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Storie: DUSK TILL DAWN ALLEY FIGHT featuring Salma Hayek, Demi Moore and Madonna

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Offline Boundfighter

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Found on my HD and I will share with you ( Author HlywdCatft. Thx for his work :) )


featuring Salma Hayek, Demi Moore and Madonna

Beautiful Latin Goddess Salma Hayek had just finished her part in the filming of "From Dusk Till Dawn". It had been a long day and Salma was exhausted. After several takes in the very hot studio, Salma went to go cool off and smoke a Cuban cigar in the alley behind the studio. The Mexican hottie was dripping in sweat and was still dressed in her film attire a purple thong bikini and barefoot. While she took her well deserved break, Demi Moore who was filming "Strip Tease" in an adjacent studio came outside too. Demi's eyes caught hold of the Spanish beauty and anger boiled through her skin. Demi had wanted that part in "From Dusk Till Dawn" but was dumped for the younger, sexier(my opinion) Salma. Even though Salma is an experienced actress, she is relatively new in the U.S.

Demi who at this time still had long hair, walked over to Salma and began harassing her. "I bet you stuff that bikini top don't you bitch?" Demi jeered at Salma who was just minding her own business. Salma who is normally non-confrontational responded with "no I didn't." Salma really did not want to get involved in this altercation tried to ignore Demi, but Demi kept pestering her. Demi began challenging Salma to a fight, but Salma refused due to her lack of fighting experience and Demi's size and strength advantage. Demi pissed at Salma's refusal continued the insults "Was it hard to find bikini bottoms for that big Wetback ass of yours?" That finally touched off a nerve on Salma. Salma responded with "Don't ever call me a Wetback again you fucking washed up old bitch!!!!" Demi laughed and said "You're the one who will be washed up when I kick your taco ass back into the Rio Grande, it'll probably be the first time you bathed." Salma now was ready to fight after her heritage was insulted. Demi called her "Penocha grande" which means big pussy in Spanish.

Salma was now pissed, she charged Demi swinging a couple punches sloppily hitting Demi having little effect on her. Demi side stepped the angry Latin and kicked her in the stomach bringing Salma to her knees in pain. Demi swung Salma by her long black hair releasing her into some garbage cans making a loud clatter. Salma slowly got up just to be thrown into the walls on both sides of the alley several times back and forth by her hair. Demi picked the dazed Latina up by her hair and kneed her between her large boobs, both tits popping out of the purple bikini top. Demi punched Salma's big exposed tits several times sending them jiggling about, the bruizes almost immediately showing. Salma by now wished she never lunged at Demi and regretted not ignoring the older bitch. Demi next picked up the small Latin like she was nothing and slammed her hard onto the cement alley. Salma writhed in pain, her back had to have been hurt. Demi jumped onto Salma's tits a couple of times as she lay helpless on the ground. Demi sat Salma up and grabbed a decent sized rock and brought it against Salma's left tit bursting every blood vessel in it turning it purple. Salma screamed very loud in pain, loud enough for the people in the studios to hear, but they figured that was coming from someone elses studio as part of an act.

Salma begged and cried to Demi to stop, apologizing for what she said back to Demi after Demi started it. Demi grabbed ahold of Salma's fleshy mounds and stood her to her feet, Hayek looking at Moore very submissively with tears flowing from her eyes smearing her makeup. Demi threw the yet so far dominated Salma into the brick wall by her tits. Demi slammed poor Salma several times into the wall while holding her in air above her by her tits. Demi pinning the little Mexican against the wall twisted her tits. Salma cried and begged more in desperation. Demi ignored Salma still and kept twisting saying she was no where near done with her. Salma very scared and in tremendous pain noticed a warm wet feeling in her thong bottoms. Salma lost her bladder control soaking the thong completely, some of it leaking out onto Demi's leg. When Demi caught site of this, she laughed her ass off at Salma's childish move dropping Salma on her ass leaving her sitting in her drenched bottoms bawling her eyes out. Demi shot out a bunch of insults at Salma who sat there worrying that if the news got out about this her reputation would be ruined cried more. Demi swung Salma around by her tits releasing her into the wall again, sore and aching Salma hitting it with a thud. Demi caught site of a nail protruding from the nearby wooden fence, that's where she decided to hang Salma from by the front of her bikini bottoms, the piss soaked material going up her pussy giving her a major front wedgie. Demi found a rope nearby in the alley and used it to whip Salma in the back, Salma screaming every time it struck. Her tits convulsed everytime the rope struck her back.

