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showdown at rattlesnake gulch

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Offline Michelle

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #45 on: October 31, 2013, 12:14:37 PM »
I watch as i see the new girl get off the stage.  As the circuit judge of this territory, I often feel its my job to just observe and to try and sniff out trouble at times before it starts.  I had heard rumors that the new owner of the old hotel was arriving on the stage today and i wanted to see just WHO was crazy enough to take on THAT job in THIS territory.  It better be a woman with a strong constitution..... as this part of the country aint for the faint of heart.  With the lack of law around here, we've seen store owners, sheriffs, deputies and the like come and go....and yes....even hotel owners......I smile wryly and shake my head a few left hand holding the shot glass of strong whiskey...bringing it up to my full lips.....and carefully sipping the nasty elixir.   Yeah...its kinda early for drinking this rot gut........but maybe it takes this stuff to be a circuit judge....and to just stomach myself maybe....maybe just to stomach myself....

Lord knows this backwater town could use a hotel, we're growing and betting bigger.  This town may actually have a "future".......but what kinda future?.......Unfortunately its seems to be in a bad way.  You say its sure funny for a 'judge" to be talking like this?  Especially a judge the 'likes of me".  I hear what the people say about me....she takes bribes....they call me "Hanging Michelle"....and much worse!  But what am I to do?  This town is hard and life isn't easy for common folk.  I often wish I had taken another path but I can't do it alone.  A good sheriff would sure be nice but that doesn't seem to ever last here in Rattlesnake Gulch.  So...I just go my own way.......and I let them talk...I'm gonna be me and that probably isn't changing soon........smiling as my large dark eyes widen, watching her get off the stage gingerly.....

I let my right hand drop down to my waist....the fingers of my hand dragging along the handle of my pearl handled Colt, always at my side as you never walked the streets of Rattlesnake unarmed....unless you didn't want to "walk" again that is!  I watched the girl get off the stage and I wondered....was she another bright eyed and bushy tailed Easterner with "big ideas but low on courage"...."high on a bad case of the dumb ass"....?  Cause what it takes here in Rattlesnake is courage....and its in damn fucking short supply.....

Oh if she stays she'll be coming to me....asking the "Judge" for help...and why I don't bring some "real law and order" to this town.  I fiddle some more with my pistol as I lean back in my chair against the long black dust covered trench coat dangling down along side of my rickety old chair......unfurling down to the old dirt covered wooden boots up on the horse rail in front of the long legs crossed.....watching the people coming and going....a twig in my month and my black cowboy hat down almost over my eyes......but not enough I don't see what's going on in this town......and wondering......

Is this the one?   Is this where and when I make my move?   And what will my move finally be?   I smile as i watch her get down out of the her move as I sniff back the dust brought in by the stage as it stings my flared nostrils........."Maybe she is the one"......I whisper......"Oh well"......."They don't call me Hanging Michelle for nothing"....."There's gotta be a poker game somewhere in this town"....time to go to work :)
« Last Edit: October 31, 2013, 02:16:58 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #46 on: November 01, 2013, 09:02:38 PM »
The balcony of the grandest home all Cattyville has ever seen, heck the whole damn Gulch hadseen had the best view to survey the long dusy main street... I stepped out onto the balcony to gaze at all i own... "Thats mine...Thats mine...oh yeah and THATS mine... " Sipping on the tall glass of ice tea i smile... How the hell did a girl from England get here i hear you ask ? Well 3 years ago i came to this town to "Work" for room and board...

Ok its not the nicest or even the most satisfying proffesion but hell its the oldes and i was... ahem still am DAMN good at it, im not gonna hide my jaded past hell it got me here...

Placing my hands on the gleaming white bainster of the balcony i reminisce of the days when old Mayor Hibbert used to pay me a visit spilling his guts on the pillow about plans for this hole, futures of paved streets and high class business...Pfffttt... like thats happening anytime soon. It wasnt long before i had all i needed to plant myself at the helm of this town and now i run it all...

I watch as the judge takes her usualwander to the saloon blatently looking to fill her purse asif i didnt pay the underhanded lil... woman a decent wage, she knows full well a word here or there and her gavell will be slamming a plenty all she has to do is ask, we minght not be on the best of terms but this hick town makes the strangest of bedfellows... Not that i wouldnt mind either...

