On the sands of the beach, all three catfight battles, where taking place. Spectators from all ships involved, watching, wagering, and drinking.
Some on the beach itself.
While anchored at sea. Faces line the sides, of the pirate and british vessels.
StarBear Steph, and Trish Stratus, had many focused on them. The two seeming to be dancing, as much as fighting.
The intricate footwork, along with the flashing fists, feet, and claws.
Both ladies, having areas of exposed, tender flesh, bruising. If not showing the marking, from nails, being dug into or raked across both of them. Bared breasts, bellies, and even some showing on their beautiful faces.
Steph launches a fist, to Trishes face, that could end this fight. Yet Trish ducks her head back, just as the fist passes by.
Trish grabs Steph's arm. Before delivering a wicked punch, to Steph's side. Steph's feet, lift from the sand, and a cry of pain, escapes her. As the fist hits hard.
Trish tries to follow it up, with another fist, this time to Steph's chin. Trish still trying to keep an arm bar, on Steph. While the punch, is sent to end the fight.
Steph seeing this coming. Uses the arm bar against Trish. As Trish is off balance, with the attempted punch.
Steph drops down, using the change, to drag Trish with her, and flip her across Steph, and onto the sand.
Both ladies are stripped down, to only the most base garment, covering their womanhood, and nothing else.
Sand seemed to be getting everywhere on them. Now they lay on it again.
Steph a more controlled drop, was rising first.
Trish, losing some of her air, after hitting harder on her back. Before rolling slightly, was getting up second.
As Trish rises, Steph sends a spinning kick her way.
Steph's foot, not quite close enough to yet connect. As some begin to mumble, maybe she was more fatigued, than they thought. Steph did not usually miss.
Trish now back to her feet, watching.
Steph begins another motion, to send a flying or spinning kick, to Trish's head again.
Like before, Trish arches herself backwards, into her matrix move. Trish planning on, as soon as Steph's kick misses her.
Trish would spring up, hit Steph with her own chick kick. Ending the fight, for victory, for the Princess Milla's revenge.
As Trish arched over, and commits herself, to the move. Steph shifts her own nubile body. Her coming kick a feint. Steph scouting her opponents moves, and actions. The kick, never fully comitted to on her part.
Her previous kick, and motion, the set up, for her next move.
Steph now close enough, to drop an elbow, on Trish's exposed belly.
Air explodes from Trish's sexy body. The stunning woman, dropping gasping onto the sand.
Trish rolling on the sand, grasping her aching belly. As she tries to gain air, and distance from Steph.
Steph, calmly stalking her opponent by now.
As Trish's head, comes up.
Steph introduces her foot, to Trish's face.
Trish being sent sprawling onto her back. Her pert breasts proudly thrust up. Even as Steph, knocks her out.
StarBear wins her match up!!
Pirate Megan was now racing around, darting between people, totaly topless. The mischief loving pirate, had come close to disaster.
Megan had slid to a stop, to taunt Beth Phoenix again. Then when she tried to start running, had lost her footing briefly, on the sand.
Beth's hand had grasped Megan's top. The people watching, holding their breath. As they waited for Beth's other fist, to pound Megan into pirate jelly.
Yet the young dark haired beauty, had twisted, jerked, and wrenched her body free. Losing her top in the process, before pumping her fist, in celebration. Before yelling at Beth, how she was going to milk her big fat tits.
Then turning, and screaming for captain Storm, and more rum. As the chase began again.
Sweat had begun to glisten on both ladies, as encouragement was shouted to both. While most placed money on Beth to win.
Many more, began to add more money against her, after seeing the near disaster. Megan would only be able to run so far or so long. Then the glamazon would quickly finish her.
Megan catches a glimpse of Storm, looking her way.
Storm smiling, and lifting a rum mug, in salute of her escape. While placing another bet on her fight.
Megan knew win or lose, the captain would be betting on her.
"Well maybe cause my boobs are showing." Megan thinks, as Storm gives her a wink before taking a drink of rum, and turning aside.
Megan had seen Storm, try and keep an eye on all three ladies fighting for the pirates. First watching one battle, then the other.
Being honest, more time focused on her. As the other two fights, mostly were evenly matched, skill, body style, and weight.
Megan was the only one, having to be a giant killer.
A smile spreads on Megan's face, as Storm looks away. Even with Beth's strongly muscled legs in fast pursuit.
"I'm going to steal the captain's rum..!! Hee hee.." Megan thinks to herself, while keeping a steady eye on the location of the mug in his hand.
