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showdown at rattlesnake gulch

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Offline Michelle

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #90 on: November 20, 2013, 02:38:15 AM »
Holy shit!   Our esteemed rancher has showed up armed to the teeth!  I about faint dead away....but a big smile comes over my face when I hear her say she's there to help with a little extra fire power.....God we could use it!! I feel we've evened the score if not have an advantage....I take a big deep breath....

I look at the rancher and extend my right hand to her......"God its good to have one more at our little party"....."Its about to get real busy around here soon"  "Oh and by the way.....Mayor Dipshit and the sheriff are in there"......"I guess they got the drop on the sheriff....I'm not sure yet"

My God we sure got the fire power now....with my Sharps.....the Henry...and her Winchester.....the problem is...we still have hostages at risk and we have to think about them.....I was hoping me counting to three would cause Lexi and Misty to at least start talking and maybe we could all bullshit our way out of this mess......I'm guess I could count real real slow......LOL!!

At least now with the rancher here....we can cover the back if need be.....maybe even help the sheriff or get to her somehow.....maybe there's a vent up on the roof.......YESSSSS!!!.......I remember the banker put in one years ago in case of a fire or a robbery....he could go to the vault and escape after shutting the vault door.....

OH MY GOD!   What did I just say?  That means one of us is gonna need to get on the roof of the bank and go down that vent into the vault....and get the jump on those shitheads from behind.


I look at the rancher and the Indian...and explain to them about the vent....and my idea......

I whisper softly to them......"OK thats the of us can get down that vent.....and get the jump on those fuckers from behind.....and at the same time the other two rush the door.....if we time it just right we may make them shit their diapers and they'll drop their guns"

"If both know the score"  "We'll have to kill them to save any hostage from being killed"

I take a deep breath......"I'd ask for volunteers....or draw straws.....but I'm gonna make this easy......I'll go down the vent......and get the drop on them...I HOPE...from behind"

"When I get in there....I'll scream out "NOW" loud as I can and that is when you two blow through that door lickety split!"  'By them...if they haven't dropped their'll already hear my Sharps going off at one of them"  "You two will have to get the second one if I can't"

"There's a good chance one of em will get me......but its a chance I have to take"

"It's down to this ladies"

I look at the Indian and reach over and take her hand and squeeze it ......'It's been an honor to have you with me.....I hope we both make it through this......if I don't....I just want to say again.....Thank You"


I climb up on the roof carefully....walking softly.....having already removed my boots and spurs.....and open the vent up on the roof....and slowly begin climbing the ladder down into the vault.....I see some light.....but all I hear are the voices of the Mayor...sheriff....Lexi and Misty...

It sounds like no one is in the ruckus outside has kept them at the front of the bank.......I slowly make my way down the ladder to the vault floor.......holding the Sharps in my right hand.....3 spare cartridges in my left.....

I begin slowly moving to the vault door.........its now or heart almost stops.....then I move

Then I hear the biggest line of HORSESHIT I have ever heard in certainly any case that ever came before my court!!  Its that GOD DAMN MAYOR!!!   Guarding a safe deposit box???   I almost want to shoot HER!   I come through the door...finger on the trigger as I seek out one of the sexy outlaws to blow them away and....... jaw DROPS!!!

I see the sheriff evidently holding court with a gun on Misty and Lexi in a pickle and about to surrender so I am my Sharps at her.....

DROP IT LEXI!!!........I'LL DO IT!!!!

Lucky for everyone the sheriff must have got the drop on the knuckleheads......Lexi just freezes.....I lower my rifle....

"Hey Sheriff!!...long time no fleece at poker!"  "And here I thought I was gonna have your back"
I walk over to the front door of the bank.....and open the door and motion the rancher and the Indian girl to come on in......."Coast is clear Ladies!"

I then turn and glare at our esteemed Mayor....... "Madame Mayor! lying God Damn sonofabitch!"
"Sheriff..would you mind if I put a cap in Madame mayor's fat ASS!"  "Not that I have to ask as I am the Judge in these parts"

"Sheriff...your a smart you think these TWO REPROBAITS WERE HOLDING HOSTAGES in this bank AS PART OF "GUARDING" A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX?"    I turn again and aim the Sharps rifle at the Mayor's nose......."God....PLEASE say something SMART...I so wanna blow your head off!!"

