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Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1

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Offline stormbolt7

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Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« on: June 10, 2012, 06:43:13 AM »
The ships began entering the bay, as their holds were full of Spanish treasure. We would have to anchor in deeper water, and use the long boats to get things moving onto the island.
I had met with captain BustyTiffany35 on her own ship, the CatsClaws. Tiffany was dressed in very little, the platinum blonde beauty, looking as fit, and fine. As any woman anywhere in the world. Her skin seeming to glow, under the tropical sun.
Tiffany led me to her quarters, as I hear something begin bumping against the walls, I rush in cutlass in hand. Tiffany laughing behind me.
I find a crisply dressed, beautiful and bound Suneha.
Suneha had been one of the spanish captains, that Tiffany had enjoyed tying up. After we had beaten them, and the treasure was ours.
"Little slut, tried fighting me again today, had to tie her up again." Tiffany informs me, as Suneha's eyes rake her. Yet the dark haired beauty seemed to show a mix of anger at her captor. While something else seemed to please her, being beaten and bound this way.
I would leave that to Tiffany to deal with, as the buxom blonde seemed to enjoy it as well.
"Let's get everything ashore, then we wil meet, discuss plans, and enjoy a deserved rest." I inform her.
Tiffany was a stunning woman, so it made it easier to look her in the eye, when talking. As her large breasts heaved firmly and almost naked before me.
"Aye captain Storm, looking forward to rum, sun, and rest myself." She replies, as we part, for me to visit Lisa.
Captain Lisa was new master of the Bondage. The attractive long legged red head, had proven her worth catfighting, and in battle.
"So Captain Storm, you enjoying my beatenslut?" Lisa asks smiling.
Jen, also known as Lil Ms BS had been captain of the ship. Lisa had beaten her, yet when asked her fate. I had agreed to take her on my vessel, as part of my crew.
Jen was beautiful, face and figure. She may not win all the time, but she was a spirited catfighter. Now I was seeing she was becoming a fine pirate in her own right.
"Two wins and a loss." I inform Lisa. Letting her know, while on board, she had already been in three catfights. Jen winning two, and losing one.
"Well anytime you need me to." "I am more than willing to remind her, she was my beaten slut!!" Lisa says happily.
I inform her of the plans to get things ashore. Then head back to my own ship the BloodStorm.
The crews of all three ships working well together, as supplies, treasure, and crews headed onto the shore of BitchSlap Island.
I am in my cabin, as someone comes pounding at the door. "Captain mad woman, foaming at the mouth she is!" "Captain Storm, quick let me in!!" I hear the voice of a treasured, yet at times mischievious member of my crew.
I open the door, she bolts in, and slams it behind us.
"Explain yourself Megan23." I tell her, as I face her, and beging to feel myself blush.
Megan was young, very pretty, and also almost naked.
Her body was slender, yet her bare breasts heaved hard nippled and nicely before me.
Long brunette hair hanging past her shoulders, as I waited for her to explain things.
Megan maybe was not as buxom as other catfighting pirates. Yet she had more than enough to please, in the way of womanly curves. Megan also had a heart able to fight, as well as love those she cared about.
Small in stature, she at times fought like some of the wild Tiggers heard of on tropical islands. Fierce bouncing, fighting creatures. That everyone knew to keep content and happy.
Her hips, sex, and firm butt, having something wrapped around it at least.
I knew three things at this moment.
One Megan was an attractive woman, with a lovely face, and body.
Two Megan enjoyed the company of ladies, which was her preference, and fine with me.
Third, as she stood here topless, reminding me of the fact she definately was a woman. I knew she had done something sneaky to someone.
"Well pirate Megan out with it!!"
"Sir, I must report, she has sea sickness, and may have to be thrown overboard!!" Megan tells me, just as someone else begins pounding on my door.
"I am going to kill her, Captain, give that evil kitty to me, hand her over please!!" The woman's voice pleads, between fist pounding my door.
I give a piercing gaze at Megan, who is trying not to giggle, while trying to look innocent.
"Bucket of water over the door?" I ask.
"Captain, she was so gloomy this morning, I had to do something!!" Megan replies, as I try not to laugh.
"Pirate Emily, enter and report!!" I say loud enough to be heard over the hitting on the door.
I open it, and Emily comes barreling in, off balance. Maybe ready to use her whole body, to try and force the door open.
"Let me at her, let me at her!!" Emily says, as her body strains against mine, while I am sure. Megan was behind me sticking her tongue out, at her victim.
A few things I knew about Emily.
Emily was a catfighting pirate, to have with you, whenever or where ever. I would wish to have this dark haired beauty, on my ship, part of my crew anytime she was willing to be.
I also knew Emily in face, was one of the prettiest catfighters I had ever seen.
Now as she stood chest heaving, and topless. I began to realize, Emily was one of the sexiest catfighters I had ever seen.
Emily had an impressive figure. Yet until now, as her chest heaved naked, wet, and hard nippled before me. I honestly had not realzied how buxom, and firm her chest was.
Her body very toned, glistening from water, and head to toe. One of the finest looking ladies I had ever seen.
"Now pirate Emily, knowing how playful Megan can be." "Can you tell me, what kind of punishment, you had in mind for my beloved shipmate Megan?" I ask, still trying to catch my breath, over how stunning she was.
"Tar and feather her?" Emily offers, as I feel Megan slip up, and press behind me.
"Shall I have her tied, and gagged captain?" Megan playfully ads in.
"I be thinking no to both plans." I answer.
"Throw her overboard, and see if an evil kitty can swim?" Emily asks.
"Oh she can, how about bouncin on her belly, till she cries auntie!!" Megan tosses back.
"Again, not to my liking." I add, wondering what it would be like. Having a smart, sexy pirate, as lovely as Emily more than a friend or shipmate.
"How about I tickle her till she pees?" Emily throws back, her temper cooling, and calm logic coming back.
"Carry on pirate Emily." I pronounce gleefully, as I shift out of the way, and head to the door.
"Captain ... lock her up.... throw away the key!!" Megan pleads, as Emily rushes in, grabs her, and they go down to the floor together.
Megan giggling, and still trying to pretend being scared. "Captain ... if you look, her ass is as nice as her boobs!" Megan taunts both of us, as Emily cries out, before burying Megan's pretty face, between her heaving breasts.
"Maybe next your face meets my ass!!" Emily taunts, then begins giggling, at something Megan is doing, as they tumble to the floor together.
"By my orders, my cabin is yours ladies!!" I announce to them both.
"Aye aye captain!!" I hear from both, as they go back to wrestling, and being playful with each other.
Glad for Emily's recovery, from her captivity. I post a watch on my cabin, and warn. That no one was to disturb them.
I left knowing, soon tenderness and some passion would be shared. Trying to stop thinking how pleasing both ladies looked, half dressed.
I think of how sooner or later, Emily would drench Megan with a bucket of water. While my main thoughts went back.
Thinking of Jessica, and her ship the Auburn Snatch. Thoughts of her lovely daughter Kayla, and Tortuga.
It is later, the beaches full of laughing, singing, drinking or catfighting pirates. The ships unloaded, the full celebration begins.
After meeting with Tiffany and Lisa. It is decided I would head to Tortuga, and answers.
They would rest, refit, and head out to sea. The two lovely captains trying to find what they could, about phony informants, with lies, and traps for pirates.
We would meet at already determined places and times.
If one of us missing the redevouz, the other two would try for the rescue. Things all settled, we let the crews cut free, and enjoy our victory together.
The next day, the sun rose over the palm trees, as I woke on the beach. I considered it a good omen, as I noticed Tiffany had fallen asleep leaning against me. She was clothed, nothing had happened between us. Yet you could not deny, it a good start, waking to see one of the most beautiful ladies on the island, curled beside you.
Tiffany even looking wonderful, just waking up for the day. Her eyes first darting to her clothing. A smile spreading across her pretty face, as she sees, she had not been taken advantage of.
A woman like her, you treated as a lady. If she did consent, then you just found a treasure more pleasing than gold.
"Morning captain, think we drank enough rum?" She asks, while smiling. The fact we both had fallen asleep on the beach, proving we had.
"Sober or drunk, your always easy on the eyes Captain Tiffany." I reply, as she rises, and I enjoy how her nubile body, moves so gracefully.
"Two more days we sail?" She asks.
I nod my head, "Aye, the crews rested, then Tortuga for me." I reply.
"Hmmmm care to join me for a swim, then watch as I kick some bitches ass?" Tiffany asks.
Seeing the platinum blonde beauty, standing looking so lovely. How could I do anything but agree??
The tide was right, the ships heading out, as the island dropped behind us.
People I cared for where in peril, and someone was selling us pirates out. I hoped I could find Kayla. I hoped Jessica was all right.
Yet I also hoped we got our hands on the traitor or traitors. To show them how pirates dealt with their like.
The tavern was filling, as I entered and found a usual spot. It was good being back in Tortuga. Along the bar a petite young beauty, was enjoying a drink.
She was kind of a Lil Bit, yet she had a pretty face, and dazzling smile.
Her brunette hair, short, yet framing her face just right.
She had a blouse tied across her top, while leaving her belly bare. Her curves were pleasing, and could not be doubted this was all woman.
Her shorts showing some shapely legs, as well as strong one.
I I did not yet know her name, yet I did know. I wanted to meet this pretty lady.
Then I notice trouble heading her way.
Veronica, was close to six feet tall. Had large breasts, long blonde hair, with a personality for starting trouble.
Her sister, Josie, was slightly taller, less buxom, and red haired, and tempered.
The two sisters were dressed in halter style tops, and short skirts. Basically everything but the essentials showing on both ladies, as they headed towards the pretty brunette.
I begin to get up from my chair. I had fun and problems with both sisters in the past. Yet I was not going to sit by, and see them team up on the lady, I thought of as Lil Bit.
Veronica, shoves into her, knocking her drink over her front. "Hey you stupid bitch, watch where your going!!" The feisty brunette says, as the cold beverage soaks her top. Letting me see, she was slightly more busty, than I gave her credit for.
"Shut your hole little girl, unless you want my sister to beat, and spank you!!" Josie answers back.
"You can call me Laurie Breeze, and don't make me have to tame you sluts in public!!" Laurie replies, as I already know, I like this lady.
"Big Sis!!!!" I hear, as heads turn, and a slender attractive blonde heads towards the three.
"Hey Lil Sis Sara.... see how big whores are, this town?" Laurie taunts, as Veronica, and Josie part, then circle to both sides of them.
I pause, now curious, as both ladies in the middle are smaller, yet not worried about the other two ladies.
"Hey huggles..... any ideas Laurie?" Sara asks, as they hug, while all eyes now watch.
"Huggless back Sara." "I think it is time for Brat power, how about you?" Laurie ads.
"Yeahhh Brats R Us Skanks!!" Sara replies, as they break the hug, give battle cries, and fling themselves at the woman, behind the other lady.
The crowd erupts in shouts, and wagers, as Laurie slams into Josie, taking her down. While Sara slams into Veronica, both blondes going to the floor together.
Veronica's top flying open, as Sara begins to slap, and pound  on her heaving breasts.
Josie is crying out, as Laurie mounts her, yanking her head by her red hair, while slapping her face. Using her other hand to do the stinging damage.
"Spill my drink whores!" Laurie says gleefully, as attacks her opponent.
I know I am taking a risk, yet I begin betting on the smaller ladies. Like others of my pirate crew. The size of the catfighters heart, usually helped win things.
These two may have been Lil, but they had heart!! I down some beer, and wince, as Laurie's sodden top is torn open.
Josie getting a hand, on her nice sized, firm right breast. Laurie crying out, as Josie begins squeezing, and twisting the pert tit. Then a bucking motion of her body, and Laurie is dislodged.
Josie quickly diving after the pretty brunette.
Sara was having problems keeping Veronica down, as the buxom blonde writhed, arched, and manages to land a fist to Sara's side.
Lil Sara leaning in, to try and ease the pain, as Veronica grabs her by her top. Sara's top shredding, even as Veronica flings her aside, and Sara's pert breasts spill free.
Veronica rolling, and trying to use her long leg, to kick Sara to the side of her head.
Her foot, just landing a glancing blow, as Sara rolls away. Yet the kick stunning her slightly.
Laurie sees Sara in trouble, just as Josie launches herself, to try and splash her body onto Laurie Breezes.
Both ladies basically stripped almost naked. Their bodies showing claw marks, and bruises.
Laurie's legs bending, her knees coming up, just in time. As Josie lands, cries out in pain, as the wind is driven from her body.
Veronica is stripping Sara naked, as she slaps and punches the pretty young blonde.
"Bombs away brat sis!!" Laurie cries out, as she surges away from Josie, to crash into Veronica.
The buxom blonde being driven off Sara.
Even as gasping for air. Josie tries to come to her own sisters aid.
Arms and legs flailing, as Laurie, and Veronica do more damage to each other.
"Incoming Brat sis!!" Sara cries out, as she lunges, slamming into Josie's legs.
 Laurie jerking out of the way, as Josie, crashes into Veronica, sending them both sprawling to the floor.
Laurie, and Sara both mounting one of the dazed sisters.
Laurie motioning for a beer, which I gladly hand her.
Once the battle had turned, I had gotten a very tidy sum bet against the brats.
"Here you go whore, don't mess with Brat power!!" Laurie says, dumping the beer over Veronica's writhing figure.
"Yeahhh and we happen to be Brats R Us Bitches!!" Sara ads, as wagers are paid off, and I invite the two ladies to my table.
Tracy, one of my favorite waitresses, giving me a note, while agreeing to find the two attractive ladies some untorn clothing to wear.
I get them fresh drinks, toast them, and invite them into my crew.
The rest of the tavern going on with usual business, as Veronica and Josie are asked to leave.
Another night they would be in causing trouble. Yet tonight Sara, and Laurie had won, so they got to stay.
We chat a bit, and they agree. I smile, knowing it was always good, having catfighting pirates like this on board.
I tell them where to meet me, then look at Tracy's note.
"Something wrong captain Storm?" Sara asks, as I shake my head.
"No ladies, something I need tending to, see you in the morning." I reply, and nod to them both, before heading off.
I move quickly along the passages, along the inn side of the tavern. Kayla had found I was in port, and had sent for me.
I am just rounding a corner, when hands grab me, and I find two buxom blondes standing, holding knife, and sword to me.
"Storm, meet MistyCats, and TonyaCats." A very familiar voice informs me.
"Ladies he is on our side." Kayla says softly, as they begin to step back, while I see Kayla moving towards me.
"We got this Captain.. BRAT POWER AHOY!!!!!" I hear, as Laurie, and Sara come running, and slam into the two sexy blonde cats, Misty and Tonya.
I was pleased they already were crew enough to come to my aid.
Yet now allies were fighting among ourselves, as time was moving against us.


