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PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls

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Offline stormbolt7

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LADIES the story begins ..... I will add more chapters quick as they are written, until full story posted!!

The Bloodstorm sat at anchor in the bay at Tortuga. The ship in the bay, yet slightly a ways out, so as to make her hard to trap inside the bay if being attacked.
As always some of the crew got to go ashore, while others had to stay on board, in case fast flight was called for.
Later they would change duties, them that not be passed out drunk or locked up, in some jail.
For the most part, Tortuga allowed a pirate man or lass, do as pleased. Yet still now and then, some poor salt dog had to be made example of.
Just to keep some portion of order to the town, amid drinking, whoring, killing, and of course catfighing.
My name be Captain Storm. I own the Bloodstorm, and enjoy the pirate life at sea.
Word had reached me, of three plum Spanish treasure ships soon to set sail, from the new world, loaded with gold, and jewels for the home ports of Spain.
I fully intended to get that treasure, yet needed another full crew.
Recently my ship had beaten and taken the Catsclaws into my posession. The Catsclaws being one of the finest ships afloat, outside of my own Bloodstorm.
Now she needed crew, and a good captain, to take the helm.
I knew I could find some of the most beautiful, and capable catfighters in the world, here at Tortuga.
Now I had to see word got out, then wait for the right ones to come looking to sign articles, and join in.
I enjoy the sounds of drunken revelry, as I make my way to the Eye patch inn, and bloody tankard tavern. I knew a few words in the right ears, and soon anyone interested would know who was looking, and where to find me.
Along some of the dusty or slightly cobble stoned pathways I am jostled and bumped by drunks, laughing couples or thieves looking to ply their trade.
I keep my money secure, and a knowing look, hand to my cutlass, and they head for safer prey.
A few of the tavern wenches calling out greetings, as I make my way.
A lusty, and busty bunch they be. Yet most of them, would not be able to handle a cat scratch, let alone a full on catfight or brawl.
I can feel a thirst come upon me, as I see the dim lights, and hear the chatter, yelling and revelry from inside the Bloody Tankard.
The sounds of singing, and things and bodies crashing now and then.
I had sent word ahead, and as I stepped in, letting my eyes adjust to the smoke filled, and candle lit room.
A  large fireplace at one wall, a twirling, and fine smelling ham, roasting on a spit over the fire.
Spilled beer and ale on the floor, and adventure in my heart.
The bar keep notices me and nods his head, in direction of some of the private rooms.
At times it can be good, when a person knows yee or at least knows they will feel your blade, if they do not make you feel welcome.
I begin to move across the room, many eyes looking my way, in curiousity. While many make sure to keep to their own affairs. A few more, trying to figure how they can profit from myself, and my ship being in port.
I had to find crew, yet I also knew there would have to be a catfight to decide which feisty Pirate lass became captain of her own ship.
I catch a quick glimpse of a familiar face and figure, rushing my steps, to grab her arm, just in time, as she begins heading for the stairs leading to rooms above.
"Kayla lass, how be you?" I ask, as my eyes drink her in.
I had known Kayla for some time. As well as had some very rousing fights, and companionship at times.
Kayla had spirit, and could fight with the best of them. Yet here, and now I was stunned by her appearance.
Kayla had brunette hair, a beautiful face, and slender, toned, and curvy body.
Usually she was lovely, just as is, and proud to dress a pirate.
Yet now her face was made up. Kayla's top was thin, tight, and see through. Her perfectly formed breasts easily seen through it.
Her skirt, what little there was of it, barely covered any of the essentials. Kayla dressed like one of the common tavern wenches, and breath taking as always.
"Kayla be this some kind of joke?" I ask, as she struggles briefly, then pauses.
Her soft brown eyes meeting mine. "Storm, please leave this be." "I have no choice but to do this." She tells me.
"Kayla, I be putting a crew together, your exactly what I need." "Come sail with me again, like times of old." I tell her softly, so only her ears can hear.
"Please I can not, now let me go about my business." She replies.
"Kayla we be shipmates of old, if your in trouble, my cutlass, sword, dagger and pistol yours for the asking." "Besides, what does Jessie think of all this?" I ask.
Kayla's eyes plead with me silently. "You can not help me with this, please stay away from this." She says.
Then gently pulling away from me, she smiles, leans in and kisses my cheek, then rushes off.
"Damn, this was not right!!" I think, yet word would be going out soon, and I had to focus on a crew, and captain for Catsclaws.
Yet I vowed, once this treasure was mine. Bloodstorm, and her captain would sail the seven seas, to find, and aid Kayla.
I grab a passin tankard of ale, and down a sizeable gulp, to quench part of my thirst. The tavern wench giving me a stare for doing it. Then giving me a wink, then blown kiss, before turning to give me a very impressive view of her backside and walk.
Then I slide the hanging beads, and privacy markers aside, before entering the darker private room.
The room consisting of only one visible exit, as well as the hidden trap door, for emergencies, shanghaiing or honored guests safety.
A smart pirate NEVER lets himself be boxed in on land or at sea. Always leaving room, for him to shift sails, and head for safer waters.
Their was a single table, with a few scarred, and carved upon chairs, taking up a good size portion of the room.
The rest hard wood floors, and an extra table, for serving things to be placed on.
As I move behind the table, one booted foot, near the spring for the trap door. One of the regular serving girls slips in.
She is lovely, all blonde hair, bosom, and beauty. Tracy smiles as she places a second tankard and plate of some vittles before me.
Then she comes over, hugging me, before sitting on my lap, and asking me my pleasure.
"All business tonight Tracy my dear, yet keep that thought, as after business I may wish for some pleasure." I tell her, as she giggles, and presses against me, before giving me a wet kiss.
I slide a note, as well as several coins into her low cut bodice.
"Thanks for letting me know about business Storm." "That lets me know to leave, before those crazy, drunken, catfighting bitches tear the place up." She says, moving to be sure my message got in the right hands.
Tracy full of figure, and honestly one of the most beautiful faces I had ever seen sashays to the opening, then turns her head back to face me.
"Be careful Storm, word of a war fleet heading this way." "I would not want the Spaniards to damage you, before I get to sample you again." She says then is gone.
I enjoy the food, and am into a fourth tankard of fine ale, when the curtain opens and a stunning blonde enters in.
Her face lovely. She is wearing a top, that is bare across her middle, ragged cuts hanging along the lower end, in triangle shaped pieces of fabric circling her torso.
She has a hat on top of her blonde tresses, nicely at an angle, showing she was not willing to do as others.
She had a tight pair of some kind of shorts, hugging her hips, and long legs.
Her weapon of choice, also strapped to her hip.
"I hear you are looking for a crew." She begins.
I nod, letting her go on.
"I am Joanne, they also call me Grlwrestler." The lovely blonde ads, as she stands and watches me for sings of approval or disapproval.
"On sea, I am one of the best, and on land my legs wait to scissor any bitch fool enough to tangle with me." She says, as again I admire her long, shapely legs.
I did not know if she would become a captain, yet looking at her, I could not deny, wanting this lovely blonde as part of my crew.
I give her a few details, how to reach me, when we sail, and as little else as possible, other than that she would return wealthy from this voyage.
I would give the ladies most of the other details once Bloodstorms sails were full, with Tortuga behind us, as we headed to Bitchslap island.
Joanne signs the articles, as I have a round set up for her, and welcome her to the crew. Soon more ladies would join in, as night went on in Tortuga.
Across the open sea, three vessels sat not far from each other.
Spanish Vessels The Bondage, The Ass whipped, and Princess Candy ass.
Loading on two of them still going on, as on the decks of The Bondage the captain was adressing the crew.
Suneha was gorgeous, with lovely face, and long dark hair. Suneha had smooth creamy skin that was just lightly touched and tanned by the sun.
Suneha was not dressed as a regular captain. Her slender, yet pleasingly curvy figure was dressed in a crisp, silky, white blouse top.
Adding to the contrast of creamy skin, and light top. Her long dark hair, was complimented by a satiny black skirt, that was pencil thin, and clinging to her.
A garter belt, and 4 inch heels on her shoes.
Suneha was standing over a naked, and beaten crew member that had challenged her.
"Make sure every one of you sees this and knows." She says, as her foot kicks the bound lady of the crew.
"Suneha is captain of the Bondage!!! She remins them, as they cheer her name.
Soon the Spanish ships would sail, with a very nasty surprise waiting for any pirates thinking of stealing their treasure.
On the nearby deck of the Ass whipped, a beautiful, and buxom blue eyed beauty is also talking to her crew.
Her long dark hair, framing a gorgeous face, with full sensuous lips.
Near her on the deck, was a half naked member of the crew caught trying to steal a few gems.
Her ass was bare, and showing a few marks from being whipped.
"I am captain Jen!!" "Some of you may know me as little ms BS, because I will not put up with any bull shit from any of you.
Jen's firm breasts heaving proudly, as she walks around the chastised crew woman.
"Let this slut's whipped ass, remind you. NO ONE steals on my ship!!" Jen continues.
Soon they would be underway, and heading out to sea. Yet none of them would think of trying to steal anymore from Captain Jen, while on board her vessel the Ass Whipped.
The third captain still ashore, yet as Storm would begin meeting the rest of his crew. The three Spanish ships would continue to be made ready for the coming voyage ahead.     


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 05:22:02 AM »
Very Nice - Ready for more
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! pt 2
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2011, 07:38:32 AM »
Part 2 MEETING the CREW!!!