I take a deep breath and lower the Sharps Buffalo Gun......"If I weren't a Judge.......God I'd......"

"Ya know Sheriff.....I bet if I told Misty and Lexi I would be lenient in my sentencing of them for attempted robbery if they would tell us who was with them on this job and helped them plan it.....I bet Lexi and Misty would sing like song birds........because they are facing a HANGING IF THEY DON'T!"

"What do ya think Madame Mayor?"...."Sound like sound "Justice" to you?"  "Hmmmmm?"

I look at Misty......smiling....."Not this time bitch!"......"But we'll meet up again!"......"Something tells me we'll settle our fucking business soon enough!"  "I can't fucking wait!"

"Sheriff..its gotten really crowded in this bank!"....."Lets let these people go home"....."And take these scaliwags down to the jail!"  

"When we get the fuckers locked up...DRINKS ARE ON THE MAYOR!!"

I look at the Indian girl and our eyes meet......."And that means you too ya're way more than welcome to join us...and me...and I hope you do"
« Last Edit: November 20, 2013, 04:45:41 AM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #91 on: November 20, 2013, 06:04:34 AM »
to my surprise  there is a knock at the mind  spins....trying to  thnk of an escape plan
opening the door.....i'm surprised to see that it is the mayor..wearing thejudge  clothes.what kind of trick is this
not wanting   to take a chance  we pen the door pulling her inside...

I spin her around...removing her  gun...alright bitch you have ten seconds to start talking...or your going to be taking back a rather  unpleasant message to your judge friend....only you wont be talking

to my surprise  she remains calm.explaining that in no way are her and the lunatic judge friends
she offers misty and myself  a plan...{she is a cool one..i like that} still  don't know if I can trust her

there is another  ruckus out side...looking back through the  window I see that the big blonde rancher
has nw joined  the judge  and the indian....damnnnn.....I look across the street seeing the  gunslinger
and the gambler looking on ...a idea me..

me and misty move to a coner   discussing our options   there are not many....we decide to take a chance
and trust  this mayor......   search a desk...finding a well and pen.....I scribble a note

there is some noise in the back.....there trying to get in.....misty goes to the back...

I hand  the note to the  mayor...we ar going to trust  you....but  do as the note says...
or I swear  we will come back when we escape...and one way or another we will escape

the sound of  fighting comes from the back....I rush towards the back room...its the big sheriff

her and misty  are  struggling.......aiming my colt  pointed at her....hold it sheriff...cocking
the gun  the  sheriff   stops..

ok  now  lets go as we start moving to the front room.......with no  one to watch them the banker and teller removes the barricades.opening the door...

I aim my colt...but there is movement  from the safe  the judges rushes in...her rifle.aimed at us.....the cowgirl and injun rushes in their rifles raised

I  glance at misty.......and wink....droping my  colt..i raise  my hands  giving  up

ok... nancy earp.....we give.........

I move closer to the mayor  and whisper.....remember  what  I said....

misty..karly....kelli...paula..babs...and  anyone  fromhere
the prez tramp


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #92 on: November 20, 2013, 11:45:20 PM »
"Oh your honour its nice of you to show up again.... here you can have your coat and hat these girls didnt fall for it im affraid, but i did get themto surrender to the Sheriff for you so thats one less worry right and im sure thety will sing like canaries especially with the Sheriff putting the screws to them... Now what was that you were saying about a drink ? and hell yeah its on me..."

Putting my arm over the Judges shoulder as she asks the others to join us...

"Ooops sorry bear with me just a minute girls ill be right with yuo..."

Walking past Lexi and Misty giving the most secretive of winks to Lexi and to misty and smiling at the Sheriff, i mean come on for a older woman shes GOT IT GOIN ONNNNNN.... thats one hot  Sheriff Id Like to F.....iddle with .

Heading into the back room where my Safety deposit box is i open it and take out a satchel full of documents, sling it over my shoulder and head back...

