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Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]

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Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:33:38 AM »
Part 1 - A sexy acquaintance

Eva glanced across the room, searching, begging for something interesting to happen. These Hollywood parties were always so boring. You can't even get some decent food, or a drink for that matter, it's all wine and cheese.

"Bartender, Jack and Coke please," said Eva. She hoped it may lead to something interesting, or in the least dull the boredom.

On the other corner of the bar Rai was sitting down having with friends, a few other Indian actresses.  As she was sipping her strawberry martini her husband came around to tell her an interviwer had asked if he could interview her and her friends.

"Of course, we'll go right now," said Rai cheerfully.

She gave her husband a soft but sensual kiss before leaving the bar with her friends.

Back on the other side of the bar Eva had finished her drink, scanning the patrons of the bar now. This time though she wasn't disappointed. She set her eyes on a tall dark man. She hadn't seen many men like him in the states before, although she swore she could recognize him from somewhere. Maybe a magazine, or a movie. Either way, Eva knew what she wanted, and Eva always got what she wants. She slowly made her way over to the other side of the bar, turning heads in her sexy red dress as she moved.

"So what is a sexy man like you doing alone at the bar?" said Eva.

"Of whom do I owe the pleasure of such flattery?" asked Rai's husband.

"I'm Eva, but names aren't really important" said Eva.

"Oh?" he said.

"The only thing that's important is what we're going to be doing when we leave here," said Eva her voice growing sexier by the second.

"Oh, I apologize there must be a misunderstanding. I'm married. My wife is Aishwarya Rai. You may not believe me, but it's true, I could introduce you if you'd like, maybe you know of her? She's a famous actress in India. I'll call her over, " he said.

"Actually, I was having a perfectly good time as is. Why spoil a good thing, right? I mean no offense, your wife is gorgeous, but she seems like a prude to me. Just being frank, I KNOW she cant satisfy you like I could....," said Eva.

Rai's husband tried to hide his feelings, but Eva could see the longing in his eyes. She followed them down to her own fit and firm ass and she suddenly realized what had been going on.

"Oh, she's not a fan of anal, huh? That's too bad, if I was your girl I'd let you do ANYTHING you want to me with a cock that big," Eva whispered as she slipped her number into his pocket.

She grinned at Rai's husband, then flashed her own eyes down to his crotch letting him know she seen the lump protruding from his pants. It was huge and he seemed taken aback by embarrassment. 

That's when Rai broke in abruptly, after returning from the interview with her friends. She couldn't hear what had been said, but she knew Eva was up to no good. She knew who Eva was and had heard about her numerous relations with men.

"Can I help you?" Rai asked Eva condescendingly.

"Not in your dreams sweet heart," said Eva with a fake smile. Then she looked at Rai's man. "If you'd like to see more of my assets just give me a ring, " said Eva.

She then walked off with her perfect ass practically bouncing up and down in her sexy, revealing dress. It was tantalizing for Rai's husband as he watched it until Eva had gone out of sight. Rai picking up on this, quickly grabbed her husband and jerked him away as they returned to the party...



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2011, 05:26:04 AM »
Any feedback guys?

Sorry for the slow star, but I really want to build up the fight so it will be an epic brawl and the reader can really get an idea of the fights importance/magnitude. I think a good story makes the fight all the better!

Voting is still going on for the actual fight itself and I promise I'll make it epic!



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2011, 11:32:23 AM »
Part 2 - A question of honor

It was still early when Rai and her husband had returned to their hotel room. Rai was pretty aggravated about what had transpired between her husband and Eva, but she did her best to just put it out of her mind. After all her husband hadn't acted upon his urges, even if he did have them. It wouldn't matter anyways though because she was gonna rock her husbands world tonight and make him forget all about that slut Eva.

Rai had entered the hotel first leaving her husband to grab some things from the convince store in the hotel. She reapplied her makeup, stripped down to her bra and panties and waited in the bedroom. She left a note "Meet me in the boudoir" at the entrance of their suite.

When her husband returned he found Aishwarya looking as beautiful as ever. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her golden bar and panties. Her breasts were perky and supple, her pussy was dripping wet, and her immaculate face was as radiant as ever.

Her husband wasted no time rushing towards Rai with intense passion. They kissed intimately for what seem like an eternity before her husband went to work undoing her bra, which didn't take long. Rai's perfectly proportioned breasts were finally released and they looked nothing short of magnificent. He ran his hands along her sweet and supple breasts massaging and caressing them, making Rai go absolutely wild, which make her breasts all the more perky.

