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EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!

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Offline Wiffo

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EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:22:55 AM »
I guess I'll start off with posting the roster, before starting to post the first show. :)

EFW Roster

Backstage Interviewers:

Lindsay Lohan (T)
Paris Hilton (T)

Tag Teams

Geek Squad (Felicia Day/Olivia Munn) (F)
Hellbound (Jenny Wade/Emma Caufield) (H)
I-Spy (Jennifer Garner/Yvonne Strahovski) (F)
Sex Kittens (Nichole Van Croft/Katy Perry) (H)
Spirit Squad (Diana Agron/Naya Rivera) (T)
The Co-Edibles (Gillian Jacobs/Allison Brie) (F)
High Society (Rachel Bilson/Mila Kunis) (H)


Allison Scagliotti (F)
Anna Paquin (F)
Bianca Beauchamp (F)
Britt Robertson (F)
Christy Hemme (F)
Emily Deschanel (F)
Emma Stone (F)
Emma Watson (F)
Eva Green (F)
Hayden Panetierre (F)
Heather Morris (F)
Keeley Hazell (F)
Sarah Michelle Gellar (F)
Vanessa Hudgens (F) (Work in progress)
Zooey Deschanel (F)
Cali Logan (T)
Kat Dennings (T)
Kate Voegele (T)
Katherine Isabelle (T)
Kristen Bell (T)
Lizzy Hale (T)
Morgan Webb (T)
Natalie Portman (T)
Amanda Righetti (H)
Elena Satine (H)
Eliza Dushku (H)
Emma Roberts (H)
Jamie King (H)
Jennifer Love Hewitt (H)
Kaley Cuoco (H)
Katherine McPhee (H)
Kristen Kruek (H)
Kristen Stewart (H)
Lea Michelle (H)
Miley Cyrus (H) (Work in progress)
Penelope Cruz (H)
Trish Stratus (H)


I have bios/move lists for every single one of these ladies. 2 Finishers, 3 Signatures, and 15 Standard Moves each. Hey... if I'm gonna do this, I'd best do it right, ya know? :D
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 06:49:22 PM by Wiffo »


Offline KSWer

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 05:20:39 AM »
None of my favs made it into the roster :( (Kristen Stewart , Avril Lavigne). Disappointed :(

Does the F and H mean face\heel ?

If so, how can Emma Roberts be a heel ????
How are you going to determine who wins? your decision ?

In any case, looking forward to the first show!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 05:22:18 AM by KSWer »


Offline Wiffo

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2011, 05:23:57 AM »
Well.... I could always make Stewert and Avril jobbers. They won't get bios, though, but will always lose and put up good fights. :)

Yep. F = Face, H = Heel, and T = Tweener. And Emma Roberts is gonna make a fantastic psychotic heel, aye. :) And... yeah. I determine the winners. Although.... you could just put in requests for matches if you want, instead of me doing the whole fed thing...


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2011, 08:00:11 AM »
When you say bios what exactly do you mean by that ?
and where is all this info gonna be stored? are you gonna make a website ? or is it just behind the scenes info just for yourself?

Are you going to write stories for each single match ?

I would love to see Kristen and Avril as jobbers, that's what they are best at :)


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #4 on: June 30, 2011, 04:22:20 PM »
Well... here's an example of a bio/move list for the Queen herself, Katherine McPhee

Katherine McPhee's EFW Bio

Alighnment: Heel

Entrance Music: “Haunted Nursery” By: Midnight Syndicate

Entrance: As the haunting sounds of Midnight Syndicate's "Haunted Nursery" echo through the speakers, the arena suddenly turns dark, except for a single purple spotlight at the top of the entrance ramp. Stepping into it was the self proclaimed Queen of EFW, Katherine McPhee. Looking every bit as regal as she was dangerous, Kat was clad in a royal purple, ruffled, off the shoulder blouse, royal purple wrestling boots and black leather shorts with purple frilling around the waist. Atop her head rested a golden crown, and around her neck was tied a royal purple cape. Slowly, Kat made her way down the entrance ramp, golden scepter in one hand and the purple spotlight following her the whole way as she glance to the crowd on either side of her with utter disdain. As she arrived at the ring, she opted to take the steel ring steps, one step at a time, before slipping through the ropes. As the lights came back on, Kat made her way to her corner, taking off her crown and cape, and leaving them, along with the scepter, underneath, and revealing a picture of Maleficent's Dragon Form on the back side of her shorts. Resting against the turnbuckles, she eagerly awaits her opponent/victim.

Ring Attire: Royal purple, ruffled, off-the-shoulder blouse. Black, leather shorts with purple frills around the waist, and a picture of Maleficent's Dragon form on the backside. Royal purple cape. Golden crown and scepter. Royal purple wrestling boots.