Offline Kayla

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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 08:26:11 AM »
What a naughty, sexy name for a ship - very catchy!  ::) ;) And great action to start off with this raunchy adventure on the high seas - yummy!  :P :D

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 2 plots N crews
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2012, 11:26:20 PM »
Kayla was dressed in her skimpy servers attire. Her sleek sexy body, pleasing to the eye. In her barely there top, and short skirt.
Through the years we had become fast friends, allies, and at times lovers.
Her smiling face, framed by her long brunette hair. Always pretty, and easy on the eyes.
The ladies with her, both stunning, and beautiful.
Tonyacats was blonde, buxom, and gorgeous. Tonya wearing a blouse, cropped along the bottom. That had a few buttons done up, to contain her more than generous assets. A tight pair of shorts, and nothing else but Tonya.
That seemed more than enough to be pleasing face and figure.
Mistycats was equally strikingly beautiful. Misty was wearing a very revealing white top. Just barely secured across her own, well formed bosom.
Some very interesting tattooing along her left side. A pair of shorts, and boots on her feet.
Then as they stood prepared to guard Kayla against me. Two still mainly undressed figures barreled into them.
The four ladies going to the floor, as arms, and legs begin flying.
"I take it, from them calling you captain." "That you know these two saucey wenches?" Kayla asks softly beside me.
"Aye, but they be catfighting pirates, not wenches!!" I reply, a smile of pride on my face, at how ready. Laurie, and Sara where to try and defend me.
Misty's top is torn open, and I am enjoying the view. Misty was slender, and very fit. Yet she also had a very nice sized pair of breasts explode from her top.
Laurie Breeze, trying to drive a fist, into Misty's toned belly. Even as Misty grabs some of Laurie's hair. While using her legs, to send Laurie flying up, and over her.
I tense, as Laurie cries out, while slightly airborne. I knew the lady could handle herself in a fight.
yet I was not going to stand by and see her injured either.
As far as I knew, for now we all were allies.
Another cry of surprise, and Sara is flung from Tonya. The lovely, busty blonde rising to her knees, to face the twp scrappy fighters.
Misty had also pulled herself up, to face them.
Sara smacking into Laurie, who had gotten back to her feet.
Now the rest of us watch, as Laurie, and Sara stand pressed together. Laurie able to keep her feet under her. Using her strong legs to do so.
Then Laurie pushes Sara back from herself. "Watch it, you are SUCH a BRAT!!" Laurie says to her partner.
Sara moves, and shoves her back. "Well your a BRAT TOO!!" Sara replies.
Then they both start to smile, and giggle. "I know isn't it wonderful?" Laurie answers back, her eyes darting one way, as Sara smiles, and nods back.
"BRAT POWER!!!" They both cry out, before lunging, then hurtling feet first together, into Tonya.
"Damn we need to stop this now." I say to Kayla, as Tonya goes end over end, backwards. Laurie, and Sara ready to press their attack.
"BELAYYYYYYYYY THAT BRAT SISTERS!!!" I yell out, as they both pause, and stare at me.
"Enough Misty!!" Kayla says, hand on Misty's keeping her from attacking again.
Tonya rolls, surges to her feet, and makes a angry beeline, for Sara and Laurie. I grab her, and her lush body strains against mine. I could not deny, feeling Tonya this close, was very appealing.
"Double teaming little bitches, let me at them!!" Tonya hisses, straining to pass.
"Lass, they be part of my crew." "Also we be allies." I tell her, as she faces me, and I look into a pair of the prettiest blue eyes ever.
"Kayla, is this how you want it?" Tonya asks, as her chest heaves against me.
"We will discuss this with the captain more later Tonya." Kayla replies softly. Our small group, starting to notice, the amount of gawkers and room renters, drawn by the sound of battle.
"Captain?" Sara asks, as she and Laurie stand ready to continue. I was proud knowing them, and having them as part of my crew now.
"Get dressed, go have a drink." "Then get some rest." I reply, as they nod, and begin heading towards the stairs leading back down to the tavern.
"Misty, keep an eye on them would you?" Kayla asks, as Misty refastens her top.
Kayla knowing for now it was best keeping a still angry Tonya away from them.
Most of the onlookers having gone away. The few remaining, going to tend their own business. After some very warning looks, from our group.
"Come to my room." Kayla says, telling me the number.
A happily chatting Laurie, and Sara. Being shadowed by Misty, heading for clothing, and drink.
"Let me check below decks her, and I will be right up." I asmwer, wanting to peek in on the bar room crowd.
I watch, as the three move to get drinks. I signal, and have Misty, Laurie, and Sara's drinks paid for by me.
Then I turn, and head back to talk to Kayla.
I knock lightly, and am told to enter. I do, only to be grabbed, and shoved against the wall, a nasty looking dagger held against me.
"I say we don't trust him, let me question him Kayla." Tonya says, her eyes intent on Storm.
"Tonya my mothers life is at stake here." "There is none in Tortuga I trust more than Storm." Kayla answers as she lay on her side on the bed.
I could not miss the fact her top was off. Kayla's perfect breasts, heaving naked, and hard nippled.
I had seen her naked before, yet it was always pleasing seeing her clothes come off.
Tonya shoves into Storm again, yet her eyes drift to the same view. Tonya cries out part surprise, part anger. Storm grasping her arm, and soon twisting, and turning her, until it was Tonya's back against the wall.
Kayla watching, not interfering, as Storm begins using the sharp blade, to cut the buttons away on Tonya's blouse.
"Now then, if you can fight, as good as you look." "I will be honored to fight alongside you." I begin, as she struggles weakly, yet not trying to do much. The dagger close to her heaving chest.
"If you can control that hot temper, and spirit of yours." "We may stay as allies." I tell her, trying not to lose my focus, as Tonya's large, well formed breasts spill free of her top.
Kayla watches smiling, as Tonya's breasts spill from her top. The lovely brunette sensing the growing tensions between Storm, and Tonyacats.
"Will you two just kiss, make up, amd come to bed already?" Kayla asks, shifting to strip the rest of her garments, to lay naked. In all her glory on the bed.
Tonya's eyes meeting, and searching Storm's as something seemed to draw her to him. As he lets the dagger fall to the floor. She leans into him, her lips brushing his. A soft shiver runs along her spine, as he kisses back. While something electric passes through them both.
Tonya moans, as his hand gently begins to knead, fondle, and caress her well formed right breast.
Their kisses growing more passionate, as their hands move to undress each other.
Kayla sliding from the bed, to help undress them, and guide them to the bed. Kayla kissing, and caressing them both, as soon all three lay naked on the bed.
Tonya was trying to understand what was happening to her. The lovely blonde had just wanted to stick this man, with her dagger.
Yet now, as his fingers glided along her inner thigh. His mouth, kissing the firm mound of her left breast.
Tonya opens herself to him fully. His hard member, soon gliding into her moist pussy. Tonya's hot naked body, moving against his.
His aroused manhood, stroking the inner walls of her womanhood.
Now he was sucking on her hard nippled tit, as Kayla rubbed against them both.
He felt so good moving inside of her, like they had been made for this for each other.
Some shifting, and now it was Kayla's bare breasts against her own.
Tonya enjoying the feel of the supple skinned brunette naked against her. Their wet, aroused clits rubbing together, as they kiss.
Storm fondling, kissing, and caressing them both.
Passions smoldering, now burst fully into heat.
Kayla calling for Storm.
Kayla smiled, as she saw the shared desire between Tonya and Storm. She could tell, their was attraction between them from the start.
Now as she rubbed her naked body, along the busty blondes. Kayla's own desires surged through her.
It had been too long, since she and Storm had been intimate. Her search for her mother, would now be his.
"Storm.." She softly calls, as she moves from Tonya.
The three of them moving closer to release, as hands, lips and bodies pleasure each other.
Tonya going with it, as Kayla's wet pussy is gently penetrated by his cock. Storm nuzzling, kissing, and sucking on Kayla's pert breasts. As Tonya rubs against, and fondles them both.
Her search for Jessika had been dangerous ane lonely.
Now her body tenses, as he begins to cumm hot, and hard inside of her. Kayla's body relaxing, as his release. Also brings on her own much needed orgasm.
Her pussy milking some of his cumm, as he thrusts into her. "Tonya...." She says full of warm sexual pleasure, rushing through her body. He had gotten her off, yet she did not want Tonya unfullfilled.
Tonya hears Kayla's soft gasps, and moans as the brunette climaxes beside her. Tonya also knowing it meant Storm was finishing as well.
The sexy blonde, beginning to feel the first bit of anger, and being left out. As Kayla says her name softly.
Storm shifts, and as Kayla lay gently stroking her own orgasming sex.
Tonya feels some of his love juice spurt, wet and warm against her bare skin.
Then he was kissing her, as she lay, savoring having his spurting manhood, sheathed fully inside of her.
Tongue filled kisses are shared, as Tonyacats cumms heavily beneath him.
They slow, and soon lay satisfied, and entangled together. Kayla caressing, and laying with them as well.
Kayla pleased, that now they could get past first meetings, and move onto the task at hand.
Finding Jessika, and her mothers ship, the Auburn Snatch.
As the three lay relaxed, and together. Shouts, and slamming begins to come from downstairs.
"Damn it, Misty, and the brats??" Kayla asks, as they all three tumble from bed, and begin trying to get something on. To head downstairs.
As the three had begun getting to be more intimate with each other. Misty sat watching Laurie, and Sara drink, and be playful.
Misty wondering what was going on upstairs. The lovely blonde also knowing Kayla's ability to enjoy male or female partners. Thinking if it was business or pleasure going on.
Misty thinking of Kayla, Storm, and Tonya. Thinking maybe she would not mind, being part of pleasure, with any of that group.
Then a noise, as some more catfighing pirates enter the tavern.
"Attention on deck Yee skanks!!" "Real catfighting pirates coming through!!" Megan announces, as she enters with Emily, and some others from the ship.
"Oh great another brat is it?" Someone calls out from the crowd.
"Hey shut the hell up, about calling my girl a brat, you bitch!!" Emily replies back.
"Hey you have a problem, with brats whore?" Laurie sounds off.
"Yeah, they should be spanked but not heard, slut!!" Megan throws in, as she and Emily begin heading towards the two at the bar.
"Just bring it if your able, whore!!" Sara shoots back, at the two. Laurie, and Sara heading towards the new sexy duo of Megan and Emily.
The crowd making way, as they push and shove together.
Misty lunging to her feet, and heading towards the pair she was to watch.
Eyes focused, bodies tensed, as they push against each other a bit.
"Gonna cry to your momma when I kick your ass?" Sara asks Megan as they jostle back and forth.
"Nawwww I'm just gonna spank you, like the whiny bitch you are." Megan replies.
"Hey whore, what did you shove in your shirt, looks like udders to me." Laurie taunts, as Emily's large, well formed chest bumps against her.
"I'll let you see, after I knock you on your fat ass." "Hope you enjoy being tit smothered." Emily ads in.
Mistycats shakes her head. It had been some time, since they had come downstairs. Surely what ever they were doing, had to be close to done by now.
She had to try and keep the peace, yet hoped Kayla, Storm and Tonya would be down soon.
Misty grabs the buxom brunette's shoulder, starting to turn her.
Emily figures a sneak attack. The dark haired beauty turning, fist cocked to fly. Emily's eyes widening, as she sees who is behind her. "YOU!!!!" Emily, and Misty cry out together.
Emily's fist flying, even as Misty throws her own punch.
The crowd watching wince, as two hard punches land. The fact both ladies were so beautiful. Was proving surprising, as they began to slug away, hitting hard at each other.
As they grapple, and tumble over a chair, to go to the ground together.
"What the hell is that all about?" Sara asks, as the other three pause to watch.
"I dunno, guess my Emily knows the skank." "You bitches want a drink?" Megan asks.
"Yeah but we are brats not bitches." Laurie asnwers, as the three quickly see about drinks, as Emily, and Misty roll around fighting on the floor. Cheers and wagers being made for both.
My money's on my angel Emily." Megan speaks, as they return closer, drinks in hand.
"Nawww think I gotta go with Mistycats." Sara asnwers back.
Arms, legs and clothes flying, as the buxom blonde, and the dark haired beauty go at it.
"HEY WHORE!!!" Megan yells, as some pirate wench tries kicking Emily, as she comes by. Megan rushes ahead, throwing her drink onto the woman. Then  with a cry of battle launches herself, taking the red head to the floor. Megan's fists pounding on her. "Try and kick my Emily, don't think so tramp!!" Megan informs between punches.
"Shall we?" Laurie asks, looking at Sara. The two seeing some of the red heads friends moving towards Megan.
"Oh hells yeahhh BRAT POWER!!" Sars answers.
Soon the two of them are wading into the open brawl.
Every one pauses, as pistol shots explode inside the tavern.
"WHAT BE ALL THIS THEN??" Storm bellows, as his eyes survey the room.
Storm had only his pants on, while Kayla, and Tonya were still topless, in panties. Kayla also holding a discharged pistol.
Yet Kayla trying to let Storm be the focus, as her cover still may be needed.
"Captain!!" "What a fight, you missed it.. we kicked ass Woo Hooooo!!" Megan says, rising to her feet. A smile on her face. Her clothing torn or stripped off.
Laurie and Sara rising nearby as well.
"Pirates Megan, Laurie Breeze, and Sara." "Front and center!!" Storm says, trying to hide the smile, attempting to show on his face.
The three lovely young pirates moving towards him, even as sounds of a scuffle continue.
"Umm captain, maybe you should break that up." megan says softly, motioning with her head. Megan concerned about her co pirate and friend Emily.
The crowd parts, as most of them go back about their own business.
Storm seeing basically naked Misty, and Emily still pounding at each other.
Two ladies so drop dead gorgeous, yet able to fight so hard.
"Misty stop!!" Tonya calls to her partner.
"Emily, enough lass, whats the trouble?" Storm says as he gently yet firmly grasps the lovely pirate.
Tonya's eyes meeting his, as something passes between them. While they seperate the two.
"THIS BITCH BETRAYED US!!" Emily says, finger leveled at Misty. Storm holding her. Yet for now Emily's strength and anger ebbing.
"She lies, this slut betrayed us, why else is she the only one here?" Misty accuses.
"They both had been on the Auburn snatch." Kayla ads softly from nearby.
"It would seem there be a tale to tell here ladies." "I think it was time we went someplace more private." He ads. Emily, and Misty still sharing angry glares, as the group heads out.
Soon they would be on the deck of the BloodStorm. While questions were asked and answered.
If he could get them all working together. Storm knew he had one hell of a catfighting crew. To set sail with.
The red heads eyes slowly opened. Maybe it was the roll and pitch of the seas. Maybe it was the battle cries, and sound of the cannon firing.
Her head, and body ached.
Her lovely, lush figure lay naked on the bed. Her hand finding the shackle, as she tried to move it.
Suddenly a bucket of water splashes over her, waking her fully.
Her dark brown eyes focussing on her tormentor.
"Release me your bitch, fight me fair!!" Jessie hisses.
Sandy Myers smiles down at her, dropping the bucket to the floor.
Sandy was also a red head, and very beautiful.
Her trim, yet curvy figure. Dressed in a cropped top, with nothing beneath but her pert breasts.
A pair of skin tight, thin pants clinging to toned legs, and tight ass.
"Why Jessie, nice of you to join us, as we sink another pirate ship." Sandy says gleefully.
"It seems almost everyone knows your Auburn Snatch." Sandy ads.
Understanding coming to Jessie's eyes.
Sandy had waylaid Jessie, and her crew. Now she was plying the seas, masquerading, as Jessika herself. The other pirates being taken in, knowing her ship. Yet not the lady now in command.
Jessika's heart saddening, as she realizes. It may be someone she knew fired on by her own ship.
"This is not over, Kayla will find you whore!!" Jessika says to her tormentor.
"I think not, someone will betray her sooner or later." "For now, just enjoy the journey slut." Sandy answers.
Turning, and heading up on deck. While Jessie struggles with her bonds, her heart full of tears for possible comrades lost. Yet rage for Sandy, and the lady behind her scheme, and stealing of Jessie's ship.
Jessie vowing, sooner or later. Revenge would be hers.     


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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2012, 06:37:38 AM »
Yayyyyy least some of the ladies are enjoying this!!

Hmmmmm Megan slipped in.. better be careful walking through doorways.. he he he ..

Jessie . YEP aware of things.. and on the same page....  Thanks for trying to make sure I know that.  Made sure, she knew, had my support previous.  All I will say open forum.. ya know??

Thanks Azpaper ... wonder if Heather ever thought of being a pirate?? 

Avast ...... and shiver me timbers ....  hope to get to add more coming weekend. All depends on hours work, backs us into.
Scurvy dogs, if only I had my cutlass .. THEN we would do some negotians... Arrrrghhhhhh   He he he!!