The Sheriff doesher best but shes a floozey with a gun and well if she doesnt soon come to my heel things will turn fr that girl, i run my town how i like but with every stoll down main street theres always a muttering, always an air maybe i need to start carrying my own shooters.. maybe i need me some protection maybe i need to make a visit to the saloon and hire some bodies theres gotta be some down right nasty ass girls looking to make themselfs a few extra bucks...

Wistfully i turn and head back into my office sighing at the mass of paperwork... "Damn Karly you really REALLY need you some scantily clad assistant to file this..."

(For anyone to make their introductions)


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #47 on: November 02, 2013, 03:03:11 PM »
That was a close one.. I think to myself as I ride along the dusty trail leading up to ol' Cattyville, which sits at a comfortable distance ahead of me. Not as close as the time those stage coach robbin' thieves trussed me up to the railroad tracks after falling into their trap outside of town. I can remember every lil detail of that hot, sweltering afternoon.. So close to getting crushed by that big, black train, barreling down the tracks at me at full speed, squirming and wiggling to undo that last knot that would ensure my freedom with only seconds to spare.. Gawd, just thinking about that sends a shiver down my back, and a lil tingling spark between my legs.. Being held captive by those Indians sure wasn't as bad as the time that brothel owning hussy kidnapped me and kept me prisoner for a couple of days..I didn't think a prissy lil thing like her would have the gall to go after a Sheriff, but I guess I misjudged her. Oh, she was a real bitch. Real degrading being her 'special attraction', I shudder to think about the things she made me do for her, her girls, and a very select group of clients..well, not exactly shudder..but being her captive allowed me to find out everything about her lil smuggling operations, which I shut down, which led to me running the bitch and her gang outta town.

The spat with those Indians sure was a close one though. I mean, no one knows I was captured by em', no one except that fine piece of ass Misty, but I wasn't counting on an outlaw to lead my cavalry. No, I was out here by my lonesome, at the mercy of some mean, but admittedly sexy Natives, and it's got me thinking. I can handle my own, gotten outta countless scraps by myself, not needing any cavalry, not wanting any either. But maybe it's time this ol' gal accepted some help..finally get around to finding me a deputy. Not that I REALLY needed it, but I definitely would have welcomed some help back there. Ah, I'll think about that later. No one knew where I went off to but word sure would have spread that the town was missing a Sheriff.

I ride into the outskirts of town, and as I do so I breathe a sigh of relief. The relief is short-lived, as I'm reminded I'm still partially tied up. I glance down at the ropes that bind my wrists together, and the thicker cords that wrap around my shoulders and under my large breasts. Really need to get these off of me. I manage to steer my horse over to the Silk Stocking Girl building to my right, too tired to really consider the building I'm parking myself beside. I slip off the saddle smoothly and take a seat on the porch, bringing my bound hands up to my mouth, my teeth biting down on the tight knot. I chew on it, gnawing it to loosen the ropes and free myself..

(Open to anyone else!)


Online lexibabe

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #48 on: November 04, 2013, 06:52:22 AM »
I.look over at the card game between the four tramps witth some amusement
Then the glimmer of a to bust this town wide open occurs to me.these four tramps will play a big part of it

I slide in closer to misty so no one can overhear.exchanging ideas our plan begins to take shape

Leaving misty Iwalk over to the card the.blonde.cowgirl.and whisper in her ear
To keep her eyes on the gambler and gunslinger..there working as a team

Then Iturn and walk through the swinging doors..meeting a tall.well dressed woman
Someone Ihad not seen in town yet

We stop exchanging.looks..she had a dainty.lady like aire of superioty about her..but her eyes were hard and cold.
An uneasy feeling grips me.I'm not sure why
I give a nod walking past out to the dusty street.the wind begins to pick up

I turn and look back as she enters the saloon..she will be trouble

Crossing the street Istop in front of the general store and notice a passanger getting off the stage
I can only smile. Another green horn...probably spoiled looks like the thpe girl
Use to getting her way....the perfect victim
Walking across to the restraunt Inotice movement to the side of the building
I stop narrowing my eyes then is only a bunny rabbitt
Feeding on a few scraps..don't let the cook catch you little bunny