I watched with admiration as Joanne headed out of the private room. The blonde was pleasing seeing her sail in your direction, yet she also had a very nice ass, to enjoy, with her long legs, as she steered away from you.
I liked Joanne, and already was thinking singing her on, a good omen for the trip.
Tracy sashayed in with a fresh tankard, word of more ladies arriving looking for me. As well as bless me I swear showing even more firm cleavage than last time. It may have been the drink, yet as few as I have had, I think it all to be her. I would have to apologize, for being a ill mannered swab, and focusing on her large tits. Yet honestly the lass had such a drop dead gorgeous face, I was saved, and wanted to gaze there, as much as down her top.
Some intentional bumping, and rubbing of her voluptuous figure against me, as she gives me the reinforcement. More coins jingling down her bodice, and a whispered promise, of maybe letting me see more later. Then she was gone, to tend to, tempt, and tease more wealth, from drunken pirates.
Soon a dark haired beauty slips into the room, and again I am pleased by just how lovely these catfghting pirates be.
Laurie_Catfighter was barely dressed in a partially done up top, as well as a skirt that clung slanted across her lower half. This meaning one end, was very close to giving more than an eyeful of shapely leg, and firm ass, when she moved right. The skirt just stopping above her knee, on the side it was longest.
I had heard rumours about this lass, and seeing how stunning she was, as well as pleasing in figure, as much as in face. The things said, may be true. Rumour had it this comely lass, had actually been upper class or royalty. Yet out of rebellion, and boredom, her sexy self, headed to sea, and the life of a pirate.
I would be careful to keep an eye on her, as it was possible, she could be acting as an agent for the crown. Yet if I had to be trapped, I could not deny, this lovely lady, would be one worth getting caught over.
If nothing else, it was well known the lady could fight, as well fine as she looked.
I happily sign her up, and order a drink for her, before she heads back out.
The sounds of the tavern becoming louder, and more out of control, as the night went on.
"Do I find myself speaking with Captain Storm?" A pleasing voice asks, as a curvy, long legged red head slips in.
On first seeing Fighting Lisa, I began to understand new rumours of some warrior Amazons being discovered, on a dark continent.
Lisa was slender, yet curvy, and pleasing to the eye, from stem to stern.
Lisa was wearing a barely there top, with short, clingy skirt, to cover very little else of her curvy figure.
Toned, slightly tanned and feisty. Her eyes intelligent, and going between me, and the things left on the table.
I can see a conflict in her eyes, as her pride struggles with her needs.
I ask her to be seated, and let out a roar for service.
Soon Lisa, is drinking, and enjoying some of the taverns fare.
"I see any crew of mine be taken care of at sea or on land lass." I tell her, as she begins to relax slightly.
Lisa tells me of being captured in her home lands, and shipped out to sea, and slavery.
Finally seeing a chance, and jumping ship. Using her fighting skills to make money for herself, when possible.
I see a mark, on her arm, as she grabs for more ale. "Who did this to you Lisa?" I ask.
Her eyes darting to the healing bruise, then back to me.
Lisa was a striking woman, and some rich brat had taken a interest in her. When she refused, he had his paid men, begin to try and force the issue. Lisa had left one with a broken leg, another with crushed nuts. Yet a third had shoved her down, when the royal brat began trying to get rough. Fortunate at that time, more people came along, and they fled, so as not to be recognized.
I can feel my blood boil, that some arrogant son of gentry sought to force this fighting lady to do anything.
"Why, if you join me, and we ever cross this bastards path." Twill be my pleasure to give you choice of my steele in his gullet or letting you have him to yourself to educate on treating a lady right." I tell her, as she smiles.
"I will sign with you, and fight for you and your ship!!" Lisa says, as I see a different hunger in her eyes. A hunger to succeed, and prove her worth to herself, after seeing such hardships.
"Lisa, yee be welcome, and know on my ship the ladies be respected or someone walks the plank." I inform her. I give her details of how to reach me, as she signs, and joins the crew. I was looking forward to seeing more of this red head, while we sailed the open sea.
Chrisssssssy strolled in next. I let out a yell, and rise from the table to enjoy a hug, from this capable, yet also stunning blonde.
I quickly have a drink in her hand, and toasting each other, as we smash them together, before slamming some down our gullets.
"Chrissy you be a sight for sore eyes." I tell her, as now I know the venture be blessed.
Chrissy was slender, yet with all the right curves in all the right places. Her long hair, tied in a ponytail down her back. Her top was skimpy, stretched across her pert breasts, then slender ties, joining behind her neck to keep it in place. Her back, and belly bare. A thin skirt around her waist and hips.
Chrissy was a pleasing pirate to ship with. I had met her, and enjoyed her company and skills in combat before.
Chrissy was on the dodge from an English edict for her capture, and imprisonment. It seems the lass had made of with some very nice jewels from a wedding barge.
The money had run out here in Tortuga. Now the lass just wanted to be away, and back at sea.
I do not even have to give it thought, as Chrissy is welcomed with joy by me.
We share some more drink, as she signs. Then with promise to do some catching up, she heads out, to ready her few personal things for the voyage.
JennyFights sauntered in next. I had to admire her jaunty, and springy steps, as she entered all long blonde hair, pouty lips, and lovely face.
Jenny wore a top, that wrapped around her pert breasts, and not much else. Her top leaving her shoulders, and belly bare. A slinky skirt, that left much of her legs, and body bare.
With a confident look, she steps up, grabs a tankard, downing some of it, spilling some along her front. Then slamming the ale back down, to stand nipples now distended, showing through her thin top, hands on hips, and stunning.
"I am the pirate your looking for!!" She says with confidence.
Seeing her standing before me this way. I could not deny, Jenny would be a lass worth looking for. Yet that did not mean she could fight.
I motion for her to move closer, and as she does, I flip an empty dish, from the table in her direction.
Jenny's cocky posing stops, as she shifts her feet, and her arm rises quickly to block it.
Then she assumes a fighting stance, as her pretty eyes harden and gaze at me intently, as I begin to laugh.
"Well done lass, forgive the testing, but this will not be a pleasure cruise we be taking." I tell her, as I turn the log book to her.
"Have a tankard, and know I would be honored to have you sail with me." I tell her, as her body relaxes, and those wonderful pouty lips smile again.
Jenny signs, as I toast her, and drink to her.
Then again enjoy her springy steps, as she heads out, ready to be part of the crew.
I hear the sounds of some swabs face being slapped hard by a lady. The following laughter and taunts of his shipmates, then a vision of womanhood steps in.
Katterina was stunning. She had the lovely face of an angel. Yet with the busty, curvy figure made for sin.
Her top was slender pieces of material, wrapping crosswise over her large firm breasts.
The pieces tying together behind her neck, leaving mush of her voluptuous, and toned figure exposed.
She wore a pair of shorts, ripped strategically in places, to barely leave anything to the imagination.
Her bra less breasts bobbling, as she moves closer, and takes a seat across from me.
I could see the swab mistaking this blonde beauty for a tavern wench, yet Katterina was so much more.
As buxom as she was, my eyes easily settled on her lovely face, as she wet her lips with her tongue, and had me wishing, I had more time to get to know this blonde temptress.
Katterina was easily all woman. Yet her curvy body moved with a grace and style, that also told me she could easily be a hell cat with a sword or in a fight. 
Like a few of the others, I could sensse this breath taking beauty, wanted to prove to herself, and the world, she was one hard fighting, and lusty pirate.
I liked her spirit, and knowing she would break some hearts during the voyage.
Katterina was quickly signed, and added to the growing crew.
DeniseXX made her way in next. A pleasing brunette, scantilly clad, yet the toned, and firm curves of her body. Showed a lady that took care of herself, and not just to be eye candy, for sailors or swabs. I could not deny, she was pleasing to the eye in every way.
Yet I could also tell this lady had some secrets, and problems of her own, the way her eyes kept roaming, and her body tensed now and then, with certain noises from the growing tavern crowd.
"Whatever be chasing you lass, where we sail, there be no law but our own." "You crew with me, and we will get you away from your troubles for a bit lass." I tell her, as a smile lights her face.
"No questions?" She asks, as I shake my head and smile.
"You be true to my ship, and loyal as crew." "Yee have my word, your business be your own, unless it endangers my ship." I tell her.
Her body seems to relax a little, as Denise signs articles, and then heads back out into the tavern.
I would have to keep an eye on her, yet felt her actions right for now.
Michelle.Kim was next to find me, as Tracy had finally cleared away some of the empty tankards, and a few goblets. Now fresh drinks, and some snacking items lay in view, for me or the pirate ladies joining to enjoy.
Michelle's features and skin tone, telling me she came from one of those far offf lands of the orient.
Michelle was lovely, with long dark tresses, framing her pretty face.
Michelle was also pleasing, that many of the ladies from Asian extraction seemed to be slender, and not much to them. Michelle had a very full, and curvy womanly figure.
Michelle wearing a top, that had slender straps over her shoulders, bare around her middle all the way around, and a generous amount of cleavage showing.
Michelle also had some type of silk or satiny wrap around her hips, and waist. The wrap having a golden dragon chasing around on it.
Michelle was soft spoken, polite. Yet as she joined me, and we chatted. I could sense this woman had the spirit of a tigress inside her, that when fighting, would not be soft spoken, and would be claws, and fury.
I enjoy the smile that shows in her eyes, when I accept her as part of the crew. At times other captains may have said no, not sure about her heritage or willingness to fight, being soft spoken as she was.
Yet myself, I saw one very lovely lady, that I knew when needed, fist, feet or sword, this lady would be pleasing to fight beside.
I had been drinking enjoying catfighting pirate company, and how well things were going. I picked at food now, and then to keep my head, and wits about me.
Then this buxom platinum blonde beauty enters helping to sober me more, with her presence and figure.
BustyTiffany looked like some island goddess, all large proudly thrust breasts, curvy figure, and shapely legs.
Long flowing blonde hair, framing a very pretty face.
Tiffany was wearing some kind of material crossed over her heaving breasts. The material thin, and part of her smooth skinned breasts showing from each side. The imprint of her hard nipples, showing clearly as well, as the material caressed them, and aroused them. Then like other ladies, it tied simply behind her neck.
A nice wetting, at sea, and it would become see through, if not falling apart and off all together.
A matching thin piece of material wrapped around her waist, hips, and very little of her tanned legs.
Tiffany watches me, as she grasps a sliver of fruit from the table, and looks very sensual as she licks part of it, before biting into it. Some of the juice spritzing her front, as she giggles.
Her hand moves to wipe at it, as she moves around the table to me, somehow her top now falling down, her firm breasts spilling naked before me, as she plops onto my lap, and rubs her chest against me.
My heady feeling from the ale now fully dispelled, as one of the most gorgeous of ladies, taunted me with her voluptuous body, and good looks.
"So captain, when do we sail our ship?" She asks soft, and innocent sounding, as my eyes can not resist viewing the warm, smooth skinned mounds heaving against me.
Then moving back to her lovely face, and very intelligent eyes. Tiffany smiling pleasingly, as I was not going to be like the other swabs and sea dogs. I was going to face the lady, and not just talk to her tits.
Tiffany was showing herself to be very crafty, and not just for her beauty, and body would have to be watched closely.
A catfighting pirate like this, usually would incite mutiny, to take things over herself or would be fiercely loyal, to the captain smart enough to bring her on board, and treat her as a pirate, yet also as the lady she was, with respect.
Tiffany not bothering to cover up, as our eyes lock, each finding something the other likes, as I place a drink in her hand, then lift my own to her. "You sign articles, you get to know about when we sail." I tell her.
Tiffany smiles, as we drink to each other, then she signs on as part of the crew.
Tiffany covers herself, while managing to knock something to the floor, turning to bend to retrieve it giving me a nice view of her firm ass. Tiffany had the body for it, and seemed to enjoy showing it off.
"You will not regret signing me on captain." Tiffany says after placing the item back on the table. Then with a blown kiss, and a smile, she heads back out. My heart finally able to start beating more regular again.
A hear the sounds of shouts, and commotion, as they head through the tavern in my direction.
The curtain material parts, and a very pretty young brunette crashes through, as I rise from my seat, hand going to my cutlass.
"Help me captain!!" She pleads with voice, and her pretty eyes, as more people begin to enter behind her.
Amazing Mandy reporting Captain Storm." She says, between gasps for air.
Mandy's long brunette hair had been tied up in some fashion, yet most of it now hanging down, framing her pretty face.
Most her of clothing had been torn, giving some very nice views of taut belly, and ass. With a very generous amount of smooth, supple skinned breasts showing as well.
Mandy was youthful in appearance, yet this pretty brunette was definately all woman.
Entering behind her was a pair of thugs, one holding chains for Mandy in one hand. A local female bounty hunter was with them. A could not help but smile seeing her clothing mostly torn off as well, and nice markings showing on her fair skin, from Mandy giving as good as she got.
Then a perfumed, overweight member of the gentry strode in, as my anger began to rise.
Mandy's eyes pleading with me, as I shifted my gaze from her pretty face, and beautiful body.
"What be this all about?" I ask, letting them pause from trying to put Mandy in irons, to realize just maybe she had found a friend.
"This creature owes me money, and if she can not pay will become my personal property to do with as I please." The rich fop informs me. I knew this meant Mandy would rather die, than be forced into the kind of life this rich bastard had in mind for her.
"Take your hands off my crew member." I tell them softly, my voice carrying the threat, with out being raised. The fact I step around the table to face them, hand on hilt, my one pistol very close beside me on the table.
"Now see here, unless I get my money, this young tart, will do as I damn well please." He replies, yet his eyes show his rising fear, as I now slide my blade out, and stand ready.
"Know yee this, the last bastard came into the Bloody Tankard bringing irons, was found out in the trash his throat slit ear, to ear." I begin, as I move to and grasp Mandy, leading her back beside me, and partially behind me, as she stands tense waiting.
"Now not only be she crew, but this be my lady you mean to steal away." I continue, and hearing Mandy's intake of air to argue my statement. I turn to her enough to catch her eye quickly. Winking, then holding up a finger to let her know to keep still, and quiet. Then I am turned back to the small group.
"How much does my woman owe you dogs?" I ask. I can almost sense Mandy sticking her tongue out or making un ladylike gestures behind me, as they show by body language, she was up to something.
The man glares at me, yet his hired people, begin to advise him to talk. He names a sum, and I want to run my blade through his gullet. The amount Mandy owed was nothing compared to the fate he had in store for her.
I step back, gather a few coins, and plunk them onto the table. Mandy moving fast, as she scoops them, before they have time to settle, and flings them at her would be captors.
Her speed, and more ways than one I was starting to believe Mandy was amazing. "Take it and go, before my man carves you up!!" Mandy taunts, as the coins hit them, as her curvy body presses to mine from behind.
They gather the coins, and rush out, thankful to put Mandy and the tavern behind them.
Mandy's body begins to tremble, as I replace my cutlass, and grab her, holding her, as she finally is able to relax from her terror and adrenaline rush.
"You don't mean to force me to be your woman, to repay my debt do you?" She asks.
More of her torn clothing had fallen away, to reveal even more of her firm, pleasing body. I could not deny, Mandy would be a pleasing woman to have at my side. "You sign articles, we take that treasure, and yee be paid in full with me." I tell her.
Mandy steps back inhaling, and doing wonderful things to her firm chest, as she smiles. "Show me where to sign." She says, as I do, and get a few more coins. After she signs articles.
"Here lass, you have a very pleasing and beautiful body." "Yet take this, get some gear, and new garments, and be ready to sail on time." I tell her. Mandy hugs me, takes the coins. "Amazing Mandy will be there captain!!" he says, then turns and is gone.
Sandra Smith made her way in. Sandra was dressed less revealing as some of the other pirate ladies. Yet the blonde was showing a very curvy, and firm full figure, in her tight top, and shorts.
Sandra was blonde, attractive, and more confident of herself, than some of the younger ladies, that made up for it with ready taunts, and bared bosoms.
Sandra sits across from me, taking a tankard, and downing some of it, before locking her pretty eyes onto mine.
I could tell by the thrust of her chest, and the way the material clung to her heaving bosom. There was nothing underneath but Sandra. Her nipples rising, and poking into the thin material, as I had to admit to myself, I would enjoy seeing the rest of her now hidden.
Sandra was calm, well spoken, yet had that extra bit of energy coiled somewhere deep within. Looking at her, and speaking to her. I could just tell at different times, other ladies had unleashed that fighting spirit, to their regret. When Sandra got wild, and had her claws out. I bet that was a sight worth seeing.
Sandra was a catfighting pirate, yet also a lady.
Soon articles signed, and Sandra had become one of the crew.
Jane Bernard was next to make her way in.
Jane was dressed in a tight top, and slinky skirt. Jane's top strained over a very generous full bosom.
Her body very curvy and pleasing, yet nicely maintained as well.
Jane was blonde, with blue eyes, and full sensuous lips. Her face very lovely, as I wondered what had made this sexy woman a pirate. My mind fighting it, yet with the added ale, unable to stop the image coming to mind.
Jane's large firm breasts glistening, as she rises naked from some large bath, at the governors mansion. Jane's skin supple, hard nippled breasts proudly jutting, as more of her creamy skinned body rose, to be wrapped by servants.
Just something about her lovely face, and way she moved, that made me think of a lady proper.
I manage to recover myself, my eyes finally stopping to undress this full figured blonde. As I begin to gulp some ale, her sword pulls from it's holder, and Jane begins slashing with it, and working it through the air.
I am rising, drawing my own weapon, as she lays hers down on the table.
"I can fight with that or my fists, will you take me as part of your crew?" Jane asks, her eyes intent, and silently pleading. I definately wanted to learn more of her story. I also could not deny, the lady was attractive and pleasing in many ways. I was also glad I did not have to run my blade, between her firm, heaving tits.
Jane was a lady yet also was showing she knew how to handle herself.
"Sign and be welcome." I tell her relaxing, and sharing a drink with her. One thing about the life of pirates. Your secrets stayed your own, unless you wanted to or needed to share them with your mates.
Jane smiles, signs on, and replaces her own blade, before drinking, and giving me a quick kiss to the cheek. "You won't regret this captain." She says, then is gone.
Staci K made her way in, as a vision of womanhood and beauty.
Staci was blone haired, and moved like a sensual tigress on the prowl. Staci wore a top, that was cut off along the bottom, with ragged, and jagged edges hanging down slightly, along her taut belly.
Her firm breasts seeming to jiggle, and try to explode free, of the skimpy top, every time she moved.
Staci also wore a short skirt, that barely covered the essentials.
Breath taking in the beauty of her face, and curvy full figured body. If Staci was on the prowl, I could not deny maybe how enjoyable it could be to be her prey.
Her lips, like her body lush, and full as she smiles, and sits beside me at the table, and not across from me.
If Staci could fight as good as she looked, I had one serious hell cat looking to join my crew.
Staci puts one elbow on the table, then rests her chin on her hand, as she stares at me.
"If you think I am just some tavern wench forget it." Staci says cooly, as I am sure this voluptuous beauty has had her share of crude and rude offers before.
"If you expect me to warm your bed at sea, I can just leave now." She continues, as this blonde beauty has my full attention.
"If you treat me with respect, and expect me to do my share of fighting, for my share of the treasure." "Then Staci is the pirate and woman for you." She says, eyes searching mine.
This lady may have been blonde, with a body and figure of a goddess. Yet she was very smart, and showing it. Also she was being very open, straight forward and honest with me, which I liked.
Staci was telling me, she was not just eye candy or some wench. The lady was a proud pirate, and willing to do her part, in hopes of sharing the wealth of our success.
I welcome her to the crew, and have her sign. Then before she leaves, after taking a few drinks, after toasting each other. Staci leans in, grabs me, and kisses me soundly.
"That is to let you know, you treat me right captain, and maybe I will warm your bed one night." "I share quarters with who I please, because I want to, not because I am forced to." Staci finishes with a devilish little smile in her pretty eyes. As she rises, tankard in hand and turns to head out. Her long legs and toned ass, slowly striding away, as I can not deny. Even if we never share quarters. It was going to be very pleasing having Staci K. as a pirate on the Bloodstorm.
CattySandy finds her way in next, as it gets late, and most of the needed new crew is accounted for.
Sandy was a very attractive brunette, full of figure, and by the way she moved full of spirit.
Sandy had a thin, light colored top, tied across her breasts. It looked as if she had some ale or drink spilled onto her, as she tried making her way through the growing rowdy crowd. The shape, and form of her pert breasts easily visible, through the sodden material. Sandy's breasts firm, and pleasing, as was the rest of the lady.
A matching thin wrap around her waist, as this curvy beauty enters and smiles.
One good way to tell if a woman was attractive, was if she could stand before you, her breasts basically bared, yet you still wanted to gaze at her face as well. Sandy was that kind of beauty.  The angles and soft curves of her face, as pleasing as those of her womanly figure.
It does not take much talking, before Sandy is a signed and welcome part of the crew.
I begin to consider if maybe that would do for the night, when a dark haired beauty steps between the curtained area.
Lexibabe was stunning. She was maybe not the biggest catfighter to join up tonight, yet her figure was lush, firm, and wonderfully pleasing all over.
Lexi's face was truly beautiful, then when she smiled, it became radiant.
Lexi's skin tone, maybe hinted at some exotic heritage. Maybe some Spanish or even one of the tropical islands part of her blood lines. Which ever it may have been, it just added to her beauty and allure.
Lexi truly a irresistable temptress if she chose to be.
Her garment was dark colored, and hung from her body, almost looking as if part of it had been lost in a fight.
The middle of it, dipping in a slow vee, that exposed the inner curves of each of the firm mounds of her breasts.
Along the sides, parts where gapped, as her sleek belly showed, as she moved.
The bottom just covering past her sex, and toned buttocks. I had no question of her world class beauty. Yet I did not know if the lady could handle herself in a fight.
"Lass, where we be heading, their will be battle, and fighting, maybe hand to hand." "Are ye sure, this is what ye be looking for?" I ask her, as I would love seeing this lovely woman each day. Yet would feel horrid, if she could not handle herself, and was injured due to lack of skill.
Her smile vanishes, and her eyes narrow their gaze.
"I was told you were a fair captain, yet even YOU will not give me a chance?" She throws at me, surprising me with her passion, and her body trembles slightly, as she turns and stalks out before I can even reply.
Then I hear loud laughter, Lexi's voice raised, then it seems all hell breaks loose in the main tavern.
Part of my crew or not, she was here by my doing. I grab up my pistol, and hand by the hilt of my cutlass, I rush out to see what all the ruckus was about.
Lexi was on her knees, on the floor, among the spilled drinks, and the passed out drunks.
Lovely Lexi was struggling, nearby was a swab that maybe she had crushed his family jewels or least given him a good swift kick, by how he held himself, and whimpered.
Another dog of a man lay stretched out, a serving tray resting against his head. Damn the lass had spirit!!
Yet the last was laughing at her as she struggled to break free or do some damage to the massive brute.
Black Tom was a mountain of a man. It almost looking as if it took two men pu together to make him.
"Black TOM what be yee doing with a member of my crew??!!" I say, putting myself into the happening.
"Avast Storm, this wench be NO concern of yours, now shove off, and let me have my fun." Tom replies, as I move about the room, wary for any more of his mates. I move so he can see me plain. Just then Lexi manages to slam the back of her head against him, trying for his groin. Tom yanks her head back by her hair, and one of his ham sized fists raises to smash down on her, as the crowd taunts him to do it.
Then all become quiet, as my pistol is cocked, and leveled at his head.
"Now Tom.. I can't miss from here, and if you touch that lass one more time, with your filthy hands." "I will blow a hole through your head, I could sail my ship through." "Now LET HER GO!!" I finish, very ready to rid the world of this over sized scum. Tom was huge in frame, yet I also knew he was a coward at heart.
"Bah, I don't even think she looks that good anyways." He says, then lets her go, quickly grabbing his friends, and dragging them out as the crowd jeers after him.
"Come with me lass, we need you to sign, if your sailing on my ship." I tell her as Lexi takes my hand, as I help her up. Her clothing slightly more torn, and revealing. We head back, and I give her a drink to steady her down.
"You mean it?" She asks, her eyes questioning.
"Lass after seeing how well you did against Tom, and his trash, I would be fool not to sign you on." I tell her.
Lexi's dazzling smile is back, as she signs, joining the crew.
I then escort her back out, and when to the street, make sure to arrange for some lads to keep a weather eye out until she made it safe to her lodgings. I did not trust that ape Tom to have brains enough not to try again.
"You won't regret this." Lexi says, before turning to head off. Seeing Lexi, I knew that what she said was true.

