Part 5- The fight begins!
As soon as the countdown was over Eva rushed at Rai with blinding speed. She wanted to end things quickly so she could get to the real fun, dominating Rai sexually. She was upon Rai almost instantly and launched a vicious overhand right at Rai's head. Rai sidestepped the punch beautifully, showing she still had the same grace and elegance she had in her dancer days. Rai countered by grabbing a huge chunk of Eva's hair. She yanked has hard as she could, ripping out many strands. Eva screamed in agony and the first painful blow had been dealt.
Rai's grip was unrelenting and she attempted to force Eva's head downward by pulling her hair. She succeeded and was about to begin to smash her right knee into Eva's head, when Eva delivered the first punch of the fight, right to Rai's soft stomach. While Ria still had her gracefulness from dancing, what she didn't have anymore was the tight body, like Eva's. Rai's midsection, while beautiful, was soft allowing the blow of Eva to deal maximum damage. The shot made Rai's eyes widen as if she had saw a ghost and completely sucked the wind out of her, causing her to drop to her knees.
"Wow, all it took was one punch, huh? What a weak bitch," said Eva while laughing. "I'll show you how to do what you TRIED to do earlier," she laughed.
She then took a trick out of Rai's book and smashed the helpless Rai in the face with a devastating knee, cutting open her forehead. The blow had incredibly force and sent Rai toppling over backwards instantly, almost knocking her unconscious. Upon landing Rai was stunned. It was only minutes into the first round and Eva was dominating her as well as mocking her in front of her husband! She could bearly begin to collect herself after that last blow. Suddenly, all her worst fears came to life, maybe her doubts were right. Maybe she stood no chance against Mendez after all... the thought of Eva winning and the consequences crept into her mind. How could she stand losing her husband to Eva? How would it feel to be humiliated in front of him? To have to watch him fuck her? It was a terrible thought, she'd rather die.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I though you Indian girls were supposed to have those red dots on your head. I figured I'd help out if I opened your forehead up a little bit," laughed Eva.
No Rai thought, thinking quickly. She knew she had to find a way to get back into the fight, everything was riding on this!
Rai managed to quickly stumble to her feet, leaning her back against the nearby wall for support, but mercy was not in the cards for Eva as she barreled towards Rai once again, looking to finish the right.
The sound was loud, but the painful squealing that followed was even louder. To Eva's surprise the screams were not coming from Rai, but from herself. Rai had managed to dodge the killer right hand from Eva once again. This time however, the aftermath was much worse than just a simple hair tug. Eva's arm had actually punched through the wall, causing her immense pain and leaving her arm temporarily stuck. Eva screamed in agony as she removed her injured hand from the wall and Rai looked on mortified, wondering what would have happened to her gorgeous face if the punch would have connected.
However, she quickly realized that this was her opportunity to turn things around. She launched herself at the wounded Eva who was bracing her face for the assault, so Rai swung low and landed a crushing shot to Eva's abdomen. Unlike Rai's midsection Eva's was toned so the damage wasn't as sever, but the pain still caused Mendez to drop her guard, allowing Rai to connect with an absolutely brutal uppercut, leaving Eva sprawled out of her back, dazed, confused, and practically unconscious.
Smelling victory over the now wounded Mendez, Rai instantly sprang on top of her. Rai mounted her in similar fashion to the old "school girl pin" trapping Eva's arms / /body under her own body. Rendering Eva's arms useless and exposing her face. Eva struggled and tried to free her arms violently, but Rai already had the mount and her weight was too much for Eva to free herself. With Eva's head defenseless Rai started violently attacking Eva's face.
The first right hand was devastating, as it was a direct blow to Eva's face. It burst open cuts both below and under Eva's right eye. Eva shrieked in pain and Rai was savoring every second of it. The then came across Eva's face with the left badly damaging Eva's left eye. The brusing started immediately and was severe, but Rai wouldn't relent and continued to pound the face of the Latin goddess like it was a piece of meat at the bouchers shop. Right then left, right them left the punches kept raining in with Mendez screaming and recoiling in pain each time. She was trying desperately to free herself, but she was growing weaker and weaker with each punch and just couldn't manage. Her screams started to tapper off as well, getting softer and softer, until finally only wipers could be heard.
Rai actually had Eva whimpering in front of her, it was like suddenly she was transported to her wildest dreams. She was completely destroying Eva and her once beautiful face, and all she had to show from it were a few cuts on her forehead? She found the entire thing hillarious.
"Give up yet, slut?" said Rai with a glare in her eye.