1. Checkmate (Running Inverted Pedigree)
2. End Of Innocence (Cross-Legged Roll Up w/ Fingering)

Signature Moves:

1. Off With Her Head (Punt Kick:
2. Regime Change (Wheelbarrow Driver :
3. Dalmation Clutch (Lightning Lock :

Standard Moves

1. Breast Smother Mastery
2. Fireman's Neckbreaker :
3. Rolling Elbow:
4. Thrust Spinebuster:
5. Claw Mastery
6. Split-Legged Hangman's Neckbreaker:
7. Spinning Hangman's Clutch:
8. Poison Apple (Leg Hook Suplex:
9. Spinebuster :
10. Dragon Sleeper w/ Stomach Claw
11. Mexican Ceiling Hold :
12. Running Lariat :
13. Reverse Implant DDT:
14. Indian Deathlock :
15. Jabberwock Knee (Joshi Knee :


Each lady on the roster gets one of those. Aside from the interviewers, heh. All this info is stored on my laptop. If ya wanna see a specific ladies bio, just let me know :)

And, aye. I'm writing every match on every card.

And your wish shall be granted. :) Here's the first card...


Naya Rivera Vs. Olivia Munn

First To Five Orgasms Match: Cali Logan Vs. Katy Perry

Diana Agron Vs. Lea Michelle

Britt Robertson Vs. Emma Roberts

Lizzy Hale Vs. Elena Satine

Three-Way Striptease Sexfight: Emma Watson Vs. Anna Kendrick Vs. Kelly Kelly

Anna Paquin Vs. Kaley Cuoco

Eliza Dushku Vs. Eva Green

Hayden Panetierre Vs. Kristen Kruek

Main Event: Heather Morris Vs. Trish Stratus
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 01:21:09 AM by Wiffo »


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #5 on: June 30, 2011, 06:01:55 PM »
Really? Why is that? I think it's pretty solid, myself. I like all the girls on my roster, too. Any suggestions then to how I can make it "sux" less?


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #6 on: June 30, 2011, 06:17:50 PM »
EFW Thursday Night Thrills : Episode 1!! (Opening Promo)

   As “Another Postcard” By: The Barenaked Ladies hit, the crowd were shocked to see a skinny, young Caucasian man, in his twenties, with glasses and a zit-pocked face, walk through the curtain, wearing blue jeans with a white belt, a red “Bazinga” shirt, and a purple hoodie. Understandably, the crowd started booing, as the man, grinning, started walking down the entrance ramp; this was the inaugural episode of EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling): Thursday Night Thrills, and they were expecting gorgeous women, not some nerdy looking dude. If he heard the boos, though, he didn't give them any recognition, as he just kept smiling as he grabbed a microphone from an attendant and, after walking up the steel steps, slipped into the ring, and made his way to the center of the ring. After one look around at the booing audience, he laughed, before bringing the mic to his lips.

   “So... boos, huh? I guess that's only to be expected. I mean... really... I can't blame you guys. You were expecting to see some female celebrities slugging it out and, hey, here I come, waltzing down to the ring. If I was in your position, I'd probably be booing my ass out of the building, too. But I figured, being that I AM Bill Whitcoe, owner of EFW, that it was my duty to, you know, introduce myself before getting the festivities started.” At that remark, the crowd's booing died down, many of them feeling slightly guilty now for booing the man in charge, who just laughed at their response. “It's okay. Don't worry about it, folks! Boos, cheers... I can take whatever you want to give me. It doesn't matter. I'm not here to make friends. I mean... that... that would be nice, but... No. My number one goal, EFW's number one goal, is to entertain YOU, the FANS. To bring you the hottest matches, with the most athletic and gorgeous female celebrities. And to, hopefully, bring the art of femme fight into the mainstream of the world TODAY!!!” At this, Bill pauses, soaking in the response and cheers from the fans, before continuing, “And the rules? Well... they're whatever I wish them to be. I know, I know... seems a little cocky. But... I AM the owner, after all, right?” Bill laughs, as the audience just hits him with a wall of silence. “Okay, okay. In reality? There ARE no rules. None. At all. Well... except, of course, that any and all sex toys are banned. If your going to, you know... FUCK your opponent, you'll need to do so naturally, and without any objectable help. But... enough talk. Let's get to the show, shall we?”

   With a last wave of his hand, Bill exits the ring, and heads to his office in the back of the arena, to enjoy the show over a couple bottles of cold, tasty Orangina, leaving the audience now more then ready, and excited, for the first match of the night.


First match will be up later tonight or tomorrow, for sure.