The little rabbitt lifts its head..its jaws chewing on some left over
Its small dark eyes looking directly into mine

Plain as day it speaks..the sheriff is back....beware the hanging judge

My mouth drops open.  What...I close and open my eyes
The little rabbitt has turned its attention back to the scrap pile

I stare a moment. What do they put in that rot gut in the saloon
It had to be someone Ilook around no one else is near

Just my imagination..nothing more.Iturn walking into the restraunt for dinner

Sarah..ashley..michelle karly or anyone can be next         
the prez tramp


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #49 on: November 04, 2013, 06:12:17 PM »
Heavens to Geronimo, I am frustrated that the Sheriff escaped from me and my band of Indian women. Should have scalped the bitch when I had the chance. Her long blonde hair and smooth scalp would have made a nice trophy.

I tried to follow her but lost her. And me supposed to be so good at tracking. Now I am sneaking into town. I still want that blonde scalp or maybe some other one. I ride my unshod horse into town, keeping in the shadows and walking her slowly so her shoeless hooves don’t make much sound.

I stay off the road and a good thing, too, as the stage from Denver rumbles by. I follow it into town unseen. Then slide off my horse. Staying in the shadows I observe everything.

A rather short, wisp of a woman gets off the stage. Looks rather frail for this rough town and the territories. But she has long hair. Not sure of the color because of the failing light. Looks reddish, dark brown. Would be a nice trophy next to that long b blonde one once I get it.

You ma wonder why I am after some scalps. Normally I am a peace loving Indian Princess but lately I have been done wrong. That cowgirl stealing my horses, the sheriff shooting at me, and some gunslingers ripping up our tents when we were out hunting. Time to put some fear into these bitches.

Oh yes, there is the circuit judge. Another one on my list. I watch her watch the frail woman destage. She is a tall woman, not slender nor chubby but perfectly sized body for her height. You would think a judge would be on the soft side from a sedentary life. But not this one. She looks athletic and strong.  IThe only thing I really know about her is that she has had several of my tribe strung up for the slightest crimes. A hanging judge if there ever was one and never one to give a fair hearing to an Indian.

I am hiding beside the local brothel. One run and staffed by the silliest and softest women I have very seen. Don’t see how those ugly bitches could charge much for their services.

I look up and see the Mayor also watching the circuit judge watching the woman from the stagechoach.
Another piece of work from what I have heard. But a perfect fit for a town of ruffians and classless women. Used her position to grab the biggest mansion in town. She is fairly short also, not as short as the stagecoach lady and a little on the fleshy side. She doesn’t have the look of someone raised in the territories but rather a refined classy look. I hear her mutter something but can’t quite understand her accent.

I leave the side of the brothel and sneak into the jail while the sheriff is not there. Grab a pair of handcuffs and leg retrains from a couple of desk drawers. Back out and I think of sneaking into the mayor’s office and/or the hotel but decide that can wait.

I hear laughter and other noises from the saloon. Seems like it is busy tonight. Better check it out so I  can know who is around.

On my way over to the saloon I see a cute bunny rabbit hopping around. Hmmm, the fur would make a nice hat I think. But the little bunny hops away before I can grab it.

(Over to anyone who still has a scalp)

« Last Edit: November 04, 2013, 06:14:50 PM by FightingBrook »


Offline Kellicat

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2013, 07:11:01 PM »
sitting in the corner of the saloon drinking my whiskey and watching the card game going on. I look around and checkout the surroundings. A six shooter holstered on each hip. Hearing some noise outside thinking the stagecoach has arrived. What could this plan be..... going to rob a bank....or maybe a stagecoach? They must be crazy if they think I will put my ass on the line for that. I will listen to their offer and then decide if I want to...go with it...put a bullet in all their pretty heads....or just walk away. Taking my last shot I slowly get up and make my way to the bar. The sound of my spurs heard with each step.

" Barkeep.... where is a girl go to get a good hot bath in this town?"

The bartender points the way.  I make my way out of the saloon and towards the hotel. I look over at the stagecoach  as I walk by trying to notice the  travelers exiting it. Making it to the hotel I walk up to the front desk and ask for a bath and a room. I head for the bathroom and  notice the hot steaming water. I undress and get ready for the hot bath........