Then began the kissing, starting at the lips, slowly gliding down the neck, stopping once more on the breasts and then the navel. The final stop was Rai's pussy. As he performed oral sex on her Rai went absolutely wild. She was in a stupor from the pleasure she had been receiving and couldn't explain it. Their sex life had always been great, but this was absolutely amazing. Something had gotten into her husband, and she was loving it. She was on the verge of cumming from merely oral alone.

From here her husband stopped, by this time Rai was as wet as a flowing river as he climbed back on top of her, thrust himself inside of her, hearing Rai moan in ecstasy, as he continued to pound away. Rai was completely in awe of her husbands new found sexual prowess. Typical they would have slow, sensual sex, which she really enjoyed, but this... this was a completely different animal. Normally she'd be put off by the lack of connection between the them. He wasn't even looking at her, it was almost as if he was trying to stop from looking at her. He was in his own head, pounding away. While she didn't quite like that, she couldn't deny the intense pleasure she was feeling. It was like anything else she'd ever experienced before. She could barely move the ecstasy was so great. She could feel the wave start to come over her. This was it, she was cumming, and she came violently letting out the loudest shriek a pleasure she ever had. As she finished her husband did as well, but his cries of ecstasy were much more interesting.

"Ohhh, Eva ohhh my god, ohhh Evaaaa!" her husband wailed as he finally came inside Rai.

Rai was utterly shocked. Her great sense of pleasure had, in an instant, tured to that of pain as she quickly came face to face with the painful reality. Her husband wasn't "really" making love to her. He wasn't extra "excited" and his performance wasn't extra amazing in an effort to please Rai. No, it was all an effort to please Eva.  That slut wasn't even here fucking him, but she might have well been. She had infiltrated her husbands mind and his desires. He may have been making her quiver physically, but it's his intentions that she cared about, and it's clear her husbands intentions had nothing to do with her. It's no wonder he avoided eye contact. He was trying to concentrate on Eva in his head. Rai realized she was being used merely as a body to perform the act on, all of his husbands love and affection had been directed towards Eva.

Furious Rai pushed her husband off of her. She was a mix of emotions, initially she was raged, but soon realized that she couldn't help Eva being on her husbands mind. Their is only one thing that could produce that. He thought she was the better woman.

Ashamed and embarrassed Rai broke down in tears. Her husband tried to comfort her, but it was no use. The damage had already been done. A day passed and Rai only feel deeper into self loathing. That is until she contacted a friend. The advice she received may have been simple but to Rai it had made perfect sense. The message was "FIGHT FOR HIM".

From this point on Rai was no longer sad. She channeled all her energy into rage towards Eva. She was determined not to lose her man to that slut, and she would fight to the last of her being to make sure that didn't happen. This is where Rai's resolve was born and harden, she wanted to fight Eva, not only that, but she wanted to absolutely destroy her an humiliate her in front of her husband. They will both realize who the better woman is, they will be forced to!

When her husband came back to the hotel from the store she shared her revelation with him.

"Aish are you crazy?" he said. "You don't need to fight over me, besides Eva seems strong. I wouldn't want to risk anything happening to you," he said.

"So you don't think I can win, huh?" said Rai.

"No it's not that I... I..." then Rai cut him off.

"Cut the bullshit, we both know she's in your mind. You're planning on fucking her, admit it. Otherwise you wouldn't have taken the number. Even if you didn't fuck her she's still on your mind because of that she's destroyed our sex life. You can't be intimate without thinking about her and I won't have it."

He wanted to resist. To lie and say this wasn't so. But he knew in his heart of hearts that Rai's words were true. She wasn't some dumb beauty queen that could be easily fooled, she was intelligent. That's what he loved about her, but not it was coming back to haunt him."

"You're right" he said. I'll call her first thing tomorrow to see if we can arrange something.

"Oh, you will be able to. That filthy whore will do anything to try and get her hands on you," said Rai.

"Be sure to tell her that is she loses she can never speak or go near you again" Rai added.

"I cant wait to teach that filthy whore a lesson," bellowed Rai, seething with rage. "I will uphold my honro!" she screamed.

