Last part. I hope y'all like it!

Mistress’s high-heeled boot crashed down into Jennifer’s belly.
The brunette’s breath exploded from her as her abdominals contracted, curling her body involuntarily. As Jennifer rolled to her side, Mistress struck again, this time delivering a vicious kick to the center of Jen’s lower spine, causing her victim to cry out and arch her back. Jen rolled onto her stomach, her right arm curled behind her to the impact point on her back.
Mistress did not give the stricken brunette a moment’s pause. Straddling her victim, Mistress seated herself on Jennifer’s thighs and quickly twisted both Jennifer’s wrists behind the brunette’s back. Before Jennifer could respond, Mistress lashed her wrists together with her own lace bra. The redhead then gripped Jennifer’s hair and savagely yanked her head back, leaning down to hiss in the trussed dancer’s ear.
“Think your bra has a time limit? Give me what I want…give me your submission…and you’ll be free of me.”
Jennifer knew she was in deep trouble. With her hands lashed together behind her back, she was virtually helpless against this black-hooded woman with the entire arsenal of the dungeon at her disposal. Her body…her copious breasts particularly…throbbed with pain, and she knew defiance at this moment would only prolong and intensify her suffering. Her conscious mind wanted desperately to quit.
But her will was strong…her spirit fiery and unquenchable. She’d never given up…never given in to an opponent before. In that second, her will overcame her mind.
“Go fuck yourself…” She heard herself say.
“Oh, little puppy,” Mistress chuckled, “You’re enjoying this huh? Me too! Glad to see my playground is to your liking!” Mistress leapt to her feet and dragged Jennifer up using her bound wrists. Jennifer groaned as fire built in her twisted shoulders. With her arms bent up and back, she was forced to lean dramatically forward at the waist, throwing off her balance. As Mistress continued to lift her wrist high behind her, Jennifer could only totter on her toes, her shoulders gradually burning hotter and hotter as the angle they were bent increased.
Jennifer heard a ‘CLICK’…Mistress had locked her bound wrists to one of the hanging straps.
“Let’s see what fun we can have NOW!” At the final word, Mistress punched Jennifer between her legs.
The suddenness and ferocity of the punch caused the brunette to bellow in agony, her legs folding beneath her. However, doing so twisted her arms backwards even more, threatening to dislocate both her shoulders if she dropped her full weight on them. By sheer will, Jennifer managed to keep her feet, forcing her shaking legs to hold her weight.
Mistress stepped to Jennifer’s left and began driving savage uppercuts into the dancer’s exposed belly. With no time between blows to consider any defensive action, Jennifer could only focus on staying on her feet. The powerful punches lifted the helpless woman up to her toes with every impact, forcing guttural grunts and howls from her lungs. Jennifer’s head tossed and her stomach muscles cramped as Mistress happily beat her battered belly red.
After dozens of blows, Mistress inexplicably paused. Jennifer barely stayed upright, her head hung forward and her eyes clamped shut. She moaned over and over through tightly clenched teeth, trying with all her might to force her quaking legs to hold her weight.
As Jennifer cracked her eyes open, she saw through blurring tears that Mistress had moved to stand in front of her. Jennifer could just make out the jeering, taunting smile…
Mistress twisted, sending a brutal kick into Jennifer throbbing crotch. Jennifer was lifted completely from the floor. Even as she screamed in anquished pain…even as agony exploded through her lower belly…Jennifer knew she was going to collapse, and her arms would torque up behind her, and her shoulders would be completely destroyed, and there was nothing she could do to stop it…
The strap’s latch clicked open just as Jennifer’s arms began to twist past the breaking point. Released from the overhead strap, the brunette crumpled into a heap on the floor.
Her forehead on the chamber’s floor, Jennifer was wracked with sobs, groans, and coughing. Her belly felt like it was stuffed with molten lead, and her stomach muscles cramped over and over trying to expel it. Jennifer continued for several seconds to cough and dry heave, unable to motivate herself to even open her eyes.
Jennifer felt Mistress grab a handful of her hair and the waistband of her panties, releasing a series of pitiful cries as Mistress lifted her up and back by those two handholds, causing her scalp and groin to burn anew. Mistress dragged her victim to the padded bench and draped Jennifer backwards across it, clamping a handy leather cuff around Jen’s elbow. Jennifer’s head and shoulders draped back over one side of the bench, her legs and pelvis the other, and her arms trapped underneath her spine. Upside down, Jennifer saw Mistress’s boots step to either side of her head.
In one last act of defiance, Jennifer snapped her teeth on Mistress’s leg. However, the leather boot was too slick for her teeth to gain purchase. With a chuckle, Mistress began slapping the leather blackjack down into Jennifer’s taut belly.
Where Mistress’s punches had blasted pain deep into Jennifer’s belly, the blackjack crashed across her skin like a thousand white-hot needles. Blow after blow smashed down on Jennifer, held helpless and immobile by the bench’s strap and Mistress’s boots on her hair. The brunette tossed her head and wailed at this new assault on her already-battered body, her cries becoming piercing screams as Mistress slapped the blackjack back and forth across Jennifer’s breasts. The dancer’s will shrieked its defiance at her abuser as her screams of pain were peppered with “FUCK YOU!!!” again and again. The meaty thwacks mingled with Jennifer’s cries and curses as Mistress continued to beat the helpless woman, until again, just as the timer released Jennifer’s arm from the restraining strap, Mistress slammed the blackjack into Jennifer’s abused pussy, striking with it held edge-on and sending a lightning bolt of pure agony searing through Jennifer’s body.