As I am heading back to the private room, maybe having enough for one night. A very pleasing, and young blonde hands me a tankard. "Have room for one more?" She asks.
Vballbabe03 was slender, yet curved nicely in the right places. Her blonde hair cut short, yet seeming to match her bouncy personality, as she smiles, and her eyes search mine.
"Follow me lass." I tell her, and the lovely lady soon is with me, in the limited privacy the tavern could give.
Jennifer was a bit nervous, as she sat waiting for me to give her some kind of feed, as to if it would be yes or a no.
I had to admit, I was pleasingly surprised with Lexi. Jennifer was young. Her top, covering her figure nicely, yet also tight enough to show the curves.
Her shorts, very brief, and showing most of her long, toned legs.
"Have you ever shipped with a catfighting pirate crew before?" I ask.
Jennifer seems to hesitate. "I may not have sailed with them, yet I am willing to kick any of their asses to prove I can fight." She replies.
"Aye, you have the spirit for it lass, now make your mark, sign your name." "Drink up, for now Yee be part of my crew Jennifer." I tell her. She gives a cry of triumph, quickly signing articles, before I could change my mind if I wanted to. Then grabs a tankard and begins quickly downing some of it, before gasping, and spilling some of it, as she coughs.
"Tis okay lass, we can work on that as well." I tell her, as she blushes slightly. I give her the information she needs, and she heads off to gather her things.

I figure just one more lady, and the crew will be full.
I sit, enjoying the effects of the last few ales, as a large breasted blonde begins to enter the private room.
She is pretty, with large breasts, and long, honey blonde hair. Just as she is about to finish entering, someone grabs her by her blonde hair, and yanks her back out.
I hear the sound of skin, striking skin, then a beautiful full figured brunette enters instead.
Hairpull_Andy2 begins to introduce herself to me.
Andy is gorgeous, her long dark hair, a nice contrast to her smooth and creamy skinned face.
I had stolen a painting off a ship. The painting was of a lovely woman, supposedly by some master artist.
Yet that woman, and that artist, could not hold a candle, to Andy's beauty.
Andy had a blouse tied across her ample, andfirm breasts, with a very skimpy skirt, covering any of the rest of her.
Every angle you looked at her, Andy looked superb.
"I figured, you would prefer me to that blonde bimbo out there." Andy says, seating herself at the table.
The lady very sure of herself, yet her pretty eyes widening, as she realizes she may have overstepped herself, sitting with out yet being invited.
I sit, eyes enjoying her beauty of face, and figure. I grab a pitcher, left me by Tracy, and pour part of the rest into my tankard. I pour the rest, into another one nearby, as her eyes watch, and her heart pounds.
I let her fret, for just a moment or two, good learning for her. For here, it was fine, yet she dare not do such, in front of the rest of the crew.
I push the other tankard towards her. "Pick it up lass." I say, as she does, while I lean in with mine.
"To Hairpull_Andy the final member of my crew!!" I toast her, and she quickly clanks her tankard to mine.
"Aye aye captain!!" She says, smiling, taking some drinks.
Then Tracy slips in, a note in her hands. I read it quickly, as Andy and Tracy wait.
"Damn, a group of English warships be headed this way." I tell them softly, the letter written in Kayla's handwriting, and smelling of her perfume.
"Andy gather your things, and meet me here as quick as you can, then we will head for the ship." I tell her, then she is gone after signing. and saying her goodbye for now.
"Tracy dear lady, you know what needs to be done." I tell her, as she smiles, and leans in for a kiss, that almost releases her large breasts completely from her top. "Aye aye captain." She replies, then is gone.

The crew met, and signed on. A group of warships headed this way. Now would be the time for haste, to escape this closing noose, on our way to Bitchslap island. Then on to Spanish treasure, and adventure with catfighting pirates!!   


Offline Kayla

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2011, 08:41:20 AM »
Oh wow! Great, sexy, humorous start to your version of 'Pirates of the Caribbean', which not doubt will be oodles more steamy and erotic than the original movie ... let the catfights and bitchslaps begin! Tee hee! LOL!  ;D :D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 01:15:50 AM »
AVAST and THANKEE Kayla !!
Thanks to the ladies part of this .. and enjoying this.. POSTING part 3 right after this.. Fights to be captain.