Her husband had never seen this side of her before, but needless to say he was attracted to her new found resolve. Initially he was worried the trim and toned Eva would demolish his prize jewel of India if a fight ever did occur, but now with her resolve growing, Rai seemed as formidable and opponent as anyone. He couldn't help but wounder if Eva really knew what she'd be getting herself into by accepting the fight. However, he didn't spend too much time fretting. Only time would tell....


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2011, 11:58:27 AM »
This story is getting hot. Great build up. I can hardly wait for the fight. I hope there is lost of hair pulling, slapping and scratching!




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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2011, 07:06:57 AM »
This story is getting hot. Great build up. I can hardly wait for the fight. I hope there is lost of hair pulling, slapping and scratching!


Thanks for the encouragement. Glad you like the story, and I promise you it will be a bloody/sexy fight!



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2011, 03:37:15 PM »
Part 3 - Challenge accepted

Eva sat impatiently at her table as she waited for Rai's husband to arrive. She couldn't help wondering why he had wanted to meet her here. If he truly wished to take her up on an offer a hotel room would have been the ideal location, not the hotel restaurant. Looking around she finally say Rai's husband, but surprisingly he wasn't alone, Rai was with him.

Eva was taken aback by this, but didn't say anything as he and Rai both sat down.

"Hello Eva," said Rai's husband. "My wife thinks she has a way we can resolve our little predicament, so I figured I'd just let you guys talk over drinks. Don't worry about anything, it's all on me," said Rai's husband.

"But I want to talk to you," Eva protested as Rai's husband walked off.

The waiter came by and asked if he could get the ladies antyhing. Eva ordered her traditional Jack and Coke, while Rai stuck with her Martini. Eva still couldn't fathom why Rai was here, so she figured she'd ask.

"So what's the problem we're having, and what's your solution. It all seems pretty simple to me. I want your husband, and you can let me have him. Problem solved." said Eva condescendingly.

"You're funny, but it's going to take more than a sense of humor to get my husband," said Rai.

"Well, how about this. You let me fuck him, and then he can choose who he likes better. You actually have the advantage because you've had like 100 times to get it right, I'll only have 1," said Eva smirking.

"I have something even better in mind," said Rai. "Fight me for him," she said.

Eva almost burst out laughing.

"Fight you for him," Eva retorted. "Wouldn't that be the day, how desperate do you think I am to get laid," said Eva.

"Probably, pretty desperate after seeing my husband's cock. And let me tell you he doesn't disappoint. But that's not what this is about anyways, is it Eva? You're just scared to fight me. That's what I anticipated before arriving. Unfortunately for you, I won't just let you have him. I'll be going now..," said Rai.

"Wait a minute, that's not it at all. I'd absolutely destroy you in every sense of the word," said Eva laughingly. "I've got a question for you though. What's stopping your husband from fucking me if we don't fight. I'm not dumb, I know you're not here just because you want to fight me. You feel like this is the only option don't you. I bet you've finally realized that I'm in his head, and this is the only thing you can think of that will make me leave. Why would I even bother risking giving up that hold on him when I don't have to?" asked Eva.

Rai was mortified Eva was able to read her desperate situation so well. She could tell Eva had been in this position before. Rather than answer directly, because she couldn't, she needed to deflect the question and get Eva mad enough to hopefully accept the fight out of rage.

"Haha, I knew if. You're all talk no action. I bet you're the same way in bed. I can say I've wasted my time here..."

Then suddenly Eva responded.

"I never said I wouldn't fight. Do you honestly think I'm afraid of your primed and pampered ass? I made a reputation for putting rich whores like you in place in high school. I'm just not interested because it's a waste of time their isn't anything in it for me. Trust me honey, your husband isn't the only one with a big dick," said Eva.

Rai knew she had Eva on the hook, but at the same time Eva was right. There wasn't any true incentive. So that's when Rai decided she had to up the ante.

"Well, I can assure you this isn't high school sweet heart, and I'm not like anyone you've fought before. But why disregard the offer already when you haven't even heard the stakes?" said Eva slyly.

"Stakes?" asked Eva questioningly.

"Of course," said Rai. "If you win you obviously get my husband, but you also get to dominate me sexually in any way you wish," said Rai.

"In front of him?" asked Eva. "I want him to see who's the better woman with his own two eyes," siad Eva.

"Fine," retorted Rai.

One more thing WHEN I fuck him, that is after I'm finished humiliating you and getting him nice and hard, I want to fuck him in front of you. With you watching" said Eva menacingly.

