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Amanda Seyfried vs. Nicole Scherzinger (pt1)

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Amanda Seyfried vs. Nicole Scherzinger (pt1)
« on: November 04, 2011, 08:48:29 PM »
Scherzinger is "just an inch and a half" taller than Seyfried, but looks can be deceiving. The older brunette's build is long, lean and wiry, while the younger blonde is blocky, squatty and certainly more curvy! But it's style that makes fights and that's where the experts worry about Seyfried who sometimes tends to "panic" in a fight and get outside her comfort zone - attacking when she should be pulling back to regroup. Scherzinger has shown time and again she has the ability to unsettle opponents, either with her smoldering hot looks, her fiery personality, or a mouth that at times rivals Jenny McCarthy's for running away. Any, or all, of those could prove to be Seyfried's undoing if she can't control her own emotions!
Amanda comes in proclaiming she's stronger than Nicole, that she's going to push her around, and beat her up, that Nicole is over-rated, who's she beaten, she asked rhetorically?
Amanda's manager adds, "This fight is long overdue," spinning it like Nicole had been ducking this fight, although whether it's true or not is certainly debatable.
Nicole responds, "I didn't take the offer seriously at first, but now since she does she's more than willing to send Amanda back down to the ditch she's trying to climb out of, I’ll kick her to the curb where she belongs. There are so many more worthy blondes, I just don't want to waste a lot of my valuable time with her."
Amanda laughs, "Some women have lost to Nicole because they're intimidated by her dark looks. Well, I'm not impressed, she's too thin to win; I'll break her down, then take her out."
But 3 of 4 fights that Amanda lost have gone the distance so maybe she's just not built for the 'long run' or perhaps she's simply out of shape (the most popular analysis) but whatever the reason, it's clear, as Nicole points out, "If she can't keep up with my pace, she's gonna be toast!"
Amanda wins by KO a lot - when she wins - so she may have a bigger punch and she correctly points out she beat Fox who beat Nikki.
On the subject of Seyfried's conditioning, or lack thereof, Jen Lawrence observes wryly, "Seyfried reminds me of Charlize: they're both blonde and they both run out of gas after about a minute of hard punching. But to be fair; Amanda's ten years younger than Theron and her boobs're about ten inches bigger too!"
Nicole keeps going on and on about how "I was in Maxim and you weren't"
Amanda can only reply, "Well, I'm in the movies, and you aren't! I mean, 'Pussy Cat Dolls,' what a joke. Seriously, do you even have a talent aside from taking off your clothes?"
* * * * *
During R1: Both fighters on their feet early, ready and eager for the contest to get underway. At the bell, Nicole across the ring in long, confident, strides, fists raised, lips pursed around her mouthguard unable to keep from showing a smirking grin. Amanda bouncing on her toes, a little ball of tightly wound energy; her heavy breasts jiggling and jumpin' in their minimal restraints; looking as eager to break free as Seyfried claims to be eager to put the leather to Scherzinger. Opening minute all Amanda Seyfried, however, as the 'toy terror' bobs and ducks her way through Scherzinger's jab to pound away at that taut, tight - but tiny - middle. Scherzinger time and again being driven back as she tries to engage; Seyfried liking the feel of Nicole's hot breath on her as she lays in to bludgeon away with both fists; doubling Nicole over a couple of times with hard, driving, hooks and crosses that leave the brunette breathless from the jump. As the round goes on, though, Scherzinger starting to solve Seyfried's 'come at you' style and starts to put her long legs to work; turning Seyfried and slipping away from the body attack. Nothing much coming back from Nicole at this point, but she's stopped hemorrhaging points and has slowed Seyfried's opening charge; bogging her down in the corners, along the ropes or in clinches when she can't run, dance or jab her way out of trouble.
Seyfried seeing what's not working for her, changes her game plan and begins to work Scherzinger's leftside ribs with pumping, curling, rights coming up under her left elbow; her left breast by chopping down over the extended left when Nicole's slow to withdraw or with a couple of leap-in lead right hands that surprise Scherzinger by coming when she least expects it. Nicole continually being 'wrong-footed' by the surprisingly nimble blonde and Seyfried's showing she's not afraid to mix it up with the (slightly) taller brunette. Scherzinger rocked by sneaky little inside uppercuts whenever she tries to clinch and down the stretch she finds herself being backed up time and again as Seyfried pounds her to the body. At the bell, Nicole looking windblown and shopworn while Amanda Seyfried is all bubbly and full of confidence; quite a chance from their body language just three minutes ago.