At this point Eva was whimpering even more with tears of pain, frustration, and sadness running down her face. She knew Rai had here, there was nothing she could do it was over. She had tried to buck her off, but now her legs were beginning to grow weak. She barely had any strength left in them at all. She felt embarrassed, humiliated, defeated, ashamed, angry, sad, and pretty much every other emotion possible as she stared up at Rai's cold, unforgiving face. No matter what though, she couldn't surrender, she couldn't give Rai the last of her dignity.
"Fuck...You...," Eva barely managed to squeak out. Her voice was nasally due to Rai crushing her once beautiful nose in her last barrage of punches.
"Fuck me? More like fuck you! Trust me, I'll enjoy doing that tonight!" said Rai as she smiled devilishly.
With that she grabbed Eva's head by the hair and smashed in back into the floor. With that Rai felt Eva's legs go body practically go limp. The arms and legs that were, moments ago trying to escape her pin with all their might, were now just quivering. Eva was barely conscious herself so Rai began to let Eva know what this fight meant to her and humiliating her further, knowing she wouldn't be able to try and make anymore desperate escapes. Eva's eyes were glassy and had practically rolled to the back of her head, so Rai slapped Eva in the face a few times to get her attention.
"Look at me bitch, look me in the eyes... LOOK AT ME!" scream Rai. "You see that man over there? You pathetic, filthy whore? That's my husband and he's mine. You're never going to be able to fuck him, just think of that. As a matter of fact you're going to be my sex slave tonight you pathetic whore!" shouted Rai. "You'll NEVER have what I have whore, NEVER. No one will ever care about you, you worthless sack of shit!" shouted Rai, furiously.
Rai slapped Eva again, causing her to whimper in pain.
"You pathetic, worthless bitch. I really thought you had more in you than this. To think that I was ever even nervous about fighting you was a joke. I completely destroyed you. What have you done to me? cut my forehead? You're going to be awfully ashamed of yourself when you look in the mirror, I promise I didn't just only destroy that cute little nose of yours. One look at your face and you can tell you got you ass beat, badly," said Rai. But I can't let you off that easy, no no no, not when you've tried to take EVERYTHING from me!" she said. "You were the one thinking you had the superior breasts, because they were bigger right? Well size isn't everything whore, nobody will want to look at your breasts after I'm done mangling them," said Rai with delight.
And with that Rai ripped of Eva's top exposing her large, supple, C cup breasts. She instantly went to work pounding away on them with her first, making sure they were badly bruised. Eva moaned and groaded with each punch, barely managing to stay conscious through the pain. Then the clawing and scratching started. Rai set to work clawing away at the breasts of helpless Eva, cutting into new, fresh, flesh every second. Without the strength to even scream all Eva could do was endure the intense pain while hoping she could just slip off into unconsciousness. Unfortunately for Eva, she couldn't the pain kept her concious and she could feel every scratch, as Rai's nails cut deeper and deeper into her once beautiful breasts.... finally, Rai relented.
Rai was huffing and puffing after giving herself such a workout tearing apart Eva's breasts.
"Well, I have to admit one thing. You are on resilient little whore!" said Rai. I know just the perfect way to put you out for good though!" said Rai as she undid her own top.
"I recall you saying that my breasts were "nothing" compared to yours, don't you? I think you said before that I should take my B cups over to the "itty bitty, titty committee" because no would ever want to see the them. I think you even said that having a picture of them could probably get someone arrested for child pornography, right? Oh, you're soo funny Eva," said Rai mockingly. "Well no we'll really get to see who has the better tits. I want you to take a closer look at mine first though! If you're still conscious when I'm done then you can have a go at me. That sounds fair, right?" said Rai, laughing loudly.
She bent down getting close to Eva's ear.
"Here is a hint, you won't get a turn. I'll make sure of it!" Rai whispered.
With that Rai finished removed her top and exposed her absolutely perfect breasts. She then began smothering the face of Eva with them. At first she started off slowly, from the chin working her way up the face of Eva until they covered Eva's eyes and mouth. She can could tell Eva waa having difficulty breathing. That her plan. She was going to end this whore with the most humiliating thing she could think of, the breast smother. It would be especially embarrassing for Eva since she had always claimed breast superiority, but now she would be forced to succumb to the breasts of her opponent.
Rai's B cups weren't huge, but they were more than capable of getting the job done. It wasn't long before Eva was gasping for air. Her moans coming quieter and more muffled with each subsequent one. Rai could feel Eva weakening, it wouldn't be long before she wilted to Rai's superior breasts and went unconscious...