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Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!

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Offline stormbolt7

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Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:08:41 PM »
Ladies .. welcome to Silver Gulch .... A former mining town here in the old west.  What is special about Silver Gulch you ask??

Well, as the sun goes down... eerie things begin to happen. You see .. it may look ok, and only a bit run down during the day. YET it can be down right spooky at night. You see Silver Gulch... is a GHOST TOWN!!!

Last year, took the ladies on a haunted cruise... this year will have them in a haunted ghost town. OH and YES ladies.. like the past 2 years. I will do my best.. TO have a STORY written for the ladies, taking part of the poll .. to be posted here.. by Halloween. MY yearly treat, to the sexy ladies of catfights!!

PLEASE SIGN UP HERE!! Also soon as you can before the poll. Let us know what costume you will be wearing to the party, and poll!!
The party taking place, inside Lusty Lo's silver garter saloon.  Liquor in front .. poker in rear ... SPIRITS haunting ANYTIME!!   
Sign up begins today here ... it will continue... for maybe about 10 days. Taking us into OCT .. before poll starts.
YES poll will finish before Halloween .. Have to give me time. To be able to congradulate the winner. As well as write the story.

LADIES .. please.. sign up now!!



Offline Nattie-Silk Property

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2012, 12:43:19 AM »
I'm in.


Offline HB

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2012, 06:55:57 PM »


You might like this, then


And for Denise - -

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 06:59:15 PM by HB »


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2012, 07:34:48 PM »
KARA ... now entered in her Supergirl costume!!  LOVE the idea of Kara, in that skin tight red and blue top. With very short red mini skirt!

Denise Pope ... now entered in her Wonder Woman costume!!  As you can see. Denise fills out that costume oh so well!

NataliaD ... now entered in her sexy lady cop costume!! You can see, she would stop traffic in this outfit! You have to get a ticket, may as well be from a sexy cop!

Shelly Gibble ... now entered in her Powergirl costume!!  Have to be honest, been a fan of that comic character long time. Always felt was one of the hottest. Yet unlike supergirl, and wonder woman. Was a long time, before that character came into her own.

4 ladies entered... PLENTY of more room ladies!! Think last 2 years have had around 25 ladies each time.
Theme so far seems to be superheroines.... YET as Natalia has shown.. Other costumes, can be just as welcome, and sexy!! This being for Halloween... out west.. Maybe some cowgirls, indian maidens OR even a sexy zombie chick!!

Previous winners came dressed OR undressed. As Catwoman, and Lady Godiva!!

SIGN up continues.. LADIES let your entry.. and costume be known here!!

« Last Edit: September 23, 2012, 07:50:09 PM by stormbolt7 »


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 12:04:35 AM »
Came as Catwoman last year. See no reason to change. Puuuurrrrrrrrrrr. Wsonder if the Evil Kitties will be back so we can wreak havoc on the costume party.

Time to join in the fun (in order they signed up):
Regarding Superlessgirl, put her out with her panties soaked in kyrptonite


Then there is Wonderless Woman, time to give her a facial:

The last superhero, Powerlessgirl will get whipped by my catwhip while in my unique stockage:

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about Police Woman NatalieD. I am going to gag her and truss her up, leaving her on the floor until Christmas:.

Soft Marilyn, aka Gladys, will present no problem. I will pull her hair out while forcing her down:   

Then leave her out cold:

Now is there a Batty Girl around or is she too scared to show up and become my sex slave?  Meeeeeoooooowww!



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 09:45:17 AM »
Some very lovely ladies.. and very sexy costumes so far... Adding to it..

HOT GLADYS ... NOW entered costumed as Marilyn Monroe!!  Just know that white dress, will be getting dirty. Yet like her look in it!!

FIGHTINGBROOK ... NOW entered costumed as Catwoman!!  You know THIS sexy mama cat, will be showing with claws ready!! I see Brook already sizing up her competition!!

MEGAN_23 ... NOW entered costumed as Kitty Pryde .... OHH yeahh ALSO known as SHADOWCAT!! Megan making a wonderful choice here. YEP as you can see, I KNOW the character. Also know how HOT she became. As she matured, and came into her own!!

3 more wonderful ladies entered ...  Ladies feel free to enjoy your first round of drinks. My treat at Lusty Lo's saloon!!

ANY more ladies willing to join in?? Make your entry and costume known here!!  Megan is RIGHT.. Ladies you can have fun being catty here!! YET this is about having some hauntingly good FUN as well!!

Storm ......  Ummmmm I know we may be the only ones in town so far. Yet sure I was just hearing, horses hooves, racing down the street outside!!  Before this is done.. We may all know why. Silver Gulch is called a ghost town!!  He he he


Offline Serena77

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2012, 11:19:19 AM »
Count me in, Storm! 8)
The party will happen in a ghost town in the far west! So I will wear an "indian squaw" costume!
Something like in the pics below!
I'm here to take away some scalps! ;D



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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2012, 12:23:50 PM »
This is looking good!


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 04:38:04 AM »
Mmmm, this is shaping up to be a lot of fun. And ya'll know how much I love to have fun  ;)

I think for this year, I'm gonna prove that I'm the top cat around here, which is why I'm going as:




The Black Cat!

Get ready ladies, this kitty's gonna show ya how sharp her claws really are..



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2012, 07:12:20 PM »
I see the Silver Gulch stage, has been arriving. Bringing in more beautiful ladies to join the comptetion.

