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Kayla vs Molly, second elimination round

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Kayla vs Molly, second elimination round
« on: September 01, 2008, 11:11:03 PM »
Here's the second round elimination fight involving my fantasy alter ego from Mr Chain's site at

Hope you enjoy!  ;)



“Kayla vs. Molly”

Molly had proven to be a bit of an enigma as a pro wrestler. Despite her bulky size and having been personally trained by the legendary pro wrestler Natasha the Hatchet Lady, Molly had only achieved limited success in her pro wrestling career. But her large frame, significant strength and penchant for breaking the rules, she was also a dangerous opponent, and Kayla was well aware of that fact as she watched her upcoming adversary climb into the ring.

Though only an inch taller than the sultry Kayla, Molly outweighed the amateur by 60 pounds, an advantage which could not be overlooked. So as Molly strutted to her corner clad in a leopard print body suit, Kayla eyed her cautiously. With her curvy, fit body and skimpy white bikini, Kayla was clearly the favorite of the fans, but as the bell rang to signal the start of the match, Kayla would need more than the cheers of the fans in order to advance and knock Molly out of wrestling.

The two women began to circle, but within seconds met near the center of the ring. With a look of steadfast determination in her pretty brown eyes, Kayla charged Molly and prepared to lock up with the Amazon, but Molly instead greeted her with a huge forearm to the chest, pounding Kayla back a few steps. The pretty amateur’s supporters began to boo, but Kayla recovered quickly, giving them hope as their cheers returned, trying to spur Kayla onto victory. But as she rushed back in, Molly lunged at her and raked her fingers across Kayla’s eyes, blinding the sexy tri-athlete.

Howling in pain, Kayla stumbled backward as she rubbed her eyes, trying to regain her sight. But Molly wasn’t about to give her the time she needed, and charged at the curvy amateur, quickly hoisting her body up high into the air before slamming her down onto her back. Kayla hit the mat hard as the ring reverberated from the impact, the fans again booing. Rolling from side to side as she continued to rub at her eyes, Kayla was in trouble. Reaching down to snatch two handfuls of her hair, Molly violently plucked the bikini clad amateur up to her feet before once again scooping her into the air, holding her up high for the benefit of the hissing fans, and then again slammed her down the canvas.

Splattering against the mat once more, Kayla then rolled onto her stomach, pulling her knees into her chest as she lay face down. Her spine tingled from the violent slams as the crowd began taunting her larger opponent. Unfazed, Molly once again ripped Kayla to her feet by the hair, this time shoving her near the corner before seizing hold of her arm and whipping her across the ring. Charging ahead, Kayla could not prevent the ferocious collision between her back and the corner, and as she hit it, her arms sailed over the top ropes as her legs lifted into the air. Her entire body shook from the force to the crash before settling against the turnbuckles, hanging limply from the ropes as again Molly moved in.

But as Molly rushed carelessly toward her, Kayla used the leverage of the ropes to propel her legs forward, sending a raging double kick into Molly’s midsection. The blow caused the veteran to eject a huge puff of air from her mouth as she doubled over and wrapped her arms around her belly. Kayla paused to take a deep breath, but then pushed herself out of the corner to confront her adversary and quickly wrap her in a headlock. With the fans cheering her on, Kayla allowed her arm to slip downward, changing the side headlock into a chokehold as Molly slapped at her thighs in angry protest.

Gritting her teeth in evidence of the potency to which she was applying the choke, Kayla then took her free hand and used it to gouge at Molly’s eyes, turning away from the ref in order to hide the illegal tactic. Molly flailed her arms and tried to scream, but the choke was inhibiting her ability to project her anguished cries. The fans were loving it as Kayla had not only turned the match around, but was also using Molly’s own underhanded tactics against her.

Pulling Molly around the ring as she continued to gouge at her eyes, Kayla then finally relented, but then abruptly lifted her knee and forcefully drove it into Molly’s face, knocking the bulky brawler to her knees. Kneeling upright, Molly clutched onto her face while gasping for air, her eyes red and bloodshot as the fans shouted their approval. Standing in front of her kneeling victim, Kayla then lifted her arms straight overhead and did a quick swivel of her hips to entertain her supportive fans, who responded with a flurry of whistles and hoots. A smile stretched across the amateur’s pretty face as she incited the audience with her sexy shimmy before returning to the task at hand. She then reached forward and snatched a handful of Molly’s hair, but the brawny blonde retaliated with a straight jab to the pit of Kayla’s stomach, knocking the air out of her as she doubled over and wheezed loudly.