"Right then girls to the Saloon... Excellent job today Judge you had them all fooled with your loathing of "the corrupt Mayor" ohhh we are gonna laugh about this for many years are we not...And whos your little friend here ... HELLO YOU INDIAN ME MAYOR... (Typical fucking Brit abroad shout slowly thatll make the foreighners understand ya) And Rancher, erm nice to erm see you again... now lets us all go have a nice quiet drink and forget all about todays little incident, and if you could stop your fellow squas and braves honey that would be swell much thanks and hey lets throw a big partyand try and put an end to all this segrgation i want your tribe to feel welcome in my... erm OUR toen ok ..."

So many thinking that each and every word that escapes my lips is a lie is an underhanded trick is false in every which way but the party and dissolving of segregation was the honest truth plus more people in town means more proffit right ? Come on its economy...

Holding the saloon swing doors open for the Judge, the Indian girl (who i have considerable trouble taking my eyes of her deerskin covered ass mmmm) and the Rancher whos ass i have seen and still enjoy watching jiggle..
I scan the room Lexis note was to be given to a Gambler and a Gunslinger.. Hmmm the shady slinky looking brunette holding a marked hand must be the gambler and the smaller but deadly looking blonde close by with the arsenal strapped tpo her thighs ... mmmm some thighs... Wowsers must be the gunslinger...

"Barkeep whatever these brave girls are having line em up and keep em coming its all on me tonight, if youll excuse me for just a moment girls ill be right back just got some official Mayoral business to take care of ok..."

Heading over to the gambler and gunslinger and bending down and in whispered hushed tones well away from evesdropping bitches i set out the note and plan suggested by the outlaw, wrong side of the law maybe but i believe in her, them...

"So there you have it ladies this town is having some problems as you can see and well it needs cleaning up, the outlaws need your help in getting free and well i need your help setting this town right and protection till i can get the mine opened and well im in fear of my life  see i dont think everyone sees eye to eye with me but ive always had the towns interests at heart... So what say you ?"

(Over to firstly really Paula or Kelli but Michelle, Brook, Jo, Babs oh fuck it if you want in jump the fuck in ;) )


Offline FightingBrook

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #93 on: November 21, 2013, 05:19:45 PM »
Before we leave the bank I give out a magpie call. It is a signal to the other Indian maidens to quit their ‘attack’ and settle down out of sight at the edge of town. They melt back into the background.

I follow the others towards the saloon. So nice to be included in a social event. Perhaps the mayor isn’t as bad or devious as I though. I look into the judge’s eyes and try to judge how the judge judges the mayor.

The mayor swings the door and steps aside to let us enter. The smell of sex emanates from her body.  She looks at me and I can see pure lust in her eyes. I finally know what I have to do. As the mayor enters I take ahold of her hair. Not hard but gently. I bend her back and plant a big, wet tongue-searching kiss on her.

I can feel her relax and give in to it completely. I raise her back up and give a whippoorwill call. Signal to my tribe to bring my horse to the front of the saloon, ready to ride. “Sorry, I thank you for the invite but I really need to be going. Our braves are expected home and they deserve a proper Indian-style welcome home.”

I go out the door leaving the mayor stunned looking and a bit aroused. When I get outside I pull some documents from inside my clothing. Yep, it is the information about the mine. I know the mayor means well and wishes the town to prosper. But it is just what us Indians don’t need.  A sudden gold fever that brings hordes of settlers into the territory. Camps everywhere; people everywhere; stealing whatever they can from us; shooting us on the pretext we were trying to steal their gold or jump their claims; no sir, we don’t need no stinking mine here.

I tuck the documents away, mount my horse and off we go. Nice of the judge to let me keep her rifle. Don’t know if she intended that or not but I just never got the chance to return it to her. If we are lucky we will be long gone to our secret camp before the mayor realizes she has been fleeced. (Yeah, I got a little of her fur too and she thought it was a friendly grope.)

<)over to Karly, Michelle, or anyone else.>   




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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #94 on: November 22, 2013, 11:52:50 AM »
Away from all the shooting and the Indians stands the hotel which currently stands Sarah and her unknown occupant of Room number one. Sarah has been knocking for the last few minutes to introduce herself but no answer has come from the door. Sarah has since given up on the occupant figuring this male or female is not in there or might be asleep. Sarah is now checking one of the vacant rooms.


