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showdown at rattlesnake gulch

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Offline Michelle

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #75 on: November 16, 2013, 02:13:42 PM »
I finally arrive on the edge of town and I pull up hard on the reins of Scooter....leaning over my saddle and against his head....letting us both take a breather.  After having ate trail dust for an hour.....I reach into my saddle bag and pull out the whiskey bottle...and take a big long drink....I then swing my arm around and let Scooter lick the end of the bottle...watching him do that I laugh out loud.....

"You're such a good did your job...lets hope I do mine just as well"

Putting the cork back in the bottle and placing it back in my saddle bag......I pull my Henry Repeating Rifle from its sheath on the left side of my horse.  I pull the lever a few times to make sure I have a bullet in the chamber and reach into my saddle bag and take out some cartridges and fill the by one sliding then inside the spring loaded flap until its full.  As my father told me years can never be fully armed I'm ready......I'll give the Indian girl my Henry.....she's apt to cause more damage that sense is she can handle about anything though.  I'll go with my Colt sidearm...and the Sharps 50 Rifle.....I take a deep breath.....pull the Sharps out.....and lay the stock on my thigh.....the muzzle pointed up......and slowly ride into town.......heading for the sense in going to the saloon......its time to get this party started.....I slowly ride down the dusty eyes darting from side to side as I suspect me coming back is already known as I think I saw lookouts outside of town who came riding back in when they saw me...

"Ok Lord.....I haven't asked you for much in my life"......"Maybe I don't deserve to be asking now.....but just let me know what I'm about to do is right"...."Because I think it is".....and I'm just hardheaded enough to get killed"....."Forgive me for those things I have done wrong...and those I have wronged"  
"Forgive me for what I am about to do"

When the older circuit judge was here last month he told me..."You just might become a great and special person around here...if you wanted"

All I could do..was answer him as plainly as I could......"I think maybe all I have done lately is ask myself....What is it....I hold so precious...that I would give all I own....even my own preserve it?"   "I think I shall maybe call that thing...that idea........This Town....these people"  "Life is all about second chances....this town has been my second chance"

"Oh and judge.....I think I shall have to settle for who I am right now"

The old judge smiled at me...he had been a good friend and mentor so very long...

I cock the hammer on the Sharps other hand delicately holding the reins to my horse....the bank just ahead......I ride so slowly heart pounding.....squinting under the brim of my black dust covered hat......the tails of my long trench coat rubbing against my boots and spurs.....

I stop in just to the side of the bank....slowly get off my horse.....swinging my long left leg up over Scooter.....and sliding off my saddle and off to his right boots hitting the ground......I pull the Henry Rifle from the sheath on his left side.......carrying the Henry in my left hand...the Sharps in my right.....and walk towards the front of the bank.  I walk up to the front door.....lean the Henry down against the left hand reaching for the knob and turning it.....realizing its locked.....the shades of the windows drawn....the bank should still be open?......

I take the Sharps Rifle in my right hand....and using its muzzle...and rap it against the bank door a few times!...

"YOO HOOO!!!!!"    "Oh Misty!......Lexi!.........Its Judge Miles!........I kinda know you're in there!"   "Come out and lets not have any trouble!"

I look skyward and shake my head.....cocking the Sharps 50....

"I never thought I'd be praying for an Indian"......
« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 03:25:05 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #76 on: November 16, 2013, 03:24:19 PM »
I follow Judge Miles into town at a little more leisurely pace. I know better than to ride my horse as hard as she does. But she will learn when sometime she calls on her horse and it can’t respond.

I m not sure whether to trust the judge or not. I listened to her carefully and watched her face. She seemed sincere but us Indians have been double crossed by many sincere sounding white invaders. Broken promises and treaties abound. And even if they are sincere it doesn’t mean we won’t get screwed in the end. This could be a set up to lure us into town and then wipe us out, get rid of us from the territory once and for all.