Chapter 4 to have captain decided fully and the battle for the spanish treasure


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! PT 3
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 01:16:26 AM »

We had sailed from Tortuga in time to avoid the English patrol. Now the Bloodstorm was heading into open seas, on our way to the island.

A few fights breaking out, as the new ladies of the crew get settled into quarters below deck. Then the ship, and night sail on.
As we go through the voyage, I begin to try and get to know the new pirate ladies on board. Finding each to be likeable, and have her own merits.
Then we are navigating the slit gullet straits. My heart pleased, as the sun begins to rise on our second day from Tortuga. The ladies coming on deck, as Bitch slap island appears as we get closer.
All eyes admiring the Catsclaws scrubbed, and patched from the taking of her, gently bobbing in Tit twist bay.
The Catsclaws looking fine, and ready to sail.
The ladies all dressed in tied across their breasts tops, and either shorts or skirts, as we begin to slow. The sails lowered, as we enter the bay and prepare to drop anchor.
Soon we are in the longboats lowered, heading for the white sands of the beach. A few extra items concealed from curious eyes, as the ladies all watch as we arrive on the island.
A warm sun steadily rising, to hang over head.
The gentle lap of the tide washing against the shore, as we beach the crafts, and all hands step upon the beach.
A light salty scented breeze caressing exposed bare skin, and teasing through the ladies hair as some had small bandanas upon their heads, while most let their hair hang free, in the morning sun.
Several of the regular crew heading inland, passing through or by the palm, and tropical trees, as the wind shushes through the leaves or fronds.
A lush foliage growing not far from the beach itself in all directions.
The sounds of animals, and native birds being heard, as they welcome the day, and begin moving to and fro.
The crew stowing away supplies brought, not able to be found on the island itself, including some rum.
More of the crew fanning out, trying for good spots to watch, as the newer ladies spread apart slightly, as I walk along the beach, holding a wrapped item in my hands.
I get to the point I am looking for, stop and turn to face them.
My heart swelling, as they stop waiting, and I again am impressed with this group of ladies, that have signed on for the adventure and voyage.
"Stand fast there yee catfighters, and listen to what Captain Storm has to say." I begin, as all eyes and ears are directed my way.
I take out the cutlass from the wrappings.
The sunlight glinting off the jeweled hilt. I hold the blade high, before burying the tip end into the soft white sand.
"Now I need a fine captain, for that vessel there, the Catsclaws." I tell them as hearts race, and bodies begin to tense.
"The lady among you, that can take this cutlass, and keep her, unless proving unworthy." "That lady will be the new captain of the Catsclaws and my partner, for this treasure hunt!!"
"That said, ladies have at it!!" I finish, as a roar goes up from the crew, as seventeen very beautiful, and capable catfighters begin to spread apart, circle and look for the right move or opponent to get things started off.
Lying among some things in the sand, is a length of rope, left over from some mending of the sails or other work.
Fighting Lisa smiles, and makes a diving grab for it, thinking of using it against some of the ladies. As a bound foe is easier to make submit.
As the long legged red head grasps it, BustyTiffany with a shout of glee kicks sand in Lisa's face, and it has begun.
Shouts and cries of battle, and surprise, as Hairpull Andy2 grabs Michelle.Kim's silky long dark hair, pulling it, yanking Michelle's head to the side. Even as Michelle yanks Andy's top open, and begins clawing at Andy's firm, exposed breasts. As the two ladies tumble thrashing together to the sands.
A very beautiful Chrissssssssy charges, sand flying up from her feet. Her long blonde hair in a ponytail bouncing, as she slams into a sensuous and stunning looking Staci K.
Staci's arms flying out, as Chrissy lands on top of her, as the air is driven from Staci.
Chrissy smiling, as she rips the other blonde beauties top open, and begins slapping the now exposed, nice sized, pert breasts of Staci.
Katterina is waiting, as Vballbabe03 moves towards her. Katterina losing her focus, as a nearby pirate offers to hand the buxom blonde a weapon. Wagering on such fights, was common among the crew.
Yet it was not allowed to aid your chosen fighter.
The offending pirate knowing it is against the code, and seeing me glare at him becomes quiet. Yet the damage maybe done, as Katterina's pretty head turns a bit, and Jennifer rushes ahead. A few more steps, and she jumps up, as Katterina begins turning back. Jennifer spiking her forearm, down against the lovely blondes head.
Katterina crying out, as she grabs Jennifer's shorts, pulling the pretty blonde down with her.
I notice the buxom platinum blonde Tiffany not yet getting tangled direct with anyone yet. Her long legs moving across the sand, as she kicks some at ladies or ads a kick or punch in passing.
A pretty young pirate by name of Megan slips beside me. Megans long dark hair hanging down. A few of the crew had been overheard betting on if they could steal the newer ladies things, while they fought.
A red hot anger surges through me, as I turn to gaze at Megan's pretty face. She smiles, as she lets me know, the offending scum had been caught attempting to go through the ladies things, and waited my pleasure.
I smile, as Megan returns it. I would let the catfighting ladies decide the punishment. Chances very good, the thieving scum, would not make it to another port alive. Good riddance to the trash, as I return to the fight, Megan heading off to keep both eyes watching my interests.
Lisa is trying to wipe the sand from her eyes, as Amazing Mandy moves in, and lands a kick to Lisa's side. Lisa crying out, and rolling to try and limit the blow, and pain.
The beautiful brunette Mandy moving in to give another kick. As Lisa manages to snag Mandy's leg with the length of rope. Mandy crying out as she tumbles to the sand, Lisa quickly moving to try and take advatage.
The two struggling, as Lisa's skirt is torn away, even as Mandy's top is yanked open.
I had thought she had a nice figure before. Yet Mandy's breasts fall free, to stand larger, smooth skinned, and firmer than I could have guessed before. Mandy's body was very pleasing in every way, to go along with her beautiful face. I could not deny, as her chest heaves, and the nice sized, and well formed globes rise and fall. This was yet another reason face and figure, that Mandy was amazing.
Laurie_Catfighter and Lexibabe circle each other. Two drop dead gorgeous, dark haired beauties.
I had kept an eye on Laurie during the voyage. With the face and figure she had, it was easy and pleasing keeping an eye on her. Yet I had seen no reason to think, she was truly working as a spy for the English crown.
I was glad, as I truly was liking this lovely woman.
Lexi was also very easy on the eyes, in every way. When either of them smiled, it seemed to do wonderful things to the heart.
Now I watch, as Lexi stumbles, her foot getting tangled with some downed palm fronds. Laurie quickly surging ahead, with a fist for Lexi's sleek belly. Lexi doubling up, as air is driven from her lovely body.
A hand in her hair, as Laurie yanks Lexi's head to the side. Even as Lexi claws at Laurie's front. The top opening, and Laurie's full, firm breasts falling free to bobble, then thrust proudly, as Lexi grasps one, and begins to twist, even as they fall to the sand together.
CattySandy a statuesque brunette, and Sandra Smith a pleasing full figured blonde circle taunting each other. I had seen a rivalry building between these two capable catfighters during our voyage. Maybe over the names being close to the same or the hair color. What ever the reason, I just knew these two ladies were going to come to a fight. I figured better now than out to sea as shipmates.
Words said they come together. Sandy a hand full of Sandra's left tit, through her top. While Sandra tries to bring a knee up into Sandy's crotch, nicely blocked by a smooth skinned thigh. A hand full of blonde hair, and another of brunette, and two more sexy fighters fall to the sand arms, and legs flailing.
JennyFights almost seems to be dancing around the lovely, and full figured DeniseXX. Denise a sexy, toned and full figured beauty tensed, yet not losing her cool, as Jenny seems to bounce around, flinging some sand, and all kinds of rude taunts or suggestions Denise's way.
Jenny was slender, sleek and maybe a bit cocky. Yet I could not deny, she had a lovely face, nice figure, and I was admiring her spirit. Then Jenny lands, and sand shifts as her feet hit, putting her off balance.
Denise giving a roar, as she rushes ahead, to almost spear the sexy blonde. Jenny;s arms and legs going out, as Denise drives her down to the sand.
Denise now returning some of the taunts, as she rips Jenny's top off, exposing a very pert pair of nice sized breasts. As Denise begins backhanding Jenny's perky tits.
Joanne, the Grlwrestler was facing Jane Bernard. This was an interesting pairing, as Joanne was a lovely blonde, pleasing figure, yet slender and sleek. While Jane was a beautiful blonde, yet quite buxom and full figured.
Joanne set, as her stance shows she expects to be the quicker of the duo.
Then to both of our surprise Jane rushes towards Joanne, and using the surprise manages to land a forearm across Joanne's chest. Joanne falling back, and hitting the sand, even as her long legs lash out, and tangle with Jane's own shapely legs.
Jane going down, and soon the two struggling together. Jane's top opening, as her large, firm breasts heave exposed. Jane tearing Joanne's top open. Joanne's breasts not as large, yet just as beautiful, firm, and nice sized in their own right.
Jane's breasts smashing into Joanne's as Joanne's legs twine around Jane, and the two roll, hitting, and clawing at each other.
Tiffany continues to roam and do damage as she can. The buxom platinum blonde enjoying a brief time, not engaged in a fight, as the rest of the ladies are paired up.
Andy, and Michelle have rolled into the wet sand, as the water of the tide splashes in and against both sexy ladies.
Andy's top is gone, her bare breasts glistening, as her skirt also gone. Michelle using the material covering Andy's sex, to yank up into the stunning brunette's cracks, even as Michelle tries to force Andy's lovely face down, into the sand. Michelle's top gone, her pert hard nippled tits glistening and heaving, as she tries to sit on Andy's back, using her weight to drive Andy down into the wet sand and defeat.
Andy thrashing, finally her hand grasping one of Michelle's ankles. Andy yanking it, and Michelle losing her balance, and falling off and aside. Andy splashing around in the salty water, as she grasps a hand ful of wet, silky dark hair. Andy using it to pull Michelle's head closer.
Using the hairpull, Andy is able to throw a punch, that lands to the side of Michelle's head. Michelle going limp, as she lays half naked, stunned, and out of the fight.
Andy slowly rising, as her own long hair hanging down her back. Andy's well formed wet breasts thrust proudly, as her almost naked body glistens from surf, and sun, as Andy looks like some water goddess arriving at the beach, as she looks for her next opponent.
I motion, for Michelle to be quickly moved from the wet sand, to be tended to, and kept safe from drowning. Michelle may not have won, yet I liked her, and wanted this lady for my crew.
Jane smashes her ample breasts into Joanne. I am thinking of stopping this, as Jane seems to be mounting, and about to maybe face smother Joanne with her large, firm breasts. The sexy Grlwrestler writhing beneath, as Jane punches Joanne in her side.
Yet I stay the order, as now I begin to see more of what is happening. Jane is having her way with Joanne. I could not deny the sight of these two lovely ladies, practically naked, and tangled together was impressive.
Yet Joanne's long legs now twined around Jane's torso. Even as Jane punched, Joanne was tightening her legs around the full figured beauty. Jane's struggles and punches slowing, as the pressure tightens and Jane is being slowly denied the air she needs.
A few moments longer, and Jane slumps against Joanne, almost passed out.
Jane definately had her place on my crew, yet Joanne soon rolls free, the winner, as Jane lay beaten by a subtle yet dangerous submission move, with Joanne's leg scissors.
Lisa was topless, as Mandy punches her firm right breast. Lisa and Mandy also having rolled their way to water's edge, as Lisa finishes stripping Mandy's shorts, Lisa grasping the thin material covering Mandy's womanhood, and yanking. Mandy showing me, she can fight as good as she looks. I was impressed with her and now accepted her own claim, that she was amazing. Lisa gasping, as water splashes against her face, and partially into her mouth, as Mandy drives an elbow into Lisa's middle. The lovely red head being rolled fully onto her back, as she lay all long legs, sleek body, and proudly thrust breasts, as Mandy begins mounting her. Mandy wasting time gloating, as she pulls her arm back for the finishing punch. Lisa scooping some wet sand and water, and flinging it into the lovely brunette's face. Then bucking Mandy off. Mandy falling to the side, as Lisa rolls into her, grabbing Mandy's head, then giving a battle cry as she smacks Mandy's head against the wet sand.
Mandy laying glistening, barely conscious, and even beaten, still amazing to me. As Lisa rolls free, myself closest. I rush over scooping the lovely brunette up into my arms.
A captain be no good, if he doesn't take care of his crew. I quickly lay the lovely lady beneath some shade, as I order for her to be taken care of.
Mandy's eyes catching mine brief, as I nod, and she sees that even with a loss, she had proven herself to me. Mandy was crew, and a catfighting pirate through and through.
Jennyfights was almost dancing around the sand, as she pouted her lips, between throwing verbal taunts at Denise.
Then Jenny looses her footing, and Denise smiles as she lands a few solid punches to Jenny's belly, and breasts. Jenny being knocked to the side, as Denise lands a foot to Jenny's side. Jenny rolls gasping for air. Again I am ready to stop a fight, before any of the ladies injured to badly.
Denise rushes forward to kick Jenny again. The sexy blonde half naked, her heaving breasts lightly coated with wet sand, as she catches the foot sent to her side this time. Jenny gives a twist and shove, and Denise goes sprawling to the sand. The full figured, pretty brunette landing hard, driving some of the wind from her.
Before she can recover Jenny lands a forearm to the back of Denise's head. Denise slams down to the sand again, to barely move. Denise out of the fight, yet in no way this sexy lady was out of my crew.