Sarah takes her time in looking around the now unused room. On the rug sits a pair of boots that someone has left behind. In the middle sits a sewing wheel. Sarah was taught to sew and cook by her mother. The sewing wheel could work out well. The rest of the room is pretty dreary, something that will have to be slowly worked on. Sarah walks out of that room and into the next. The next room is exactly the same except for no sewing wheel and no boots.

Sarah walks back into the main room where she started. It is another plain room that can use some elbow grease. A wooden counter sits out at the edge of the room with a single wooden chair behind the counter. Sarah having big plans for this hotel once it opens up and expansion into a restaurant. The hotel comes first.

Sarah about to sit down when she reads a note left by someone. Sarah reads the note about getting help and funds from the mayor. The students that could help in the rebuild of the hotel. Sarah will have to thank the mayor at a later date. For now it will be very beneficial for Sarah to meet this Babs. Sarah has to look good for when she meets this Babs. Time for a quick change.


Sarah wearing her new dress steps out onto the wooden panels of the hotel. The old stagecoach sitting in front is something Sarah will look into. Sarah slowly turns her boots pointed into town. Sarah slowly begins walking along the wooden panels looking for Babs or anyone who could tell her where the schoolhouse is located.

(To be continued by anybody really.)


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #95 on: November 22, 2013, 10:17:07 PM »
The Saloon is SWINGING and it maybe that my heart is pounding and pulse is racing after the cute indian girl just snoggedme silly,maybe we can work out some differences and get her tribe more involved in the community....

After seeing the Gsmbler and Gunslnger and passing on the outlaws note i hope its not too long before a plan is put into action, i know from the look in Lexis eyes she has a way out and Misty ... well that hot blonde will get her sexy ass outta a jail cell toot quick smart... But it always helps to have friends outside and plus i want them girls out in the town moving things along...

Speaking of moving things along...

Heading up to the bar with a beaming smile some may say false but im not telling...

"Hey... I see empty glssses what the fuck.. Im not having this ...Barkeep fill these ladies glasses up and keep em filled... You got yourself a hand to play Judge ? ............... (Dramatic Shatner pause)..........I mean you got a poker game going ? Im sure theres some dimwitted fools ready to hand you over there hard earned cash huh..."

Slapping the Judge on the back like a best friend might do...

Glancing round the room at so many smilling faces reminds me of why im doing all this, the epansion of the town the mine... patting my pocket... The mine... The paperwork..

"That sneaky little indian bitch...."

Im sure my heated wods of anger might amuse and even please some to see me riled and rattled like this... Checking my guns are loaded i tip my hat (the better fitting one and start to head out he doors, stepping into the chillier night air, the sounds of laughter and a badly played piano... my eyes burn holes into the sight that greets me... SCHOOL Ma'aM...

"Well well well Babs you scrub up...SEXY AS FUCK... and whos your cute friend ?"

Briefest of introductions made  i make my excuses not wanting to give any games away or show my frenzy especially to this underhanded school teach i KNOW she has designs...

Heading to the stables i get hold of a saddle amd bridal and strap up "Lucky" my chestnut thoroughbred

"Hey boy... whoooa its me baby, time for us to take a ride,we need to go find that crafty lil squaw.."

Hoping up on Lucky and turning and kicking up dust as i gallop outta town into the dusk sky horizon...

I ride for about an hour and the night draws in, i find myself a little shelter at a rock cluster and build myself a fire (Yes we have whats called Girl Guides and Brownies over here in the UK and i was apart of the glorious legions so i can build me a fire and survive out doors ya know)
The crackle of the fire intermitantly making me jump as i get a chill, someone is watching me... I clutch at both my guns and slowly ease the triggers back, peering into the dark as several figers step into the flickerig fire light...