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #7 on: June 30, 2011, 10:37:49 PM »
Might I make a suggestion, why not Emma Watson, you already have Roberts and Stone. She would probably be a tweener or face, NOT A JOBBER! Considering you are making Roberts a heel, that would be ridiculous if she was. Indeed, she could be a rival to Roberts, Stone, Hayden, or Stewart. I could make a bio if you want.

Also, Morgan Webb would be an interesting addition, get some more nerd love in the group. She could fall in any of the three groups, I can also write a bio for her too. BTW do you have a personal website?


Offline Wiffo

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #8 on: June 30, 2011, 10:59:45 PM »
Might I make a suggestion, why not Emma Watson, you already have Roberts and Stone. She would probably be a tweener or face, NOT A JOBBER! Considering you are making Roberts a heel, that would be ridiculous if she was. Indeed, she could be a rival to Roberts, Stone, Hayden, or Stewart. I could make a bio if you want.

Also, Morgan Webb would be an interesting addition, get some more nerd love in the group. She could fall in any of the three groups, I can also write a bio for her too. BTW do you have a personal website?

Nope. No site, just my laptop. But go ahead and do those bios for Emma and Morgan. That'd be awesome. :) Maybe make Morgan a heel? Since I need more Heels, at the moment.


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #9 on: June 30, 2011, 11:02:05 PM »
Just PM them to me when their done, heh. Also, not to spoil anything, but Hayden's already gonna be in a big fued with Kruek. It'll be awesome. :)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 11:05:01 PM by Wiffo »


Offline KSWer

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #10 on: June 30, 2011, 11:30:15 PM »
Thanks for including Stewart in the first card!!!  ;D

but I'm wondering, how come Emma Watson can be added to the roster while Kristen Stewart \ Avril cannot ? (only as jobbers as u said..) Doesnt make sense :\

Do you just don't like these two ?


Offline Wiffo

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #11 on: June 30, 2011, 11:31:15 PM »
So wait, how come Emma Watson can be added to the roster while Kristen Stewart \ Avril cannot ? (only as jobbers as u said..) Doesnt make sense :\

Do you just don't like these two ?

No, no. If you want me to add them, then do up bios/move lists for them. And I'll throw em in. :)
« Last Edit: June 30, 2011, 11:33:05 PM by Wiffo »


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2011, 11:50:48 PM »
Although there is such a thing as "Veteran Jobbers". Who put up better fights then regular jobbers, but still get their asses kicked. Though they can, on occasion, win. Megan Fox, in EFW, is going to be a Veteran Jobber. They still don't have bios though, that's the thing.


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2011, 11:44:50 PM »
EFW Thursday Night Thrills - Episode 1 - Match 1 : Olivia Munn Vs. Naya Rivera!

   As soon as “Video Game Girl” By: Parry Grip exploded out of the speakers, out of the back came Olivia Munn, her hair dyed teal, wearing a pink leopard bikini set, gold sunglasses, and pink wrestling boots, her cosplaying efforts in full effect. Looking around at the welcoming crowd in the EFW arena over her sunglasses as she stands on top of the entrance ramp, Olivia grins, hoping to make more then a good impression in her EFW debut tonight. Not knowing who her opponent was didn't help matters, but she was confident, as she strode down the ramp, pumping her fist in the air a couple times. After doing a quick lap around the ring, clapping hands with the fans at ringside, Olivia slipped into the ring, and climbed the nearest turnbuckle, raising her hand into the air yet again to more cheers from the crowd. Olivia then hopped off the turnbuckle, and started hopping in one place to get her adrenaline up as she waited for her opponent.

   Olivia's entrance was soon replaced by the Glee version of “Valerie”, which heralded the arrival of it's singer, Glee star Naya Rivera, who sauntered out from behind the curtains clad in a black leather jacket, black knee high boots, black leather bra, and a black leather skirt with the initials “GR” (which stood, of course, for “Glee Rules”) embroidered into the side of it. With a devilish smile on her face, Naya strides confidently down the ramp, not giving the crowd a moment of her time as she slides into the ring. Naya then walks right up to Olivia, getting as close as she can, chest to chest, grinning as she looks up at her slightly taller opponent, who was thinking, “What the hell is she doing?”. After a few moments of this, Naya backs off, retreating to her corner, where she slips off her jacket and hangs it on top of the turnbuckle, and then rests her back against the buckles, arms up on the ropes, not taking her eyes off of Olivia as she waits for the match to start.