Gone were all conscious thoughts. Gone was any awareness of her surroundings. Jennifer’s mind was totally overloaded with pain, her body completely ablaze with agony. That final blow between her glistening thighs had eradicated any thought of defiance and any energy to move her tortured muscles. Shock overwhelmed the brunette, body and spirit. How long she lay sprawled over the bench, she couldn’t tell.
Vaguely, Jennifer was aware of motion…aware that she was being moved. Mistress worked with a casual air…Jennifer was broken, no doubt about it.
Again, it was Mistress’s tongue which brought Jennifer back to full awareness, this time drawing circles across her bare back. Jennifer tried to move, but found all she could shift was her head. She was draped face-down over the settee, the high humped end placed under her pelvis. Her legs draped down the side of the couch with her knees not quite touching the floor, and her body lay cradled along the seat’s length sloping down from her hips. Her wrists had been freed and her arms stretched above her head so her hands draped over the far end of the settee. Both her wrists and her knees were secured to the couch by leather thongs. A small part of Jennifer’s mind recognized she was TIED to the settee…there was no electronic time limit on these restraints.
And the restraints were barely necessary. Jennifer’s body felt like it was filled with hot pudding…her muscles beaten to the point of uselessness. Even without the restraints, Jennifer knew she’d never be able to lift herself off the couch.
Jennifer could feel Mistress’s breasts as they moved rhythmically against her lower back…could feel the redhead’s tongue as it twirled along her spine…could feel her tormentor’s gloved hands gripping her hips. Suddenly, it all became familiar. Like an irresistible thunderbolt of déjà vu, the brunette KNEW she’d been here before, KNEW she’d experienced this before…
…and KNEW what came next. A wail of pure, anguished degradation built in her throat.
Mistress thrust her hips forward, driving the great dildo she had strapped about her pelvis directly into Jennifer’s abused pussy. The great rubber rod slid straight into the brunette, stretching and spreading her already-bruised lips about its girth, filling her to capacity and beyond. The wail erupted from Jennifer, rising in pitch to a shrill squeal.
The redhead began to pump her massive rod out and in, slamming it into Jennifer again and again. Despite the fresh revulsion and degradation, despite the battering of her pummeled pussy, Jennifer began to feel the hot sexual sensations building in her belly. She could feel herself grow wet. Against her will, Jennifer could feel herself WANT the rod.
Mistress slammed the rod in once more and fell forward, bringing her lips beside Jennifer’s ear.
“You’re going to give me what I want, little puppy,” the redhead hissed.
Jennifer, her desire fighting with what was left of her will, could only sob, “G-G-Gawwwd…P-Please…D-D-Don’t…”
“You know you’ll give in.” Mistress continued, “You always do. Submit to me, and you can leave. Don’t…” Mistress retracted her thrust slightly, “…and I’ll split you wide open.”
Jen’s eyes went wide. “N-N-N-NO! P-PLEASE DON’T! P-P-PLEASE!”
Mistress grabbed Jennifer’s hair roughly and hissed in her ear, “Submit!”
Jennifer closed her eyes. Tears ran freely down her cheeks, as much from degradation as pain. She clenched her teeth together.
She said nothing.
“Very well,” Mistress giggled. She yanked the massive dildo out of her victim and rubbed its glistening tip against her asshole.
“N-no…Please…Please don’t! Don’t! PleaaAAAARGH!” Jennifer screamed as Mistress slowly pressed the rod into her ass, stretching, filling, splitting her.
As the rod sank into her victim, Mistress shouted, “SUBMIT!”
Jennifer’s mind was awash in mingled sensations…agony, lust, violation, desire, helplessness, passion, victimization…
Mistress drew the rod out and pressed again. “SUBMIT TO ME BITCH!!!”
Jennifer awoke with a start.
She was in her bedroom, in bed next to her husband, covered with only a sheet. Her naked body was coated in sweat. She felt like she’d just run a marathon…her heart was racing, her breath came in sharp gasps.
In the few seconds it took her to control her breathing, she was overcome with fiery, white-hot lust. She rolled over and gently took her husbands penis in hand, lightly stroking his member into erection even before he was fully awake.
“HMMM…another dream again huh?” he said, rubbing his eyes.
“Yes. Take me now. Please.” She said huskily. Quickly she rolled away from him.
“Boy, I wish you’d share them with me.” He said as he spooned up behind her. He was much taller than Jennifer, and easily maneuvered his now-hard member into her hot and slick pussy from behind. Both moaned in pleasure as he began to rhythmically thrust into her.
“Yes. Yes…yes…” Jennifer breathed in time to his thrusts, “Yessss…yes, Mistress…”
He stopped. “What did you say?”
“I said ‘Yes Mister’. You’re the Man!” She replied.
“Ahhh…” He said and began thrusting again. Jennifer smiled into her pillow as orgasmic sensations began to sweep across her.