Megan is almost to him, as an extra sixth sense, seems to warn her of impending doom. Either Megan was slowing down or Beth was not as tired as she thought.
With Storm's mug near at hand. Megan had slowed, so not to send it flying. Now she shifts, and lunges to the side, just as Beth launches herself at Megan from behind.
A hissed curse from her lips, as she feels her fingers, just graze Megan's leg.
A half step faster, and she would have had her firmly in her grasp. Then the fight would have been over quickly.
The top of Beth's head, just hitting the side of Storm's rum filled mug. Storm's grip managing to keep hold of the mug. As the contact, had been glancing, and not direct.
Also for the fact, that Storm had almost expected some kind of prank, from Megan being this close.
Yet as Beth tries to recover, and Megan watches. Some of the liquid sloshes, and splashes over the side of the mug, and onto Beth Phoenix.
Megan pauses watching, as Storm turns fully to see what was going on. Beth rising back to her feet, as Megan's nubile body tenses.
"You bitch, you spilled the captain's rum!!" "Nobody drinks.... I mean steals the captain's rum but me!" Megan declares.
While heads turn, and eyes watch, hearing this new change of things.
Beth herself, taking a slight step back, surprised to see this slender, dark haired beauty Megan. No longer running, but standing her ground, and even advancing on Beth.
Her body tensed, Megan moves ahead, and slaps Beth hard.
Beth and onlookers standing in shock. Then Megan gives a catfight battle cry, and her fingers curl, and become claws. Megan quickly tearing Beth's clothing to expose her large breasts for clawing, and raking.
Beth launching a few strong punches, that Megan bobs, weaves and avoids.
Then Beth's breasts exposed, and bleeding, along thin ribbons of clawed skin.
Megan begins to bounce on her feet, at times using the balls of them to spring her into action.
Much like a Tiggy, from the island of Kanga-Poohie island.
Megan jumping, and hitting, while moving side to side. Moving in, backing out, moving in again.
Beth being peppered with punches, seeming to be coming from all directions. As Megan bounces, and attacks. Beth's return punches growing weaker, and seeming always to miss.
Until finally, maybe due partially to shock. That this young pirate, was out weighed heavily by her. Yet was beating her.
Beth drops to the sand, dazed and fading fast.
"Wooo hoooo look at me Cap'n!!" Megan yells in delight, as she dives onto Beth, adding more punches, and slaps.
"Enough lil one, she has furled her sails." Megan hears Storm say, as he gently grasps her arm, getting her to stop.
Pirate Megan now mounted on a basicaly defenseless Beth Phoenix.
Beth still trying to rise, to defend her honor, as well as that of her ship. Milla moving to her side.
"Stand down girl, I declare this fight over." Milla Jovovich tells her softly. Her order sparing Beth of having to try and continue, at such disadvantage.
Any other place and time, Beth would have easily beaten her much smaller opponent. Yet very few, had ever faced someone as unique or unorthodox as pirate Megan.
Megan slowly rising, as Storm helps her. "Captain, is that rum I smell?" She asks, heart still racing.
Megan smiling at him, as he hands her his mug. "Yee earned it lass." He says, as she quickly scoops the mug into her own hand.
"Wooot.. Wooot.. Gulp .. slurp... yummmmm." "Never let me do that again, just give me more rum!" Megan says, between gulping down the contents of his rum.
Megan's body trembling slightly, from the rush of adrenaline, and shock of what she had just done. As well as been through. Part of it had been the running. yet part of it had been fear, and survival instincts kicking in.
Now her body began coming back down to earth. The rum joining in.
"Mmmmmm you always have the best rum Cap'n... hic .... hic....." Megan begins.
The now empty mug, tumbling to the sand from her fingers.
"Cap'n pirate Megan reporting to pashhhhh out." Megan says, hiccuping again, before falling.
Storm smiling, and chuckling, as he catches her before she hits the sand.
Storm lifting her into his arms. As he turns, to watch the final fight, along with all the others.
Kayla, and Kate Beckinsale had been going at it, fast and furious. With two of the three fights, already won for the pirates. They could stop at any moment.
Yet this was about personal pride now. Neither was going to stop, until this fight was finished.
Two gorgeous brunette's naked, and taking each other to the limits. They had fought standing toe to toe.
They had traded slaps, backhands, and tit punches, while on their knees, facing each other.
The two had stripped their opponent naked. Raked nails, across her bare breasts, and bellies.
Kayla, and Kate had slapped each others bare asses.
Now as all eyes watched. The two seemed to now be fighting on the center stage.