(over to anyone)


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #51 on: November 05, 2013, 12:29:29 AM »
Looking out the window as the sun burns brightly in the sky i pick up the Scarlet stetson off the rack placing it on my long dark wavy locks, adjusting my short scarlet leather skirt and decide to button the (you guessed it ok so i like it to match) leather scarlet waistcoat the spurs on my black boots jingle as i step out into the sun, tilting my hat to shield my eyes i walk down the shallow hill to the main street of Cattyville, the odd nod and "Afternoon Ma'am" f;lying my way all met with a snakes smi.le and a tip of my brim...
I stop for a spell leaning against a veranda support placing my hand on my daddies cobalt steel six shooter the ebony carved handles embossed with a rose... I stare out as the stage leaves Cattyville a trail of dust in its wake...
A woman in a pretty dress wanders the street looking for something or someone... The judge walks into the saloon for her usual action, passing a slendered figured woman, dark, mysterious.... Shifty, but carrying an manner fit for those who break laws not enforce them... Watching her strut across the dirt to the opposite side of the street looking to get her something to eat...

A flash of fluff dashes across my path...

"Damn to high hell dont this hell hole have vermin control....Shue ya pesky wabbit before you get got or you end up in a pie..."

The rabbit looks up and if i knew any betterid have sworn it was trying to warn me of something... Hmmmm....
My attention is turned to a shadow, a flash of something or nothing, you know that feeling you get when you know you are being watched... hmmm...

Passing the undertakers and the cafe i approach the saloon doors and stride straight in... all headsturn (well most) as i head to the bar.

"Whiskey... and answers... Im looking to hire, i need some mean rough baddass type for some erm... lets say less than official town business... you spread the word barkeep tell them Mayor kats is hiring..."

Throwing back the whiskey in one hit and glancing around the room, thieves, gamblers, hired guns and whores... its what the west was built on...

Spurs jangling as i slowly walk out of the saloon and walk over to the Sheriffs office...

(No real direct action with others so please feel free anyone t pick up, theres a possibility for some interaction if anyone wants the position advertised)


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2013, 05:21:55 PM »
I sit in the corner of the saloon watching and studying everyone here. Some play their cards close to their vest, not wanting to show too much. Some just flat out show who they are. My eyes are fixated on this gunslinger, seeing her so calm and cool. It's clear she's a outlaw at heart, and I bet I can convince her to join Lexi and myself on our plans for this town. I watch as she walks out of the saloon, and I'm just about to get up and follow her when I see the new mayor walk in. I study her closely, and something tells me that she's not completely on the up and up. Call it intuition or just being smart, I know there's something about her that's not right. I keep to myself as I watch her, then hear her statement, thinking to myself that maybe I can make some extra money, and get rid of any problems before our plans come to fruition.

As the mayor departs, I decide to take her up on the offer, and stand to walk out of the saloon. Just as I'm making my way past the table, Jo has stood up as well. For a brief moment we lock eyes, and there's tension. I think I know her from the past, maybe from another town, maybe from another brothel, but can't place her. I nod at her and she does the same to me, then I make my way out of the saloon, the wooden swinging doors flapping as I exit.

I make my way over to the mayors office, not dumb enough to follow her into the sheriff's, as that's just inviting trouble. I strut across the dusty road and make my way into her office, seeing that's it's not locked up and just go inside. I walk around to her desk and sit down in the chair, comfy, putting my black boots up on the desk and await her return to talk about her proposal.
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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2013, 08:26:05 PM »
I watch as the new hotel owner steps off the stage and I watch as our local town Mayor moves towards the saloon.. I see the look in her eye and the spite of the fact that I am the Judge and I could shut her down and jail her!  I slowly get up from my chair and reach down and pick up my double barreled shot gun I carry with me on the streets.  Old habits die hard I guess.....and young judges should die even harder :)  I am not alive today for because I took chances.  I pull down on the stock and open the barrel and reach in the pocket of my full length black trench coat and pull out two cartridges and carefully slide them in both barrels...snapping the shotgun closed with a loud CLACK!  I'm ready for my walk now I think.....

