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Fight for Scott

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Offline vet51

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Fight for Scott
« on: January 07, 2013, 08:46:00 PM »
Cheryl got the call she was expecting all day at 2:00, it was someone from the school telling her that her daughter Ellie had been in a fight with another student and she should come and pick her up. She knew Ellie had had it with another girl in her class. When Cheryl arrived in the parking lot she saw the reason her daughter had been in the fight, that filthy whore Carol. The two women had been carring on a rather fiery affair with a local townie named Scott. Both women were married but that didn't matter, it was exciting and the sex with Scott was raw and rough and both women had come to crave their time in Scott's bedroom. Cheryl hated Carol and she was sure the feeling was mutual. The two 40 something attractive women glared at one another over the tops of the cars they're husbands had bought for them, Cheryl wanted nothing more than to run over and finish this once and for all but she and Carol both had to think of they're images as upstanding members of the PTA and the library assocation and the graden club. Oh but she wanted to pound and humiliate her rival for Scott and claim her position as the alpha female. As she stood by her car hands clenching into fists she thought of Scott. What a desirable animal he was and what a bastard he was too, she knew that he was fucking her and Carol at the same time and some times on the same day... god she thinks "I hope he at least washed himself off inbetween". Cheryl also knew that Scott was fanning the flames of the rivalry between her and that bitch. He would call her Carol when he was about to cum or let her "accidentally" see a nude photo of Carol on his phone, she was very sure he was doing the to same to her. It was great for him both women let him have things that even they're husbands had been denied in bed, in an attempt not to be outdone by her counterpart. No time for that right now she thinks and goes to get her daughter.

The Assistant Principal invited Cheryl into his office and tells her that Ellie had been in a fight with another girl but a teacher had stepped in and stopped it before anyone got hurt. He warned Cheryl that any disciplinary problems could prevent her senior daughter from graduating and that as an 18 year old there could be legal issues to deal with if this happened again. She wasn't suprised to hear that Ellie and fought with Katie Marks, Carols daughter; the girls had been friends once in they're early school years but no longer. As it is in school, the girls had grown apart and had begun competing for spots on the cheer team and in the drama club and inevitably as teens do they had begun go gossip about one another and the tensions rose. There was also the unspoken but still felt competition between they're mothers too. Both Ellie and Katie and felt the tension and competion between their Mom's on more than one occassion. Ellie asked Cheryl once why she hated Carol so much and she made up a story about things Carol had told people about her. Cheryl was sure neither girl knew about the affairs with Scott... those were extremely private matters. On the ride home Ellie told her that she and Katie had engaged in a shoving match in PE and had continued to argue about it till they got to the locker room, when surrouned by their friends the girls challanged each other and the fight was on. Ellie said that before to long Miss Jones the gym teacher heard the noise and broke up the fight. Ellie said that she still wanted to tear Katies hair out she was so sick of her gossiping.

That evening Scott started texting asking how Ellie was after the fight, as Cheryl's husband sat in a chair next to her. He asked who's that? and her blood runs cold and she feel's the rush of excitement as she comes up with an answer. She say's "oh, its my sister" and gets up and goes to the bathroom and locks the door so she can text her lover without her husband asking who it is or trying to see the phone in her hand. She knows he suspects something but she doesn't care, she wants Scott's cock and she'll have it, husband and Carol be dammed. Cheryl texts "how do you know about Ellie's fight?" I heard about it this afternoon, is she ok? he responds, I heard she was knocked around pretty badly by some girl. Cheryl asks who told you that it's bullshit and in her minds eye she can see Scott sitting there holding the phone with a sly smile on his face as he answers, its not important. He tells her he's horny and he wants her... now. She feels the wetness between her legs and tells him she'll have to come up with an excuse to get out of the house; she tells him it might take her a while to get away. He answers that she doesn't need to come over... he'll make other plans, he won't answer any more of her texts and her blood boils because she knows Carol has been talking trash to her man and will probably be in his bed soon.

Still in the bathroom Cheryl texts Carol..."you fucking whore...You fucking lying bitch". Carol answers "listen you tramp, my Katie kicked your brats ass today and she can do it anytime she wants because she's the better woman just like I'm better than you...slut". "and I'm going to suck Scott's big dick tonight right before he slams it into me" "and when we're done we're going to laugh at you and your miserable brat". Cheryl goes fucking whore I'll kick your ass and Ellie can beat your little brats ass too" Oh you better be careful answers Carol or I'll call you on that, anytime you want Cheryl shoots back. How about tonight? Bitch! Carol answers you got it whore, how bout we do this at Scott's, I want him to watch me slam your ass. Cheryl says....when I'm through with you I'm going to suck him dry and you'll have to watch. Be there at 9....I will and so will Katie answers Carol.

