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showdown at rattlesnake gulch

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Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #105 on: December 03, 2013, 07:51:52 PM »
The mayor tries to put up a struggle in vain. She is on the short side, a little over 10½  hands high. My hand spread is about half my foot length. But she is solid at around 13 rocks heavy. Someone once told me my rock is about 10 pounds in foreign devil measurements and not as heavy as the mayor’s ‘stones’. Most of my squaws are her high or shorter. I am tall for an Indian maiden. (think my father was a tall, while cowboy.) The mayor is feisty but no match for several Indian squaws, each of which is quite muscular anyway.

I ride next to the mayor with her draped over her horse, ASU (ass side up). Can’t help but smack that bouncing, protruding butt.

We get to one of our camps after a roundabout route. (No mayor, not one of your round-a-bouts. “Put her on the ground with her back supported by that large log” I say to the squaws. “Untie her hands but watch her. See no reason she can’t join in our feast.”

While many of us were in town we left the best cook and her helpers back at the camp. We had gotten a large cache of food from various places. (You shouldn’t leave your food stores unattended.) After all that riding and excitement we are all famished and ready for this feast.

“Eat all your vitals up” I command the mayor. “You are going to need your strength for what I have planned for you.” I run my wet tongue over my lips, top and bottom.

(I’m back and ready for action. Thanks Karly for holding down the camp although I am sure you would rather being holding down the Trollop Fort.   Back to Karly or anyone else...Now why would you want to escape, Karly, when I have all sorts of delicious things in store for you… or not…)


Offline lexibabe

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #106 on: December 03, 2013, 10:53:47 PM »
a nod off to sleep.....but its not a restful walking  my hands bound....voices all around me but I see no faces....then with each step I take....faces become clear....people  I knew  from back home  some friends  some not...  "baby where have you been"   that voice...I turn  seeing her....mama?   her eyes  sad and tear filled
"what have you  done?,I've missed you so much baby" i'm all alone...... trying to go to her....mama i'm sorry

your not going anywhere  whore.....suddenly i'm in our little shack  back home.....I see her lying in the coner
mama   I cry.....she does'ent answer....a sharppain in my side  from a kick....tell us  where  them oney is hidden
you southern white trash....I look into the hatefull eyes   of lester squash.  the carpet baggerm ayor the Yankees
appointed in our town after  the war.....shes not only  white trash  but  breed white trash  half Cherokee
always thought she was better than any one.make her talk lester   .the other voice in the room  frank nayset
the local lowlife of the town before the eyes widen  leste unhooks his belt...I struggle scrambling away
grabing a heavy iron skillet swinging it at lesters head the aweful sounds...the crack...the grunt from lester the thump as he hit the floor.....I scramble for his gun   seeing the fear in franks eyes..before I aim at him and pull the trigger...blam,blam....then aiming it at lester..emptyng the gun into him

hang the bitch...people  cheered laughing....again my hands are bound...looking foot prints seem to stretch endlessly  behind me....scenes from my past drifted up and blew away as dust in the wind...fleeing from my home.being on my first robbery..i took a whole 3 dollars....the fights I first bank robbery
of being so happy to have pulled it off...meeting  misty....all our robberies we pulled off togeather
town after town  endless faces  all blowing away    dust .

then again  louder now....hang the bitch...i'm stoped at the gallows steps.....lets go...te sheriff prods me
for the first time in a long time  i'm terrified.....mama..i did'ent mean it....tears flow down my cheeks
looking around  feeling the rope around my neck....i'm sorry I 'm  don't

I jerk awake......ummmngh..I moan out.....its eyes adjust to the darkness...."you alright sugah"
misty ask from...the next cell....sugah? hans feeling my neck..finally I answer  nooo.i'm not
I fall to the floor  slowly  crawling to mistys  cell....misty crawls close to meet me

whispering.....misty  we're going to bust out of here ready.....

I push to my feet........sheriff...sheriffff.....I have to go to the out house......sheriff you better come
or i'll pee all over this cell for you to clean.........SHERIFFFF..

mandy.or tiffany here
the prez tramp


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #107 on: December 03, 2013, 11:47:20 PM »
I gotta admit these indiansknow how to strap a girl to a horse....

