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  • 23 Replies

Offline BigDevil

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« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2012, 08:14:30 AM »
A poster in NY, Calif or Texas, et al, may easily have an IP addy in N. Dakota.

Go figure.

My ISP changes my IP addy every time i reboot.
Have fun and tussle.


Offline Busty Judy D

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« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2012, 02:44:05 PM »
A poster in NY, Calif or Texas, et al, may easily have an IP addy in N. Dakota.

Go figure.

My ISP changes my IP addy every time i reboot.

Same. I'm a new person every time I turn on the computer. But I rarely vote in polls, so I guess that's OK.

Whew!  What a relief to see that at least someone around here has a sense of humor.  Thanks, HB.

So you finally found The One!


Offline BigDevil

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« Reply #17 on: March 15, 2012, 05:09:02 AM »
A poster in NY, Calif or Texas, et al, may easily have an IP addy in N. Dakota.

Go figure.

My ISP changes my IP addy every time i reboot.

Same. I'm a new person every time I turn on the computer. But I rarely vote in polls, so I guess that's OK.

I never vote in the polls either.
Have fun and tussle.


Offline Holger (mogli1973)

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« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2012, 05:16:23 PM »
this is a never ending "story".....

i can't believe that someone still think all "celeb girls" are real...maybe some women here are real (sorry to them) but mostly here are poser
but as long as it is in cyber and for fun i can live with this faker....

but if they call you out for an irl fight and the other one think this would really happen, cos she likes to fight IRL thats sick and not okay.

this problem couldn't be solve, so i could only give the hint - who ever didn't want to talk with poser or so ignore them and let them their fun
here.... the forum is big enough for all.....   poser, irl woman, irl man...

i can live with poser, i tink i have a few on my buddy list. i'll be polite, respect there private, fantasy and/or fetish from everyone.



Offline Holger (mogli1973)

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« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2012, 05:41:05 PM »

Best thing to do is to just forget about the p people, yes they are here and it comes down a choice if you wish to play with them or not.

IMHO if you believe that cyber is based on trust and respect then the choice is clear, if not then it's your own call, but remember some people are here to do more than fight, they want relationships to bolster low self esteem away from the cyber world especially if they are socially awkward in real life

You also have the game players who think that emotions are divorced from role play because of it being cyber and thus they will purposely hurt your feelings, also if you it's best to avoid them because every little cyber melodrama you will sucked into.

The site has it's issue's John at one stage said he would not allow more than one id from the same ip address, that fell by the wayside due to reason's never explained by him, all you can do is keep your eyes open and make your own decisions based on how you feel about the situation you are in at THAT time.

I can't say more, only thats more then right. Some can live with them other not. Everyone has to decide for his/her own if he/she want to talk or fight with poser or not.
as long as it is only in the cyber and mostly (where i thought they are poser) hold it in the cyber world and don't want do anything IRL...

but all what take a place in the IRL life of the other one, god thats more then ugly. some manner and respect to each other would really help.

in the last few minutes i thought about this problem.... one idea was to get a third gender.... "poser", but i think most poser wouldn't use it.
some of them would use it, so everyone can decide by themself contact or not with them....


Offline HB

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« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2012, 05:44:56 PM »
The whole poser hunt thing is a waste of time.  It's happened and will continue to happen.  Don't forget that fantasy is the one of the main drives here.

If someone is posing and they get along with everyone else and no one complains and no one really knows...well more power to them.  It is only when they become an irritant or troublemaker that anyone should be concerned.   Do I REALLY think Ewa Sonnet, Jordan Price actually are members here?  Hell no.  It is funny more than anything.

There are women here who "pose" as different personalities from their real lives, and sure, men who pose as women.  I know one lady personally who is in upper management, straight laced, responsible, but here she lives out her fantasy as a lusty neighborhood dress ripping catfighter.  She's not that in real life.

What really raises an eyebrow is the need to "out" members who, from what I can see, were not bothering or harrassing anyone.  Hmmm.


Offline Holger (mogli1973)

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« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2012, 05:50:26 PM »
The whole poser hunt thing is a waste of time.  It's happened and will continue to happen.  Don't forget that fantasy is the one of the main drives here.

If someone is posing and they get along with everyone else and no one complains and no one really knows...well more power to them.  It is only when they become an irritant or troublemaker that anyone should be concerned.   Do I REALLY think Ewa Sonnet, Jordan Price actually are members here?  Hell no.  It is funny more than anything.

There are women here who "pose" as different personalities from their real lives, and sure, men who pose as women.  I know one lady personally who is in upper management, straight laced, responsible, but here she lives out her fantasy as a lusty neighborhood dress ripping catfighter.  She's not that in real life.

What really raises an eyebrow is the need to "out" members who, from what I can see, were not bothering or harrassing anyone.  Hmmm.

Better i couldn't write it - 100% agreed


Offline T aka Tony

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« Reply #22 on: June 20, 2012, 05:23:10 AM »
Now here is a subject that should be in General Discussion rather then Board News.



Online Nutmeg

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« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2012, 07:24:28 AM »
  Do I REALLY think Ewa Sonnet, Jordan Price actually are members here?  Hell no.  It is funny more than anything.

Two federal crimes, copyright infringement and false personation/impersonation, are more funny than anything?

Not half as funny as some clown impersonating someone with 2 Master's degrees being unable to realize US federal law may not apply here.  Or have you added intellectual property lawyer to your claims now? here's the thing you are missing pal:

The enforcement of copyright is the responsibility of the copyright holder. SO if Ewa or Jordan or George Lucas doesn't give a damn about it (which I sense is the case if they even know. I mean , yeah I'll pay for a cease and desist order on a fetish site. By God that would be on my list of priorities. ). And impersonation..are they soliciting money or signing documents as these people? Well if they are are an idiot :) Sadly masturbation to a false ID likely doesn't cut it under 'injury to the defrauded party'. And given how so many are porn stars I sense the damage to reputation won't work either..

Personally I am more bothered by some people's portrayal of women. Maybe you find allegedly grown women acting and typing the way 16 year girls talk to be cute, but sometimes you feel like a black person in a room full of people in blackface looking for fried chicken and watermelon who think they are being cute too.
Now reading: "Never Again" by Francis King