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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 3 Meet Pirate StarBear
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 05:30:21 AM »
Jessika lay secured, as the sounds of battle cries, and clashing steele sounded on deck. The cannon roar stopping, as now it was hand to hand, and ship to ship.
Jessika wishing she knew, what had become of Kayla. As well as the treasure, Jessika had on board, her Auburn snatch, when captured.
The sounds of battle slowing, and finally cheers going up. The sneak attack a success. Another vessel, of the Pirate brotherhood. Had been taken, and probably sunk.
Boot heels sounding, on the steps.
Soon Sandy Myers was smiling down over her. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm Jessika." "It seems everyone knows about your Auburn snatch." Sandy says softly.
Jessika squirming, as Sandy's hand presses to, and begins rubbing. Along Jessika's exposed, wet sex.
"My it feels good here." Sandy teases, as she watches her captive. Try not to become aroused. As Sandy massaged, and gently fingered Jessie's sex.
"You fucking whore, release me this instant!!" Jessika demands.
"All in good time. I still have to find your little slut, of a daughter." Sandy says smiling. Her sensuous body bending over. As her lips brush against Jessie's large, firm left breast.
"PHHHHOoooooottttttt!!" Jessika spits at her. The wet liquid striking Sandy's cheek. Just as her tongue, began to probe, Jessika's distending nipple.
"How dare you whore!!??" Sandy hisses. Before backhanding, the bound red haired beauty.
Jessie's naked body, bounding on the bed slightly. From the result of the impact.
Sandy stepping back, as her captive glares at her.
"Fine, just so you know." "I have some captives VERY upset, with your betrayal." Sandy begins, laughing softly.
Her hands undoing, and stripping her own top.
Jessika, unable to deny. As they fall free, and heave proudly. Sandy had beautiful, and firm breasts.
Sandy moving closer, and playfully rubbing her tits, against Jessika's own.
"I found out, that lover of yours." "Captain of the BloodStorm, has split his forces." Sandy provides, even as she glides her topless body, along Jessie's bound figure.
"Should I use your Auburn snatch, to take my pleasure with him." "Chances are, Kayla, will be with him soon.'
"Maybe I should target that blonde bimbo Tiffany, and her CatsClaws??" Sandy continues, as Jessie lays listening.
"Then again. Lisa with her Bondage." "I mean do we need another red head sailing these waters?" Sandy ads, while gently starting to rub her right tit. Against Jessika's supple lips.
"Go on, suck it, and maybe I will let Kayla live." Sandy taunts. Then cries out in pain.
As Jessika bites the soft skinned breast before her.
Jessika savoring tasting Sandy's blood.
Just before she doubles up slightly, with Sandy's fist. Slamming into her belly. Driving the air from Jessika. While freeing Sandy's tit, from her mouth.
Sandy slips from the bed, and her bound captive. "Very well bitch!!" Storm dies, and Kayla will be my guest for as long as I desire."
"Before I let you watch, me sample her goods." "Before slicing her delicate little throat!!" Sandy threatens, as Jessika's dark brown eyes glaring at her.
"You touch Kayla or Storm." "I will kick your ass, and leave you for shark bait!!" Jessie hurls back.
Sandy gazes at her, and begins to laugh.
"I need some food, and a nice piece of ass." Sandy begins, as she turns, and heads to leave the quarters.
Jessika watching, and unable to deny. Sandy Myers, in her skin tight pants. Had one very toned, and nice ass.
Jessika was going to enjoy kicking it some day.
The guards escorted the tall, dark haired pirate into the room. A large table, was set with large portions of food. Brenda the backbreaker was tall. Large breasted, mean tempered, and dressed in torn, and dirty clothing.
Brenda's eyes growing wide, at the food selection.
"You would be Brenda ballbreaker?" A very tastefully dressed, and proper blonde beauty stated.
The lush figured woman, sitting at the other end of the table.
"Backbreaker is fine." "I do guess my wild love making. Manages to break some of the boys balls now and then." Brenda replies, laughing, and then scratching her own crotch.
Lady Hearne viewed her, with distaste. Steph was an agent for the East India trading company.
Steph, had let her fingers get caught, being a bit sticky. So had been sent to this hellish island. The island itself, was known as the island of woes. The actual name, not listed.
It was just another tiny island, in a vast ocean. That the company had put an outpost on.
It had a very small town, settled with in, a military style, fort, and compound.
The town sat, on a small port. A decent sized armed garrison, provided by the company.
Mainly sailors, oucasts, and yes at times pirates. Happened to be the main visitors.
Lady Hearne, had found out early. If she ever wanted to leave this mostly wild, untamed island.
Her pockets, needed to be lined, with goods, and stolen wealth. Thanks in part, to her acquired pirate allies.
Steph's private residence, the largest building to be seen.
Steph, was very attractive. Her lush figure, dressed in a thin, yet stylish blue dress. Her blue eyes, helping to go with it.
Her one hand was beneath the table. While her other hand, gently tipped a wine glass, to her sensuous lips.
"Please be seated, and give me your report." Steph says softly.
Brenda grinning, and quickly flopping onto a chair. Before tearing into the food laid out before her.
Her hands being wiped on her partially gaping shirt. As well as her more than ample, exposed cleavage.
"Your ladyship, speaking for me and my partner, Spanish Rosa," Brenda begins.
"We think your taking way to much." "So we are changing the agreement."
"You don't like it, maybe we will take over this island of yours, for ourselves." Brenda gets out, between gulps of food.
"I see, you DARE think, you can come here, and tell me what to do?" Steph asks, in a soft, yet very firm steely voice.
Brenda drops the meat, she had been gnawing on. Bringing her arm up, and resting it, along with her pistol. On the table top. Her eyes staring into Steph's on the other side.
"Rosa, said to be civil." "Me, I'm just wanting to pluck your feathers, and send you swimming." "You prissy bitch." Brenda informs her hostess, as she is ready to fight, and kill her way out.
"Skraaa-booooom!!" The gun in Steph's hand announces it's firing. The gun trained on the pirate under the table the entire time.
Brenda's body jerking, as the bullet slams into her middle. Her eyes growing wide.
Before she pitches forward. Her face planting, in the plate of food, before her.
Armed guards are running in. Sword, and guns drawn. As Steph stands. Her free hand, wiping in the air. Trying to dispel some of the smoke, from her pistols discharge.
"It is all right." "Please will someone clear this pirate trash, from my dining room." She orders, as hands quickly grasp Brenda, and begin carrying her away.
"WAIT!!" Steph's strong voice demands.
The men stop, and turn to look at her.
"See she is delivered to Spanish Rosa." "With my compliments, and demands, for twenty percent more." "Of all profits, and treasure taken from this moment on." Steph finishes.
Her mind already adding up, her extra profits.
"Someone get me the latest report, from Sandy myers." "I want to know, where she is, and what my other partner is up to." Steph ads. Then turns, and heads out, to soon enjoy, a heated bath.
Storm was walking along the darkening streets of Tortuga. He could feel the eyes staring at him, following him as he passed. Yet his group was too large, to attempt a robbery this night.
Behind him, he could hear Megan chattering with Laurie Breeze, and Sara.
Storm wondering how much of Megan's tall tales, the brat sisters would buy into.
The lovely Emily, was close by Megan, keeping quiet. Her gaze tracking to Misty often.
Misty, and Tonya as usual, staying close by Kayla.
"Then Captain Storm, said to me." "Pirate Megan, blow that there whale to tiny bits." He could hear her saying.
His eyes keeping watch, yet straying to the partially moon lit sky. A few small clouds, skidding past it now and then.
"What did you do?" Sara asked, as Megan had her baited, and was reeling her in.
Storm had seen Megan slip her uneeded eyepatch on. As well as starting to limp, as if she had a pegged leg.
Megan doing her best, to act the salty pirate, people expected them to be.
"I lit the cannon, and waited, yet it would not fire!!" Megan continued.
"Did the whale hit your ship?" Laurie asks, now also caught up in the story.
"Well let me tell you." My girl Emily, has such hot britches." I had her sit her ass against the barrel." "The gun went off, and we ended up knee deep, in fish and gold coins." "That old whale had gobbled up for years!!"
Megan was finishing her whopper with. Even as Storm began hearing sounds of struggle, from someplace up ahead.
"Look, TSssssssssssss.. her ass is STILL HOT!!!" Megan said. Myself picturing my beloved pirate, pressing her hand or finger to Emily's nice ass.
"Your dead, you little troublemaker!!" Emily lets out.
Even as with a whoop.. Megan surges past Emily's grasping hands.
"Captain permission to see you sir!!" Megan cries out, as she barrels into him. Emily close on her heels.
Laurie Breeze, and Sara laughing out loud, at the scene.
"BELAYyyyyyyyyyy that!!" Storm calls out, sternly, yet softly. Megan pressing against him, making faces at Emily.
"What is it Storm?" Kayla asks, as she moves closer.
Storm's eyes lifting to the heavens, as his ears try and sort out a direction.
Emily was standing hand on hip. Making noose, and hanging motions to Megan. As the group began to get quiet.
"That's the captain, about to head in the wrong direction." Megan informs, as she has seen him do this before.
"Look you, see that group of stars up there?" He begins. Megan by his side, blowing kisses to Emily. Who in return was miming, spanking Megan. Before smiling, and running her tongue across her sensuous lips.
Megan smiling back, as the two probably would try for some private time. Once back on the ship together.
"Looks kind of like a bear, walking cross the heavens." "Think I may just follow those stars a bit." Storm says, as eyes turn to Megan, who was blushing, thinking about her and Emily later.
"I think captain's heading to find more crew." Megan announces. It would not be the first time, he had followed a sign, to bring new crew aboard.
"Megan, Emily, see that our new mates, find the ship okay." Storm says, as Megan gives a quick aye aye in reply.
"Misty, Tonya stay with him." Kayla ads in.
Before the party breaks apart, most of them heading to the BloodStorm. While Storm, Misty, and Tonya. Headed towards the sounds of a fight.
"Let me go, you bullies!!" A womans voice is heard, as Storm, and the sexy cats enter the pathway. The path leading up, to the governors mansion.
On the path, a very pretty blonde, was struggling with half a dozen guards. The governors men, enjoying shoving her down, and Storm could see. Some of her clothing was torn.
"I say, stand down, you jackels." "The ladies with me!!" I inform them , while drawing my sword.
"This is governors business, get your thieving pirate asses out of here!!" One barks back, in reply.
The young woman, kicking him in the shin, and breaking free.
Running to stand, with Storm and the ladies.
The guards moving, hands clenched into fists. A few weapons drawn. Yet most had not gotten chance to bring weapons on the chase.
"Now what has me mate Bear here been up to?" Storm asks, as the blonde looks at him, then back at her tormentors.
"That filthy little wench, stole from the governors mansion!!" "She is to be tried, and hung, now stand aside." The lead guard replies.
"I be thankin the governor, for hosting my lass here." "I will be sure to tell him myself, next time in Tortuga." Storm answers, his weapon now raised for battle.
"That means, I will not be giving her up, to the likes of you." He ads.
"Men take her!!" Is ordered, as the six men surge ahead.
Storm blocking the two with swords, and engaging them, with the clash of steele.
Misty, slamming into another guard. While Tonya barrels into two more. All three going down, tangled in arms and legs.
The young blonde, giving her own battle cry, before beginning to hit, and kick the last guard herself.
"You cheeky scum, six of you, to handle one unarmed lass!!" Storm accuses, as his blade slashes, and whistles through the air. His opponents, soon disarmed, and bunched together. Storm taking joy, in cracking their heads together. Sending them both to the ground barely conscious.
Before looking around to see how the ladies were doing.
Tonya had one guard knocked out. While the other one, had managed to finally begin pinning her to the ground.
His arm raising, to slam against her pretty face. Yet his motion stopping, as the growing smile on her face. Made him pause. Just before the point of Storm's blade. Pressed to the small of his back.
"You strike her, I will gut you like a fish!!" Storm warns.
Just before Tonya brings her knee up, to raise the guards singing voice. As he rolls from her to grasp his injured manhood.
 Storm moves to Misty next. The stunning blonde had nail rakes. Across her opponents face. Her fists were slamming into him. Even as he tried to slam a large fist, into her nubile body.
Storm's hand grabbing his shirt, to jerk him back with.
"Let me go, I can finish her." The guard says weakly.
"You stupid bastard." "I pulled you away, to save you from her." "Not the other way around." I inform him. Before slamming the hilt of my sword to the man's temple. Knocking him out, and to the ground.
Then all eyes, were on the young blonde he had called Bear. She was giving as good as she got. Yet she was outweighed by a lot.
"Pardon me, but will yee be leaving my crewmate alone now?" Storm asks softly.
The guard realizing, how quiet it was, and that he was now alone. With four gathered against him.
"The governor will hear of this pirate!!" He hisses. Before turning, and fleeing back along the path. Heading for the mansion, and more armed men.
"I think yee best come with us lass." Storm says, as he helps the blonde to her feet. Her eyes going to his. Even as his go to the small necklace around her throat. A small star shape, with a red heart shaped jewel in the center of it.
"Ayeeee.. I think yee be a lucky charm for me. Full of heart, and spirt." "What say you StarBear." "Have you ever been or wanted to be a pirate?" I ask her, giving her a choice.
"You mean with you?" She asks, eyes becoming hopeful.
"Well yee look half starved." Guess I need to feed you." "Just make your choice, before we have more company come calling." I tell her.
"So you know, I did not steal anything, that was not stolen from me first." She says, her fingers going to her star necklace charm.
"AYe lass, you don't need to sail the sea, to be a pirate." "Yet on land, we call them thieves, plain and simple.
Sounds of the mansion guard arousing, began coming to us.
"Aye aye Captain... Pirate Steph or StarBear reporting for duty!!" She says, in reply.
I look at Misty, and Tonya standing as if ready to take on the entire troop of guards soon heading our way.
"Come on ladies, more fighting will come later." I inform, them, as we turn, and make our way to the ship together.
Soon I am walking the deck of my beloved BloodStorm. Kayla by my side, as we start heading out to sea.
I tell her, how impressed I am with Tonya and Misty.
My ears hearing Megan with a new crewmate, to hear her tall tales.
"You mean this cannon shot the whale." I hear. Along with the sound of a lit fuse??
"Oh bloody hell.. Megan!!!" I begin, as I see StarBear looking out over the waters.
In the distance, as we sail out past it. The governors mansion overlooks the harbor.
"Just light it this way, and bang??" Steph ads, as Megan realizes the trouble now.
"Nooo not now!!" She cries out, seeing StarBear has lit the fuse, while Megan was having fun with her.
A loud blast, and I stand watching, as the cannon ball fires out, and soars nicely aimed. To slam into the mansion, with a bang.
"Captain Storm, she tricked me, want her shoved overboard?" Megan asks. As crew come on deck, to see if we were under attack.
"Honestly Captain. it was a mistake." "Megan was teaching me how to use cannon on whales." Guess, I got carried away." "Shot that big whale in the governors mansion." She says.
Storm looking at the smile on her pretty face. The governor had started it. Yet Starbear had gotten her licks in as well.
"Oh and captain." "Legally, I think we are safe." "As why would we fire, on a fellow pirate?" She finishes, with a wide grin on her face.
StarBear was going to need watching. Yet as we headed out to sea. While I thought of how much booty, would go to the governor. So we could dock in Tortuga again.
Appeasing his ego, from damages caused. As well as the loss of this pretty, young blonde.
I had a good feeling. That StarBear, was going to be a very welcome addition, to my crew.   


