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What do you do for breakfast or eat, starting your day? What was it today?

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Offline stormbolt7

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Seems lately have been having breaky stuff at dinner.. and dinner leftovers for breakfast lately...  Hmmmmm  Think work schedule messing with eating menu... 

Anyways.. had some left over ghoulash  (Probably not spelled right, just one of those words NEVER looks right when spelled out ya know??

Since it was left over.. added slice of colby/ jack cheese across it, as it recooked ... so made it more a casserole style when finished.



Offline Norika

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bacon-mushroom-corn pizza from Duna Pizza :P Its cheap and big :)


Offline stormbolt7

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bacon-mushroom-corn pizza from Duna Pizza :P Its cheap and big :)

Norika... have GOT to ask about this ... This is first time I have heard of corn, being used on pizza. Is it like cream style or actual niblets baked into the cheese??
YOU Sooooooo had my attention with Bacon mushroom. That sounds great. Trying to picture the last topping mentioned.

Myself.. last pizza slice, and some left over lasagna...



Offline Laurie Breeze

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Like I said in an earlier post, I always have a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink for breakfast every morning, usually Dark Chocolate or Chocolate Malt flavor. I got in the habit when I was in school 'n had to get up at 5 AM for swim team practice. It's really not a smart idea to fill up at breakfast before you go in the deep end of the pool!  ;)

This morning was a little different. I still had my Carnation Instant Breakfast but there was just enough lowfat milk for the kids' cereal 'n Bossman's coffee. So being a good nanny, I let them have it. There was some of Bossman's Almond Milk in the fridge so I used that instead. It was really good! Carnation Dark Chocolate mixed in Almond Milk instead of regular gave it a new nutty (well, duh) flavor 'n I think I'm gonna use Almond Milk every day from now on!


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Offline stormbolt7

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Like I said in an earlier post, I always have a Carnation Instant Breakfast drink for breakfast every morning, usually Dark Chocolate or Chocolate Malt flavor. I got in the habit when I was in school 'n had to get up at 5 AM for swim team practice. It's really not a smart idea to fill up at breakfast before you go in the deep end of the pool!  ;)

This morning was a little different. I still had my Carnation Instant Breakfast but there was just enough lowfat milk for the kids' cereal 'n Bossman's coffee. So being a good nanny, I let them have it. There was some of Bossman's Almond Milk in the fridge so I used that instead. It was really good! Carnation Dark Chocolate mixed in Almond Milk instead of regular gave it a new nutty (well, duh) flavor 'n I think I'm gonna use Almond Milk every day from now on!


Hey nothing wrong with the almond milk ... If I do have coffee.. usually go with the hazelnut... adding that nutty flavor, like you mentioned for the milk.
Just little extra flavor/ taste to the usual.




Offline stormbolt7

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OK always gotta keep in mind. I usually work till midnight during the week. So usually no early breakfast.

Maybe a lunch/ breaky combo.. like today..
Breakfast on a bun ... Hamburger, with some grilled deli ham and a fried egg.  Local restaraunts version. So see kind of a little bit of both!!



Offline stormbolt7

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Wowww how could I forget ... Got to have some tater tots with that breakfast burger!!



Offline stormbolt7

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Bowl of boo-berry cereal ........ Yeahhhh still from my Halloween stash ...... stocked up  LOL

Then add in a plate of nachos.. Made with colby jack cheese, with some deli virginia ham for extra topping, under the melted cheese.

Yeahhh usually a breaky/ lunch combo here.



Offline stormbolt7

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OK   ready almost a NORMAL breakfast..... went out..

2 scrambled eggs. 2 pancakes. 2 strips bacon .. N a side of three cheese blend Mac N cheese. HEY sounded to good to pass up..  LOL



Offline Karly_Kats

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Hello im Karly and i havent been here before but i see some familar faces and thought id start doing stuff like this too. For my breafast this morning i had half a pink grapefruit and a slice of wholewheat toast. I have this most days, sometimes a bacon sarnie at weekends well it is the weekend right ?
So is this how it works ?



Offline BigDevil

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I had the samething I have every day coffee, coffee, and more coffee!!
Have fun and tussle.


Offline stormbolt7

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Was the use it or lose it time...

Sooooooooooo left over hamburger patty from cook out.. Turned into a chili cheesburger...  Add a left over Brat.. and some potato salad..
HEY there not just for dinner anymore.. LOL



Offline stormbolt7

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As usual kind of a breaky/ lunch time....

Sooooooooooooo cooked ramen noodles.. N used them with left over spaghetti sauce with meatballs...  Add few slices of stuffed crust pizza.

Slightly inovative leftover meal, to get things going.



Offline Laurie Breeze

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I'm gonna try to make something special for Grant 'n the kids tomorrow morning, I hope I don't burn it or mess it up! Keep yer fingers crossed!

French toast covered with crushed Cap'n Crunch cereal.


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Offline stormbolt7

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Left over baked Mac N Cheese, small salad, and a  vanilla frosted granola bar...

Hey remember, working till midnight.. Breaky for me may not ALWAYS be breakfast sounding stuff ... Sighhh thinking of that.. Soooooooooo bummed ... Closest place to me for breakfast  moved .... Sooooooooooooo wanting a western omelette from there!!