(Im away for a little while but im sure Brook will keep you informed of Mayor Kats' plight...Over to everyone else now i look forward to the story when i get back x Have fun girls x)


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #96 on: November 23, 2013, 12:33:04 AM »
We ride out of town heading for some hidden spot. But not our regular hidden camp. We leave a trail that even the most inept tracker can follow. But I’m not sure that funny speaking English bitch can follow the most obvious trail.

Several of the squaws peel off to the side out of sight. They will form a rear guard should one or more sluts decide to follow us. Surprised at my war tactics? Don’t be, I took some courses at the Fort.

We ride for a little over an hour but no one seems to be coming. So we double back just to make sure. Spy a fire from quite some distance away. Whoever has come out sure doesn’t know much about staying hidden. Or perhaps they don’t care and is not really following us. Must be they also can’t stand a little cold as the fire is big enough to warm a whole tribe.

We ride towards the fire. Then dismount the last half mile or so and walk the horses towards the fire. We spread out and surround the fire. Can see it is the mayor. Makes sense as she must have realized I stole her mine documents.

We make little noises, taking turns around the circle. She is tense and starts at each little twig snap or rustling sound. We are enjoying watching her pull her guns out and cock them while her head swivels this way and that with each sound.

Finally I and a couple of other squaws step out enough that she can see the outline of our figures in the flickering fire light. We keep her distracted while other Indian maidens sneak up on her from behind. A couple of them douse the fire with water. The others grab her and pin her to the ground. It is darker with no fire but there is a three-quarters moon that gives us enough light.

“Come on, tie her up and throw her over a horse. We need to take her where no one will interfere. Don’t bruise her as I have plans for her.“

(While Kats is away the Indians will play. Don’t you worry, Karly, we intend to have fun. Anyone else can post after this.)




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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #97 on: November 23, 2013, 04:11:29 AM »
Sarah was walking slowly along the wooden plans, raising her dress when she hit the dusty road so the bottom does not get dusty. Sarah was looking through the other buildings and looking to see why they are there. Sarah then bumped into Babs who is some sort of school Marm or possibly connected with the mayor.

Sarah: Very nice to meet you Babs. My name is Sarah. I am the new hotel owner as you know.

Sarah showing respect for her new friend curtsies in front of her. Sarah rising back up after the curtsy.

Sarah: My father bought me this dress in Denver Colorado. He bought me the dress for the prearranged marriage he had planned. My father does not support me in the venture. He has cut me from the family. My mother says nothing as he cut me.

Sarah looking down for a moment and taking a sigh and a moment to breathe. Sarah looks back up just in time to see a horse scurrying out of town. Sarah having no idea that it is the mayor who is leaving. Sarah just seeing a girl on the house. It could be anyone for she knows.

Sarah: I have limited funds to start my hotel up. I hope to get it started and to slowly get the hotel recognized with businessmen from all over. My mother taught me how to sew. I can make some money sewing.

Sarah not divulging that she eventually wants to try to buy the all the businesses in town or her plans to open a new restaurant just yet. The hotel will be her main goal.

Sarah: I have never been in a saloon before.

(Babs or anyone)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 04:12:05 AM by Candy123 »


Online BustyTiffany35

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #98 on: November 23, 2013, 07:10:32 AM »
"In ya go, honey!" I say to Misty with a laugh, smacking her gorgeous round bottom as I push her into her cell within my jail. She's none too pleased by the spank, but her hands are tied behind her back, with another rope wrapped firmly around her shoulders to pin her arms to her sides, so she really isn't in any position to voice any disapproval. After the fiasco over at the bank, I trussed these two outlaws up and marched em' over to my jail. I now have two of the most wanted criminals in the wild west..wanted in more ways than just their crimes..

I smirk at the blonde outlaw as she glares daggers at me, puckering up my lips to blow her a kiss as I shut her cell door and lock it. I glance over in the cell beside hers, where I've left Lexi hogtied on top of her cell's cot. I lean down a bit, licking my lips as I look over the luscious, helpless vixen. "Comfy, Lexi? Want me to tighten those knots for ya, sugar?" Lexi doesn't look pleased at all by my playful taunting, and I simply wink at her and grin wickedly before I turn and make my way toward my desk.