Still she seems sincere than that tear looked real. Besides this could be our best chance to get on the side of the ‘good people’ of Rattlesnake Gulch if there are any. So I decide to take her up on her offer. In she was honest than we would be leaving her hung out to dry if we didn’t support her.

Besides I had to hand signal to the several Indian squaws who have been shadowing me all the time. Anyone who thinks I would approach someone with as many guns as the Judge has is a fool. Hand signs are useful because you can communicate from a distance but not make any noise. I see the leader of these Indian warriors signal back. They really are warriors and not just squaws. With the men always going on long hunts we need to be able to protect ourselves from other tribes and from the almost always evil white intruders.

I get to town just as Judge Miles calls out to Misty and Lexi. She hands me her Henry Repeating Rifle. Finest piece of hardware I have even held. Decide that shows her trust in me. I signal to my tribe hiding just outside of town. I can’t trust they won’t hurt anyone, especially if they see someone trying to harm me. And I can’t guarantee they won’t carry off some of the Silkies from the brothel for a little fun and games later.

“We are ready when you are” I whisper to the Judge, my finger itching on the trigger.

(Michelle, Lexi or Misty for this post)



Offline Michelle

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2013, 03:37:14 PM »
I feel a tap on my shoulder and I jump a mile!!!     I almost shit a brick..and its the Indian girl!....I doubt I have smiled that broadly since I came out west!....a huge smile comes over my face as I reach down.....pick up the Henry...and give it to her.......

"Here....use this......I bet you probably can!....hell...keep it!"    I hand the girl the Henry...not wanting to look at her face when I do...knowing she'll see the fear that is truly inside of me right now....I'm glad someone is backing my play......I hate dying all alone....

I finally turn and look into her eyes......she is more beautiful every time I see she smiles back....I start to think of other things and I shake my head a few times and try and re-focus...

"Signal your braves!!!!..........and lets get on either side of the door"......"I'm gonna blast it open with my Sharps if they don't come out.....If they come out shooting dive for cover to either side!"   "I have no idea how they'll react to all the noise!"   "I'm gonna fire one shot with the Sharps to get them nervous!"

"You try and take out Lexi...however you can!"   "Misty is all way or another only one of us....she or I...come out of this"

I aim the Sharps 50 up in the air and cut loose with a loud blast!!!     "BAMMM!!!!!"

(and yes...for those wondering...the Sharps 50 is the same rifle used in the movie and my favorite "Western"....."Quigley Down Under"......Michelle says....check it out)

I quickly pull the spent cartridge and insert another cartridge in the rifle after I lift the hammer...closing the chamber....cocking it.....waiting......looking back at at the Indian girl one more time......I can't help but feel a sly grin comes over my mouth as I shake my mouth so dry......I whisper..."God its a long way from New York!" heart pounding in my chest.....

I'm surprised the Indian girl hasn't asked me why I'm carrying a single shot Sharps rifle...when I had a Henry repeater and a six gun on my hip.  Its simple really.....never had much use for a six-gun.....was always good with a rifle.......very very good.   Now I am not saying I can't use a six-gun....just don't have much use for em.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2013, 10:02:05 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #78 on: November 16, 2013, 03:45:08 PM »
I signal my warriors and they come galloping into town. Hell, even if I hadn’t signaled them the loud blast from Judge Miles gun would have brought them in.

The warriors whoop and holler. The few that have guns fire them into the air. The noise is a real racket. People on the streets scramble up onto the wooden sidewalks. Many disappear into various buildings. I see them peeking out from behind the curtains. I am somewhat apprehensive as some of these cizizens might start shooting at my warriors.

I cover the Judge’s back not knowing what to expect from those vicious outlaws inside the bank.

(Over to Misty or Lexi. Remember Lexi this is what you were expecting un Indians to do. )



Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #79 on: November 17, 2013, 10:16:47 PM »
I still have no idea what really went down in that brothel.. Maybe it was the stench of slut or the mere fact that this establishment encouraged the kind of behavoir that would not normally see a Rancher a school ma'am and a MOYOR behave the way we did... Some things may have been settled but i fear that a deeper residue of conflict will arise someday soon...

