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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 5 ( Fake ) - Cindy Margolis vs Rosie O'Donnell

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Over the past 2 shows , the Fans have been going wild over Operation Repo's , Big Sonia , who played a great Heel who had 2 easy Victories & wanted more of her , but it was time to move on for now & when it came to Big Girl Celebrities , Rosie O'Donnell was the new Big Girl Celebrity in the Poll , & the votes were in at the end of the 2 week voting window , probably due to huge voting from the Gay & Lesbian Community , Rosie won huge in every Poll there was , all wanting her to Squash her Opponent as a Bad Girl & the Celebrity who got the most votes to face her Unfortunately was Cindy Margolis , who like every Celebrity was hoping to win , but like every other Celebrity , since it was for Charity , they went along with the voting.

Rosie & Cindy worked together for 2 weeks of course with their trainer toput together a match until it was PPV night once again & it came time for their match.

Cindy came out 1st to a big ovation , wearing a Pink Bikini , Pink Leggings over white boots , & a pink feather Boa over her shoulder to add to her sex appeal & once in the ring did a sexy little dance for the crowd as Rosie then came out wearing a Black One Piece with a Black leotard  , Rainbow Colored Wrist Bands & Rainbow Boots & played the Heel role as she told everyone how " Blondie is in for a Butt Kicking " .

Rosie entered the ring & the Ref called for the bell to sound to start the match at which point , Cindy took off her Boa & put it down in the corner & smiled after getting up & doing 1 last Sexy Bouncy thing for the crowd , unaware that Rosie began her charge .

With a short Running Clothesline , Cindy was backed into the corner where Rosie began to Double Forearm bash Cindy across her Breasts as she let out " Anghs & Unghs " as she held her Palms in an up Position , the classic Jobber way of taking corner beatings .

After taking a dozen Double Forearms to her Tits , Cindy moved her hands up to cover her Tits as Rosie simply began to knee Cindy in her Sexy Midsection , giving her 6 undefended knees & after the last , Cindy stumbled forward a bit & Rosie moved behind her & put her down with a Double Forearm bash between her Shoulder Blades where Cindy lay on her front .

Rosie stood over Cindy at Breast level & 4 times Bonsai Dropped down onto her , mushing Cindy's Tits into the mat & then she pushed her over & sat on her Chest , 1-2- but no 3 as Rosie stood up before the 3 & then quickly reached down & grabbed herself some Blonde Hair & brought Cindy up & whipped her into the corner where Cindy crashed hard & stood Jelly Legged but somehow remained up as she sold the " Where am I " look as Rosie went to the Opposite corner & charged & before arriving at her target , Cindy , Rosie was able to turn somewhat & Bash her Butt into Cindy's Mid & watch as she moved a Cindy fell back down to the mat onto her front again & Rosie again Bonsai Dropped down onto her at Breast level 3 more times .

Rosie again pushed Cindy over & again sat on her Chest , 1-2-, but again no 3 as Rosie stood up again & just like last time , with Cindy's Blonde Hair in her hands , she brough Cindy up & gave her an Airplane Spin for 10 secs before letting her go & watchingCindy Crash to the mat & be laying out on her back in the dead center of the ring .

Rosie took a few secs to taunt the crowd to get her balance back as Cindy lay out , ready for it to end which indeed was coming as Rosie stood next to her & beganto Jump up & down for 7 secs before she ran to the rope away from Cindy & then ran past her again to the other rope closer to Cindy's Feet & on the retuurn this time , she lined herself where Cindy's Body was & Jumped up & came Crashing down right onto Cindy's Chest to complete the well executed " Earthquake " finisher .

Rosie remained on Cindy's Chest as Cindy after selling the move , left a knee up just a tad to make the whole scene a bit more sexier as the Ref moved in , 1-2-3 DING ! DING ! DING ! , it was over

Cindy clutched her Mushed Chest Eroticly & sold her Squash Loss as Rosie had her Arm raised in Victory .


« Last Edit: September 20, 2011, 05:46:04 PM by LoveSexyJobbers »
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