These words sent a chill down Rai's spine that she desperately tried to hide from Eva. She not sure why this demand bothered her more than merely being dominated in front of her husband, but it just did and you could tell it did by looking at her. She had let out a muffled gasp and her beautiful eyes had dilated, a sign of fear, a sign of weakness. She felt the time her and her husband spent together in the bedroom when they were intimate was sacred. So just the thought of watching him fuck Eva horrified her. It was literally the incarnation of her worst possible fear.

Unfortunately for Rai, Eva could sense fear.

"I seen I've struck a nerve," laughed Eva. "I can already tell you're not confident, otherwise you wouldn't be nervous about giving into my demands. You're not sure you can beat me. In fact I'm not even sure if you truly believe you can. I must admit you're one brave woman offering to fight me for your husband. You must be petrified you poor thing. Don't worry I'll try to make it quick" said Eva condescendingly.

Rai's hadn't really contemplated her fear until that moment, and the doubts were suddenly starting to creep in. However, she knew she couldn't turn back now and that their was no other way to get her husbands mind off of Eva.

"I accept your demands," said Rai, finally.

"So what happens to me in the event that I lose because I get jumped by you 10 more of you dot heads?" joked Eva.

"If you lose I only have one demand. You are to never speak to my husband again," said Rai,

"Only one, huh? We'll that's not really fair. That's one demand to three. You did instigate the fight, so you have to make it worth my while, but I'll grant you an extra demand since I'm so generous." said Eva with a terrible smirk. "How about this, if you win you can dominate me in front of your husband. That way you can truly erase me from his mind. After all who would want to fuck a girl after you've seen them destroyed by the better woman? See that's just how confident I am that I can win. I'll give you as many demands you desired, so long as you accept mine, because I KNOW I'll win," said Eva.

"We'll see about that," said Rai. "Just be at our hotel suite at 8 tomorrow night night. It will be catfight with no rules. Anything is allowed aside from outside assistance. It's a 1 on 1 between you and me. My husband will be watching. The woman who who submits first losses. If you get knocked unconscious you automatically lose. No rounds just straight fighting. Understood?" Rai asked Eva.

"Perfectly," said Eva. "Just one word of advice, you might wanna fuck your husband tonight, as it will be the last time you'll have a chance....," Eva pasued. "Oh wait, you can't because even when he's fucking you he still thinks he's fucking me!" said Eva as she burst out laughing.

She quickly downed her drink, got up and walked away, leaving Rai at the table, seething with anger after being mocked by the Latina.

Her husband returned shortly.

"How did it go," he asked.

"Everything went as planned. She accepted the challenge," said Rai confidently.

Rai quickly finished her drink and then they both left together. All Rai could think about was destroying Eva, but even despite all the rage, something inside her still feared Eva. She tried to put the thought out of her mind, wondering if Eva felt the same way. If she did, she certainly didn't show it. Only time would tell, she thought...



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2011, 01:40:16 PM »
Part 4 - Pre-fight jitters!

Eva arrived at Rai's hotel room just on time.

She was greeted by Rai's husband, who escorted her to the living room of the hotel suite. The fight would take place there as they had moved all the furniture out already.

"You won't be too depressed to fuck me after I dismantle your prissy little wife, will you? said Eva.

"Of course not rules are rules," he said.

"Oh, cmon. You know you'd fuck me even if was against the rules," said Eva.

He smiled, learn down and gave Eva a passionate kiss.

"Don't lose," he whispered in her ear.

Then he walked away to find Rai.

Rai was in the bedroom alone. Preparing her mind for the battle to come. She was confident, but at the same time she had a lingering doubt in her mind.

Her husband walked in and picked up on this immediately. Honestly, he had the same doubts she had. His wife's beauty was legendary, but he questioned her ability to defeat Eva in a fight. She was a dancer earlier on in life, but those days have long since past and while her body was still amazing. She wasn't quite as tight and toned as Eva was. It was clear that Eva works out regularly and her fit/muscular body wouldn't tire easily. Not to mention the extra strength would help Eva deal with the slight weight advantage Rai had.

"Are you ready babe," he said.

"Yes," replied Rai, as confidently as she could. She didn't want her husband to detect her doubt, but he had.

