day, as Nichole Van Croft made her entrance to massive cheers, as she was wearing barely anything besides a very skimpy white bikini and thong, and a see through purple robe. She spun around, turning her back to the ring and, while staring right at Olivia, she started shaking her ass and spanking it, causing Olivia to simply laugh and raise her eyebrows. Nichole grinned as she turned back around and started to make her way down the ramp. Stopping at ringside, she noticed a man in glasses and a red “Bazinga!” shirt, who was just staring at her, with his mouth wide open. Laughing, she sauntered up to him seductively.

   “Well... hey there, stranger.” she said, leaning in close and purring, “Whatcha doin' with your mouth open? Catching bugs? Here... let me help ya with that.” Nichole then leaned in and started to kiss him, passionately, and while one of her hands held onto the back of his head, pushing it further into the kiss, the other hand, after grabbing one of his and placing it on her left breast, slipped down the man's pants, starting to rub the man's crotch. After about another five minutes of kissing and crotch groping, Nichole let go on both ends and backed away, asking him, simply, “How's THAT for a souvenir, honey?” In response, the man promptly fainted.

   As the mans friends helped to revive him, Nichole, grinning seductively, turned back around to the ring, and slowly made her way up the ring steps, before slipping, sexily, through the ring ropes and taking her robe off and leaving it underneath a corner ring post. She then turned back around, and looked Olivia up and down, licking her lips.

   “Well... aren't YOU just a sexy little thing,” said Nichole as the bell rang, and she and Olivia started to circle each other, “Your okay with the rules of this match, I presume?”

   “You mean that neither of us can pin or make the other submit until we've made the other orgasm?” said Olivia, grinning, as she sized up her opponent, “Of course I'm okay with them. I look forward to seeing the look on your face when my fist is pumping in and out of your pussy.”

   “Even if that WERE to happen, honey, I'd still enjoy it,” said Nichole, “but enough of the pleasantries. Let's get on to the main course!”

   Olivia nodded, and lunged forwards, looking to catch Nichole in a Collar and Elbow Tie-Up, but Nichole had other ideas, as she ducked underneath Olivia's arms and tackled her to the ground.

   “Better get used to this, darlin',” said Nichole, as she took a seat on Olivia's stomach and reared back and slapped her, “I got a feeling your gonna be on your back a LOT tonight.” Nichole went for another slap, but Olivia grabbed her arm, locked her legs around Nichole's waist, and rolled over, reversing positions, whereupon Olivia cracked her in the face with a hard right elbow.

   “Ya know, I could probably say the same thing to you,” said Olivia, cracking Nichole in the face with another hard elbow, “But, seeing as how your a gigantic slutty whore, I'm sure your ALREADY used to being on your back all the time. So how about you ju-” Before Olivia could finish, Nichole suddenly reversed their positions a SECOND time, and then cracked Olivia in the face with an elbow of her own.

   “You got a big mouth on you, sugar,” said Nichole, as she punched Olivia in the face with a hard left hand, “I reckon it's about time someone shut you up a bit...” And with that ominous note, Nichole fashioned her hand into a claw, and stuck it inside Olivia's mouth, locking in what was better known as the Mandible Claw:

   At first, Olivia's eyes opened in shock, as she started to writhe uncontrollably, but then she calmed down, because there was NO WAY she was gonna let this slut BEAT her. She had to get out of this. So she started to rock back and forth, hoping to dislodge Nichole from her dominant position, but Nichole just rocked back and forth with her, so that plan was moot. So Olivia went to plan B; she fired off a punch to Nichole's temple. The first didn't manage to do much of anything, but after the second and third, Nichole let go of the Mandible Claw, at which point Olivia swiftly brought her legs up and caught her in a Gogoplata:

   With positions yet again reversed, Nichole, like Olivia, freaked out at first, but then thoughts of what she was going to do to this bitch, and how nice she might taste when she had her nice and beaten down, filled her mind, and she grinned as she tried to figure a way out of this painful move. At first, she tried an Eye Rake, but couldn't get her free arm close enough to Olivia's face due to her other boot blocking the way. So, instead, Nichole grabbed onto the aforementioned boot and slowly, but surely, started to lift Olivia up into the air, further and further, until, after getting her to a reasonable height, Nichole slammed Olivia back down to the mat.

   Olivia immediately let go of her hold, and then rolled to the side, holding her back, while Nichole quickly backpedaled to the ropes at the opposite side of the ring, holding her throat. As Olivia started to get back to her feet, Nichole suddenly rushed towards her, looking for a kick to the stomach, only for Olivia to jump up and hit her, right in the jaw, with Mr. Pointy (Superkick: Nichole fell back to the mat, like a falling tree, and then Olivia straddled her waist, grinning, and using her knees to hold down Nichole's arms.