As the gorgeous School ma'am scurries from sight clothes huddled under her arms, my attention turns from the lips of the seductive and hot rancher and my focus is on the ruckas poutside...

"What the hell..." 77Turning to the cowgirl still in a state of undress as i climb to my feet and button my vest making my cleavage jiggle i press my nose to the window...

"Indians.. Why... How... Who... ?"

I knew there was a settlement outside of town and i had planned on visiting to work on some agrrement with the braves and squaws, to see if we could become symbiotic and live together and help each other...

(Maybe you might think the mayor is finding some sort of heart warming affinity for this tribe but its more likely they can offer something that will be politically, finacially or... sexually benificial to said mayor)

As squaws and braves run rampage through the streets my eyes dart toward the bank )I dont just have the safe in the office i have an account to) only to see the shodowy figures of the Judge and is that... and Indian ?
My mind racing, whats the connection here whats going on...
Grabbing my skirt and boots i blow a kiss to the rancher stopping to take one final look at her... mmmmmmm.... then i scamper to te back door exiting and using the shadows to make my way up to my office and safety.....

(Over to anyone really) 


Online BustyTiffany35

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #80 on: November 18, 2013, 02:20:22 AM »
Well, ain't this a fine mess ya got yourself into..

I only rode into town a few moments ago and already I'm knee deep in trouble. And I do mean that in a real figurative sense, as two rough-lookin' Buffalo hunters have me down on my knees on the porch of the Silk Stocking Girls brothel, both of em' clutching my hands firmly behind my back. I had just gotten free of my bonds when these gruff, burly hunters burst outta the Silks' clubhouse, grabbing me roughly and holding me down before I could even react. Now, I'm facing about half a dozen Silks, all none too pleased as they sneer down at me, with their leader, a real pretty bitch in pink, leaning down over me with her lacy gloved hand clutching a handful of my hair, her gorgeous, yet heavily done-up face just inches away from mine. Her eyes narrow dangerously at me as she hisses "I don't care if you're the Sheriff of this two-bit town, NOBODY steals from the Silks!"

She glances down at my hip, and quickly snatches up my lasso from my belt. In a teasing manner she rubs it against my face, a slow, cruel smile forming on her lips. She leans all the way in and hisses into my ear, "and its about time we taught ya a lesson anyway, ya old SLUT! Get this TRAMP upstairs and tie her up!"

I feel the Silk's tongue slither into my ear and I cringe, and with that she plants an insolent, wet kiss on my forehead. She releases my hair, then scoops up my hat and tosses my lasso over to one of the hunters. That hunter lets go of my right arm so he can catch my lasso, while the other hunter hoists me up onto my feet. Bad mistake.

The moment my boots touch the floorboards, I spin toward the hunter still grasping my arm, lifting my knee up and slamming it right into his belly! I let him double over my leg, gasping for air, while the other Silks all gasp in shock. I smile serenely at my would-be captors, slipping my arm free from the burly Buffalo hunter.

"Firstly kiddo," I say in a real calm voice, "I'm no a slut."

The other Hunter comes charging in at me with a loud yell, and I turn to him and plow my fist into his jaw! His head snaps back from my jab, stopping him dead in his tracks, and I quickly send an uppercut into his belly that doubles him over. I hear a grunt from behind me, and I glance over my shoulder to watch Hunter #1 charge at me. I simply step outta his path at the last second, watching him collide right into his buddy! He crashes into the doubled over hunter and they both go toppling down the steps of the porch, rolling into the dirt, tossing a wave of dust all around em'. More gasps erupt from the shocked Silks, as their thugs lay in a disposed heap on the ground. I dust my palms and look back at the Silks. They all look a lil timid as they stare me down, unsure of whether to attack me or not. Individually I know I can take em' on, as a group that'd prove to be a real problem. These gals know how to fight dirty, and when they gang up on ya more times than not you'll find yourself hogtied when they're down with ya. But none of em' seem to be willing to make a move, so I don't get too worked up about getting jumped by em'. I focus on the lead Silk, who has a look on her face that's somewhere between annoyed and frightened. The calm, serene smile on my lips remain as strong as ever as I step right to her, snatching my hat outta her hands.

