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A Clockwork Strawberry

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Offline Jonica

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A Clockwork Strawberry
« on: November 15, 2011, 09:56:33 PM »
*This will be my first attempt at writing a multiple chapter story as a serial.  I will probably fall on my face, but I hope it actually works.  This is a fun concept Laurie Breeze and I came up with, and it is actually the second part of a series I am doing with her.  Her wonderful part is BLACK NIGHT IN THE BLACK HILLS (Part 1 of the Jonica vs Laurie Series).  I am looking forward to completing this story, but I warn you, it will be long! ;D  There will be many characters you will recognize from FCF and from previous stories written by Laurie, Gemma Rox, and me.  Hope you enjoy!*

A Clockwork Strawberry (Part 2 of the Jonica vs Laurie Series)   
By Jonica


The day was overcast and so was my mood.  I walked though the Quarter as if looking for something.  In fact, that is exactly what I was doing…looking for something.  Well, not something.  Someone.  People avoided me for the most part.  You would avoid me too if you saw the murderous look in my eyes.  When I find her, I’m going to hurt her…hurt her bad.  But it may not be the look in my eyes that are making people avoid me.  It may be because I am wearing all black on a hot, steamy day in New Orleans.  Or it may be my platinum hair hanging loosely on my shoulders.  Or the intense black eyeliner around my bright green eyes.  Yep, it’s nice when the sidewalk clears like Moses parting the Red Sea.  Although I’ll never admit it, people were avoiding me because I’m carrying a tire iron.  And that intensifies the look in my eyes…..

In and out of every club in the Quarter, I search.  From the nicer ones on Bourbon to the seedier Elysian Fields strip joints, I search for Batgirl.  Where the hell is she?  My tire iron would really like to know…..

Things began changing for me a few months ago.  My boyfriend of several years…we’ll call him Joe…left me for a tart of a stripper known only as Kitten.  We picked her up as a stray in Houston, but that is for another story.  For this story we’ll just say that he claims he fell in love with the little whore because he couldn’t stand any more of my antics.  Those antics of course were causing trouble for him and a little British slut we’ll call Gemma.  I hate Gemma, and Gemma hates me.  Oddly enough though, Gemma was the only person in the world I trusted after that asshole Joe.  She was there when we adopted the Kitten.  The notorious Canadian crime lord, Boche, abandoned Kitten.  Now she is a thorn in my side.  Someday I will have a tire iron with her name on it.  But the tool I am carrying now is specifically for Batgirl.  

Batgirl and I picked up where Joe and I left off.  She rescued me from a self-destructive life on the streets and she claims I did the same for her.  Things were going well until a crazed group of bikers showed up in New Orleans looking for Batgirl.  Their leader has even gone as far as put a contract on me.  Well, she did until she found out whom I am working for.  Contracts tend to be dropped from your head when the contractor finds you are a hit woman for the Bad Bitch of Rue Bourbon, the notorious Jenn Peccavi.  So the biker turned contractor now is only looking to “kick (my) ass.”  As a result, Batgirl fled for my safety, and she is hiding from the bikers and from me.

As I am checking strip clubs Dumaine, I get some leads on where Batgirl may be.  Rumor is she is working a high-class place on Canal.  I head than way with burning hatred in my eyes.  The tire iron is resting lightly on my left shoulder as I stroll eastward when I see a vaguely familiar face in a crowd of tourists walking down Canal toward the aquarium and the casinos.  I know I have seen her before, but for some reason I can’t remember.  Strange images of black hills, bikers, and blood flash in my head but I can’t put my finger on the odd sensation.  I stare at the face until she must have felt my gaze.  The pretty brunette with green eyes looks curiously at me.  Her head tilts in a question, as if she is searching her memory too, her glasses slightly askew.  I know I have seen her, but where?  Finally, she shakes her head slightly and turns away, but she glances over her shoulder every few steps.  I almost follow but the tire iron in my hands reminds me I have more important tasks at hand.