"One more rise.... one more hill.... ONE MORE BUUUUUMMMMMPPP....."

Each jolt giving the bindings cause to apply pressure where pressure is MOST welcome.... The sounds of tribal celibration and feasting are such a pleasent distraction to the impending feeling of torturous handlings at the mercy of this gorgeous lil indian maiden... mind you if she's the last thing i gaze upon on this earth ill know angels wont compare...

"Hey squaw one thing... WHERES MY DOCUMENTS ?... And dont play coy girl i know your snake like stealth took them from my person back at the bar... at least let me explain and erm... cut you in..."

Nothing but instructions to her tribe to untie me so i can feed... Damn shes stone... well... marble...

Gripping a makeshift fork in one hand having had a bountyfull plate before me...

"Hey you treat your captives well... maybe i should spend more time getting captured and....well whatever it is im going to need my strength for huh ? "

Still nothing, all i have acertained is that this sneaky lil bitch has my docs and has me anticipating some sorta arduous time ahead, maybe ill like it but safe money is on i wont... i bet theres a few back in town that might pay good money to see me in a pickle like this...

The platefull of food before me is absolutely scrumptious though and with my restraints still hindering i bet i won even have to do the washing up, so maybe you just tuck in and enjoy Karls...

"Hey Squaw... Thank you for the food"

Maybe if i play nice we can talk maybe if i get to know this tribe and there stunning leader we can work together... Maybe if i get to know her REALLY well an amicable solution can be found ? Or maybe we will end up scantily clad thrashing around in the dirt trying to beat the snot outta each other, its not like my gob hasnt got me into trouble before and well lets face it its gonna keep happening till they drive that last damn spike in my box...

Time will tell... Time WILL tell...

(Brook sweetie over to you im kinda at your mercy... She says winking and furiously licking her lips...Obviously anyone else can get there bit in aswell :) )


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #108 on: December 04, 2013, 01:37:25 AM »
From the darken cells I hear a sound. It's abrupt, distinct and causes me to jolt in my seat when I hear it. It sounds like a body dropping onto the floor. I reckon of those gals likes to toss around some when they sleep.. It's then that I hear Lexi's strained voice, calling out to me in a semi-desperate plea. What's she going on about now?

I hear her threatening to pee all over her cell, and I roll my eyes in annoyance, sighing as I slide up onto my feet and make my way to her cell. I slowly uncoil my lasso as I move into the lock-up, my eyes scanning Misty's cell before they drift over Lexi's. "Hold your horses, sugar. I'm here.."

I study the dark-haired vixen, giving her a stern look before I unlock the door and step into her cell. "Now, before we go anywhere," I hiss, glaring into her eyes as I hold out my lasso, "I want ya to hold out your hands, put em' together.." I pull the lasso tautly, and move in close to Lexi to bind her wrists together..

(Over to Lexi or Misty!)


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #109 on: December 05, 2013, 11:13:37 PM »
I watch the mayor wolf down the food like she hasn’t eaten in several days. Must be they just don’t have such good vitals where she comes from. They probably bowl everything or make pies with strange ingredients. Nothing so good as a bird smoked over a mesquite fire, turning on a spit for hours.

She seems sated from the food but still tense and nervous. Probably worried what a bunch of savages will do to a frail looking thing like her. Got to convince her we aren’t savages but more civilized than the foreign devils that have invaded our land.

I sit down next to her. “I know you must be wondering what happened to your mine documents. Not to worry. I have them in a sage place.   You said you wanted to do good things for the town with the gold mind. I take you at your word.”

“Problem is that what is good for the town is bad for the Indians. At least if you implement your plans as you stated earlier. Maybe we can work out a compromise. One that allows for you to work the mine but one that doesn’t bring in lots of gold crazed prospectors to overrun the land. If you think about it all those varmints wouldn’t be good for your town.”

“Come into my tent and we can discuss this in private. Maybe find a good solution. Just don’t try and attack and overpower me to find your documents. First you won’t overpower me, although I might enjoy you trying. Secondly, you won’t find the documents anyway.”