"Y'all better hush up and get some rest. Tomorrow's gonna be a real busy day, I reckon.." I let out a bit of a yawn outta nowhere, realizing how tired I've suddenly become. Well, I only just rode back into town a lil over an hour ago after that episode with the Indians afterall. Haven't had much time to really settle down and rest. With a sigh I take a seat on my chair and kick up my boots, laying them on the edge of the table. I lean back in my chair, glancing over at the bound and imprisoned outlaws before I glance up at the ceiling. "Hmm..ya know kids..A bit of R&R ain't such a bad idea after all.."

(Over to Misty, Lexi or anyone who wants to help these varmints!)


Offline Michelle

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #99 on: November 23, 2013, 01:37:08 PM »
I walk through the saloon doors and stop and turn and my jaw drops!.........MUTHAFUCKA!!....

I see the indian girl lay a kiss on the God Damn Sumbitch Madame Mayor.!!.....and it wasn't a peck on the cheek!...she damn near sucked the mayor's lungs out!......and we all know what strong lungs and how long winded the mayor is.......


I smile and shake my head a little......and think of what might have been.......Oh well...I'll head down to the brothel later........mmmmmmm

I walk over at sit at my traditional table in the corner and sit so that I face the saloon doors......I learned from my good friend Wild Bill Hickock......"Never sit with your back facing the doors!"......Bill would always say....he was quite adamant about it.....always had those two pearl handled Navy Colts on his hips...loaded for bear.....that was good old Bill......God I miss him!!!....I need to take a trip to Deadwood soon and see him....we had some grand old times in the past and he has always been a great friend to me....

I lay my Sharps rifle on the table in front of me and watch the parade of citizens come into the saloon...and our swarthy Mayor holding court.....I reach in the pocket of my long black trench coat....which now smells of the God Damn Sumbitch Madame Mayor  (my new name for her highness)
.......and pull out a fresh deck of cards.....and start cutting them and playing a little solitaire...

Its the quickest way to get a poker game going in this town is to sit at a table here in the local saloon..... and play solitaire....and look like you know NOTHING of what your every  God damn time......LOL

I get more suckers that way.....I so love poker.....I love playing the odds...taking the chances......

I have a reputation as a very good poker player.....and having the demeanor that other players just can't read.......I take my poker seriously....but not so much as to not enjoy it and have fun.....

........As long as I'm winning that is!!!.....AND IF YOU AINT CHEATIN...YOU AINT TRYIN!!

I think back and mull over the day....that started with me and Misty almost having a LONG overdue almost headed back east to New York.....and home in Boston.....

Then to almost either getting my really nice tight ass shot off!...or shooting someone else's ass off! helping the people of this town keep the money in their bank..their life savings in many cases....... wondering what was going to happen next......I JUST KNOW.....that Misty and Lexi will get out of that piece of shit couldn't hold a flock of pigeons ...let alone those guess they will be loose by in the morning.....I also know I better watch my back.....I only made some enemies today.....or actually just "enhanced" some....

Next time that mayor won't step between Misty and I.....I do have that regret.....

At least our esteemed Sheriff acted like a Sheriff today.....I was very impressed with her how she handled things and really kept someone from getting killed.,...she came along at the right time..

I continue fiddling with my cards and watch the God Damn Sumbitch Madame Mayor go over and have a serious looking suck-up type discussion with the gambler and the gunslinger....that can't be good news and I file away a mental note.....this can't be good at all......

I get up and decide to walk over to the bar and stand by the Mayor and have a drink...Joe the barkeep pouring my a shot of whiskey as I sip on it with my full dry lips.....I stand by the mayor at the bar just to get a sense of what is going on......she turns and sees me....smiling that fake smile and slaps me on the back.....I swear to God!.....some day.....

I see our local school marm Babs come in the saloon and with her is our new hotel owner......I walk over and tip my hat to both.....

"Hello Babs"...."Looking for recruits for school in here?"   "God knows half of em can't read or write so I wish you luck"

I extend my hand to the new hotel owner......and take it and shake it gently.....

"Its great to meet you!"......"I'm Judge Miles......Michelle me Michelle.....I get tired of hearing "Judge"  I smile at her and wonder how a frail woman with such soft features will handle this territory.....but after I hear her speak.....I kinda think my fears are unfounded......this girl is gonna thrive out here I bet....

