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Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2012, 03:07:36 PM »
You guys are just listing the popular girls with no merit behind them....or listing all your alt profiles.

Well by all means sir list your alts then :) And if you have a better suggestion make them. Or at least come up with a better troll.

Uhhh..I don't have any alts but thanks for playing. I'm sorry if I blew your cover.

You've been pretty supportive of some of the polls here , voting for one picture over another with "no merit".  Polls are just popularity or which picture is hotter, with no other criteria.  What's the difference?

There is none.  
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 05:42:04 PM by HB »


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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2012, 09:18:33 PM »
You guys are just listing the popular girls with no merit behind them....or listing all your alt profiles.

For the sake of clarity, I'll confirm I only mentioned ladies who I've seen in fights over the years;  in the chat, other chat websites, or Yahoo. So I know they have imagination, some passion, some creative edge and of course mad skillz  ::)   .  They don't rely on pictures and the majority have never been in one of the polls.


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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #47 on: August 14, 2012, 11:59:24 PM »
To be honest the only time an alt profile bugs me is if someone I know as person A talks to me as person B and acts like we never met. That feels more like someone is playing a friend for a fool.

Now if you want to stop the idiot alt profile accusations like we saw,  if you make it you have to say who you think they are. If you are wrong, it is harassment with appropriate punishment. In real life and other forums you have punishment for groundless accusations. If the forum instituted this you would see this garbage stop.

Otherwise its no different than me claiming we have a lot of child molestors in the forum and I should not have to name names because its obvious. And if you talk back to me over it its because you are one. And also your silence would mean you agree with me of course :)   Look I loved Full Metal Jacket too but that doesn't mean the door gunners logic was sound "If they run its a VC..if they don't its a well trained VC "

And Storm when you mentioned troll dolls all I could think of was Mimi on The Drew Carey Show :)


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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2012, 12:07:57 AM »

Otherwise its no different than me claiming we have a lot of child molestors in the forum and I should not have to name names because its obvious. And if you talk back to me over it its because you are one. And also your silence would mean you agree with me of course :)   

That is a whole different issue and they need to be routed out.  I'm afraid they can mean trouble for the rest of us if they start posting that kind of stuff and the feds start monitoring this site and all of a sudden link the rest of us in with it

Just so you know I was just using that as an example and not wishing to throw Storm's thread anymore off topic.


Online BigDevil

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2012, 12:24:49 AM »
Nutmeg78 deserves it.

She is good at sarcasm & law enforcing. she is blunt speaker at this forum.

Meg certainly does deserve the gold she is the best fighter I have ever seen which is why she is the 1st on my list. I spend many hours talking to Meg she is a 100 percent REAL WOMAN. After talking to her for many hrs a day almost daily there is no doubt what so ever that she is real.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 12:37:54 AM by BigDevil- »
Have fun and tussle.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2012, 07:08:05 AM »
Wowwww interesting.. how one person ... staggering in. Then posting non topic issues. Can steer a thread in a different direction ..

I agree, with something HB said ... I think part of it. Is in how the lady does with posts as well. Have seen some, in polls. The lady goes all out. Gets very good, descriptive, and visual aiding comments.
Helps it look, like they either know what they are talking about.. OR are interested and involved enough. To make worthy or honest attempts.

Then you have some, that totally go by photo.. and like a broken record. Only have a few set posts or replies, they ever use.
Think they have even had more than 1 member. Trying to use same photo.. NOT of them. At same time in the past ...

ANYWAYs.. fresh idea .. with this ... Since it would be international ..

MAYBE list lady, with country she is from.
Like Serena77  Italy!!
Emily* Canada prime !!
Anna MarineChick, TonyaCats, Mistycats ... U.S. !!
Marlu  Spain !!

Think it could be interesting. Along with the ladies themselves. As they are mentioned. Being able to see, just how many countries. We have represented here.



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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2012, 12:11:14 PM »
Wowwww interesting.. how one person ... staggering in. Then posting non topic issues. Can steer a thread in a different direction ..

Um this is a forum after all.


Offline marydfights

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2012, 08:25:14 PM »
Quote from: stormbolt7

I agree, with something HB said ... I think part of it. Is in how the lady does with posts as well. Have seen some, in polls. The lady goes all out. Gets very good, descriptive, and visual aiding comments.
Helps it look, like they either know what they are talking about.. OR are interested and involved enough. To make worthy or honest attempts.