“I have to make this look good for the other squaws.” I stand you up, twist your arm behind your back and force you into the tent. I twist it hard enough for appearances but not so hard as to cause you great pain. Still firm enough that if you try anything I will wrench it to give you great pain.

(Your turn Karly)



Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #110 on: December 05, 2013, 11:42:32 PM »
Hmmmm maybe i should write home and tell them that roasting a bird in ..Mesquite is the way forward and they shoud stop making steak and kidney pies... faggots and peas and even jellied eels and mash...

Wiping the splashes of turkey dripping off my cleavage and sucking my finger clean i start to feel that... "Somethings gonna happen" feeling... The head maiden its and speaks confirming my thoughts on my documents..

"I knew it you sneaky little...."

The lithe young maiden starts to speak with a sensible meaning, suggesting a compremise and im more than open to it, ive long since objected to th way the natives of this land were tricked and treated back in the first place so seeking some sort of partnership might just be good for us all...

"OWWW Gettoff me you vicious bitch..."

Shouting towards the rest of the tribe as you twist and manouver me toward your tent... various echoes of giggles and laughter presumably directed at my misery in your hands, but it seams to satisfy the squaws and sundrie tribal members...
Your tent is almost deceptively larger on the inside, reminding me of those funny blue police boxes on the corners of steets in old london town for emergancies ... hmm strange...

The fire is warm the tent is welcoming...

"So.. Maiden... Surely i cant keep calling you that what is your name ? You seam to have an idea , something that will allow prosperity for the town and peace for your tribe ? Well im most certainly open to discussions and talks..."

As i sit and speak i slide my hand over to the slender but toned thigh of the dusky indian maiden, tentitively at first to gauge her reaction, lightly brushing my fingers across her smooth skin...

"Im not going to take my documents from you i want to workthis out together so that you will hand them back to me... I must admit i knew nothing of your tribe before making these plans and know that i see your side of the story i want to make it amicable for us both.. i want us to be able to share our bed.. erm i mean..."

Blushing as my fingers rest on your thigh, turning to face you with a red blush on my cheeks...(Ok is it THAT obvious...)
Pusing my lips and closing my eyes thinking..."In for a penny..." and leaning forward to kiss the maiden and open negotiations ...

(Ohhh erm... errr... Brook over to you babes. She says trembling at the keyboard....)


Offline Kellicat

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #111 on: December 09, 2013, 12:10:38 AM »
I walk out of the hotel and make my way to the jail. I enter the jail to see the sheriff tying the hands of two prisoners.

" Hi Sheriff..... what did these two do? Must have been something real bad if your treating them this way."

I look around the jail and then back to the sheriff. placing a small cigar in my mouth and lighting it. I toss the burnt match to the floor.

" I just came to see if there are any bounties up. A girl has to make a living somehow."

over to Tiffany or the two sexy prisoners


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #112 on: December 10, 2013, 01:53:13 AM »
”My full name is Flowing Brook that Runs Deep. Some know me as Babbling Brook but I don’t like what that indicates. You can call me Henry.”

I lay you down on a deep pile of soft buffalo hides and a top layer of softer deerskin. You look up at me from on your back. Your cheeks are a crimson color that I haven’t seen before. In fact your whole body appears flushed. You say something about share our bed and get even redder. You purse your lips.

“My, my seems like you are in heat and it isn’t because of the fire. But just wait a darn minute. You can’t wear those clunky boots on my deerskin.” I pull and tug on your boots and finally get them off. “And you are perspiring, must be too much clothing on in this tent. ”I remove all your garments leaving you as  naked as the proverbial buc.  “I have a pair of moccasins I think you will find much more comfortable.”

But before I put them on you I can’t resist seeing the bare soles of your feet. I take a long eagle feather and flick it on the bottoms of your feet tickling you.  Then let the tip of the feather glide up your legs and inner thighs. Then flick the feather between your legs where the sun and the moon don’t shine. At lest not in these parts.

“I’m so damned hot” I remove my clothing also. “Now about those negotiations…” I say as  I crawl on my hands and knees over you and then slide my full body down on hyours.”