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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 02:39:23 PM »
Aw, thrilling to see this sexy saga continuing - let the fighting, plundering & looting continue splendidly! With you on my side, gallant Storm, we shall conquer, and free Jessie - woopee!  ;D :D ;) :-*

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #6 on: August 21, 2012, 05:00:59 PM »
Why Kayla .. I think I am turning you into a catfighting pirate!!  Arrrgghhhhhhh .. LOL

Thanks ... for the comments.. trying to get extra day off work... IF it happens.. Hope to maybe have another chapter up, this weekend.



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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2012, 08:01:57 PM »
Avastttttt....... There be Pirate Megan ... adding to the Whale of a tale or is that Whale's Tail??   He he he .... Next she will remember. The shot was made, while using a mirror, over her shoulder. During a stormy night...... Harrr harr harrrrrrr.

Still have to love that wonderful catfighting pirate!!

Jessika.. don't worry.. Hope to have the treasure of your auburn snatch.. fully revealed by the end.  He he he
Not sure if Sandy wants to torture or tempt you so far....
Guess we need to see what else is planned for you .... NOT to mention... We may see that platinum beauty BustyTiffany. Make an appearance, in the next chapter.

That said.. Lets raise the Jolly Roger.. and cast of.. heading for the weekend.. and more PIRATES Yoo HOooooooooo!!