The punch had bought Molly some time as she frantically rubbed at her eyes and tried to regain her own breath. But Kayla recovered before Molly could get up, and once again moved in, this time snatching a handful of Molly’s hair with one hand before delivering a hard, open hand slap to the side of her face with the other. A loud CLAP echoed around the ring as Molly’s head pitched to the side, her cheek instantly turning red. Once again Kayla thrust her arms overhead in celebration as she stood before her kneeling opponent, taunting her.

With her red face twisting into an angry expression, Molly began to push herself to her feet as surprisingly; Kayla turned and walked away, strutting to the opposite side of the ring. Furious that the newcomer was trying to embarrass her, and doing a good job of it so far, Molly got herself erect, but as she lifted her head, saw Kayla charging at her. Before the hulking veteran could react, Kayla leaped forward and slammed a powerful dropkick into her chest, jarring her backward until she slammed against the corner.

With her arms splattering backward, Molly collapsed against the turnbuckles, her legs wobbling beneath her. Kayla meanwhile quickly returned to her feet and dashed toward her, grabbing hold of the ropes on either side of her blonde adversary while setting herself. She then lifted her leg before pounding the sole of her boot into Molly’s gut. Quaking from the impact, Molly was then hit with a second stomp, her already soft midsection being softened up even more.

Acknowledging the cheers with a quick wave, Kayla then moved in closer and reached for Molly’s head. But just before she could grab two handfuls of hair, Molly lurched forward and grabbed Kayla by her brown hair while lunging her own head forward. Pulling Kayla’s head toward her, Molly blasted the pretty amateur with a headbutt straight to the center of her face.
“OOHHHHHHHH!” howled the fit youngster as she faltered backward with her hands covering her face.

Kayla moved her hands away from her face to check for blood, disoriented by the brutal butt. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Molly then hopped up onto the middle ropes, steadying herself before leaping forward. Spreading herself apart while in mid air, Molly then splashed her body onto Kayla, knocking her off of her feet and flat on her back as all of Molly’s two hundred pounds then crashed on top of her. Grunting from the force of the impact, Kayla felt her arms being stretched over her head as she lay flat on her back, Molly pressing down on top of her and attempting a pin. The fans erupted in booing and hissing as Molly pushed all of her weight onto the smaller athlete, flattening her against the canvas.

Moving in, the ref checked Kayla’s shoulders before lifting his arm. He slapped the mat once as the fans grew more vocal, desperately encouraging Kayla to escape. The ref then slapped the mat a second time as Kayla tried to plant her feet before thrusting her hips upward to frantically thrust Molly off of her. The burly blonde rolled across Kayla’s body and flopped alongside her, both women now flat on their backs.

With four minutes expired of the five minute time limit, a sense of desperation began to fill the arena. Both women began to squirm, each trying to get up and take an advantage, though both were moving a decidedly slower pace than they had been just a few minutes ago. Rolling onto her side, Kayla took an early lead, getting onto one knee just as Molly rolled onto her stomach. Getting both feet beneath her, Kayla then stood up just as Molly had gotten to one knee. Turning, Kayla then hobbled over to Molly, but the blonde abruptly jolted forward, ramming her shoulder into Kayla’s gut and then driving her back into the corner.

With her back striking the turnbuckles, Kayla’s midsection was then repeatedly pounded by the blonde, who rammed her shoulder into it several times. Kayla’s upper body finally collapsed forward onto Molly and the blonde then wrapped her arm around the back of Kayla’s thighs before hoisting her up onto her shoulder. Straightening herself, Molly stood erect as Kayla’s broken body dangled off of her shoulder. The blonde then stomped around the ring, carrying her smaller foe until finally dumping her to the canvas. Landing awkwardly on her shoulder, Kayla rolled onto her back, one leg bent at the knee as her chest heaved up and down from her heavy breathing.