(Back to you Karly, if you can type…..}


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #113 on: December 10, 2013, 11:09:52 PM »
Just gimme a minute.... ;)


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #114 on: December 10, 2013, 11:26:42 PM »
As the fire burns on so does the flames of desire and lust being fanned in me...

"Oh Henry... The art of seduction is so not lost on you is it now..."

Giggling and curling my toes as you tease with the feather on my soles, wiggling my toes in hopes that its a pleasurable experience for my host... My breathing becoming heavier the hight you go with thatfeather, the soft sensual touch awakening deep erotic feelings within me and they very well might be released very soon... Gasping as i gaze into the sliver of moonlight peering in through th crck in the roof of th tent...

For as much as that feathered touch was exciting me a brief moment is needd for composure and i get it as i lift to my elbows as you shed the tiniest of cloth covering your pert nubile yound lithe body...

"Oh Henry... you are hot arent you..."

As you crawl your way up my flushing skin your breasts hanging down,each accidental brush of your nipples on my thighs are arousing you its clear to see, as you crawlhigher meeting me face to face, our moon lit bodies bathing in each others excitement, a sheen of sweat clinging to our skin as our bodies adjust to fit...

"I dont want to endanger your tribe... " pressing yp and planting a soft gentle tender kiss on your lips...

"I want us to live together with benifits for all..." Pressing up again kissing a little harder, parting your lips slightly as the smack of wet lips echoes throughout the tent...

"I want us all to prosper and thrive together...." Rolling you over to your back placing you on the soft dearskin bedding as i press my body to yours and slowly start to inch my way down, kissing your neck, kissing your collar, kissing your cheast...

Looking up at you...

"Now you Henry what do you want from this ? What can i do for you...? "

Moving further down yourbody brushing my cheeks across your heated breasts, flicking my tongue out to caress your supple skin an yor erect nipples...

"Just what can i do for you ... Just name it..."

(Think ill stop there for a lil mo ;) Over to you Henry or if you want to find me on Yahoo for deeper more enthusiastic negotiations ? ;)


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #115 on: December 11, 2013, 05:42:39 AM »
(gawd, I don't remember O. Henry stories being this hot...sorry, carry on)
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline lexibabe

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #116 on: December 11, 2013, 05:58:15 AM »
I hear the sheriff grumbling as she wakes up.....sheriffff..I can't wait much longer  hurrryyy....
I look over at misty and wink  she gives me a quizzical smile...when she takes me out babes
distract her yell,stomp yuour feet  anything   i'll jump her...she gives me a look of concern

the sheriff opens the big wooden door..fumbling with the keys...I admit I don't know if this will work
the sheriff  is bigger and stronger...i'll have just one chance....i'll have to use the surprise to make it work
the sheriff works the key in the lock.the tumblers seem very loud   I can hear  my own heart beat

taking a couple steps out as the sheriff starts to bound my wrist...suddenly the office door opens
from the street....someone walks in calling for the sheriff  sounds kind of like the gunslinger
I nod to misty  who calls out....the sheriff is caught off guard  with all the confusion
turning first to the outer office then back to misty

i'm able to lock my fingers raising my arms lunge into the sheriff slaming my fist to side of her pretty face
shoving my body into hers.trying to force her nto the heavy  wooden door.

to misty tiffany,or kelli
the prez tramp


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #117 on: December 11, 2013, 08:50:06 PM »
My heart is beating out of my chest. Knowing that if Lexi's plan doesn't work, then we're screwed in more ways than one. That sheriff will work us both over if we don't make this happen. I nod when I hear Lexi's instructions, and do as I'm told. Stomping my feet and yelling and I see my sexy partner spring to action, catching the sheriff with a hard right hook that stuns the blonde bombshell. I see the struggle start and I'm instantly worried. Lexi can fight and hold her own, but this is going to be tough. "Push her over here Lexi! Come on!" My gawd the struggle is epic, but finally the sheriff has her back close enough to my cell. I reach out and clasp a hand in her blonde hair, jerking back hard and pulling her back into the bars. I hold on for dear life as I see Lexi starting to close in. I growl in her ear through the bars, "You didn't think we'd just sit in here and rot did you sheriff?" 