Cheryl goes to Ellies room and admits that she has been cheating on her father with Scott and she and Carol are going to fight it out tonight at Scott's place. Ellie is shocked and upset that her mom be so trampy and do such a thing to her father. Just as Ellie is about to leave the room to go tell her Dad, Cheryl stops her and tells her that Katie will be there and she wants to finish the fight they had eariler that day. Ellie wants to get her hands on Katie but tells her mom that when this is over she's going to tell her Dad everything. The women get they're things together and drive out to the counrty to Scott's house.

When they pull into the driveway they see Carol's car already there, she may have beaten me here but she'll be the one that has to leave thinks Cheryl, she looks at Ellie..."you ready?", "yes I am" is the answer. They go to the door and Scott lets them in, he's wearing his usual wife beater tee shirt and holding a beer. Carol and Katie are standing in the living room both glaring at their opponents. Scott announces, as he shakes his head and slyly smerks, (Cheryl thinks he's loving this, what a bastard but as she stands there next to the man she wants and Carol right across the room all of her womanly desire and fire wants to destroy her rival). If you all really want to do this says Scott," I guess I'll be the one who makes up the rules, agreed?" before Cheryl can answer Carol says "yes we agree". I've given this some thought he says and I think the girls should settle they're fight first and then the mom's, Ok? Now move the furniture back to the walls, he sits down and watches the four women do what he tells them. Once the work is done he announces that there are "no rules" and its over when I say its over. The Mom's and daughters have moved to opposite sides of the room and the Mother's are giving instructions, both girls are about 5' 6' and 110 pounds, both wearing tee shirts and shorts, Ellie is blonde and Katie is brunette, Scott yells "fight goddamm it". The girls charge witout a second thought, they meet in the middle of the room and the collision knocks both back a step however each one has managed to grab the others hair with a left hand as they bounce back they bend at the waist and beging punching with their free hands. The girls scream insults at one another as they throw wild punches landing faces and tits. They begin to spin in circles and Katie kicks Ellie in the groin, Ellie lets out a whoop sound and goes to her knees. Katie still holding Ellie's hair punches her opponent. Both Mom's are dancing around the battling wildcats yelling encouragement and advice. They get close to one another and start to push and shove but Scott steps inbetween them. He pulls them to the couch and sits between them as they're daughters continue to fight like demonds.

As Scott watches the raging fight in front of him he begins to fondle the Mother's on his right and left thus holding them in place. He turns first to Carol and kisses her long and hard, as he does this he feels Cheryl coming over his body on the right to get at Carol and he roughly shoves her back down. He then turns and kisses Cheryl forcing her tounge out of the way and grabbing her hair. The Mom's have now given up calling advice to they're daughters and are glaring at each other as they hand fight over which one will massage Scott's crotch. Scott watches as Ellie regains her feet and the girls are throwing wild punches at each other again, both are exausted and sobbing, bruised and bloody from scratches and their faces, arms and chests. As the daughters stagger around the room with handfuls of each others hair clenched in their fists, Scott releases the mothers and pulls his hardening manhood out of his pants. He tells Cheryl and Carol to strip and both women as if hypnotized do as he orders, he tells them they can fight nude for his cock. After the three are undressed and almost unnoticed Ellie lands a knee to Katie's face and she tumbles to the floor unable to continue. Scott announces the fight is over and Ellie has won. He orders Katie out of the room and tells Ellie she can stay but she cannot interfere, Cheryl and Carol barely acknowledge the winner or loser, they are intent on each other, each stares at the others body, comparing and making threats about mauling tits and pussy's . Scott sadly asks them if they wouldn't prefer a three some instead of a fight, neither answers, they just stare in hatered, he's say with a wave of his hand "oh go ahead then, fight and the winner gets this" and both women look as he begins to stroke himself hard.