"Well Sarah....if a Judge can be of any help to you....on matters of the law or whatever.....please feel free to call on my any time......I am at your service"

"And by the way....don't believe all you hear about me"

"I turn and slam my hand on the God Damn Sumbitch Madame Mayor's back and watch as she spits up her drink on the gunslinger.....and I chuckle and head back to my table.....saying in a loud voice.....

« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 02:03:56 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #100 on: November 26, 2013, 04:10:51 AM »
with all the  fire power aimed at and misty look at each other...there is a time to fight and a time to should I say taken.....for the moment.  and  live  to  to fight  another day....
cause we sure  will never surrender this easily  and we sure are never givng up...not in this town.not in this way
the  sheriff binds and cuffs us.....{you don't really think  you can hold us  do you sheriff}?

I edge closer to misty whispering in her plans  with the mayor,gambler,and  gunslinger.
we give an a defyng  glare to the bitch judge......then bothe  smile sweetly....
we both stop a moment  and glare  at the injun..and the rancher...worse mistake they ever made
both will regret it....

the sheriff parades us  across  the  street  to the jail....looking around at the gawkers...
i'm more determined than ever   to leave this  dust hole  in ruins.

inside the  jail  cells  the sheriff leaves us both  bound   lying on our bunks
whats the matter sheriff  you afraid to be left alone in here  with us...

I do agree with one thing she  said.....tomaarrow  is goning to be  quiet a day

I lay back on my bunk  closing my eyes.........humming...{ohhh suzanna,oh don't you cry for me...I come fromala-bamy  with a banjo on my knee}  giggling I fade off to sleep...

misty,karly...  or anyone...kelli or paula  to
the prez tramp



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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #101 on: November 27, 2013, 05:35:01 PM »
I have been quiet since entering the saloon. I am a bit nervous about being in a place like this with professional gamblers and gunslingers. I have felt a lot of eyes on me ever since the school teacher and I entered this saloon. I am just really thankful that I have Babs by my side. She seems to know what she is doing in the saloon. I feel I will be safe around her until I return to the hotel.

The judge Michelle Miles seemed nice from when I met her just a few moments ago. She seemed to know a lot about this town which is a good thing. Being a girl who has never even thought about breaking a law, having a judge on your side is a good thing. I know I will try and meet the sheriff at some stage as well. It never hurts to have the law on your side.

Never hearing of the game poker before Babs introduced me to this new girl, I could be easily taken. Having limited funds to start my hotel I could try and play or learn. If I win then I could expand my hotel sooner but if I lose then I will be broke. I would need to learn the game before I stood any chance of winning anything. I could ask Babs to teach me.

I watch as Joann brings in a 15lb turkey and leaves the turkey on the counter with the drinks are served. I hear her talking about someone will have too cook the turkey with the stuffing. My mother cooked for my father every day and I watched and learned how to cook. It is what a city girl does for her husband. I stand up and walk over to the bar.

Me: I will cook it for you.

I feel the eyes of Joann and the barkeep go up and down as they look at me. I just stand there a little scared that I have done something wrong. It seems like ages before one of them speaks.

JoAnn: You know how to cook?

Me: Oh yes. My mother taught me in the city. I can make cranberry sauce and stuffing for the turkey and vegetables. You just have to show me to the kitchen.

I stand there as I feel there eyes go up and down me again. Will they trust a stranger to cook for them or will the barkeep a local cook?

(Jo or Babs or Michelle or anyone else)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 05:36:36 PM by Candy123 »



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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #102 on: November 27, 2013, 06:34:07 PM »
I stand there and listen to Joann about learning how to play poker. Joann seems  to know what she is talking about which is good for me. I might have to take her up on her offer when I get a bit of more money. I know most of it will be tied in the hotel for sometime. I follow Joann out back as she carries the bird to the kitchen.


I look at the stove in the corner as Joann puts the turkey on the table.

Joann: How long do you think it will take too cook?

Me: 15lbs means four hours of cooking. Everything will be cooked in four hours.