Breathing heavily herself, Molly stared down at her flattened foe before finally lifting her arms overhead and doing her own gangly dance, mocking Kayla’s earlier celebration. The dance was significantly less sexy than Kayla’s version and drew a flurry of heckles from the crowd. But Molly then pointed one arm out in front of her before dropping to the canvas. She was attempting to slam her elbow into Kayla’s body, but the spirited amateur rolled out of the way, sending Molly’s elbow to a painful collision with the canvas.

Molly squealed as she grabbed her aching joint and rolled onto her side, Kayla getting to one knee before pausing to catch her breath. She then dove on top of Molly, forcing her onto her back as she stretched her body across the brawny blonde in a pin attempt. The ref rushed over and slapped the mat once, but Molly was able to propel Kayla off of her before the count reached two.

Rolling onto her side, Kayla got to her feet slowly as Molly did the same. As she got to one knee, Molly angrily slapped the mat in frustration while grunting loudly as she was visibly irritated by the way the match had gone so far. Kayla once again got to her feet first, being more cautious this time. She circled around Molly, who got to both feet and stood up, glaring angrily at her more attractive opponent. Kayla circled her slowly, Molly remaining in the center of the ring as she followed Kayla’s movements. With the clock ticking down, each realized that they needed to act fast if they were to secure a victory within the remaining time.

Moving toward each other, Kayla dove forward as the two locked up, the ensuing resulting in a series of loud grunts and groans from each. Though much more physically fit, Kayla nonetheless found herself being slowly forced backward, but she retaliated by slipping free form Molly’s grasp and delivering a powerful overhand forearm to Molly’s chest. The blow shook Molly, but she returned it nonetheless, pounding on Kayla’s bosom in retaliation.

Kayla shook from the blow, and Molly quickly followed it up by grabbing her by the hair and angrily hauling her to the side ropes before dropping her throat onto the top one and proceeding to choke her against it. Kayla’s body was jerked up and down as Molly growled angrily while applying all of her strength down onto the back of Kayla’s neck. But the victimized tri-athlete was able to prop her arm up before driving it backward to deliver a powerful elbow to the side of Molly’s head. The blow was potent enough to force Molly to break the choke as she stumbled backward.

Turning to glance at the clock, Kayla noticed that only five seconds remained and quickly surmised that it was not enough time to secure a pin. So instead she quickly turned, grabbed the ropes for leverage and thrust her legs upward to send a powerful mule kick into the side of Molly’s head.

With her blonde hair flying about her head, Molly shot backward, falling to the canvas and collapsing in a heap just as the bell rang. Molly rolled onto her side, clutching her head with both arms as the announcer entered the ring, Kayla remaining against the ropes as she watched her suffering foe while panting for air. The crowd reacted loudly, with several cheers combining with a flurry of boos; most dissatisfied that Kayla had not earned a victory within the five minute time limit. The announcer than addressed the crowd, waving his arms to quiet them before continuing.

“With the five minute time limit expired and neither woman earning a victory, we’ll go to a Wild Card Round to determine the winner. Since Tatyana, was not officially eliminated in the last Wild Card Round, she is still eligible to compete as the wild card in this match.”

The revelation drew a loud chorus of cheers from the small contingent of Russian fans in the back of the arena, but then reality set in as all eyes turned toward the locker room entrance. After the last match where she competed against both Flora and Jade, Tatyana was left so battered and physically exhausted that she could not leave the ring under her own power and had to be helped back to the locker room by two attendants. As such, few of the fans expected her to appear.

Back up into the ring, Molly just started to get back to her feet as Kayla stood and watched from her corner. Though she had not been able to pin Molly within the time limit, she had delivered a devastating blow at the end, greatly weakening her larger rival. So after watching Molly struggle to get up, Kayla turned to the locker room entrance as well, waiting to see if Tatyana would accept the challenge. Kayla had got the best of her in the first round, but despite pinning Tatyana, the Russian managed to lift her foot onto the bottom rope, avoiding elimination. The Russian then went onto to fight another match against Flora and Jade, suffering even more abuse as a result. So with Molly still struggling, Kayla wondered what would happen next of Tatyana did not make it.