For both women it's not only about which one will have Scott but also about which one will dominate the other, they slowly approach each other in the center of the room, hands go up and as if by prearrainged signal they clash. At first there is blur of slaps and punches, screams of pain and rage as they spin around the room. With the first onslought over and both still on they're feet the women slam together body to body one arm holding her rivals back and the other grabbing a hand full of hair on the back of the head and pulling the others head back, exposing a long beautiful neck. They stay locked like this cursing one another and scratching the others back raw. Neither can gain an advantage and they begin kicking one anothers legs and scracthing down the others legs with toenails. This really was a catfight, Cheryl was the first to lose her balance and fell to the floor, dragging Carol down with her, the women rolled into a ball and began to pummel each other with punches and slaps. Carol reaches down between Cheryl and grabs her pubic hair, with a scream of pain and rage Cheryl bites Carol on the tit, both women lay like this for what seemed like forever inflicting terrible pain on the other. They're muffled screams filled the room, Ellie started to get off the couch and Scott pushed her down with his left hand as he continued to stroke himself with his right, saying let them fight they need to settle this. For the first time Ellie saw why her mother was fighting another married woman for possesion of this man... and she sat down. By now Cheryl was clawing at Carols pussy lips and and mauling one tit with her other hand as she bit the other tit. Carol's screams filled the room, she ripped the hair from Cheryl's pussy with her right hand and punched wildly at Cheryl with the left. Cheryl just bore down harder and harder on Carol causing her to flail about losing her hold on Cheryl's pussy hair, this was the end, Carol screamed that she gave up. Cheryl didn't hear Carols screams for mercy and held on like an animal until Scott pulled her to her feet, telling the dazed fighter that it was over and she had won. Cheryl caught her breath and looked at her defeated opponent as she tried to crawl away when she remember her promise. She kicked Carol as she tried to get away and told the leering Scott what she had told Carol. He ordered Ellie to hold Carol's head up by the hair as Cheryl dropped to her knees and began to suck on Scotts growing cock. Ellie looked on in shock as she saw her Mother...the woman who read her stories and made her cookies choking this strange mans huge dick down her throat. Carol squeeled and writhed to get away but Ellie held her firmly in place about 6 inches from the action as Cheryl's saliva drooled down his shaft and splashed on Carol's face. After she swallowed Scott's load Cheryl stood up nude in front of her beaten rival and ordered her out. Ellie's Mom looked at her daughter and told her to go home, she was a different person now as she grabbed her new man's dick stroking it. Ellie left Scott's but before she did she looked over her shoulder in time to see her mom mounting the man she had fought so hard for. Ellie thought about how she'd tell her Dad the news when she got home.


Offline bigmack

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2013, 11:30:44 AM »
What a great story. The only thing that could better if the daughter's fought nude


Offline vet51

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2013, 01:49:39 PM »
Thanks for the feedback, that was my first attempt


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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2013, 06:23:38 PM »
Very good!! Scott is a really a lucky man!!  :-*


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2013, 07:45:30 PM »
I know I've read this somewhere before, but I can't quite place it at this moment.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2013, 02:47:51 AM »
Wildly exciting! Yum!  ;D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline nova1274

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2013, 10:08:54 AM »
 Superb. Wish the mother gave more attention to her daughters embarressing blow to her crotch


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #7 on: April 20, 2013, 02:19:13 AM »
Well written fight.


Offline vet51

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 11:15:21 AM »
Thank you for all the positive feed back.


Offline Mr. Cavalier

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2013, 07:10:51 AM »
best story I've read in years...very well done!


Offline raker

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2013, 09:07:12 AM »
 I bought the whole scenario. Great built-up, and no-nonsence story. Wished for a 4 female round-robin, slug-fest for an ending. But that's yust Me. Great fun. Thanks...


Offline vet51

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2013, 01:04:03 PM »
Wow I can't say thank you enough for the good reviews. I wrote another story on called " Mom's basement duel" if you'd like to look at it and give your opinion. I would like to transfer it to this site but can't figure out how to do it.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2013, 08:27:23 PM »
You should be able to copy and paste it straight into a post here.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see you already did.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 08:27:51 PM by Leroy Veritas »
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2013, 02:09:29 PM »
Hi, I just registered as a member. I 've been reading a lot of the stories on your site as a guest and this one is really good. I love the set up, sounds like it could really happen.


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Re: Fight for Scott
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2013, 08:31:36 PM »
wow, have missed it till last registered brought it up. thanks, gave me a good load
I wish each and every day would start with a catfight in my flat