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Emma Glover vs. Lucy Pinder - Ultra Busty British Queen of Catfighting challenge

  • 16 Replies

Offline djcrash

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My interest in this is to answer the question as asked. The winner for me would be Emma.


Offline pollman

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I shouldn't even have to reply to this,  but for the sake of clarity, and honesty, I will.

Let me confirm, there has never - never - been any discussion whatsoever of deleting Pollman's work.  Ever.

The idea has never been discussed and that assertion is completely, 100% false and is a total fabrication.   What that says about the truthfulness of the rest of his above post, I will leave you to decide.

I notice a certain moderator/admin logged into my forum account a few days ago using my password to read my personal messages and the personal messages that forum members have sent to me. What a thoroughly decent human being that person is to invade someone's privacy like that.