But her wondering was for naught as Tatyana limped into the arena, looking visibly shaken and walking gingerly. The Russian’s fans cheered her courage, though many questioned her intelligence since she seemed physically unable to fight any longer. Kayla watched her limp down to the ring, and then glanced over at Molly who had got to her corner, but also looked very shaky. With the crowd buzzing, Tatyana timidly climbed between the ropes and limped over to her corner, glancing at both Molly and Kayla as she got there. With all three women now set, the announcer reminded everyone of the rules for the wild Card Round.
“Kayla vs. Molly vs. Tatyana”

“As before, in the Wild Card Round, BOTH Kayla AND Molly must be pinned in order for Tatyana to be victorious and earn the coveted roster spot. In order for Kayla or Molly to be victorious, they need only to pin the other. They are NOT required to pin Tatyana to earn a victory.”

With that, the announcer climbed out of the ring and the bell rang, signaling the start of the final match in the Women’s Division Tournament. Moving out of her corner quickly to benefit from her physical advantage, Kayla rushed at Molly first. The blonde tried to move forward toward her, but Kayla blocked a weak attempt to lock arms before cocking her arm and firing a powerful overhand punch to the side of Molly’s head. The blow sent Molly spiraling back toward the corner as Kayla stepped back and then charged, leaping into the air to send a brutal dropkick into the belly of the dizzied veteran.

Molly dropped down from the corner, her back pressed against it as she sat on the mat, her head bowed in front of her. She was out of it, and the fans knew it, cheering wildly for Kayla’s dominance. But Tatyana tried to take advantage by sneaking up behind Kayla and attempting to lock her into a full nelson. Kayla reacted quickly however, shaking one arm free before firing her elbow backward and ramming it into the Russian’s gut. Blubbering in loud anguish, Tatyana folded in half, her body quivering. The physical punishment it had taken already had been brutal, making the last blow almost too much for it to bear.

Turning, Kayla grabbed hold of the blonde Russian’s arms, spun her around tossed her into the corner, Tatyana’s head snapping backward upon impact. Kayla then slowly walked over to the fatigued Tatyana and prepared to deliver a knee to her gut, but the Russian quickly shoved her hand into Kayla’s face, locking a claw grip on it. Kayla tried to shake free, but Tatyana’s hand had engulfed her face and the blonde did not let go. But Kayla nevertheless proceeded with her original plan anyway, blindly driving her knee forward and slamming it into the blonde’s bare midriff.

Immediately dropping her hand, Tatyana doubled forward, moaning in distress as she grabbed her battered belly. Kayla then grabbed the back of her head and unceremoniously threw her to the canvas, Tatyana unable to fight back as she landed hard, falling face first. As she sprawled apart, Kayla stood beneath her, reaching down to grab Tatyana’s ankles and then pulling her legs into the air. With her face now mashed against the mat, Tatyana felt her legs being spread apart as Kayla’s fans cheered. An unusually sadistic glimmer appeared in the pretty tri-athlete’s eyes as she pulled Tatyana’s legs up higher before spreading them wide. With the fans cheering her on, she then punted her foot forward, ruthlessly kicking Tatyana in the crotch and drawing a pitiful howl from the beleaguered blonde.

Kayla then dropped Tatyana’s legs as the Russian curled into a ball, rolling from side to side as she closed her legs tightly. Kayla had a look of intense satisfaction at the suffering she had delivered, and that look did not disappear as she walked around Tatyana and head back toward Molly. The bulky blonde had begun to pull herself up in the corner, but Kayla grabbed her from behind and slammed her face down into the turnbuckle, jarring Molly who collapsed to the mat. Grabbing Molly by the ankles as she lay face down, Kayla then dragged her near the center of the ring before pulling up on her beefy legs and spreading them apart.

Everyone in the arena knew what was next, and most of the fans cheered Kayla on as she cocked her leg backward and then delivered a brutal kick to Molly’s crotch. The veteran blonde screeched loudly as Kayla held onto her legs, using the grip to roll her onto her back. Molly’s face twisted in pain as she rolled on her back, clearly tormented by the vicious kick to her private region. But the scary, sadistic grin on Kayla’s face remained, obviously showing no remorse for the pain she had delivered to her two competitors.