"Secondly, I didn't intend on stealing your horse. Merely burrowed her, that's all. I brought her back, didn't I? Now, I do reckon I took her rather abruptly. I was in a hurry afterall, but that shouldn't excuse my behavior. So, why don't ya take me NOT arresting ya and your two goons for attempted kidnapping as my way of apologizin' for that."

The Silk just continues to burn a hole through me with that steel glare. "I'm gonna get ya, Sheriff.."

My smile only deepens as I place my hat back on my head. "Countin' on it kiddo." I reply with a wink, puckering my lips to blow her kiss as I swiftly turn on my heel and walk down the porch. I snatch my lasso off of the downed Buffalo hunter as I pass by, sauntering away from the Silk clubhouse. Making my way into town, I scan the buildings and my eyes go wide as I hear the loud gunshot ring out through the town. I take a few steps forward and I let out a gasp as I recognize the Natives who captured me are now gathering around the front of the bank, while a dark-haired beauty stands at the front of the small crowd, brandishing a Sharps 50 Rifle. From where I'm standing, I can't get a good look of that girl, but something tells me she's a whole lot of trouble!

Damn it, what the hell's going on?! Are they gonna rob the hell they are! I reach for my pistols--then instantly curse myself when I realize I left em' back at the Indians' camp! Damn it! I quickly run over to one of the buildings close by and crouch behind a wooden rail. None of em seemed to notice me, and the rest of the town has run for cover..I start to formulate a plan to try and neutralize these gals when I hear one of em' talking. I arch my brow as I hear the names 'Misty' and 'Lexi' are spoken by the Sharps wielding lady, and instantly I put two and two together. The Outlaws are inside the bank, and these gals are lookin' to get at em'. This could get real messy real fast..I quickly move toward the bank, slipping into the alleyway and moving toward the bank's back entrance. Licking my lips, I pull on the doorknob, turn it slowly, and sigh in relief as it isn't locked. I quietly slide in, gripping my lasso as I enter the bank..

(Over to Lexi or Misty)


Offline Michelle

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #81 on: November 18, 2013, 02:43:15 PM »
I tap on the bank door with the muzzle of my Sharps rifle again......."Oh Misty!......LexI!...."COME OUT NOW!!!!.....I'm not gonna ask again!!!"    "YOU HAVE ONE MINUTE OR I'M COMING IN!!!!!"

I look over at the Indian girl and see her hands gripping the Henry tightly...I hope not nervously......she is the only ally I have right now that I know of......our eyes meet and I smile..then I wink at her........Suddenly my eyes catch some movement across the street moving along the buildings in the shadows.....I squint trying to make it out.....

I nod at the Indian girl and she looks over and sees the shadowy figure too.......

"I'd know that shape anywhere!!"

I quickly bring the Sharps up to my shoulder and aim just in front of the figure and pull the trigger!......BAAAMMM!!!!.....a flame shoots from the muzzle of the rifle and a wooden bucket on the sidewalk just in front of the figure explodes in a hundred pieces!!!

"OH Mayor Kats?"  "I KNOW THAT'S YOU!!!.....SO MOVE ANOTHER INCH AND I PROMISE.....I WON'T MISS AGAIN!!   "I didn't that it a warning shot"  "NOW WALK SLOWLY OVER HERE....HANDS ON YOUR HEAD!"  I look over at the Indian girl and smile and wink as the Mayor dutifully walks across the street...hands on her she reaches us.....I grab her by the shoulder and pull her down to her knees by me.....and point the muzzle of the Sharps at her chin...

"If you move a muscle to run.....Madame Mayor....I swear to MOTHERFUCKING GOD!...I am gonna make sure you will need to be fitted for a new hat size.....and it will be SIZE ZERO as I'm gonna blow your FUCKING HEAD OFF!"

