Question for the Silk management, I was wondering why am I not allowed to join the Silks clique? Is it because I am not a blonde or is it because I am african American? From what I see in all the cliques there is only one African American Female and she part of the Daughters of Anarchy! I really feel that I am being discriminated against by the Silks management as I have never done anything wrong to your chat's or clique in general!
lilblackswan, I am a captain of the silks and you have never said hi to me. I would have gladly invited you to join us. I question the legitimacy of this post.
There is a member of DOA that seems hell bent on trying to hurt the silks, the fact that your id is only a month old and the only thing you have posted on fcf are the two complaints above, makes me really question the legitimacy here.
If you have a genuine interest in joining the silks , please message me directly , this board is a place to set up matches and rivalries, not a place to post grievances .