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The Chatroom

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Offline Dan_The_Man

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The Chatroom
« on: December 22, 2012, 11:19:55 PM »
I'm not that regular here, but thought I'd like to raise a point or two.

I've been in the chat room a couple of times, ya know for a general chat about fightin/whatnot. Always say hi when I enter, try to spark a convo, and yet I get nothing. Someone else enters, and some people are like 'hey! <username>'. IS the room here that 'clicky'?

Ladies, I know you don't like guys pesturin ya, but a few words in the main room wouldnt hurt, even jus a hello. And guys, I dont know what you do in there, but at least try and help a guy who;s bored and just wants to chat yea?

Hope I dont sound like a dick, but I can see me never goin in there again as no-one talks.

(Ali Maxine - Thanks for acceptin my compliment. We exhancged a couple of sentances, then I left her to it. Lovely chick.)


Offline Nutmeg

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Re: The Chatroom
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2012, 11:41:06 PM »
Not that much different than real life, I walk into places I am a regular at and not everyone feels the need to say hello to me. You say hello to people you know. I try to greet new people but I am not watching the room constantly when I am there. And some will never say hello in public to you for various reasons (they feel its more personal or don't want person A to know they know person B etc... ). Or they are in PM and would not notice if their own mother and priest walked in the room because they are busy chatting :)

Other words, don't sweat it.


Offline LoveSexyJobbers

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Re: The Chatroom
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2012, 03:25:13 PM »
Hello Dan , welcome to the site .
When it comes to chat , it is what it is , there are times you pop in for 20 mins & not 1 damn thing happens . Other times nothing happens besides 2 or 3 people involved in a discussion on the main chat left side where you see who comes in & who leaves . There are times when I do have a chat box come up & the chat can be long or short , & there are times I am chatting with someone , am typing in a long response & am so busy doing so , I don't realize another chat box popped up & most of what I type is now in the new chat box  >:(& I have to start over for the original intendee & at times , I will have 3 or 4 going . It is a matter of when you are in & who is on & is a patience game , the more the merrier of course , but with chat though , more is tough , in that I mean , when it gets to 45 people in chat , it is unknown if I get in & will get a runscript error message more often than not , the most I got let in on 1 day was 52 , & that was once , but once there are alot of people , doing anything extra can get you frozen out & you'll have to leave & try to get back in again , but it is patience which comes with this site like my stories , 8 billion people tell me they love them , but 1 out of every 250 to 300 people who read them leave comments , it is expected & comes with the territory  ;D
You never grow old until you stop being young


Offline DJP60

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Re: The Chatroom
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2012, 01:10:44 AM »
yea what ever Meg and LSJ said
I have an interest in female
hooligans fights too as well as Russian girl gang fights!!
i also pay entertainers to fight 1 another and i get photos of them here in Las Vegas Nv Sabrina is now 6-1 Yes i pay strippers to fight each other for $$.


Offline simcock

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Re: The Chatroom
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2012, 08:39:47 AM »
All Internet chat rooms are like this. Just an endless list of 'member enters', 'member leaves'. I don't go on them at the moment due to only having an iPod but might try again with a computer when I get on. Making friends on them is hard work but keep at it.


Offline Gaelle

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Re: The Chatroom
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2012, 01:20:24 PM »
it's not so hard.  I regulary have private chats or get involved in the public chats and action..i even have a match sometimes.
I think everybody can make interesting contacts here as long as you don't start by "hi ho r u", "slut" or "do you think you can beat my grandmother?"

What I don't like are those people who never answer you when you say hi. If they are busy or not interested, it is easy to say it in one very short sentence.
And i don't like either those you already told you were not interested and who still keep contacting you again and afgain.

Well..nothing is perfect but I think this room provides good fun and interesting people can be found there.
Lady Gaelle



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Re: The Chatroom
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2012, 08:32:07 PM »
 Most people are into priv chats, I look at profiles and send private messages to fans with same interests.
   Also posting questions can start up chatting in the main chatroom. If anyone is reading and has interest in your question.
  Most of the female profiles are men at keyboard, so don't feel bad if no response from them.
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