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EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!

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Offline Wiffo

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2011, 10:08:31 PM »
And now.... the CONCLUSION, of the Naya Rivera Vs. Olivia Munn match!!

Olivia started screaming as soon as Nay fell back o the mat, intense pain coursing through her injured knee. It hurt so much, that she was almost tempted to quit. But she couldn't. She couldn't let this arrogant cxnt beat her. Not like this. She had to find a way out of this, to bounce back and BEAT this bitch. She just had to. Spying the ropes to either side of her, both sets way too far away, she abandoned that idea. Instead, she started to crawl to the nearest set of ropes.

   “Really, bitch?” said Naya, laughing, as she realized what Olivia was trying to do, “Fine with me. Crawl, you little troll. CRAWL.”  And crawl Olivia did. It was hard going, with the pain in her knee and having to drag an unresisting Naya, who occasionally did a bored yawn, along with her, but eventually Olivia did reach the ropes,  and grabbed hold of them, Naya releasing the figure-four as soon as she did. After waiting for a minute as the throbbing in her knee went down a slight bit, she started to slowly pull herself up to her feet with the help of the ropes. It wasn't until she had pulled herself all the way back up to her still unsteady feet that she started to wonder where Naya was, and why she wasn't attacking her. She got her answer, though, when she turned around to see Naya's crotch flying towards her face, her latina legs wrapping around her neck and then flipping her over, backwards, smashing her head first into the mat with a brutal Projectile Rana.

   Projectile Rana: (2:59)

   “Next time, trying fighting someone your own speed, bitch,” Naya said, crawling over on top of the nearly unconscious Munn   , going for the pin as she hooked the leg, “Like, say... a beanie baby.” 1...2.. - KICKOUT!!

   “Tut, tut, nerd bitch,” said Naya, clearly peeved that Olivia managed to find it in her to kick out, “your only delaying the inevitable, you know that?” Naya got up off of Olivia and, after pulling her prone opponent just a little bit closer to the nearest corner, Naya grabbed the ropes to either side, hopped up, springboarded off it it and twisted around in mid-air before landing on top of Olivia with a Split-Legged Corckscrew Moonsault.

   Split-Legged Corkscrew Moonsault:

   Having landed perfectly across Olivia's stomach, driving all the air out of her, Naya reached over with one arm to hook Olivia's injured leg. 1...2...-KICK OUT!!!

   “SON OF A BITCH!!!,” screamed Naya, loud enough for some of he cheap seats to hear her, as she went into a rage, pissed that the dark haired beauty was able to kick out AGAIN, “You need to learn to stay down, bitch. It's time to bring out the BIG guns.” After smashing several hard elbows into Munn's midriff, depleting her of whatever air she had left, Naya lifted Olivia to her feet by the hair, and pushed her into the nearest corner, front first. Then Naya took her time making her way to the opposite corner, jawing with the people booing her, relishing every step as she felt she was that much closer to finishing the cxnt off. Arriving at the opposite corner, Naya paused momentarily, facing Olivia's back, before rocketing forwards. As soon as she was close enough, she hopped into the air, stretching her knees out in front of her, looking to finish Olivia off with her finishing, a Jumping Double Knee Smash she affectionately called the Bitch, Please.

   Bitch, Please:

   Unfortunately for Naya, whether it was on purpose or by accident, as soon as she jumped into the air, Olivia collapsed to the mat, letting Naya crash, knees-first, into the middle turnbuckle, then bounce back down to the mat, now holding HER knees in pain, karma having done it's job. Olivia, though, is in no condition to capitalize just yet, as she was still recuperating from everything Naya had done to her throughout the match, but she starts to slowly pull herself to her feet, just as Naya rolls to the other side of the ring, and started to pull herself to her feet as well. Naya was the first one up, though, and as she sees Olivia still struggling to get to her feet she hobbles towards her, only to have Olivia bounce to her feet, hop forward slightly, and then extend her leg out and up towards Naya's jaw with her signature Superkick, Mr. Pointy.

   Mr. Pointy:

   “Kamehameha, bitch,” said Olivia, panting, as she watched Naya's eyes gloss over then he whole body fall back, seconds after Olivia's foot connected with her jaw. Limping forwards, Olivia reached down and picked up the semi-conscious latina bombshell up by her hair, draped Naya's left arm over her left shoulder, and wrapped her right arm around Naya's head. Then, grunting at the pain in her need, she fell backwards, planting Naya with her Bridging Exploder Suplex, the Pie Maker.

   Pie Maker:

   With Naya's shoulders flat on the mat, it was easy for Olivia to keep her there for the 1... 2... 3. Releasing her defeated foe, Olivia slowly got to her feet, and limped over to the ring ropes, asking the ring attendent for a mic, which he gladly gave her. Limping back to Naya, she looked down at the semi-conscious woman, before raising the mic to address the crowd.