Staci K. is still on the defensive as Chrissy backs her into the incoming surf, with face slaps, and tit punches. Staci and Chrissy both naked, glistening and beautiful.
Staci takes another step back trying to regain her focus, as Chrissy smiles, and brings a leg up, and into Staci's side. The lovely blonde gasping, as her body turns, to try and ease her pain. Chrissy rushing forward, giving a cry of triumph, as she grabs Staci's hair, and yanks, sending them both tumbling to the ground. Staci shifting, and driving her elbow back into Chrissy's belly. As they land, Chrissy trying to catch her breath gasps and sputters as the sea water rushes to pour down her throat. Staci free of Chrissy's grasp launches a punch, that hits the side of Chrissy's jaw. I give a motion, and another of the watching crew joins me, as we rush down into the surf. Chrissy lays sprawled, barely conscious and out of the fight. Staci staggering back onto the beach, naked and impressive, looking for another opponent, even as I quickly scoop Chrissy up into my arms, rushing her out of the water, and harms way. Chrissy clinging to me, as she gags out some water.
"Tis all right lass, your being accepted as crew was never in doubt by me." I assure her, as something is brought to wrap around her, as she recovers.

CattySandy and Sandra Smith going at it tooth and nail. I could not deny if they did not get over the simliarities of their names. I would have to be sure these two hellcats where put on different ships.
Clothing hanging in tatters on both, as Sandy slaps Sandra's exposed right breast, before squeezing it, and slapping it hard.
Sandra raking her claws across Sandy's own left tit, drawing thin ribbons of blood, beside her now engorged nipples. Sandra moving in, trying to bring her knee up, into Sandy's crotch. Sandy bringing her own forearm, between Sandra's nice sized breasts, sending her falling backwards, even as the leg is blocked from it's target.
Sandra lands with s soft thud onto the sand, rolling, even as Sandy tries to splash her body down on top of her trying to finish the fight.
Sandy gasps, and rolls, just in time to have Sandra's long leg lash out. The foot smacking to the side of Sandy's head. Sandy's eyes rolling up a bit, as she falls back, to lay sprawled, barely conscious and out of the fight.

Katterina is rolling, topless, barely clothed below, and looking sexy, and beautiful beyond words.
The buxom blonde had been exchanging breast slaps, and punches with Vballbabe Jennifer. The two moving around on the beach, as they look for the opening. Torn and tattered clothing from all the lovely ladies now strewn across the white sands.
Then again Jennifer uses her shapely legs to launch herself up slightly, and spike her arm down on Katterina.
Katterina tumbling down to the sand. Then Jennifer in pursuit, trying to drop an elbow or forearm between Katterina's large, firm tits. As buxom as she was, still her breasts thrust proudly. Jennifer dropping another elbow, that just misses the mark, as Katterina avoids it again. Then she shifts and rolls back, as Jennifer tries to set up for another kill shot.
Jennifer misses, diving past Katterina. Then as she rolls onto her back, to push herself up, while keeping her opponent in view. Katterina splashes her own voluptuous body, down onto Jennifers.
Aye matey, it put Jennifer out of the fight. Yet I can think of no pirate man or woman, that would not enjoy the idea, of Katterina laying almost naked in all her glory, and against you. Katterina taking a moment to catch her breath, as I could not deny this view of her was pleasing as well. Katterina was all woman, from stem to stern.

Lexi and Laurie were going back and forth at each other. Lexi was stunning, her long dark hair flying out around her as she moved quickly, yet with purpose. Lexi's garments torn off, down to just the bit covering her womanhood.
Laurie was impressive, as equally almost naked now. Her clothing torn off by Lexi. As Lexi darts in again, landing a fast punch, to Laurie's beautiful, and firm left breast. As Lexi backs away smiling, more sure of herself.
Laurie launches her own attack, and by the look in her eyes, Laurie is moving much faster, than Lexi was expecting.
Lexi's chest heaving, as she tries avoiding or blocking the punches, and even a few kicks, as they move further into the shifting tide together.
Again it seems one will need a fast rescue. Lexi staggering, as Laurie slams a fist between Lexi's well formed, and pert breasts. As slender as she was, Lexi was very pleasingly curved. Her ample breasts bobbling, even as she staggers back a step, and launches her own fist.
Laurie cries out, as it lands to the side of her jaw. It seems as if time has frozen around these drop dead gorgeous brunettes, as they battle. Two ladies as lovely in the face, as their almost naked bodies where beautiful.
Lexi rushes in, just in time to catch a forearm, to her own head. Lexi's arms flying out, even as her body crashes down into the water. Nice sized, firm breasts sloshing, and thrust proudly in the water, as her legs thrash to gain purchase on the wet sand beneath her.
Laurie rushes in, looking like some Greek Goddess, dark hair hanging down her back. Creamy, and lightly tanned skin glistening, as she moves to splash down and finish Lexi.
Lexi's legs coming up just in time, to catch her, and send her flipping up, and over Lexi's own nubile body.
I am already moving, even as Laurie's head smacks against some kind of debri floating in on the tide.
Lexi is getting out of the way, even as Laurie's sexy figure goes slack in the water.
I quickly have her cradled against me, pushing some of the long dark hair out of her face, calling her name.
Lexi looks at us both with concern. "Tis ok lass, go win your ship if yee can." I tell her, letting her know nothing was held against her.
"Sorry captain." I hear beside me, among gasps, and splutters. I peer into her pretty eyes trying to focus.
"There, there Laurie, your getting rest, before you take your place on my ship." I tell her, letting her know I would be honored to have her on my own vessel as crew. Soon she is resting, with drink and the doc, keeping a weather eye on the comely lass.

Tiffany is laughing, as she sees another fight break out. Her scheme working so far, as she has been left out of most of the fighting. Then Katterina slams her own buxom figure into Tiffany's. They go down together, as Katterina begins ripping Tiffany's clothes off, between breast, belly and head shots.
"Fucking whore, time you got dirty!!" Katterina yells at her, as they go rolling in the sand and surf together.
Tiffany quickly being included in the days pain, and bruising battle, as Katterina had taken her completely by surprise, and now had her aching, and naked.
Katterina striking hard, as she knew Tiffany was the fresher of the two. Katterina and Tiffany now on their knees grappling, as two breath taking blonde beauties battle it out, naked and looking truly like young Amazon Goddesses. Large heavy breasts rubbing, and pressing together, as they both fight for leverage.
Tiffany and Katterina losing grips on one set of hands, as they quickly use them to punch, and slap at each other. I am always impressed and surprised when two such lovely ladies, can fight so hard, and so vicious, as Katterina cries out, as Tiffany rakes her nails across the jutting right breast of Katterina. Even as thin lines of blood are drawn. Katterina slams her forearm hard against Tiffany's own large, firm, heaving breasts.
Tiffany is knocked backwards, her knees still bent beneath her, as Katterina pulls her arm back to throw a finishing punch.
Tiffany scoops up some sand, and hurls it across Katterina's body, and face.
Katterina pauses, as she tries to rapidly clear her vision. Even as Tiffany surges back up, and lands her own fist, to the side of Katterina's head.
Now Katterina falls backwards, her legs still bent beneath her, as Tiffany follows through to land gasping on top of her.
Tiffany lays partially prone on top of Katterina, as she gratefully sees her opponent, was dazed and out of the fight. Tiffany and others wondering, how it may have went, if Katterina had not already had one battle this day.

As I watch, I now see Lisa holding back, as other ladies charge into each other, much like Tiffany did at the start. The two showing me they not only could fight very well. They also could use their heads, while on their feet.
Lexi passes by, after having seen Laurie was taken care of. Even as she passes Andy does a partial leap, grabbing and yanking Lexi's dark wet hair. Lexi crying out, even as she is pulled to the ground by Andy.
Andy and Lexi truly so beautiful of face, I could see either at home, at a royal palace.
Yet here they both were, naked or over half naked, fighting it out to be pirate capatins.
Andy's elbow finding Lexi's side. Even as she grimaces in pain. Lexi backhands across Andy's firm breasts.
The two both pulling, and yanking at each others hair. Legs shifting, as each tries to gain position, to deliver a finishing blow.
Lexi grabs Andy's hard nippled, pert right breast, and begins sinking her nails into it. Even as Andy pulls Lexi's hair, and head back again. Then Andy's shapely legs rise, as she tries to work them around Lexi's throat, looking to use her strong legs to choke Lexi out.
Lexi releasing the tit, and just as Andy's legs begin twining together, slowly starting to cut Lexi's air off.
Andy shifts, and leaves herself open, for the fist that Lexi sends flying, in her last desperate attempt, to get free.
Andy makes a sound, as the fist lands directly to the point of her chin. Her pretty eyes glaze slightly, as her legs unlock, and fall away from Lexi's throat, even as Lexi falls forward to lay gasping for air, while lying against Andy.
Andy was out of the fight, yet Lexi was still in it, as soon as she caught her breath.

Staci's legs go out from under her, as Sandra Smith lands a hard punch, to the very center of Staci's chest. Staci's body seeming to try and wrap around the fist, as it lands just below, and between her nice sized, firm breasts. Then she is going backwards, even as Sandra moves in pursuit.
Sandra attractive and full figured, while Staci again, was toned, and pleasingly curvy in all the right places. Yet Staci was simply gorgeous to look at. Another lady so lovely in face, it is hard to think of her as a catfighter. Yet here she was, clothing torn or stripped, and giving as good as she was getting.
Staci lands with a thump, and begins trying to recover, even as Sandra stomps her foot down, just barely missing Staci's belly or breasts. The lovely blonde rolling just in time to get out of the way.
Now the two kept in motion, Sandra trying to stomp a hole in Staci, while Staci moved hoping to get her own chance to retaliate again.
Sandra's firm breasts heaving, as she again launches her foot at Staci. Then the sand beneath her other foot gives enough to throw her off balance. As she struggles to regain in.
Staci sweeps her own shapely leg out, and connects, sending Sandra tumbling to the sand.
Staci quickly surging over the wet sand between them to grasp Sandra's head. As Sandra tries to grab and twist Staci's left breast.
Staci pulls Sandra's head up, and slams it back down against the wet sand.
Sandra's pretty eyes roll up slightly, as her beautiful body relaxes, and lays sprawled on the beach. She moans, and as I gaze at her pretty face, I motion for her to be tended to.
Staci now on her knees, gasping for air, lovely, and ready to try and continue. While Sandra was out of the fight, being tended to, and very welcome as part of the crew.

Joanne and Jennyfights where going at it. Two beautiful blondes, young, nubile, and in their prime.
Jenny cries out, as Joanne slaps, then punches Jenny's heaving left breast. Joanne making sure to open her fist, and claw the pert tit, even as she drew her arm back.
Then Joanne darting back, even as an enraged Jenny glances at her clawed breast, and surges ahead, to return the slap, punch, and claw to Joanne's own exposed right breast.
Jenny then darting back, as even after each having their own battle. They both seemed still fairly light on their feet.
"Remind me to stick my ass on your face, after I beat you slut!!" Jenny taunts.
"Oh damn, I thought I was already looking at your ass, you ugly whore!!" Joanne replies, as with cries of battle from each, they rush at each other again.
Jenny punching, grasping, and twisting Joanne's left breast. Even as Joanne adds a few claw marks to Jenny's pert right breast, to match those on her left.
The two blondes both slender, yet very fit, very beautiful, and very able to fight.
Jenny lands a punch to Joanne's sleek belly. Yet even as she begins to double up Joanne's foot stomps on top of Jenny's. The two grappling trying for leverage, as with a gasp from Joanne, and a cry of pain from Jenny, they push off against each other seperating again.
Two toned, supple skinned bodies aching, and bruising, yet neither willing to give up.
Jenny again rushes forward, trying to use her fast speed. Even as she does, Joanne drops to the ground, and uses her legs to shoot out, and wrap around one of Jenny's to jerk, and force her to fall off balance.
Jenny lands hard against the sand, and is gasping for air, as Joanne rolls her, mounts her and delivers a finishing punch, to the side of Jenny's pretty face.
Jenny is stunned, yet even beaten, is stunning and welcome to the crew in every way.

