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CNBC Dressing Room Catfight Story

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Offline wolf359

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CNBC Dressing Room Catfight Story
« on: August 26, 2011, 02:59:53 PM »
Seema Mody and Kayla Tausche are both ambitious, young telegenic presenters on this cable business news network. Kayla started a little earlier in the year than Seema, who joined the team from India. While at first cordial and professional, a rivalry quickly developed between the two as to who would fill Erin Burnett's shoes and establish herself as money honey 3.0.

In real life, a few weeks ago Seema Mody appeared in the morning on TV  wearing an extremely hot, low cut cream colored top. The next time she appeared that she had changed into something far more conservative. Here's a fictitious account of why that was...enjoy!

Seema was glued to her blackberry while waiting in her dressing room to explain the morning's tech news on CNBC. "Another twitter follower", she smiled. New to the states, Seema was quickly making a name for herself through her grace, intelligence and let's face it, exotic good looks. "Soon i'll catch up to that bitch Kayla. White trash if I ever saw!" Seema smiled as she adjusted the killer dress she was going to wear on air today. Flesh colored, it easily merged with her caramel skin to create the illusion of near nudity. "The boys on the stock exchange floor will like this one."

Knock knock. It was probably her makeup artist. Imagine Seema's surprise when the door flung open revealing Kayla Tausche, another rookie reporter who was also becoming popular. Kayla was wearing a tight green top that hugged her B cups. A bit self conscious that she was lacking in the bosom category compared to other anchors, Kayla wasn't easy on Seema, who she considered a newbie. She already had played a few pranks on her before.

Kayla waltzed in and said, "So...looks like I"ll be reporting about HP's discontinuing of the touchpad. I really wonder why we have a nasdaq tech reporter like you who doesn't report on these stories." Seema swung her around in her chair and cast Kayla a dirty look back. "At least I have fans on twitter who think I'm hot. You just look malnourished. Do you actually call those things breasts on your chest?"

Kayla inched closer and inspected Seema's top. "You're wearing taht on air? Guess you just want the world to know you are a whore, whore." Kayla flicked her fingers against the material and continued to talk trash. "DIdn't know this job required a bimbo from Bombay." Seema grew more irritated by the minute. Standing up she stared down Kayla.

"What are you going to do, bitch? Throw curry in my face?" Kayla continued to taunt. The two hotties started to circle each other with increasing snarls of disgust.

Seema retorted "Why not have another shot of bourbon, you drunk white trash ho!" That set Kayla over the edge-- no one was going to insult her being from the south, let alone some indian floozy!

Slap! Kayla's thin white hand had first contact on Seema's tan cheek. Stunned and staggering back, Seema knew what she had to do. As a professioanl braodcaster, she had her fair share of rivalries and was ready for the fight.

Slap! Seema's hand shattered Kayla's left cheek. Two blows were exchanged and they were even. Who would strike next?

"So this is what you wanted all along Ms. India?" Kayla spat out. "Well, bring it!" and Kayla rushed her talons to Seema's long black hair and grabbed a handful. Shaken by the quick move, Seema winced in pain but retaliated by grabbing her own bunch of Kayla's shorter hair. Inching lower in pain, the two refused to let go. Finally , Seema thrust her breasts out at Kayla's chest and that broke the hair grip.

"Flat chested and dim witted", Seema shot out. "Let's see how tiny they really are!" Swipe! With one fell swoop of her talons, Seema ripped open Kayla's blouse, catching her bra in the act. Kayla moved on the defensive and blocked Seema's advance with a quick knee to her crotch. "You do fight dirty!" Seema caught her breath.

Kayla used this opportunity to smack Seema's chest, which was already exposed in her low cut dress. "I hate this blouse" and Kayla ripped it down the middle, revealing Seema's lacy black bra. Humiliated and upset by the destruction of her blouse, Seema fought back, clawing at Kayla's green top until it was nothing but shreds. Both women removed their now torn tops , casting them in the corner and stood facing each other in constrasting white and black bras.

Knock knock. what the f? Who was at the door? The two reporters covered their exposed flesh quickly and prepared for the worst- Jim Cramer? No, instead it was queen bee Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.

"Just wanted to stop in and see if I could borrow someone's mirror...Woah, what are you girls doing?" MCC was the indomitable enforcer of discipline in the dressing room amongst the women. Easily the msot well endowed reporter, MCC looked at the two girls and shook her head. A top notch orgnaiztaion like CNBC couldn't have girls fighting in the studio and so MCC took her left hand and squeezed Seema's boob, the right against Kayla and squeezed away while they both whimpered in pain.

"Listen bitches, you do this again and you haev to fight me. Now clean yourselves up , change your tops and let's get on air. Ok hoes?" The two noobies were dumbstruck by MCC's audacious boob grab. "Ok, ok" they both pleaded. "Fine. You shoudl be ashamed of yourselves." She released her grip. "Kayla, go to yoru room, Seema, get ready for your story on social networking. Now!"

As Kayla left the room, she shot Seema one last glare, a glare that both women knew their duel wasn't over yet...