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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 3 Betrayal on CatsClaws
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2012, 06:36:54 AM »
The waves gently crashed, and rolled against the CatsClaws. A partially cloudy sky overhead. As the sails filled, and the ship moved crisply across the sea.
Captain BustyTiffany raised the spyglass, to her eye. A scan of the horizon. Showing no trace of the BloodStorm or the Bondage.
Both Storm, and Lisa. Not making this rendezvous point.
Tiffany is stunning. Her long, platinum blonde hair. Hanging past her shoulders, and being teased by the sea breeze.
The thin, cotton blouse. Tied loosely, across her firm, heaving breasts. The modified skirt, showing, and keeping her shapely legs free.
A serviceable sword, slid through a sash, on her hip. The jewelled cutlass, of her captaincy, from Storm. Was secure, and only shown or worn when needed. All aboard knew, Tiffany was captain here.
Tiffany's ship, had enjoyed some success. A small prize catch, in the holds of her ship.
Yet with treachery on the seas lately. She wanted to see her fellow capatins soon.
Still, it was to early to begin to panic.
Chances were, Lisa was having more luck, plundering gold. While Storm, was probably off, pirating wenches, at some port.
Tiffany smiling, as she thinks of him. Thanks to him, her feet, rested on the deck of her own vessal.
The sea her home, and a pirate life for her.
It also helped, Storm usually had some good plans or schemes, for gaining more wealth.
It would make her sad she knew. If anything happened to the rogue. As he could be mercy, grace and kindness.
Yet a pirate, and rogue, just as well.
Tiffany could feel eyes upon her. Partially waiting for her orders. Partially, because she was gorgeous. Her breasts, showing smooth, lightly tanned skin. As her blouse clung wetly, to her large firm breasts.
The skin glistening slightly, as she turns to face them.
"Make sail, east, by north east!!" Tiffany calls out. A more detailed heading, to be given later.
Yet now hands scurried, and ran across the deck. As the Catsclaws, began heading to the next meeting point.
Tiffany looking at her seasoned crew. Some of them having fought her for the captain's position, on this ship.
While others, like the three gorgeous, dark haired sisters. Began following orders. Tiffany still not sure, if the newest ladies, would fit in or not. At the last port. As always with pirates. Some left ship, while others signed on.
Still, something about those three, bothered her. Yet until she had proof, they would be treated, just like the rest of the crew.
In a few hours, it would be dark.
They would seek a quiet cove, on a small island on the way. Drop anchor, and rest for the night. Still some distance could be gained before then.
"Please be all right captain." Tiffany says softly, her words lifted into  and onto the wind.
It is dark, as the Catsclaws, gently bobs, while anchored.
Some torches lit, in secure places on the deck. Most of the crew eating or in quarters below.
Tiffany has eaten, and strips her sword, and skirt. A thin strip of material, covering her sex. While leaving most of her firm ass exposed.
Her blouse comes off next, as her large breasts heave, and thrust proudly.
Tiffany stretching, and soon, running a damp cloth, over her curvy figure. Letting the water cool her, before bed.
Her nipples stiffening nicely, as the cloth drips over them.
"Captain, another ship is coming in." "Maybe one of ours." A woman informs her, after knocking softly.
"Could it be Storm or Lisa?" Tiffany wonders. Her first thought to slip her blouse back on.
Then she arches her back, looking in her mirror. "May as well let Storm, have a thrill, if it is him." She decides.
After all, it was not as if he had not seen all of her naked before anyways.
Not expecting any trouble. Tiffany steps out on deck. To be greeted by a fist, to the side of her head. Tiffany staggers, but then, launches a punch of her own. Her fist, meeting a belly. As the woman gasps, and doubles up. Tiffany starting to push her out of the way.
Her lips parting, as she is about to yell, for hands on deck.
Yet even as her first attacker, falls to the side. More hands grasp her hair, and punch her bare breasts and belly.
Tiffany manages to land a few more punches, and a well placed foot. Before the other ladies weigh her down.
Another fist to the head, and the back of it. Slamming into the deck, as she is knocked out.
The brief scuffle, over quickly, with the three to one odds. As well as the surprise attack.
As she lay, out of it. Her hands are grasped, and her lush, basically naked body. Is dragged back into her cabin.
A few hours later, Tiffany begins coming to. Her eyes opening to find herself in her own cabin. "Had it been a dream?" She thinks.
Then her chest heaves, and she begins to panic, as she is having trouble moving.
Her head moving, enough. To find she is on her bed, and bound up, with rope, from head to toe.
As she opens her mouth, to call out. Something is stuffed into it, and secured.
"Now, now captain Tiffany." "This is a private party, so no yelling." Kim K says, smiling down at her.
"Now, let's be nice." "I will remove the gag, if you promise not to try and cry out." Kim offers.
Tiffany nods her head.
Behind Kim, she sees her two sisters. Khloe, and Kourtney. Her suspicions about them confirmed.
They gather around, as the gag is lifted.
"Bet your wondering, why your skank ass is tied, and we now run the ship." Khloe coos, as she sits on the edge of the bed. Her hand smoothing some of Tiffany's blonde hair, from her face.
One hand, moving. To fondle the soft, warm mounds of Tiffany's breasts.
"We are going to use you, and CatsClaws, to blow the BloodStorm, and Bondage out of the water!!" Kourtney gleefully announces.
"You fucking whores, I will feed you to the sharks for this!!" "After beating each one of your FAT asses!!" Tiffany gets out, ready to yell for help.
Then Kim's ass, begins sitting on her face. "Naughty, naughty, guess you get to kiss my ass Tiffany!!" Kim taunts, as now the gag keeping her quiet. Was the dark haired beauties ass, smothering her face.
"Kim jumps up, giving a cry of alarm, and pain. As Tiffany's teeth, bite into her buttocks.
Kim moves away, even as Khloe glares down, before backhanding Tiffany across her lovely face.
"You worthless blonde slut!!" Khloe hisses, as Kourtney helps check out her sisters bitten ass.
Then something slams to the side of Tiffany's head. The platinum blonde beauty, being knocked out again. As the two sisters, restrain Kim, from plunging a knife. Into the buxom beauties, unconscious form.
"Later sister, you can do with her as you please." "For now, let's just enjoy playing with our personal bitch!!" Kourtney ads, while all three begin to laugh.
"Captain Tiffany!!" The very lovely, Laurie_Catfighter calls out. As she raps her knuckles against the door.
The door opens, to a naked Kim K standing behind it.
"Here slut, the captain's course." Kim says, handing her a slip of paper.
"Let me hear that from the captain." Laurie persists.
"Look honey, we had a wonderful party, with the captain last night." We are all tired, so just do your duty." "Let her sleep, and you can talk to her later okay?" Kim asks, her voice now all syruppy sweet.
"Kim come back to bed girl." Khloe calls, in a decent imitation of Tiffany's sultry voice.
Kim smiling. Proud of her own forgery skills. As well as her sisters other criminal talents.
The three, heart breaking pirates, on land or sea.
"Gotta go, see you later louise!!" She ads, before backing up, and closing the door.
"THATS Laurie you whore!!" Laurie ads, before going to give the course, to the rest of the crew.
Yet she planned to discuss this with. AmazingMandy, and some of the other crew very soon.
The Auburn Snatch, was warm, wet and moist. As it gently bobbed up and down.
Jessika's eyes roaming her cabin, even as her fingers worked at her bonds.
"Good morning Jessika, care for some breakfast?" Sandy Myers asks, as her boot heels thunk across the wood flooring.
"Only if I can have some of your fat ass, to chew on bitch!!" Jessika replies.
"Oh Jessie, what am I to do with you?" Sandy asks, as she sits on the edge of the bed beside her.
"Let me free, and I will show you." Jessika answers. Having woken, from dreaming about having her claws, on Sandy's bare breasts.
"Okay, you eat something, and maybe we will see about that." Sandy says calmly.
"After all, you need to keep your strength up." Sandy replies back, as she motions. Two other crewmen, moving to untie Jessie.
Jessie soon sitting up, under guard. Her captors watching, as she rubs her wrists, getting circulation back.
She is handed a tray, with no utensils. "Sorry love, figure you may try something stupid." Sandy ads in, knowing her thoughts.
Mentally cursing Sandy, she begins using her hands, to eat, the small offering of food.
Sandy being quiet, as she watches.
The guards tense.
As Jessie finishes, Sandy stands before her. "GREAT NEWS Jessika!!" She begins.
Jessie feeling her light breakfast, begin to churn with worry, at the thought. Of what could bring Sandy such pleasure.
"We have learned, the CatsClaws has been taken." "Soon that red head on the Bondage, FightingLisa, will be captured next."
"Then with your naughty Auburn snatch surging between them." "We shall blow BloodStorm, and your precious daughter out of the water!!" Sandy ads, before starting to laugh.
"YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!" Jessika yells, leaping to her feet.
Sandy waving the guards back, as she stands poised and ready.
"Oh my Jessie, losing your sea legs already?" Sandy asks, as Jessika begins to wobble on her feet.
Jessika blinking her eyes, as she has quickly become dizzy.
Then her brown eyes lift, and she stumbles ahead. "Whore.. you drugged me!!" Jessie hisses, as she uses the last of her strength, to lunge. Getting some satisfaction, as her nails rake across, Sandy's pert right breast.
Jessika then falling to the floor, as the drug slips her into unconsciousness again.
Sandy kicks her once in her side. Knowing Jessika could not feel it now. The drug induced sleep, taking hold. Yet she knew, Jessie would feel it, when next she woke. Sandy's eyes going to her breast. Two thin ribbons of blood, leaking, along the supple skin.
"What does this slut, have against my tits?" Sandy asks out loud, as once again. Jessika had made them bleed.
Storm was enjoying, feeling the deck of his ship, beneath his feet again.
A few new members added to the crew, as they sailed out of Tortuga. He knew he could not make the first meeting point in time. His thought, of safety for Lisa, and Tiffany. A pirate may not keep much faith in God. yet he could still whisper silent prayers, for those he cared about.
Living by the strength of sword, and arm. Using his or her wits. Along with a nice cannon now and then.
Pirates usually only had time, to think of the here and now. Not what may come sailing their way later.
Many had been converts, before taking a short drop, and a sudden stop on a noose.
While others simply tried to do the best they could. To do right by themselves and others. As they sailed the wide open seas.
Storm let his eyes close slightly. as he pictured the buxom blonde, and long legged red head. "Keep them safe, when I can't me self mate!!" He offers up silently. Storm also thinking of some of those ships crews.
"Ahoy whores, welcome to the BloodStorm!!" "I am first mate Jen." He hears with a smile.
"You can call me Lil MS BS,, as I won't put up with any bull shit from any of you!!" She ads, as Kayla slides up next to him.
"Who the hell is this bimbo?" She asks softly.
"THAT is my test, of new recruits." I inform her. I had already told Kayla, how I wanted to chat privately with Misty later.
I would talk with Emily first. I knew and trusted that dark haired beauty. Knowing her as long as I had now.
Then I would check Misty's story, of what happened to the Auburn Snatch.
I liked Misty, loved how she handled herself. Yet now, I needed to know, if she truly, was going to be part of the crew.
Misty and Tonya standing close by us.
Jen had become part of my crew. After we had taken over her ship from her. Jen was dark haired, with a lush curvy figure. Very pretty blue eyes, and a habit, of getting into or causing trouble.
Jen also was known as beaten slut at times. She was a good catfighter. Had her share of victories. yet she also got beaten often as well.
"Hey sis, is that tramp for real?" Sara asks Laurie Breeze. "Oh good, just how I like them." "Blonde and stupid!!" Jen announces gleefully. Before with a battle cry, charges into Lil Sara.
The two going down together, as arms, and legs flail.
"Come on GET HER BRAT SIS!!" Laurie cries out, as the two begin rolling, and fighting on the deck together.
Crew began gathering around, bets being made.
As seasoned, and new crew, began to meet.
"Captain, should I break this up?" Megan asks, looking ready to fight herself.
I had given Jen first mates position, to help her go from enemy. To part of the pirate crew.
She had taken to it, and now was a trusted member of that same group.
"Belay that Megan, just enjoy the show lass." I add, smiling at her.
Megan was one of my most beloved pirates. As trouble making, and mischievious, as they come. Smart, fun to be with. As well as pound for pound. One of the best catfighters I had.
"Need some rum to really enjoy the fight captain!!" Megan says, before starting to slip away, for the rum barrel.
"Yee even try that, you will be forcing me, to show you the brig." I let her know, trying to look fierce.
Yet Megan knowing better. She really had to do something bad. To have captain Storm, upset with her.
Kind of like letting StarBear fire the cannon, at the governors mansion.
"Hey, I owe that slut for that!!" Megan thinks, as she turns looking for Steph.
Jen's top is torn off, as Sara claws at her breasts. Jen was not the tallest lady on board. Yet she had some very fine curves. As well as having some nice sized, and very pert breasts. Jen's breasts spilling out, even as she flips Sara past her. Sara rolling, before knocking into Misty.
Misty, and Emily eyeing each other for a fight again. This would have to be settled soon.
Yet Misty is knocked back, shoving into HairpullAndy2.
Watch it skank!!" Andy yells at her. Grabbing some of Misty's silky hair, and yanking on it.
Misty grabbing some of Andy's long shimmering locks. Before they yank, shove, and go down to the deck. The two gorgeous ladies, starting to catfight between them.
Megan spins Steph. "Hey missy bear lady." "You need to say your sorry's, for making me look bad before the captain." Megan demands.
"Fine, I am sorry, your such a pathetic cannon shot." StarBear offers, upset, at the minor damage done, in the passing shot.
"CAPTAIN, Clearing the deck of bimbos!!" Megan yells out, before lunging into Steph. Steph crying out in surprise, as they go down fighting together.
"Shouldn't we stop this?" Kayla asks, as Storm hands her a tin cup, filled with some rum.
"Now lass, they're just getting acquainted with each other." I reply. Taking a sip, from the disguised holder. My fiesty pirate Megan, had not located on deck yet.
As we watch the goings on.
Kayla tensing, as she sees a brunette sneaking up on Misty's blind side.
"Here hold this, looks like I need to meet that bitch over there!!" Kayla says, handing me her cup. I hand it to Tonya, who takes a quick drink, and looks at me. Eyes asking permission. I smile, and give it.
Even as Kayla tackles, and begins hitting her opponent, close by Misty, and Andy.
Tonya gives me the cup, a quick kiss, and hug. Then is off, to enjoy some catfighting of her own.
Jen is on top of Sara now, tearing her top. As they both slap, punch, and claw. I liked Sara a lot. She was much like Megan, and Jen.
The lady may not be the biggest catfighter around. Yet she had one of the biggest hearts, and fighting spirit of any.
Jen has Sara's right breast. Grabbing, and squeezing it. Even as Sara brings her forearm, up into Jen's belly.
"GET HER BRAT SIS!! Laurie yells.
Jen rolls from Sara, as the pretty young blonde. Pushes up, and soon begins to mount Jen.
"BRAT POWER!!" Sara proclaims happily, as she begins to return the favor. Slapping, then squeezing one of Jen's breasts.
StarBear is trying to block, some of Megan's rapid slaps, and punches. "How's that for a shot, what about that one tramp??" Megan asks, between hits being sent.
Steph finally seeing an opening, and launching her own fist, to Megan's cheek. Megan landing a fist to Steph's chin. Even as Steph's punch, connects.
Megan sliding to the side, as both lay momentarily stunned.
Steph trying to roll, to move onto Megan. Even as someone from the catfighting crowd. Manages to throw something. That hits Sara from behind, knocking her down, onto Jen.
Laurie surging forward. Only to have Megan shift, and use her legs, to knock Steph forward.
Steph off balance, soon tumbles into Laurie. Knocking her legs out from under her, as they tangle, and begin to fight.
I think it is about time to end this. Just as Megan rises, one of the male crew members grabs her and spins her.
My blood boils, as NO man, better dare lay hands on any of the ladies. Not this way, while on my ship!!
I begin moving forward, wondering if I should use fist, pistol or blade, on the offender.
"You cost me money, avoiding the fight that way." He complains, starting to grab her.
Then like a shooting star, Emily is there!! I admire her beauty, as well as her capability and style.
She grabs him, spins him, and drives her knee to his crotch. "To help your singing voice, asshole!!" Emily proclaims, as he cries out and grabs himself, doubling up slightly.
Then a fist to his face, sends him collapsing to the deck. "Something to take with you!!" She ads, as he falls.
"Hubba Hubba.. thats my EM!!" Megan announces gleefully, as she kicks him, while down.
Then his bunkmate draws a pistol, beginning to level it at Emily. "You cheeky tart!!" He begins to say, before a pistol shot explodes.
The fighting stops, as all eyes search for the person firing. I stand calmly, one pistol discharged. The other leveled at his head.
"You sniveling dog!!" "I should let Emily kick your ass from here to Port Royal!!" I inform him.
His hand still directed Emily's way.
"Pirate Shortshwanze." "If you wish to live, to be put ashore, next port of call." "Drop your pistol!!" I say softly, yet all hearing the danger, and anger in my voice.
"I do not let some wench treat me shipmate that way captain." He answers.
"That trigger begins to move." "I will burn you down, leave you for the fishes, am I clear?" I reply back.
All attention now on us, as the gun drops with a thud to the deck. Megan quickly scooping it up, and pointing, the muzzle, close to his crotch, as sweat drips down his forehead, as he looks at me.
"Captain, shall I change his religion?" Megan asks. "No one, threatens my Emily." "This kitty can be evil, and yeahhh she has claws." Megan says ready to pull the trigger.
"Captain, how about it, him, and his mate pirate crushednuts overboard??" Megan asks.
"No... we will put them ashore soon as we can."
"Be you warned." "If either of you scum makes a move, against ANY of my crew." "It will be a VERY dark, and deadly storm." Sweeps you two into perditions flames, be yee clear on that?" I ask him.
He nods, his skin looking pale, as he sees the threat in my eyes.
"THEN LOCK THIS SCUM, IN THE BRIG!!" I order, as the rest of the ladies begin getting up, and straightening themselves.
"Captain, looks like you have something to drink." "Kicking ass, on the high seas, gives me a thirst!!" Megan says, eyeing, the tin cup, I lift up again. After shoving the one pistol, back in my sash.
"God love pirate Megan, as I knew I did." I think, as I hold the cup out to her.
"Come on Em, time to clean the trash off the decks." Megan says cheerfully, before taking a large gulp of rum.
"Here, want some?" She asks Emily, who reaches for it.
"Oh wait, your on guard duty, no drinks for you." Megan ads, pulling the cup back, before taking another quick drink.
Emily again, proving. Yes she as drop dead gorgeous. While being able to fight, as good as she looked.
Only Megan, daring to be able, to taunt or tease her this way. Yet I also knew, now and then. The crafty dark haired beauty Would playfully settle accounts, with Megan herself. When Megan least expected it.
Emily, just as good at mischief as Megan, when needed."As if I want you two, anywhere near those vermin." I get in, motioning for others to put the two soon to be EX shipmates in irons.
"HEAR THIS!!' "For each member of the crew, old, and new." "A ration of rum, for all, as we sail for open seas!!" I order, as cheers are given from the crew.
"May we enjoy ours in your cabin?" Kayla asks, linking her arm with mine. Her garment torn, her pert left breast heaving exposed.
My eyes spot Misty, and Andy chatting together now. Many of the crew being introuduced together, by right of catfight.
The wind was in our sails.
Megan, Emily, Jen, Brat sisters Laurie and Sara. StarBear Steph, Misty, Tonya, Andy, showing their catfighting skill.
Damn we had a fine crew to sail, and fight with.
I still needed to chat with Misty.
Yet now old, and new, they began to mingle, and become one crew.
While I headed to my cabin, with Kayla. Soon, to seek the trail, of her missing mother.
Somewhere out there. Jessika's Auburn snatch waited. It may take a hard effort.
Yet soon, I hoped herself, and her treasure. Would be laid before us!!
As a pirates life, with these sexy catfighters. Was the life for me Yo Hoooo!!