Despite how much he longed for Eva's luscious lips, amazing breast, and perfect ass he wanted to build his wife up, as he did with Eva, so they both had a fair shot and could fight to their full potential. After all, she had been his wife for years and the bond between them was strong. He couldn't just abandon her when she was at her most vulnerable and needed him the most.

He leaned in close to Rai and kissed her passionately, for a full minute, which seemed like an hour to Rai.

He then kissed her forehead and then whispered in her ear. "You can do this, I believe in you."

Rai smiled, her confidence growing thanks to her husband words of encouragement.

Then they walked out to the living room to face Eva.

Eva was standing in the center of the living room ready to go. She wore a black lingerie and looked incredibly sexy. As soon as Rai's husband saw her his erection began to grow. Rai, noticed this was put off, so she decided to strip down herself. She removed her robe revealing her white lingerie. She looked absolutely stunning. Literally looking like angel or some type of goddess, her beasts looked completely amazing in the bra she had on. It was no wonder why she was considered one of the most beautiful woman in the world, but would her beauty be enough against Eva?

Eva was quite annoyed that Rai had managed to pull her husbands eyes back on her gorgeous body.

"She may be gorgeous now, but trust me by the time I get through with her you won't even want to fuck her," laughed Eva. "As a matter of fact I'd recommend taking a picture now so we can do a before and after," said Eva practically dying of laughter.

She was extremely confident.

"We'll see about that you filthy whore," retorted Rai.

With that the girls both moved to the center of the room to square off.

Rai's husband started the countdown...





The battle was on!

« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 03:59:47 PM by Ronnie123 »



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2011, 10:12:45 AM »
Part 5- The fight begins!

As soon as the countdown was over Eva rushed at Rai with blinding speed. She wanted to end things quickly so she could get to the real fun, dominating Rai sexually. She was upon Rai almost instantly and launched a vicious overhand right at Rai's head. Rai sidestepped the punch beautifully, showing she still had the same grace and elegance she had in her dancer days. Rai countered by grabbing a huge chunk of Eva's hair. She yanked has hard as she could, ripping out many strands. Eva screamed in agony and the first painful blow had been dealt.

Rai's grip was unrelenting and she attempted to force Eva's head downward by pulling her hair. She succeeded and was about to begin to smash her right knee into Eva's head, when Eva delivered the first punch of the fight, right to Rai's soft stomach. While Ria still had her gracefulness from dancing, what she didn't have anymore was the tight body, like Eva's. Rai's midsection, while beautiful, was soft allowing the blow of Eva to deal maximum damage. The shot made Rai's eyes widen as if she had saw a ghost and completely sucked the wind out of her, causing her to drop to her knees.

"Wow, all it took was one punch, huh? What a weak bitch," said Eva while laughing. "I'll show you how to do what you TRIED to do earlier," she laughed.

She then took a trick out of Rai's book and smashed the helpless Rai in the face with a devastating knee, cutting open her forehead. The blow had incredibly force and sent Rai toppling over backwards instantly, almost knocking her unconscious. Upon landing Rai was stunned. It was only minutes into the first round and Eva was dominating her as well as mocking her in front of her husband! She could bearly begin to collect herself after that last blow. Suddenly, all her worst fears came to life, maybe her doubts were right. Maybe she stood no chance against Mendez after all... the thought of Eva winning and the consequences crept into her mind. How could she stand losing her husband to Eva? How would it feel to be humiliated in front of him? To have to watch him fuck her? It was a terrible thought, she'd rather die.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I though you Indian girls were supposed to have those red dots on your head. I figured I'd help out if I opened your forehead up a little bit," laughed Eva.

No Rai thought, thinking quickly. She knew she had to find a way to get back into the fight, everything was riding on this!

Rai managed to quickly stumble to her feet, leaning her back against the nearby wall for support, but mercy was not in the cards for Eva as she barreled towards Rai once again, looking to finish the right.


The sound was loud, but the painful squealing that followed was even louder. To Eva's surprise the screams were not coming from Rai, but from herself. Rai had managed to dodge the killer right hand from Eva once again. This time however, the aftermath was much worse than just a simple hair tug. Eva's arm had actually punched through the wall, causing her immense pain and leaving her arm temporarily stuck. Eva screamed in agony as she removed her injured hand from the wall and Rai looked on mortified, wondering what would have happened to her gorgeous face if the punch would have connected.

