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All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 13 - Big Sonia vs Amanda Bynes & Brenda Song

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Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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ASCW had a successful 1st year & when it came to the Ladies , Tru TV's - Op Repo's , Big Sonia , was a huge Fan Favorite despite the fact she played the Heel role in all her Matches .

Having been off the last few shows , Fans wanted her again & to begin Year 2 of ASCW , the Honchos in charge gave the Fans what they wanted & brought her back & this time , Sonia told them she wanted to face 2 Opponents & see what the voting brought .

From the 1st day of voting , Fans were voting for Sonia to win & it just became of which 2 Female Celebs would be her Opponents & unfortunately for Amanda Bynes & Brenda Song , they were the 2 top vote getters when voting closed .

As always , the Celebs then had almost 2 weeks to work out their match until it was time for ASCW 13 , that had it's Who's Who of Tinseltown in attendance as the PPV Sales were plentiful once again & with the Fans shouting for Sonia as soon as the show began , they had Sonia vs Amanda & Brenda as the opening match .

Despite the fact the Fans loved Sonia , they still gave the sure to be future Film Goddesses a big hand as they came out together , with Amanda wearing a Pink One-Piece & White Boots with Pink Bandanas around her ankles & Brenda wowed everybody by wearing her Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior Dress , but cut down into a really short skirt & short Golden Wrestling Boots & although their outfits didn't match , their Cuteness & Sex Appeal did & the Fans cheered them all the way until Big Sonia's music began to play & out she came , all White - Trashy as always in her Black Moo-Moo Dress & smeared make-up .

Upon entering the Ring , Sonia did some King Kong like Chest Bashing on herself & invited Amanda & Brenda to come & get it .

Amanda & Brenda cautiously approached their Big Opponent & when a certain point , Sonia thumped her Chest again & said " Look at you 2 , you 2 look like Barbie's , I like Barbies , Ripping them apart I mean " & with Amanda & Brenda beginning to point at themsleves saying " Us ? " Sonia surprised them with her speed & was able to Clothesline both cuties down & then did the King Kong Chest Thump again .

Sonia brought both Cuties up by their hair at the same time & said " Barbies " as she clanged their heads together making them go down quickly again , but they were not down long as Sonia brought both up together by their haur again & said " Can't " before bashing their heads together again & down they went again , only once again to be brought up quickly at the same time by their hair & Sonia said " Wrestle " as for a 3rd time , she bashed their heads together to give them a further headache as they hit the mat & as they lay there holding their aching heads , Sonia did the King Kong chest Thump again .

Sonia brought Amanda up & whipped her into the corner & as Amanda stood in the corner dazed , Sonia brought Brenda up & whipped her into Amanda & as the Cuties stood together in the corner , Sonia charged & Crushed them both with a Corner Splash & laughed as Brenda fell onto her front & Amanda fell right ontop of Brenda where Sonia stood over them & did a Bonsai Drop onto the pile before going to all 4 sides of the ring , doing the King Kong Thump to play the crowd .

By the time Sonia was done playing the crowd , Amanda had slid off Brenda a bit & Sonia moved in & pushed Amanda away like a little gnat & brought Brenda up & whipped her into the corner & then brought Amanda up & whipped her into Brenda where the 2 Cuties barely stood as Sonia again charged in & crushed them with a Corner Splash & when she moved , the 2 fell again , this time Amanda fell onto her front & Brenda fell right ontop of her & like she did before , Sonia stood over them & Bonsai Dropped down onto the pile , further crushing the Cuties .

Sonia brought Amanda up & Bodyslammed her to the mat & then brought Brenda up & Slammed her onto Amanda & as Brenda slid off Amanda from the momentum , Sonia grabbed her & Bodyslammed her again & then brought Amanda up & Bodyslammed her onto Brenda .

Sonia brought Amanda up a bit & bent her over backwards & lifted up her dress a bit so Amanda's face disappeared & what happened from there , who knows , but it could only be assumed it was some sort of smother & after 30 secs , Amanda fell out on the mat .

As Amanda lay still , Sonia brought Brenda up & bent her backwards as well & Brenda's face also disappeared under Sonia's dress for another assumed smother out until Brenda fell out of it next to Amanda .

With enough space between them for Sonia to wlak , she walked back & forth across their mids 5 times each before pushing them shoulder to shoulder & them was able to stand over them both while doing a split & Bonsai Dropped down onto them both , Squashing them equally in their inner Tit areas & remained seated as she hooked each of their outer legs & demanded a 20 count pin & neither Amanda or Brenda moved at any energy level that would give hope that they would kick out & neither did as the 20 count was Academic & welcomed at this time as the Fans cheered for Big Sonia as she racked up another win in ASCW .

You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline T aka Tony

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Re: All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 13 - Big Sonia vs Amanda Bynes & Brenda Song
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 05:08:31 AM »
Amanda is so hottt in defeet! Cheers! T


Offline chicharito

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Re: All-Star Celebrity Wrestling 13 - Big Sonia vs Amanda Bynes & Brenda Song
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 12:57:12 PM »
Big Sonia wins both