Joann: If you need any help, just call the Red or barkeep.

I watch as Joann leaves the kitchen and heads back down the way to the main part of the saloon. I hear noises come from the saloon as I work in the kitchen preparing the turkey and the cranberry sauce and the vegetables I found in the cupboard. I listen in to the sounds of the voices coming from the main part of the saloon. I cannot make out many words except full house and straight. I do not understand what they mean.

Four hours pass with me in the kitchen all the time working away over the hot stove. The turkey is cooked and the vegetables are ready and the corn bread and the cranberry sauce. I walk back in and look at the barkeep.

Me: It is ready.

(Continued by anyone. I am off to sleep.)


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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #103 on: November 29, 2013, 05:25:40 PM »
The school marm...Babs........ comes over and asks if she can sit down...maybe have a game or to.....I tip my hat and say.....

"Why hello Babs....sure....pull up a chair....get your money out.......and if ya got a gun just put the damn thing on the table!"

"Just kidding about the don't have one on ya?...... do ya?"

I bust out with a laugh as she takes her seat and I start shuffling the deck....I then set the deck in the middle of the table and I ask her to cut it......she does and I pick the deck back up and deal us both 5 cards....

"You know...I just love poker...its kind of an analogy to life in many ways"

"As in takes chances in poker...plays the odds.....sometimes you play the odds wrong and least at poker all you lose is some money"

"In sometimes lose everything...including that life!"

"Guess ya can lose it all in  poker to...if you're caught cheatin"

"Hey Babs!...lets talk odds...shall we?"

"For example....I'd be willing to bet you that by morning....Misty and Lexi will have busted out of that chicken-shit jail we have"

"What do ya say Babs?......I bet you $20 they are out by morning"

"Oh and Babs....I'll bet ya another $50 if they do break out.......either me or Misty is gonna be dead in a week.....or wish she was....I know if I EVER get my hands on that WHORE again...she'll wish she'd stayed in jail!"

"Want some of that bet too?"

I grin as I look at her across the table from the upper part of my eyes where my dark brown pupils have moved....peering at her over the cards I hold up in front of my face....I say to myself....."God Damn Michelle you've fucking done it again!.....a full fucking house!....

I say to myself..."God I'm good!!".......

"I'll go you one better Babs....if I lose that bet....I'll buy the school all knew books.....and even toss in a couple of new desks"

"You game?"

"Oh...and as for me running an honest game?"  "Why Babs!.....I am shocked! a duly appointed officer of the court...sworn to uphold the law to the best of my ability...I'm just stunned that you would EVER think I would run an less than an HONEST game?"

"I see your friend JoAnn over there and the new hotel owner Sarah....why don't ya ask em over and we'll get a big God Damn game going...the more the merrier!"

" many cards to you want?"  "And don't fucking say 5 either!"
« Last Edit: November 29, 2013, 08:05:08 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: showdown at rattlesnake gulch
« Reply #104 on: November 30, 2013, 04:59:58 PM »
A few painted faces flicker into view in the flames of my camp fire none of them recognisable, maybe a flash of memory of one or two of them fgrom the riotous behavoir in town earlier...

Then the grab from behind... Damn i shoulda known always look over your shoulder Karly you stupid girl.. As a gaggle of hands groping and roughly handling me up, binding and slinging me like an old blanket over the back of a horse all to the command of... I know that voice... That sexy little slut of a girl that was in town... She kissed me... SHE ROBBED ME...

"You wont get away with this bitch, people will come looking for me you know..."

 My mind races to all the faces in town and just how many will risk life to save me, is this gonna be the last im ever heard of...?

There is a slap on my ass and any other time it would be followed by a gasp of exhilirated desire but currently the fear quells the excitement, the night filled with calls of indian cheer at their capture of a dumb pale face like me.. Maybe my wiles, maybe tat kiss was not JUST a distraction... But for now as the horse bounces me up and down a panic is foremost in my mind...

(Yeeeeeeaaahh Haaaaaa Im back Y'all Hope Thanksgiving is going Great for you all and i hope Brook fills up on turkey and maybe i get chance to escape... or not ;) Over to Brook or anyone really im just filling here )