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Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL

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Offline stormbolt7

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Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« on: September 16, 2012, 12:05:16 AM »

It has been decreed, by King Arthur himself!! That on this day of sword combat....  jousting, and merrymaking. That there be a catfight tourny!!
Most of the knights having contested. Now sit, enjoying food and wine or ale. As the next event begins. The large field, outside of Camelot itself. Now dotted with tents, flying banners, gently teased by the wind.
The sounds of cheering, laughter and wagering. Among the few groans, of beaten knights. On their way to the surgeons tent.

The smell of roast food, also hanging nicely in the air. As all eyes begin being drawn, to the newly added contest, about to begin.

The trumpets sound, as the ladies, from near, and far distant lands enter, before the royal box.
"Knights, Ladies, and other good folk!!"  "It is my honor, on behalf of our liege Arthur, to announce the combatants!!"

"For her chance at the Lady of the Lakes catfighting thong!!" "As well as for the honor, of being named champion!!"

"I give you ..

"THESE be the only ladies, with the courage to compete this day!!" "CHEER FOR THEM ALL.. HUZZZAHHHHH!!  HUZZAHHH!!"
"NOW let the catfight combat begin!!!
Let them have your support, and votes to rise to VICTORY!!

Sir Storm
LADIES as contestants, and having King Arthurs favor. Add other photos of your choosing here, if so desired.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2012, 09:37:01 PM »
SO it has begun!! Let the scribes take note!!

As you can see, this may be one for the record books!!  Keep the votes, and support coming in!!

TigressJenn .. Hmmmm With Babs and this tigress.. The jungle may be looking very fine indeed!!
Jenn thanks for adding in.



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 05:31:27 AM »
NICE opening moves, by several of the ladies...

Jenn so you know.. as well the other ladies.. New poll sign up thread.. idea. Will happen next saturday ...
So keep an eye out for that one.....
FOR now, enjoy this one.. add in, and vote!!

LOVELY photos, from some of the ladies as well, being added!!



Offline mauler maureen

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 07:22:44 AM »
Having done battle with FoxyAnne before, and knowing what a cxnt she is, my money is on her.


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2012, 07:08:52 PM »
AS you can see ... The ladies NOW have center stage at the tournament!!

The oohhs, and ahhhs from the crowd, as they watch the action. The knights now not mouthing, anything against lady catfighters. As they witness them, willing to sacrifice, clothing, and sexy bodies. In their quest to win this battle.
Merlin is heard saying it is magical, before hiccuping, as he is drunk, as well as right. Yet still enjoying the vision of these ladies, fighting it out.

Which lady will emerge victorious?? Maureen has made her support known. Along with a subtle dig, at her own to be champion. (NIcely done by the way.)
Your votes, and support needed. To cheer these warriors onto the championship!!

Sir Storm


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2012, 06:54:20 PM »
Cheers ring out, from the crowds !!!
As we can see.. FoxyAnne  NOT backing away from the fight!!  Sometimes, it may not be the age of the catfighter. Yet the skill, and fighting heart. That may decide the battle!!

Wonderful views, and action, from most of the ladies so far!! As well as nice seeing some different faces, and members adding in votes, and comments!!

Cheers for ANNE  HUZZAHhhhh!!
Cheers for BABS   HUZZAHhhhh!!
Cheers for FLUFF  HUZZAHhhhh!!
Cheers for FRANCINE  HUZZAHhhhh!!
Cheers for LADYB  HUZZAHhhhh!!
Cheers for REBELGIRL  HUZZAHhhhh!!

It is not sword and shield.. It is claw and will she yield!! Days left.. as the fight goes on!!

Sir Storm


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2012, 07:49:08 AM »
Lady Guinevere is acting pissy. That Arthur and the knights are paying so much attention. To the wonderful catfighting ladies!!
The winner here, may have to kick her ass next!!

TIME is almost finished. As these six ladies battle on ...  Your votes.. your support.. STILL NEEDED!!

Which lady will win??  We will all see soon!!  

Sir Storm ......
Avid watcher of the ladies of the tourny!!
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 07:49:40 AM by stormbolt7 »


Offline speed

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2012, 08:47:55 PM »
Daughter of a bitch (Lady Bitch?), someone snuck up behind me and pulled my sleeves down around my forearms. Ripped my elegant gown at the same time  Popped a few more buttons and exposed me below the navel. Not proper thing to do to a Princess. Was getting the advantage of Fluffy until some sneaky bitch did this.
I kick back and can feel my heel catch the cxnt behind me right in the cxnt. That should slow her up.

Diverted from my attack on Lady Fluffy I return to her and get her a vicious slap across the face. I grab her fuzzy neck line. Try to rip it apart and expose her boobs. The material looks flimsy but turns out to be very strong. I grit my teeth and give a great tug.

I glance over at the Jungle Slut's exposed titties. See that mine are buck superior to hers. They wouldn't last long in a contest with my breasts.

This could work to your advantage seeing as your tit's mesmerize every man and I'm sure allot of woman, so while she's transfixed on your perfect tits, you should knock her out cold. LOL Speed


Offline JimmyBondi

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2012, 10:47:17 AM »
My vote goes to Francine, go and get them, you're such a hot woman!!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Catfight in King Arthurs time POLL
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2012, 07:24:32 PM »
CONGRATS     LET the trumpets sound!!  Babs Carlson .. has WON the battle!!  She now will be crowned champion of the day!!
Babs will also get the enchanted, catfighting thong. Belonging to the lady of the lake!!  We all know how famous, the sword Arthur was given became!!

Merlin assuring me. The jungle girl, clad in this thong. Which can change to any color she desires. Will be worn with confidence, pride. As well as MANY catfighting victories, by BABS!!

Well done Babs!!  HUZZAHhhhh  HUZZAhhhh!!!!

MY thanks to ALL the ladies joining in, and being part of this poll. LOVE seeing the added photos, by them. Kind of wish poll had lasted longer. Just to see the next few photos, from Fluf's series. As well as Italian Princess Francine. Of course Babs herself!!

I also LOVE seeing that ALL the ladies had double digit votes arrive for them. ALWAYS nice seeing that!! ALSO hope you see I was right.
The votes showing FoxyAnne .. can still mix it up. With the best of them. She may not have won. Yet she did have a very good showing!! Bravo Anne!

Babs winning, with Francine, and Fluf right after her.
FoxyAnne and ladyB going head to head.
Rebelgirl .. newer to these polls. YET seems to be doing better each time!! My thanks to her, for giving my polls a chance.

LADIES to you all CHEERS.. well done, and hope you enjoyed this!!
As you may see, NEW poll sign up has begun. THIRD year in a row for it ... Costumed catfight for Halloween. NEW setting, and yes story for it. Hopefully to be posted day of, for you ladies to enjoy!!
So pick out your best, fave or sexiest costume, and join in!!

Sir Storm  now leading Babs before the king. To accept the coruts gratitude, her prizes. Also the chance to kick guinevere's ass. For all the pissy comments she gave. About the catfighting ladies, we enjoyed watching fight before us!!