I walk up Canal, the Warehouse District on my left and the Quarter on my right.  I cross Dauphine and head toward the club I was told about.  The club’s entrance is off Rampart near Louis Armstrong Park.  Rain begins to fall and it only darkens my mood.  The smells of the Quarter invade the area in the warm, still rain, but I pay no attention to the crawfish gumbo, beignets, and potted ferns mixed with decaying trash.  I also don’t pay attention to the two women walking up fast behind me.  I take the right turn onto Rampart with the tire iron still resting on my shoulder.  It doesn’t register when the tool is suddenly yanked from my grasp from behind and my path filled by a gigantic blonde wearing black leather and the colors of the motorcycle gang hunting for Batgirl.  Realization they had found her before me suddenly fills me with dread, but that is short lived as the monstrous blonde suddenly laughs and hits me squarely in the mouth with a right jab so hard that I actually leave my feet and crash into the two leather clad bikers behind me.  Falling to the sidewalk, I taste blood on my lips, and lights burst in my head.  Already nearly unconscious from the first blow, I vaguely hear a voice above me say, “Kick her ass, Rylie!”  

Rylie then proceeds to do just that.

I try to sit up but a boot to my chest knocks me back to the ground.  The last thing I remember is the giant blonde asking where Batgirl is hiding as she straddles me.  I try to respond with a hearty ‘fuck you’ but all I manage is an embarrassing, “fuuuggghhhhhhhoooooo.”  Punches rain down on my face and head until I am completely out.  

Now, I call the blonde biker a giant and a monster, but she is actually quite beautiful.  But when you are 5’2 and only weigh 112 lbs., most everyone who’s 5’10 and outweighs you by nearly 40 lbs looks like a giant and a monster.  I wouldn’t have been a match for Rylie even if she hadn’t sucker punched me.  I may have fared better with my tire iron, but I doubt it.  

Soon, however, the slaughter is over as sirens scream down nearby streets.  I vaguely recall cops and paramedics around me, but really only faces.  One face, though, stands out.  The brunette from earlier is looking down at me with bewilderment…and recognition!  It occurs to me as I’m being loaded into a waiting ambulance that my platinum wig has fallen off revealing my own true brunette hair.  All I can think of as I look at her are ‘South Dakota’ and ‘bikes.’  The look on her face is one of total hatred.  As I fade into unconsciousness again, I wonder “what the hell did I do to her?”

To be continued....
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 06:10:57 PM by Jonica »
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline steph

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2011, 03:57:51 AM »
Great story looking fowerd to the next part  hugs steph  8)
love the video game character Chun li from street fighter she was one of the few good female characters i have a chun li fancy dress costume if i had to pick a character to be it woud be her.


Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2011, 06:31:18 AM »
Joni, we definitely came a long way from Sturgis 'n it's just beginning! I know this is gonna be an awesome wild adventure. I always wanted to visit New Orleans  LOL  'n you gave me the perfect reason.....REVENGE!!!  ;) ;D >:( :P

Seriously, this is like the appetizer before a great dinner....just a lil bite that's soooooo good it makes you bang your fist on the table 'n say 'MORE!!! MORE!!!'

I'm lucky, my work is done.....The pressure is off me now, Joni is at the controls, I'm just going to hop in the seat, buckle up 'n ride this crazy rollercoaster of hers!!!

Awesome start, peeshwank!!! Can't wait for Chapter Two!


« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 06:36:41 AM by Laurie Breeze »
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars


Offline Kayla

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2011, 06:46:05 AM »
Hmm, a biker girl, bat girl, what next? Vampirilla?  ::) ;D

Nice start, J!  :D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2011, 07:01:08 AM »
*This will be my first attempt at writing a multiple chapter story as a serial.  I will probably fall on my face, but I hope it actually works.  This is a fun concept Laurie Breeze and I came up with, and it is actually the second part of a series I am doing with her.  Her wonderful part is BLACK NIGHT IN THE BLACK HILLS (Part 1 of the Jonica vs Laurie Series).  I am looking forward to completing this story, but I warn you, it will be long! ;D  There will be many characters you will recognize from FCF and from previous stories written by Laurie, Gemma Rox, and me.  Hope you enjoy!*

Joni, with your talent, the day you fall on your face writing a story is the day I win America's Top Model at 5'1"!  Nuff said!  

;) :D ;D 8)

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 07:04:51 AM by Laurie Breeze »
We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars


Offline peccavi

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 10:47:15 AM »
Why am I always cast as an evildoer in everyone's stories?

And I notice I've moved south, I guess the winter was too much in Chi town
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Offline Marie B.

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2011, 03:00:19 PM »
.... my platinum wig has fallen off revealing my own true brunette hair.  

Just as we always suspected. :o

Terrific start to the story, Joni. Looking forward to more.



Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2011, 03:15:23 PM »
Good Start Jonica , but that will show you to not pick up Hitchers in the Future :P :)
You never grow old until you stop being young


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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2011, 03:18:31 PM »
Good start Joni! T  ;)


Offline howardcosell

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2011, 08:36:45 PM »
great story, as always, Jonica.  :) Glad to see your work back and booming.
"When people walk away from you... let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you... and it doesn't mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over."