Joanne is sliding off Jenny, even as Lisa grabs Joanne's hair, and yanks her to the side. Joanne hitting, yet rolling and again using her leg to sweep her opponents. Lisa tumbles, yet is recovered slightly, and soon they face each other, in a partially sitting position.
Two pair of very impressive legs working to try and wrap around the other's sexy body.
The two both having in mind wrapping them around the other ladies waist, and squeezing the air out of her.
Joanne and Lisa both surging up, as they try and knock the other ladies legs free, even as they secure their own, for the finishing leg scissor submission.
As they again surge up, the bottom of Joanne's chin, connects with the top of Lisa's head.
Joanne falls back, dazed, and out of the fight, even as Lisa unwinds her own legs from Joanne, just in time to be tackled by Staci.

Tiffany moves from Katterina, even as Lexi moves from behind, her sexy body rushing ahead, even as she grabs Tiffany's long platinum blonde hair, and head. Lexi trying to bull dog Tiffany's beautiful face into the sand.
A surge of adrenaline rushing through her, in panic, as she manages to use her arms, and legs pushing herself off the sand, just in time.
Lexi unable to stop, crashes into the barely conscious form of Katterina.
Tiffany launches herself at the dark haired beauty.
Lexi hurting from the impact, manages to land a solid foot into Tiffany's side. Just before Tiffany lands a fist, to the side of Lexi's head.
Tiffany rolls through, and by , gasping for air, and aching all over.
Yet Lexi lays dazed and now out of the fight.
Katterina laying slowly recovering by her. Voluptuous blonde, and full figured dark haired beauty laying so close together, while the buxom platinum haired blonde moved closer to becoming captain.

Lisa was a fiery red head, and Staci a lovely captivating blonde. Yet for now they were two naked, beautiful, and battle tested pirates.
Each lady so close to her goal and the prize, as somehow the last few groups of ladies had finally made it part way down the beach, to the waiting captain's cutlass, jutting from the sands.
All the ladies had fought hard and well. I was proud of them all. Many now resting in shade, drink or vittles given if they wished, as they now watched as well.
Aching, brusied and battered none wanted to miss the final moments.
Lisa's head snaps to the side as Staci lands a nice punch. Yet Staci having no time to gloat, as Lisa's fist soon smashes into Staci's sleek, toned belly doubling her up.
Lisa staggers back a step, even as Staci gasps for air. Then Lisa moves in grabbing a hand full of silky, yet damp blonde hair. Using it to pull Staci's head back, opening her up, for the finishing punch to her chin.
Staci drops to her knees, like a puppet with the strings cut. Staci out of the fight, yet having won the respect of all her soon to be shipmates by the way she had performed. Lisa also dropping to her knees, trying to gather her strength.

Tiffany and Lisa both pushing themselves to their feet. The two buxom platinum blonde beauty, and red haired, curvy stunner both taking stumlbing steps towards the prize.
The crews cheering them both on, as they shove against each other, before both grabbing hair, tumble to the sand together.
I watch in awe, as arms, legs, claws, fists, feet and sand flying. They pummel each other, while rolling closer, and closer, naked and fighting with everything they had.
A punch, a hard chopping tit slap, sounds of battle and curses, as they move closer by the second.
Finally with punches, and pushes given, they seperate in front of the cutlass.
Lisa's hand goes to Tiffany's throat. Tiffany's hand goes to Lisa's throat, while both place their free hand on the cutlass.
Both heads turn to me, as eyes seek mine.
"What do you say captain?" Lisa asks.
"Ignore the bitch, the ship is mine." Tiffany ads, as my heart swells with pride. Now here be two impressive ladies and catfighters. I had signed them both, and to be honest both deserved to have their own ship, and crew. Yet for now only one could.
"Do you accept quarter?" I ask Lisa. She shakes her head no.
"Do you accept quarter?" I ask Tiffany truly unable to know how hurt either lady was. "My ship." She replies giving me my answer and my problem.
Only one could win, yet I wanted to see neither lass hurt badly or maybe permanantely. I wanted to sail the seas with them both.

"SO be it, you will both be given a brief rest in the shade." "Drink or food if you want it, then this contest will be decided." I announce from cheers from all watching.
Their would be a finish to the fight, then we would soon sail for the treasure.

At anchor the three Spanish ships bobbed, almost fully loaded and provisioned.
Suneha stood proudly on deck of the Bondage. Her clothing torn, yet the red head that had challenged her, now was beaten, and bound by Suneha's feet. Suneha was mistress of this vessel, and so far all that challenged her had been beaten.

The dark haired beauty Little MS BS also was standing proud on her own vessel.
Jen the full figured captain, stood half naked, truly a vision of beauty, and was standing over the buxom blonde she had just beaten in a fight. Now the blonde was apologizing for challenging Jen, while licking her feet.
"Soon we sail, the next bitch that challenges me, will be left floating in the bay." She informs the crew, as both captains sure of themselves. Still could not wait to head out to sea, as the crews had grown restless.
Soon Spanish treasure and beautiful ship's captains would be sailing for home.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Pt 4 Naming Captains N Taking the gold!!
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 08:16:37 PM »

The sky was clear, and the climate warm, as Tiffany and Lisa were both led under some shade.

Some of the rest of the crew moving around each, some looking to curry favor with a future captain, while others simply were trying to protect their own wagers. I was closer to Lisa, as I moved to the attractive red head.
I smile at her, as she sits, and gently massage her shoulders briefly.
Both ladies had been given some water to drink, and wash the sand from their mouths.
Then each was given her choice of beverage more water, juice from some of the native trees or something a bit stronger.
They each were given some fruit or food if desired, as they briefly unwound, preparing to settle accounts between them.
I then move to Tiffany, as the platinum blonde sits slightly away from Lisa. I smile at her, and massage her shoulders briefly as well.
A few of the other crew mates, working to help both ladies keep loose, and limber.
The other ladies, that had been in the fight, being tended to or already sitting, ready to see the finish of the fight.
I knew they could not take to long or they would begin to be stiff, from their scrapes and bruises already given.
I motion, and soon they both rise, and move back out onto the sands. The two both fully naked now, yet their bodies toned, and looking fine, as they begin to circle.
"Ready to call me captain yet bitch?" Tiffany asks as bodies tense, waiting to lunge at one another.
"I will let you swab my deck whore!!" Lisa replies, then with a cry from both ladies, and a larger one from the gathered crew. The two lovely ladies surge forward.
Lisa grabbing a handful of long blonde hair, jerking Tiffany's head to the side, even as she slams her other arm, into Tiffany's sleek belly. Tiffany doubling up, as the wind is driven from her.
Lisa trying to shift, and send Tiffany to the ground, even as Tiffany stomps on Lisa's right foot. Lisa crying out, even as now off balance, she receives a forearm to her own belly.
Lisa gasping for air, as she is doubled over, and off balance.
Tiffany grabbing a hand ful of red hair, and using it to send Lisa sprawling to the ground.
Lisa lands hard, and is trying to regain her composure. Lisa's breasts thrust proudly, and heaving as she tries to regain her wind.
Tiffany drops down, and begins mounting Lisa, as Tiffany's large firm breasts, press against Lisa's own firm tits, as they grapple, and begin to roll in the wet sand together.
Lisa bucking her body, keeping Tiffany from getting fully situated. Then as they come out of the roll, again Tiffany ends up on top, trying to use her body to pin, and maybe begin a tit smother of Lisa.
Then Tiffany cries out, as Lisa sinks her nails, into each of Tiffany's heaving, well formed breasts.
Lisa squeezing, and twisting both large breasts, as Tiffany squirms trying to ease the pain.
Lisa releasing the right tit, to use her fist to punch at the side of Tiffany's head.
Tiffany landing her own fist, to Lisa's side, finally freeing her tits, from being twisted, and falling to the side.
Both ladies now gasping for air, and aching, as they already had been in more than one hard fought catfight.
Tiffany slowly getting to her hands, and knees, as the sea water washes in, and against both ladies, now at the end of the beach.
Lisa springs up, and drives her foot hard, into Tiffany's side. With a cry of pain, and gasp for air. Tiffany is shoved over onto her side.
The buxom blonde rolling, cradling her side, with one hand, even as Lisa gives a cry of battle, and dives at Tiffany, meaning to splash her body, onto the blondes.
Tiffany manages to bring her legs up, and soon with a cry of surprise, Lisa is being vaulted up, and over Tiffany to land with a soft thud, on the wet sand behind Tiffany.
Tiffany rolling, and partially clawing her way, dragging her aching body across the sand. As Lisa tries to move, and push herself up.
Tiffany grabs the long, dark red hair, lifting Lisa's head just enough, to land a solid punch, to the side of Lisa's jaw.
Lisa slumps back, barely moving, as Tiffany's glistening naked form slumps down across her.
The two naked catfighting beauties pressed together for a moment, before Tiffany pushes off, and begins trying to rise.
Lisa still barely moving, and unable to defend herself.
I grab the cutlass, and head towards them, as crew mates gather around, following me.
I let Tiffany get back to her feet on her own. Letting her show strength to her soon to be crew. While managing to catch her before she fell again. Letting her lean against me, as I hand her the captain's cutlass for the Catsclaws.
"HUzzahhhhhhhhhhh and avast you swabs and swabbies.. all hail CAPTAIN TIFFANY, of the Catsclaws!!" I proclaim, as they begin to cheer her.
"Well done lass, now rest, and recover before we go after that treasure together." I tell her, as others help carry her off, to cheer her, tend to her wounds, and try to win the new captains favor.
I move to Lisa, who has begun to rise. Beaten, naked, and beautiful, and not broken.
I scoop her up, and begin to carry her to my own lodgings. Lisa had done well, and had nothing to be ashamed of. "I vow this to yee, as soon as possible, you will have your own ship Lisa." I tell her softly, as she relaxes, and clings to me.
"Pirate Megan, see the new ship mates be tended to and given lodgings." I order, as the feisty brunette smiles, and jokingly salutes. "Aye aye captain." She replies, and heads off.
Myself knowing things would be handled well by her. Some day she would be a captain herself, yet for now she was just wanting to have fun, and enjoy adventure on the seas.
A few days rest on the island, and then we would head to capture the treasure ships. Giving all time to heal, and be ready when we sail.
As Tiffany was being proclaimed captain. The sultry and sexy captain of the Bondage was giving sign, as the sails began to fill, and the voyage home began. Suneha had become tired of challenges to her captaincy. Having to beat down a few ladies, testing her.
On the Ass whipped Lil ms BS, Jen was looking drop dead gorgeous, the full figured beauty having enjoyed her own ass whipping of a few of her own crew, trying to test her.
Now all three ships began setting sail for home.
While we relaxed and got ready. I enjoyed spending some of the time, getting to know the newest members to the crews, as well as our newest captain Tiffany.
It was rare to gain this many beautiful, and capable catighting pirates at one time. Truly these seventeen ladies added much to an already lovely tropical isle.
Then it was time to sail. If my infomant was right, we would intersect the spanish ships, part way through their voyage.
I smile, and salute Tiffany, as she takes the helm of her new ship, as we head out. Her voluptuous figure, scantily clad, as she wanted to savor the wind, and the spray of the sea, on much of her body, as this was her first voyage on her own pirate ship.
Tiffany salutes back, as she lets my ship move to the lead, to help guide hers out of the bay.
I turn, to see an equally scantilly clad Lisa by my side. A top loosely tied across her breasts, belly bared, and most of her long legs showing, as her skirt was short, barely covering the essentials.
"I be looking forward, to this voyage together, first mate Lisa." I tell her, enjoying the smile that comes to her pretty face.
Her long auburn hair flying around her face, as she nods. "I am happy to be aboard the Bloodstorm captain." She replies.
I had no doubt, with Lisa by my side, and Tiffany on the Catsclaws, the gold would soon be ours.
The weather had been kind, as we made good time. The day bright and clear, as the look out gives a cry, and soon we begin to see sails heading our way.
I watch, then begin to frown, as I see something, that should not be. Someone had been given poor information or was simply lying, as the three ships come into view.
Tiffany's voice cries out orders, even as Lisa does as well, as the pirate crews of both our ships prepare for battle.
Two of the ships were treasure ships for sure. While the one that was hanging back, part of a trap.
The Bondage was a ship of war!!!
I give Lisa the helm, as I move to the side, and Tiffany does the same. We begin motioning signals to each other, and soon she lets me know she understands.
I smile, she was buxom, blonde and beautiful. Yet what most swabs would not take time to find, outside of her face, and figure. Tiffany was one smart lady. I am sure several, had not given her a thought for that keen mind of hers, seeing big boobs, and blonde hair.
Truly she was an impressive lady that had it all.
I begin moving back to the helm, yelling out orders. The Catsclaws angling off slightly, as Tiffany gave her own orders.
Tiffany was heading to attack the Bondage. I was going to take the Bloodstorm right between the other two ships. Raking them both with the ships guns, hopefully crippling them both, before joining the attack on the bondage.
My ship would take damage, as the treasure ships had their own cannon, just not as many as the warship. Yet I also hoped they may damage each other in the crossfire.
Suneha smiled, as she gave orders. Her crisp white blouse, and satiny black, pencil thin skirt, clinging to her pleasing curves. Yet another group of pirates had fallen for the same trap. Soon they would be hers.
Jen was stunning, her deep blue eyes looking out, at the approaching ships. Her large, firm breasts barely contained in the tied together blouse, across her chest. Full womanly curves, and a pair of very short, skin tight shorts, clinging to her nice ass, and shapely legs. Jen could see the blonde captain of the Princess Candy ass was giving orders, and maybe ready to try and get away on her own. Jen promising, to use her own ships guns on the blonde slut if she tried.
One of the ships changing course, as the other came straight on.
"Fine, even the blonde whore, will fight two to one odds." Jen thinks, as Little miss BS gave her own orders, as she prepared for battle. The Catsclaws moving around her ship, even as the other ship came directly on. The jolly roger flapping happily, from the ships mast. Jen began yelling orders, as guns and hearts began to be made ready.
Suneha's beautiful face was smiling, as she prepared to enjoy yet another pirate ship, coming into her grap.
Suneha's long silky raven tresses blowing in the wind, cascading around her, and adding contrast to her smooth creamy skin. This ship would fall before her just like the last, that had been sold false information, about the Bondage being a war, and not a treasure ship.
I handed the helm over to one of the crew, as I and my stunning first mate Lisa prepared our own crew. The cannon made ready, and as planned, the two ships gave way, to protect against being rammed.
The Bloodstorm sliding between them, as guns began to roar, screams and yells of battle, as smoke began to hang heavy in the air.
Parts of wood, from all three vessels flying, as cannon and smaller arms gunfire was being traded.
Soon I heard what seemed to be an echo, as now Catsclaws and the Bondage also began to tangle, and trade fire. I smile, as one of the treasure ships looses some sails, thanks to a well placed shot by Mandy.
Mandy was stunning, beautiful, full figured, and showing as a gunner, another way she was amazing. I could only wonder, if this lovely lady was just as good at everything she did.
Then we were through, as the waves smash, and crash against our vessels. The two treasure ships, slowed, and trying to take stock of their damage. To see if they should still fight or try to join the battle, with the Bondage.
"Tiffany hang on lass, we be heading to aid yee." I send out an almost silent plea, to the buxom beauty. Hoping she knew or could see, my own ship rushing to her aid.
The crew of the Bondage beginning to panic, as they tried keeping Catsclaws off them, to see my own ship closing on their other side.
Tiffany's crew slowing the bombardment, as my own vessel sends some shots firing.
Then all cannon fire ceases, as we close, and grapnels begin being thrown, among smaller arms fire.
Then with cries of battle, and cheers, the crew begins boarding the Spanish ship of war.
Tiffany's ship closing to begin the same along the other side, putting the Bondage trapped between us.
Now it be time for pistols, cutlasses, short swords or rapiers to come into play. Things becoming up close and personal, as each stuck to the weapon they prefered.
Now, it was time for catfighting as well.
I see Andy rush ahead, grabbing a slinky looking blonde by her honey blonde hair. Yanking the hair, pulling some of it out, as she takes the woman down, and begins to pound on her with glee. I knew before the day was out, quite a bit of hair would be pulled by Andy.
Joanne slams a fist into a buxom brunette's belly. Then uses her own long legs, to sweep the other ladies from beneath her. Then Joanne splashes her own sexy body down, quickly wrestling the other woman into submission.
Her one long leg twining around, as the other rose, and smashed down on the other woman's belly. Before Joanne begins squeezing the rest of her air from her. I could not deny, in other areas, it would be wonderful having those legs wrapped around you, just not like this.
Mandy throws herself cross body, slamming into two opponents, as she takes them both down at the same time. I take two quick steps forward, smashing the hilt of my cutlass, into the side of the head, of the man starting to aim a pistol at her. As he drops, she looks over, the peril she had been in. "Thanks Captain." She cries out, before going back to work.
Jane Bernard's top is gaping open. Her large firm breasts heaving, a thin ribbon of blood on the right, where a blade had come to close for comfort. Her own blade, knocking the other woman's to the deck of the ship. Before with glee, Jane moves in, rips the other woman's top. Then begins to slap, and punch her opponents exposed breasts, as it was time to enjoy beating her foe, at close quarters. I knew Jane could handle her.
Laurie catfighter was half naked, beautiful beyond words, and looking like some feared Goddess of war, from myth and legend. Her long dark hair, flying around her lovely face. Breasts thrust proud, and firm, as her top lay by her feet. Laurie's beautiful well formed tits, thrust against her new opponent, as a knocked out red head already lay with Laurie's top, by her feet. I was very glad, I had found I could trust this lovely english lady, to be part of the crew. She was fighting as good as she looked.
Chrissy's long hair, now pulled out of her braid, streamed around her, on the sea breeze. Chrissy was stripped, and fighting naked in all her glory. Chrissy was slender, pleasingly curvy, and showing two opponents what a hell cat she could be.
They both were now topless, bloody claw marks across both ladies tits, from Chrissy's nails. As they again tried to attack together. Chrissy manages to dodge one fist, while yanking one ladies skirt down, tangling her legs.
Chrissy quickly punching the other, knocking her down. Before jumping on the other woman, stripping her naked fully, mounting her, and soon putting her out of the fight. I had no doubt, her other foe would soon be beaten as well.
I see Lisa, topless and being challenged by three scurvy dogs at the same time. The swine taunting her, as her own blade finally knocked aside, as they playfully slice more of he clothing away. Her pert breasts heaving, as soon she is naked, except for a few scraps of cloth, covering her womanhood.
Soon they would tire of the game, and a blade would be thrust into her belly or between her beautiful breasts.
I give a roar of anger, as my own weapon now striking out and slashing, as I charge to her side. I enjoy as I slam into one of them, sending him screaming, and flying over the side, to crash into the sea. Lisa having been backed up against the side of the vessel.
"You motherless bastards DARE threaten my first mate??!!" I yell at them, as they turn to me, as we begin to cross blades. Lisa smiles, as she gathers her own fallen weapon, giving me a look, as she sees the ship's captain close by. I nod, letting her know I was fine to handle these two cowardly dogs.
Lisa saluting me, then heading to try and take on the Bondage's captain.
Suneha was stunning, as she used fist and sword, to beat the attacking pirates. Her raven black hair streaming around her, as with a fist to the jaw, Suneha knocks down another attacker.
Suneha confident, even as the almost naked, long legged red head approaches yelling her challenge.
Lisa is topless, barely clothed at all.
Suneha's clothing still seeming to be fresh and mostly undamaged. Her blouse torn slightly, down the front, just allowing even more of the swell, and curves of her firm breasts to be seen.
With eyes locked together, and confident smiles on both ladies faces, they begin to cross blades.