I see the mayor walk out of her her office and begin making the trip over to the saloon.  I think about going over and paying her a visit and maybe buying her a drink.  At some point she and I are going to have to join together if this backwater piece of shit town is ever going to be ANYTHING!  Maybe someday she'll quit believing all the stories being passed around about me and wake up and smell the coffee....time will tell I guess.  Lord knows I've backed the her play more than a few times when it got right down to it.  Me and my shotgun have backed her that is.....and I will again if it ever comes to that.  We need to clean out the nest of snakes and make this a decent town.  Strange words coming from me?  Maybe people don't really know me at all...all they know is what they hear...what they THINK they see...what they think they know.....Maybe the mayor knows where my heart really is......we'll see......

I walk down the street...tipping my hat to any and all who don't turn their nose up at me.....and I get to hear the occasional mutterings of "Fuck You Judge" after people walk past far enough.  All I can really do is doesn't bother me....this job isn't going to make one popular and lord knows I'm not anyone's favorite....well....maybe I am to a couple around these parts.....LOL.   If that saloon girl would quit playing hard to get I'd show her what a REAL judge can do......I bet I can get a give her a score of  "10"!    I look up and see the Sheriff riding in and wonder what that dumb bitch has been doing....besides NOTHING!  Jesus the town WHORE would probably make a better sheriff.....LOL.  Then I see the sheriff appears to have gotten herself in a mess again so I walk over.....

"Hey Sheriff?"   "You seem a little 'tied up at the moment"..."Need any help?"  I try and hide my laughter as I walk over and pull the straps holding her hands tied together apart......tossing it aside.......God only knows what mess she just got out of.....probably playing footsie with the town whore and it went a little far and she got her ass tied up........hmmmm......does sound like some fun though......maybe later......  I walk on across the street and tip my hat to the Sheriff as I walk away.....striding over to the saloon.  I suddenly notice two very very familiar horses tied up out front of the saloon and a sly smile comes over my lips and the wheels begin to turn in my head......clicking both barrels of the shotgun......old habits die hard.......old judges die even harder as long as they're careful :)  I am about to walk through the swinging doors into the saloon when I suddenly stop.....

I look back over my shoulder and see Misty walk into the Mayor's office.....and whisper to myself...."I think I'll go have me a little fun".........

I walk over to the Mayors office....cradling my shotgun....walk thru the door.....and smile as I lock eyes with that scumbag slut Misty...... of the two filthiest scumbag skunk sluts to ever darken the streets of Rattlesnake Gultch.......Lexi and Misty!........What a pair!.....I wonder where her shit head partner Lexi is?....Probably getting liquored up to help her courage some......Lexi never was much for courage.......Misty is the one who had the guts in the gang......not long on brains....but at least she had some nerve!   All I can do at first is whisper....."Fuck"...then I decide....."What the fuck".....and I plop down take a seat at the Mayor's desk!......and drop my shotgun on the with a loud WHAM!   Lifting my long legs up and dropping them on the edge of the desk.  Grinning......flashing my brightest smile......

"Now...where's that poker game?"   "Isn't this where the poker game is gonna be today?"

'Why hello Misty!"..."Long time no see!"....."I thought you and Lexi were in prison?"...or was it that whore house in Tombstone?"....."Yeah!"...."Tombstone!"....."Aint that the town that had the bank robbery they never solved?"......"YET!".....

My dark eyes narrow a bit as I reach in the pocket of my long black trench coat and pull out a plug of chewing tobacco and slide it between my full lips and under my cheek....

"Maybe I get you all mixed up with the other SCUM in the territory"   "EXCUSE ME Misty for my bad manners!"   "I mean you are a "Lady" after all"    "And I do use that term "Lady" ....loosely"   "You all know about LOOSE though...don't ya?"  I stare over at Misty again....smiling......and I lock eyes with her.....not blinking for what seems like an eternity........

"Why Misty"...."Last time I saw you was over in Dodge City"   "Weren't you fucking Doc Holliday then?"   "Ya know Misty....Doc said you gave him about the worst blow-job he's had in a long time!"   "But then again....the good Doctor and I have been friends a long time"

"And your pal Lexi".....I heard she got run out Sante Fe for cheating at poker?"   "WOW!"   "Course...I guess that ain't as bad as when they ran ya outta Wichita for giving the clap to the sheriff!"....LOL!...."Gawd that sure was funny!"  "Shit he's still pissed!"