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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2011, 12:10:45 AM »
Sheer awesomness! like all great stories, it leaves you asking more questions than it answers and I'm SOOOOO hungry for more!!!

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline Laurie Breeze

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2011, 02:27:26 PM »
Why am I always cast as an evildoer in everyone's stories?

Coincidence, Ms. Jenn? That's got to be it!   ;)  :)  ;D

But you never know, somewhere down the line, you might not show your not-so-evil side. It could happen!


We're on a circuit of an Indian dream
We don't get old, we just get younger
When we're flying down the highway
Riding in our Indian Cars


Offline peccavi

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2011, 08:14:10 PM »
Why am I always cast as an evildoer in everyone's stories?

Coincidence, Ms. Jenn? That's got to be it!   ;)  :)  ;D

But you never know, somewhere down the line, you might not show your not-so-evil side. It could happen!


One day, perhaps.
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!


Offline Jonica

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2011, 05:06:12 PM »
Why am I always cast as an evildoer in everyone's stories?

Coincidence, Ms. Jenn? That's got to be it!   ;)  :)  ;D

But you never know, somewhere down the line, you might not show your not-so-evil side. It could happen!


One day, perhaps.

Jenn, you know I love you!  You may even have a heart of gold by the end of this story....


Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline Jonica

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Re: A Clockwork Strawberry
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2011, 05:06:39 PM »
Chapter 2

“Marie!  Leave that alone!”

I awaken in a haze of fog and cobwebs.  There is sparse light in the room and I’m obviously not alone.  There are at least two others here with me:  Marie, and whoever scolded her.  Through one partially closed eye, I see a tall woman standing by the door, and a child standing by my IV pump.  

Why would I have an IV pump?

As I start to sit up in bed, a wave of nausea hits me and I lie back down with a thump.  I’m in the hospital.  As soon as that sinks in the memories of the vicious attack by a group of bikers comes rushing back.  I groan as floods of pain pour through my ribs, head, and back.  Images of the tall blonde kicking me in the ribs flash in front of me and suddenly I’m filled with dread.  Did they find Batgirl before I could?  Oh no….

“I think the little bitch is awake, Kayla.”

Little bitch?  Why would a child say things like that?  I turn my head to look at the kid playing with my IV pump and I see a halo of flaxen hair surrounding a cherub’s face.  My heart sinks and I roll my eyes in despair.  That ain’t no fucking kid!  

Through mashed, swollen lips I manage to squeak, “Hewwo Mawee Bee.”  I can almost see her pale blue eyes light with fires of hatred in the semi-darkened room.  The little gymnast is so quick I never see her hand move until it clamps around my throat and starts squeezing my windpipe closed.  

“Fucking cxnt!  I told you to never call me that!”  

My eyes bulge and I gasp for air.  Her other hand clamps down on my throat as well and I am on the verge of passing out when the tall woman finally stops laughing and pulls her partner away; leaving me gasping and moaning.

Two of the five people I hate most in the world are alone in a hospital room with me somewhere in New Orleans, Louisiana.  I will be lucky to see the light of another sunrise.

I struggle to sit up and readjust myself so I can watch them closer.  “I’m sowwy,” I say, this time it’s worse due to being choked.  Marie’s eyes go bright again but she only glowers at me with seething hatred.  “Why are you two here?”

Kayla hates me too, but she is the more reasonable of the two cavewomen here.  She replies, “Jenn sent us.  She wants us to watch over you until she decides what to do with that motorcycle gang.”

“Fuck that!  Jenn sent us to babysit your dumbass!”  Marie adds.

Kayla gives Marie a sharp look then turns back to me.  “Jenn thinks they may try to attack you again.  She is worried about you.”

“That’ll be the day,” I say looking away.

“That’s bullshit, Joni.  Jenn feels awful about what she did in Houston.  Give her a chance, she’s not as bad as you think.”  