With Molly flat on her back, Kayla returned to Tatyana, who was still on her side. She reached down and grabbed her by the hair, ripping the battered blonde to her feet. Once Tatyana was upright, Kayla grabbed her from between her legs, Tatyana grimacing as the sensitive area was clutched tightly by her attacker. Kayla then pulled the 155 pound Tatyana into the air, holding her parallel to the canvas before carrying her over to where Molly lay. Kayla then dropped Tatyana down across Molly’s shoulders, the Russian blonde stretching across the American blonde as Kayla then placed her foot down on top of both and lifted her arms overhead in celebration.

The ref rushed over, checked Molly’s shoulders and, seeing them pinned, slapped out a three count as the bell rang. Most of the fans cheered wildly as Kayla smiled, her sadistic grin now replaced with one of the joy. She then lifted her foot off of Tatyana’s back as the ref held her arm in the air and the announcer made his way up into the ring. The two blondes meanwhile remained in a heap, Tatyana still lying across Molly as neither seemed able to move.

But just as the announcer was about to declare Kayla victorious, the ref summoned him over and the two began whispering. Kayla looked on with concern, but the meeting broke up quickly, with the announcer proclaiming the result.

“Molly has been pinned, is eliminated and as a result, is out of the Women’s Division!”
A loud roar arose from the crowd, but that wasn’t the end of the revelation.

“However Tatyana gets credit for the pin since it was she who was on top of Molly when her shoulders were pinned to the mat. So Tatyana is not eliminated and the match will continue. The winner will earn a permanent spot on the Women’s Division Roster!”
“Kayla vs. Tatyana”

Kayla was furious! She immediately rushed over to the referee to argue her case, but he quickly explained that since Tatyana’s shoulders were not pinned, she had not been eliminated. The sadistic look in Kayla’s eyes, gone once the bell had rung, now returned as she watched Tatyana slowly get to her feet. Kayla was directed back to her corner, and as Tatyana arose, she too was guided to the far corner. As Molly was helped from the ring, Kayla glared angrily at the Russian blonde, an evil expression stretched across her face.

Conversely, Tatyana was barely able to stand erect, her body wracked with pain as she brushed the sweat from her brow, her own face wincing with each movement her body made. The two women; each of whom was a Wild Card Contestant at some point in the tournament; would now be fighting for the right to wrestle as a regular member of the Women's Division. So finally, with everyone cleared from the ring, once again the bell rang for the final time in the Women’s Division Tournament.

The majority of the crowd was solely behind Kayla as she had won them over with her beauty, skills and style, and they made sure their support was vocal. But what was surprising was that the small group of Russian fans who had supported Tatyana, and were quite vocal themselves throughout the night, were now much more subdued. Tatyana had absorbed a tremendous amount of punishment throughout the night, and though they would love to see her somehow manage to earn a victory, the likelihood of that seemed impossible. In fact, Tatyana’s fans seemed more concerned for her health and safety, and judging by the look in Kayla’s eyes, they had every right to be concerned.

Kayla moved quickly, rushing at the blonde who seemed to struggle with every step she took. Reaching Tatyana, Kayla greeted her with a chop to the side of her neck and then a forearm to the side of her face, knocking her right back into the corner. Looking dazed, Tatyana wilted from the corner, face and body perspiring as her eyes squinted. She nonetheless reached forward and grabbed a handful of Kayla’s hair, but her fit opponent easily swiped it away, lifting her own arms and delivering a ferocious ball clap to the sides of Tatyana’s head by slamming her open palms against each of the Russian blonde’s ears.

The blow further disoriented an already dazed Tatyana, but then Kayla shoved her foot into the blonde’s bare gut, grabbing her by the wrists before flipping her through the air. Tatyana’s body whirled overhead, doing a complete 360 degree spin before she crashed on her back, bouncing upward before settling back against the canvas. Her body was splayed apart, her legs spread inelegantly as her arms were strewn apart above her head. She remained motionless, other than her chest heaving up and down from her heavy breathing. Kayla slowly circled her, strutting around the fallen wrestler as if circling her prey before the kill.