"Hey! up for a little poker?"   "Come on...I bet you would love a nice...friendly...little game!"   Hell!.....We're both armed so neither one of us would ever even think about cheating the other...AM I RIGHT?"

"I mean is there anything that beats a NICE FRIENDLY little game of five card stud between FRIENDS?"   "Am I right?"  'Hey I'm the Judge...I'm always right!"   "Right?"

I feel my large dark eyes dart back and forth between the her eyes and the door...wondering if Lexi is gonna come busting through that door with guns blazing......watching Misty's eyes....and her hands....knowing with my shotgun on the desk and my hand on the stock of it.....and my other hand on the handle of my Colt pistol at my side....she may be slow.....but she won't do anything stupid.....right now got nothing on maybe I'll just have a little fun for the moment.  And I wonder why folks don't like me much...hehehe :)

Then I forget who I'm dealing with.....I almost wish she would make a move so I could end this all right now......but she has half a brain......Lexi has trained her well....but those two aren't THAT smart and I KNOW they are up to something.....and I aim to find out just what!

"Hey Misty.....Drinks are on me!"  "What'll ya have?"  "I bet the Mayor has a bottle in this office somewhere"
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 03:02:25 AM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Online lexibabe

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #54 on: November 07, 2013, 12:12:56 AM »
The food in the restraunt was suspringsly good..and they had sweet tea.something I've not had.since Ileft (some may say fled)
The south....Idrop the payment on the table walking out to the sidewalk. is clearing.and the warm afternoon sun beams
Across the side of my face.

I notice the newest stranger in town..yep.she is a total green horn victim.plastered on her face
Ill have to make my presence known to her.a kind of welcome to the town just before Ileave this stink hole

I notice misty walking into the mayors office....what. the. I've heard of this mayors reputation
How she uses any tactics possable to get her way...smiling Irealize that misty has special plans.for
Her honor.

Then a movement catches my eyes between the injun girl.  Staying hidden in the shadows survaying.the town
What is she up to.maybe planing an attack on the town.ohhh tthis is to perfect.

I cross the street and follow her.move for move staying just far enough back so she doesent see me
Finally Iget a good enough view to see that it is the same squaw that stole gambler the knocked misty on the head

Grr...that bitch..the thought of that fat ass squaw on my horse makes my bllod boil
I owe her for that and what she did to misty...Ifollow her to the back side of the stables

I can use her and her band of renegades in my plans.but for now Iwant revenge
I bust from my cover and rush her...she turns the look of surprise on her face is funny..just before Islam my body into her

Brook.  .and or anyone else next               
the prez tramp


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2013, 06:27:52 PM »
My reconnaissance of the town was going well. That is until the outlaw sees me. Getting careless I think to myself. She is the one whose horse I had to borrow to get out of town last time I was here. Don’t know why she is pissed. I let the horse go and she should have found it by now if she is as good as she thinks she is. That is unless that rancher grabbed the horse for herself. Wouldn’t put it past her. Must admit it was a beautiful horse, one of the best I’ve seen. But horses with shoes are too noisy for an Indian maiden. Besides it was used to a saddle and reins. My horse is superior because I can control it with slight pressure from my thighs.

Enjoyed conking her partner on the head. These two are known for their nasty exploits even among the Indian tribes. We have a particular hate for them as they have more than once tried to frame Indians for the most dastardly deeds.

As if she could think she could follow me and I would not know it! I lead her deeper into the shadows. I’ve been waiting to give her a larger dose of what I gave her partner.  I am all set to turn around and jump her only to have a shocked look cover my countenance.  “Ooaapphhhhh….” her body slams into me. Down we go as we crash to the ground in a cloud of dust. I garb her hair and start scrambling: twisting, kicking, turning, bucking, rolling ….doing what I can to try and get on top of her. Shocked that I let her get so close without knowing it. I really must be slipping. Got too comfortable and careless dealing with that sheriff. Not really the sheriff’s fault as she was used to having the side of the crocked law on her side. But this outlaw is different, she has to live by her wits.

The cloud of dust kicks up even more as we roll back and forth on the ground, ripping hair and throwing punches.

(Over to you Lexi, you sneaky bitch!)