   “Alright, bitch. Let's get the real fun started,” Olivia said, running a hand over Nichole's skimpy, white lace bra. Then, quick as a wink, she tore it off, throwing it underneath a corner turnbuckle to collect later, before looking over Nichole's bountiful breasts thoughtfully.

   “Soooo... how many old farts did ya have to FUCK before ya had enough dough to buy THESE things?” Olivia asked, casually, as she started to gently caress Nichole's mounds, “I mean... these things are HUGE!!”

   “Awwww, sweetie, don't be jealous,” said Nichole, who was clearly ENJOYING what Olivia was doing to her breasts, “just because they ain't as perfect as mine, doesn't mean one of those nerd-linger fans of yours wouldn't enjoy your little raisinettes.”

   “Well, at least with ME, men aren't DROWNING in silicone,” Olivia replied, as she grabbed on to both of Nichole's nipples and YAAAAANKED back as hard as she could, eliciting a guttural scream from Nichole, “And, besides. It's not exactly virtuous, attracting men with just your tits. They like a little substance, too. And a girl with brains. Like, you know... ME.” As Olivia pulled back on Nichole's tits a second time, she leaned back a bit to increase the pressure, which is when Nichole suddenly swung her legs up around Olivia's neck, and tossed her off of her.

   “I'm sorry, Miss Brainiac?” Nichole snarled, decidedly pissed about, but ignoring, the pain in her breasts as she quickly got up, grabbed Olivia by the hair, and socked her in the face with a hard elbow, “I couldn't hear you over the sound of ME, kicking your ASS!!” Nichole smashed another elbow into Olivia's face, before moving in behind her, and locking in an Octopus Stretch:

   “Ya know... I never did get to THANK you, sweet pea,” Nichole said, pulling Olivia's top, down, but not off, to let her melons free, “I mean... whatcha did to my breasts earlier? That felt GOOOD. So, here. Let me RECIPROCATE.” With that, Nichole went full bore attacking Olivia's breasts, first scratching them with her nails, then twisting the nipples, then twisting her hands into claws and CLAMPING them onto Olivia's breasts, all the while with Olivia, locked tight in the Octopus and unable to get out, screaming to the high heavens. After a good five minutes of this, Nichole released one of Olivia's breasts, instead opting to send that hand down lower, slipping it inside Olivia's bikini bottoms, where she started to rub her pussy.

   “Oh, ho ho! You LIKE that, don't ya, babe?” said Nichole, feeling Olivia shiver slightly as she continued rubbing the outside walls of her love box, “Well... let's see what you think of THIS, then!” Nichole then slipped a finger inside Olivia's pussy, caressing the inner walls of her love box, before adding a second finger, and a third. In and out of Olivia's pussy, they went, soon joined by a fourth, as well. For her part, Olivia managed to resist the urge to orgasm. Despite being in intense pain from the Octopus Hold, her pride was preventing her from giving up on the fight and letting Nichole make her cum. She WASN'T gonna let it happen! She WASN'T gonna let this high priced prostitute beat her, not like this. “Damn, honey... why aren't you EXPLODING yet?!?” said Nichole, clearly frustrated at Olivia's vaginal fortitude. “I guess this ain't your first fuck fight, then, IS it? Well... guess I better soften you up a bit more.”

   With that, Nichole released her holds and pushed Olivia into the ropes, hitting her with a hard Clothesline as she came back, knocking her back to the mat. Nichole then picked Olivia back up, reached one hand beneath her legs, while the other one went around her neck, and picked Olivia up, carrying her around the ring, before going up on her tippy toes and slamming Olivia down with a High-Angle Body Slam. Nichole then dragged Olivia back up to her feet for a third time, grinning at the crowd as she did, and this time looking right into her eyes before pulling her in for a hot, wet, passionate kiss. It lasted for nearly a minute before Nichole suddenly switched gears, quickly putting Olivia into a headlock and dropped her back down to the mat, head first, with her Liplock DDT.

   “Wow.... Your pretty much out of it, now, aren't ya, honey?” said Nichole, pushing Olivia off of her as she sat up, and then sitting up and poking her in the ribs, “Still.... I think you need a liiiiiitle bit more softening up. But, first.... let's get those sweaty clothes off ya!!” Nichole then pushed Olivia over onto her back and straddled her stomach, before grabbing onto her lowered bra and ripping it off, tossing it into the nearest corner. Then she turned around, and swiftly ripped off Olivia's panties, which she sniffed before tossing it in the same corner. “Alright.... Time for a little more fun.” Nichole stood back up, dragging Olivia with her, by the hair, and sent her hurtling towards the nearest corner, which Olivia smashed into, before slumping down in the corner, face resting on the second turnbuckle.