Then you have some, that totally go by photo.. and like a broken record. Only have a few set posts or replies, they ever use.
Think they have even had more than 1 member. Trying to use same photo.. NOT of them. At same time in the past ...

A cyber is about having the "feel" of things and while its fantasy, feeling like you're in it, otherwise its just writing a story, and that is my issue with how you're rating cyberfighters here, as in polls.
When you are responding to a post a few hours later or the next day, you aren't in a cyberfight, you're in  the midst of writing a story together, which is something in and of itself.
The instinctive reaction to a blow or a move is what a great cyberfighter is about as well as their ability to describe it.

If you look at it that way as opposed to posted photos and "talking smack", you'd probably have difficulty coming up with much of a list unless you're a fighter yourself.

The realism needed to do this properly is sorely lacking and while it may interest a certain element, i for one don't see how describing my breasts and/or stiffening nipples in long flowery paragraphs as "great cyber", i see it as poor attempts at presenting erotic prose. Making your opponent wait 10 minutes for a response and losing any feeling at all for being "in a zone" might make for great storytelling and reading, but its poor cyber.

mary xxx
friends are those who stay and wait for an answer after asking how you are.


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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #53 on: August 16, 2012, 12:33:43 AM »
Quote from: stormbolt7

I agree, with something HB said ... I think part of it. Is in how the lady does with posts as well. Have seen some, in polls. The lady goes all out. Gets very good, descriptive, and visual aiding comments.
Helps it look, like they either know what they are talking about.. OR are interested and involved enough. To make worthy or honest attempts.

Then you have some, that totally go by photo.. and like a broken record. Only have a few set posts or replies, they ever use.
Think they have even had more than 1 member. Trying to use same photo.. NOT of them. At same time in the past ...

A cyber is about having the "feel" of things and while its fantasy, feeling like you're in it, otherwise its just writing a story, and that is my issue with how you're rating cyberfighters here, as in polls.
When you are responding to a post a few hours later or the next day, you aren't in a cyberfight, you're in  the midst of writing a story together, which is something in and of itself.
The instinctive reaction to a blow or a move is what a great cyberfighter is about as well as their ability to describe it.

If you look at it that way as opposed to posted photos and "talking smack", you'd probably have difficulty coming up with much of a list unless you're a fighter yourself.

The realism needed to do this properly is sorely lacking and while it may interest a certain element, i for one don't see how describing my breasts and/or stiffening nipples in long flowery paragraphs as "great cyber", i see it as poor attempts at presenting erotic prose. Making your opponent wait 10 minutes for a response and losing any feeling at all for being "in a zone" might make for great storytelling and reading, but its poor cyber.

mary xxx

Yes but this thread was rather open in rationale for selecting people. This was more or less a fun recognition thread for whatever reason or criteria.If Storm wishes to use poll fights as his base and tells us, I see nothing wrong with him doing that. Likewise if other use cyber fights they have seen or participated in that is also valid. 

And what is great and poor cyber certainly varies as well.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #54 on: August 16, 2012, 07:34:14 AM »
Along with what Nutmeg just added. I NEVER said. It had to be limited criteria, when this started ...  I asked for ladies, to be mentioned OR brought up. That other people may think, would be in the running..

I mainly have contact, with the ladies here, from doing polls for them. So I honestly, have no opinion, on the ladies doing cyberfighting here. Would not be fair, not being more knowledgeable, ladies that do that.
Same, with ladies sharing in the chat area here..
YET I don't think any area.. is to be excluded.. This began, as what IF they ran a olympic style medal challenge or games. For catfighting.
Ladies that do it RL, would totally trash the cyber fighters .. poll ladies BOTH. If that is all the lady does.

Main idea... from any area here. Which ladies, from your interaction with them here. Whichever part, poll, chat, cyber  OR you have seen in posts.
Would you recommend in your view. Is worth entering or nominating, for the gold.
Kind of a which lady/ catfight members here. Do you think ROCK, and would be good in such an event.
NOT to divide or discriminate, between areas, the ladies enjoy here.

UMMMMM WJunkee your most recent post was as pointless, as that other persons. That earned that comment..



Offline marydfights

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #55 on: August 16, 2012, 07:51:17 AM »
Quote from: nutmeg78

Yes but this thread was rather open in rationale for selecting people. This was more or less a fun recognition thread for whatever reason or criteria.If Storm wishes to use poll fights as his base and tells us, I see nothing wrong with him doing that. Likewise if other use cyber fights they have seen or participated in that is also valid. 