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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2013, 08:15:25 PM »
I'm kicked back in the mayor's chair, waiting on her when I hear the door open, and my eyes look up, expecting the mayor but only seeing Michelle walk in. The judge of this small town. No doubt she's noticed I'm in town, and has come to try and get me to slip up. I watch as she plops her arrogant self down across me and spouts off at the mouth about several things. Going on and on with stuff that I just let slide. I just shake my head when she offers the small game. "Another time Michelle. I have business to tend to." Getting up and tipping my hat to her, then walking out, leaving her to wonder just what I'm up to.

I stride back out onto the streets, seeing a lonely tumbleweed roll down the dirt road. I take a deep breath, inhaling the air as my breasts heave just slightly. My eyes scan the town, figuring I will take a small stroll through it and see if there's any store or shack that's not locked up. Wanting to find where the best places are with the best loot. I take a few steps down the sidewalk, my boots clapping on the wooden planks as my black trench coat flies behind me in the air. 

(over to anyone)
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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2013, 08:32:15 PM »
Reaching the step to the Sheriffs office, the old familar clank of tin on steel greets me as the town drunk, a cute lil slip of a thing from Alabama  i think from the tone of her slurred abuse to the lack of jailer or Sheriff...

"Quiet it down BITCH...Sobre yerself up and yer free to go..."

Tossing some wanted posters on the desk of the Sheriff, one a cute blonde i saw in the saloon and another a dark haired stunner last seen mooching around the restraunt, well if you can call it that give it another few years they will be advertising with clowns and serving in cheap cardboard containers... And thats progress...
Tutting to myself i turn and from the window i see the Judge heading to my office...

"What the... just what does she want..."

Shes a tough Judge, a tough woman and if all the cards are played cirrectly she could be one of the most desirable allies in my arsenal. I see shadows and silhouettes in my office and before long the gorgeous blonde outlaw struts from the building, id best check my safe i so hope they didnt find it that safe contains all the dossiers and information i need ot bring this rat hole to its knees and to be the perfect lil town run by moi...

I step out of the Sheriffs office the whiney drawl of th drunk, "Skund Drunk Sadie" i think ive heard her called still bellowing as she falls on her ass in the dust...

Unaware of the outlaw snooping around i turn toward my office and bump straight into her...

"Well Well... Looking for something sweetie ? Nows your chance what with the Sheriff all... Shall we say  "tied up" But dont let certain people catch you in the act darling id hate to see that sweet ass of yours locked away with NO visiting..."
I hear you are the baddest ? Well i dunno if you heard but im looking to employ a girl of your calibre, debt collecting, tax collecting and well making sure i dont take a bullet ....or worse in the process.. Ill leave you to mull it over honey ill be in my office..."
Stepping past the outlaw Misty patting her on the ass as i stroll away without a care in the world and showing it...

As i strut towards my office a blur of trenchcoat and steel pushes past me... "Hey BITCH..." but nothing the judge looking like shes got more on her mind than sharing a drink with me...
Reaching my office i grab the bottle on my desk and head back out for the perfect view as the judge starts to quicken her pace and disrobe intent on going at it with the outlaw...

*SWIGS Smiling as i lean and watch the scene unfurling...
(Michelle/Misty for response or anyone else in the meantime)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 09:36:52 PM by Karly_Kats »


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2013, 09:09:46 PM »
Watching Misty get up and leave in a huff was just what I had planned......and just what i expected from the stupid slut. I said....Lexi has the brains of that outfit......Misty has a nice pair of tits but not much else other than being more dangerous physically :)  I slowly take my long legs and boots off the mayors desk....drop them to the spurs jingling.....getting slowly to my feet...I cradle my shotgun and decide.......

"What the fuck..maybe there's a poker game over at the saloon!"

I walk out of the mayor's office and tip my hat to a few passer's by as I cross the dust laden street and begin making my way over to the saloon.  Taking a deep breath....I cock the two barrels of my shotgun again....and walk up to the two swinging doors...

I glance up and down the street on either side of the saloon entrance..... when I suddenly notice Misty walking around the corner of the Mayor's office building and I quickly get an idea that REALLY FUCKING APPEALS TO ME RIGHT NOW!........and I suddenly decide to follow anger with her rudeness growing by the second!    I say to myself....."I think its time to settle a few things between myself and Miss SKANK!"   I walk faster ...carrying my shotgun now in my left hand as I increase the pace of my step to catch up to her.  My prayers are answered as Misty hears the sound of my boots on the wood side walk and then on the ground and the jingling of my spurs.  She begins to turn around to face me just as I reach her.....