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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2012, 10:41:49 PM »
Gee, I see Jessie is drugged, but the rest of the fun filled, sexy action is making me shout "Yoo HOooooooooo" too!!! Tee hee!  ;D :D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 08:34:12 AM »
Pirate Megan!!!  AVAST!!  I still see this board, needs a PIRATE ICON!!!

Happened to notice, we be missing 5 Margie-Ritas, and some chips and Salsa, from the galley!! Any ideas where those may have gotten to?? 
Remember, cannon practice will NOT be at first light this morning!! I don't care IF StarBear likes firing off the cannons.. Least let it wait, till after we can get some sleep!! Arrrggghhh!!  Lol



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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2012, 08:00:23 AM »
PROMISE YOU.. You will not always be tied up, during this story!!  LOL
Hmmmm we be moving closer to the weekend... I be thinking, it looks like some fair sailing ahead!!

May just be more Pirates this weekend... That stunning Captain Tiffany now captive!!
Finally, Captain FightingLisa.. will appear!!

Maybe some more hijinks, from that loveable Pirate Megan .... as she does some of what she does best. Cause fun N mischief!!
More ... with Emily ....  Misty ... Tonya ... and Kayla of course.
Brat sisters Laurie and Sara, and Starbear .. will feature more, as the story goes on ...

Ayeeeeeeeeeee .. and some RUM of course!! Yoo Hooooo ....  and.. wait a moment.. THIS MUG was FULL, and now it be half drained!!
"PIRATE MEGAN!!!!  "  Avaast ... you gotta love her.... yet when she be about.. Better watch your rum!!  Harrrr harr harrr!!



Offline betnsuneha

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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 1
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2012, 10:56:45 AM »
what is happening to me storm