Not as bad as I think, huh?  No, she only tried to cripple me then kill me.  For no reason, I might add, but I keep my mouth shut and glare at Marie…who is, incidentally, still staring daggers at me.  Marie and I have a deep dislike for each other.  It goes back to another of Saint Jenn’s plots to rid the world of me.  That plot involved a brutal fight, another more vicious fight, a 10-inch strap-on shaped like a pickaxe (Marie screamed my name…hehe), a crazy dude with a huge penis-shaped bubble machine, and that tattooed British whore, Gemma.  Marie and I don’t like each other because we are the runts of our respective litters.  With us it is survive at all costs.  One day our paths will cross with tragic consequences, most likely.  But all that’s another story.  Kayla actually isn’t bad, but I feel sorry for her.  I’d feel sorry for anyone who had to deal with Satan’s spawn, Marie.

Kayla’s cell phone rings and she turns away to answer it.  Marie glares at me and looks over her shoulder.  Once she is convinced Kayla isn’t looking, the 4’10” 95 lbs gymnast pinches my IV line closed, leans forward and growls, “Someday soon, bitch.”  Kayla wraps up her phone call but before she can turn around, Marie slams a short, open-palmed punch into my broken ribs.  

“Marie!”  Kayla stammers in her sexy South African accent as she pulls the evil Canadian blonde away.  “Dammit!  Stop that crap!”  

“Real soon you fucking cxnt!”  Marie yells as she is pushed across the room.

My eyes fill with tears as I clutch my injured ribs.  I want to lunge out of the bed and beat her with a bedpan, but in my current condition I would be no match for her (although I did kick her ass a few short hours after giving birth to Baby Humperdink…hehe).  

Kayla drags the screaming demon across the room trying to calm her with news of an assignment.  Marie finally calms enough to listen when Kayla says, “That was Jenn.”

With Marie’s full, undivided...albeit totally psycho...attention, Kayla whispers their new mission.  I only catch snippets of the conversation:  “Assignment….bikers….Des Allemands…Batgirl…”

Batgirl?  I sit up in bed and ignore the pain in my ribs.  “You know where Batgirl is?”  I ask holding my ribs and in as clear a voice as I can muster.  Kayla looks at me with a touch of sadness, but the only response I get is from Marie, “Shut up bitch.”

I lie back in the hospital bed and wonder where Batgirl could be.  As Kayla and Marie are leaving a nurse comes in.  Seeing tears in my eyes, she thinks I am in pain.  She injects a syringe of morphine in my IV.  As I drift off into peaceful sleep, I think the nurse is right:  I am in pain.  My ribs are only half of it.  Batgirl, where the hell are you?

After what seems like a few brief minutes, I awaken to a completely dark hospital room.  Fear grips me because I have always been afraid of the dark.  Ever since I was a little girl growing up outside of Lafayette, Louisiana.  Night is when the creatures of darkness would roam the landscape.  Their paths lit by fires in surrounding cane fields…the smoke concealing their presence.  It didn’t help that the Atchafalya Basin, with its miles and miles of dark swamps and bayous, was a mere 100 yards from my bedroom window.  Lightning would flash over the Gulf of Mexico every night in the summer and reveal the existence of vampires, mummies, and the Holy Ghost.  It’s amazing how quickly you learn to pray while living close to the shadows of a dark, evil world.

Lightning flashes outside the hospital room window revealing a pair of glowing eyes crouching next to me.  I gasp in terror and nearly fall out of the bed.  But a calm voice says, “Relax.  I’m not going to hurt you.  Not here anyway.”  Anther flash of lightning reveals there are no feral eyes staring at me with hunger and dark intent.  Instead it’s a woman close to my age with dark, kinky hair, wearing glasses that reflect the bluish-white light of the electric storm building outside.  

I don’t know why, but I try to focus on her in the dark, and I ask, “Are you from South Dakota?”  Why South Dakota?  I think to myself.  I know I passed through there after Joe left me for Kitten but that is about it.  I may have done some pretty bad stuff during my wandering.

“Yes.  You really don’t remember me, do you?”  I search my memory and she is familiar in the dark room as she was earlier on Canal St, but I cannot seem to place her.  “That’s okay.  When you get out of here, I am going to make it my life’s mission to pay you back.”  She brushes the back of her hand across my nearest cheek.  Her fingers softly brush my lips.  I can’t explain why but my lips part and her index finger gently enters my mouth, lightly touching my tongue.  I close my mouth around her finger, but after a minute she takes her hand away.  Lightning flashes outside illuminating her face briefly, “We will meet again, and this time things will be very different,” she says in a soft voice, with what seems like a tinge of regret.  Then she turns on her heel and leaves me in the dark hospital room at the mercy of the creatures of the night.

Thunder rumbles outside and I think of Batgirl.

To be continued.....
« Last Edit: November 19, 2011, 05:21:24 PM by Jonica »
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.