And what is great and poor cyber certainly varies as well.

Absolutely, i'm merely stating an opinion of what constitutes great cyber....others may disagree with me. my opinion is not stated as the "definitive truth".

mary xxx
friends are those who stay and wait for an answer after asking how you are.


Online BigDevil

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2012, 09:46:09 AM »
Quote from: stormbolt7

I agree, with something HB said ... I think part of it. Is in how the lady does with posts as well. Have seen some, in polls. The lady goes all out. Gets very good, descriptive, and visual aiding comments.
Helps it look, like they either know what they are talking about.. OR are interested and involved enough. To make worthy or honest attempts.

Then you have some, that totally go by photo.. and like a broken record. Only have a few set posts or replies, they ever use.
Think they have even had more than 1 member. Trying to use same photo.. NOT of them. At same time in the past ...

A cyber is about having the "feel" of things and while its fantasy, feeling like you're in it, otherwise its just writing a story, and that is my issue with how you're rating cyberfighters here, as in polls.
When you are responding to a post a few hours later or the next day, you aren't in a cyberfight, you're in  the midst of writing a story together, which is something in and of itself.
The instinctive reaction to a blow or a move is what a great cyberfighter is about as well as their ability to describe it.

If you look at it that way as opposed to posted photos and "talking smack", you'd probably have difficulty coming up with much of a list unless you're a fighter yourself.

The realism needed to do this properly is sorely lacking and while it may interest a certain element, i for one don't see how describing my breasts and/or stiffening nipples in long flowery paragraphs as "great cyber", i see it as poor attempts at presenting erotic prose. Making your opponent wait 10 minutes for a response and losing any feeling at all for being "in a zone" might make for great storytelling and reading, but its poor cyber.

mary xxx

Yes but this thread was rather open in rationale for selecting people. This was more or less a fun recognition thread for whatever reason or criteria.If Storm wishes to use poll fights as his base and tells us, I see nothing wrong with him doing that. Likewise if other use cyber fights they have seen or participated in that is also valid.  

And what is great and poor cyber certainly varies as well.

I completely endorse Meg's post here.

The way I took this thread from the beginning was for anyone who wanted to participate to say who they think deserves a gold metal for catifighting nothing more and nothing less. I didn't and still don't see it as a popularity contest, or people with alt ID's nominating themselves as someone else has suggested. Nor do I see it as a thread to discuss what is or isn't considered good cyber or who is or who isn't a poser or super. Some of us are into polls and some of us are into cyberfighting and some of us are into real life, some people love jobbers, while others may like supers. It's only natural for people to pick their favorites based on what they are into and how they post. What one person considers "good cyber" another might not.

I would also like to nominate Lauren. along with the other 3 I have already nominated. I haven't seen her fight in a long time but when I did to see her fight on a regular basis she was always very good and a lot of fun to watch.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2012, 09:51:52 AM by BigDevil- »
Have fun and tussle.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #57 on: August 18, 2012, 07:49:08 AM »
Anne ..

Yeahhhhh  know how that yahoogroups.. can kill a fun group, for no reason .. Have been part of others. That for no reason, simply there one day. Gone the next.
Then trying to get in touch, with everyone, to pull back together again. ..

Have some things, going or in the works now.. YET .. Hmmmm MAY try and do something, with this.. end of Oct ...  Have something, possible in mind.
So ya never know.. keep watching .. and maybe something will pop up then.



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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #58 on: August 18, 2012, 08:58:59 AM »
It appears that we could put together a rather fine canadian contingent....

mary xxx
friends are those who stay and wait for an answer after asking how you are.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfighting members here deserve the GOLD medal!! Your picks??
« Reply #59 on: August 20, 2012, 05:50:55 AM »
I have to agree with Mary.. I think we have quite a few impressive ladies, here from Canada!!

I think other countries that have a good amount of ladies.. The UK ... Italy, and maybe Germany.  Have seen a good number, also from India. Yet not many of them, seem that active right now.

Ladies feel free to give your countrywomen a shout out!!

One thing that does help with this here. as some of the other members helped show. We have a good cross section. Ladies that know different areas of catfighting. From chat, cyber, the polls, and RL.
Plus, the amount of ladies from around the world.....  Definately a wide base, to go for the gold!!