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch pt 5 Captain Lisa's Bondage appears
« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2012, 07:48:14 PM »
The sky was grey, and overcast. The ships in harbor, gently bobbing, at the docks. There had been no threats of severe weather in the area.
Just a light, soft drizzle now and then.
The town buildings, stood in shadows, with lighted windows. Dotting the late day, and pedestrians way.
The sound of boot heels, clacking lightly, on cobblestones. As a slender, yet very attractive red head. Makes her way, between the buildings.
Her ship the Bondage, anchored in harbor. As Captain Lisa, finishes arranging, for ships stores, with some of her captured gold coins.
Lisa's alert, and pretty eyes, scanning the shadows. As something, just did not seem right. Her body tense, as dressed in a short skirt, and loose fitting top. That now clung wetly, to her womanly curves.
Lisa's hand, staying close, to the hilt of her sword. Held by a tied sash, against her trim waist.
Lisa's long red hair, darker, as the drizzle wets it.
Lisa was worried, that Tiffany had not made the proper rendezvous. Storm had not either. Yet he usually seemed to get into trouble.
Then just like the rogue he was, getting out, with fresh coin in his pockets.
Still something dire, seemed to be in the wind. Lisa just did not know what it was.
Lately it seemed, many of the ports of call. Had become less friendly, to the catfighting pirates and buccanners.
Lisa had left most of her crew on board. Trying to attract as little attention as possible.
The busty, and sexy blonde Katterina had come ashore with her. Now, Katterina had headed back to the Bondage, with most of the supplies.
Lisa's eyes soon seeing a man, standing by a dark area, close to an alleyway. His jacket, hung loosely on him. The one side seeming to be missing something or some part of him.
"Spare change for a sailor down on his luck milady?" He asks, moving slightly closer, and further into the light.
Lisa now able to see, it looked as if one of his arms, was missing.
"C'mon lady, I used to sail, just like you." "Till I got knocked overboard, and that shark got at me." He says, again moving closer.
As the hair begins to stand on the back of Lisa's neck. The way he was looking at her, his eyes full of greed, and perversion.
"I'm sorry, I can't help you." Lisa softly replies.
"Ohhh yee can and WILL help me captain Lisa!!" He hisses back, as his jacket falls away. Revealing an already held pistol, in his undamaged, yet previously concealed hand.
"I be Black Tom, and yee be worth a large bounty to me dead or alive!!" He proclaims, even as his fingers begins to pull the trigger.
Lisa's long, sexy legs saving her once again. As her eyes had seen the pistol, begin to level at her. She had thrown herself to the side. Ending in a roll, that becomes a run. As she quickly surges to her feet. Racing, towards the docks, and her ship.
"The East India company, will have Yee, and your ship strumpet!!" Black Tom calls out behind her. Even as he sets off in pursuit.
Lisa's heart hammering in her chest, as she surges ahead. Every dark shadowed place. Maybe the hiding spot, for another attacker!!
The blocks pass by, and her eyes widen. As she sees the Bondage, slowly drifting away from the docks.
"What the hell??" She thinks, while her body reacts. A bit more burst of speed. Followed by another pistol shot from behind. The sound of glass shattering, as the bullet passes by, to close for comfort.
Sounds of alarm being raised, with in the town.
Lisa knew soon, the garrison forces would be hitting the streets.
Without a glance behind her. Lisa dives from the dock, to splash into the slightly chill waters. Her arms, and long legs. Soon cutting through the water on her way to her ship. As she gets closer, the sounds of fighting, and battle coming from the decks above her.
Lisa's clothing now plastered to her sexy figure. As she gains the final anchor rope. Not yet fully drawn in.
As it raises, Lisa also is lifted out of the water.
Her hand drawing her sword, as she soon, is making her way over the side.
"Good day captain bitch!!" lisa hears, before a fist, slams into the side of her head. Spinning Lisa, and sending her staggering, almost as soon, as her feet hit the deck. Her sword falling from her hand, as she turns to see Suneha smiling at her.
Lisa collecting herself, as the fighting between her crew, and the intruders slows, and stops.
Suneha was dripping wet, just like the rest of them. Yet she still seemed to look very well groomed. Her long dark hair, hanging silky down her slender figure. Her silky silver top, clinging to her womanly curves nicely.
Her pencil thin black skirt, also hugging her pleasing form, very well.
Lovely face, and long shapely legs.
"What is the meaning of this mutiny Suneha??" Lisa asks, and demands.
"Mutiny. this used to be my ship, you fucking whore!!" Suneha replies, as now all eyes were on them.
"You scheming slut!!" How many times, do I have to beat you?" "To prove, this is now MY ship!!" Lisa replies.
"Only one more, than you are capable of doing whore!!" Suneha replies, before rushing forward.
Suneha fresh, while Lisa weakened from her narrow escape. Her swim, and the sucker punch Suneha had already landed.
A fist to her sleek belly, and a punch of her own thrown. Lisa begins to fight, to claim her ship, once again.
Even as she falls, arms, and legs flailing to the deck.
Lisa wonders, had Tiffany. and Storm also met with treachery on the high seas??
How had Suneha gained this help, and who was behind it all?
Then she had no time to wonder, as Lisa had a fight to win!!
Tiffany moans, as she wakes. Her vessel the CatsClaws gently rolling, over, and across the waves.
The blonde beauty tries to rise, from her bed. Only to realize, and remember she had been captured.
Her lush, naked body bound, by the traitorous trio of sisters.
Tiffany's large, firm breasts heaving naked. The rope, rough, against her tender flesh.
Tiffany had even been mistaken, for a young goddess. More than once, on remote islands.
Her lovely face, and long platinum blonde hair.
Her buxom, and curvy figure. many seeing her, had begun offering her gifts, for her favor.
Tiffany had become a respected, and feared catfighter. Now a captain of her own vessel, and pirate crew.
Yet now here she was beaten, naked and bound!! She wanted to cry out. To get free, and her hands on the dark haired beauties.
"OHhhhhhhhh lookie, who is awake!!" She hears one of them proclaim, to the other sisters.
The three of them begin to gather around.
"Mmmmmm morning gorgeous, just in time for breakfast." Kim breathily announces.
Even as Tiffany begins to sense, and feel something wet and gooey between her own, well formed breasts.
"This is so yummy.. want to try some?" Kim asks, before swiping a piece of bread, through the valley of Tiffany's breasts. Some of it sliding up, and onto the gently heaving mound, of her right breast.
As some of it dribbles onto her hardening nipple. Tiffany can see it is some kind of jam.
"These bitches, had smeared or spread food on her." "Now they were eating it off her!!" She thinks, as Khloe appears.
"Ohhh Kimmy, I like mine warmer hun!!" She says, before Tiffany's eyes widen in shock, as Khloe wipes her bread, along Tiffany's exposed clit. Coming up, with more of the fruity jam, on her piece of bread.
Khloe licking it, in front of Tiffany's eyes. Even as Tiffany screams with rage into her gag.
Her sexy naked body, showing signs of other things, spread around on it. While she was out of things.
"Manners ladies, poor captain Tiffany is probably thirsty." Kourtney says, as the other two slip back a bit.
Kourtney playfully smacks Tiffany's bare breasts. The three sisters, enjoying watching them bobble, and quiver. Before thrusting firm, and proudly again.
"Her you go, will help cool you off captain slut!!" Kourtney says wickedly. Before starting to pour a glass of wine. Over, and across Tiffany's pert tits.
The three laughing as Tiffany tries to buck, and tear herself free of her bonds. "Soon we will meet up with the BloodStorm, and her captain." Kim says, moving closer again. Smiling down at her.
Even as Kourtney leans down, to tongue some of the wine. Now pooled in Tiffany's navel.
"Mmmmmmmmmm wonderful meal ladies." "Wonder if Storm, will want a lick of this blonde bitch." "Before we are done with them both!!" Kim says proudly.
While Tiffany tries not to release, the tears of rage. Trying to sting her pretty eyes.
"Ohhhhh sooner or later." "You three bitches will pay for this." "That is a promise, from captain Tiffany to you!!" Tiffany thinks.
Among thoughts of revenge. As well as a naughty one. If Storm did savor a lick of her lush body. Tiffany wondered where he would begin?
Trying to shift her thoughts, from what was being done to her.
As well as how arousing it was becoming. Being bound, and licked, and tasted this way.
Rose Montez, was a member of a wealthy Spanish family. Her long dark hair, silky, and tied in a ponytail. That hung down, to the middle of her back.
Rose was basically fair of skin, and lovely of face. Her figure, lush, yet trim.
A loose fitting blouse, and tight fitting leggings, on her sensuous body.
Rose had tired of her families, land ownings. She had left, with some of her inherited wealth.
Before she was forced to marry some rich patron.
Now she sailed the seas, as the feisty Spanish Rosa!!
Her ship, the Leather Lady, was heading out to sea again. After her being given, her slain shipmate Brenda back again. As well as the new demands by Lady Hearne.
Rosa was setting sail, yet with murder in her heart.
Sooner or later, Lady Hearne was deserving to die!! 
The BloodStorm lay at anchor, in a small protected cove. Most of the long boats having come back aboard, with fresh water, and some provisions.
The island was not well known or it's mysteries well scouted, as of yet. In fact, Storm was not sure it even had a name of it's own. So many of these small uncharted islands still left among the seas.
He was tense, as the parties went ashore. All had been told, to work, and stick together in decent sized groups.
If any trouble came, they were to fire shots in the air. Then help would, rush from the ship, and other parties.
Still, one boat, still had not returned yet.
Storm was pacing back and forth, taking a swig of rum, and munching on part of an apple. He had not wanted either really. He just wanted something to occupy, some of his attention. From his growing concern, about some of his favorite pirates.
"I'm sure they are okay captain." Tonyacats says, moving closer to him. Slipping an arm, inside of one of his.
Kayla and Mistycats had taken a crew ashore. Now they were helping store, the things they returned with.
Storm staying behind, to captain, any rescue parties if needed.
The buxom blonde beauty Tonya staying on board with him.
Storm turning to her, and giving her his cup, for her to drink from. The apple finished, the core thrown overboard, for the fishes.