They had rolled into the oncoming surf, rolling onto the beach.
They glistened from sea, and sweat from head to toe. They had shoved their moist pussies, into each others faces.
Now with an extra coating of sand, along their sexy, nude figures. They continue to battle, neither one willing to back down.
Kayla grabs Kate's hair, lifting her off her feet, with two quick punches to her belly.
Kayla having Kate's head yanked down by her hair, while giving the punches. Also helping to block Kate's vision.
Yet the hard elbow, into Kayla's side from Kate. Helps even the fight again.
Both ladies soon gasping for air, and parting to gather their remaining strength.
The two having battled across the sand, and close to the gathered spectators again.
Kate's hand lashes out, as nails score against Kayla's perfect left breast again.
Kayla crying out in pain. Yet as Kate tries to curl fingers, and dig into the tit further. Kayla sends a wicked backhand, across Kate's pretty face.
The hard impact, has watchers wincing in sympathy. As Kate loses her grasp of Kayla's breast.
While Kate is off balance. Kayla drops down, and uses her own leg, to sweep Kate's out from under her.
As she falls, and hits the sand. Kayla's long, and shapely legs. Begin to scissor around Kate's belly, and breasts.
Kate being forced fully onto her back, as Kayla's legs work around her. Tightening, and beginning to squeze.
Kayla's legs grow tighter around her torso, as Kate writhes on the sand. The pressure, starting to deny her air, as well as causing her pain, and discomfort.
Kate's struggles, beginning to weaken more and more.
Her motions also becoming panicked, as Kayla locks the leg scissor in fully. Everyone knew, it was only a matter of time. Until Kate had to submit or pass out.
Kayla so young, and beautiful. As her lovely face beamed with joy, at the coming victory she had.
Kate looking about to tap out or beg for mercy.
When a scream of outrage from some of the Revenge's crew. Totaly frustrated, that it was going to be a complete sweep, by the pirate catfighters.
Launch themselves at Kayla.
"HEY!!! Stop acting like such BRATS!!" Lil Sara yells out.
"Yeahhh we're the only Brats here!!" Laurie Breeze ads in.
Lovely blonde Sara, and beautiful Lil bit brunette Laurie look at each other. "BRAT SISTERS FOREVER!!" They yell in unison.
"BRAT POWER RULES!!" They both yell, as they turn away. Launching themselves into the fight.
The contest was over, yet this was expected. This was just blowing off steam.
Cheers go up, from all crews, as members of pirates, and british navy clash catfight style.
Lil Sara, and Laurie Breeze, maybe being the two smallest fighters involved.
Yet as usual, the Brat sisters, were kicking ass, and taking names, in the thick of it.
Storm was sure, that Tiffany and Lisa. Would maintain order of the ships. As much as the busty blonde, and long legged red head. Were beautiful, and loved a good catfight.
He knew they were just as smart, and would keep this from turning into a gun battle.
Now they had won the wager, through catfighting.
So for now no action at sea. While order was being restored on land. With only a few from each side, getting to go at it, for a little while.
Mila moves close to Storm.
"Here pirate, honoring our wager." She says, handing him a slip of paper.
"A little extra, to say thanks for the entertainment." "Look to the island of woes for some answers." She ads.
On the piece of paper, direct sailing guides given.
"Mmmmm Capn's got a girlfriend.. she wants some Cap'n in her..." "Giggle .. hee heee hic." Megan says, as Storm gently slings her over his shoulder. Before playfully swatting her bottom.
"Aww Cap'n you know I like the wenches ... hee hee.." Megan says wiggling her bottom, before humming to herself, and passing out again.
Running, rum drinking, and fighting having caught up to her.
Mila Jovovich smiles, surprised, yet pleased. To see how gentlemanly, he was treating the topless, and at his mercy young pirate Megan.
"Next time we cross, it will probably be my guns blasting you shifty pirates out of the water." Mila informs him.
"Yet we meet on land, maybe you can share some company." She finishes, before giving him a quick kiss to his cheek.
Then turns, to begin gathering her crew, to put back out to sea.
This time, they would part in peace. Next time it may come to cannon and cold steele.
The Princess Mila's Revenge would soon head out to sea.
Bloodstorm, Catsclaws, and Bondage. Would finish taking on provisions from the island, then head out as well.
Some victory celebrating allowed. As they had given the British Royal navy. New found, hard fought respect, for catfighting pirates.
With a new course at hand.
Soon, Storm and Kayla, along with the three pirate ships.
Would be sailing, on their way. To at last find, and rescue kayla's mother Jessie!!