Katterina is giving as good as she was getting. The stunning, voluptuous blonde was topless now, facing a bruised and topless brunette. The brunette was full figured, yet her ladies no match, for Katterina's impressive pair. Katterina laughing, and taunting the brunette, before slamming her tits, against the brunette's breasts.
The brunette giving way, as Katterina grabs hair, with one hand, and bruised tit with the other hand. Taking the brunette down to the deck, and schooling her on what a catfighting pirate could do. Soon I knew the gorgeous Katterina would win, and be looking for another foe.

Sandra Smith's garments were hanging on her in tatters. The teasing glimpses given of her body, only making me want to see more. Sandra is being backed slowly against one of the ships masts, as her equally disrobed opponent seems faster with the blade. I am about to rush to Sandra's aid. When she strikes knocking the other woman's blade from her hands. With a cry of triumph, Sandra drops her own, and surges forward, quickly showing her own fists were faster, as she begins to knock down, mount, and finish her opponent. Enjoyably losing more of her clothing, as she does. Sandra doing okay, I look again for more of the newest ladies to the crew.

Denise is struggling between two opponents. One a naked buxom blonde, the other a scantilly clad red head.
Denise doing her best, to keep distance between them, so they could not attack together.
Denise's lovely face determined, as with fists, legs and claws she tried to hold her own.
Denise's beautiful body stripped naked, well formed, firm breasts heaving rapidly. The blonde managing to grab Denise's left breast, clawing, and twisting it. Even as the red head raises a mop bucket over head, to bash Denise with it. This was not going to happen, as I quickly throw a dagger, that buries itself through the material of her shirt sleeve, pinning her arm to the wall of the cabin, they fought beside. The bucket dropping, as Denise brings a leg up into the blonde's crotch, making her scream in pain, as Denise then rakes the blondes large tits with her nails, before knocking her to the deck, with a solid punch.
The red head finally ripping her sleeve free, in time for Denise to whack the bucket to the side of her head. By the sound I knew she was going to have an impressive headache when waking up.
The red head dropping, to lay sprawled across the buxom blonde. The blonde laying prone, and tits up. While the red head was bare assed, face down, and looking as if she had gone to sleep after some passionate sex, with the blonde.
Denise smiling, as I move to her, pulling my dagger free. "Thanks captain." She says with a smile, making her pretty face all the more beautiful.
"You be crew lass." I reply, that saying it all, as she gives me a quick hug, then goes back to the battle.

Michelle.Kim is like a whirlwind, as I finally spot her. Michelle's satiny dark hair flying around her pretty face, as legs, and arms fly out, to strike at any foolish enough to close with her.
Michelle's shapely legs, bared to let her use them easier. Her top, torn, and tattered. Her nice sized, hard nippled, firm breasts heaving with excitement. Her hands shooting out in open hand chops, and closed fist strikes.
I smile, as yet another opponent staggers and falls away barely conscious. Michelle sees me and smiles. "Keep them coming captain, I'm all warmed up now." She says, as I salute her with my cutlass. "Well said, by a beautiful, and capable catfighting pirate!!" I reply, as Michelle has more than a few Spanish ladies laid out around her feet.

The fighting dying down, as the remaining fighters are drawn to Lisa and Suneha. Lisa, naked in all her glory, while Suneha still barely had any of her clothing torn from her. Blouse tore slightly down the front, skirt still hugging her body nicely.
They cross blades, and move in close together, almost fully face to face, chests pressing together, as they struggle for leverage. Then Lisa crying out, as Suneha smiling, grabs and squeezes Lisa's firm right breast, with her free hand. Suneha's nails raking the tender flesh, and distended nipple, as she begins twisting the tit.
Lisa's temper flaring, giving her added strength, as she shoves her blade against Suneha's making some space. Then quickly dropping her own blade, while Suneha is off balance. Lisa grabs some of Suneha's silky dark hair, using it to yank Suneha forward, before Lisa brings her long left leg, up into Suneha's belly, driving the air out of the sexy captain of the Bondage.
Lisa knocking Suneha's sword out of her hand, before punching the side of Suneha's jaw, knocking her to the deck. Cheers begin going out from the pirates, as Lisa drops down, grabbing some lengths of rope laying on the deck, and begins tying Suneha up.
The crew of the Spanish ship, showing their defeat in their eyes, as soon Suneha's arms tied behind her, legs bound, as Lisa sits on her, spanking her skirt clad ass.
I pick up Suneha's dropped sword, raising it high. "HUZZAHHHHHH hail Fighting LISA." "Now CAPTAIN LISA!!!" I proclaim, offering Suneha's sword and ship to the sexy red head, honoring my word to her.
Lisa bolts to her feet, rushes over, flinging herself against me, giving me a quick kiss, trying not to let her eyes tear up, as she thanks me, and accepts command of her own vessel.
"Should we kill her captain?" Someone asks, blade pointed at the beautiful, and bound Suneha.
I give the choice to Lisa.
Lisa looking down, as Suneha looks at her, with an almost sensual desire in her eyes. Maybe Suneha liked being beaten and bound.
"No, I think I will have better use for her, in my cabin." Lisa proclaims, to giggles, and lewd remarks by the pirates. "So be it, as first command of Captain Lisa." "The stunning captain be hers to enjoy, freed or bound!!"