"I should do it right now after how you've stolen from this town!.....but.....I'm in a good mood!"

I look over at the Indian girl and wink again.....then I get an idea.....

I take off my hat and long trench coat........and hand it to the Mayor....."Here Mayor!...Put these on!....that way if there any stupid fucking shooting by those two knuckleheads in'll be the first to go!"  

I look at the Indian one last time....."I am tempted to send you around back to watch the back door....but at this point you may be more help to me if we go on the front"  "What do you think?"

I step back and pull a cartridge from my pocket...and slide it in the chamber of the Sharps...pulling the hammer back......I aim at the door knob....then I stop

"Hold on....I got one last great idea"........."Mayor....this is your ONE reprieve so GET IT RIGHT....I think I'll send you through that talk those outlaw clowns out of there,....and you MAY come out of this looking like a hero!"  "Oh fuck!...what if they won't open the door?"

I mutter to myself......"God you always have to come up with the downside of things?"

"I got it......Mayor!! pound on that door and make them let you in!.....we'll stay back!.....we promise to hold our fire!"

I move my face right in front of the dark eyes widening.....the tip of my nose almost touching hers....

"Yes Mayor....I'm crazy!.......So you better think about every move you make and everything you say!"  "I know you think I'm a drunken slut!....but I'll tell you one thing....I'm a damn good Judge.....if we both live through can call me "Judge Slut" from now on....not just..."The Slut"...."

I give the mayor my best grin and smile....

"You got anything to say for yourself right now Mayor?"

(over to the Mayor..... outlaw knuckleheads...a back door sheriff.....or an Indian.....cause I am about to blow a hole in the door)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2013, 02:48:57 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #82 on: November 18, 2013, 05:41:10 PM »
at first the plan works splendidly..the teller  and the banker  corporate emptying the safe. we are going to walk out
no one  will be  the  wiser  no one  will get  hurt... but nothing ever  goes as  expected...

hearing  some ruckus  out side misty looks yout  the window  seeing the judge  and the injun...I rush to the window
my heart racing.peering out did they figure it out so soon...I see  the  squaw..seems she as decided to throw in with the judge..i knew I should have left her beaten senseless when I had the chance.

I look  a misty  we have been in some  jams before  and always  escaped...getting into a gunfight is not  high on our list...the noise,,the smoke, the me  an ooggey feeling ..we  exchange ideas  on  what  to do.

then wehear  the  whooping.shooting..looking out the windows  we  see the  Indians....what  the frigg is happening
anyway it gives us a little time...we barricade the locked  door .hearing  more gunfire I again look out the window

looks   as if the judge  is taking the mayor  captive...maybe she is making a power play wanting  control of the town........wemay can use that to our advantage  I don't know how  yet.

tings  settle  down  a bit  then  hear  the judges  bullfrog like  voice croak out her intentions...
we move  the teller  and the banker in front of the windows...

I give my answer back.....listen  bitch  the first one that tries to come through that door  will get  a one way pass to  boot hill.....we have some hostages  here  good upstanding citizens of cattyville  anything happens to them
it will be on your head judge.

I back away frome door  and the window  my revolver trained on the two  hostages  o they stay  at the windows
the back  door  knob rattles...damn..misty rushes towards it standing at the side...the door  slowly  opens... else
the prez tramp


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #83 on: November 18, 2013, 06:47:21 PM »
My tribe is doing a great job creating all sorts of havoc. Most people have taken cover.  The mayor has come over and is being treated rather nastily by the judge. My keen sense of smell tells me that the mayor has been up to something other than fighting. She does have some bruises on her face and what looks like a shiner. Even so she has a randy smell.

The judge seems to want the mayor take the most exposed position as she tries to either get the outlaws to come out or for us to go in. Not sure what but there seems to be some animosity between the politician and the jurist. Not sure how this will play out. I keep my finger on the trigger and my gun ready just in case.