Moving alongside Tatyana’s head, Kayla then lifted her leg and stepped down on the blonde’s face, grinding the sole of her boot against Tatyana’s eyes, nose and cheeks. The Russian writhed beneath her, trying to pry Kayla’s foot free, though too weakened to be successful in her attempt. After mauling Tatyana’s face, Kayla removed her foot and strutted towards the blonde’s midsection where she delivered a brutal stomp down into the Russian’s bare midriff.

Folding upward with a persecuted grimace on her face, Tatyana’s upper body remained upright before again collapsing to the mat. Kayla then strutted down to the bottom of her legs and hoisted them upward, wrapping her arms around Tatyana’s meaty thighs to haul her lower body upward. With Tatyana’s shoulders pressed to the canvas, it appeared that Kayla was attempting a pin, but as the ref moved in, Kayla then fell backward, pulling on the Russian’s legs in the process.

Tatyana was launched through the air, her upper body flipping forward as she shot toward the corner, which was directly in front of her. The blonde’s eyes opened wide just before impact as the front of her body slammed against it, the entire ring shaking from the violent collision. Her arms sailed over the top ropes as the rest of her body crumpled beneath them, leaving her dangling from the corner as she face out toward the crowd.

Getting to her feet, Kayla then marched over toward her, wedging her knee into Tatyana’s back to squash the front of her body against the turnbuckles. She then grabbed a handful of hair from the back of the blonde’s head, yanking on it to bend her head backward. She then reached forward with her other hand and, in a surprisingly vicious and bizarre maneuver, embedded her middle two fingers into Tatyana’s nostrils, using them to gnarl at the Russian’s face while arching her head back even more painfully.

With the middle of her body wedged tightly against the corner and her head being ripped backward, Tatyana’s contorted upper body was curled in excruciating fashion. Her bent legs were spread beneath her as she kicked them as best she could, instinctively protesting the brutality being administered to her. Kayla then leaned in and whispered in the blonde’s ear, scolding her for not giving up earlier.

“I’ll bet you wish you hadn’t lifted your foot onto the ropes when I had you pinned before, don’t you?!?!?”

With her arms helplessly falling behind her, Tatyana’s body began to tremble from the pain of the dangerous attack. Finally however, after having contorted the defenseless blonde’s face and body, Kayla dislodged her fingers from the blonde’s nose and removed her knee from her back, allowing the Russian to collapse forward over the middle turnbuckle. Glancing down at her fingers, Kayla then wiped them clean on the Russian’s blonde hair before grasping her by the ankles and yanking on her legs to drag her back into the ring. Tatyana sailed out of the corner before the front of her body smacked against the canvas, Kayla releasing her legs as the blonde lay face down, writhing in pain. Kayla then kicked her onto her back, standing there to watch her for a moment before heading toward the corner and beginning an ascent up the ropes. Reaching the top one, Kayla faced out toward the crowd, flexing her lithe biceps to draw a huge ovation from her fans. She then leaped backward; arching her back to complete a backward flip before the front of her body came crashing down on top of the fallen blonde.

Adjusting herself so that her weight pressed down against Tatyana’s shoulders, Kayla then waited for the ref to move in and count the Russian out. He did so quickly, and as the bell rang, Kayla pumped her fist upward, celebrating her victory and entrance into the Women’s Division.

The fans cheered as Kayla got to her feet, pushing herself off of the immobile Russian. The ref then grabbed her arm and raised it overhead as the announcer stood alongside them, making the result official.

”Tatyana has been eliminated and so Kayla wins the match and secures a permanent spot on the Women’s Division roster!”
Thrusting her arms overhead, the sexy tri-athlete’s body glistened under the spotlights as she pranced around the ring, delighting in the cheers. She had started out as a long shot, the original Wild Card Entrant in the Women’s Division Tournament, but had defeated everyone in her way and reached her objective of becoming a professional wrestler. As Kayla absorbed the cheers, the announcer then concluded the Women’s Division Tournament by recapping the results.

”So in conclusion, the Women’s Division says goodbye to Molly and welcomes Jade and Kayla as its newest members! We’ll take a short break and come back with the Veteran’s Division Tournament next!”

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)