   Grinning a giant, slut-eating grin, Nichole sauntered seductively over to the same corner, pulled Olivia up by the hair, flipped her so her back was resting against the turnbuckles, and then crouched down. Then, after a particularly lustful glance up at Olivia's still woozy form, she, for the second time in the match, slipped a finger inside her opponents twat, then a second, a third, and a fourth. Then, after slipping her last finger inside so that her whole fist was inside Olivia's love box, Nichole started pumping it, in and out, in and out, rapid fire, a sexual submission move she liked to call “The Big O”. Olivia's eyes, once glazed over, suddenly opened, as she felt the pain and good vibrations caused by Nichole's pump action manipulations coursing throughout her body. Nichole, being the giant whore that she was, knew, definitely, how to make someone orgasm, and Olivia was really feeling it. Olivia could feel the orgasm coming, and knew she had to do SOMETHING, and, luckily, she knew exactly what that was. “Not too much longer now, babe. Your ready to explode. I can FEEL it,” said Nichole, continuing her fisting as she looked up into Olivia's eyes, only to look back down right as Olivia's knee SMASHED into her face. Nichole flopped onto her back, holding her chin, as Olivia recovered in the corner.

   “You BITCH,” said Nichole, as she pulled herself up, with one hand, via the ropes, “This is the MONEY MAKER!!! You don't MESS with the MONEY MAKER!!!” Nichole rushed in to the corner, only for Olivia to sidestep Nichole and then, as Nichole turned back around, Olivia put one arm around her neck, put her head under Nichole's other arm, and then PLANTED her with a sick Uranage: Knowing that, at the moment, talking wouldn't help any matters, and that she needed to press her advantage now, while she had it, Olivia ran towards the ropes, jumped onto the second rope, and then flipped backwards through the air, landing on Nichole with a Lionsault: Then Olivia got back up to her feet, dragging Nichole up with her by the hair, then slipped in behind her, grabbed her around the waist and TOSSED her, halfway across the ring, with a Release German Suplex:

   “That was one hell of a kiss you gave me, earlier,” said Olivia as she stood up and walked over to Nichole's prone, semi-conscious form, “But here.... let me show you how a REAL woman does it.” Olivia dropped down, laying on top of Nichole's body, and pulled Nichole's head up by the hair with one hand into another hot, sweaty, passionate kiss, only, this time, Olivia was in control, and she was even using her tongue. While this was happening, Olivia slipped her free hand underneath Nichole's bikini bottoms and inserted two fingers into her love box, working it like a pro, but also suddenly bringing Nichole back into consciousness. She continued to manipulate Nichole's sex while she kissed her, and wasn't surprised when Nichole actually started to kiss her back. “See, Nichole?” said Olivia, as she pulled away from the kiss momentarily, “THIS is how you FUCK somebody.” Olivia then went back into the kiss, and was shocked when she felt Nichole's hand start rubbing her pussy. Having already almost fallen victim to an orgasm twice this match, Olivia knew it wouldn't be long now before she exploded, so she tried to pull away, but Nichole's other hand pulled her back in, then she rolled over, reversing positions so Nichole was on top. There was no escape for Olivia, so, instead, she tried to focus on making this bitch cum before her, pushing further into the kiss and speeding up her manual manipulations. But Nichole was no slouch herself, as she also stepped up her game, and soon both ladies were getting extremely hot and bothered, moaning, both primed to explode at any second. Which they did.

   Nichole was the first to release, currently on top of Olivia, she shuddered as her honey juices started to flow freely. Olivia came next, shuddering euphorically underneath Nichole, when suddenly Nichole sat up and started wailing on Olivia with both hands. “YOU BITCH!!!” Nichole screamed, as she started pummeling Olivia into unconsciousness, “I don't know HOW the fuck you learned to DO what you DID, but no one, NO ONE, makes me orgasm FIRST, you cxnt!!! Your gonna pay for this, dearie. Your gonna fucking pay.” Nichole rolled off of Olivia's body, and pushed her over so she was face down, then straddled her head and, gripping her head with her legs, she leaned forwards and started slamming Olivia's face into the mat with her Push-Up Facebuster: Tiring of this after a few minutes, Nichole stood up, pulling Olivia up with her and shoved her head between her legs in a Standing Headscissors. As she squeezed Olivia's neck, constricting her air flow with her legs, Nichole reached down underneath Olivia and start pulling and twisting her tits, a combination of moves she referred to as “Milkin' It!” Again getting bored with this, Nichole pulled her up, looking as if she was going for a piledriver, when, instead, she started eating out Olivia's wet pussy. This went on for another few minutes, before Nichole sat out, crunching Olivia's head into the mat with her “Pleasure Driver” (Snacktime Piledriver).