The outlaws finally answer the judge back. Say they have hostages. She threatens to do them harm. Always thought this was stupid because if you shoot the hostages then you don’t have any hostages. Says they are good upstanding citizens of Cattyville. From my point of view there aren’t any good upstanding citizens of Cattyville. They can kill the hostages as far as I am concerned. But it isn’t my call. The judge is running this show and I am her backup.

(Anyone can take it. Hope the rabbit isn’t within gunshot range.)



Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #84 on: November 18, 2013, 11:27:29 PM »

From out of nowhere the bucket on the floor beofre me explodes into a thousend splintered pieces after the chaaotic BOOOOM of wht must be a huge weapon... a rifle... something big... who the hell... i mean injuns dont carry that sorta weaponary but i know smeone that does...

Before the face comes to mind her voice barks and i realise i was right JUDGE JUDY...Erm sorry Mills...

"Oh you wanna be careful where your aiming that thing judge you never know when its gonna go off inthe wrong place infront of the wrong persoooooooo...."

She doesnt care and its not long untill she has me on my knees... Not for the first time today i must say but thats a whole other story...

"MOTHERFUCKING GOD huh ? well im not christian or catholic myself but what your god gets up to in his spare time is entirley up to him... her... im not really convinced on the concept..."

The judge not amused and a fervant temper with a cool edge controlling the situation thus far...

Catching the hat and coat and being ordered to play dress up i put the hat on as it drowns me, not saying there is a big difference in hat size but this one is FUCKING MASSIVE... Slipping an arm into the trenchcoat noticing the many stains and spots of ...well im not quite sure...

"Hell you never heard of soap... rocks and a creek ? Pee eeewwww..."

Karly youve heard the old story you know the generic dont poke a bear with a stick well how bout dont insult a judge with a gun...

I glance over to the indian girl... cute she has a gleam in her eye maybe on another day maybe when im not fellating the barrel of a gun...

After swapping and changing her ideas im pulled t my feet with the hostile judge pressing her beak to me telling me how crazy she is...

"you do know they do pills for this sort of behavoir sweetie or theres always group therapy i mean you dont have to send people into dangerous enviroments and see what happens you know..."

With a gun at my back i stride toward the bank door pering inside, the teller and manager pressed up against the window i sight and bang on the door...

Im kinda surprised though i mean its the wild west surely the first thing you do when ordering a promentant figure around is take her guns from her... Surely ?...

"Hey Lexi ? Misty ? You girls hear the judge here, im thinking you open up and let me in lets talk this out and come tosome sort of terms huh...? "

(Michelle, Misty, Lexi, Brook, Tiff... unless anyone else has anything to say or forever hold therir piece)


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #85 on: November 19, 2013, 01:18:13 AM »
I look out the window of the bank and see the judge holding the mayor at gunpoint. Looking over to Lexi and she looks at me, both of us knowing we're not getting out of here without a fight. "Hold a gun on the judge Lexi. We'll let the mayor in and see what she has to say. I trust her more than I trust that no good judge." Lexi nods to me and I know what the judge wants. She wants a fight, with me, to settle some old scores. Maybe the time has finally come for this all to come to a head. Who knows. For now, I want to hear what the Mayor has to say. I holler out the window, "Ok judge. We'll let the mayor in, but if you make one move, you'll be pushing up daisies sure as shooting. Lexi is a pretty good shot, so I wouldn't test her." I see the judge backing off, and I open the door, quickly pulling the mayor inside.

My heart is pounding, knowing this could go from bad to worse in a flash. I look over at the mayor, and I'm just about to ask her what she has to say, when I hear something in the back room. My mind races, was that door locked back there? Is somebody back there? I sigh and look at Lexi, who nods to me and I start to make my way into the back room to check out the disturbance. 

