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Story:Girl Wrestler Joanne vs.? next fight

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Offline cager

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Story:Girl Wrestler Joanne vs.? next fight
« on: December 08, 2011, 10:19:54 AM »
Disclaimer:All fighters are 18 or Older!  Prologue:at a Hotel/Casino in Vegas, Girl Wrestler Joanne is just getting out of the Shower, Lil'Kim walks to Joanne,and Hands her a Robe,Telling Joanne,"Just Got Word,the Syndicate is still Not Letting Lucy Lui Face You! They're picking Your Opponent for Tonight's Match,which happens to be a Nude Pro Style Wrestling Match!"

Joanne is Surprised to hear this and Asks,"Think the Syndicate will Give me Another Prissy to Clobber?" Lil'Kim Grins and Replies,"Honey,I'd Love to see You MAUL that Skank Kim Kardashian but, She's Fighting to make Enough to Get out of Vegas! One Possible Opponent would be Shakira,or You might Face Britney! Who Knows?"

down the Road, at Another Hotel/Casino, the syndicate Big Wigs are Trying to Pick Girl Wrestler Joanne's Next Opponent. One Member Says,"Let's Toss Paris Hilton in with her." Another Replies,"Nah. Let's  Toss Shakira in with her." a Third Says,"How about we Pit Girl Wrestler Joanne against Avril Lavigne?" a Fourth Responds,"Let's Toss Miley Cyrus in with Joanne!" a Fifth Responds,"No. Let's Toss Lindsay Lohan in with Joanne!" a Sixth Responds,"Got it! Let's Toss Kelly Ripa in with Joanne,that Little Bitch Kelly Needs a Whipping!" a Seventh Replies,"Let's Toss  Jenna Jameson in with Joanne!" an Eighth  member Responds,"Let's have Gwen Stefani fight Joanne!" a Ninth Memeber Replies,"Got it! we'll Pit Joanne against Kourtney Kardashian, Let that Rich bitch get Beat!" they agree and Summon Kourtney Karadashian for the Fight!

Down the Road, at a Warehouse,Lady Gaga,Sunrise Adams,and Katy Perry are Enjoying the Sight of watching a Nude Fist Fight between Catherine Zeta-Jones & Kim Kardashian! the Fight is Almost Over,Both women are Total wrecks from all the Punches,Etc. the Fight Ends in a Double KO! Both women are Carried away while Gaga,Katy,and Sunrise Talk about the Upcoming Fight!

Lady Gaga tells Katy & Sunrise,"Ladies,We may Soon have Another Kardashian to watch Fight! Kourtney is scheduled to Fight Nude Against Girl Wrestler Joanne Tonight!" Katy Chuckles and Replies,"This will Be Fun watching Kourtney get Pussy whipped!"

The Fight:at a Club off the Vegas Strip, called 'The Palace of PAIN', a Ring waits,along with a Nude and Ready to Fight Girl Wrestler Joanne! Lil'Kim tells Joanne,"Your Opponent is Kourtney Kardashian,Kim Kardashian's Sister!"

Joanne Display's a Predatory grin and Replies,"Good. Anything You want me to do to Her?"

Lil'Kim Replies,"Just Make Her Scream,that's All!" Kourtney Kardashian,wearing a White Silk Robe,walks down the Aisle as Someone Yells,"Make Sure the Ambulance is Ready,Kardashian's Going Down!" Kourtney is Confused until she Spots Joanne and thinks,"FUCK! I'm Wrestling Her? those Ass Holes!"

as Soon as Kourtney gets to her Corner,she drops the Robe and the Bell Sounds!

the Two Women Lock up in a Test of Strength that ends with Joanne Catching Kourtney in a Side Headlock!

Kourtney Escpaes,but can Barely Breathe! Joanne waits for Kourtney to get herself together,and Charges at and Knocks Kourtney on her Ass,Much to the delight of the crowd!

Kourtney Realizes that Joanne is Ready and Starts Running around the ring,while the PA system starts Playing the 'Benny Hill Theme'! the crowd Laughs and Watches as Joanne Catches Kourtney and Clamps a Sleeper on Kourtney until the Kardashian Babe Goes out! The Bell Sounds! the fight is Over!

Post-Fight:2 Leather clad Female Bodybuilders load up Kourtney while Lil'Kim escorts Joanne back to the Hotel! in her Room,Joanne is STUNNED to see Porn Star Seka waiting! Seka gives Joanne a Kiss and asks,"Ready to Fuck,Sweetie?" Lil'Kim Slips out ! Later, Seka is seen leaving the Room and a Maid asks,"is Everything OK,Ma'am?"

Seka Nods and Replies,"Yes, My Friend needs her Rest,Would you Please Make Sure she Isn't Disturbed?" the Maid Nods and hangs a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the Knob and Leaves!

Even Later,Joanne awakens aboard a Lear Jet,with Lil'Kim sitting next to her! Lil'Kim tells Joanne,"Got word while you were Resting, the syndicate is Really Worried! They don't Want You & Lucy Fighting Again for a Month! We'll be Landing in Tampa,where Someone is waiting for You !"

Epilogue:Joanne is Surprised to Find Barocca waiting for her! Barocca tells Joanne,"Sweetie,I'm Taking You Shopping,then we're Gonna have some Fun!" they leave to go Shopping. Meanwhile, in Vegas,Kourtney Kardashian Comes to, Locked in a Dog Kennel!

This Story is dedicated to Girl wrestler Joanne!


Offline A_J 2012

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Re: Story:Girl Wrestler Joanne vs.? next fight
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2011, 05:39:36 AM »
 Not bad..i'd even offer to fight Joanne ;)
I'm known as the " One hit wonder", mainly because after i hit you,and you wake up, you'll be wondering what happened to you..