However, she quickly realized that this was her opportunity to turn things around. She launched herself at the wounded Eva who was bracing her face for the assault, so Rai swung low and landed a crushing shot to Eva's abdomen. Unlike Rai's midsection Eva's was toned so the damage wasn't as sever, but the pain still caused Mendez to drop her guard, allowing Rai to connect with an absolutely brutal uppercut, leaving Eva sprawled out of her back, dazed, confused, and practically unconscious.

Smelling victory over the now wounded Mendez, Rai instantly sprang on top of her. Rai mounted her in similar fashion to the old "school girl pin" trapping Eva's arms / /body under her own body. Rendering Eva's arms useless and exposing her face. Eva struggled and tried to free her arms violently, but Rai already had the mount and her weight was too much for Eva to free herself. With Eva's head defenseless Rai started violently attacking Eva's face.

The first right hand was devastating, as it was a direct blow to Eva's face. It burst open cuts both below and under Eva's right eye. Eva shrieked in pain and Rai was savoring every second of it. The then came across Eva's face with the left badly damaging Eva's left eye. The brusing started immediately and was severe, but Rai wouldn't relent and continued to pound the face of the Latin goddess like it was a piece of meat at the bouchers shop. Right then left, right them left the punches kept raining in with Mendez screaming and recoiling in pain each time. She was trying desperately to free herself, but she was growing weaker and weaker with each punch and just couldn't manage. Her screams started to tapper off as well, getting softer and softer, until finally only wipers could be heard.

Rai actually had Eva whimpering in front of her, it was like suddenly she was transported to her wildest dreams. She was completely destroying Eva and her once beautiful face, and all she had to show from it were a few cuts on her forehead? She found the entire thing hillarious.

"Give up yet, slut?" said Rai with a glare in her eye.

At this point Eva was whimpering even more with tears of pain, frustration, and sadness running down her face. She knew Rai had here, there was nothing she could do it was over. She had tried to buck her off, but now her legs were beginning to grow weak. She barely had any strength left in them at all. She felt embarrassed, humiliated, defeated, ashamed, angry, sad, and pretty much every other emotion possible as she stared up at Rai's cold, unforgiving face. No matter what though, she couldn't surrender, she couldn't give Rai the last of her dignity.

"Fuck...You...," Eva barely managed to squeak out. Her voice was nasally due to Rai crushing her once beautiful nose in her last barrage of punches.

"Fuck me? More like fuck you! Trust me, I'll enjoy doing that tonight!" said Rai as she smiled devilishly.

With that she grabbed Eva's head by the hair and smashed in back into the floor. With that Rai felt Eva's legs go body practically go limp. The arms and legs that were, moments ago trying to escape her pin with all their might, were now just quivering. Eva was barely conscious herself so Rai began to let Eva know what this fight meant to her and humiliating her further, knowing she wouldn't be able to try and make anymore desperate escapes. Eva's eyes were glassy and had practically rolled to the back of her head, so Rai slapped Eva in the face a few times to get her attention.

"Look at me bitch, look me in the eyes... LOOK AT ME!" scream Rai. "You see that man over there? You pathetic, filthy whore? That's my husband and he's mine. You're never going to be able to fuck him, just think of that. As a matter of fact you're going to be my sex slave tonight you pathetic whore!" shouted Rai. "You'll NEVER have what I have whore, NEVER. No one will ever care about you, you worthless sack of shit!" shouted Rai, furiously.

Rai slapped Eva again, causing her to whimper in pain.

"You pathetic, worthless bitch. I really thought you had more in you than this. To think that I was ever even nervous about fighting you was a joke. I completely destroyed you. What have you done to me? cut my forehead? You're going to be awfully ashamed of yourself when you look in the mirror, I promise I didn't just only destroy that cute little nose of yours. One look at your face and you can tell you got you ass beat, badly," said Rai. But I can't let you off that easy, no no no, not when you've tried to take EVERYTHING from me!" she said. "You were the one thinking you had the superior breasts, because they were bigger right? Well size isn't everything whore, nobody will want to look at your breasts after I'm done mangling them," said Rai with delight.

And with that Rai ripped of Eva's top exposing her large, supple, C cup breasts. She instantly went to work pounding away on them with her first, making sure they were badly bruised. Eva moaned and groaded with each punch, barely managing to stay conscious through the pain. Then the clawing and scratching started. Rai set to work clawing away at the breasts of helpless Eva, cutting into new, fresh, flesh every second. Without the strength to even scream all Eva could do was endure the intense pain while hoping she could just slip off into unconsciousness. Unfortunately for Eva, she couldn't the pain kept her concious and she could feel every scratch, as Rai's nails cut deeper and deeper into her once beautiful breasts.... finally, Rai relented.