(over to anyone, more than likely busty tiff )
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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #86 on: November 19, 2013, 01:47:50 AM »
I shut the door behind me and turn my eyes to the mostly vacant backroom of the bank. Its dimly lit, with only a few boxes and supplies plainly littered about. The floorboards creek beneath my boots as I move deeper into the room, remaining alert and cautious with each step. I don't see either of the Outlaws in this room, they must be occupying the main floor. I do hear their voices, speaking loudly, perhaps to the gals outside the bank. I can sense the tension in the air, some bad blood is brewing between these ladies. I pull on my lasso, clutching it tightly in my hand, as I inch closer to the door that would lead me to the main floor. Licking my lips, I place one hand on the handle, turn, and push forward, and come face to face with--


I gasp out abruptly, blocking the icy beauty from entering the back. My eyes bounce from the lovely blonde outlaw to her partner, Lexi, who's standing by the front window of the bank alongside a newcomer-- The MAYOR Karly?! What's she doing here?? My eyes immediately turn back to Misty, who stands there still stunned by my appearance, and I quickly step forward, closing any distance between us as I reach out with my free hand to grab her.

"Just knew y'all were up to no good! Plannin' on robbin' this here bank, is that right? Well, not if I can help it! Y'all under arrest now, ya reckon!"

(Over to Lexi or Misty or Karly!)


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #87 on: November 19, 2013, 03:27:44 AM »
I jam the muzzle of my Sharps rifle in the mayors back and whisper.....

"I'm letting you keep your gun cause as I said.....I'm crazy and I'm kinda hoping you try something so I can ventilate you with my rifle"   "I'm REALLY TRYING to like you mayor but I'm feeling very contrary today and by the drunken piece of shit!....that is YOUR SMELL! ...not mine!!....obviously rolling around with the whores again eh?"    "You better use that silver tongue of yours to do more than lick some whore's clit Mayor.....or there are gonna be some dead folks here.....and YOU'RE GONNA BE THE FIRST......I PROMISE!......and you know I keep my promises!"

I suddenly see the bank door cracking open and I back away to the side...lifting the Sharps finger on the trigger...holding the rifle at my waist...... then I hear that skank Misty tell me Lexi has a gun on me.....Like the fuck that has never happened in my life!

"Fuck You Misty!....You forget! ....I've seen that bitch Lexi shoot!"    "She couldn't hit the side of a barn if she was in it!"   I let out with a loud laugh hoping I'll piss them off and they'll do something dumb but it looks like they might let the mayor in.....


I see the Indian girl looking at me kinda weird...and I smile at her and wink.....hoping she'll realize what I'm doing and I'm not as nuts as I'm acting........or am I?

Next thing I know Misty grabs the mayor through the cracked door and pulls her inside quickly!......I could have shot her thru the door with this Sharps but I'm still an officer of the court......I need to take them alive......let them have a fair trial...then hang em!  Here...Tombstone...or Dodge City...makes no never mind to me...if they are guilty then they hang......

His Will Be Done!

Where is that God Damn sheriff?   Jesus Christ!!!   I'm the only law in this town today?

Suddenly I hear voices going back and forth in the bank and one of them is the Sheriff??   WHAT THE FUCK?  I quickly pull out my Colt revolver and check the chamber and the cylinder to be sure its fully loaded......and jam it back in my holster.....I then grab two - one hundred and ten grain metal cartridges...each with a five hundred and forty grain paper-patched bullet..... for the Sharps 50 lever action Buffalo Rifle.... and put them between the fingers of my left hand.....the Sharps in my right hand......

I look at the Indian......I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach......I realize the time has come.....

"I'm going in!....If you want to come with me...stick behind me and when I blast the door and kick it in...I'm going in to the go to the right.....shoot if you have to......this is gonna get ugly now if the sheriff is trapped in there and starts shooting....I gotta go in!"

I look at the Indian girl a last time maybe....."You don't need to be a part of really don't....but I'd feel better with you with me"

I reach down inside my shirt and pull out my necklace with the gold cross on it that hangs between my breasts.....I close my eyes and bring it up to my full lips and kiss it gently.......I then let it go......I remember my father and all he taught me......I know right is on my side for once......I just know it.....

