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CNBC Catfight Story: Seema's First Win

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CNBC Catfight Story: Seema's First Win
« on: September 02, 2011, 08:16:36 PM »
It was a rough first month for Seema Mody, rookie reporter from Mumbai who made the leap to the US business news market. She discovered just how cut throat and catty her female co-anchors could be, learning first hand in a catfight draw with Kayla Tausche and humiliating defeat at the Asian hands of Melissa Lee.

Just about the only friend she had on set was Amanda "Mandy" Drury, a consummate professional, Aussie and foxy blonde. It was a slow Friday before labor day and things were wrapping up for the week. Seema's cubicle wasn't exactly prime office space so when Mandy walked by it made Seema feel extra special that such an A-lister would even give her the time of day. "Hey Seema, want to grab a drink with me after work? I bet you didn't know this but I've snuck a few cans of foster's into the sauna and not once was caught. What do you think?" Shocked, Seema agreed and Mandy said to meet her right by the CNBC gym's women's sauna at 6pm tonight.

Seema could definitely use a relaxing evening especially after today's market chaos. 6pm couldn't come sooner!

Finally, at 6pm Seema entered the sauna, white towel wrapped around her golden brown body, fitting snugly against her jugglies. And look, Mandy was there , already relaxing, having popped a can of Foster's...and also showing off  her fine nude white C-cup aussie dumplings.

The more modest Seema sat next to her and seemed a little uncomfortable. "Make your self comfortable!" Mandy said, tossing a foster's at the unexpecting Seema. "Umm, thanks Mandy, I really appreciate this," she said, finally relaxing but with towel firmly in place. Sipping their beers, the two colleagues rested and started to feel the sweat accumulating on their hot bodies.

Seema started to tell Mandy about her experiences in frustration, especially when it came to the wardrobe department. "They dress me like I'm in the taliban" she complained with a grin, "and the one time I wanted to show some skin I was quickly told not to and made to change."

Mandy gave her a wide smile. "Well, honey, I don't have that problem. Did you see how I was working that low cut red dress yesterday? Bill Griffeth almost copped a feel when the cameras were off. I love it when I can show off these twins" she boasted, cupping her boobs with pride. "Come on Seema, let's see yours." Mandy's invitation made Seema blush as she refused. Mandy inched closer to her and Seema clutched ever more tightly to her towel.

"Embarassed are we? " Mandy chuckled. "Guess boobs are just better and bigger down under. I've got nothing to hide. Still using a training bra then?" More laughter and Seema was by now furious at the insinuation. Who did Mandy think she was takling to, Kayla Tausche?

By now standing inches from Mandy, Seema stood up , dropped her towel completely and effectively shoved her light brown breasts right in front of Mandy's face. "There!" Seema yelled, "Do you still have a problem with them?"

Mandy was surprised and slightly jealous by how young Seema's fleshy orbs were. While one fine MILF, Mandy could spot a potential rival and her feminine competitiveness kicked in. She knew what to do...

and quickly lunged her mouth forward, until her teeth made contact with Seema's dark left nipple. "Fuck!!" cried Seema in pain, "You crazy Aussie bitch!" Seema wailed her arms and tried to slap Mandy's back despite the penetrating pain. By now thick sheens of sweat had accumulated on both hot bodies making it more difficult to grab onto the opponent.

Releasing her first strike, Mandy then bit the right nipple with equal enthusiasm. Seema recoiled in such pain that she fell to the floor as Mandy licked her lips in bizarre satisfaction. "Well, is that all your tits can handle?" the now nude Mandy taunted an equally nude Seema. Looking up from the floor, Seema squinted her eyes and vowed to return the pain by launching her left hand onto Mandy's right breast and squeezing with such intensity that she brought Mandy right down to her level.

Slap! Mandy's right hook hit Seema hard but her grip remained steady on Mandy's teat. Seema slapped back, a firm hit to the other exposed boob, causing a ricochet of sweat. Recovering quickly, Mandy thrust her chest forward, displacing Seema's grip and making contact with her brown beauties. Seema, staggering back, reloaded as her heaving bosom clashed against Mandy's equally sized weapons. Like two boxers exchanging blows, their boobs served as gloves. Just when it looked like Mandy was down for the count against the younger fighter, she quickly clawed at Seema's pussy.

"You fucking bitch!!!!" new levels of pain agonized Seema into action. While still reeling in pain, she readied her claws and scratched away with immense violence against Mandy's mounds. Mauling, scratching, clawing, squeezing took turns with biting as Seema unleashed a months' worth of frustration on the unfortunate bosom of Mandy Drury.

It was over. Seema straddled Mandy in a schoolgirl pin, her full weight now pressing against Mandy's chest. Visualizing her past struggles w/ Kayla and Melissa, Seema was relentless, taking out all her anger on this now beaten Aussie.

Her black hair wildly strewn across her face and chest, Seema felt alive like never before. "Don't you ever do this to me again Mandy! Do you understand?" Holding back tears of pain, Mandy replied "Yes, yes, just get off of me." With one full pinch of Mandy's nipples and a hard slap to the face, Seema let her go, picked up Mandy's towel and threw it at her as she whimpered in the corner. With a final catty comment of "Guess you won't be showing any skin tomorrow bitch!", Seema walked off, her head held high and nipples pointy from exertion.

Meanwhile Mandy examined the damage done to her prized possessions and cried. Bruised and battered, she secretly vowed revenge against this new Indian bitch who today proved her worth among the CNBC fighting money honeys.