(over to Lexi, Tiff, or Kelli)
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #118 on: December 12, 2013, 06:06:45 AM »
"What in the world?"

My attention shoots to the newcomer calling out from the front of my office, then it turns quickly to Misty stomping and shouting in her cell. Then--


Before I know it, Lexi's fists just smash into my cheek, causing my face to snap to the side! I stagger back a few steps with a stinging cheek and a throbbing head, and while I'm hurting from the sudden, unexpected fist, a vengeful rage is already rushing through me! I lock my angry eyes on Lexi, but before I can even lunge at her the lil' outlaw barrels into me, crashing her body into mine and causing me to crash back into the wooden door behind me. I groan aloud when the back of my head smacks against the door, and the room suddenly feels like it's shifting beneath my boots. I shake my head warily, straining to recover from my dazed state to combat this vicious vixen. I manage to grab hold of her shoulders and shove her off of me, but she comes right back at me like a wildcat! We struggle wildly with each other, her hands tangled in my hair, only making the throbbing in my head worse. My hands sink into her dark hair as well as our bodies bump and crash roughly together, nothing but the thought of hurting and subduing the other woman burning brightly within our minds. I yank at her hair, she pulls hard on mine. I grab at her shirt, she tries and tears my skirt off. I yell and shout at her and she curses right into my face. I'm so lost in my anger and my need to contain this vixen that I forget about my placement in the room--my back's dangerously close to the cells, Misty's cell in particular.

Lexi gives me a hard shove that causes me to stumble back, right into her blonde partner's waiting hand, which reaches through the bars and grasps my flowing platinum hair! I let out a yelp as the gal just RIPS her hand back, causing my head to snap backward, which also causes the back of my skull to slam into the steel bars! I let out a wary moan as the throbbing between my ears intensifies, my head held back in place by Misty as she has two handfuls of my hair. I feel Misty's breath on my ear as she holds me in place, and a shiver runs down my spine as I listen to what she hisses. I reach up blindly behind my head with both my hands to grab at Misty's hands, only to spot Lexi closing in on me. I notice her hands are coming loose from the lasso as she quickly approaches, and there's a real hard look on her face as she eyes me in such a perilous state, the kinda look that screams 'y'all are mine now!' With a gasp, I kick out my leg abruptly, hoping my boot connects with the outlaw!

(Over to Lexi, Misty or Kelli!)


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #119 on: December 15, 2013, 02:12:41 AM »
I really don't know how I got hornswoggled into cookin' this eve, but I have been tryin' my best at it.  It looks like I'm as good at it as I am at doin' some huntin' which ain't sayin' much seeins how I'm more a tinkerer at heart.  But out here in the frontier, they don't need much from a telegraph repairman when there's no telegraph around.  "Go west young man!" my sore and tired ass.  All that bein' said, I sure am glad I'm here at Rattlesnake Gulch which is more gulch than snake.  Well if you don't count the women here who all seem to have serious beefs with each other.  Of course, when i do think of the lovelies in town, I realize that there's that familiar smell of burnin' vittles. Damn. Looks like some of the lard's on fire.  No panic, just gotta make sure you don't toss any wat...  Sunuvabitch! That damn fool Junks done gone and spread the fire.
"Go fetch me some towels or rags, and not ones with grease on 'em! GO!" I start slapping at burning spots with my apron, gettin' most of it under control... By the time Junks has come back, it's managed. But damn, somebody's food is ruint.  I need to go find Miss Sarah (gawd she's a pretty one) and let her know.  I go to leave and Junks is giggling like a schoolgirl at me. I look down and my apron has holes from the fire so I figure that must be what he's laughin' at. I shake my head and walk into the saloon proper and feel a wave of cool air over me. That kitchen got damn hot. I don't really notice that some areas of my body are cooler than others as I look around for Miss Sarah. I look over and see one of the sexy women sittin' atop one of the others and talkin' to Miss Sarah.  I walk on over and ignore other giggles from the room as I reach the lady in question.

"Um Miss Sarah, we kinda need you in the kitchen."

(onto whomever in the saloon)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2013, 02:13:21 AM by RedEnforcer »
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie