Hey everyone, I’ve been gone for a couple of weeks now, just wanted to post a quick note here. I’ve decided to take a little break from Cyber Fighting for the time being. I really DON’T wanna make a big deal of it.... I’ve done that twice in the past and was back in a couple of weeks. Who knows how long a person will leave for.
I LOVE cyber fighting and I honestly feel like the most erotic moments of my entire life have been in role play with many of you here. The problem (for me at least) is that cyber fighting is also an addiction. It ends up taking up so much time of each day and being in a committed relationship IRL, it feels like a form of cheating as well.
Right now, for whatever reason, I feel more able to pull away from cyber fighting. I feel like it’s what I need to do right now. Sadly, for me it’s all or nothing...the temptation is so great that any involvement here will have me right back where I started.
I guess I’m writing just to let everyone know that I’m doing OK and that people don’t need to worry about me (I maybe very little but I AM grown up
). I also wanna thank EVERYONE who I’ve role played with on here. I don’t wanna create a long list of “Thank Yous”...you inevitably forget people and that’s the total worst... I can say that everyone here that I’ve talked to has made my heart race in one way or another and for that I’m forever grateful!
The one person that I DO wanna single out here is Kasia. She’s my baby sister, my BFF and like totally the sexiest girlfriend ever!! We’ve known each other for many years now and I can honestly say I’ve never met another person that I connect with so deeply on a sexual level. Though I may not be around as much to cyber fight with you sweetie, know that you are ALWAYS in my fantasies!
P.S. In terms of The Silk Stockings Girls, I leave leading the clique in the VERY capable hands of Kasia and Ami. In terms of the overall cliques, I hope everyone is more able to chat with each other out of character.... In the last few weeks I've been getting many posts from people, feeling genuinely hurt by things said....Trash talk ONLY works if it's erotic to BOTH girls involved... If you're feeling hurt by something someone said, please message them privately and just tell them that. I honestly believe that 90% of the people here would apologize and retract comments if they believe feelings were hurt for real...