   As  soon as the bell rang to star the mach, Olivia came out of her corner, beckoning her opponent forward with a finger as she adopted a slight wrestling stance, not taking her eyes off of Naya for a single second. Naya, at the sight of her opponent calling her out, simply rolled her eyes before coming out of her corner to meet Olivia in the center of the ring. The two ladies then started to circle each other, Olivia walking around in a deep crouch, Naya simply walking seductively in a circle, grinning. Olivia lunged forwards, trying to grab at Naya's waist and tackle her to the ground, but Naya did a pirouette, spinning around to avoid the nerd goddess’s grasp. As she did so, she lifted her leg, letting it smack into the back of Olivia's head as she passed, causing her to stumble forwards slightly. Instead of pressing her advantage, though, Naya just stood still, hands on her hips, as Olivia recomposed herself, and turned back to her opponent with a slightly annoyed look on her face.

   “Score one for the normal gal, nerd bitch,” spat Naya, grinning, as she cocked her head to one side. Olivia didn't respond, instead opting to just raise her arms in the air, challenging her cocky opponent to a test of strength. Naya just sighed and shook her head as she raised her arms and stepped forward to accept the challenge. Looking like she was about to grab onto Munn's hands, instead Naya lunged forward with one leg, looking to boot her rival in the stomach, but Olivia, anticipating this, her hands swooping down to capture the offending leg. Grinning, as Naya started hopping on one leg, Olivia suddenly fell down, twisting sharply as she did, and twisting Naya's leg as well, sending her flying with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip.

   Dragon Screw Leg Whip:

   “Score one for the nerd girl, cheer bitch,” said Olivia, grinning, as she slowly got to her feet, noting the fact that Naya was holding her left leg as she slowly got to hers as well. Taking advantage, Olivia ran forwards, ducking down and clipping Naya's hurt leg, causing her to fall back to the mat, this time face-first. As soon as she was down, Olivia was on top of her, straddling her back, lifting her arms up over her knees, and trying to yank her head off her shoulders with a Camel Clutch.

   Camel Clutch:

   “No so fast now, are ya, bitch?” Olivia said, after a particularly hard yank back on Naya's neck. She knew this wasn't going to make Naya tap out. This was EFW, after all, and it'd take a LOT more to put down even a lightweight, like Naya. But, seeing as how she had her down, she might as well keep her there and soften her up a little. After one particularly vicious yank back on Naya's neck, Olivia forcefully let Naya's head go, slamming it to down to the mat. Deciding to change tactics, Olivia stood up, starting to turn around so she could go to work on the latina's gams, when Naya quickly started to crawl away, seeking respite in the nearest corner. Grinning at her cowardly foe, who was conveniently resting with the back of her head against the lowest turnbuckle, Olivia took a running start, raising her knee when she got close, hoping to smash it into Naya's head. Those hopes were for naught, though, as Naya moved at the last second, letting Olivia crash into the buckles, and then fall to her back, holding her knee.

   “Don't need to be fast to beat you, bitch,” said Naya, pulling herself up off the ring apron with the help of the ropes, “All I need to be is SMART.” With Munn still writhing suitably on the mat, Naya jumped up onto the top rope, springboarded off of it, and landed with a splash, smashing all of her weight right on top of Olivia's hurting knee. Rolling to the side after bouncing off her rival's injured limb, Naya grinned, enjoying the sounds of Olivia's anguished screams and that of the crowd booing her vile tactics.

   “So... I've been wondering,” said Naya, as she got up to her feet, and pulled Munn to hers as well, “what the hell is up with that hair of yours? Did you dye it with Crest, or something?” Then, suddenly, Naya got a good grip on Olivia's arm and whipped her across the ring, though Olivia didn't get even halfway before she had to collapse to the mat, holding her knee. Which caused Naya to start laughing her ass off. “Oh, my GOD!!!” said Naya, holding onto the nearby ropes to steady herself as her chest heaved in and out from laughing so hard, “That was fucking PERFECT!!!”

   Wiping the tears of laughter out of her eyes, Naya stalked over to where Olivia was laying, holding her knee, which Naya smashed a couple hard kicks into, relishing the further screams that came out of Olivia's lips. Then, getting an even better idea, Naya started putting it into motion as she leans down and grabs Olivia's injured leg, and spins around 360 degrees while holding onto it, twisting it inward and causing Olivia to scream even more. As she does this, Naya also grabs Olivia's other leg and crosses both of them in the shape of a four, before, with Olivia muttering, “No... please, no,” in between screams of pain, Naya falls back, settling right into the Figure-Four Leglock.

   Figure-Four Leg Lock:



Hey... I gotta leave you guys in SOME suspense. :D


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2011, 06:04:28 AM »
Updated the roster post a little with some new names, and the conclusion of Naya/Olivia will be up soon. Very... very soon. :)