   “For the record, I know Bulma doesn't actually have any Saiyan powers in Dragon Ball Z,” she said, raising a finger and tapping her head, “But, really... I've always wanted to say that, and... when do you really ever get the chance to say, “Kamehameha, bitch!”? Not very often.” Grinning, she dropped her mic and then slowly slipped out of the ring, the crowd cheering the shit out of her. Making her way up the ramp, she knew how close she came to losing, and that business between her and Naya definitely wasn't over. But for now, she was going to celebrate. With tequila. And some Guitar Hero. And, hell... maybe even a foot massage.

   Winner: Olivia Munn, w/ the Pie Maker!!


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2011, 12:25:42 AM »
To tide you all over till I finish the next match, here's the next part of the show,  little backstage interview segment. Enjoy!!! :)

   “Hello, Hiltonoholics!” said Paris Hilton, preening for the camera, as the titantron flickered to life, showing her in an extremely low cut, tight, blue, sparkly dress, that accentuated all her curves, and a handbag carrying her current dog of the week, a chiuahua named Mitzy, over one shoulder, one hand petting it's head, the other holding her microphone, “It's me, your favourite interviewer EVER, backstage here at EFW's first show! Like... so awesome, right? Fuck yeah, it is. Anyways... I'm here with EFW star, Diana Agron. Say hi, Diana!”

   “Hi, everybody!” The camera zooms out to show Diana, sweaty from a pre-match work out, dressed in pink sweat pants, running shoes, and a Glee hoodie, standing close beside Paris. In one hand, she holds a bottle of fresh mountain water, while her othe hand joins her bright smile with a wave hello to the audience. “How's it go-”

   “So, Diana,” says Paris, interrupting her, to which Diana just rolls her eyes, “You have a match tonight, with your Glee co-star, Lea Michelle. Is it true she actually CHALLENGED you, to this match? Like... why would she do that?”

   “Honestly, Paris? I have no idea,” said Diana, shaking her head sadly, “I mean, sure, she's never been all that friendly to me, on or off the set, but I never thought she'd actually challenge me.”

   “Speaking of which, you think you can take her?” asked Paris, bluntly getting to the point.

   “Well, this is my first televised match, so I AM a little nervous,” said Diana, wiping some stray blond hairs away from her eyes, “but I've been training really hard, trying to get myself ready for this. I'm not sure if I'll win or not, but I'm definitely not going to underestimate her either. And -”

   “What the fuck is this?!?” The camera zoomed out again slightly, to include the interrupting and furious Lea Michelle, currently glaring at Hilton, clad in tight black jeans, and a pink blouse, one hand flapping around to try and dry her recently pink painted fingernails, “Where  the hell is MY interview?!? This is MY SHOW, DAMN IT!!!”

   “Actually, technically,” pointed out Diana, as Lea slowly turned her head to glare at her, “this is Bill Whitcoe's show, isn't it? Him being the owner and all?”

   “I WASN'T TALKING TO YOU!!!!” screams Lea, before turning her attention back to Paris, “I'M the STAR of this show! I should be the one getting all the interviews!! Not... not THAT!!”

   “What exactly is your problem with me, Lea?” said Diana, pushing past Paris and the finger Lea was pointing at her to get in her face, “What did I ever do to warrant such hate from you?”

   “You KNOW what you did, bitch,” said Lea, turning her ire back on to Diana, “You KNOW what you freaking DID!!”

   “Actually, I don't,” said Diana, turning to leave, looking over her shoulder at Lea, “But if it's a fight you want, Lea, then it's going to be a fight you'll get.”

   “Do you wanna buy one of my new handbags?” Paris asks Lea, as Diana walks off to continue training, pulling one out from behind her. “Their, like, sparkly and everything.”

   “Why hasn't anyone SHANKED you yet?” Lea asks Paris, before storming off herself, back to her dressing room.

   “Because I'm fucking adorable,” Paris mutters, before looking down at Mitzi and giving her a kiss on the head, “Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to you.”


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2011, 12:44:57 AM »
Also... next update won't be in this thread. Am just gonna start making new threads for updates, I think. Or should I just keep everything in this thread? What do you guys all think?


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2011, 12:48:54 AM »
Each card should have it's own thread.


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2011, 03:14:08 PM »
I have been in contact with Wiffo and it looks like the EFW is no more.


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2011, 05:13:29 PM »
Not over. Just going on an indefinite hiatus.


Offline KSWer

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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2011, 08:49:54 PM »
Well that was short.  :-\


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Re: EFW (Extreme Female Wrestling)!!
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2011, 09:14:54 PM »
Yeah, sorry, heh. Blame it on both a lack of motivation/inspiration to write this stuff, and me needing to get my life and career back into career.