Rai was huffing and puffing after giving herself such a workout tearing apart Eva's breasts.

"Well, I have to admit one thing. You are on resilient little whore!" said Rai. I know just the perfect way to put you out for good though!" said Rai as she undid her own top.

"I recall you saying that my breasts were "nothing" compared to yours, don't you? I think you said before that I should take my B cups over to the "itty bitty, titty committee" because no would ever want to see the them. I think you even said that having a picture of them could probably get someone arrested for child pornography, right? Oh, you're soo funny Eva," said Rai mockingly. "Well no we'll really get to see who has the better tits. I want you to take a closer look at mine first though! If you're still conscious when I'm done then you can have a go at me. That sounds fair, right?" said Rai, laughing loudly.

She bent down getting close to Eva's ear.

"Here is a hint, you won't get a turn. I'll make sure of it!" Rai whispered.

With that Rai finished removed her top and exposed her absolutely perfect breasts. She then began smothering the face of Eva with them. At first she started off slowly, from the chin working her way up the face of Eva until they covered Eva's eyes and mouth. She can could tell Eva waa having difficulty breathing. That her plan. She was going to end this whore with the most humiliating thing she could think of, the breast smother. It would be especially embarrassing for Eva since she had always claimed breast superiority, but now she would be forced to succumb to the breasts of her opponent.

Rai's B cups weren't huge, but they were more than capable of getting the job done. It wasn't long before Eva was gasping for air. Her moans coming quieter and more muffled with each subsequent one. Rai could feel Eva weakening, it wouldn't be long before she wilted to Rai's superior breasts and went unconscious...



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2011, 10:19:11 AM »
Please tell me what you think thus far!

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

I'll post the next part of the story soon!


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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2011, 12:08:57 PM »
I think the build up has been excellent but the fight thus far has been a little 1 sided with either Eva or Aiswarya dominating. Would like a bit more back and forth and for Eva to get out of the current hold and do some more damage to Rai (regardless of the eventual winner of the fight).


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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2011, 04:36:29 PM »
This is a TERRIFIC story and (if/when it's concluded) I plan to put it on Kim & Ginny's Celebrity fight web page (assuming Ronnie doesn't have any objection?)


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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2011, 06:55:16 AM »
what about eva making a comeback... she end rai with a deadly tombstone


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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #12 on: August 21, 2011, 07:03:23 AM »
uy story is fantastic but make it more brutal with deadly moves. besides make rai loose to some deadly moves by eva. a spreadeagled rai is sexier.



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #13 on: August 21, 2011, 11:29:25 AM »
Part 6 - The battle continues!

Eva was really in trouble, gasping for any breath of air she could manage, but it simply wasn't enough. The breasts of Rai were overpowered her and she knew she would soon be unconscious if she couldn't respond. More seconds passed and Eva, on the brink of a humiliating defeat, did the only thing she could think of. She sunk her teeth into Rai's right breasts, out of complete desperation.

"Arrrguhhhhhhhhh!" scream Rai in complete agony as she instantly recoiled.

The shriek was the loudest of the match thus far, and it was clear that the blow that caused it was the most painful. Rai was completely stunned in pain, causing her to give up her solid hold on the pin she had on Eva. Eva capitalized on the opportunity to punish the wounded Rai. She managed to get her right arm free and land a devastating shot to the midsection of Rai, already tender from the shot she hit earlier.

This sent Rai toppling off of Eva. Rai landed on the ground nearby and was in immense pain. The shot had again made her eyes widen and knocked the wind out of her. Rai couldn't even scream from the pain as nothing would come out of her mouth. She just laid there, frozen in pain for what seemed like an eternity. Then, out of the blue, Rai began to vomit violently. The beating on her soft belly was, apparently, just too much for her to take. She could do nothing to hold back her body as she just continued to couch, moan, and vomit. Rai knew she was badly hurt as she could see traces of blood in her own vomit, and she did her best to compose herself, but it just seemed unless, the blood and bile were unrelenting.