   “I hope you've learned a lesson, bitch,” said Nichole, as she pulled Olivia up to her feet again, and dragged her over to the nearest corner, “Don't FUCK with the SEX KITTEN!!!” Nichole then lifted Olivia up to the second, and then third, turnbuckle, as she got up there, with her, and then put her head under one of Olivia's arms while putting one of her arms around Olivia's neck, and then, after whispering to her the words, “Light's out, bitch!!!”, she jumped off the turnbuckle, flipping through the air with Olivia in tow, until they both landed on the mat, Olivia an unfortunate victim of a top rope version of one of Nichole's finisher's, the “Money Shot” (C-4:

   “Alright... time to fucking finish this,” said Nichole as she stood up, and slowly slipped off her panties. Tossing them aside, she stood over Olivia's head, grinning down at her unconscious and prone opponent, then slowly started to lower her snatch onto Olivia's face, locking in a Reverse Face Sit, and then reaching back and locking in a crotch claw, completing the set up for her other finisher, “The Oralator” (Crotch Claw/Face Sit Combo). As the ref started counting Olivia out of the match, Nichole began grinding on her face, and clawing her snatch, bringing her back into consciousness. But it was too late, as the ref had given Nichole the win, 1... 2... 3. But Nichole wasn't done. She kept up “The Oralator”, grinding and clawing for all she was worth.

   Suddenly, the crowd cheered, as running down to the ring was Olivia's tag team partner, Felicia Day. As soon as Day got to the bottom of the ramp, though, a hooded figure jumped over the barricade and speared her into the opposite barricade. Then, after kicking Felicia a few times to make sure she was out of it, the figure picked her up, dragging her to the ring, and pushing her inside. The figure soon followed, and then pulled off her hood, revealing herself to be.... Katy Perry!! The crowd was SHOCKED. What the hell was Katy Perry doing here?!? That question was soon answered, though, when she walked over to Nichole, leaned down, and gave her a kiss.

   “Hey, love,” said Nichole, pulling away from the kiss to finish her fun with Olivia, “Glad you could...OOOOHHH... glad you could... AAAAAAHHH.... make it!!” As soon as Nichole finished releasing herself all over Olivia's face, she got up, wobbly legged, and embraced Katy Perry, before giving her a wet, sloppy kiss of her own.

   “Well.... I sure as hell couldn't miss THIS, could I?” said Perry, as soon as the two stopped kissing several minutes later, “What should we do with this.... THING... though?” she said, pointing to Felicia, who was started to get up.

   “Finish her, and strip her,” said Nichole, who had pulled Olivia up by the hair, and dragged her over to the ring ropes, tying her up in them, “Then we can have our fun with her,”

   Katy nodded, as she picked up Felicia and shoved her head between her legs, and then lifted her up for her finisher, the “Teenage Dreamer” (Widow's Peak: As this was happening, Nichole had crouched down in front of Olivia, and was playing with her crotch, giggling as she had, unintentionally, made her orgasm again. Katy sat out, sending Felicia's body into spasms and fits before laying there, unconscious. Katy then stripped her nude, pulled her up, and shoved her head between her legs. “Honey!” Katy called, getting Nichole's attention, “She's READY!!!” Nichole suddenly jumped up, and sauntered over to Katy. As soon as Katy got Felicia into the upside down, piledriver position, Nichole stepped forwards, putting her arms around both Katy and Felicia, as Katy did the same. Then they started licking Felicia's crotch until she eventually released her honey sweet liquids, which they licked up, before kissing each other, passionately, and dropping down, spiking Felicia's head into the mat with the “Double Your Pleasure.” (Snacktime Spike Piledriver). Then, getting up to their feet, they surveyed the ring, and, seeing that their work was done, they exited the ring together, hand in hand, and started making their way up the ramp.

   “I only wish that I could have gotten off on one of them,” said Perry, disappointedly. “I mean... I'm horny, damn it, and need to release!!”

   “Don't worry, sweetie,” said Nichole, looking over at her lover, “I'll be remedying that later.”

   The couple grinned at each other, as they disappeared through the curtains into the backstage area, looking forward to screwing both each other and the many other opponents there were to come.


Offline Wiffo

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Re: (Story) Olivia Munn Vs. Nichole Van Croft
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2011, 05:46:25 AM »
Actually... the next match IS already finished, and it's an I Quit match between Keeley Hazell and Katy Perry. :) That's the last unofficial EFW match, then its on to the first show. I have a roster of ladies I use, each with her own move list/bio, and sadly... Mrs. Webb is not on that list. If you want, though, I could send you a rough bio and you could do one for her. :)


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Re: (Story) Olivia Munn Vs. Nichole Van Croft
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2011, 09:28:24 PM »
Already did. :D


Offline Patrick

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Re: (Story) Olivia Munn Vs. Nichole Van Croft
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 06:30:45 AM »
Very, VERY good story !

The intensity, "side aspects" (like what happens with that guy at the begining), momentum being reversed from one to the other... spot on, good going !