I look at the Indian girl one more time.....I lower my eyes and look back up at her....then I nod....and aim my Sharps at the base of  doorknob.....I begin to squeeze the trigger......Fuck why did I ever leave New York?...

« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 10:41:24 AM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #88 on: November 19, 2013, 07:03:43 PM »
I hear Michelle yell that she is going into the bank in 3 seconds. I note she said “I” and not “we”. Not sure if she wants me to enter with her but I intend to. Also not sure if it is a good idea. Have no idea what kind of weapons they have in there. Maybe ones that could blast us right through the door the moment we hit the wooden sidewalk. I can be quite in my moccasins but I don’t if those hard leathered boots and heels of the judge can not make a racket. Especially they way she likes to strut her stuff.

Just when the judge is done here comes that blonde witch rancher. I look at her askance and warily. But she has a cannon in her hand that looks like it could blast a whole in the door big enough for us to fit through. Decide her desire to protect her money is greater than our animosity.

So I hunker down getting ready to charge in when Michelle does. Waiting expectantly for some response from those insides. Keeping a vigilant eye on the  rancher with my peripheral vision.  Ready to ram the butt of my gun to the side of her ugly face if she tries something stupid.

(Next, anyone that wants to.)



Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #89 on: November 19, 2013, 11:37:00 PM »
As i approach the door shadowy figures dart around inside, the panic stricken faces of the teller and the bank manager pleading with their eyes for mercy and freedom and throught the window i try to offer a smile of reassurance... After all this is my town, ok maybe ive not been everyones first choice or indeed their second but ballots dont lie and here i am and hell its STILL my town and NO ONE is going to change that...

Whispering under my breath... (Shes got a fucking monster of a gun pointing at me you think im gonna shout it... well maybe she wont shoot me in the back... not orth the risk though)

"Ill see you hang on your own rope for this your honour..."

A hand reaches out of the door and yanks me inside as quick as you can say "stick em up"

"You Lexi this town needs your skills this town could benifit from your knowledge and talents  should you ever want to stop running from town to town...And you... Misty... well this town needs you too but i have more instore for your perticular talents....Look this Judge means business and we have VERY little time to make good and get us ALL outta here in one piece... and aswell as the judge wanting to see your ends if you harm Lloyd and Marjorie ill help her you hear me ?"

Lexi's astute intuition and the Sheriffs clumsy boots alerting us all and Misty moseys to the back, only to return under the cosh of the Sheriff...

"Sheriff thank FUCK... Look these girls admittedly reputation preceeding arent here to rob the bank i asked them to be security transporting my safe deposit box... But the Judge has gone C R A Z Y ... Shes gone power mad she wants this town she has delusions of.. Well i just dont know anymore shes even roped the local tribe in on her cause... Shes bloodlusted you watch any second shes gonna shoot through the door and come in here shooting first and hell i dont even think she has any questions to ask her bullets have no mercy no matter who stands in there way... Please Sheriff HELP US..."

In time there will be awards given out for acting there will be gala events dedicated to celebrating the acheivements of actors and the awards will be called "The Karly's"... I know im in one of those situations and well as long as my ass is saved thats all that matters, outlaws are ten a penny...bankers well.. not saying i can predict the future or anything but bankers will be the downfall of us all... But theres only one girl that can lead this town to glory and ineed to protect my ass and protect that document in my safe deposit box (You thought i mentioned it as a passing fancy?) In there lies the rights and claim to a min e not 2 miles outside of the town a mine chock a block full of GOLD... and as soon as i start selling deeds to miners and prospectors this town will flurish... Whores will get fucked and paid... Saloon will be bursting with drunks... Ranches will have to supply the grocers with PLENTY of grain and produce and the law and order side will be so much busier they will need more help... This town WILL Flurish...

(Devious... Yeah... Sneaky... Fuck yeah... But girls i got this... ;) Over to well it looks like Tiff or Lexi or Misty really or maybe Michelle or Brook oh fuck it anyone really you know the drill ladies x)
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 11:39:59 PM by Karly_Kats »