Demi threw Salma off of the fence leaving the poor cute Mexican actress lying on the cement pulling the thong out of her cxnt slowly. But that did no good because Demi just lifted Salma in the air by her bikini bottoms, the wet material going back up her swollen pussy plus her ass crack. Demi threw the lucious Latin by her thong into the wall again a couple times, not being much left of Salma. Demi next pulled off Salma's soiled thong and threw it aside leaving Salma naked in the alley, but there was yet for anyone to notice this fight. Salma was kicked hard in her raw gash. Demi then began ripping Salma's pubic hair out making Salma scream very loud in hysterical pain. As Salma had her mouth open screaming, Demi stuffed clumps of black pubic hair in Salma's mouth.

Demi in an amazing show of strength lifted the dominated Latin up high above her head pressing her then dropping the much smaller beauty into the trash piles behind a nearby studio. Hayek then had her tits mauled again when Demi lifted her high in the air by them again this time slamming Salma cxnt first onto the pointy metal fence post, Salma's face turned white as she was about to pass out. Salma opened her mouth but nothing came out. Demi dragged Salma across the metal fencing by her legs, the sharp metal tearing at the poor woman's clit making it bleed and leaving it red and raw. Salma was slammed off the fence onto the ground, now left crying hysterically like a young girl while trying to stop the blood from her battered and torn pussy. Demi had to finish off Salma and figured this would put this young rising star out of her misery and out of Demi's hair. Demi grabbed Salma by her long and tangled black hair and stood the wobbling Latin to her feet. Demi unleashed a fierce uppercut that literally sent Salma flying in air unconscious into a wall slamming into it, then sliding down it upsidedown into a trash can head first. The only thing visible of Salma as she lay upsidedown in the trashcan was her beautiful ass and legs that dangled limply above her broken body. Demi took Salma's bikini top and stuffed it up the KO'd beauty's tan tush. Demi pulled the motionless Salma out of the trash can and threw her in the trash pile. Demi took Salma's still damp bikini bottoms and stuffed them in Salma's mouth. Demi piled trash on Hayek and strutted off thinking that maybe this will be a lesson to other younger and foreign actresses that try to steal her part...

Several hours later that night Salma woke up to see it now dark in the alley. It was now nighttime, around midnight. Salma had a bad taste in her mouth, a combination of blood, her own and also the taste of dried piss which was also her own left in her purple thong bikini bottoms that were stuffed in her mouth. Salma slowly got up out of the trash pile, but barely able to move from all the pain she was in by that tremendous beating at the hands of Demi Moore. Salma walked back nude toward her studio slowly carrying her soiled thong bottoms with her bikini top still hanging out of her ass. When Salma reached the door, she pulled the bikini top out. She turned the door handle it opened, someone must have accidentally left the studio door open. Salma went her dressing room and looked at herself in the mirror which she regretted doing seeing how much damage was done to her. Her once beautiful face was mangled and covered with dried blood. Her right eye swollen shut and purple. There was dried blood coming from her nose. There were bruises on her forehead and she had a swollen lip. Her hair was a tangled mess with dried blood in it. Salma then examined her tits. Her left tit was smashed up pretty badly and left completely dark purple from the rock that struck it, her right one all bruised from being twisted and punched. Salma then examined her womanhood. Her once hairy pussy was almost balded with not much black pubic hair left after being ripped out. Her labia was all black and blue, her clit cut up from the fence. Salma wanted to shower real bad, but she couldn't being that there was no shower at the studio. She wanted to get home so she could. Salma tried to clean as much dried blood off of her at the sink as she could. Salma then put on a short tight black lace dress without any panties to let her sore pussy air out and heal. Salma left the studio walking through that dark alley again to her car when she saw a moving shadow. Several thoughts crossed her mind. She hoped it wasn't Moore again, but she also hoped it wasn't the media to see her all fucked up like this, actually she hoped it wasn't anyone. If anyone saw her like this, it would get all around.

"Well bitch," said a voice. "I guess you learned your lesson about new bitches in town not taking parts from experienced actresses like us, or will I have to teach you too?"

Salma strained her eyes to see the shadowy figure. At once the mysterious person jumped out into the light, it was Madonna.

"You Mexican cxnt!!! You stole that part from me!!!" said Madonna. "I am going to beat your pinata ass to pieces!!!"

"I didn't steal your part!" said Salma. "It was given to me because you are a washed up old has been!"

After that comment, Madonna immediately struck Salma across the face open handed sending her flying into a wall. Salma charged Madonna, but Madonna ducked down and back flipped the younger dark haired actress over her back into the trash pile once again. Salma slowly got up but Madonna put her back down again by striking her over the head with an aluminum trash can cutting Salma right above her eye. Madonna grabbed Salma by her hair and whipped her face first into the metal fence opening back up several cuts. Madonna grabbed Salma by the hair again and punched the smaller actress in the face spinning her in air leaving poor Salma lying face down in the cement alley. Salma was picked up by her long black hair again and kicked in her tits. Salma was not wearing a bra and when she was kicked her tits came out of her lace dress not protected leaving them open for more punishment.