I hear someone calling my name, as I look to find a few of the crew, leading a gorgeous dark haired beauty supported between them. "The lass says she knows you captain." One says, as my eyes widen as I recognize her.
"Emily lass how be yee here?" I ask.
Emily was stunning, lovely of face, one of the most beautiful bodies I had ever seen, as well as one damn fine pirate and catfighter.
Now she was before me, a captive on the Bondage, face and body bruised, almost fully naked, and with a story I needed to hear.
"We were lied to, sailing on the Auburn's Snatch." "We made an attack, only to find this and another war ship, instead of treasure ships." Emily replies.
The Auburn's Snatch was Jessica's vessel. Kayla's mother had been sold false information, and now I knew part of Kayla's problems. Someone had Jessica, thankfully still alive somewhere. I would have to tend to this very soon. When I found which piece of scum was betraying us pirates, they would hang from the yardarm, maybe walk the plank if a man. If it be a woman, I knew more than enough willing ladies, capable of kicking her ass.
"Take her to my qaurters, see she is taken care of given anything she needs." "Emily, lass, we will take care of this, promise you." I tell her, as she is led away.
"Captain Lisa, you be in charge of securing the Bondage, and my ship Bloodstorm stays with you, while you do that." I inform her, showing I trusted her with even my ship. She was an excellant first mate, yet I knew would be an even better captain.
"Captain Tiffany, lets take your ship, and go get our gold!!" I announce to the cheers of our crews.
Lisa would deal with the prisoners, and see both vessels ready to sail soon.
While myself, and Tiffany, and members of both crews boarded the Catsclaws, quickly setting sail, for the treasure ships.
"Storm ...." Tiffany says offering me the helm in respect.
"No milady, this be your ship, you take the helm." I reply, showing my regard and respect for her, before the crew. Ties to the Bondage loosened or cut free, and we were on our way.

As we approach, the blonde captain of the Princess Candy Ass quickly raises flags of surrender.
Now it was down to just the two vessels.
With cries of battle, as well as taunts filling the air. Soon we are secured to, and boarding the Ass Whipped.
Pirates and her crew soon going at it, tooth, fist, and claw.

Vballbabe Jennifer is crossing blades with a curvy blonde, as they move back and forth. Jennifer's long legs moving nicely, as they seem to glide across the deck.
After a few more traded attacks, Jennifer neatly blocks the other woman's strike, causing her to fall back.
By instinct, Jennifer rises up, spiking a punch down, onto the other woman, knocking her sprawling to the deck. Jennifer smiling, as the tip of her blade touches the other ladies slender throat.
The curvy blonde showing her opened hand submission, as Jennifer made her point, scoring yet another victory for herself, before heading for more battle, and catfighting when needed.

CattySandy was rolling along the deck, with a full figured blonde. Sandy's clothing torn, as her claws ripped and tore at her opponents garments as well.
Two lovely, full figured beauties stripping clothing, and clawing exposed flesh, as they struggle.
Sandy's pretty face showing her focus, as her eyes glare at her opponent, even as they crash into a storage crate together. Sandy shoving her opponent back, then begins mounting her, as the rest of her top is torn free.
Sandy's shapely legs, working to pin the other woman, even as her opponent, slaps her hand across Sandy's large firm breasts. The smack of skin hitting skin sounding loudly, as Sandy winces, as her girls redden slightly from the impact.
Sandy quickly backhanding the blonde's bobbling tits, before grabbing a handfull of blonde hair. Then smacking the blonde's head back against the deck, stunning her, and putting her out of the fight, before Sandy slides off, ready for someone else to fight with.

Staci K's beautiful face was showing her concern, as her sexy, nubile body dove and rolled to the side.
Staci's drop dead gorgeous body, was almost fully naked, as her clothing had been cut or torn away, during all the fighting on two vessels.
Now Staci's weapon lost, as her opponent tried to spear or slash the lovely blonde, with her own blade.
The green eyed, redhead taunting, and smiling, as Staci rolls again, just before the blade would have slid between Staci's nice sized, and almost perfect breasts.
Then shock shows in the green eyes, as Staci rolls free, yet this time, her long leg shoots out, to sweep the red heads from under her.
With a cry, she falls to the deck, hitting hard, her weapon skittering away from her.
Staci springs up, then quickly splashes her voluptuous body down onto the red heads. With an added punch to the jaw, the fight was ended, and Staci ready for more.

Lexi was quickly using her speed, to disarm many of the Spanish ship's crew, with her own blade.
The sultry dark haired beauty causing havoc among her opponents.
Finally tired of the sword play, Lexi wanted to get her hands, and claws involved for more close up action.
Lexi was stunning, face and figure one of the finest ladies I had ever seen.
Along with the lovely face, and curvy, full figured body, that was now mostly exposed, except her womanhood. Lexi easily was proving to be a hellcat when fighting.
A kick to the crotch of one lady, then quickly turning to claw the heaving tit of another woman, before punching her face.
An attractive, and curvy blonde tackling Lexi from behind, driving her down to the deck. The blonde grabbing a bunch of satiny dark hair, trying to drive Lexi's pretty face into the deck, as Lexi arches, and bucks trying to get free. Finally Lexi throwing an elbow back, that connects to the woman's belly, doubling her, and sending her flying, with the next arch of Lexi's sexy body.
Lexi quickly shifting, and now facing her foe, launches a forearm, to the woman's jaw. The impact snapping her head, and knocking her out of the fight.
Lexi backhanding the blonde's slowly heaving tits, as added insult, before with a naughty grin, heading for more fighting.

Captain of the Ass Whipped Lil Ms BS.. Jen was also doing very well for herself.
Jen's lovely face smiling, as another pirate fell before her. Jen not even concerned, that holding a handful of Jen's top, as she fell. The garment tore, and came the rest of the way off. Jen's very well formed, and firm breasts spilling free, to bobble, then thrust proudly. Her nipples fully engorged, from her arousal at the catfighting.
Her long raven tresses framing her lovely face, as she watches another opponent close with her.
Jen's clothing almost fully gone. A simple panty covering her sex, and not very much of he nicer firm ass, all she had left on.
As the slender blonde approached Jen extended her one arm, and middle finger of her hand.
"This is my ship bitch, so fuck off or bring it!" She taunts.
The blonde crying out, as she launches ahead, trying to spear Jen to the deck.
Jen's nubile body easily shifting to miss being hit. As the blonde begins stumbling past. Jen swings a elbow into her side, knocking her off balance and to the deck. Jen laughing, as she kicks the blonde, rolling her fully onto her back.
Then Jen drops over her, and soon begins face sitting the blonde, rubbing her nice ass across the beaten blonde's face.
"Kiss my ass bitch!!" Jen tells her, before looking up, and Jen's blue eyes widening, as Tiffany barrels into her.

Tiffany had finally found the opposing ship's captain, and delighted in knocking her off the catfighting pirate. Now they where rolling, and struggling across the decks, as before most of the rest of the fighting done. All eyes began watching the two captains fight to decide the fate of the battle.
Tiffany was fully naked in all her glory, while Jen was almost as nude, and just as pleasing to see that way.
Two pair of very full firm breasts rubbing, and pressing together, as tender skin was clawed on each, and fists, and legs tried to win the fight.
Finally, as they finish another entangled roll, Tiffany pulls free, and soon has her knee in Jen's belly.
Before the sexy dark haired beauty can free herself or draw a full breath. Tiffany shifts, and soon her large firm breasts cover, and press down over Jen's lovely face.
"Time you admitted your a beaten slut!!" Tiffany orders, as she tit smothers Jen.
Jen had used her nice ass, to do the same to one of the pirate ladies, now her face was being covered, and smothered by Tiffany's large firm tits.
Just before she was about to pass out, Jen's hand begins slapping the deck, showing her submission.

Tiffany rolls free, as I help her up. Two captains proving themselves, as two ships taken by force, while the third gave in easily.
With resounding cheers, Tiffany radiant and by my side. We all knew victory and the treasure was ours.
"Well done Tiffany, it is an honor to sail with you." I tell her, as she prods Jen with her foot.
The lovely dark haired beauty slowly sittng up. "What about this Beaten slut here?" Tiffany asks me.
Jen's blue eyes go from her to me, and I can not deny, Jen is a stunning woman, and had done well during the fight, giving the very capable Captain Tiffany all she could handle.
I hold my hand out, and help Jen up, as she stands before me. "I could use a new first mate." I say, offering it to her. Giving her a way out of facing possible death, for losing her cargo.
Jen's pretty blue eyes widen, and with a cry of relief, she throws herself into my arms, as Tiffany laughs.
"Time we sail for home?" She asks, as I smile back at her, holding Jen against me.
"I like the idea, of sharing my island with you, and Lisa." I reply, enjoying that now Tiffany considered Bitch slap island her home, myself as her partner.
"AVAST you sea dogs, and catfighing pirates lasses, let's see to the treasure, and sail for home!!" I announce to cheers from all.

Soon I am back on the Bloodstorm, the treasure loaded between all three vessels. Soon my ship, Captain Tiffany's Catsclaws. and Captain Lisa's Bondage would sail for home, and the dividing and sharing of the treasure, among much celebration.
I happen to see one of my favorite crew heading towards my cabin. To my dismay, I see a patch over one eye.
Ahoy there pirate Megan, be yee wounded in the battle?" I cry out, watching as she tenses knowing she had been caught.
Then turning to me, a smile on her beautiful face, as I notice a bottle of wine, in her one hand. Even as her other hand moves to flip up the eye patch, showing me she was not injured, as her other eye winks at me.
"You told me always keep an eye out for beautiful catfighters captain." Megan begins her reply.
"I hear you have a real hottie, in your cabin, I was just going to check out, with your permission." She ads, as I laugh.
"Aye, you mean get drunk, and check her treasures?" I tease back.
"Why captain, you hiding treasure in your cabin, not sharing with your buddy Megan?" She replies, before starting to laugh with me.
"Damn if Megan is not exactly what Emily needed right now" I think to myself.
"Aye, Emily truly be a treasure, as are you to me pirate Megan." I tell her, as she smiles, enjoying that she meant that much to me.
"Carry on Megan!!" I order her.
With a laugh, she flips the patch back down, and salutes me. "Aye aye captain, I will give you a full report on this wench later." Megan replies, as I think of Emily, and hope Megan gets to know her better, before calling her a wench to her face.
I laugh, waving for her to go. With a smile, and laugh, she quickly slips away, into my cabin, and Emily's side.

Soon I would try and find out the mystery of who was selling bad information to the pirates. I would seek out Kayla, and try and help her with finding her mother.
I would get Emily's story from her of what happened, and hopefully get her to join my crew.
I could think of nothing more pleasing, than sailing the seas with Megan and Emily part of my crew.
I was looking forward to getting to know my new first mate Lil Ms BS, Jen better.
For now the treasure was ours, as I sailed beside two of the most impressive captains Tiffany and Lisa.
For now, it definately was good being a pirate ......... Yo hooooo and to home we go!!!!

The end ...... for now!!            


Offline betnsuneha

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2011, 12:13:54 AM »
wow you are truely a great writer.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2011, 07:49:26 AM »
thanks for the poll and the story storm , both were very fun
the prez tramp


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2011, 03:58:24 AM »
AVAST ..... ALWAYS nice to see the some of the crew at least enjoyed this!!

Why even one of the recently captured ones as well !!

THAT is always nice to know and see. YOU LADIES  R why I do these, and love knowing you had fun with one of them.

NOT sure when I will get back to it.. as YEP left it VERY open for a sequal .....  what can I say. Catfighting Pirates are sexy and fun!!



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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2011, 08:37:26 PM »
Wow! Wow! WOW!!!!! This is a most deliciously wild tale I've read for a while! How you manage to described the sexy mayhem with so many girls is just amazing! A true work of art - left me 'panting' with exhaustion (& excitement) after reading it, Storm!  :P :P ::) ;D :-* :D ;)

Somehow the finale of this story slipped off the first page as neither I or Jessie was checking regularly, but glad to finally read your pirate-piece!  :D :)

Think Jessie will love the ship's name "Auburn's Snatch" - indeed fitting - tee hee!  ;D :D

Hot hugs
Ps. Also wishing everyone the best for festive season - will only be back probably by middle Jan.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 08:41:07 PM by Kayla »
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2012, 07:52:36 AM »
So .... seeing as this tale has some positive replies ....... do ya think there should be a part 2 .... MORE pirates catfighting soon??

Arrrrrrrr ....  some things left unsettled here .. just in case some of the ladies here wish for more .....



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2012, 04:56:11 AM »
OK ..... had LOTS of fun doing this one. Helped such an awesome group of ladies had been part of it.

VERY soon, hopefully in next week or 2,
PIRATES 2  Treasure of the Auburn Snatch.

No poll, just a NEW story, running off from this one.

Some of the ladies will be part of it, while some NEW PIRATE ladies will be recruited and added as well.

That said .... soon we will sail the seas, with catfighting pirates again!! AVAST!!!



Offline betnsuneha

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Re: PIRATES of Catfights Search for captain of the CATSCLAWS !! From polls
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2012, 01:02:35 AM »
Hw about me in this story.


Offline stormbolt7

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AHOYyyyyyyyy finally it begins ........ Pirates 2 ..... starts posting next!!