SERENA77 ... Enters costumed as an Indian maiden!! You know this lovely lady, will never have problems. Getting someone to share her teepee!!

STEPFANIE ...  Enters costumed as Elvira!!  Yes maybe mistress of the dark. Yet not a bad idea. Getting to be alone in the dark, with Stepfanie!!

JoANNC ... Enters costumed as Batgirl!!  You know, you want to check out her utility belt!! Ok you just want check her out ALL over!!

BABS CARLSON ... Enters barely costumed as Sheena jungle queen!! Willing to share a blanket with this impressive lady. When the western night gets chilly!!

"FLUFF" CRAWFORD ... Enters as an Island jungle queen. Not sure which island she is from. Yet as you can see. It has beautiful scenery!!

BUSTYTIFFANY35 ... Enters as Felicia Hardy .. the Black cat!!  The sexy Tiffany, planning to bring bad luck. To the other ladies entered here!! If done gently, this cat can scratch my back anytime!!

Ladies still time to enter .. Oct almost here.. So pick your costume, and make your entry known here!!



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2012, 06:42:55 AM »
Was thinking.. All we need is a lady coming as Sue Storm. The Invisible girl.  Between her, and Kathryn Pryde, ShadowCat. Phasing in and out. As she is kicking ass.   Will be very difficult, telling which is the superhero, and which are really the ghosts!!  Oh and there WILL be ghosts.. he he he

Not to far from town, are Boot Hill!!  The devils mine shaft. Not to mention the Slaughter ranch. Where Indians attacked and almost wiped out, the entire ranch. As well as everyone living there.

HRW64 ... Entering costumed as Elvira!!  With two very attractive ladies, dressing the same. YOU KNOW.. That is grounds for a catfight right there!!
(BTW Either lady may change costume. Until actual poll begins.)

Justine_CCSD  Have to admit, thinking of the lady law enforcer. As the Black Widow, sounds VERY sexy. Justine has the face, and figure for it. As well as the training, and moves!!  I have to also admit. I am surprised no one jumped on that before now. Figure there will be a LOT of Black Widows out this Halloween. VERY sexy outfit. In fact in May, at area multi media event. (Formerly sci fi comicon) There was actually 3 different ladies. Roaming dressed as Black Widow .. Also all three not looking bad. If I get the chance, and someone can size them smaller. I will try and add few photos from that.

Justine .. ALSO think you would look good as a cowgirl. Makes it difficult, since I am biased in your favor here. Think either would work great. Maybe depedns. On which costume/ character. You think you can become, during the poll.
Not sure that helps you... Hope it does some.

LADIES .. THIS is one VERY impressive group of ladies here. ALSO MANY of you. I know are GREAT at posting, and adding in. So think this can really rock, into Oct!! ALSO as usual.. YES I will try and keep an eye out for members outside poll, just trying to cause problems. Try to keep this fun for all of you. If I can.

CHKkk-CHAkkk.. KAWHUMPPP!!! Oh my.. sounds like the ghostly gallows is in operation again. I am just going to take a look. See if anyone actually out there. Usually it is just the wind .... OR is it??  Heheheheheheh!!



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2012, 08:51:11 PM »
I see the QueenofPins is entering ... just need to be sure.. costume. Your photo.. is this attending Mardi Gras style .. Nice dress, and simple mask, for the party??
If something different for your costume.. let me know. Before the poll begins!!



Offline Boundfighter

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2012, 11:06:28 AM »
I am in :D



Only kidding a bit, Hope you understand the joke, Storm :)


Good luck with this poll

I have only one rule. Fun for both is the most importent thing :) and THINK POSITIVE :D Carpe Diem


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2012, 07:14:33 AM »
Bound fighter ... Ya know what is even more twisted seeing your post. We just talked about this at work. They let the employees, do a dress up. If they want, and can still work the job proper. Even kick in a small prize, for each shift, best voted.
Two years ago, one of the guys from the artwork department. Dressed very similar outfit, maid outfit.  To add insult. During a break he almost got picked up by a cop, for soliciting. The officer was sitting, in the one parking area, side of the building in front.
Another worker, was leaving for his lunch break. The one dressed as a french maid, being silly. Lifted one leg, as if making pass at him. Cop saw it, and stopped the guy leaving. To see if it indeed was a solicitation.

I laughed, and told him. Yeah, lucky the guy let him know what was really going on. I can just imagine your one phone call to your wife. Trying to explain how you got picked up, dressed as a woman, for hooking.. LOL

ANYWAYS.. As mentioned. HERE is one of the three lovely ladies. That dressed as Black Widow for the multi media event. Only one I have loaded on computer currently.

ONLY a few days left, to sign up.. STILL need definate costume choices OR what you want your costume called.. For Justine-CCSD and Queenofpins !!
Any more ladies interested.. sign up now!! Let your entry be known here!!

« Last Edit: September 28, 2012, 07:16:06 AM by stormbolt7 »


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Sign up 3RD annual Costumed Catfight for Halloween !!
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2012, 06:40:55 AM »
VERY cool of Stepfanie!! 

OK so official .. 
STEPFANIE  costumed as Mary Marvel from DC!! .. (Hmmm wonder how it would go. Fight between her and Marvel comics MS Marvel Carol Danvers??  Have the whole brunette versus blonde thing as well.

HRW64 .. now costumed as the ONLY Elvira now!!

Only a few days left.. POLL will begin OCT 1st!!