R2: Amanda, pleased with her work in the opening round, is eager to continue in the second. She's out fast and is moving more, using her jab more often to keep Nicole off balance. Scherzinger looking a bit timid, perhaps confused; she's getting more of a fight from Amanda than she'd expected and it clearly discomforts her. The blonde keeps coming forward, changing directions to work the angles; she's able to touch up Nicole's face, then drop blistering rights off the taller brunette's chest or digging into a side of ribs. Nicole's not punching back a lot; she's just trying to keep from being maneuvered back into the corners where her lithe body would be vulnerable if her mobility became restricted. Whenever Amanda is able to hem the dark beauty in a corner or trap her on the ropes, she plants her feet and opens up with thunderingly hard rights. Nicole keeping her cool, is able to slip many, but not all , of them. Nicole moves quickly but Amanda is pounding enough brunette to keep it going. Encouraged, Amanda starts taking chances to get in even closer so she can work the brunette's slim, wiry, hardbody. Seyfried hammers a right off Nicole's head, and Scherzinger, having no room to retreat, stands and delivers a right of her own flush on the blonde's left eye! Stunned, but Seyfried has now gotten slugging fight she wanted, so she digs in and goes to work with a calculating fury, putting all her bulging body has into every licking stroke. Nicole fights back, and takes probably better than was expect as the blast seem to bounce of without a lot of reaction. That slim body is very tight. And even though her punches might not be as leveraged, she's landing more, and they seem to be sinking in. Amanda gasps, skips a beat and Nicole grabs and turns, slipping away. Regaining room to exploit her superior movement as she slips down the ropes, dancing back to mid-ring. The brunette displaying surprising cool as she waves the thicker blonde in. Amanda goes with it, still throwing bombs with her right, but her left to protect her face better. Nicole switches up twists and swings, lowering her target for the buxom blondes bigger boobs and slightly rounded tummy. Eager and determined to take over here and now, Seyfried won't back off willingly from the crowd pleasing trench warfare even as Nicole dancer's legs crush into Amanda's round thighs moving her back one step at a time. Despite her hard swings, Amanda can't hold position. They batter each other along the ropes almost, the length of the ring and into the corner with Amanda landing hard shots to Nicole's face and Scherzinger pounding Seyfried's juggs and tummy. A right to the chest stuffs her into the corner. Big right splits the blonde's gloves and Nicole snaps her head back with a stiff jab. Mandy blindly reacts with uppercut that breaks up Nicole's rhythm. Things start to get really sloppy here, as they fall together clutching and wrestling with each other at the bell. Ref has to pull them apart and Amanda nails him with a last, wild shot that was aimed for Nicole. She who slips off grinnng like 'cat who ate the canary', while the panting blonde receives a finger wagging warning about hitting after the bell.

R3: Seyfried, taking breathes in gulps while getting an earful from her corner between rounds. Trainer exhorting her, "Stop slugging with her and go back to what worked early." They ice her swelling left eye as her chest heaves; eyes closed; hair falling over her face. Nicole greeted with a slap on the butt and a splash of water. "She's tough, I had to get out of that corner", Nicole allows. "She's throwing bombs!" Brunette's brazen breasts bouncing as she chest heaves trying to get her breath right up to the bell.
Both girls up and ready at the bell; Seyfried hop-stepping hurriedly and getting after Nicole's body right from the jump. Amanda furiously driving the shocked brunette back to the ropes, pounding her gut with both fists as a shell-shocked Scherzinger wraps her up top; giving up her body. Amanda punching like a little blonde dynamo; propping Scherzinger up with the left forearm across the chest and driving home the right underneath. Referee eying the action, looking for cleverly disguised fouls, but sees nothing! DOWN GOES NICOLE! Scherzinger systematically beaten to her knees by Seyfried who stops punching and looks down shocked by her own success! As the ref pushes Amanda back, she smacks his hand away when he ("inadvertently" - he swears later) gropes her heavy breasts. Nicole on her knees, hands clutching her tummy; hair a dark shroud covering her face; mouth-breathing; rocking back on her haunches, collecting herself, then rising to one knee and finally both feet at 'nine' - just beating the count!
Seyfried held back for a few seconds by the referee's hand on the chest while he studies Scherzinger's eyes, then checks her gloves before stepping aside and Amanda hurries in to finish - and runs into an angry brunette buzzsaw! Nicole quickly back-stepping, draws Amanda into a check hook that puts a dip in the tough little blonde's stubby, thick, thighs. A big overhand right swivels Seyfried's head and sends her off balance, head-first into the ropes. Nicole all over the cowering blonde, thudding at her body with hooks, then turning into a right cross that unhinges Seyfried's knees. SEYFRIED'S HURT! Nicole in her turn propping Amanda up with a left forearm under the chin as she savages Seyfried's wildly bouncing juggs. Seyfried forced to clinch but Nicole shoves her head back over the top rope, hammering her exposed middle with jackhammer right hands. DOWN GOES SEYFRIED! It's all just too much Scherzinger as Amanda crumples in a heap at Nicole's feet. Scherzinger raises her arms and turns away, grinning and pumping her right fist in the air...then grimacing at a sudden stab of pain in her right side. Nicole leans on the turnbuckle watching intently as Seyfried gamely struggles to get to her feet. Aided by a handful of rope, she succeeds; stumbling back into the strands as Nicole comes cautiously forward to resume the beating. Seyfried retreating in disarray as Nicole steps with, cutting off her retreat; herding her back into the corner where Amanda hunkers down behind crossed arms in front. Nicole standing off, pek-pek-pekking at Amanda's forehead, biceps, ribs, trying to pry open her defenses to get at that left eye which is swollen almost closed. Left hook rocks Seyfried's head; right cross bashes bounty as Mandy shields her face; another digging left slices up between Amanda's heaving hooters, snapping her head back. Seyfried grabs Nicole in an embrace, her face buried in Scherzinger's cleavage; Nicole thumping away to the ribs with both hands, putting her weight on Seyfried, making her feel that Island Heat firsthand as she relentlessly pounds away to the bell. Referee jumps in and Scherzinger turns away, seeming to favor her right side, holding her elbow tight to her ribs as she heads to her stool where her ribs are hurriedly tensored to provide a measure of relief. Seyfried stumbles to her corner and flops sweatily onto her stool, elbows on knees, head bowed, bulging breasts threatening to bust out of their minimal restraints at any second. Fans on the edges of their seats in anticipation.