Tonya was a beautiful woman. Storm could not help, but think of the sport Tonya, Kayla and Misty had with him.
After they had set sail. Storm had ordered for rum, to toast and welcome. The new members of the crew.
Later in his cabin. Kayla's clothing had come of. Her lovely smiling face. Kayla's perfect breasts heaving, crowned by her engorged nipples. Caressed by soft candle glow.
Her belly toned, and sleek. Her shapely legs soon wrapping around him. As he enters her womanhood. As they made love, and renewed old acquaintance.
Soon, having enjoyed enough rum. As well as having Kayla pressed naked, and satisfied against him. Storm had drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, he woke, to hug, the warm body beside him. Playfully spanking her firm ass.
Hearing a giggle, and seeing a stunning, and naked. Misty turn to him.
His eyes widening, at the sight of her lush, naked body. "Morning captain." Misty says softly, before giving him a kiss, and slipping from bed.
Storm's eyes taking in her large, firm breasts jiggling wonderfully. As she grabs some panties. Pulling them on, to cover her sex. Her legs shapely, and he already had seen. Misty also had a nice tight ass.
"Where is Kayla??" "I mean, did we??" "I mean you and I.... well you know?" He had asked, as she smiled, and blew a kiss at him.
"Why sugar, your not supposed to ask a lady such things." Misty replies, enjoying the game.
While Storm wonders, and has to admit. Misty was a lady beautiful enough, to want to share a bed with.
Maybe he needed to cut back on the rum.
The next night, it had been Tonya's large, proudly jutting breasts. Being caressed, and kissed, as her clothing had come off.
The buxom blonde beauty, proving, along with her face. Every naked inch of her body. Was pleasing to the eye, the touch, and tongue.
Tonya clinging to him, as waves of orgasmic bliss, surged through her.
Storm falling asleep, this time, with Tonya in his arms.
The next morning waking, to find Kayla's pert tits. Heaving naked against his chest. His long time friend rubbing her body against his, as he wakes.
"Mmmmmmmmmmm Stormy, last night was wonderful." She purrs, while waking him, and arousing him with her nubile body.
The two beginning the day, making love. While Storm begins wondering, how he ended the evening with one lady. Only to wake the next day with a different one in his bed??
He had some talking to do with Misty. Mainly about things concerning the Auburn Snatch. Yet he also honestly wanted to know, if he had been so full of rum. He had forgotten making love. To a woman as gorgeous as Misty.
It definately was a pleasing thought.
Then Tonya had come in, acting all upset, him having another woman in his bed. Quickly followed by Misty.
Misty doing the same, before all three began laughing, at his embarassment, and confusion.
Kayla finally letting him in on the joke. The first night had been Misty's idea.
After that, they just had decided to be fun.
Once again Storm looking at Misty, who was heading for the door, with a playful swinging of her hips.
Her eyes meeting his, as she winks at him, and blows him a kiss. Then heads out of the cabin.
Storm not asking Kayla or Tonya about Misty.
Yet very soon, he would find out from Misty. If not then, maybe the two of them. Would come to that accord, very soon.
"Boats coming captain!!" Hairpull Andy calls out. "I'll go help Kayla, and Misty." Tonya says softly, before slipping away.
Storm's boy relaxing, as the final long boat heads in.
Storm moving to be there, as the crew steps aboard to find what had been the delay.
As they come on deck, his eyes widen, as each of the lead five, lovely ladies. Seem to be covered in some clear, shimmery goo. The wet substance, glistening on them from head to toe.
"Permission to get cleaned up captain?" Emily quickly calls out. Storm seeing her agitation, and nodding his head.
Letting the buxom, dark haired beauty head off.
"The rest of you, I want to hear, what the hell happened on this island." I order, as the rest of the crew, stow the boat, and the things brought back from the island.
All four begin trying to talk at once. I bellow for quiet. Which they do, as Pirate Megan's hand slides up.
"Captain, maybe I should tell you!!" She says, her playful smile, showing on her pretty face.
"Very well Megan, what be all this about?" I ask.
"Well, you see captain." "I was telling them all about whale shooting, when we found this pool of stuff." Megan begins. The others eying her, not the happiest. "Stuff, goo, slime" They mouth.
"Yeahhh that stuff, now hush, so I can tell the captain." Megan tells them.
"Anyways captain, I wanted to take a closer look." She continues. One thing I loved about Pirate Megan. Like an evil kitty, her curiosity, always had her taking a closer look. Usually getting her in trouble.
"Then I slipped, and fell in!!" She goes on, making the motion of being splashed, by the goo, as she went in.
"Then pirates Laurie, and Sara fell in trying to help me, get out." She says.
"She pulled us in!!" "Yeahhh the BRAT!!" Laurie and Sara add to it. Sara making a face, and sticking her tongue out at Megan. Megan returning the gesture.
"Megan, about StarBear, and Emily?" I ask trying to get her to continue.
"Oh yeahhh StarBear was Soooooooooooo brave, leaping in to help!!" Megan begins again. "She pulled my leg, when I got close!!" Steph says, throwing up her hands. Hopin Storm would see, she was smarter, than the average StarBear. She would not just jump into something like that.
"Then my poor wonderful Emily.. fell in!!"
"Pushed her!!" The other three all say together, pointing at Megan.
"Well captain, we had all gotten out. Emily took a stick, to poke at the slime." "She kept getting closer, figured she was going to fall in anyways." "So I helped her!!" Megan says, a big grin showing on her pretty face.
"Ladies, you three may go clean up, while I have words, with pirate Megan here!!" I tell Steph, and the Brat sisters.
"Oh and let Emily know, I be wanting to talk with her, after she be cleaned up." I finish, to aye aye captains, from the three. Followed by, "She is soooooooo getting hers  hee hee." "Yeah think she will have to walk the plank?" "No she will have to scour the POOPdeck!!" Among other things, as they daydream about Megans fate.
I watch them briefly, before looking down.
Megan's cute tush, is being rubbed against my leg. As a look of concentration, is now showing on her face.
"PIRATE MEGAN!!" I call out, as she stops, and steps away. Now that I know why she had kept getting closer.
"Dare I ask, why your trying to rub this goo, off on my leg?" I ask her, as she blushes.
"Ohh ummm sorry captain, guess I got carried away." Megan replies.
Showing a big toothy grin, as she stands before me. Her clothing clinging wetly to her. As I am reminded, by her displayed curves. She may be a pirate, she may be a very good catfighter. Yet Megan was also, a very pretty woman.
My anger begins to drop away again. I completely had planned, Megan was going to swab this gunk, off the decks later.
"Can I go wash up now captain?" "Those other ladies, might need my help!!" Megan says, sincerely.
"Fine but no telling them whale stories for now ok?" I ask.
"Awww Capn ... my Gram used to always tell me growing up." "Why shoot small fish in a barrel." "When you can always shoot a whale in the tail!!" Megan replies.
"Your Gram be a smart, and savvy lady tis true." "Yet no whales for now is that clear?" I ask.
"OHhhhhhhhhhhhh Capn.. Capn I got it!!" Megan says, happily.
"I can tell them about the ferocious bouncing Tiggys." "You know the ones on Kanga-Poohie island!!" Megan answers back. Her eyes growing wide, at the thought.
I could not deny her this one.
We had gone to the island, and seen these striped beasties. They had looked similar to tigers. Like my beloved pirate Megan, very playful. Yet also fierce, and capable, when fighting.
They stayed away from us. Yet we could also see, instead of walking on all fours. They usually somehow bounced, and bounded around.
"Very well, tell them of Tiggys!!" I think they will like hearing that." I reply, as she jumps, and claps her hands.
"Oh thank you captain.. they will LOVE my Tiggy tales!!" Megan says, before turning, and heading off, at a quick pace.
Her nice, tight bottom shaking back, and forth. As she sings about shaking her Tiggy tail.
The slime, falling off her to splatter on the decks.
Yes Megan could hold her own in a catfight. She was tough, as she was mischievious, and pretty.
She was also going to show later. A class, on swabbing the decks!!
Still I smile, as I watch her go.
Like the rarest of gems, and jewels. Megan, like so many of the other ladies on board. Emily, Kayla, Tonya, Misty, Laurie, Sara, and new pirate StarBear.
They all were to be treasured.
"Pirate Joanne, turn this ship out to sea!!' Set sail, lets be away from this island!!"
"It is time to meet up with Tiffany, and Lisa!!"
"Come on yee pirates, lets let the wind embrace us." "While we look after our own."
"Time for the world to see." "Alone may be okay." 'Yet together, be better."
"Yes... it is a pirates life for me!!" "Yoooo hooooooo and steady as she goes!!"
"Aye aye captain!!" I hear from around the decks. As we sail out to discover, where be our comrades. Where be the traitors. Aye and where be the treasure of Jessika's Auburn Snatch!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Pirates 2 Treasure of the Auburn Snatch EXTRA Tiggy Tail song
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2012, 07:55:50 PM »
Avast ......  I kept this apart, so it would not distract from the main story.. ALSO bby the way yes slight error. Betrayal on the catsclaws ACTUALLY part 4 ..
Meeting StarBear is supposed to be pt 3, as posted.. SO recent post IS right being part 5!!
What can I say ... the rum was VERY good that day..!!

YET if yee be wishing.. here be the Tiggy Tail song Pirate Megan be singing. As she splatters me deck with slime, while shaking her nice firm tushie!!

BOING-diddy  Boing. BOING-diddy boing. BOING-Diddy boing.
If the sky has stayed all blue, nothing you can do. When you look around the grass is turning brown.
What can you do?  But give your TIGGY TAIL a shake!!
You may not need a train or even have to strain your brain.
Simply forget looking in the mail, You just gotta shake your TIGGY TAIL!!
Boing.. diddy bounce. Shake your Tiggy Tail!!
Bounce not a pounce, as you shake your TIGGY TAIL!!
If your very very nice, and know just where to find her.
With a toothy smile, and a heart that's very kind'er
You don't have to go beggin. Just find that wonderful Lil Tigg Megan!!
If your wanting her happy to see ya. Just give her Margarita's.
Then get set, you'll probably get wet.
When she shakes her TIGGY TAIL!!
Boing.. diddy bounce. Shake your Tiggy Tail!!
Bounce not a pounce, as you shake your TIGGY TAIL!!
Now the sky is cloudy, but don't ya get pouty.
It really is a dream, when Tiggy Megan makes the scene.
The rain begins a falling, and our thanks we are a callin.
We love her with out fail, when she shakes her TIGGY TAIL!!
« Last Edit: September 02, 2012, 07:58:38 PM by stormbolt7 »