Madonna picked Salma up in air and held her upside down, Salma's dress flying up above her waist, with no undies her naked cxnt and ass was fully exposed and in Madonna's face. Madonna started getting hungry for some Mexican food in the form of Salma. Madonna hung Salma by her legs upside down on the fence the dress floating up to her tits. Drops of sweat on Salma's pussy glistened in the moonlight on what was left of her pubic hair. Madonna began pummeling her now exposed belly with fists before firing off several shots to the crotch. Salma was thrown to the ground and had her dress fully removed leaving her once again totally naked to be destroyed this time by the hands of the older singer/actress. Madonna grabbed the same large rock that Demi used and smashed up Salma's other tit with it leaving it identical to the other. Madonna used the rock to smash Salma's snatch cracking her pubic bone.

Madonna pulled off her own pants and grabbed the Latin beauty by her hair forcing her head up to the older actresses pussy. Madonna made Salma into her personal slave first by making the Mexican cutie lick her pussy while holding her hair. Madonna had several orgasms soaking Salma's pretty face. Madonna got bored and tied Salma by her hands chest first up against a pole. Madonna happened to have a whip on her being the sadistic bitch she is and began whipping Hayek. Madonna whipped Salma several times nearly into unconciousness as Salma's head drooped down from the pain and the painful cries got quieter and quieter. Madonna untied Salma who fell limply to the ground motionless. Madonna then began grinding her heal into Salma's bruised tits making Salma scream more. Madonna then grinded her heal into Salma's swollen cxnt, Salma's whole body convulsing in pain. Madonna then rolled Salma onto her stomach with her feet. Madonna then grinded her heal into Salma's sexy ass, the heal going up the dominated Latina's asshole. Madonna then commanded Hayek to lick her heal clean, Salma obeyed and did so.

As Salma lay on her stomach crying after what she's had to go through, Madonna grabbed what was left of Salma's black lace dress and wrapped it around Salma's neck and stood her to her feet by it choking her. Madonna tied it around Salma's neck putting her immediately unconscious. Madonna went through Salma's bag and found the soiled bikini bottoms and stuffed them back into Salma's mouth. Madonna found a piece of paper and wrote on it: "This is what happens when you hire some young 'wetback' diva over me, she'll wind up in the trash. I will personally make sure that this cxnt's career will stink as much as she does!" Madonna took the note and stuffed it into Salma's pussy then picked the unconscious Latin beauty up and dumped her into one of the dumpsters behind the studio and shut the lid. Madonna left a sign on the dumpster that said "Send this smelly trash to Mexico" Madonna strutted off taking Salma's sexy purple bikini top as a souvenir of yet another trophy of a broken body she has left behind.

The next day when one of the studio hands was taking some trash to the dumpster, he opened the lid to hear a moan. He was shocked at what he saw. During the filming of From Dusk Till Dawn he had fallen in love with Salma Hayek, but now there his dream girl was lying barely conscious and barely recognizable in a dumpster with her black dress around her throat, bikini bottoms in mouth, and a note shoved up her cxnt. He took out the note and read it, then hurried up and carried Salma out of the dumpster just as the garbage truck was coming down the alley. He had made it in time.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2011, 02:16:48 PM by Boundfighter »
I have only one rule. Fun for both is the most importent thing :) and THINK POSITIVE :D Carpe Diem


Offline de Trixah

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Very nice story, altough Madonna was really unfair attacking the already so much weakened Salma.  ;D

Also probably a good idea, to post stories from others - as long as yo dont claim tro be the author -to get rid of the lack of stories, what many people here already complained about.
As I am not a good writer (already in school not good) and not an english-native-speaker, I probably wont write stories here.
But I have a collection of stories, but that are mostly from Kim&Ginny. I might also publish some of them, if people want, but because the site is still online (, its probably unnecessary. Maybe I have some stories from more obscure sources, but I dont know.


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Thanks for the post bound  and to Trixah for the Kim&Ginny link i think to post stories from other authors is ok as it means more get to read the storys and its more of a  tribute to the author  than plagiarism as long as you dont claim the story as your owne  ;D
love the video game character Chun li from street fighter she was one of the few good female characters i have a chun li fancy dress costume if i had to pick a character to be it woud be her.


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Salma always makes a nice victim of a one-sided fight  :)
You never grow old until you stop being young