On the other side of the room Eva was slow to recover as well, but still managed to compose herself much quicker than Rai. Eva had taken serious damage to her face, while she was trapped in Rai's pin. Her left eye was nearly swollen shut from the powerful blows of Rai and her right eye didn't fair much better. On top of that her nose was crushed and her face was badly bruised as well as cut. Knowing she had really hurt Rai with her last punch Eva took some time before rising to catch her breath. She took some deep breaths in an attempt to regenerate her oxygen starved muscles. Slowly, but surely she felt herself getting stronger as she role up from the ground determined to get revenge. She knew it had been a close call, a few more seconds under Rai's breasts and she would have been conscious for sure. She briefly thought about the consequences of being Rai's sex slave and shuddered thinking about it. She couldn't knew she could let that happen. So rose up and headed towards the downed Rai with more conviction than ever, it was like she had been overcome by a second wind.

Upon reaching Rai's, Eva could tell she was still in immense pain. She had stopped vomiting, but she was stricken in pain and completely out of breath. She didn't have the strength to even rise up because she was so weakened and dehydrated from all the vomiting. She was literally just laying there in a heap, trying to recouperate her energy. Unfortunately for Rai, even was back up and ready to go and she wasn'y going to show any mercy.

"Well, look at this slut just laying here. Not surprising, that's what sluts do. I'm not surprised you're doing the same thing you do in bed in this fight. You don't know how to do anything else but lay there and take it," laughed Eva. "Oh, but look at this, I forgot. You're face down, ass up. I know for a fact you don't use this position in bed you little priss. That's right, your husband told me how you won't even let him fuck you in the ass. Quite pathetic, I mean if the only thing you're gonna do is lay there and take it, you could at least let him put it wherever he wants. Don't you think, it's only fair, right?" said Eva. "Don't worry about your husband though, once I'm through with you he'll have my ass to play with all he wants. Don't get me wrong, you have a cute ass, but it's nothing compared to mine sweet heart," said Eva.

Eva then stomped on the curve of Rai's back with her right foot. Rai howled in pain and began to vomit even more blood and bile.

"Well just look at all this puke and blood," said Eva. "How are we going to clean this up?" she said questionably. "Oh, I have an idea! We'll use your hair!" shouted Eva!

Rai could only look up in horror, wondering what Eva had meant. Eva then stomped on Rai with her left foot, causing Rai to scream and vomit more. Then Eva began jumping up and down and Rai's back, crushing Rai each time and causing her to vomit even more, until nothing left would come out. Rai was a complete mess at this point. She was literally face down in her own vomit, gasping for air. Not to mention energy wise she was completely drained and exhausted due to all the nutrients she had lost due to vomiting. She was completely at Eva's mercy, as she couldn't respond to anything that was being done to her.

Eva then started on Rai's hair. She pulled up on her thick black hair, while stepping on Rai's back, causing strain on Rai's neck as her head was lifted off the ground by her hair. Then without warning let go of Rai's hair, causing her head to crash down into the vomit covered floor. Rai left out a horrific scream upon impact that was muffled by her choking on her own vomit. This opened up her forehead cut even worse and bruised her nose and right eye socket. Eva, wasn't satisfied though as she stepped on the back of Rai's head with incredible force, grinding her face down into her own vomit. Rai was literally drowning in her vomit as she couldn't breath with Eva holding her face down. The force from Eva's stomp was also quite damaging, it barely left Rai conscious while simultaneously breaking her noise, bruising her face, and widening the gash on her forehead even more.

Rai was badly beaten as this point and practically unconscious. Her body lacked the strength to move at all and her head was dazed and light headed from Eva smashing her head into the ground. She managed to turn her head only to see Eva and her merciless smile standing over her, raising her right leg to deliver the finishing blow that would surely destroy the immaculate face that had earned her the tile "most beautiful woman in the world".

Rai's eyes were glassy and she was too weak to even scream, but she knew of her own impending doom as she watched Eva slowly, menacingly, raise her leg higher and higher to deliver the final blow, feeling powerless knowing that she was too weak to stop it....

« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 11:32:26 AM by Ronnie123 »



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Re: Aishwarya Rai vs Eva Mendes [STORY]
« Reply #14 on: August 21, 2011, 11:34:17 AM »
This is a TERRIFIC story and (if/when it's concluded) I plan to put it on Kim & Ginny's Celebrity fight web page (assuming Ronnie doesn't have any objection?)

Thank you very much!

And no objection here. I'm honored! : )