I quickly toss the shotgun to the ground that I was holding with my left hand.....rapidly curling the fingers of my right hand into a tight fist as I rush up behind her.  I grit my teeth and quickly draw back my right arm and drive it hard at her jaw as our eyes meet! bare knuckles whistling at her head!!......feeling my knuckles CRACKING HER JAW with a loud SMACK AND THUD!!!  I feel the tingling and the numbness quickly shoot momentarily up my hand and forearm as my hard knuckles impact her hard chin and jaw!!    Grimacing as my large dark eye widen......watching my hard right fist hit her solid!......Her head twisting to the side as I quickly step back and begin removing my long black trench coat...pulling it over my broad shoulders and down first my left arm.....then down my right!....tossing it aside to the ground as I reach up with my left hand and take off my black hat and toss it on top of my coat....My long dark brown hair...tied back in a tight pony tail falls down my back along my spine....I reach down and unbuckle my gun belt and poll it from around my slim waist and toss it over on top of my dusty coat and hat.....I then begin rolling up the sleeves of my denim shirt...exposing my upper arms and small hard biceps and sinewy forearms.......and I slowly raise both of my arms up in front of my chest and cock them at the elbows...curling both of my hands into tight fists and holding them just out in front of my pert breasts which are now straining the denim material of my tight shirt.   My quickly hardening nipples already poking into and leaving an imprint on my shirt that leaves no doubt just how excited I am getting at the prospect of BEATING HER FUCKING ASS!!!    I begin snarling at her....hoping she's not so stunned she'll back off from me....

"What do you say we settle a few things right now you fucking cxnt!"

"I'm sick of your God Damn DISRESPECTING ATTITUDE TOWARDS ME and I think I need to TEACH YOU SOME MANNERS!"   "So lets settle this the only way you and I know how to you MOTHERFUCKING WHORE!...WITH OUR FISTS!"   "Maybe this time we won't be interrupted like the last time I was kicking your BONEY ASS and you got saved by that DIP-SHIT MAYOR breaking us up!!!"

"PUT EM UP cxnt!"  "I am gonna beat you to within an inch of YOUR WORTHLESS CROOKED LIFE!!!"   "AND I AM SO GONNA ENJOY THIS!"

I raise my fists up and assume my stance and pray she takes me up on my offer coz I am in such a mood and I haven't been this PISSED in a long time!!.....and I OWE THIS BITCH BIG TIME!!!!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 10:44:12 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

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Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #59 on: November 12, 2013, 12:08:38 AM »
Taking a gulp of whiskey i see the judge disrobing and the outlaw standing her ground, looks like this could be one helluva fight... Wait a minute...a lightbulb buzzes brightly above my head.
As i push off and stride down the concoarse toward the two squared up hellions... I watch as they both baring teeth and screaming at each other both drawing back balled fists in preperation for war...


I fire a warning shot as a few faces appear at windows, and gawkers start their gawking...


I fire another shot into the air...


Dashing towards the two sexy sluggers squeezing between them and pushing them both apart.. Turning to the udge first... "Stop... Think of your place in this town..." Turning to the outlaw... "You no good lowlife hussy... Stop this now or i get the Sheriff to throw away the fucking key you hear me..."

The lightbulb moment was as thus... These two could be inseperable to decide at a glance who would win so why not make a few hundred dollars on them, why not get them to take this off the street like a couple of silky sluts and take it behind closed doors open only to a select few for a price of course, im sure these arent the only two bitches in this god forsaken hell hole that will want to tear into each other at some point so why not make a little money on the side...

"Listen ladies... i have a barn and i have paying customers willing to place prize money on you both... lets make this something to showcase ? Huh ? Judge you could lose your irons, you could lose everything if the state govenor chances by and sees is it worth it ? And you outlaw i know who you are and i know how you are wanted, do you really want to risk the rope for a street scuffle ?... i didnt think so... Go have a drink and cool off both of you and leave the details to me..."

Watching closely for the two to fully step away from each other...

"Oh outlaw... a word if you dont mind i may have something your skills might be usefull for..."

(over to anyone in the meantime)